%an6eb (Sentry
to ps itajMtB % ling,
1912. i— — SEEN" BY
EIGHT years having passed, obviously it had become necessary that a new edition of
the " Landed Gentry of Ireland " should be issued, in order that the genealogical
records of the various families appearing in the book might be revised to date, and the
happenings of birth, marriage and death, in the interval, be added to the pedigrees.
But one is now confronted with the problem whether there still remains a Landed
Gentry at all in that country, so great has been the compulsory alienation of land in
Ireland during the last decade.
Whatever may be the decision as to future editions, in the present one there has
been no violent disqualification of families because the broad acres of their estates have
been contracted to the lands about the mansion house ; in fact, but very few pedigrees
have been removed. Although the fascination of the ownership of land — land hunger —
is still a dominant characteristic of the British race, it cannot be said to possess its
ancient importance ; and the interest of the public, it seems to me, lies in the families
themselves rather than in the extent of their ownership of land. The growth of the
new landless plutocracy has shifted the importance of things, and is a factor that must
weigh in the future, and be considered in conjunction with absenteeism. But the problem
is for the next edition.
Although a number of new and interesting pedigrees are now included in " Burke "
for the first time the changes in the present volume are chiefly caused by the revision
of pedigrees and the occurrences of the interval. The latter have been exceedingly
numerous, and I am chiefly indebted to the very many members of the families
concerned with whom I have been in correspondence or to whom I have submitted
proofs, for an enormous amount of assistance generously given to me. For that my
grateful thanks.
In the revision of the pedigrees there will be found a number of important
alterations. Some of my most vehement correspondents seem to fancy that " Burke " is
edited by Hans Andersen. That really is quite a mistake. Of course, one knows that
every Irishman is the descendant of countless kings, princes and other minor celebrities.
One admits it — the thing is unquestionable. One knows, of course, also, that every
family is the oldest in Co. Galway, or Co. Sligo, or somewhere else, and that, for some
reason or other, every Irishman is the " head " of his family, and I am growing weary of
reading letters which assure me that the mushroom families included in the Landed
Gentry pale into insignificance beside the glories of those which are omitted, and I am
slowly learning— so often am I so assured — that all the pedigrees herein are hopelessly
wrong. But although I may not have included quite so much as has been desired, I
think I may claim that what is inserted may be relied upon. All genealogical works
started upon a model of narrative, in which a place might properly be found for
supposition and tradition. There has been a gradual transition to exactitude of fact,
which is the aim in view, and which I claim has now been reached.
For the present edition every coat-of-arms has been carefully scrutinized and
compared with the original records in Ulster's Office. I believe I can now claim for the
Irish volume that, apart from unintentional error, every single one which is quoted
herein can be relied upon as borne by unquestionable right. Families to whom no
armorial bearings are assigned have none recorded to them in Ulster's Office.
The publishers have consented to incur the expense of bringing the Landed Gentry
into line with the PEERAGE and BARONETAGE by illustrating every coat-of-arms in the
book. This must add very greatly to its interest, and I trust their lavish expenditure on
this point will receive the reward it merits in the increased appreciation of the public.
I am indebted to Mr. Farnham Burke, C.V.O., C.B., Norroy King of Arms, for much
assistance in the preparation of this edition, and I have profited greatly from the kind
help and from the labours of Mr. Ashworth Burke, who has resigned the editorship of the
present edition, whilst many others have taken much trouble with the single-minded desire
for the improvement or the accuracy of the volume. To all I tender my thanks, but above
all I am under a deep debt of gratitude to Mr. G. D. Burtchaell, Athlone Pursuivant.
His able and willing assistance have been acknowledged in former editions, but on the
present occasion I have had the advantage of his help to an extent little short of a
scrutiny of every line in the book. He it is who has examined the arms, and has gone to
endless trouble to solve doubts and difficulties as they have become apparent in the
pedigrees. I really think his name should be on the title page as editor. Mere words
of thanks seem a feeble acknowledgment of what this edition owes to his untiring
Rathdrum, co. Wicklow, J.P., late Capt. Royal
Welsh Fusiliers, b. 14 Feb. 1876; s. his uncle
25 Aug. 1908.
Lineage. — THOMAS ACTON, of Bog Hall. Ballygannonbeg
(part of the lands of West Aston), m. Alice Coventry. His will is
dated 1645 and witnessed by his wife. He had a son,
THOMAS ACTON, of Bog Hall, co. Wicklow, who left issue, a son,
THOMAS ACTON, who commenced building the house at West
Aston in 1697, the same year that Lord Acton built Aldenham Hall.
He obtained from Richard, Viscount Rosse, leases for lives re-
newable for ever of lands in co. Wicklow, by deeds dated 13 Feb.
and 10 May, 1716. He m. Elinor, dau. of Nicholas Kempston, oi
Dunmurray, co. Cavan, Colonel in Oliver Cromwell's Army by
Grace his wife, dau. of Thomas Maule, Commissioner of Customs,
and d. 2 Jan. 1750, leaving issue,
1. WILLIAM, his successor.
1. Grace, m. Thomas Ball, Barrister-at-Law, of Sea Park, co.
2. Elinor, m. Rev. John Blachford, D.D., who d. 1748.
3. Alice, m. Henry Kempston.
Mr. Acton, whose will is dated 23 Oct. 1731, and was proved 7 Jan.
1750, was s. by his son,
WILLIAM ACTON, entered Trin. Coll. Dublin, 14 Nov. 1726, and
was Keeper of the Writs of the Court of Common Pleas, and Ser-
jeant of the Coif (holding the ring appertaining to that office), b.
1711 ; m. 4 March, 1736, Jane, dau. of William Parsons, eldest son
of Sir William Parsons, 2nd bart., of Birr Castle, and had issue,
1. William, d.s.p, 2. THOMAS, his successor.
1. Martha, d. unm.
2. Maria, m. by licence, dated June, 1783, Thomas Walker, of
Tagunnan, co. Wexford, Master in Chancery.
3. Jane, d. unm, 1794.
Mr. Acton was s. by his only surviving son,
THOMAS ACTON, of West Aston, co. Wicklow, m. 1780, Sidney,
dau. of Joshua Davis, Barrister-at-Law, Dublin, and d. 1817,
leaving issue,
1. WILLIAM, his successor.
?•. Thomas (Rev.), of Dunganstown Glebe, co. Wicklow, m. by
. licence, dated 16 Sept. 1818, Sidney, dau. of Hampden Evans, of
Portrane, co. Dublin, and d. 16 Aug. 1846, having by her (who
d. Aug. 1867) had issue,
1. Thomas, d. 12 Aug. 1843.
2. Hampden, of Chalet Lucia, Pau, France, Col. Madras Staff
Corps (ret.), b. 21 April, 1822 ; m. 22 Jan. 1868, Lucy, dau. of
William Jackson Greer, of Rhone Hill House, co. Tyrone, J.P.,
and widow of Henry Davis, of Waterford. He d. April, 1901,
leaving issue,
(i) Hampden, 6. 31 Dec. 1870 ; d. 6 Feb. 1888.
(2) Fitzmaurics Massey, Commander, R.N., m. 7 May, 1910,
Ruby, widow of Lieut. Percy Crabtree, R.N.
(3) William Maxwell.
(i) Margaret Usher.
3. William, of Brookville, co. Dublin, J.P., High Sheriff co
Leitrim, 1875, b. 5 Oct. 1824 ; m. 16 Jan. 1852, Georgina (d.
31 Oct. 1905), dau. of James Lowry, of Rockdale, co. Tyrone,
and d. g Jan. 1896, leaving issue,
(1) Thomas Hampden Evans, Lieut.-Col. R.A. (Knockeadar,
Bray, co. Wicklow), b. g Dec. 1855 ; m. 18 Jan. 1882, Olivia
Charlotte Jessie, eldest dau. of Right Hon. George Augustus
Chichester May, Lord Chief Justice of Ireland, and has issue,
1. William Hampden May, Lieut. R.F.A., b. 23 Oct. 1882,
2. Philip James Barrington, b. i May, d. Sept. 1884.
3. Theodore John Chichester, b. 18 Aug. 1886.
1. Mary Olivia Barrington, b. 21 May, 1890 ; d. July,
2. Stella Mary Georgina.
(2) James Lowry Cole, Lieut.-Col. late Connaught Rangers.
b. 6 Nov. 1856 ; m. 7 April, 1888, Matilda Julia, youngest
dau. of Henry Salisbury Milman, and has issue,
1. Armar Edward, b. 25 April, 1889.
2. Owen Henry, b. 7 Sept. 1890.
1. Sydney Georgina.
2. Ruth Margaret.
3. Bertha Joice. 4. Leonora Janet.
(3) William George, m. Dec. 1887, Louisa Joice Leslie, dau.
of the late Henry Lowry Bamwell, and d. Oct. 1891, leaving
1. William George Henry, d. young, July, 1896.
2. Edward Leslie Lowry, b. Oct. 1889.
(4) Henry Lowry Barn well, Maj. Indian Army, Ass. Judge
Advocate-Gen., India, b. 30
Nora Prudentia, dau. of late
Corps. She d. 21 June, 1901, leaving issue,
Ethel Jessie Muriel.
He m. 2ndly, 16 Oct. 1907, Louise Vereker, dau. of Col.
Dickson, R.A.
(i) Harriette Mary Louisa. (2) Georgina Elizabeth.
1. Margaret, m. g Dec. 1851, Henry Lambert Bayly, and has
issue (see BURKE'S Peerage, ANGLESEY, M.).
2. Sidney Anna, d. Oct. 1864.
3. Anna Sophia, m. her cousin, Capt. George Warburton
Drought, Yorks. L.I., of Cargins, co. Roscommon, J.P., who
d. Nov. i88o<
1. Anna Maria, m. 6 July, 1806, Major George Warburton, of
Augherim, co. Galway.
2. Jane, m. Qeorge Mears John Drought, of Glencarrig, co.
Wicklow, who d. 4 March, 1844, leaving issue (see that family).
His elder son,
LIEUT.-COL. WILLIAM ACTON, of West Aston, M.P. co. Wick-
low, Lieut.-Col. of Militia, and High Sheriff of the county, 1820,
also Vice-Lieutenant, D.L. and J.P., b. 1789 ; m. 16 June, 1818,
Caroline, dau. of Thomas Walker, of Tagunnan, co. Wexford,
Master in Chancery, and 4. 10 April, 1854, having by her (who d.
ti April, 1879) had issue,
. , .
Aug. 1861; m. ist, May, 1886,
Gen. W. Fuller, Madras Staff
1. THOMAS, his successor.
2. William Molesworth Cole, Col. late 77th Regt., served in
the Crimea, present at Inkerman, b. 29 Dec. 1827 ; d. 22 April,
1904 : m. 7 Aug. 1861, Elizabeth Frances, only child of Capt.
Frederick Adolphus Robinson, 5th Fusiliers.
3. Charles BALL-ACTON, C.B., of Syddon, co. Meath, and
Eggintcn House, Leighton Buzzard, Col. King's Own Yorkshire
L.I., assumed the prefix surname of BALL 1875, b. 17 Dec.
1830; m. 31 July, 1869, Georgina Cecilia (Kilmacurragh, Rath-
drum], dau. of George Annesley (see BURKE'S Peerage, VALENTIA,
V.), and d. 3 Feb. 1897, leaving issue,
T. Will;am Parsons Annesley, b, 21 March, 1871 ; d. April,
2. CHARLES ANNESLEY, now of Kilmacurragh.
3. Reginald Thomas Annesley, Capt. late King's Own York-
shire L.I., b. 2, Oct. 1877.
4 Vere Annesley, and Lieut. Oxford L.I., b. 22 April, 1879,
killed in action near Paardeberg, South Africa, 18 Feb. IQOO.
1. Evelyn Caroline Annesley ; m. 3 Nov. 1898, Edward
Nixon Wynne, J.P., of Wentworth House, Wicklow, and
has issue (see WYNNE of Hazlewood),
2. Grace Annesley.
3. Irene Annesley.
1. Jane, d. unm. 5 Nov. 1906.
His eldest son,
THOMAS ACTON, of West Aston, J.P., D.L., co. Wicklow, High
Sheriff 1857, b. 1826 ; d. unm. 25 Aug. 1908, being s. by his nephew.
Seat — Kilmacurragh, Ratlidrum, co. Wicklow. Club — Kildare
Street. Dublin.
lands, co. Cavan, J.P., formerly
i st Lieut. Tipperary Militia Artil-
lery, educated Trin. Coll. Dublin,
b. i March, 1847 ; m. 13 June,
1871, Frances Dorothea, dau. of
Rev. Decimus W. Preston, M.A.,
Rector of Killinkere, and grand-
dau. of William Preston, Judge of
Appeal, and Hon. Frances Doro-
thea, dau. of John, 5th Lord
Carbery (see BURKE'S Peerage),
and has issue,
1. JOHN HERVEY STUART, b. 30 Dec. 1875.
2. Samuel Allen Adams, b. n April, 1882.
3. Ambrose Douglas, b. 9 May, 1889.
1. Emily Maude Elizabeth, d. 29 May,
2. Felicia Preston, d. 24 June, 1887.
3. Olive Mildred.
4. Maiy Henrietta Mabel.
5. Frances Dorothea Kathleen, d. 2 Sept. 1887.
6. Hazel Gertrude.
Lineage. — COL. JAMES ADAMS m. Catherine, dau. of Arthur
Magennis, ist Viscount Iveagh, by Sarah his wife, dau. of Hugh
O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone, and was father of
CAPT. JAMES ADAMS, an officer in the Army of WILLIAM III,
who distinguished himself at the battle of the Boyne, and was
granted the freedom of the borough of Drogheda for himself and
his heirs, which privilege the family still enjoys. His son,
JAMES ADAMS, of Monaghan, and Corranearry House, co. Cavan,
i. 1673 ; m. 1694, Jane, dau. of William Allen, of Kilmore, co.
Monaghan, and d. 19 Nov. 1744, leaving by her (who d. 17 March,
1752, aged 75) an only son,
ALLEN ADAMS, of Corranearry House, b. 1708 : m. about 1733,
Martha, dau. of William Higginbotham, and grand-dau. of Capt.
Thomas Higginbotham, by his wife, Miss Williams, maid of honour
to MARY II., and dau. of General Scurlog Williams, of Clongill
Castle, co. Meath. He d. 15 Dec. 1755 (his will was proved in
Dublin, 24 Jan. 1756), and by her (who d. 1807, aged 105) had
1. RICHARD, of Shercock House, co. Cavan, J.P., High Sheriff
1783, and of Monaghan in 1785, b. 1736 ; m. 13 April, 1761,
Amelia, dau. of Thomas Cosby, of Beeks Court, and d. 1789,
leaving issue.
2. James, of Corranearry House, b. 1745 ; d. unm. 15 June, 1809.
3. William, of Castletown House, co. Cavan, b. 1746 ; m. ist,
about 1769, Olivia, dau. of Neason Wildridge, and by her, who
d. 1781, had issue ; he m. 2ndly, 6 July, 1783, Anne, widow of
George MacDaniel, and d. 28 Feb. 1815, leaving further issue.
4. Samuel, b, 1750 ; m. 10 March, 1779, Elizabeth, dau. of
Alexander Leslie, and d. 7 June, 1709, having had issue.
5. BENJAMIN (Rev.), of whom hereafter.
His sth son,
REV. BENJAMIN ADAMS, Rector of Killinick, J.P. for co. Cavan,
b. 1756 ; m. 14 April, 1777, Elizabeth, dau. of John Clarke, grand-
son of the celebrated metaphysician, Dr. Samuel Clarke, Rector of
St. James, London, and Chaplain to Queen ANNE, and d. 10 June,
1840, leaving issue,
1. William Allen, b. 15 May, 1783 ; d. 3 March, 1784.
2. John, J.P. co. Cavan, High Sheriff for Cavan in 1811, b.
16 May, 1785 ; m. 2 Nov. 1806, Joyce, eldest dau. of his uncle
Richard, and d.s.p. Feb. 1827.
3. SAMUEL, succeeded his father.
4. Charles James, of Shinan House, Capt. R.N., J.P. co. Cavan,
High Sheriff 1833 (vide O'BYRNE'S Naval Biography), b. 29
April, 1/92 ; m. 29 Sept. 1821, Anne Jane (who d. 4 March, 1834,
aged 36), dau. of Capt. William Foster, of Fosterstown, co. Meath,
and d. 23 Aug. 1854, having had issue.
1. Elizabeth, d. 25 April, 1780.
2. Elizabeth, d. 28 Oct. 1780.
3. Emelia, d. 5 Sept. 1782.
4. Charlotte, d. 26 Aug. 1790.
5. Matilda, d. 15 July, 1794.
6. Caroline, m. i Jan. 1812, John J. A. Leonard, of Claremont
House, J.P., and d. 22 June, 1858, leaving issue.
His 3rd son,
THE VERY REV. SAMUEL ADAMS, M.A., of Northlands, co. Cavan,
Dean of Cashel, and Prebendary of Terebrine, J.P. cos. Cavan
and Monaghan, b. 15 Feb. 1788 ; m. 4 Jan. 1809, Frances, youngest
dau. of Capt. John Harvev, of Killiane Castle, co. Wexford (see
that family), and d. 7 Dec. 1856, having by her (who d. 28 Nov. 1869)
had issue,
1. Benjamin William, b. 13 Feb. 1816 ; d. 4 March, 1822.
2. JOHN HARVEY, late of Northlands.
3. Charles Stuart, of Glynch House, Newbliss, J.P. for cos. Meath
and Cavan, b. 12 July, 1820 ; m. ist, 6 June, 1850, Eliza, only
dau. of Charles McMahon, of Rockfield, co. Monaghan, and by
her (who d. 5 May, 1860) had issue four sons,
1. Samuel Stuart, b. 21 March, 1851.
2. Richard Hervey, b. 27 Sept. 1852.
3. Charles Allen, b. 12 June, 1857 ; d. 22 March, 1860.
4. William Vigors, b. 28 Oct. 1859 ; d. 23 Dec. 1867.
Mr. C. S. Adams m. 2ndly, 23 Oct. 1862, Jane Henrietta, eldest
dau. of Rev. Charles Sheridan Young. She d. 21 July, 1888.
He d. 30 April, 1876, having by her had issue,
5. Charles Sheridan, b. 29 July, 1863 ; d. 19 Dec. 1867.
6. Douglas Gerald, of Aubawn, Killeshandra, co. Cavan, b. 20
March, 1868 ; m. ist, 23 Jan. 1897, Eleanor Anna, dau. of
Lieut.-Gen. Clifford, C.B., and by her has issue,
Violet Eleanor Sheila, b. 5 Dec. 1897.
He m. 2ndly, 8 Oct. 1902, Edna Olivia Mant, only dau. of
Edward Dobbs, LL.D.
7. Claude Stuart Alexander, b. 16 March, 1874 ; d. 15 Sept.
1. Marie Stuart, m. 16 Oct. 1890, Rev. William Knox, Rector
of Killeshee.
2. Frances Florence, m. Aug. 1897, W. J. Hamilton, of Castle
Hamilton, D.L., and has issue (see that family}.
3. Eva Adeline, m. 26 Nov. 1891, R. Claude Hamilton, of
Dunmany House (see HAMILTON of Castle Hamilton).
4. Lilian Maude, d. 10 Sept. 1875.
5. Nora Cathleen, m. 21 June, 1905, Joseph C. C. Martin.
6. Violet Blanche, rf. 14 Sept. 1875.
7. Irene Gwendoline, m. Rev. Herbert Hughes.
4. Benjamin William, D.D. (Rev.), of Kinnea, co. Cavan, b.
31 March, 1827, Rector of Santry, Diocese of Dublin ; m. ist,
14 Dec. 1854, Georgina Roberts (who d. 16 May, 1863), dau. of
John Drew Atkin, and grand-dau. of Sir Thomas Roberts, Bart.,
and had issue,
i. Samuel Arthur, 6. 12 Sept. 1857 ; d. 10 March, 1869.
1. Georgina Roberts.
2. Frances Hervey, m. Dr. G. W. T. Clarke, and d. 7 July, 1908.
He m. 2ndly, n Aug. 1864, Louisa Jane, dau. of William O'Brien
Adams, M.D., and d. 26 June, 1886, leaving issue,
2. William Augustus ADAM, of Kinnea, co. Cavan, Major
5th Lancers, M.P. for Woolwich 1910, educated at Harrow,
Dublin University and Sandhurst, and assumed by Deed Poll
16 Aug. 1907, the name of ADAM, b. 27 May, 1865.
3. Herbert Algernon ADAM, Capt. R.N., assumed by Deed Poll
16 Aug. 1907, the name of ADAM, b. 3 Jan. 1872 ; m. 21 Dec.
1898, Emily Banner Clough, dau. of Somerset James Johnstone,
late R.N. (see BURKE'S Peerage, JOHNSTONE, Bt), and has issue,
Alastair Somerset Graham, b. 1904.
3. Constance Louisa.
1. Dorothea Anne, m. n Nov. 1833, Le Chevalier Charles A.
Zander, of Munich, and d. 7 Feb. 1864, having had issue.
2. Elizabeth Frances, m. 21 March, 1833, John J. D. McDonald,
Lieut. 47th Regt., and d. 29 Jan. 1865.
3. Caroline Matilda, m. 2 May, 1837, Thomas R. Barry, and has
The eldest surviving son,
JOHN HERVEY ADAMS, of Northlands, Barrister-at-Law, J.P. cos.
Cavan and Monaghan, and High Sheriff 1854, b. 28 April, 1818 ;
m. ist, 30 April, 1846, Elizabeth Frances, 3rd dau. of Ambrose
Going, J.P., of Ballyphilip, co. Tipperary, and by her (who d.
25 July, 1867) had iss'ue,
1. SAMUEL ALLEN, now of Northlands.
2. Ambrose Going, J.P., b. 22 March, 1850 ; m. 3 Oct. 1872, Anne
Jane Foster, dau. of Rev. William Watkyns Deering, M.A., and
had issue,
i. Clara Elizabeth Charlotte. 2. Ethel Annie.
1. Margaret Anna, m. 4 April, 1871, Ormsby Colville McClintock
Jones, J.P., of Mount Edward, co. Sligo, and has issue.
2. Elizabeth Frances, m. 3 Sept. 1872, Robert Edward Follett
Jones, son of Major James Jones, of Mount Edward, co. Sligo,
and has issue.
Mr. Adams m. 2ndly, 24 Sept. 1869, Sarah Mary, dau. of Lieut.-Col.
Owen Loyd Ormsby, 88th Regt., and d. 8 May," 1871.
Arms — Gu., a heart, between three cross-crosslets fitchee or.
Crest — On a mount vert, a cross-crosslet fitchee or, charged with a
bleeding heart, gu. Motto — In mice salus.
Seat — Northlands, Carrickmacross.
Jamesbrook, co. Cork, J.P., late ist Dragoon
Guards, b. 30 Aug. 1853.
Lineage. — MICHAEL GOOLD-ADAMS, of Jamesbrook (son of
WALLIS ADAMS, and Frances Goold his wife), m. 1800, Martha,
sister of the ist Earl of Bantry, and dau. of Simon White, of Bantry
House, co. Cork, by Frances Jane his wife, dau. of Richard Hedges
Eyre, of Mount Hedges, and d, 1817, having by her (who d. 1841)
had issue,
1. RICHARD WALLIS, his heir.
2. Michael, Lieut.-Col. in the Army, of the Scots Greys, d. unm.
3. Robert Hedges, d. unm. 1875.
4. Samuel Hamilton, of Salisbury, co. Tipperary, J.P., m. ist, ~,
in 1846, Frances Margaret, dau. of Col. Richard Wellesley Bernard, Gloucester Regt. ,
of Castle Bernard, King's Co. (see that family), and by her (who 26 Tune, l86l ! s.
d. March, 1850) had a dau.,
Charlotte Katharine, d. num. 30 Oct. 1905.
He m. andly, Nov. 1852, Frances Louisa (d. 13 Sept. 1905), dau.
cross invected and holding in the dexter paw a kev in pale all
or. Motto — Watch and ward.
Seats— Glenfarne Hall, co. Leitrim, and Linden Hall, Long
Horsley, Northumberland. Clubs — Naval and Militarv • Kildare
Street, and Royal St. George Yacht.
TON ALCOCK, of Wilton,
co. Wexford, J.P.,
D L., High Sheriff
1900, late Capt.
uncle 1893.
of Very Rev. Thomas John Burgh, Dean of Cloyne,'by"Lady
Anna Burgh, his wife (see DE BURGH of Oldtown). He d. Dec.
1. Frances Jane, d. Nov. 1884.
His eldest son,
Sheriff 1868, b. 27 March, 1802 : m. 4 Nov. 1852, Mary Sarah, dau
of Sir William Wrixon Becher, Bart., of Ballygiblin. She d 31 Dec
1899. He d. 5 May, 1873, leaving issue,
1. WILLIAM RICHARD, now of Jamesbrook.
2. Francis Michael, b. 20 Dec. 1854 ; Capt. R.A., Assistant
Superintendent of the School of Gunnery at Shoeburyness m
z Nov. 1881, Evelyn, dau. of Rev. Edward P. Wynne, Rector
of Shoeburyness, and was killed in the explosion at that place
26 Feb. 1885, leaving three daus.,
1. Evelyn St. Bride Mary, m. Edward W. Scrutton.
2. Lynette.
3. Beatrice, m. Francis Rowe, I.C.S.
3. Richard Eyre, Major late Highland Light Inf., b. 22 July
1856 ; m. 8 Jan. 1891, Zoe, dau. of Charles Douglas Burnett
of Hawley, Hants, and d. 31 Oct., 1910.
4. Hamilton John (Sir), G.C.M.G. (1907), K.C.M.G. (1902), C.B.,
Maj. (ret.) Roy. Scots Regt., Lieut.-Gov. of Orange River
Colony 1901, Gov. and Com.-in-Chief 1909-10, High Commissioner i
and Com. -in-Chief of Cyprus from 1911 (Government House I
Nicosia, Cyprus. Club— Army and Navy), b. 27 June, 1858 •'
m. 4 July, 1911, Elsie, youngest dau. of Charles Riordon o'
Montreal, Canada.
n MTy Ad,Ward0Fane> CM-G-> Colonel R.A. (United Service
Club), b. 16 May, 1860.
6. Edward Eyre (Rev.), Rector of Beelsby, Grimsby, M.A. Camb
b. 5 April, 1862 ; d. unm. 24 April, 1900.
7. Arthur Chaloner (Corbally, Glanmire, co. Cork) b 7 Dec
w6iV m't2£ APril>J.8?3, Lilian Sarah, dau. of the 'late Charles
Weldon, of Morden Hill, Lewisham, and has issue
Aileen Lilian, b. 30 Oct. 1895.
Seat — Jamesbrook, near Balli
Linden Hall, Co. Nor-
thumberland and of
Glenfarne Hall, co.
Leitrim, D.L., J. P., High
Sheriff 1908, late King's
Own Yorkshire Light
Infantry, b. 8 Jan. 1855 ;
m. 9 Aug. 1883, Caroline
Sara, only dau. of
the late Rev. James
Timothy Bainbridge
Landon, M.A. Oxford,
Hon. Canon of York, and Vicar of Ledsham,
Yorks., formerly Fellow of Magdalen Coll. Oxford!
and has issue,
1. Muriel Annie Pearl, b. 25 May 1884
2. Catharine Evelyn, b. 8 Dec. 1890.
Lieut.-Col. Adamson is the elder son of the late
Lawrence William Adamson, LL.D., D.L., of Linden,
Long Horsley, co. Northumberland (see BURKE'S
Landed Gentry), and Anne Jane, his first wife, who
d. 16 Dec. 1869, dau. of John Thomas Edward Flint,
of Filleigh, co. Devon.
Lineage.— See ADAMSON of Linden.
Arms— Vert goutte d'eau a cross invected, in the first quarter a
key m pale and in the second a talbot passant all or. Crest— A
talbot passant az. collared and charged on the shoulder with a
Lineage.— JOHN ALCOCK,
of Downpatrick, had issue,
with three daus. (Elizabeth,
m. Oct. 1680, her kinsman,
John Alcock, of Kells, co.
Meath, another m. Godfrey
Williamson, and another m.
Robert Rowan), three sons,
' 1.' WILLIAM, his heir.
2. Alexander (Rev.), b.
1665, entered Trin. Coll.
Dublin, 2 Jan. 1684, aged
19, B.A. 1688, M.A. 1692,
Chancellor of the Diocese of
Waterford 1699, Dean of
Lismore 22 July, 1725 ; m.
Jane, dau. of Sir John
Mason, Knt., of Waterford (and sister to Aland John Mason
M.P., who m. in 1739, Elizabeth, created 1746, Viscountess
Grandison, of Dromana, co. Waterford), and d. 1747, leaving
3. Simon, of Dublin, m. Aug. 1680, Rose Kelly, and d.s.p. His
will, dated 8 April, 1725, was proved 27 April, 1727.
The eldest son,
WILLIAM ALCOCK, of Wilton, co. Wexford, m. Aug. 1670, Jane,
dau. of John Bamber, of Bamber Hall, co. Lancaster, and had
1. Richard, 6. 1675 ; d.s.p. 2. WILLIAM, his successor.
3. John, b. 1682.
1. Mary, m. Richard Leigh, of Collinmore, co. Westmeath.
2. Elizabeth, m. Robert Haly.
3. Alice, m. Aug. 1695, Michael Moore, of Drogheda.
4. Jane, m. Patrick Lattin, of Dublin.
The eldest son,
WILLIAM ALCOCK, of Wilton, b. 1681 ; m. 13 May, 1701, Henrietta,
3rd dau. of Sir John Mason, Knt., of Waterford, and had issue
seven daus., Elizabeth ; Anna Maria ; Alice ; Susannah ; Anne ;
Hannah ; Mary ; and two sons,
1. WILLIAM,' his heir.
2. Henry, of Nymphall, co. Waterford, b. 1716 ; m. 7 Sept. 1748,
Jane Sheppard, and d. s.p. His will, dated 13 April, 1779, was
proved 8 June, 1784 ; his widow d. 1806, aged 84.
Mr. Alcock's will, dated 1738, was proved 1739. His eldest son,
WILLIAM ALCOCK, of Wilton, Col. of the Waterford Regt. of
Militia, m. May, 1734, Hon. Mary Loftus, eldest dau. of Nicholas,
Viscount Loftus, and in her descendants co-heir to her brother
Henry, Earl of Ely ; and had issue, three sons and two daus.,
1. HENRY, his heir.
2. William (Major), of Springfield House, co. Wexford (will dated
8 July, 1808), m. ist, Miss Goldfrap, by whom he had issue,
i. William Henry. 2. Henry Loftus.
i. Ada, m. — Stepney. 2. Jane Evans.
He m. 2ndly, Beata, sister of Edward Turner, and by her left
3. Sarah Beata. 4. Anne.
5. Mary Catherine.
3. John (Sir), of Waterford, Knt. (whose will, dated 22 Feb.
1792, was proved 7 May, 1799)- He m. 4 April, 1777, Sarah, dau.
of Rev. William Dennis, of Coolroebeg, co. Waterford, by whom
(who d. 4 April, 1825) he had issue,
i. William, b. 1778, d. unm.
1. Jane, m. Thomas Carew, of Ballinamona.
2. Marianne, m. Ven. Strange Butson, Archdeacon of Clonfert.
3. Henrietta, m. Edward Williain Tottenham, of Woodviiie,
co. Wexford.
4. Sarah, d. young.
1. Mary, m. James Kearney, of Waterford.
2. Henrietta, m. Dec. 1785, John Burchall, of Waterford.
Col. Alcock d. 19 March, 1779. His will, dated 14 March, 1779, was
proved 15 May, 1779. His eldest son,
HENRY ALCOCK, of Wilton, M.P. for Waterford, an officer in the
1 3th Light Dragoons, m. i June, 1764, Philippa Melosina, dau. of
the Right Rev. Richard Chenevix, Bishop of Waterford and Lis-
more ; she d. with her infant son, 14 May, 1765- He m. zndly, 6
Sept. 1766, Elizabeth Catharine, dau. of Beverley Ussher, M.P. for
co. Waterford for 36 years, and by her had issue,
1. William Henry, d. unm. 2. Ussher, d. unm-
3. WILLIAM CONGREVE, b. 1771, M.P. for co. Wexford, ». jjjs
father 1811, and d. unm. 1812, when Wilton devolved on his
only surviving brother.
A 2
4. HARRY, s. his brother.
1. Eliza Jane. 2. Mary Anne.
3. Henrietta, ;«. Jan. 1804, James Wallace, of Waterford.
Mr. Alcock d. 1811 ; his son,
HARRY ALCOCK, of Wilton, b. 22 Feb. 1792, s. his elder brother
in 1812, and m. 10 Sept. 1818, Margaret Elinor, dau. and heir
worth, the Provost-Marshal). Sir Richard m. Martha, dau. of Sir
Robert Travers, niece of Michael Boyle, the Primate, and widow of
Capt. Robert Stannard, and had a son and heir,
BOYLE ALDWORTH, of Newmarket, who m. Elizabeth, dau. of
William Culliford, and had an only son,
RICHARD ALDWORTH, of Newmarket, b. in 1694 ; m. Elizabeth
of James Savage, of Kilgibbon, co. Wexford, a descendant of the (the only lady ever made a Freemason), dau. of Arthur, ist Lord
old Anglo-Norman family of Savage, of Portaferry. She
March. 1867. He d. 3 Dec. 1840, having had issue,
1. HARRY, late of Wilton Castle.
2. Ussher William, late Lieut. 8srd Regt., b. 7 April, 1825 ; m.
14 Sept. 1857, Aphra Belinda, dau. of Richard Daxton, and has
1. Harry, b. 30 April, 1861.
2. William Augustus, b. 14 Oct. 1867.
3. Ussher William, b. 29 March, 1866.
1. Sarah Aphra, d. young.
2. Henrietta Mary, m. g Aug. 1883, Edward John Wolfe, son i
of Ven. John Charles Wolfe, Archdeacon of Clogher (see WOLFE
of Forenaghts).
Doneraile, and had issue,
1. BOYLE, his heir.
2. ST. LEGER, who was created Lord Doneraile (see BURKE'S
Mr. Aldworth d. 25 April, 1776, and was s. by his eldest son,
BOYLE ALDWORTH, of Newmarket, m. ist, Jane, dau. of Robert
Oliver, of Cloughnodfoy, co. Limerick, and by her had issue,
1. RICHARD, of Newmarket, of Rockmill Lodge, and of Ann's
Grove, co. Cork, b. 1741 ; m. i Feb. 1770, Anne (relict of Admiral
Thomas Cotes), dau. of John Ryder, D.D., Archbishop of Tuam,
by Alicia, dau. of John Wilmot, of Osmaston (she was b. 8 June,
1743, and d. 10 May, 1827), and d.s.p. 4 April, 1824, aged 83.
2. Robert, d. young.
1. Jane, m. Phineas Bury.
2. Elizabeth, m. John Flood.
3. Mary. 4. Susan.
He m. andly, Oct. 1755, Martha, dau. of Col. Christopher Rogers,
of Lota, co. Cork, and by her had issue,
3. St. Leger, d.s.p. 1823. 4. Christopher, d.s.p. 1796.
5. ROBERT ROGERS, who carried on the line.
Mr. Aldworth d. 7 Dec. 1788. His youngest son,
Katherine Annette Pauline, m. 24 April, 1870, Rev. Thomas i ROBERT ROGERS ALDWORTH, of Newmarket, m. 12 March, 1793,
Yarde, of Culver House, Chudleigh, and d. 1893. Elizabeth, dau. of the Ven. John Oliver, Archdeacon of Ardagh,
and had issue,
1. RICHARD OLIVER, late of Newmarket.
2. John (Rev.), Rector of Glanworth, co. Cork, b. 28 Dec. 1800 ;
m. ist, 5 May, 1826, Anne, dau. of Charles Deane Oliver, of
Rockmill Lodge, co. Cork. She d. 7 Nov. 1845, leaving issue.
He m. 2ndly, 10 June, 1847, Mary, dau. of William Jackson,
of Youghal. She d.s.p. 12 Dec. 1864. He d. 12 June, 1878,
having by his ist wife had issue,
i. Charles Oliver, of Poulacurra and Ballybrack, co. Cork, b.
Clayton, of Adlington Hall, co. Lancaster, and Carigbyrne Lodge,
co. Wexford (see BROWNE-CLAYTON of Browne's Hill). She
d. 3 April, 1909. He d. 28 May, 1886, leaving issue,
i PHILIP CLAYTON, now of Wilton.
Arthur Henry, b. 14 June, 1872.
Clotilde Henrietta.
3. Edith Mary.
4. George Augustus (Rev.), b. 12 Aug. 1829 ; d. 9 April, 1905
in. 30 July, 1860, Katharine, dau. of Rev. Robert Fishbourni
Rector of Ferns, co. Wexford, and had issue,
James Augustus, b. 25 July, 1861.
1. Elinor Catherine, d. unm. i Nov. 1908.
2. Henrietta, m. 1853, William Russell Farmar, of Bloomfield,
co. Wexford, who d. 20 Sept. 1871.
3. Elizabeth Louisa, m. July, 1856, Henry Eckersal Wynne, and
d. 16 May, 1888.
4. Margaret Charlotte, m. 1851, David Beatty, of Borodale, co.
Wexford, who d. 5 April, 1881.
5. Sarah, m. 1848, Sir Thomas John Fetherston, sth bart., of
Ardagh, who d. 21 Sept. 1869. Lady Fetherston d. 27 Jan. 1872.
The eldest son,
HARRY ALCOCK, of Wilton, J.P. and D.L., Hon.-Col. Wexford
Militia, High Sheriff 1846, b. 27 July, 1821 ; and d.s.p. 12 July, 1893,
leaving his property to his nephew.
Arms— Arg., a fess, between three cocks' heads, erased sa.
Crest— On a pomeis, charged with a cross pattee or, a cock statant
sa. Motto — Vigilate.
Seat— Wilton Castle, Enniscorthy. Club— Kildare Street,
ALDWORTH, of New -
market Court, co. Cork,
formerly Lieut. 3rd Batt.
King's Shropshire Lt.
Inf., Capt. and Hon.
Major late 9th Batt.
King's Royal Rifle Corps,
served in S. Africa
(Queen's Medal and four
clasps and King's Medal),
b. 2 Dec. 1869 ; 5. his
cousin 12 March, 1907;
m. 27 Aug. 1901, Lena
Stephanie Cecil, elder
dau. of late John Stephen
Collins, J.P., of Ardnalee
(see that family), and has
issue, three daus.,
1. Dorothy Agnes St. Leger. 2. Susan Stephanie Cecil Letitia.
3. Mary Katherine Elizabeth.
Lineage.— RICHARD ALDWORTH obtained a grant of part of
the Earl of Desmond's forfeited estate near Short Castle, Mallow
temp. ELIZABETH. He m. Ellen Poer, and was father of
SIR RICHARD ALDWORTH, Knt., Provost-Marshal and Vice-
President of Munster, to whom the manor and estate of Newmarket
were granted, i M '
21 June, 1629 (Fun
^?? Rl,c«ARD ALDWORTH, Knt., of Newmarket, eldest son of
William Aldworth (who was the elder brother of Sir Richard Aid-
3 Aug. 1829 ; d. 7 Nov. 1896 ; m. 13 Feb. 1868, Sarah, dau. of
William Crooke Ronayne, of Cork, and widow of Robert James
Martin, of Dublin, and had issue,
(1) JOHN CHARLES OLIVER, now of Newmarket.
(2) William Ronayne Oliver, b. 23 March, 1874.
2. Robert St. Leger (Rev.), Rector of Athnowen, co. Cork, 6.
8 July, 1832; d. 1893 ; m. 9 Sept. 1871, Sarah Pratt, dau. of
Noblett Dunscombe Parker, of Carrigrohan Lodge, co. Cork,
3. Richard Fitzjohn, District Inspector Royal Irish Con-
stabulary, b. 22 Oct. 1836 ; m. ist, 7 April, 1869, Elizabeth
MacGregor, dau. of William Hutton, of Headview House, co.
Waterford, and by her (who d. 3 May, 1889, had issue,
Oliver Fitzmaurice, b. 5 March, 1870 ; d. 9 April, 1884.
He m. andly, 9 Nov. 1891, Maria Louisa, dau. of Rev. E.
Loftus FitzGerald, and d.s.p.s. 10 Feb. 1893.
4. St. Leger Hewitt, d. 19 June, 1850.
1. Elizabeth Katherine, m. 20 May, 1871, Rev. Percival Walsh
Jordan, Rector of Drayton, co. Oxford, and had issue. She d.
17 April, 1908.
2. Sarah Maria. 3. Letitia Agnes.
8. St. Leger, Comm. R.N., of Dunmahon, Carrigdownane and
Dungansiliagh, co. Cork, J.P., b. 4 Sept. 1806 ; m. 20 Oct.
1836, Alicia Susan Deane, dau. of Charles Deane Oliver, of
Rockmill Lodge, and d. 6 Jan. 1877, having by her (who d. 23
Nov. 1874) had issue,
Robert Oliver, Capt. 49th Regt., b. 14 Mav, 1839 ; d. unm. 31
July, 1874.
Alicia Emily Hester St. Leger, of Beechmount and Carrig-
downane, co. Cork.
4. Robert, of Glouncaume and Meenkeragh, co. Cork, Col.
(retired) N. Cork Rifles, late Capt. 94th Regt., b. 31 Oct. 1809 ;
m. 29 April, 1852, Olivia Catherine, dau. of Rev. James Morton,
Rector of Clonfert, and widow of George Wood, of Edghill,
Liverpool, and d. i Sept. 1899, having had isoue,
i. Robert Morton, b. 29 July, 1854 > d. 29 Aug. 1868.
--2. William, b. 3 Oct. iSss.'D.S.O., Lieut.-Col. Duke of Corn-
wall's L.I., formerly Beds. Regt., killed in action at Paarde-
berg, S. Africa, when gallantly leading his regiment, 18 Feb.
1900, d. unm.
3. St. Leger Boyle, of Meenkeragh, co. Cork, late District
Superintendent Burmah Police, and Deputy Commissioner,
Arakan Hill Tracts, b. 18 May, 1863.
4. John James Richard Oliver, Malay Federated States Civil
Service, b. 18 Sept. 1866 ; m. 24 May, I9os, Dorothea Anne
Harvey, dau. of Richard W. Drew, of Bechingley House
Surrey, and has issue,
"Robert Harvey, b. 17 Nov. 1906.
Kathleen Olivia, b. 14 Nov. 1908.
1. Olivia (Clarempnt, Dor k ing).
2. Adelaide Louisa, m. 24 June, 1880, Rev. Charles James
Ferguson, D.D., Rector of Clondalkin co. Dublin, and has
issue, three sons and two daus.
3. Letitia Charlotte, d. young, 1861.
4. Jane Dorothea Sophia.
Mr. Aldworth d. 28 Jan. 1836. His eldest son,
TMaWh %™anor and estate of Newmarket ' R^HARD OLIVER' ALDWORTH, of Newmarket, co. Cork, J.P.
i March 1621. He m. Anne Mervm, and d.s.p. \ and D.L., High Sheriff 1832-33, b. 2 Feb. 1794 • m 22 Jan 1824
Fun. Ent.). That property devolved in succession Lady Letitia Hare, eldest dfu of Richard, V scount En^ismore
(eldest son of William, ist Earl of Listowel), and d. 27 Feb. 1887,
having by her (who d. 19 Sept. 1874) had issue,
1. RICHARD WILLIAM, late of Newmarket.
2. ROBERT, late of Newmarket.
3. William St. Leger (Rev.), Vicar of Eardisley, co. Hereford,
b. 21 Feb. 1829 ; m. June, 1853, Mary, 3rd dau. of William Stark
Dougall, of Scotscraig, co. Fife, and d.s.p. 29 Dec. 1865.
4. John (Rev.), b. 8 Sept. 1832 ; d. 18 April, 1896.
1. Katherine Anne.
The eldest son,
COL. RICHARD WILLIAM ALDWORTH, of Newmarket Court, co.
Cork, Col. late 7th Royal Fusiliers, J.P. for cos. Cork, Kerry, and
Limerick, D.L. co. Cork, High Sheriff co. Cork, 1869 ; b. 31 Jan.
1825 ; m. 30. July, 1863, Lady Mary Catherine Henrietta Bernard,
eldest dau. of Francis, 3rd Earl of Bandon, and d.s.p. 4 Feb. 1899.
He was s. by his brother,
ROBERT ALDWORTH, of Newmarket Court, co. Cork, and West-
lake, co. Somerset, J.P. for both cos., Barrister-at-Law, formerly
Capt. and Hon. Major gth Batt. King's Royal Rifles, b. n June,
1827 ; m. 23 May, 1867, Louisa Mary (who d. 13 May, 1903), eldest
dau. and co-heir of Major-Gen. Henry Dunbar Tolley, C.B., by
Frances his wife, sister of 6th and 7th Viscounts Midleton. He d.
12 March, 1907, being s. by his kinsman.
Arms — Arg., a fess engrailed between six billets, gu. Crest —
A dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand grasping a straight
sword, all ppr. Motto — Nee temere, nee timide.
Seat — Newmarket Court, co. Cork.
JOHN ALEXANDER, of Milford House, co. Carlow,
JiP., High Sheriff 1891, formerly Major King's
Dragoon Guards, b, 23 Sept. 1850 ; s. his father
1885 ; m. 22 April, 1896, Ethel, dau. of Kennett
Bayley, of Sevenoaks, Inchicore, co. Dublin, and
has issue,
1. JOHN, b. g July, 1898. 2. Kennett, 6. 22 March, 1900.
3. William, b. 13 May, 1901. 4. George, b. 21 Dec. 1907.
1. Jane.
Lineage. — THE REV. ANDREW ALEXANDER, D.D., Presby-
terian minister, went from Scotland and settled in the north of
Ireland, A.D. 1618. He m. Dorothea, dau. of Rev. James Caulfeild,
D.D., and dying circa 1641, left a son,
ANDREW ALEXANDER, of Ballyclose, Newtownlimavady (at-
tainted by JAMES II., 1689), m. ist, a dau. of Sir Thomas Phillips,
called Governor Phillips, and had a son and heir, JACOB. He m,
2ndly, a dau. of the Laird of Hilles, and had a son, JOHN, of whom
alter as ancestor of ALEXANDER of Milford. The eldest son,
JACOB ALEXANDER, of Newtownlimavady, m. 1692, Margaret (or
Jane), dau. and heiress of John Oliver, of The Lodge, Newtown-
limavady, chief magistrate appointed to administer the oath of
allegiance on the accession of WILLIAM and MARY, and had issue.
The eldest son,
JAMES ALEXANDER, of Newtownlimavady, merchant, m. Eliza-
beth Ross, of Newtownlimavady, and had issue. Mr. Alexander
(whose will was proved 4 July, 1786) was s. by his eldest son,
LESLEY ALEXANDER, of Newtownlimavady, who m. Anna
Simpson, of Armagh, and had issue,
1. John, of Newtownlimavady, m. Margaret, dau. of Samuel
Maxwell, and dying 1853, left issue,
1. Lesley, nth Hussars, d. unm.
2. Alexander, d. unm.
3. Samuel Maxwell, of Roe Park, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff
co. Londonderry, b. 1834 ; m. 22 April, 1884, Henrietta Con-
stance, dau. of Sir Frederick William Heygate, Bart., and d.s.p.
10 June, 1886.
4. John, of Newtownlimavady, b. 1836 ; d. unm.
1. Anna, m. 1857, Alfred John Stanton, M.P., and d. 1858.
2. Jane, m. 1850, E. F. C. Ritter. He d. 1891, leaving issue.
She d. 23 March, 1903.
2. James, of Gortinesson, co. Derry.
3. Lesley, of Foyle Park, J.P. and. D.L., m. 1835, Amelia Maria,
dau. of Col. Bates, but d.s.p.
4. Alexander, d. 1832.
5. THOMAS, late of Buncrana.
1. Louisa. 2. Jane, m. William Moody.
3. Elizabeth.
The youngest son,
THOMAS ALEXANDER, of Frowick House, Essex, and Buncrana,
co. Donegal, and 70, Lancaster Gate, Hyde Park, High Sheriff co.
Donegal 1852, b. 1791 ; m. 1836, Jane, eldest dau. of William
Haigh, of Westfield House, Doncaster (who d. 12 May, 1828), and
Rosetta Alethea Martin his wife (who d. 1834). She d. 24 Feb.
1875. He d. 17 Feb. 1867, having had issue,
1. LESLEY WILLIAM, of Buncrana, co. Donegal, and of Ahilly,
b. 15 Aug. 1841 ; d. unm. 15 July, 1909.
2. James, b. 1843 ; d. 19 Aug. 1869.
3. Thomas, d. 2 Sept. 1877.
4. Edward Merydeth Edgworth, d. unm.
1. Anna Louisa, m. Capt. S. S. Bristowe, of Hutoft, Lincolnshire.
2. Rosetta, m. 7 May, 1861, Algernon Bathurst, son of Sir James
and Lady Caroline Bathurst. He d. 16 Feb. 1895.
3. Elizabeth Frances, d. unm. Oct. 1897.
We now return to JOHN ALEXANDER above mentioned. This JOHN
ALEXANDER, of Ballyclose, Newtownlimavady, co. Londonderry,
and Gunsland, cp. Donegal, son of Andrew Alexander, of Ballyclose,
by his second wife, m. Anne, dau. of John White, of Cady Hall, co.
Londonderry, and d. 12 March, 1747, leaving issue,
1. JOHN, of whose line we treat.
2. NATHANIEL, ancestor of the ALEXANDERS of Portglenone,
and of the EARLS OF CALEDON.
Sept., 1872 ; m.
July, 1855, Lucia Margaret,
Bart. She d. 7 Feb. 1893.
3. William, ancestor of ALEXANDER, Bart., of Dublin.
1. Martha, m. Alexander Kellie.
The eldest son,
JOHN ALEXANDER, of Londonderry, b. 1689 ; m. Sarah, dau. of
Alexander Macaulay, of Drumnagisson, co. Antrim. He d. 1766,
leaving, with other issue, a son,
JOHN ALEXANDER, of Ardmoulin, co. Down, b. 26 Jan. 1736 ; m.
29 May, 1760, Anne, dau. of George Portis, and dying 23 Dec.
1821, was s. by his son,
JOHN ALEXANDER, of Milford, co. Carlow, b. 27 Feb. 1764 ; m.
8 Sept. 1801, Christian, dau. of Lorenzo Nickson Izod, of ChapeJ
Izod, co. Kilkenny. She d. 13 Dec. 1864, leaving issue,
1. JOHN, of Milford.
2. Lorenzo William, b. 22 Oct. 1810 ; m. 25 June, 1857, Harriet,
dau. of Col. Henry Bruen, of Oak Park, co. Carlow, and d. 21 Sept.
1867, leaving
i. Henry Bruen, b. 8 Nov. 1860.
1. Christian.
2. Anne, m. 21 Dec. 1886, Henry E. W. de Robeck, Wicklow
Art., late Capt. R.A., eldest son of Baron de Robeck.
3. George, of Erindale, co. Carlow, J.P., Barrister-at-Law, b.
17 Feb. 1814 ; m. 28 Feb. 1861, Susan Henn (d. July, 1895), dau.
of Stephen Collins, Q.C., of Merrion Square, Dublin (see COLLINS
of Ardnalea), and d. 1893, leaving issue,
i. John Stephen, b. 4 Jan. 1862. 2. Frank, b. 26 Jan. 1864.
3. James Leslie, Major Indian Army, b. i May, 1868 ; m. 17
Oct. 1903, Emily Shakespear, youngest dau. of Gen. Sir
Robert Cunliffe Low, G.C.B., and has issue a son, b. 17 April,
4. Walter Lorenzo, Capt. Yorks. Regt, b.
and has issue, a son, b. 18 April, 1905.
i. Christian Izod.
4. James, b. 8 March, 1818 ; m. 12
dau. of Sir William Clarke Travers,
He d.s.p. 9 Feb. 1882.
5. Charles Leslie (Rev.), b. 28 April, 1820 ; m. 26 Jan. 1882,
Hon. Emily Caroline Fremantle, dau. of ist Lord Cottesloe,
and d.s.p. 1888.
6. Henry, Gen. in the Army, b. 17 Aug. 1822.
1. Anne, m. 6 Oct. 1828, John Cranstoun, and d.s.p. 10 April,
2. Lucia, d. unm. 7 Oct. 1877.
3. Fanny, m. 19 Oct. 1847, Rev. Charles Henry Travers.
i Mr. Alexander d. 16 Aug. 1843. His eldest son,
JOHN ALEXANDER, of Milford House, co. Carlow, M.A., High
Sheriff 1824, and M.P. for Carlow 1853 to 1859, b. 26 July, 1802 ;
m. 18 Oct. 1848, Esther, eldest dau. of Matthew Brinkley, of Parsons-
town, co. Meath, 2nd son of Right Rev. John Brinkley, Bishop
of Cloyne, and d. Oct. 1885, leaving issue,
1. JOHN, now of Milford.
2. William Cranstoun, b. 5 Nov. 1851 ; m. 8 Feb. 1879, Edith
Caroline, dau. of Col. William Longfield, of Ashgrove, co. Cork.
3. Lorenzo, of Sandon, British Columbia, b. 28 Aug. 1853 » m-
28 Dec. 1899, Charlotte Catherine Louisa, dau. of Arthur John
Campbell Gwatkin (see BURKE'S Family Records], and has issue,
A son, 6. 30 May, 1901.
A dau., b. 13 Oct. 1902.
4. Charles Henry, Maj. R.A., b. 2 June, 1856 ; m. 17 March,
1891, Isabel Annie, dau. of Gen. Sir Campbell Claye Ross, K.C.B.,
of Lothian House, Ryde.
5. George, Barrister-at-Law, b. 20 June, 1858.
1. Harriet Lucia, m. 8 July, 1875, Lieut.-Col. E. G. M.
Donnithorne, late Scots Greys, and has issue.
Seat— Milford House, near Carlow. Clubs— Naval and Military,
and Kildare Street.
Forkill House, co. Ar-
magh, J.P. and D.L.,
High Sheriff, 1883, late
Lieut. 83rd Regt. and
Capt. 3rd Batt., Royal
Irish Fus., 6. 26 June,
1852; m. 25 Feb. 1880,
Daisy, dau. of M.
Mathews, of San Fran-
Lineage. — • NATHANIEL
ALEXANDER, of Gunsland, co.
Donegal, b. 1689, and son of
JOHN ALEXANDER, of Ballyclose, co. Londonderry, and of Gunsland,
co. Donegal (see ALEXANDER of Milford), and grandson of
ANDREW ALEXANDER, of Ballyclose. He was admitted an
alderman of Londonderry 1755. He m. Elizabeth, dau. of
William McClintock, of Dunmore, co. Donegal (see BURKE'S
Peerage, RATHDONNELL, B.), and d. 22 Sept. 1761, having had
1. WILLIAM, of London, Barrister-at-Law, m. i Jan. 1753,
Charlotte, dau. of Messenger Monsey, M.D., of Chelsea Hospital.
She d. ii Oct. 1798. He d. 1774, leaving issue,
i. Monsey (Rev.), incumbent of Moville, co. Derry, m. Susan
He m. 2ndly, 13 Dec.
reville, LL.D.,
Maria, dau. of James McClintock. He d. 1790, having by her
(who m. zndly, Rev. Samuel Law Montgomery) had an only dau.,
Dorothea, m. 1816, Rev. Alexander Staples, D.D., rector
of Gowran. She d. 1859. He d. 1864, leaving issue.
2. William, d. unm. 3. John, d. unm.
4. Robert, E.I.C.S., and member of council at Madras, b. \
April, 1771 ; m. rst, dau. of — Williams, and had a son,
(1) James Williams, B.S.C., d.s.p.
He m. 2ndly, 6 May, 1809, Grace, dau. of Rev. St. John Blacker,
D.D. She d. 19 Oct. 1835. He d. 15 July, 1861, aged 90,
having had,
(2) Robert, of Holwood, Kent, C.B., B.S.C., b. 2 July
1813 ; m. ist, 8 Oct. 1846, Caroline Skelton, dau. of George
Murray. She d.s.p. 29 July, 1859. He m. 2
1870, Emmeline Bethia, dau. of R. K. Gre
and widow of Major-Gen. H. Drummond. He d.s.p. 16 Aug.
(1) Charlotte, m. 17 Aug. 1850, John Muddelle.
(2) Mary, m. 6 April, 1837, Rev. Sir St. Vincent Love
Hammick, 2nd bart., who d. 19 Feb. 1888. She d. 17 July,
1902, leaving issue (see BURKE'S Peerage).
1. Charlotte Grace.
2. Elizabeth, m. 27 Dec. 1803, Henry Harmer, of Bicton Hall,
Salop. 3. Mary.
4. Anne, m. William Dalton, and d.s.p. 1840.
5. Jemima, m. 1789, Rev. John Edward Rolfe. She d. 25 I
June, 1827. He d. 24 July, 1795, leaving issue.
6. Catherine, m. 1800, Ven. John Bedingfeld Collyer, arch-
deacon of Norwich, and had issue.
2. ROBERT, of Boom Hall.
3. James, ist EARL OF CALEDON (see BURKE'S Peerage).
1 Mary Jane, m. ist, Joseph Weld, and andly, Hamilton j
Maclure, and had i^sue.
2. Rebecca, m. 1766, Josias Du Pre, of Wilton Park, Bucks,
and d. 1800.
Alderman Alexander d. 22 Sept. 1761. His 2nd son,
ROBERT ALEXANDER, of Boom Hall, co. Londonderry, m. I
Anne, dau. and coheir of Henry McCullogh. She d. 20 Jan. I
1817. He d. 27 March, 1790, leaving issue,
1. NATHANIEL (Right Rev.), of whom presently.
2. Henry, of Glentogher, co. Donegal, M.P. in several Parlia-
ments, b. 1763, m. 14 Feb. 1807, Dorothy, dau. of Francis Rivers.
She d. 10 Dec. 1864. He d. 6 May, 1818, leaving issue,
i. James, B.C.S., b. 12 Jan. 1813 ; m. 6 Nov. 1849, Catherine,
dau. of Richard Harvey. She d. 6 Dec. 1879. He d.s.p.
28 Feb. 1851.
1. Mary.
2. Ann, m. 1838, Maj.-Gen. George Rowlandson. He d.
31 May, 1875. She d. 6 April, 1851, leaving issue.
3. Catherine. 4. Fanny.
3. William, Lieut.-Gcn. in the Army, b. 1768 ; m. 1793, Matilda,
dau. of Sir Robert Waller, Bart. Shed. 1850. He d. i Jan. j
1824, leaving a son and a dau.,
i. Robert (Rev.), Prebendary of Derry and Rector of
Aghadoe, b. 17 Sept. 1795 ; m. 16 Oct. 1820, Dorothea, dau.
and heir of Henry McClintock, of Rathdonnell House, co.
Donegal (see BURKE'S Peerage, RATHDONNELL, B.). She d.
17 May, 1877. He d. n May, 1872, leaving issue,
(1) William (Most Rev.), D.D., D.C.L., Archbishop of
Armagh (see BURKE'S Peerage), b. 13 April, 1824 ; d. Aug.
1911 ; m. 15 Oct. 1850, Cecil Frances, dau. of Maj. John
Humphreys, D.L., of Miltown House, co. Tyrone. She
d. 12 Oct. 1895, leaving issue,
la. Robert Jocelyn, B.A. Oxford, b. n June, 1852 ; m.
5 Jan. 1876, Alice Rachael, dau. of J. J. H. Humphreys,
of Lincoln's Inn, and had issue,
William Harold, b. 26 Feb., d. 5 Dec. 1880.
2a. Cecil John Francis, b. 16 March, 1855 ; d. 28 March,
1910 ; m. 27 July, 1882, Eva Frances, dau. of Right
Hon. Arthur MacMurrough Kavanagh, of Borris, co. |
Carlow (see that family), and by her (who d. 27 Sept.
1896), had issue,
Arthur Cecil, d. unm., 29 Oct., 1907.
i a. Eleanor Jane.
2«. Dorothea Agnes, m. 22 July, 1893, George John Bowen.
(2) Henry McClintock, Rear-Adm. R.N., b. 7 Oct. 1834 ;
m. ist, 22 Oct. 1864, Eliza Frances Charlotte, only
dau. of Sir W. S. Wiseman, 8th bart. She d. i April, 1875
leaving issue,
la. Robert William Wiseman, b. n Jan. 1870.
i«. Kathleen Henrietta, d. 6 Feb. 1877.
2«. Charlotte Marion.
3«. Agatha Frances Mary, m. Christopher B. L. Lefroy, and
d. 27 June, 1903.
He m. 2ndly, 16 Jan. 1877, Agnes, widow of Col. J. Wray,
and dau. of Capt. J. Hannay. He d. 17 Dec. 1896.
(i) Mary, m. 17 Sept. 1845. Wm. Keown, M.P. (who assumed
the name of Boyd), of Ball
(who d.
llydugan, co. Down, and by him ,
„ Jan. 1877) had issue. She d. 15 Nov. 1905.
(2) Matilda, w. 10 uly, 1845 Maximilian Hammond Dalison,
of Hamptons, Kent. He d. 30 March, 1902. She d. 15 April,
1903, leaving issue.
(3) Elizabeth, m. 10 Jan. 1856, Very Rev. A. Ferguson Smyly,
Dean of Derry. She d. g May, 1875, leaving issue (see SMYLY
of Camus).
' (4) Catherine, m. 4 June, 1861, Jas. Sinclair (see SINCLAIR of
Holyhill and Bonnyglen), and d. his widow 15 Jan. 1906,
having had issue.
(5) Dorothea, m. 10 Jan. 1856, Lieut.-Col. H. Keown, late
R.I Rifles.
2. William Ferguson.
i. Catherine, m. George Thompson, of Cloiiskeagh Castle, co.
Dublin and d. 1836.
4. James, of Somerhill, Kent, D.L., M.P. in many Parliaments,
b. 1769 ; m. ist, Eliza, dau. of Capt. Dundas, of Manour, co.
Stirling, by whom he had,
i. Eliza Charlotte, m. 3 Sept. 1825, Stratford Canning, Viscount
Stratford de Redcliffe. G.C.B. She d. 25 Nov. 1882. He d.
14 Aug. 1880.
He m. 2ndly, 8 March, 1813, Charlotte Sophia, dau. of Thomas
Dashwood, and widow of the Hon. Charles Andrew Bruce (see
BURKE'S Peerage, ELGIN, E.). She d. n April, 1870. He d.
12 Sept. 1848, leaving issue,
1. Robert, of Uphaven, WUts, b. 10 Feb. 1815 ; m. 23 July,
1844, Julia Charlotte, dau. of W. Fane, Bengal C.S. She d.
1903. He d. 23 Oct. 1863, having had issue,
(i) James Fane, of Uphaven, formerly Capt. i7th Lancers,
b. i Jan. 1846 ; m. 16 Sept. 1884, Aurea Otway, dau. of
Major Henry Otway Mayne (of Mayne's Horse), and d.
31 Dec. 1891, leaving issue,
la. Paul Robert Mayne, b. 16 Sept. 1885.
2a. Charles i Jan. 1888.
3«. William James, b. 6 July, 1891.
(i) Amy Louisa, a. 7 June, 1870. (2) Emily Maude.
2. James, of Oak Bank, Sevenoaks, b. 7 May, 1822 ; m. 13
May, 1845, Anna Maria Julia, dau. of Maximilian D. D. Dalison,
of Hamptons, Kent (who d. 30 May, 1910), and d. 8 Aug. 1899,
leaving issue,
(1) James Dalison, of Oakbank, near Sevenoaks, late Capt.
West Kent Yeomanry Cavalry, D.L. for Kent (70, Cadogan
Square, S.W.), b. 5 March, 1846; m. 27 Jan. 1885, Lady
Emily Harriet Catherine Boyle, eldest dau. of Earl of Cork
and Orrery, K.P., and has issue,
la. James Ulick Francis Canning, Lieu". Coldslream Gds ,
b. 10 Feb. 1889.
2«. James Cedric St. Lawrence, b. 15 July, 1897.
la. Evelyn Catherine, b. 21 March, 1887 ; m. 5 Jan. 1909,
Claud Alfred Victor Sykes, Grenadier Gds., of West Ella,
near Hull, and d. 27 April, 1909.
2a. Jacqueline Harriet, b. 7 June, 1892.
(2) Charles Robert, Barrister-at-Law, b. 8 Nov. 1847 ; d.
17 Feb. 1902.
(3) Evelyn Ferguson (Rev.), B.A. Oxon., b. 23 March, 1850 ;
d. unm. 24 Feb. 1887.
(i) Mabel Emma.
2. Charlotte Sophia, d. unm. 1897.
3. Anne, d. unm. 1886.
4. Emma, d. unm. 1843.
5. Josias Du Pre, an East India Director, and for some years
M.P. for Old Sarum, b. 1771 ; m. i Feb. 1808, Mary, dau. of the
Rev. Thomas Bracken. She d. 13 Nov. 1868. He d. 20 Aug.
1839, having had issue,
1. Caledon Du Pre, of Auberies, Essex, D.L., Capt. ist Life
Guards, b. 16 Nov. 1817 ; m. 1843, Caroline, 2nd dau. of James
Ewing, and d. 18 July, 1884, having by her (who d. 15 Dec.
1891) had issue,
(1) Caledon James, Capt. Coldstream Guards, m. 17 Sept.
1874, Nina Stewart, eldest dau. of Col. Sir John Stewart
Wood, K.C.B., andd. 21 Sept. following.
(2) Francis, Lieut. R.N., m. 31 Jan. 1883, Caroline Mary,
dau. of Lieut.-Col. Arthur Tremayne, of Carclew, formerly
1 3th Light Dragoons.
(3) William Merk, drowned in the River Tweed, 2 May,
1885, aged 23.
(4) Harvey, D.S.O., Lieut.-Col. loth Hussars (Res— The
Grange, Chetnole, Sherborne), b. 3 June, 1859 ; m. 17
April, 1890, Mildred Maria, youngest dau. of Charles
Prideaux-Brune, of Prideaux Place, Cornwall, and has issue,
la. Caledon James, b. 1895.
za. Robert Dudley, b. 1899.
la. Constance Isolda.
(5) Reginald.
(1) Janet, m. 17 June, 1871, Maj.-Gen. E. A. Wood, C.B.,
who d. 22 May, 1898, leaving issue.
(2) Mary (3) Louisa.
(4) Margot.
2. Josias Bracken Canning, b. 12 Dec. 1826 ; m. n Jan. 1848,
Agnes Cecilia, dau. of Sir William Curtis, 2nd bart., and d.
1882, leaving issue,
(1) Josias William, I.C.S., b. 14 May, 1849 ; d.unm.
(2) Frederick, late R.N., b. 13 Dec. 1852.
(3) Atwell Lake, b. 8 June, 1856.
(4) Henry Charles, b. 25 March, 1858.
(5) Horace Bracken, b. 30 Aug. 1859.
(6) Charles, b. 7 Nov. 1860.
(7) George Frank, b. 15 Jan. 1862.
(8) William Montague, b. 24 June, 1865.
(9) Edward Stewart, b. 6 Nov. 1867.
(10) Frank Beaufort, b. 13 May, d. 17 Oct. 1869.
(1) Agnes Mary.
(2) Jessie Louisa, m. G. S. Everard.
(3) Caroline Isabella.
(4) Gertrude Mary Ann (twin with Charles).
(5) Madelina Louisa. (6) Ellen Augusta.
(7) Lucy Georgina. (8) Constance Maud.
1. Mary Anne, m. 1837, J. Pratt Barlow, whorf. 21 Aug. 1871.
2. Lucy Emma.
3. Eliza, m. 22 Jan. 1842, Robert Holbeche Dolling, of Maghe-
ralin, co. Down, and d. 2 Jan. 1870. He d. 28 Sept. 1878,
leaving issue.
4. Charlotte Maria, d. unm. 5. Ellen Louisa, d. unm.
6. Madeline, m. 2 Sept. 1845, Admiral Frederick William
Pleydell-Bouverie, late R.N., and has issue (see BURKE'S
Peerage, RADNOR, E.). He d. 17 July, 1898.
7. Fanny Selina, m. 22 Jan. 1846, Rev. Francis Simpson, M.A.,
vicar of Foston-on-the- Wolds, Yorkshire, and left issue.
8. Agnes Henrietta.
1. Elizabeth, m. Sir And. Ferguson, Bart., of The Farm, London-
derry, M.P., who d. in 1808, leaving issue.
2. Anne, m. Col. Alexander Scott, Royal Artillery, and had
The eldest son,
of Meath, b. 12 Aug. 1760, m. 18 May, 1785, Anne, dau. of the
Right Hon. Richard Jackson, M.P., of Coleraine. She d. Aug.
1837. He d. 21 Oct. 1840, leaving issue,
1. Robert (Rev.), of Portglenone, co. Antrim, b. 19 June, 1788 ;
m. ist, 21 Aug. 1813, Catherine, youngest dau. of the Right Hon.
John Staples, M.P. She d. 12 March, 1830, leaving issue. He
m. andly, 1837, Hester Helena, dau. of Col. Alexander McManus.
She d.s.p. 23 June, 1874 He d. July, 1840, having by his first
wife had issue,
i. Nathaniel, of Portglenone House, co. Antrim, M.P., b.
Aug. 1815 ; m. 7 April, 1842, Florinda, 2nd dau. of Richard
Boyle Bayley, by Alicia his wife, dau. of Richard, 2nd Lord
Castlemaine, and d. 5 Jan. 1853, having by her whc m. indiy,
1855, Edmund F. Leslie, of Donaghadee, co. Dcwn, and d.
24 May, 1861) had issue,
(1) Robert Jackson, of Portglenone, J.P. and D.L., High
Sheriff co. Antrim 1875, and Londonderry 1870, b. 18 Jan.
1843 ; d. unm. 1884.
(2) John Staples, of Portglenone, J.P. and D.L., late R.N.,
b. 14 June, 1844 ; d. unm. 10 Oct. 1901.
2. Robert, H.E.I.C.S., b. Nov.
1823 ; m. 17 Feb. 1863, Louisa,
dau. of R. B. Bayley, and had issue,
Robert Arthur Molony, b. 16 Feb. 1867.
1. Harriet, m. John Wakefield, and d.s.p. 1853.
2. Grace, m. Thomas Gilbert Nicholson.
3. Charlotte, d. unm. 1878.
4. Catherine, m. Molyneux Pooley Shuldham.
2. James (Rev.), LL.D., b. 22 July, 1794 ; m. 14 Aug. 1833,
Alicia Louisa, dau. of Samuel Dopping, of Lotown House, and
d. 2 April, 1857, leaving issue,
r. Samuel, b. 5 April, 1840.
2. James, Lieut.-Col. late 38th Regt., b. 3 Jan. 1844 ; d. 8 May,
i. Anna. 2. Mary Jane.
3. Clarissa.
3. Nathaniel, b. 6 Dec. 1796 ; m. Sophia, dau. of N. Hickey,
and widow of J. Young ; and d. 14 Oct. 1880, leaving issue,
1. Nathaniel, d. unm. 24 Aug. 1864.
2. Robert Hugh, d. in India.
3. William James, b. 1836 ; m. Lucy, dau. of W. Gray, and
d. 1885.
4. John Henry, Col. R.H.A. (ret), b. 22 May, 1839 ; m. 23
Nov. 1880, Katharine Mary, dau. of Gen. J. Francis, and d.
3 Feb. 1900, leaving issue,
(1) Dorothy Katharine, d.unm. 1889.
(2) Norah Katharine. (3) Enid Rosamund.
5. George Caledon, Barrister-at-Law (19, Bury Street, S.W.),
b. 1842.
1. Sophia Charlotte, m. Rev. Charles Rae Hay.
2. Annie.
3. Mary. m. 5 Dec. 1866, Arthur Thompson.
4. Henrietta, m. Robert Scott.
4. HENRY, of whom presently.
5. George, Bengal C.S., b. 20 Jan. 1805 ; m. 1833, Rebecca,
dau. of W. Molloy, and had issue,
i. George. 2. William.
3. James.
6. William Stuart, of Ballyarton, Londonderry, Bengal C.S.
6. 29 Oct. 1807 ; m. 15 July,' 1834, Janet Bethia, dau. of Brig.-
Gen. Charles Dallas. She d. 13 Oct. 1876. He d. 9 July, 1883,
leaving issue,
i. Willi
am Stuart, b. 3 June, 1836 ; m. 5 Jan. 1862, Emma
Sophia, dau. of S. Steward, and d. 13 Sept. 1868, leaving
William Frederick, b. 6 Feb. 1864.
Bethia Emma.
2. Nathaniel Stuart, J.P. Sussex, late Ind, C.S. (Cecil House,
Church Road, St. Leonards-on-Sea), b. 14 June, 1838 ; m. 9
July, 1873, Dora, dau. of Edward Currie, and has issue,
(1) William Nathaniel Stuart, Capt. Connaught Rangers,
b. 8 May, 1874.
(2) Edward Currie, D.S.O., Capt. Indian Army, b. 15 Sept.
(3) Robert Dundas, Capt. Indian Army, b. 28 Aug. 1880.
(1) Mary Bethia Isabel, b. 20 May, 1878.
(2) Dora, b. 23 Dec. 1881 ; d. 5 Jan. 1882.
3. Charles Dallas, M.A. Camb., b. 25 Dec. 1839 ; m- *9 Sept.
1874, Helen, dau. of Molyneux Shuldham, and has issue,
William Dallas, b. 5 Aug. 1875-
4. James Edward, Capt. R.A., b. 30 June, 1841 ; m. 19 July,
1870, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of A. R. Webster, and d.s.p. 9 June,
5. Richard Dundas, b. 26 May, 1846 ; m. 17 Nov. 1870, Char-
lotte Augusta, dau. of Rev. A. R. Webster, and d. June, 1885,
leaving issue,
(1) Edward Bruce, 6. 3 March, 1872.
(2) Kenneth Bruce, b. 11 March, 1874.
(1) Marion Bethia.
(2) Charlotte Dora.
6. Ernest Bruce, Bengal C.S., b. 13 Sept. 1849 ; m- 27 Oct.
1 88 1, Ella Sarah, dau. of John William Williamson.
1. Anne, m. Sept. 1813, Rev. John Molseworth Staples, Rector
of Upper Moville. She d. 23 July, 1869. He d. 4 April, 1859,
leaving issue (see BURKE'S Peerage).
2. Mary.
3. Eliza, m. 21 July, 1824, John A. Nicholson, of Balrath Bury.
She d. 1860. He d. Dec. 1872, leaving issue (see that family).
4. Henrietta Frances, m. 20 May, 1830, Robert Smyth, of Gay-
brook, co. Westmeath. He d. 29 July, 1878.
The 4th son.
HENRY ALEXANDER, of Forkill House, co. Armagh, High
Sheriff 1856, Barrister -at-Law, b. 16 Feb. 1803 ; m. 14 Aug.
1839, Louisa Juliana, 2nd dau. of Thomas, 2nd Earl of Ranfurly.
She d. 31 March, 1896. He d. i Dec. 1877, leaving issue,
1. GRANVILLE HENRY JACKSON, now of Forkill House.
2. Henry Nathaniel, Inspector-Gen, of Prisons, Bombay, late
Indian C.S., b. 7 June, 1854 ; m. 1883 Mary Stuart, dau. of
Claude Erskine, B.C.S., and has issue,
Constance Mary.
3. Claud Henry, Major late Wiltshire Regt. (Bolton Lodge, Win-
chester), b. 31 May, 1856; m. i Oct. 1896, Irene Christine, dau.
of Col. William C. Tamplin, of Lennox Place, Brighton and has
1. Dorothy Alice, b. 8 Oct. 1897.
2. Rosemary Irene, b. 18 Dec. 1900.
3. Nancy Stuart, b. n Sept. 1902.
4. Ronald Henry, b. 15 Aug. 1858.
5. Frederick Henry Thomas, late Capt. Leicester Regt. and Army
Pay Department, b. 30 Nov. 1860 ; m. 7 June, 1899, Blanche,
dau. of Lieut.-Gen. W. C. Bancroft, of Knellwood, Farnborough,
and has issue,
1. Elisabeth Maud, 6. 22 July, 1902.
2. Freda Alice, d. an infant 25 March, 1905.
8. Dudley Henry, C.M.G., Major West Yorkshire Regt. (6,
St. James's Place, S.W. Club— United Service), b. 13 Jan. 1863.
1. Blanche Catherine, m. 4 Sept. 1877, Rev. Frederick Anthony
Hammond, of Loureston House, Dover, and d. 16 June, 1878.
2. Alice Mary Juliana.
3. Constance Henrietta Georgina, m. 3 Oct. 1867, Col. Gregory
Colquhoun Grant, Indian Army, and has issue.
4. Emily Louisa, m. 25 March, 1874, Col. Arthur M. Hogg,
Indian Army, and d. Aug. 1900, leaving issue.
5. Edith Ellen, m. 15 Aug. 1891, Henry Herbert Southey, 7th
Bombay Lancers, and d. 27 May, 1892, leaving a dau.
Arms — Per pale arg. and sa. a chevron between in chief an
annulet and in base a crescent, all counterchanged. Crest — An
arm in armour embowed, the hand grasping a sword all ppr.,
on the elbow with an annulet sa. Motto — Per mare, per terras.
Seat — Forkill House, co. Armagh. Clubs — Carlton and White's,
S.W., and St. George's Yacht.
WILLIAM ANCKETILL, of Ancketill's Grove, co^
Monaghan, D.L. co. Monaghan, late Lieut. Royal
Tyrone Fus., b. 16 March, 1851 ; m. 13 July, 1875,
| Jean Laing, dau. and co-heir of Robert Falkner,
of Broughton Park, co. Lancaster, and has issue,
Olive Maud, b. 28,Oct. 1876 ; m. ist, 24 Oct. 1901, Reginald George
Petre Wymer, late Lieut. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders,
only son of Capt. Reginald Augustus Wymer, 3rd Batt. Cameron
Highlanders, late Ensign gist Foot, and grandson of Gen. Sir
Henry George Petre Wymer, K.C.B., and has issue a dau., Lovice
Vivian Petre. She m. 2ndly, i Nov. 1907, Michael Linning Henry
Melville, late Egyptian Civil Service. She d. 6 March, 1909,
having had issue, a dau.,
Monica Agnes Aacketill, b. 2 July, 1908.
Lineage. — CAPT. OLIVER ANCKETILL, J.P. co. Monaghan,
High Sheriff 1662, son of William Ancketill. of Shaftesbury, bapt.
there 9 April, 1609 ; m. Rebecca, probably of the family of
Bullingbrooke, of Galway, and d. 26 June, 1666, having had issue,
1. MATTHEW, his heir.
2. William, b. 1652, from whom the Anketells of Dernamuck
trace their descent.
3. Richard, b. 1654.
1. Sarah, m. 1660, James Corry, ancestor of the Earls of Belmore.
2. Elizabeth, b. 1648. ,
The eldest son,
MATTHEW ANCKETILL, of Ancketill's Grove, co. Monaghan,
b. 1651, to whom that estate was confirmed by patent, 19 CHARLES
II. He was High Sheriff for the co. 1682, but was attainted by
JAMES II. He m. Matilda, dau. of Robert Moore, of Ravella and
Garvey, co. Tyrone, and was killed at the battle of Drumbanagher,
13 March, 1688, having had, with other issue,
1. WILLIAM, his heir. 2. OLIVER, s. his brother.
3. Robsrt.
1. Catherine, b. 1653 ; m. Thomas Singleton, of Fort Singleton.
The eldest son,
WILLIAM ANCKETILL, of Ancketill's Grove, co. Monaghan,
High Sheriff 1707, b. 1677 ; d. s.p. 1709, and was s. by his next
OLIVER ANCKETILL, of Ancketill's Grove, b. 1680, M.P. for borough
of Monaghan, 1754 to 1760 ; M.A. and LL.B. Trinity Coll. Dublin ,
1703 ; one of the original founders of the Royal Dublin Society ;
High Sheriff for co. Monaghan, 1703 ; m. ist, 28 Feb. 1716, Hon.
\ Sarah Caulfeild, 2nd dau. of William, 2nd Viscount Charlemont,
and by her (who d. Dec. 1742) had (with three daus., 1. Ann, m.
6 Nov. 1752, Rev. Edward Lill, D.D., brother of Godfrey Lill,
Justice of the Court of Common Pleas : 2. Rebecca, m. Samuel
Coulston, M.D. ; 3. Catherine, m. Thomas Singleton, jun., of Fort
Singleton) an only surviving son,
1. WILLIAM, b. 18 March, 1724, who d.v.p. 1756 ; he m. n March,
1748, Anne, eldest dau. of Charles Coo'te, of Bellamont Forest,
M.P. for co. Cavan, and sister of Charles, Earl of Bellamont,
K.B., and had issue,
1. CHARLES, successor to his grandfather, of whom presently.
2. Richard, b. 1775 ; d.s.p. 1814.
3. Matthew, of Arlington Castle, Portarlington, b. 1756, J.P.,
Capt. in 57th Regt., of which he obtained the Light Company |
in 1778 ; Lieut.-Col. Monaghan Militia, High Sheriff co. ,
Monaghan, 23 GEORGE III. ; m. ist, Prudentia Martha, dau. !
of John Corry, of Rockcorry, by whom (who d. Oct. 1781) lie
had an only dau.,
Prudentia Catherine, who d. ajjed 8 years.
Col. Anketill m. 2ndly, Mary (who d. Aug. 1838), OD)V child of
the Rev. Richard Norris, D.D., and d. n April, 1828, leaving
(i) WILLIAM, of whom presentlv.
(1) Maria, d. 28 April, 1842, unm.
(2) Matilda, d. 28 June, 1819, unm.
(3) Caroline, m. 1817, Augustus Woodville Amyatt, Lieut.
Royal Irish Dragoon Guards, and d. three weeks after her
He m. 2ndly, when about 80 years of age. Anne Stephens (nee j
Tuton), and d. immediately after, on 27 May, 1760, and was s. by
his grandson,
CHARLES ANKETELL, of Anketell Grove, b. 1754 ; d. unm. 20 Nov.
1828, and was s. by his nephew,
WILLIAM ANKETELL, of Anketell Grove, J.P. and D.L., High
Sheriff 1830, b. 10 Oct. 1790 ; m. 23 June, 1809, Sarah, 2nd dau. of
Lieut.-Col. John C. F. Waring-Maxwell, of Finnebrogue, co. Down,
M.P., and d. 23 April, 1851, having by her (who d. 2 April, 1874) {
had issue,
1. MATTHEW JOHN, his heir.
2. William Robert, of Quintin Castle, Portaferry, co. Down, b. 31 '
March, 1820, formerly Capt. Monaghan Militia, J.P. for co.
Down ; m. 8 Oct. 1844, Madelina Selina, 2nd dau. of David Ker,
of Portavo, co. Down, M.P., and Lady Selina Sarah Juliana,
his wife, dau. of Robert, ist Marquis of Londonderry, and d.
g March, 1889, having by her (who d. 8 April, 1878) had issue,
1. Amyatt William, now of Quintin Castle, b. 4 Aug. 1853 ; i
late Lieut. 83rd Foot.
2. David Fitz Ameline Robert, b. 27 May, 1855, Lieut. 3rd i
Belooch Regt. (N.I.) and formerly Lieut, ist Royal Scots (the j
Lothian Regt.), served in Afghan War 1880 (medal) and
Egyptian War 1882 (medal and Khedive star) ; d. at Kurachi, j
Scihde, 26 Aug. 1885.
3. William Frederick, b. 18 Feb. 1858 ; d. 14 Dec. 1858.
1. Edith Matilda, m. ist, 8 Aug. 1871, Thomas John Knox,
who {d. 5 Dec. 1875, leaving issue (see BURKE'S Peerage,
RANFURLV, E.). She m. 2ndly, 10 Feb. 1880, John Lewis
Vaughan Henry, late Capt. 2nd Dragoons, eldest son of
Mitchell Henry, M.P., of Kylemore Castle, co. Galway (see
that family).
2. Constance. 3. Ada.
4. Celia Selina, d. unm. 18 Oct. 1883.
3. Oliver Charles, 37th Madras N.I., H.E.I.C.S., b. 18 Aug. 1821 ;
d. at Hong-Kong, China, while with his regiment, 13 July,
4. Fitz Ameline Maxwell, of Killyfaddy, Clogher, co. Tyrone,
J.P., High Sheriff 1881, b. 14 April, 1825 ; d. 24 Aug. 1905 ; m.
8 Nov. 1859, Laura Valetta (d. 21 July, 1907), 2nd dau. and
co-heiress of Henry Ranking, of Eaglehurst, Bathford, Somerset
(by his wife Frances Helen, dau. of the Rev. W. Heath, Vicar of
Inkberrow, co. Worcester), and had issue,
1. REGINALD, of Killyfaddy, b. 23 March, 1861.
2. Henry, b. 21 Dec. 1863 ; d. 9 Jan. 1864.
3. Charlemont Fitz Ameline, b. 15 March, 1872.
i. Maud Mary, d. young n May, 1882.
5. Maxwell, of Leatherhead, Surrey, b. 24 Oct. 1826 ; m. ist, 29
Sept. 1857, Julia Elizabeth,only surviving child of the late Gustavus
Whitaker, of St. Petersburg, Russia; she d. 1869 ; 2ndly, 1878, Mary
Louisa, 3rd dau. of the late Henry Ranking, of Eaglehurst, Bath-
ford ; and d. 22 Feb. 1888, having (by his ist wife) had issue,
1. Oliver George, b. 5 Sept. 1860 ; d. 25 Feb. 1889.
2. Arthur Cecil, b. 25 July, 1863 ; d. 28 Jan. 1885.
3. Charles Edward, b. 3 June, 1869.
1. Frances Julia.
2. Isabella Sara, m. 26 May, 1904, William, 2nd son of Rev.
William;Blennerhassett, of Iwerne Minster, Dorset (see BLENNER-
HASSETT of Bally seedy).
6. Moutray, b. 18 April, 1829, Capt. R.A. (ret.) ; d. unm. 3 April,
1. Anne Dorothea, m. 10 Dec. 1833, Rev. Robert Loftus Totten-
ham, 2nd son of Right Rev. Lord Robert Loftus TotteDbam,
Bishop of Clogher. She d. 16 Oct. 1891. He d. 5 Feb. 1893,
leaving issue (see BURKE'S Peerage. ELY, M.).
2. Maria, m. 5 Dec. 1838, Rev. Sir John Richardson-Bunbury,
3rd Bart., of Augher Castle, co. Tyrone, and d. z March, 1888,
leaving issue. He d. 19 Feb. 1909.
3. Matilda Jane, d. unm. 14 March, 1840.
The eldest son,
MATTHEW JOHN ANKETELL, of Anketell Grove, J.P. and D.L.,
High Sheriff, co. Monaghan, 1834, Major Monaghan Militia, b. 31
Oct. 1812 ; m. 6 Feb. 1840, Catherine Anne Frances, eldest dau.
David Ker, M.P., of Portavo and Montalto, co. Down, by the Lady
Selina, his wife, dau. of the ist Marquess of Londonderry. He d.
8 May, 1870. She d. 28 Feb. 1887, leaving issue,
1. MATTHEW DAVID, his heir.
2. Oliver Frederick, b. 27 Feb. 1850 ; d. unm. 10 Feb. 1872.
3. WILLIAM, successor to his brother.
4. Henry, M.L.A. Natal, late R.N., b. 4 May, 1855 ; m. 7 Dec.
1900, Oona, dau. of R. Reeson, of Maritzburgh, S. Africa, and
has issue.
1. Matthew David, b. 27 Dec. 1907.
2. Henry George, b. 5 Jan. 1911.
• 5. Robert Waring Maxwell, b. 19 Nov. 1856 ; d. 1866.
1. Selina Sarah. 2. Ada, d. young.
3. Frances Emmeline, m. ist, 22 Jan. 1867, Newton Haworth
Wallace, Capt. Royal Bengal Fusiliers, loist Regt. ; and 2ndly,
Clement Cordner, J.P., of Greenmount, Muckamore, co. Antrim,
He d. 18 Aug. 1905.
4. Gertrude Madelina, m. i July, 1873, Anketell Moutray, D.L.,
of Favour Royal, and has issue (see that family).
5. Bertha Grace Phoebe, d. unm. 10 Jan. 1898.
6. Octavia Mary, m. 19 Feb. 1879, Frederick Augustus Morse-
Boycott, of Sennowe Hall, Norfolk, and Sennoweville, Bushey,
Herts (see that family). 7. Augusta, d. unm. 8 May, 1908.
The eldest son,
MATTHEW DAVID ANKETELL, of Anketell Grove, b. 5 Jan. 1841 ;
was killed by a fall from horseback, 17 July, 1872 ; d. unm. and was
s. by his next surviving brother.
Seat — Ancketill's Grove, Emyvale, co. Monaghan. Residence —
Killyfaddy, Clogher, co. Tyrone.
Waterford, J.P, and D.L., High Sheriff for co,
Waterford in 1885, and J.P. co. Kilkenny, B.A,
Cantab., b. 26 June, 1852; s. his father, 22 Oct. 1867 ;
m. 10 Nov. 1879, Constance Agnes Jane (who d.
9 Aug. 1881} ; and 2ndly, on 2 Oct. 1907, Ellen
Blanche Carew, both daus. of Very Rev. Anthony
Latouche Kirwan, D.D., Dean of Limerick, by Susan
his wife, 2nd dau^ of William Blacker, of Wood-
brook, Wexford, and bv his first wife has a dau.,
Susan Alice.
Lineage. — JOHN ANDERSON, of Ardbrake, in Botriphnie
Parish.Banffshire, m. Ann Gordon (who d. 19 Nov. 1670), " A matron
of — years " (see tombstone in Parish church), and had issue,
1. JAMES, of whom next.
2. Arthur, Chaplain to WILLIAM III, d.s.p. 1714, bur. in the
Rower Churchyard, co. Kilkenny.
3. Alexander, admitted an Advocate 9 Jan. 1666.
1. Susannah. 2. Margaret.
The eldest son,
JAMES ANDERSON, m. ist, Katharine (d. 9 March, 1667), 4th
dau. of Robert Leslie, of Findrassie ; and 2ndly, Isabell Douglas
widow of Rev. Alex. Cant. He is described in Sasines and other
records as " of Wester Ardbrake " which sometimes appears as
" Wcstertoun "). By his ist wife he had issue,
1. JOHN, of whom next. PI
2. Alexander, Major in Col. Sir John Hill's Regt. of Foot,
afterwards of Grace Dieu.
1. Elizabeth, m. 16 Oct., 1675, John Gordon, jun., of Carroll, in
Sutherlandshire, Sheriff Depute of Sutherland in 1685. He d.
in 1701, leaving issue,
2. Anna, m. J . Gibson, of Linkwood.
3. Mary, m. Thomas Baker, of Ballytobin, co. Kilkenny.
The elder son,
JOHN ANDERSON, of Westerton, m. Jean Gordon, and had issue,
1. James, chirurgeon, bapt. at Botriphnie, 26 March, 1684.
2. John, bapt. at Botriphnie, 30 Sept. 1686.
3. ALEXANDER, of whom next.
1. Katharine, bapt. at Botriphnie.
2. Jean, bapt. at New Machar, d. 25 March, 1710.
3. Isabell, bapt. at Botriphnie.
4. Elizabeth, bapt. at Botriphnie.
5. Anna, bapt. at Botriphnie.
The 3rd son,
ALEXANDER ANDERSON, bapt. at Botriphnie, 4 July, 1688; m.
2 Feb. 1721, a dau. and co-heir of William Brewster, son of Sir
Francis Brewster, twice Lord Mayor of Dublin. By her (who d.
1754) Alexander left (with two daus., one of whom m. Robert
Carew, of Wooden^town, co. Tipperary) an only son and heir,
JAMES ANDERSON of Grace Dieu, m. ist, in 1756, Henrietta Boyd,
and 2ndly, 1764, Susanna, youngest dau. of Christmas Paul, by
Ellen his wife, dau. of Robert Carew, M P., of Castle Boro, co.
Wexford (see CAREW of Ballinamona), and had issue, by 2nd wife,
1. JAMES, his heir.
2. Paul, C.B., K.C.H., General and Colonel of the 78th High-
landers, A.D.C. to Sir John Moore, and some time Governor o
Pendennis Castle, b. 29 March, 1767 ; d.s.p. at Bath, 1851.
3. Alexander, Capt. in the Army ; d.s.p. at Bath, 1833.
4. Henry, R.N., d.s.p.
5. JOSHUA (Rev.), heir to his brother.
6. Robert, an officer in the 42iid Regt., who was killed at the
Battle of Alexandria, s.p.
1. Ellen, d.s.p.
The eldest son,
JAMES ANDERSON, of Grace Dieu, d. in London, 1838, s.p., and
left his estates to his brother,
THE REV. JOSHUA ANDERSON, M.A., of Grace Dieu, Rector of
Myshall, co. Carlow, b. 8 Dec. 1770 ; m. i Oct. 1807, Anne, eldest
dau. of Capt. William Perceval (see PERCEVAL of Temple House),
and d. 6 April, 1859, leaving by her (who d. 24 March, 1854) issue
1. JAMES, his heir.
2. William b. Aug. 1812 ; d. 20 Nov. 1904 ; m. 24 Aug. 1859,
Elizabeth Paul (who d. 21 Dec. 1910), 3rd dau. of Samuel
Walhs Adams, J.P., of Kilbree, co. Cork, and had issue,
1. Joshua Alexander, b. 19 Jan. 1867, Rector of Arborfield ;
m. Edith Constance, dau. of Henry Hainworth, of Blackheath.
2. William James, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., b. 2 March, 1869.
i. Wilhelmina Elizabeth, m. Albert Alexander McCall, 76th
Regt., and has issue.
3. Robert Carew, M.D., Deputy Inspector of Hospitals, formerly
Surgeon-Major in the i^th Light Dragoons, m. 13 Oct. 1853, Jane
Wallis, only dau. of the Rev. Henry Bolton, M.A., Vicar of
Dysart, Enos, Queen's Co. (see BOLTON of Mount Bolton and
F attack Castle), and had issue,
1. Robert Henry, b. 17 Aug. 1854 I d.s.p. 31 Dec. 1896.
2. Charles Alexander, Major-Gen., C.B., Commanding the troops
in South China from 1910 (Headquarters House, Hong Kong), b.
10 Feb. 1857; m. n Jan. 1893, Ellen Katherine, younger dau.
of George Bevan Russell, M.D.
3. William Paul, b. 16 June, 1858, Major Indian Army.
4. Francis James, 6. 17 Feb. 1860, Col. R.E., Assist. Director of
Fortifications and Works, War Office.
5. Joshua Perceval, b. 4 May, 1863 ; d.s.p. 9 Oct. 1905.
1. Frances Anne Grace.
2. Catherine Jane Henrietta, m. 28 Jan. 1902, Harry Mervyn
Kemmis- Betty, Lieut. R.N., eldest son of Col. Joshua F.
Kemmis-Betty, late R.A., of Hawkhurst, Kent.
4. Paul Christmas, of Prospect, co. Kilkenny, b. 1817 ; d.s.p.
24 Feb. 1907.
5. Alexander, R.N., Commander of H.M.S. Cressy, d. on board
his ship in the Baltic, and was buried on the Island of Nargen,
Aug. 1854.
1. Anne, m. 4 Feb. 1845, Charles Newport Bolton, B.A., of
Brook Lodge, co. Waterford. He d. 1884.
2. Jane Ellen, d. 14 March, 1906.
3. Ellen, m. 13 Dec. 1859, George Bevan Russell, M.D. He
d. 9 Feb. 1902.
4. Catherine, d. 18 Feb. 1855.
5. Henrietta. 6. Susanna, d. 14 Sept. 1911.
The eldest son,
JAMES ANDERSON, of Grace Dieu, J.P., b. 4 Aug. 1810 ; m.
25 April, 1842, Margaret, youngest dau. of Thomas Carew, of
Ballinamona Park, J.P., by his wife Jane, eldest dau. and co-heir
of Sir John Alcock, Knt. of Waterford (see CAREW of Ballinamona).
He d. 22 Oct. 1867, and by her (who d. 29 Feb. 1864) had issue,
1. James Paul, b. 21 Jan. 1850 ; d. 26 Sept. 1860.
2. THOMAS WILLIAM, his heir.
3. ALEXANDER CAREW, of Ballymountain, co. Kilkenny, J.P.,
b. 6 May, 1856 ; m. 24 Aug. 1880, Margaret Winifred Alicia,
youngest dau. of Nicholas Alfred Power, of Belle Vue, co.
Kilkenny (see POWER of Faithlegg), and has issue,
Paul Alexander, 6. 5 Jan. 1883.
Muriel Louise.
1. Jane Margaret, m. 15 Dec. 1868, Lieut.-Col. Michael Clare
Garsia, C.B., Inspector-Gen, of Military Prisons. He d. 20 April,
1903, leaving issue.
i. Clare James. 2. Herbert. 3. Harry Carew.
Seat—Grace Dieu Lodge, Waterford. Club— Kildare Street,
Dublin. «
ANDREWS, of Rath-
enny, King's Co., J.P.,
6. 9 March, 1874.
Lineage. —CORNET
King's Co., to whom the
Rathenny Estate was granted
by Letters Patent dated 12
Feb. 1667-19, CHARLES II,
d. about 1688. He m. Alice,
dau. of Thomas Maunsell, of
Derryvillane, co. Cork (see
MAUNSELL of Limerick), and
left issue,
1. JOHN, of whom pre-
2. Aphra, m. — Dixon.
The elder son,
enny, m. 1682, Elizabeth,
dau. of Sir Robert Cole, Kt.,
of Ballymackey, co. Tipper-
ary, d. 1732, and had issue,
1. ROBERT, his heir, who
d. 1743, having had issue
an only child,
Elizabeth, m. Richard
2. MAUNSELL (who s. to
the estate on the death of
his elder brother), and of whom presently.
3. Thomas, d.v.p.
1. Anna, m. — Allen. 2. Mary, m. — Allen.
3. Elizabeth, m. James Johnston.
• 4. Rebecka, m. — Cole. 5. Aphra, m. Joseph Smith.
The 2nd son,
MAUNSELL ANDREWS, of Rathenny, m. 1719, Elizabeth, dau. of
Nicholas Toler, of Beechwood, co. Tipperary, d. 24 Feb. 1769, and
had issue,
1. JOHN, of whom presently. 2. Robert. 3. Daniel.
4. Maunsell, m. 1774, Mary ne'e Alley, widow of Samuel Gason.
1. Jane, m. 1759, George Jackson.
2. Eleanor, m. 1761, Richard Hawkshaw.
3. Catherine, m. 1759, George Pepper.
The eldest son,
JOHN ANDREWS, of Rathenny, m. ist, 1753, Emilia, dau. of
Christopher Nicholson, of Balrath, co. Meath (see that family),
and by her had issue,
1. Elizabeth, m. 1787, Corker Wright, of Rutland, and had issue.
2. Eleanor, m. 1777, Capt. Simon Pepper.
3. Mary, m. George Lodge.
4. Amelia, m. 1806, Richard Lysaght.
He m. 2ndly, 1766, Ann, dau. of Humphrey Jones, of Mullinabro,
co. Kilkenny (see that family), and by her had issue,
1. John, d.s.p.
2. MAUNSELL, who s. and of whom presently.
3. Humphrey, lost at sea s.p. 4. Christopher, d.s.p.
5. George, d.s.p.
1. Anna Maria, m. 1797, Vincent Lamb.
2. Sarah, m. 1801, Humphrey Denis.
3. Rebecca, m. 1804, Trevor Lloyd Blunden, of Ballyduggan.
The 2nd son,
MAUNSELL ANDREWS of Rathenny, High Sheriff of King's
Co. 1806, b. 1769 ; m. ist, 1792, Mary, dau. of Samuel Gason,
of Knockinglass, and m. andly, 1801, Mary, dau. of Rev. Ralph
Hawtrey, Rector of Gaulskill, co. Kilkenny. He d. 2 July, 1864 ,
and by his 2nd wife he had issue,
1. JOHN, of whom presently.
2. Maunsell Hawtrey, m. 1843, Ellen, dau. of John Saunders, and
d.s.p. 21 Jan. 1888.
3. George, m. 1853, Elizabeth Lucy, dau. of Rev. Wm. Minchin,
of Greenhills, King's Co., and widow of Johnston Stoney, of Emell
Castle, d. 3 Feb. 1907, and left issue,
Georgina, m. Robert Mulock Emerson, and has issue.
1. Sarah, d. unm. 1881.
2. Mary Anne, m. 1835, John Thwaites, M.D., of Ceylon, and had
3. Catherine, d. unm. 26 Dec. 1881.
4. Charlotte Hawtrey, d. unm. 29 April, 1880.
5. Maria, m. 1833, Professor Charles Benson, M.D., President
Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and d. 1887, having had
6. Elizabeth.
The eldest son,
JOHN ANDREWS, of Rathenny, m. 1834, Elizabeth, dau. o"f
Robert Hall, of Merton Hall, co. Tipperary, and d. 12 Dec. 1879,
leaving issue,
1. MAUNSELL, of whom presently.
2. John Hall, M.D., m. 1880, Mary Letitia, dau. of Edward
Saunders, of Ballinderry, co. Tipperary, and d. 19 June, 1890,
leaving issue,
Ida Ellen Amy, m. Henry Ward Bailey, and has issue.
1. Eliza (called Ida), m. 1858, John Wright Bowles, Archdeacon
of Killaloe and Rector of Nenagh, and d. 21 Aug. 1898, having
had issue.
2. Mary Hall, m. Major-Gen. John Hamilton Cox, C.B., and has
3. Anne Hall, m. 1862, John Morton, and has issue.
. 4. Robina Hall, m. 1874, Joseph Charles Macraith, and has issue.
5. Sarah Georgina, m. (as his first wife) 24 Aug. 1864, Robert
Jocelyn Waller, of Summerville, Nenagh, J.P., and d. 6 Aug. 1877,
having had issue (see WALLER of Prior Park).
The eldest son,
MAUNSELL ANDREWS, of Rathenny, m. 1873, Kate Mary, dau. of
John Bolton, of Altavilla, Queen's Co., and d. 2 Jan. 1890, having
had issue,
1. JOHN BOLTON, now of Rathenny,
2. Maunsell Hawtrey, b. 27 Nov. 1876, d. 3 March, 1906.
Arms — Vert, a saltire or surmounted by another gu. Crest —
Out of a coronet or, a blackamoor's head wreathed of the colours
and collared gold. Motto — Virtu te et valore.
Seat— Rathenny, King's Co.
P.C., of Ardara, Com-
ber, co. Down, D.L.,
Chairman of the
Down County Council,
a member of the Ap-
peal Commission under
the Local Government
Act (Ireland) 1898,
member of Arterial
! Drainage Commission
(Ireland), 1905, Presi
I dent Ulster Liberal
j Unionist Association,
I and Chairman of the
< Belfast and co. Down
I Railway, was sworn of
the Privy Council in Ireland on the occasion ol the
by licence, dated 30 July, 1747, Sarah Colles, of Dublin, and
bad issue,
MERVYN, of Dublin, Solicitor to the Commissioners of
Customs, m. March, 1784, Maria Murray, of Dublin, and
had, with a dau. Sarah, m. Francis Hervey, two sons,
(a) HENRY MERVYN, b. 1792, Capt. 68th Regt., d. unm.
Feb. 1868.
(6) William Frederick, of Farmhill, co. Wexford, b.
1798 ; m. 13 June, 1822, Elizabeth (who d. 27 Jan.
1888), dau. of Henry Rowley Henry, and d. 7 March,
1865, leaving, with nine daus. : Sarah ; Alicia ;
Maria ; Elizabeth ; Susan ; Letitia, m. 30 June, 1863,
Very Rev. Humphrey E. Ellison, Dean of Ferns, who
d. 12 Feb. 1897 ; Martha ; Mary ; and Charlotte),
two sons,
t. MERVYN (Right Rev.), D.D., Bishop of Killaloe,
Kilfenora, Clonfert, and Kilmacduagh (Clarisford,
Killaloe, co. Clare], b. 16 Feb. 1831 ; m. 21 Jan.
1863, Henrietta, dau. of Eyre William Preston,
of Clontarf, co. Dublin, and grand-dau. of William
Preston, by Hon. Frances Dorothea Evans his
wife, dau. and co-heir of John, 5th Lord Carbery,
and by her (who d. n May, 1903) has issue,
(1) MERVYN (Rev.), Acting Chaplain to the
Forces, Belfast, B.A. Trin. Coll. Dublin, b. 27 Jan.
1868 ; m. 21 April, 1897, Alice Sheridan, dau.
of Robert L. Hamilton, of Shankill, co. Mona-
ghan, and Windsor, Belfast, and has issue,
Alice Hamilton, b. 18 July, 1899.
(2) Eyre William Preston (Rev), Canon of
Killaloe, Rector of Killaloe Union, M.A. Trin.
Coll. Dublin, b. 26 Feb. 1871 ; m. 28 June,
1905, Edith Gladys Jeanette, dau. of the late
Robert de Ros Rose, of Ahabeg and Foxhall,
co. Limerick, and has issue,
Mervyn, b. 23 April, 1906.
(3) William Frederick, b. 26 Feb. 1873.
(i) Anne Angel, b, n March, 1866.
(3) Elizabeth, b. 9 July, 1869.
2. William Frederick (Rev.), Canon of Cork, M.A.
Trin. Coll. Dublin, Rector of Rathcooney, co. Cork,
b. 4 Feb. 1835 ; m. Constance Ryall Sarah (d.
23 July, 1910), dau. of James Ramsey Akers Smith,
of Carrigbarrahane, co. Waterford, J.P., and has
(1) Ethel Katherine, m. 27 June, 1895, Major
Harry Vaughan Gorle, D.S.O., youngest son of
the late Capt. John Taylor Gofle, of Metherell
Tower, co. Devon. She d. 23 Nov. 1904, leaving
(2) Henrietta Constance.
(3) Grace Ramsay.
Henrietta, m. 24 March (licence dated 16 March, 1772),
Rev. John Dal ton Harewood, of Clonmel, Rector of
Rev. Mervyn Archdall, the well-known antiquary, author
of the Monasticon Hibernicum, and Editor of the last
edition of Lodge's Peerage of Ireland, m. 2ndly, Abigal
Young, but bad no further issue. He d. 6 Aug. 1791.
2. Henry, m, 26 Feb. 1762, Anne Fuller, and had two sons ,
a. William (Rev.), Rector of Tintern, co. Wexford (father
of Ven. John Charles Archdall, Archdeacon of Ferns,
Antonia, m. 27 May, 1839, Hon. Frederick Saville, 5th
son of John, 3rd Earl of Mexborough, and had issue).
b. Henry, who had two sons.
(3) Barnard, m. Mary, dau. of John Hathorne, of Drogheda,
and had issue,
i. John. 2. Thomas.
i. Mary, m. — Clare.
1. Lettice, m. Tobias Norris, of Dublin, and d. 28 Oct. 1642.
The elder son,
EDWARD ARCHDALL, of Castle Archdall, b. 1604 ; m. Angel, dau.
of Sir Paul Gore, ist baft., of Manor Gore, by whom he had a son
and successor,
WILLIAM ARCHDALL, of Castle Archdall, High Sheriff co. Fer-
managh 1667, m. Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Mervyn, of Trillick, co.
Tyrone, and had issue,
1. MERVYN, his heir.
2. EDWARD, successor to his brother.
1. ANGEL, s. to the estates on the death of her brother.
Mr. Archdall, who was attainted 1689, by the Parliament of JAMES
II, was s. by his eldest son,
MERVYN ARCHDALL, of Castle Archdall, High Sheriff co. Fer-
managh 1714, d. unm. 27 Dec. 1726, and was s. by his brother,
EDWARD ARCHDALL, of Castle Archdall, High Sheriff co. Fer-
managh 1722, m. ist, Frances, dau. of Sir John Caldwell, Bart.,
of Castle Caldwell, co. Fermanagh ; and 2ndly, Elizabeth, dau.
of John Cole, of Florence Court, same co. (ancestor of the Earl
(i) John, of Drumin, whose will is dated 9 June, 1703. He of Enniskillen), but by her (who m. 2ndly, 7 Dec. 1731, Hon. Bysse
m. Anne, dau.^of Robert Clarke, and by her (who m. 2ndly, Moleswprth) had no issue. At his death s.p. the estates devolved
upon his sister,
ANGEL ARCHDALL, of Castle Archdall, who m. NICHOLAS MONT-
GOMERY, of Derrygonnelly, co. Fermanagh, M.P. Mr. Mont-
gomery adopted the surname of ARCHDALE, and left by the heiress
of Archdall (who d. about 1742 or 1747) an only son,
MERVYN ARCHDALE, of Castle Archdale and Trillick, Col. in the
Royal Visit, 1903, 6. 26 Feb. 1843; »»• T5 Sept.
1870, Eliza, dau. of James Alexander Pirrie, of
LittleClandeboye, co.Down, and Eli/a Montgomery,
his wife, and has issue,
1. JOHN MILLER, b. 17 July, 1871 ; m. 10 Sept. 1902, Jessie,
dau. of Joseph Ormrod.
2. Thomas, b. ^ Feb. 1873 ; *»• 24 June, 1908, Helen Reilly, dau.
of late John D. Barbour, D.L. of Conway, Dunmurry.
3. James, b. 3 Jan. 1877.
4. William, b. 25 Aug. 1886.
1. Eliza Montgomery (Nina), m. 26 April, 1906, Lawrence Arthur
Hind, 3rd son of Jesse Hind, of Edwalton, Notts.
Lineage.— JAMES ANDREWS, of The Old House, Comber,
co. Down, b. 6 Dec. 1762; d. 2 July, 1841, having m. Frances
Glenny, by whom he had a son,
JOHN ANDREWS, of Uraghmore, Comber, co. Down, J.P., High
Sheriff co. Down 1857, b. 15 Nov. 1792 ; m. 25 Aug. 1826, Sarah,
dau. of William Drennan, M.D., of Cabin Hill, co. Down, and
Sarah Swanwick, his wife. She d. 13 Feb. 1902, aged 95. He
d. 13 May, 1864, having had issue,
1. James, J.P., b. 23 Nov. 1829 ; m. 21 March, 1863, Mary
Catherine, dau. of Robert Andrews, LL.D., Q.C., and d. 7 Feb.
1882, having had issue,
i. Herbert William. 2. Arthur Macdonald.
3. Henry Percy. 4. Cecil Frank,
i. Amy. 2. Eileen Lucy.
2. William Drennan (Right Hon.), P.C. (Ireland), B.A., LL.D.,
Trin. Coll. Dublin, Justice of the King's Bench in Ireland, called to
the Bar 1855, Q.C. 1872, raised to the Bench 1882, resigned 1910
(51, Lower Leeson Street, Dublin), b. 24 Jan. 1832 ; m. 20 Aug.
1857, Eliza, dau. of the late John Galloway, of Monkstown, co.
Dublin. She d.s.p. 6 April, 1901.
8. John, J.P., 6. 27 Jan. 1838 ; m. 5 May, 1868, Annie, dau. of
Isaac Andrews, and d. 28 March, 1903, having had issue,
r. John Drennan. 2. William Lennox.
i. Mary. 2. Eva.
3. Ethel.
4>. THOMAS, of Ardara.
1. Sarah, d. aged 2.
2. Sarah, d. unm. 1845.
3. Frances, b. 19 Feb. 1850 ; m. 3 April, 1878, Edmund W.
Arms — Az., on a fesse or three mullets of the field. Crest —
A dove holding in the bill an olive branch all ppr., charged on the
breast with a mullet az. Motto — Always faithful.
Seat — Ardara, Comber, co. Down. Club — Ulster Reform,
Belfast ; Ulster Club, Belfast ; County Club, Downpatrick.
EDWARD ARCHDALE, of Castle Archdale, co, Fer-
managh, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1902, High
Sheriff co. Tyrone 1906, B.A., Keble Coll. Oxford,
C.E., b. 22 March, 1850; s. his uncle, 1899; »*.
22 Jan. 1908, Elizabeth, 2nd dau. of the late
Nicholas Harwood, of H.M. Dockyard, Pembroke,
and widow of Capt. W. Wingfield Clarke, Leicester-
shire Regt.
Lineagre. — JOHN ARCHDALL, of Archdall, co. Fermanagh,
High Sheriff 1616, formerly of Norsome Hall, co. Norfolk, went to
Ireland temp. Queen ELIZABETH, and obtained a grant of lands in
the co. Fermanagh, by patent, dated 13 July, 1612, to hold for ever
as of the Castle of Dublin by fealty, which lands were erected into
the Manor of Archdall, with 300 acres in demesne and power to hold
a Court Baron. He m. Katherine, dau. of Sir William Temple,
Knt., sometime Provost of Trinity College, Dublin. She m. 2ndly,
Sir John Veel, Knt., and d. 23 Nov. 1642. John Archdall left issue,
1. EDWARD, his heir, of whom hereafter.
2. Martin (Ven.), Archdeacon of Ferns, 1629, d. before 1660.
3. John (Ven.), B.D., Archdeacon of Killala, 1637, and of
Achonry, 1638, m. the dau. of Donnellan, of co. Roscommon,
and d. 1668, leaving a son,
John (Rev.), Vicar of Lusk, co. Dublin, 1679, m- by licence,
dated i April, 1679, Elizabeth, dau. of John Barnard, of
Drumin, co. Louth. She d. Dec. 1731. He d. 1690, leaving
with a dau. Frances, three sons,
i7io, Francis Johnston, of Darrycholaught, co. Fermanagh)
left a posthumous son,
John, of Drumin, d. unm. 13 June, 1787.
•2) WILLIAM, of Dublin, in the Paymaster-General's Depart-
ment, m. Henrietta, dau. of Rev. Henry Goone, Vicar Choral
of the Cathedral of Tuam. Her will is dated 25 luJy, 1765.
He d. 5 Sept. 1751, leaving three daus. : i. Elizabeth ; 2.
Angel, m. 12 Jan. 1748-9, William Preston; 3. Katherine,
m. — Dobson ; and two sons,
i. MERVYN (Rev.), Rector of Attanagh, op. Kilkenny, and
afterwards of Slant, co. Meath, 6. 22 April, 1732 ; m. ist
Army, M.P. for co. Fermanagh, and High Sheriff 1773, m. by
licence, dated 12 July, 1762, Hon. Mary Dawson, dau. of William
Henry, Viscount Carlow, and sister of John, ist Earl of Portar-
lington, and d 1813, having by her had issue,
1. MERVYN, his heir. 2. WILLIAM, s. his brother.
3. Edward, of Riversdale, co. Fermanagh, J.P. and D.L., High
Sheriff 1813, m. 2 Oct. 1809, Matilda, 2nd dau. of William
Humphrys, of Ballyhaise, co. Cavan, and d. 12 May, 1864,
having had issue,
1. MERVVN EDWARD, s. his uncle.
2. WILLIAM HUMPHRYS, late of Castle Archdale.
3. Edward, of Lisnaskea, co. Fermanagh, b. 1816, Lieut. -Col. in
the Army, and Col. Fermanagh Militia, J.P. co. Fermanagh,
High Sheriff 1872 ; m. ist, 21 Nov. 1846, Caroline Anne, dau.
of Charles Claude Clifton, of Tymawr, co. Brecon. He m.
2ndly, 9 Feb. 1875, Eleanor Jane (d. 23 July, 1907), youngest
dau. of Robert Stewart, of Lisburn, and d. 1886.
4. Henry Montgomery (Rev.), M.A., of Thornhill, co. Ferma-
nagh, formerly incumbent of St. Michael's, b. 1818 ; m. 1848,
Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of James Blackwood Price, of Saintfield,
and d. 14 Feb. 1898, leaving issue by her (who d. 7 Aug. 1911),
(1) EDWARD, now of Castle Archdale.
(2) Henry Dawson, b. 1851.
(3) James Blackwood, Maj. late R.A. and Army Ordnance
Department, b. 17 July, 1853 ; m. Feb.. 1886, Elizabeth,
dau. of the late George May, of Cambridge, and has issue,
Henry Blackwood, b. 15 March, 1887.
(44, Shirley Ave
b. i Oct. 1855 ; m. 17 Sept. 1895, Mary Scott, dau. of the
(4) Audley Mervyn (44, Shirley Avenue, Southampton),
late George Elphinstone, of Oakfield House, Streatham, j
and has issue,
i. George Mervyn, b. 14 Aug. 1896.
1. Margaret Helen, ft. i Oct. 1897.
2. Beatrice Mary, b. 13 April, 1901.
(5) Montgomery, b. 1858.
(6) George, of Dromard, Kesh, co. Fermanagh, High Sheriff
1904, late Capt. 5th Battal on Royal Ir sh R fles. b. 27 Jan. '
1860 ; m. 28 Dec. 1894, Mary, dau. of the late John Graham,
of Parade House, Cowes, and" has issue,
1. Mervyn Henry Dawson, b. n March, 1904.
2. George Montgomery, b. 6 July, 1907.
i. Helen Audley. 2. Mary Blackwood.
3. Sarah Matilda. 4. Joan.
(1) Elizabeth Price.
(2) Sarah Blackwood, m. Nov. 1886, Rev. Edward Blanchard
Ryan, Rector of Strangford, co. Down, and has issue.
(3) Matilda Humphries. (4) Richmal Magnell.
5. Nicholas Montgomery, of Crock na Grieve, co. Fermanagh, j
.P. for that co. and Longford, b. 18 Feb. 1820 ; m. 27 Jan.
1852, Adelaide Mary, 4th dau. of the Rev. John Grey Porter,
of Kilskeery and Belleisle, co. Fermanagh, son of the Bishop
of Clogher, and d. 2 Feb. 1877, suddenly, in the hunting field,
leaving issue,
(1) Edward Mervyn, of Crock na Crieve and Riversdale
(see ARCHDALE of Riversdale).
(2) John Porter PORTER, of Clonbalt, co. Longford (see
PORTER of Clonbalt).
(3) William Henry, b. 16 Nov. 1856 ; d. unm. 29 March,
(4) Henry Butler, b. 4 Dec. 1857 ; d. unm. 22 Oct. 1858.
(5) Nicholas Francis, b. 19 Feb. 1862 ; m. ig April, 1887,
Alice, eldest dau. of Philip Henry Egerton, of Gladwyn,
Gresford. She d.s.p. 1889.
(6) Theodore Montgomery, D.S.O., Major R.H.A., b. 24 Sept.
1873 J w*. 9 Oct. 1901, Helen Alexander, dau. of the late
Alexander Russel, of St. Andrews, N.B., and has issue,
la. Nicholas Montgomery, b. 27 July, 1902.
za. Alexander Mervyn, b. 27 Nov. 1905.
la. Helen Elizabeth, b. 21 Aug. 1907.
(1) Margaret Eleanor, b. 23 Feb. 1854.
(2) Matilda Lavinia, b. 7 Dec. 1850 ; d. unm. 14 July,
(3) Margaret Eleanor.
6. John, in the 52nd Light Infantry, d. of yellow fever at
Berbice, 1841.
7. Hugh Montgomery, of Drumadravy, co. Fermanagh, Capt.
52nd Regt., m. 23 Sept. 1857, Lizzie, dau. of Sir Hugh
Stewart, 2nd bart., of Ballygawley, and d. 1880, leaving issue,
(1) Edward Hugh, b. 1861 ; m. 10 May, 1899, Dorothy
Mary, only dau. of the late Albert Belton, and had issue.
(2) Henry St. George, b. 1862.
(3) Alfred Montgomery, b. 1864.
(4) William Stewart, b. 1870 ; m. 7 Sept. 1898, Emily Laura,
dau. of Hugh Lyons Montgomery (see MONTGOMERY of
Be! have!).
(5) Lionel John Dawson, b. 1874.
(6) Nicholas James Mervyn, 6. 1878.
(1) Minnie, d. 3 April, 1888, having m. Major Hugh James
(2) Henrietta Julia Maud. (3) Margaret Mathilda.
(4) Emily Mary Hamilton.
8. Audley Mervyn, of Underdown, co. Hereford, J.P., Capt.
R.A.., b. 1826 ; m. 1854, Sybilla Mary, 3rd dau. of Philip John
Miles, of Liegh Court, Bristol, and d. 1893, having by her (who
d. 1889) had, with other issue,
Mervyn Edward, of The Retreat, co. Devon, Maj.
late Gloucester Regt., b. 21 Dec. 1855 ; m. 12 April, 1887,
Minna, eldest dau. of Fulbert Archer, of Timaru, New
Zealand, and by her (who d. 1900) has a son, Edward Mervyn,
b. 1888.
9. James Mervyn, d. 1840.
1. Mary.
2. Letitia Jane, m. 1834, Rev. Butler Brooke, Rector of Aghavea,
younger son of Sir Henry Brooke, ist bart., of Colbrooke. He
d.s.p., 14 Nov. 1869. Shed. 1899.
3. Richmall Magnall. 4. Matilda, d. unm. 1852.
4. Henry, late Capt. 6th Dragoon Guards, m. Jane, dau. of
Philip Doyne, which lady d.s.p.
1. Mary, m. Rt. Hon. Sir John Stewart, ist bart., ofAthenry,
co. Tyrone, M.P., Attorney General for Ireland 1799, and d. 28
May, 1795, leaving issue (see BURKE'S Peerage, STEWART ofAthenry
2. Angel, m. John Richardson, ot Rossfad House, co. Fermanagh.
3. Caroline. 4. Anne.
5. Catharine.
6. Elizabeth, m. Dacre Hamilton, of Cornacassa, co. Monaghan.
7. Sidney, m. 10 May, 1800, Robert Hamilton, of the city of
8. Wilhelmina Henrietta, m. Augustine Macnamara, of Dublin.
The eldest son,
MERVYN ARCHDALE, of Castle Archdale and Trillick, a Gen. in
the Army, Lieut.-Gov. of the Isle of Wight, and M.P. in eleven
Parl'aments for co. Fermanagh, b. 1763 ; m. Feb. 1806, Jane, d§u.
of Gustavus Rochfort, co. Westmeath, but d.s.p. 1839, when he was
s. by his brother,
WILLIAM ARCHDALE, of Castle Archdale, Lieut.-Col. in the
Army, High Sheriff co. Fermanagh 1845, m. Martha Hawley, dau.
of James Clarke, of Castle Carey, Somerset, and dying s.p. 1863,
was s. by his nephew,
MERVYN EDWARD ARCHDALE, of Castle Archdale, co. Fermanagh,
and Trillick, co. Tyrone, b. 1812 ; J.P. and D.L. co. Fermanagh,
High Sheriff 1879, 'and J.P. for cos. Donegal and Tyrone, late a
Capt. 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons, M.P. for Fermanagh 1834-74 ;
m. Emma Inez, dau. of Jacob Goulding, of London and Kew. He
d. 22 Dec. 1895. She d. 30 Aug. 1874. He was s. by his brother,
co. Fermanagh, J.P. and D.L. for that co., and High Sheriff 1845,
J.P. co. Tyrone and High Sheriff 1861, M.P. co. Fermanagh 1874-85,
B.A. Exeter Coll. Oxford, b. 1813 ; m. ist, 15 April, 1845, Emily
Mary Rebecca, eldest dau. of the late Hon. and Rev. John Charles
Maude. She d. 1892. He m. andly, 1894, Matilda (Gortinore,
Monkstown, co. Dublin], dau. of William Alley, of Artane, co.
Dublin. Mr. W. H. Archdale s. his brother 1895, and assumed by
Royal Licence the additional surname of MERVYN in accordance
with the will of his uncle Gen. Mervyn Archdale, and d.s.p. 23 June,
1899, when he was s. by his nephew EDWARD, now of Castle Archdale.
Seats — Castle Archdaie, Irvinestown, co. Fermanagh, and
Trillick Lodge, co. Tyrone.
EDWARD MERVYN ARCHDALE, of Riversdale, co.
Fermanagh, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff, 1884, M.P.
for North Fermanagh, 1898-1903, Lieut, ret. R.N., b.
26 Jan. 1853 ; m. 10 June, 1880, Alice Bland,
youngest dau. of the late Quintin Fleming, of
Chapelville, Dingle, Liverpool, and has issue,
1. NICHOLAS EDWARD, Lieut. R.N., b. 11 June, 1881.
2. William Porter Palgrave, b. i Dec. 1883.
3. Audley Quintin, Lieut. R.F.A., b. 3 April, 1886.
4. Dominick Mervyn, b. 4 April, 1892.
5. Humphrys, Cadet R.N., b. 29 July, 1896.
1. Angel, b. 10 Aug. 1882 ; m. 31 Aug. 1909, P. M. Loftus Totten-
ham, Inspector-General of Irrigation in Sudan, and has issue.
Mr. Archdale is the eldest son of Nicholas Mont-
gomery Archdale, of Crock na Crieve, who d. 2 Feb.
1877, and Adelaide Mary, his wife, 4th dau. of the
Rev. John Grey Porter, of Belleisle, co. Fermanagh
(see that family), and grandson of Edward Archdale,
D.L., of Riversdale, who d. 12 May, 1864.
HiineapTP. — See ARCHDALE, of Castle Archdale.
Seat — Riversdale, Ballinamallard, co. Fermanagh. Club —
Kildare Street.
of Killylea, co. Ar-
magh, J.P. and D.L.,
High Sheriff for that
co. 1875, and High
Sheriff for co. Long-
ford 1894, M.A. Trin.
Coll., Cambridge,
called to the bar at
the Inner Temple 1868,
b. 27 July, 1844; s.
1872; w. 14 Nov. 1883,
Margaret, dau. of
William Leader, of
Rosnalee, co. Cork,
and has issue,
Lieut. R.A., b. 13 Aug.
2. Michael Richard Leader, b. 27 Nov.
3. Henry Maxwell, b. 12 Feb. 1891.
4. James Robert Bargrave, b. 6 April, 1893.
5. Christopher Wyborne, b. 9 May, 1899.
1. Frances Margaret Alice. 2. Dorothea Gertrude.
3. Margaret Helen Elizabeth.
Lineage. — EDWARD ARMSTRONG, son of William Armstrong,
by Jane Carver his wife, m. 1760, Grace Jones, and had two sons,
1. WILLIAM JONES. 2. Edward.
The elder,
of Termonfechan, co. Louth, m. Sept. 1786, Margaret, 3rd dau.
of Alderman John Tew, Lord Mayor of Dublin (and Margaret
Maxwell, his wife, grandniece of John, ist Lord Farnham), and
grand-dau. of Alderman David Tew, Lord Mayor of same city
1752, by whom he had issue,
1. WILLIAM JONES, his heir.
2. John Tew, m. Anne, only dau. of Ralph Tew, of Raddinstown
co. Meath, and had issue,
i. Maxwell. 2. John.
3. Thomas Fortescue, d. 31 Jan. 1908.
i. Anne.
3. Thomas Knox, of Fellowes Hall, J.P. co. Armagh, m. Catherine
Frances, and dau. of the late Wallop Brabazon, of Rath House,
co. Louth, by Jane his ist wife, dau. of Josias Dupre, of Wilton
Park, Bucks, and d. at Rome, Jan. 1840, leaving issue,
1. Jane Rebecca, m. 25 Nov. 1890, Acheson St. George, of Wood
Park, co. Armagh. He d.s.p. 2 July, 1902 (see that family).
2. Diana Lucinda, d. unm.
1. Helen, m. the Rev. John Kerr, Rector of the Union of Ter-
2. Anne, m. Walter Newton, late of the 2 ist Light Dragoons.
3. Diana Jane, dec.
The eldest son,
WILLIAM JONES ARMSTRONG, of Killylea, J.P. and D.L., High
Sheriff 1840, b. 22 May, 1794 ; m. 3 Feb. 1842, Frances Elizabeth,
widow of Col. Sir Michael M'Creagh, C.B., K.C.H., &c., and only dau.
of Capt. Christopher Wilson, of the 22nd Foot, and by her (who
d. 1894) had issue,
1. WILLIAM FORTESCUE, b. 28 Jan. 1843, late 7th Hussars, d. unm.
2 May, 1871.
2. HENRY BRUCE, now of Killylea.
Mr. Armstrong assumed, by Royal Licence 20 Feb. 1868, the name
and arms of WRIGHT under the will of Lady Frances E. Wright-
Wilson, and d. 1872.
Arms — Quarterly : ist and 4th, ARMSTRONG, per pale gu. and
vert, three dexter armed arms, couped at the shoulders and embowed,
the hands clenched, ppr. ; snd and 3rd, WRIGHT, arg. three bars
gemel gu., on a chief az. three leopards' faces or, a canton erm. for
distinction. Crests — ist, ARMSTRONG : Out of a mural coronet or,
an armed arm embowed, the hand grasping an oak tree eradicated,
ppr. ; 2nd, WRIGHT : Out of a mural crown, chequy, or and gu., a
dragon's head vert, on the neck three leopards' faces as in the arms,
between two bars gemel, a trefoil slipped or. Motto — Invictus
Seats— Killylea, co. Armagh and Dean's Hill. Armagh. Clubs—
Carlton, S.W., and Kildare Street, Dublin.
(senior representative
of the Armstrongs of
Farney Castle and
Mount Heaton), Lord
of the Manor of Ros-
crea, King's Co.. M.P.
for Sudbury 1906-10,
b. i Sept. 1853 ; m.
7 Sept. i885,atVeldes,
Austria, the Baronesse
Bertha :' Maxmiliana
Zois-Kdelstein, only
surviving dau. of the
4th Baron Zois-Edel-
stein, of Austria, and
has issue,
. 1. WILLIAM DUNCAN FRANCIS, b. at Veldes, Austria, 29 Sept.
2. John Dunamace, b. in Middlesex, 21 Feb. 1888.
1. Bertha Grace, b. in London, 2 Jan. 1893.
Mr. Heaton-Armstrong succeeded, at his father's
death, 29 April, 1891, to the representation of the
families of Armstrong, of Farney Castle and Mount
Heaton, Mealiffe, &c. ; of MacDonnell, of New
Hall ; and also of the family of Heaton, of Moor-
house, Yorkshire, whose representative (temp. Queen
ELIZABETH) was Bishop of Ely. Mr. Heaton-
Armstrong is 1 9th in descent from King EDWARD I
of England and i4th from King JAMES II of Scot-
land (see BURKE'S Royal Descents).
Liineagre.— SIR THOMAS ARMSTRONG, Knt., M.P., 6. at Nimeguem
in Holland. He obtained considerable grants of land in Ireland,
among others the lands of Straffan. co. Kildare, and house property
in the cities of Waterford, Limerick, and Leicester. He had been
a great sufferer in the royal cause, and was very active for CHARLES
II before the Restoration. His enterprising spirit excited the jealousy
of Cromwell, who threw him into prison and even threatened his
life. He was after the Restoration reappointed Quarter-Master
Gen. of the Cavalry in Ireland, and d. Nov. 1662, leaving issue a son,
SIR THOMAS ARMSTRONG engaged with all the zeal that was
natural to him in the service of the Duke of Monmouth. Finding
himself obnoxious to the court he fled the kingdom and went
to Holland, and his flight was soon followed by outlawry. He
was seized abroad and sent to London where he was condemned
for the Rye House Plot by Chief Justice Jeffries, and executed
on the 2oth June, 1684, without a trial, and with peculiar circum-
stances of rigour. (See State Trials.) He at his death denied
having ever had any intention against his Majesty's life. The
attainder was subsequently reversed in the Court of King's Bench,
6 WILLIAM III, and by Act of Parliament £6,000 and an annuity
of £2.000 a year was granted to Lady Armstrong. Sir Thomas
was gentleman of the horse to King CHARLES II, Capt. of the ist
troop of Royal Horse Guards, commission dated 30 Dec. 12
CHARLES II, and Lieut.-Col. of the 3rd troop of Horse Guards
and served in Parliament for Stafford (1640) and for Leicester-
shire (1660). He m. Katherine, dau. of James Pollexfen, of
Stanstead Mont-Fitchet, co. Essex, and by her (who d. 1693) had
three daus.,
1. Jane, m, the distinguished Admiral Mathew.
2. Mary, m. Mr. Pollexfen, the celebrated lawyer, who defended
Lord William Russell in 1683.
3. Catherine, d. unm.
The only brother of Sir Thomas was CAPT. WILLIAM ARMSTRONG,
founder of the family in Tipperary, who went over to Ireland and
settled in the old castle at Farney Bridge (lease granted by Duke of .
Ormonde, 3 Nov. 1670), near Thurles, where he was followed by
his brother's widow, Lady Armstrong. He obtained a grant under
the Act of Settlement of Bohercarron and other lands in the
county of Limerick dated 3 March, 1666.
WILLIAM ARMSTRONG was Capt. of the troop of horse attached to
the Tipperary Militia in 1688. He m. Alice, dau. of Sir Thomas
| Deane, and by her had issue, two sons,
1. JOHN, his successor.
2. Thomas, of Mealiffe (see, that family).
The elder son,
JOHN ARMSTRONG, M.P. of Farney Castle, s. his father, and m.
: in 1695, Juliana, 2nd dau. of Robert Carew, of Ballyboro, co.
Wexford, ancestor of Lord Carew (by Anne, dau. of Andrew Lvnn,
of Ballynamona, co. Waterford). He purchased, in 1677, large
estates including the abbey and lands of Holycrpss, Ballycahill,
&c. He was one of the Poll Tax Commissioners in 1669. He d.
16 May, 1707 (adm. to his widow 26 Aug. 1717), leaving issue by his
wife (who survived him, and d. 27 Nov. 1737, aged 61) four sons,
1. WILLIAM, his successor. 2. Robert, d. unm.
3. John, ancestor of the present Farney Castle branch. He m.
in 1740, Anne, dau. of Anthony Blunt, of the co. Kilkenny, by
whom he had issue, four sons and three daus.
4. James William, in holy orders, m. Sarah Nicholson.
The eldest son.
COL. WILLIAM ARMSTRONG, M.P., of Farney Castle and Mount
Heaton, b. i June, 1688, as Col. of the Tipperary Militia, High
Sheriff in 1738. He m. 6 March, 1731, Mary, 3rd dau. and co-heiress
of Francis Heaton, of Mount Heaton, King's Co. (and formerly of
Moorhouse in the co. York, where they were settled at the time of the
Conquest) by Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Curtis, of Inane, M.P.
The principal family residence was then changed to Mount Heaton
(otherwise called Ballyskennagh), and Farney Castle was subse-
quently given over to his younger brother John. William (having
survived his wife) d. intestate i Jan. 1767, leaving issue, a son and
a dau.,
JOHN, of whom presently.
Mary, m. 12 Sept. 1755, the Very Rev. George Thomas, D.D.,
and d. 27 March, 1795, leaving issue.
The son and heir,
THE RIGHT HON. JOHN ARMSTR9NG, M.P., P.C., of Farney Castle
! and Mount Heaton, b. in 1732 ; s. his father in 1767. He m. 17 July,
1770, Letitia (b. 1724), eldest dau. and co-heiress of Abraham
Greene of Ballymacreece, co. Limerick (by Honoria his wife, dau.
of William Piers, of Portarlington, Queen's Co., 4th son of Sir
W. Piers, Bart,, of Tristernagh Abbey, by the Lady Honoria Fitz-
maurice, dau. of the 2oth Earl of Kerry). He served in several
parliaments for the boroughs of Kilmallock and Fore, and was made
a member of the King's Privy Council in Ireland on 9 Sept. 1789.
i At one time he raised a troop of horse for the King's service, and
maintained them at his own cost, refusing all offers of reward for
his services. In consideration of other important services he had
done the country, he was twice urged by the Irish Government to
take a baronetcy, which he declined. It was subsequently arranged
that he was to be made a peer, under the title of Baron of Dunamace,
in Ireland, and the patent was lodged at the Hanaper Office, when
he d. suddenly before the patent had passed the Great Seal, at Mount
Heaton, 12 Sept. 1791, aged 59. He was buried in the churchyard
at Ballycahill, and left issue (by his wife, who m. 2ndly, the Very
Rev. James Hobson, and d. at Sidmouth, 28 Jan. 1820, aged 75,
and is buried there), one son and one dau.,
WILLIAM HENRY, his heir.
Elizabeth Mary, b. 20 Jan. 1773 ; d, (accidently burned) in
Dublin, 26 Feb. 1780, and is bur. at Ballycahill.
The son and heir,
WILLIAM HENRY ARMSTRONG, M.P., of Mount Heaton, 6. at
Toulouse in France, 21 June, 1774 ; m. 7 April, 1809, Bridget, only
dau. and (in her issue) co-heiress of the late Col. Charles Macdonnell,
M.P., of New Hall, co. Clare (by Bridget, dau. of John Bayly,
of Debsborough, co. Tipperary). He voted against the union of
England and Ireland, as mentioned by Sir J. Barrington in his
memoirs. From the year 1816 he resided almost entirely on the
Continent, and, not intending to return to Ireland, he sold, in 1817,
Mount Heaton, and in 1834, his Fermanagh, and nearly all his
Limerick, Tipperary and English estates, 133,460 acres. He d.
at Passy, near Paris, 21 Sept. 1835, aged 61, and is buried in the
Montmartre Cemetery at Paris. He had issue by his wife (who d.
20 Oct. 1860, aged 70) four sons and seven daus.,
1. JOHN, late representative of the family.
2. Charles William, b. at Abbeville, 19 April, 1819 ; d. there, 31
May, 1819.
3. William Edward ARMSTRONG-MACDONNELL, of New Hall, co.
Clare, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1853, Col. Com. Clare Militia ;
took the additional surname and arms of MACDONNELL by Royal
Licence in 1858 ; m. 20 July, 1858, Hon. Juliana Cecilia O'Brien,
eldest dau. of Lucius, i3th Lord Inchiquin, and d. in Dublin, n
the late Rev. John Wrixon, M.A^, Vicar of Malone,
co. Antrim, and his wife Anne Arabella, dau. and
eventual co-heiress of the late Rear- Admiral J»
Dawson, w. 24 April, 1879, GEORGE FRANCIS
SAVAGE-ARMSTRONG, M.A. (stip. con.), Dub. Univ.,
D.Lit. (honoris causd), R.U.I., Author of The
Tragedy of Israel, Stories of Wicklow, One of the
Infinite, Ballads of Down, and many other poetical
works. Mr. Savage-Armstrong, b. 5 May, 1845, was
the only surviving son of the late Edmund John
Armstrong, who d. 1870, by his wife Jane (who
d. 3 Jan. 1880), dau. and eventual heiress of the
late Rev. Henry Savage, of Glastry, in the Ards,
co. Down, B.A. and J.P., Incumbent of Ardkeen
(see NUGENT-SAVAGE of Portaferry, and BURKE' s
Family Records, SAVAGE). On the death of a
maternal uncle, he assumed by deed poll, 29 Dec.
1890, as representative of his grandfather, the ad-
eldest dau. of Lucius, i3th Lord Inchiquin, and d. in Dublin, n ditional surname of SAVAGE, and d. 24 July, 1906,
Nov. 1883, leaving five sons and three daus. (see ARMSTRONG-MAC- i • :CC11_
DONNELL of New Hall).
4. Charles, late of Larch Hill, co. Clare (79, George Street,
Limerick), b. at Florence, 7 May, 1830, assumed the additional
name of HEATON in 1884 ; m. 29 March, 1856, Georgina
Maria, eldest dau. of Richard John Stacpoole, of Eden Vale, co.
Clare, J.P. and D.L., and d. 18 Feb. 1906, having had issue,
1. Charles Richard Beauchamp, b. 3 Sept. 1858 ; m. 24 April,
1895, Ethel Maria Beatrice, dau. of Charles de la Cherois
Purdon, M.D., and has issue,
(1) Charles George William Stacpoole, b. 12 Feb. 1896.
(2) Louis John, b. 26 April, 1905.
(3) Robert Carew, b. 8 Dec. 1907.
2. George William Bayly, b. n March, 1860 ; m. 9 Oct. 1895,
Alice Jane, dau. of Frederick William Garron, of Ilfbrd House,
3. William Henry, b. 16 July, 1863 ; d. unm. 28 Oct. 1906.
i. Elizabeth Letitia, m. 7 Aug. 1895, Col. Richard Arthur
Milton Henn, commanding Limerick City Artillery, late R.A.,
and has issue (see HENN of Paradise Hill).
1. Letitia Mary, b. at Mount Heaton, n Feb. 1810 ; d. there,
ii July, 1811.
2. Letitia Charlotte, m. i June, 1841, Charles William Hamilton,
J.P., of Hamwood, co. Meath, and d. 28 June, 1872, leaving
issue. He d. 16 Feb. 1880.
3. Catherine Gertrude, m. 17 Oct. 1839, John Bayly, of Debs-
borough, co. Tipperary, and d. 4 Oct. 1874, having by him (who
d. 14 May, 1865) had issue (see that family).
4. Bridge't, m. 23 March, 1849, James Dobree, of Rock Lodge,
co. Devon, and d. 4 April, 1880, leaving issue.
5. Mary, m. 12 July, 1842, the Ven. Evans Johnston, D.D.,
B.A., Archdeacon of Ferns, and d. 8 March, 1885, leaving issue.
6. Emily Dorothea, b. 21 Dec. 1817 ; d. unm. at Paris, 5 Feb.
1836, and is bur. near her father.
7. Louisa, m. 21 Dec. 1861, Rev. Francis Henry Hall, incumbent
of Holly Mount, co. Down (who d. 10 June, 1880). She d.s.p. 14
Nov. 1891.
The eldest son,
JOHN HEATON-ARMSTRONG, Lord of the Manor of Roscrea, was
heir-male of the family of ARMSTRONG of Farney Castle, Mount
Heaton and Mealiffe, as well as of the families of MACDONNELL of
New Hall and HEATON of Yorkshire. In accordance with the
terms of his grandfather's will, he assumed by Royal Licence the
additional surname and arms of HEATON. He was b. at Mount
Heaton i May, 1815 ; m. at H.B.M. Embassy, Vienna, 29 May,
1849, Josephine Therese Mayr, of Leoben, Styria, and by her (who
d. in Jersey, 5 April, 1858, and is there buried) (see BARONS MAYR-
MELNHOF in the Peerage of Austria) had issue,
1. John Childe, b. i Jan. 1850 ; m. 21 Nov. 1885, Lucy Ann,
youngest dau. of Major Charles Henry Cobbe, 60 th Regt., and
d.s.p. in London, 30 March, 1886, and is bur. there.
2. WILLIAM CHARLES, present representative of the family.
1. Bids Louisa. 2. Lucy Emily.
Mr, Heaton-Armstrong served as Lieut, in the Austrian Cuirassiers
and Walmpden Dragoons, and was offered to be created a Count of
the Austrian Empire and a Chamberlain to the Emperor, but
declined the honour. In later years, from 1839 to 1848, he was
distinguished as a traveller in South America and Australia, in
which latter country he made many valuable discoveries. He d.
29 April, 1891, at Goertz, and is there buried.
Arms — Quarterly : ist and 4th (ARMSTRONG) gu., three
dexter arms vambranced and embowed ppr. ; 2nd and 3rd
<HEATON) vert, a lion rampant arg. Crests — ist (ARMSTRONG),
a dexter arm vambranced and embowed, the hand grasping an
armed leg couped at the thigh and bleeding, all ppr. ; 2nd
(HEATON), a lion rampant ppr. ducally crowned, plain collared
and chained or. Motto — Vi et armis.
Residence — 30, Portland Place, London, W. Club — Union.
tinner, co. Cavan, younger dau, and co-heiress of
leaving issue,
1. FRANCIS SAVAGE NESBITT, Capt. ist Batt. South Staffs Regt.,
educated at Shrewsbury and served in South African War 1899-
1902 (Queen's medal with three clasps and King's medal with
two clasps), b. 5 July, 1880.
2. John Raymond Savage. Capt. 4th Batt. Leinster Regt.,
educated at Shrewsbury ana Trin. Coll. Dublin, b. 13 May, 1882.
1. Arabella Guendolen Savage.
Lineage. — THOMAS DAWSON, elder brother of Dr. Robert
Dawson, consecrated Bishop of Clonfert 1627, went to Ireland 1601,
it is stated, from Temple Sowerby, Westmorland, and purchased
the lands of Castle Dawson, co. Londonderry. His son and successor,
THOMAS DAWSON, Commissary of the Musters of the Army in
Ireland, d. 1683, and was s. by his son,
THOMAS DAWSON, of Castle Dawson, M.P. for Antrim, who m.
Olivia Upton, of Castle Upton, co. Antrim, and was s. by his brother,
JOSHUA DAWSON, of Castle Dawson, M.P. for Wicklow, and
Secretary for Ireland, temp. Queen ANNE. He m. Jan. 1695-96,
Anne, dau. of Thomas Carr, son of Sir George Carr, Secretary for
Ireland, and d. 1727, leaving, with other issue,
1. ARTHUR, his son and heir, a Baron of the Exchequer, ancestor
of DAWSON of Moyola Park, co. Londonderry, now represented
2. William, Surveyor-General of Munster, m. and had issue.
3. CHARLES, of whose line we treat.
1. Mary, m. to Right Hon. Henry Hamilton, M.P.
The youngest son,
CHARLES DAWSON, H.M. Inspector of Customs for Ireland, m.
Sarah, dau. of John Downing, of Bellaghy and Rowesgift, co.
Londonderry (b. 1700), eldest son of Col. Adam Downing (served
with distinction at the siege of Derry and the Battle of the Boyne,
b. 1666, d. 1719), and grandson of Henry Downing (b. 1630, younger
brother of Sir George Downing, Bart., the eminent statesman,
temp. CHARLES II ; see FULLERTON of Ballintoy and BEAUMONT-
NESBITT of Tubberdaly), and by her had issue, two sons and three
daus. The elder surviving son,
REAR ADMIRAL JOHN DAWSON, R.N., of Carrickfergus, and of
co. Cavan, b. 1760, served in the war with America, &c., under
Rodney and Howe ; m. his ist cousin, Medicis, eldest dau. of the
Rev. Alexander Clotworthy Downing, of Bellaghy and Rowesgift,
co. Londonderry, Rector of Leckpatrick, co. Tyrone, and of Tha-
mazine his wife, dau. and heiress of Albert Nesb'itt, of Tubberdaly,
King's Co., and by her had issue,
1. Charles, d. in infancy.
2. Alexander, Lieut. R.N., b. 18 Dec. 1800 ; m. Elizabeth, dau. of
Richard Gresley (see BURKE'S Peerage, GRESLEY, Bart.), and
d. 1841, s.p.
3. Andrew Hamond Snape, M.A., in Holy Orders, of Dunloskin,
Carrickfergus, and of co. Cavan, m. Anne, dau. of Robert Haire,
Q.C., of Ballagh House, co. Fermanagh, and d. 1873, s.p.
1. THAMAZINE, eventual co-heiress with her sister, Mrs. Wrixon,
b. 1796, m. 1824, Rev. John Bradshaw, Incumbent of Lambeg,
co. Antrim. She d. 1883, leaving an only child, Thamazine, m.
to the Rev. T. G. Beaumont, M.A., whose eldest son, EDWARD
DOWNING BEAUMONT-NESBITT, is now of Tubberdaly.
2. ANNE ARABELLA, of Corratinner, co. Cavan, co-heiress with
her sister, Mrs. Bradshaw, m. 1847, the Rev. John Wrixon,
M.A., Vicar of Malone, co. Antrim, youngest son of Capt. John
Wrixon, 5th Dragoon Guards, by his wife, Maria, dau. of Col.
Bentley, H.E.I.C.S., and grandson of Edward Wrixon, of
Gurteenbaha, co. Cork (d. 1788), great-grandson of Henry Wrixon,
of Blossomfort, co. Cork, and great-great-grandson of John
Wrixon, of Blossomfort and Lissard, co. Cork, whose grandfather
was Robert Wrixon, of co. Cork (living 1666). Mr. Wrixon d.
1876, leaving issue,
1. ANNA MEDICI, now of Dunloskin, Carrickfergus, and of co.
Cavan, co-heiress with her sister, Mrs. SAVAGE-ARMSTRONG,
m. 1870, to JOHN GODFREY ECHLIN, of Ardquin, and has issue
(see ECHLIN of Ardquin).
2. MARIE ELIZABETH, now of Corratinner, co-heiress with
her sister, Mrs. ECHLIN.
Residence— Strangford House, Strangford, co. Down.
co. Tipperary, and Chaffpool, co. Sligo, J.P. and
D.L. co. Tipperary, High Sheriff co. Tipperary 1905,
and J.P. co. Sligo, late Capt. 8th Brig. N. Irish Div.
R.A., b. 19 May, 1861, only son of William Arm-
strong of Chaffpool, who d. 1889, and Catherine his
wife, dau. of Gen. Clark, m. n April, 1888, Rosalie j
Coraelia, 2nd dau. of Maurice Ceely Maude, of
Le.iaghan Park, Enniskillen (see BURKE'S Peerage,
HAWARDEN, V.), and has issue,
1. WILLIAM MAURICE, Lieut, roth Royal Hussars, b. 20 Avig. 1889.
1. Cornelia lone Kathleen. 2. Rosalie Winona.
3. Lisalie Maude.
Mr. M. B. Armstrong had four sisters : i. Elise
Catherine -m. Robert Gun, 2nd son of Sir R. G.
Paul, Bart., Ballyglan, co. Waterford ; 2. Eleanor
Clara ; 3. Mildred Alice ; and 4. Grace d. 1905.
Lineage. — This is a younger branch of the family of ARMSTRONG
of Mount Heaton (whom see). THOMAS ARMSTRONG, of Mealiffe,
co. Tipperary, High Sheriff temp. ANNE, younger son of Capt.
William Armstrong, and Alice his wife, dai;. of Sir Thomas Deane.
He was b. 1671, m. Mary, dau. of Robert Carew, of Castleboro',
and d. 20 July, 1741, leaving seven sons and six daus. His
REV. WILLIAM CAREW ARMSTRONG, of Mealiffe, Chancellor of
Cashel, m. n Nov. 1789, Hon. Katherine Elleanor Beresford, eldest
dau. of the Most Rev. William, ist Lord Decies, Archbishop of
Tuam, and d. May, 1839, having by her (who d. 1837) had, with
other issue, a son,
JOHN ARMSTRONG, of Mealiffe, J.P. and D.L., m. 1818, Catherine,
dau. and heir of Thomas Somers, of Chaffpool, co. Sligo, and d.
2 Dec. 1846, having by her (who d. 21 April, 1868) had issue,
1. William, Capt. 47th Regt., m. Mathilde Rose, dau, of Count
de la Brosse, and d. 7 March, 1849, having by her (who m. 2ndly,
Thomas Armstrong) had a son,
John, d. young.
2. Thomas Somers, Lieut. 60 th Rifles, d. 7 June, 1847.
3. Marcus, d. young.
4. George de la Poer, of Mealiffe, d. unm. June, 1864.
5. James Wood, of Chaffpool, co. Sligo, Capt. R.N., J.P. and !
D.L., High Sheriff 1873, b. 21 Nov. 1827 ; d. unm.
6. EDWARD MARCUS, late of Mealiffe and Chaffpool.
7. Francis Henry, b. 1836, d. unm.
1. Elizabeth, d. unm. 2. Kathleen Eleanor, d. unm.
The 6th son,
EDWARD MARCUS ARMSTRONG, of Moyaliffe, Thurles, co. Tip- ;
perary, J.P. and D.L., Hfgh Sheriff 1884, late Capt. ssth Regt.,
b. 20 Sept. 1829 ; m. 19 Oct. 1863, Frances, youngest dau. of
Walter Steele, of Moynalty, co. Monaghan, by his wife Mary Sophia
Jocelyn, and d.s.p. 29 March, 1899, when he was s. by his cousin.
-Moyaliffe, Thurles ; and Chaffpool, Ballymote, co.
Sligo. Club— Kildare Street, Dublin.
King's Co., Gentleman-in-waiting to H.M. the King
of Portugal, Knight Commander of the Royal and
Military Order of the Conception of Christ of Por-
tugal ; Knight of St. John of Jerusalem (Malta) ;
Knight of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre, &c., &c.,
6. 26 Nov. 1838 ; m. 14 June, 1886, Maria do
Carmen de Portugal de Faria, dau. of Viscount
Augusto de Faria, and Maria de Portugal, related
to the Royal House of Paz and de Godoy of Spain,
and has issue,
Maria Helena Justa. b. 9 April, 1887, m. Count Gouzaque d'Aymar
de Chateaubriand.
Lineage.— ANDREW ARMSTRONG, b. 1732, 3rd son of ANDREW
ARMSTRONG, Treasurer of the King's Co. (see BURKE'S Peerage,
ARMSTRONG, Bt.), was an Officer in the i4th Regt., but being
severely wounded at the siege of Louisberg, he retired from the
army. He resided at Garry Castle, King's Co., and was County
Treasurer and J.P. He m. 5 May, 1756, Elizabeth, only dau.
of Capt. James Buchanan, of Craigavern and Dromakill, Scotland,
of the family of that ilk, and by her (who d. ;i Sept. 1813, aged 72)
had issue,
1. Archibald, b..i Nov. 1763, Capt. in the E.I.C.S., d.s.p.
2. Andrew, b. 20 Oct. 1764, Lieut. 54th Regt. ; m. 14 Jan. 1793
Anne, dau. of Andrew Armstrong, of Gallen, and had issue,
i. William Bigoe, b. 1801, dec. 2. John, d. -.
i. Constancia Maria, d.
2. Elizabeth, m. William Baillie Brett, and had issue.
3. THOMAS ST. GEORGE, of Garry Castle.
4. William Bigoe, of Bal Iver, King's Co., Treasurer of the
co., b. 19 July, 1768 ; m. 1796, Jane Wilhelmina, only child
of Gen. James Ferrier, R.E., and by her (who d. 16 April, 1829)
had an only child,
James Ferrier, of Bal Iver, Treasurer of the co., m. 14 Jan.
1836, Honoria, dau. of John Fleming, M.P. of Stoneham
Park, Hants, and d. 13 April, 1866, leaving an only son,
William Bigoe, of Bal Iver, Treasurer of the co., m. 4 April,
1866, Anna Maria de Courcy, 2nd dau. of James Freeman
Hughes, of The Grove, Stillorgan, co. Dublin, and d.s.p.
5. James, b. 20 Aug. 1769, formerly Lieut. 46th Regt. and sub-
sequently Paymaster 57th. He m. in the West Indies, and is
6. Edmund, b. 10 Jan. 1772, Maj. in the E.I.C.S. ; m. Leonora
Lucas, and d. in India 1809, having had one son and three daus.,
i. Andrew Bigoe, in the E.I.C.S., b. n June, 1802 ; killed in
action in Burmah.
i. Leonora, d. unm. 2. Mary Elizabeth.
3. Catherine Rebecca.
7. Bigoe Charles, b. 17 May, 1775, Capt. 57th Regt. : d. unm.
1. Catherine Rebecca, m, 27 Jan. 1784, Hugh Conrahy, and had
2. Mary, m. 1792, Capt. William Grant, of the Clare Militia, son
of James Grant, and had issue.
3. Elizabeth, m. 1794, John Armstrong, Lieut. Royal Irish
Artillery, of co. Fermanagh, and had issue.
The 3rd son,
THOMAS ST. GEORGE ARMSTRONG, of Garry Castle House, King's
Co., High Sheriff 1809, b. 14 Nov. 1765 ; m. 14 Feb. 1792, Elizabeth,
dau. of Thomas Priaulx, of the Island of Guernsey, of an ancient
Norman family, and d. 1844, leaving issue,
1. CAPTERET ANDREW, of Garry Castle.
2. Thomas St. George, b. April, 1798 ; m. Donna Justa de Vil-
lanueva, dau. of Don Pedro de Villanueva, a Castillian of noble
descent, settled in Buenos Ayres, and d. 9 June, 1875, having
by her (who d. 18 Jan. 1876) had issue,
i. THOMAS ST. GEORGE, now of Garry Castle (by purchase
from his cousin, Maj. Carteret A. Armstrong, 16 May, 1890)..
1. Isabel, m. Don Frederico de Elortondo (dec.), of Buenos
Ayres, and has issue,
2. Emma. 3. Justa, d. unm. 24 April, 1888.
4. Dolores, m. Mons. Enrique Dose, of Havre, and has issue.
3. William Bigoe, b. 13 April, 1800; m. ist, Elizabeth Banko,
and had by her three sons and two daus.,
1. CARTERET ANDREW, late of Garry Castle, late Capt. xoth
Regt., J.P. for King's Co. and Maj. (retired) 3rd Batt. East
Lancashire Regt., b. 25 Nov. 1838 ; m. 3 Sept. 1863, Ellen, 2nd
dau. of the late Hugh Dawson, of Leyland and West Cliff, co.
Lancaster, and d. 1893. She d.s.p. 9 April, 1904.
2. Thomas St. George, b. 5 Feb. 1845 ; d. 20 Jan. 1875.
3. John Le Merchant, b. s Feb. 1845 ; d. 18 Oct. 1883.
1. Elizabeth Priaulx, m. Col. James Crawford.
2. Justa Honoria Villanueva, m. Thomas A. White, of Bally
brophy, Queen's Co. (see WHITE, of Charleville).
Mr. W. B. Armstrong m. 2ndly, Katherine Temple, and d. 2 Oct.
1866, having by her had two sons and one dau.,
4. William Bigoe. 5. Osmond de Beauvoir Priaulx.
3. Isabel Elortondo.
4. John Priaulx, of Claremont, b. 21 Jan. 1802, J.P. King's Co. ;
m. 20 Nov. 1827, his cousin Emma, 6th dau. of the late Thomas
Priaulx, of Montville House, Island of Guernsey, and d. 1879,
leaving issue,
1. Thomas Priaulx St. George, of Claremont, Banagher,
King's Co., J.P., b. 28 March, 1833, Knt. of the Legion of
Honour, late Maj. 4gth Regt., served in that Regt. through-
out the Crimea ; m. 31 Oct. 1860, Elizabeth Mary, dau. of
the late Robert James Graves, F.R.S., of Cloghan Castle,
King's Co., and by her (who d. 1892) has issue,
(1) John Priaulx, late Ceylon Civil Service, Superintendent
of Police (retired), b. 10 Dec. 1866.
(2) Reginald Graves, J.P., co. Wicklow, F.R.S.I.. b. 20 April.
(3) James St. George Priaulx, Hon. Major in the Army,
late Major Imp. Yeomanry, served in the Matabele War 1896
(medal), Mashonaland 1897 (clasp), Bechuanaland, &c.
(medal and clasp), throughout South African War with the
Imp. Yeomanry 1900-02 (Queen's medal, three clasps ;
King's medal, two clasps), mentioned in Despatches and
granted Hon. rank of Major in the Army, b. 13 Oct. 1873.
(1) Olivia Graves Priaulx.
(2) Anna Louisa, who d. 1885.
2. John Priaulx, b. 8 June, 1836 ; d. unm. 25 May, 1901.
3. James St. George, Capt. 22nd Regt., b. 4 July, 1838 ; d.
28 July, 1872.
4. Edmond Ireland (Rev.), b. 14 Aug. 1841 ; m. ist, Miss
Robinson, and 2ndly, Mary Ormsby, and by his ist wife had
a dau.,
5. Andrew Carteret, b. n March, 1845.
r. Anna Louisa, b. i Aug. 1829 ; d. 10 Aug. 1850.
The eldest son,
CARTERET ANDREW ARMSTRONG, of Garry Castle, Barrister-at-
Law, b. 19 May, 1797 ; d. unm. 7 April, 1869, having devised his
property to his nephew, MAJ. CARTERET ANDREW ARMSTRONG,
who sold Garry Castle to his cousin, 16 May, 1890.
Seat — Garry Castle House, Banagher, King's Co. Residence —
32, Rue de Monceau, Paris.
Glanomera, co. Clare,
Capt. City of Limerick
Art., b. 24 Sept. 1882 ;
s. his father 1888 ; m.
1904, Rose Violet, 3rd
dau. of the late John
Joseph Roche-Kelly, of
Rockstown Ca.stle and
Islandmore, co. Limer-
ick, and has had issue,
Charles Augustus, 6. n July;
d. 5 Aug. 1905.
Lineage. — The ARTHURS
are stated to have been
originally " Artureighs," and
to derive their descent from a
common ancestor with the
O'Briens, viz., Cormac Cas,
King of Munster. The name, it is further asseited, was
anglicised, in common with many others, on the invasion of
Ireland by HENRY II, who is stated to have conferred honours
and grants of land on one of that name in 1178. In the
records of Limerick, the name of ARTHUR frequently occurs from
the earliest period down to the time of CHARLES I, when the family
estates in the county of Limerick were confiscated by OLIVER
CROMWELL for loyalty to the royal cause. The Arthurs then
removed to the co. Clare, and became seated at Glanomera. On
the municipal role of the city of Limerick are given the names of
no less than 48 Arthurs as Mayors, &c., of that city. From John
Arthur, who was Mayor of Limerick in 1340, and Sir Dominick
Arthur, also Mayor of the city, we pass to Sir Nicholas Arthur,
Knt, Mayor in 1591, who also represented the city in Parliament.
Thomas Arthur was Bishop of Limerick in 1470, and Richard
Arthur was Roman Catholic Bishop in 1643. Rev. Geoffrey Arthur,
of the Church of Rome, Treasurer of the cathedral of Limerick,
d. 1519, and was buried there, where his monument, with a curious
Latin inscription, may still be seen. Edward Arthur was M.P.
for the city of Limerick 1559, and Thomas Arthur 1585.
THOMAS ARTHUR, of Glanomera, son of Piers Arthur, by Margaret
his wife, dau. and heiress of Thomas Arthur, of Glanomera, repre-
sentative of this ancient house, m. Elizabeth, dau. of Capt. John
Butler, heiress of the BUTLERS of Kilmoyler, co. Tipperary,
descended from Hon. Piers Butler, 7th son of James; gth Earl of
Ormonde, by his wife Joan, dau. and heiress of nth Earl of
Desmond, and was father of
THOMAS ARTHUR, of Glanomera, who m. Nov. 1766, Lucy, 4th dau.
of Sir Edward O'Brien Bart., of Drompland, and left by her at his
decease, 1803 (with a dau. Mary, m. Richard Henn, of Paradise, co.
Clare), an only son and successor,
THOMAS ARTHUR, of Glanomera, D.L.. 6. April, 1778 ; m. 10 April,
1803, Harriet 2nd dau. and co-heir (with her only sister, Charlotte,
wife of Sir Edward O'Brien, Bart., of Dromoland) of William Smith,
of Cahirmoyle, co. Limerick, and had (with nine dans, all deceased)
seven sons,
1. THOMAS, his heir. '
2. William Smith, b. 13 June, 1809 ; m. 1830, Caroline Sydney,
eldest dau. of Frederick Saintbury Parker, of Saintbury, co.
Dublin, and d.s.p. March, 1840.
3. Lucius (Rev.), heir to his brother.
4. EDWARD, Barrister-at-Law, 6. 7 Jan. 1817 ; d.s.p. 6 Aug. 1853.
5. Richard Augustus, J.P. co. Clare, 6. 27 Aug. 1819 ; m. 13 Aug.
1885, Augusta, eldest dau. of the late Lieut.-Gen. George Dean-Pitt,
C.B., Keeper of the Crown Jewels. He d.s.p. 29 March, 1902.
6. Henry (Rev.), Canon of Ferns, Diocese of Ossory, b. 12 Nov.
1820 ; m. 13 April, 1847, Ellen, 2nd dau. of Henry Joy Tombe,
and d.s.p.
7. Frederick Brian Boru (Rev.), b. 12 Sept. 1822 ; d. unm. 19
Jan. 1870.
Mr. Arthur d. 6 May, 1845, and was s. by his eldest son,
THOMAS ARTHUR, of Glanomera, b. 10 Sept. 1806 ; educated at
Eton and Christ Church College, Oxford, who d. unm. 12 Sept.
1884, and was s. by his brother,
REV. Lucius ARTHUR, of Glanomera, educated at Harrow and
Trin. Coll. Camb., 6. 31 July, 1810 ; m. 21 April, 1840, Caroline
Elizabeth, dau. and co-heir of John Haycock Jervis, of Moseley,
co. Warwick, and Eliza, his wife, and d.' 4 Jan. 1887, having by
her (who d. i April, 1869) had issue,
1. THOMAS Lucius JERVIS, late of Glanomera.
2. Edward Henry Frederick, d. an infant.
3. Charles William Augustus. Capt. 6sth Regt., 6. 20 April,
1851 ; d. unm. at Morar, Bengal, 9 March, 1882.
1. Harriet Elizabeth Augusta, m. 26 April, 1871, Richard Perceval
Fry, late H.M. Ind. Navy, who d.s.p. 6 Nov. 1892.
2. Ellen Lucy Julia, m. '2 Feb. 1893, George Stevenson, late of
Tor House, Matlock.
3. Maria Anne Florence, d. unm. 31 July, 1878.
4. Charlotte Katherine Susan.
5. Grace Caroline Frances, m. 6 Nov. 1889, Rev. Frederick
James Johnston-Smith, LL.D,
The eldest son,
THOMAS Lucius JERVIS ARTHUR, of Glanomera, J.P. co. Clare,
formerly Lieut. Durham Fusiliers, and Capt. 6th R. V. Regt.,
b. 30 June, 1847; m. 28 April, 1881, Constance Helen, dau. of
William Steele Studdert, of Clonboy, co. Clare, by Constance his
wife, dau. of Robert George Massy (see BURKE'S Peerage, MASSY, B.),
and d. 1888, having by her (who m. 2ndly, 1894, the late William
Paumier Ball, Barrister-at-Law, son of Right Hon. J. T. Ball,
P.C., and d. 17 June, 1902) had issue.
1. CHARLES WILLIAM AUGUSTUS, now of Glanomera.
2. Desmond Phelps Pery Lucius Studdert, b. 31 March, 1884.
Arms — Gu., a chevron arg. between three rests (or clarions) or,
quartering BUTLER and FITZGERALD, Earls of Desmond, with
numerous other quarter ings. Crest — A falcon rising ppr. jessed
and belled or. Motto — Impelle obstantia.
Seats — Glanomera, O'Brien's Bridge, and Corracloon- Arthur,
co. Clare.
Ashbrook, co. Lon-
donderry, D.L., late
Royal Welsh Fus., b. 19
July, 1859 ; m. 23 Oct.
1886, Lady Florence
Marion Browne, dau.
of 5th Marquis of
Sligo (see BURKE'S
Peerage), and has issue,
DOUGLAS, b. 8 Sept. 1887,
Lieut. Royal Fusiliers.
Colonel Beresford-Ash
is the eldest son of
FORD, of Learmount,
co. Londonderry (who d. 30 Aug. 1895), DY Caroline,
his 2nd wife (who d. 13 Jan. 1901), only child of
William Hamilton Ash, D.L., of Ashbrook, co.
Londonderry (by Lady Elizabeth Emma Douglas,
his wife, who d. 2 Feb. 1857, sister of i/th Earl
of Morton) and granddau. of William Hamilton
Ash, of Ashbrook (who assumed the name of
ASH, and d. 29 May, 1821), son of William Hamilton
and Jane, his wife, dau. of George Ash and sister
and heir of George Ash, of Ashbrook. He assumed
the additional name and arms of ASH by Royal
Licence, 26 June, 1901. The late John Barre
Beresford, of Learmount, was grandson of the
Right Hon. John Beresford, 2nd son of Marcus
ist Earl of Tyrone (see BURKE'S Peerage, WATER-
J-iineagre. — See BURKE'S Peerage, WATERFORD, M.
Arms— Quarterly ist and 4th arg. two chevronels gu. in the
dexter chief a trefoil slipped vert (Asn) : 2nd and 3rd quarterly i
and 4 arg. crusilly fitchee three fleurs-de-lys, a bordure engrailed
sa. (BERESFORD) 2 and 3 arg. a chief indented sa. (DE LA POER
a crescent for difference. Crests— i. A squirrel sejant ppr., holding
in its paws a trefoil slipped vert (Asn). 2. A dragon's head
erased vert pierced through the neck with a broken tilting spear
the point thrust through the lower jaw all ppr., a crescent cr for
Motto— Nil nisi cruce.
difference (BERESFORD).
Seat — Ashbrook, Londonderry.
Club— Naval and Military.
of Renville, co. Gal-
way, J.P., late Capt.
GalwayArtillery, High
Sheriff for co. Galway
1904, b. 2 June, 1859 ;
m. 26 Oct. 1881,
Annette Frances,
younger dau. of
Richard Gradwell, of
Dowth Hall, co. Meath,
and Carlanstown, co.
Westmeath, J.P. (see
that family], and has
Lineage. — EDMOND ATHY, of Galway, m. Margaret, dau. of
Stephen Lynch, of Galway, and by her had a son,
ANDREW ATHY, of Beleek, co. Mayo, Capt. in the Army of JAMES
II m. Anastacia, dau. of Dominick Joyce, of Galway, and Maude
his wife, dau. of Marcus Lynch, of Galway. They had issue a son,
EDMOND ATHY, of Galway, m. Margaret, dau. and heir of Philip
Lynch, of Renville, co. Galway (and Sarah his wife, dau. of Oliver
Ormsby, of Castle Clough, co. Galway), and grand-dau. of Philip
Lynch, of Renville, co. Galway, and Margaret, his wife, dau. of
George Baynham, of Bristol. They had issue,
1. PHILIP LYNCH, his heir. 2. John.
3. Oliver, m. a dau. of John Skerrett, of Ballinduff.
4. Christopher. 5. Edmond.
1. Sarah.
2. Jane, m. John Moore, of Ashbrook, co. Mayo, and had issue
(see MOORE of Moore Hall).
The eldest son,
PHILIP LYNCH ATHY, of Renville, m. Eleanor French, of a family
of one of the Tribes of Galway, and had issue,
1. EDMOND LYNCH, his heir. 2. Andrew.
1. Katherine. 2. Jane.
Mr. Athy, whose will is dated 21 June, 17741 was s. by his eldest
S EDMOND LYNCH ATHY, of Renville, m. 6 Feb. 1777, the dau. of
Peter Nottingham, of Fairfield, cp. Galway, and had,
Eleanor, m. E. Taaffe.
Mr. Athy, whose will is dated 4 July, 1808, was $. by his son,
PHILIP EDMOND LYNCH ATHY, of Renville, m. 16 Dec. 1809,
Bridget, dau. of Randle MacDonnell, of Fairfield House, Dublin,
and had (with other issue deceased),
2. Myles (Rev.), a priest of the Order of St. Benedict, d. Oct. 1892.
1. Katherine.
Mr. Athy d. 18 May, 1840, and was s. by his son,
RANDAL EDMOND LYNCH ATHY, of Renville, b. 1814 ; m. 27 April,
1858, Margaret, dau. of William Hill Buckle, i4th Regt., of Chaceley,
co. Worcester. She d. 31 March, 1891. He d. 10 April, 1875,
leaving issue,
Mary Elizabeth, m. 28 April, 1889, Frederick Hounsell, and has
issue, Randle, b. i March, 1890.
Arms — Chequy gu. and arg., on a chevron of the ist three
cstoiles or.
Seat — Renville, Oranmore co., Galway. Club — United Service.
gort, King's Co., b.
30 March, 1882 ; s.
his father, 1890.
Lineage.— LIEUT. AN-
Island of Kiltobrett, King's
Co., who made his will
10 May, 1626, left issue by
Mary, dau. of Thomas Bathe,
1. WILLIAM, of whom pre-
2. John. 8. George.
4. Thomas.
1. Mary. 2. Frances.
3. Elizabeth.
4. Jane. 5. Margaret.
6. Anne.
Cangort, b. 1613 ; m. Anne,
dau. of Bartholomew Pelsley, of Punchestown, co. Kildare, who had
interest in the lands of Kilbalyminkin, co. Tipperary, and by her
has issue, one son and a dau.,
1. ANTHONY, of whom next.
1. A dau., m. Thomas Newcomen.
ANTHONY ATKINSON, of Cangort, m. Anne, dau. of Sir Robert
Newcomen and Anna Bullen his wife, and by her (who m. andly
1664, Wm. Tynte (see TYNTE of Tynte Park), and srdly, Wm. Digby,
of Newtown, King's Co.), had issue,
1. WILLIAM, his heir.
2; Newcomen, ancestor of Atkinson, of Millvale, whose descent
is given below.
3. Charles, d. unm. 1686.
1. Frances, m. Thomas, son of Henry L'Estrange, of Moystown,
King's Co.
The eldest son,
WILLIAM ATKINSON, of Cangort, m. Anne, dau. of William
Hamilton, grand-dau. of Sir Francis Hamilton, Bart., of Killes-
handra, co. Cavan. He d. 1684, having had issue by his wife
(who m. andly — Blake, and srdly Major Marcus French, of Rahas-
1. ANTHONY, his heir. 2. William.
The elder son,
ANTHONY ATKINSON, of Cangort, M.P. for St. Johnstown 1711-13
and for Belfast 1713-14 ; m. 1709, Mary, dau. of Admiral John
Guy, of Greenwich, Kent (celebrated for having relieved Derry
by breaking the boom), and d. Dec. 1743, having had, with other
1. William, Barrister-at-Law, d.v.p.
2. GUY, of whom next.
3. Anthony, of Headfield, King's Co., d.s.p.
4. Charles, m. Mary, dau. of Robert Saunderson, of Clover Hill,
co. Cavan, and had a son (see ATKINSON of Ashley Park).
5. Newcomen.
1. Anne, m. Francis Saunderson, of Castle Saunderson, co. Cavan
(see that family).
2. Frances, m. (setts, dated 30 March, 1749) Nathaniel Robbins
of Hymanstown, co. Tipperary, and had issue.
3. Harriet, m. 2 Sept. 1749, Robert Saunderson.
4. Jane, m. — Armstrong.
5. Frances, m. 1749, Nathaniel Robbins, of Hymeastown, co.
6. Catherine, m. George Fraser, of Cuba, King's Co.
1. Harriet.
HU eldest surviving son,
REV. GUY ATKINSON, of Cangort, Rector of Aghoghill, co. Antrim,
and Vicar of Trim, who m. ist, 1747, Jane, dau. of Charles Maule,
and niece of Henry, Bishop of Meath, and had by her an only
child, Anthony, who d.s.p. He m. 2ndly, Jane, dau. of Jackson
Wray, of co. Donegal, and d. 1794, having had by her,
1. Hugh, who d. in India.
2. Guy, an Officer in the Navy, blown up by the explosion of a
ship on fire.
3. JACKSON WRAY, of whom presently.
4. Charles (Rev.), Rector of Creggan, co. Armagh, m. Thomasine,
dau. of the Rev. Samuel Downing, of co. Londonderry, and
had a dau., who m. Arthur Hill Read, of Donnybrook, co.
Tipperary, and had issue.
5. George, m. Leonora, dau. of Jackson Wray, of Brentford, co.
Antrim, and assumed, by Royal Licence, the surname and arms of
WRAY. Their 3rd son, George Cecil Gore Wray, of Monasterevan
and Ardnamara, co. Donegal, m. 1844, Charlotte dau. of Col.
Charles Douglas Waller, R.A.
1. Maria, m. George R. Golding.
The 3rd son,
JACKSON WRAY ATKINSON, of Cangort, Lieut.-Col. of the King's
Co. Militia, High Sheriff King's Co. 1803, b. 1766 ; m. 1794, Sarah,
dau. of Richard Caddell, of Downpatrick, and had issue,
1. GUY, his heir.
2. Henry, b. July, 1806 ; m. g April, 1839, Elizabeth Jane, eldest
dau. of the Rev. William Brownlow Savage, Rector of Shinrone,
King's Co., and had issue,
1. Charles, b. 23 Dec. 1842.
2. John Lavallin Savage, b. 4 March, 1846.
3. Guy, b. 9 April, 1848 ; d. 14 April, 1852.
4. William Henry, b. 4 Feb. 1850.
5. William Brownlow Savage, b. 20 March, 1851 ; d. 20 March,
1. Elizabeth Barbara, m. 13 Sept. 1859, Edward Kerry Supple.
2. Sarah Anne. 3. Catherine Sophia.
4. Caroline Frances Stewart. 5. Ida Anna Margaret.
3. Charles, an Officer loth Native Cavalry E.I.C.S., d. in India
from the bite of a snake, 1840.
4. Richard, of Gortmore, Dundrum, b. 6 Oct. '1818 ; m. 14 Oct
1840, Mary Jane Elisabeth, dau. of Capt. George R. Golding,
of Lime Park, co. Tyrone, and Georgina his wife, dau. of Rev.
Travers Hume, D.D., Vicar of Arden, and d. 18 July, 1871,
having by her (who d. 18 June, 1886) had issue,
1. Guy Travers, b. 18 June, d. 30 Oct. 1843.
2. Richard Gustavus, b. 5 May, d. 10 Oct. 1850.
3. Edward Dupre (Rev.), LL.B., of Gortmore, Dundrum, co.
Dublin, Archdeacon of Dromore, and Rector of Donaghcloney,
co. Down, b. 2 Feb. 1855 ', m. xo Oct. 1878, Katherine Elisabeth,
eldest dau. of Major-Gen. Edmund L'Estrange, of Kilcummin,
King's Co., and Dora his wife, 3rd dau. of Rev. John Colthurst,
Rector of Bovevagh, co. Derry, and has issue,
(1) Richard Guy, b. 21 Aug. 1879.
(2) Edward Arthur, b. 30 Nov. 1885.
(i) Dora Georgiana, b. 28 March, 1882.
(2) Mary Kathleen, b. 30 Nov. 1885.
Emily Saida, b. 3 July, 1888.
1. Georgiana, b. 28 Sept. 1841.
2. Sarah Maria, b. 31 Jan. 1845.
3. Alicia Emily, b. 18 Feb. 1847 ; d. 4 Feb. 1848.
4. Katherine Mabel, b. 25 Ausr. 1857 ; m. 13 April, 1875, Rev.
Robert Baker Stoney, D.D., Treasurer of Ch. Ch. Cathedral,
Dublin, and Vicar of Holy Trinity, Killiney, and has issue (see
BUTLER-STONEY of Portland Park).
5. Emmeline Caroline, b. 18 Sept. 1859 ; m. 1896, Alfred St.
George Hamilton, of Cluan na Greina, Foxrock, co. Dublin.
6. Mary Jane, b. 10 Aug. 1861 ; d. 24 Oct. 1874.
1. Sarah. 2. Maria.
3. Mabella Jane.
4. Caroline Steuart, m. William L'Estrange, of Kilcummin.
5. Emily Rebecca. 6. Harriet Anne.
Col. Atkinson d. 14 Aug. 1846, and was s. by his eldest son,
GUY ATKINSON, of Cangort, J.P., High Sheriff King's Co. 1846,
b. 14 July, 1800 ; m. 24. Oct. 1839, Anne Margaret, 2nd dau. of
William Trench, of Cangort Park, brother of the ist Lord Ashtown,
and had issue,
1. Charles, d. an infant at Rome, 1841.
2. GUY NEWCOMEN, of Cangort.
3. William Henry, b. 28 Aug. 1848 ; m. 1877, Anna, dau. of
Lewis Moore, of Cremorgan, and has issue,
Guy Hamilton, m. 18 Feb. 1909, Sybil Gertrude, dau. of Rev.
Canon Homan.
4. Richard Frederick, 67th Regt., b. n Dec. 1849.
1. Sarah Harriet, m. n May, 1865, George Arthur Waller, eldest
son of W.T. Waller, of Prior Park (see that family).
2. Emily, m. 4 Oct. 1865, George A. Western.
3. Caroline Sophia, m. 14 Dec. 1869, Lieut. -Col. James Halifax
Western, C.M.G., Royal Engineers, and has issue.
Mr. Atkinson d. 1859, and was s. by his eldest surviving son,
GUY NEWCOMEN ATKINSON, of Cangort, b. 4 Jan. 1847, J.P.,
Lieut.-Col. 85th Light Infantry ;. m. 19 July, 1877, Frances Eliza-
beth, only dau. of the Hon. Laurence Harman King-Harraan, of
Rockingham, co. Roscommon (see BURKE'S Peerage, KINGSTON, E.),
and d. 10 Feb. iSgo, having had issue,
1. Guy Edward, b. 10 Dec. 1878 ; d. 24 May, 1879.
2. GUY MONTAGUE, now of Cangort.
3. Gerald Nevvcomen, b. to March, 1884.
1 Helen Mary, b. 30 Sept. 1880 ; m. 5 Sept. 1908, Capt. Robert
William Hare, D.S.O., Norfolk Regt., only son of Robert Dillon
Hare, of Ballymore, co. Cork (see BURKE'S Peerage, LISTOWEL, E.). I
Arms— Or, an eagle displayed, with two heads, az., beaked and 1
legged gu. ; in chief, a rose of the last, seeded gold between two
martlets sa. Crest— An eagle displayed with two heads az., beaked
and legged gu. Motto — Deo et regi fidelis.
Seat — C^ngort, Shinrone, King's Co. Residence — Quarry House, ;
The and son of Anthony Atkinson, of Cangort, and Anne New-
comen (see above) was,
CAPT. NEWCOMEN ATKINSON m. — L'Estrange, and had issue.
GEORGE ATKINSON, of Dundalk, b. circa 1700; d. 1784; m.
Margaret Foster, and had issue,
1. JAMES, of whom presently.
2. David, of Cliannon Rock, Mount Rush, and Corderry, co.
Louth, J.P. and D.L. co. Louth, b. 1734; d. 24 March, 1816 ;
in. Hannah (b. in 1731 ; d. 9 July, 1815), dau. of Dudley Trueman,
and had issue,
1. George, m. — Rogers.
2. David, Capt. in the Louth Mil., b. 1769 ; d. at Mill Vale,
2 Aug. 1807 ; bur. at Dundalk ; m. Anne, dau. of Benjamin
Bell, of Ballynewry, Barrister-at-Law, and had issue,
(1) Benjamin, of Ballynewry, b. circa 1790 ; d. 1876 ; m. ist,
— (b. 1798 ; d. 8 March, 1824), dau. of Byrne, of
Lurgan, and by her had issue,
i. David, d.s.p. in America.
1. Anne Jane, m. 23 June, 1834, Thomas Ross.
2. Eliza, m. 16 Sept. 1837, Robert Finlay.
3. Mary, m. 5 Nov. 1836, John Fleming, of the Hill,
4. Julia, m. Godfrey Ball.
Benjamin m. 2ndly, Mary, dau. of John MacCormac, of
Belfast, and by her had further issue,
2. John, of Ballynewry, b. July, 1827; d. 31 Jan. 1888;
m. 2 June, 1870, Mary, only dau. of Samuel McClintock,
of Granshaw Lodge, Londonderry, and had issue,
Ben, of Ballynewry, co. Armagh, Major R.H.A.,
b. 9 Jan. 1872 ; m. i Jan. 1903, Letitia Janet Emily,
only dau. of E. K. Norman, of Mistley Lodge, Manning-
tree, and has issue,
John Edward Acheson, b. 6 March, 1909.
Rosalind Mary, b. 5 Nov. 1904.
3. Henry, d.s.p. in America.
4. George Grindall, Lieut, in the Armagh Mil., d.s.p.
5. William MacCormac, Lieut, in the Armagh Mil., d.s.p.
5. Hannah Trueman, m. ist, 10 June, 1857, her cousin,
William John Henry Upton, of Carrickfergus ; 2ndly
Martin Bourke, of Quinboro', co. Limerick.
6. Dorothea, d.s.p. 7. Adelaide, d.s.p.
(2) George Grindall, of Corderry, b. 1801 ; d. 15 Aug 1855.
(3) David, d. unm. (4) James, d. unm.
(1) Hannah Julia, m. her cousin David Smith, of Clonooney,
Clones, J.P. for co. Monaghan (q.v.i.), and has issue.
(2) Elizabeth, m. ist, Henry Upton, of Ballinabirna, co.
Limerick, and had issue. She m. 2ndly, her cousin, James
Robinson, of Burleigh Hall, co. Antrim.
3. James, b. 1772 ; d. i Feb. 1832 ; m. Butler, and had with
other issue,
Hannah (eld. dau.), m. 31 Jan. 1828, Haden Smith, of Newry,
4. Thomas.
i. Mary, m. Henry Smith, of Channon Rock, and had issue,
David, of Clonooney, Clones, J.P. for co. Monaghan, m. his
ist cousin, Hannah Julia Atkinson (see above).
3. John, of Dundalk, m. Jane Eastwood, and had issue,
Jane, m. 16 July, 1822, Robert Murphy, of Castletown.
4. George, b. 1750 ; d. unm. 22 Dec. 1821.
1. Elizabeth, m. John Foster (d. before 3 July, 1782), of Skyhill,
and had issue.
2. Margaret, m. George Twibill, and had issue.
3. Anne, m. John BailLe. 4. Mary, d. unm. 1779.
5. Dorothea, d. unm. 1803.
The eldest son,
JAMES ATKINSON, of Newry, and of Mill Vale, b. 1730 ; d. 3 Dec.
1815 ; TO. i Feb. 1757, Alice (d. before 1804), youngest dau. of
Robert Gordon, of Newry, and had issue,
1. GEORGE, of whom presently.
2. Robert, b. 1763 ; d. 4 Sept. 1766.
3. James, of Newry, b. 19 Aug. 1766 ; d. 1805 ; m. u May, 1791,
Hannah, dau. of William Barrett (cousin of Lord Carlton), of
Castle Blake, co. Tipperary, and Mary his wife, and had issue,
i. Robert Gordon, Lieut, of Marines, b. 20 March, 1792 ; d. unm.
4 Dec. 1820, killed in action in the attack made on the North
Fort of Mocha, in the Mediterranean.
2. William, an officer in the Spanish Army, b. 16 May, 1793;
d. unm.
3. John, of Benburb, 6. 12 March, 1799 ; d. 22 March, 1834;
m. 14 Dec. 1831, Isabella Eliza, dau. of MajorFrood, of Dundalk,
and had issue,
(i) James, b. 3 Feb. 1833. (2) John, b. 28 March, 1834.
Isabella Eliza Atkinson (otherwise Frood) m. 2ndly, her former
husband's first cousin, Rev. Robert Gordon Atkinson (see
i. Maria, b. 1795 ; m. ist, James Wallace, of Liverpool,
Merchant, and had issue, three daus.
Maria Wallace (formerly Atkinson) m. 2ndly, William Bracken-
bury, of Aswardby, co. Lincoln, an officer in the 6ist Foot, and
by him had issue,
(1) William, d. unm.
(2) Richard, Capt. 6ist Foot, d. unm.
(3) Charles Booth, Major-Gen. R.A., b. 7 Nov. 1831 ; d.
20 June, 1890 ; m. 1854, H Ida, dau. of the Hon. Archibald
Campbell and Agnes his wife, and had issue.
(4) Sir Henry, Lieut.-Gen., K.C.B., K.C.S.I., R.A., m.
CEmilia, relict of — Morley, dau. of Henry Halswell, of
Kensington Gate, retired Judge of Zealand and J.P. for co.
i. Catherine, m. William Nevin Wallace, of Downpatrick
J.P. and D L., and d. leaving a dau., Maria Wallace.
(2) Jemima, d. unm. (3) Hannah Maria.
(4) Henrietta.
2. Alicia, b. 14 April ; d. 15 Sept. 1792.
3. Alicia, b. 7 Sept. 1800; d. 10 Feb. 1879 ', »»• l822» David,
eld. surv. son of James Bell, of Newry, and had issue,
(i) James, d. unm. (2) James, d.unm. 29 April, 1863.
(3) John Gordon, d. unm. 18 May, 1829.
(4) Samuel, d. in 1887 ; m. Louisa Ruthven, and had issue,
Ethel Alice Ruthven. Maude Mary Kuthven.
(i) Anne. (2) Anne Gordon.
(3) Catherine.
(4) Fanny Johnston, m. 12 April, 1856, Ernest Randolph
Mackesy, Major 97th Foot, and had issue.
(5) Alicia Hannah Maria. (6) Mary Hervey.
(7) Rebekah Hartford.
4. Anne, b. 28 Feb. 1802.
5. Sarah, b. 9 June, 1805 ; m. 5 Dec. 1826, Samuel Alexander
of Dundalk.
1. Alicia, of Newry, b. 21 Feb. 1761, d. unm. 20 March, 1836.
2. Margaret, b. 9 Feb* 1765 ; d. unm. 27 April, 1777-
The eldest son,
GEORGE ATKINSON, J.P., of Mill Vale, b. 15 Nov. 1758, d. 17
May, 1820 ; m. 12 July, 1804, Anne Wallace (d. 6 Oct. 1827) ; dau.
of Robert Baillie, and had issue,
Rev. Robert Gordon, b. 5 Feb. 1807 ; d. 12 July, 1865 ; in.
5 May, 1841, Isabella Eliza (d. 3 July, 1864), dau. of Major Frood,
of Dundalk, and relict of John Atkinson, of Benburb, and had
i. George (St. Lawrence Road, Clontarf, co. Dublin), b. 1842.
1. Isabella Eliza, b. 3 March, 1844 ; d. 27 March, 1890 ; m.
24 Aug. 1882, Rev. John Gaggin (d. 14 Dec. 1894), Rector of
New Chapel, Clonmell, co. Tipperary, and had issue,
Isabella Jane, b. 1883 ; d. unm. 29 July, 1901.
2. Isabella, b. at Mill Vale, i June, 1808; d. 22 Jan. 1858 ;
m. 4 Aug. 1832, Rev. Charles Crossle (see above).
Ashley Park, 2nd dau. of the late James Netterville
Atkinson, of Ashley Park, m. 1903, Thomas Bateson
Biggs, Solicitor, Capt. 3rd Batt. Royal Irish Regt.
(see below), who adopted the additional surname of
Atkinson by Deed Poll, 18 Nov. 1903.
Lineage. — CHARLES ATKINSON, younger son of Anthony
Atkinson, of Cangort (see that family), m. Mary, dau. of Robert
Saunderson, of Clover Hill, co. Cavan, and had a son,
ANTHONY ATKINSON, m. Catharine, dau. of Dominick Blake,
of Castlegrove, co. Galway, by Frances his wife, dau. of Nicholas,
5th Viscount Netterville, and d. 1815, having had issue,
1. James. 2. Charles.
3. GEORGE GUY, of whom presently.
1. Charlotte, d. unm.
The 3rd son,
GEORGE GUY ATKINSON, of Ashley Park, J.P., b. 1799; m.
Bridget, dau. of P. Murphy, Rahone, co. Tipperary, and d. 30 July,
1872, leaving issue,
1. JOHN, of Derryharan, King's Co., m. ist, 1874, Anna, dau. of
Rev. J. C. Walker, Rector of Ballinasloe, and by her (who d.
2 Dec. 1892) has issue,
i. Guy Netterville.
i. Anna. 2. Bridget, d. unm. 1901.
He m. 2ndly, 2 June, 1894, Ethel Maud, dau. of the late Richard
Beasley, of Old Grange, co. Kildare. He d. 1901.
2. George, M.D., d. unm. in the Afghan War, 1880.
3. JAMES NETTERVILLE, late of Ashley Park.
The 3rd son,
High Sheriff 1892, B.A. Trin
JAMES NETTERVILLE ATKINSON, of Ashley Park, co. Tipperary.
J.P., High Sheriff 1892, B.A. Trin. Coll. Dublin, 1863, b. I March,
1843 J w. 30 Sept. 1875, Margaret Teresa, dau. of William B.
Smithwick, J.P., Youghal House, Nenagh, and d. 22 May, 1893.
leaving three daus.,
2. ALICE MARJORY, now of Ashley Park.
Seat— Ashley Park, near Nenagh.
GEORGE BIGGS, of Santa Cruz, co. Tipperary, and subsequently
of Bellevue, who was of the same family as Richard Biggs, of Castle
Biggs, High Sheriff of co. Tipperary 1777 (who a.s.p. 1795, having
devised his estates to his nephew, Wm. Ledger, afterwards Biggs),
had an only son,
THOMAS BIGGS, of Bellevue, co. Tipperary, J.P., m. his cousin
Elizabeth Biggs, and d. 1795, leaving issue,
1. GEORGE WASHINGTON, his heir. 2. Benjamin.
3. Thomas.
1. Mary.
The eldest son,
GEORGE WASHINGTON BIGGS, of Bellevue, b. 1783 ; m. 1807,
Anne, dau. of Samuel Dickson, of Ballinguile, co. Limerick, and d.
1844, having by her (who d. 1860) had issue,
1. THOMAS, who s. to Bellevue.
2. SAMUEL DICKSON, of whom hereafter.
3. George Washington, Rev., d. unm. 1908.
4. Stephen Dickson, d. 8 April, 1910.
1. Mary. 2. Elizabeth.
3. Catherine. 4. Anne.
5. Georgina.
6. Helena, m. John Parker, of Brookfield, co. Tipperary.
The eldest son,
THOMAS BIGGS, of Bellevue, b. 1815 ; d. unm. 1844, a few months
after his father's decease, and was s. by his next brother,
SAMUEL DICKSON BIGGS, of Bellevue, b. 1817 ; m. 1870, Elizabeth
Goodwin, step-dau. of William Johnston, and d. 1904, leaving issue,
1. GEORGE, now of Bellevue. 2. William Johnston.
3. Samuel Dickson.
4. Thomas Bateson, m. 1903, Alice Margery, dau. and co-heir of
James Netterville Atkinson, of Ashley Park (see above).
1. Anne.
2. Avereena Maud, m. 1904, Thomas Hardman, eldest son of
Col. Brereton, of Rathurles, co. Tipperary.
The eldest son,
GEORGE BIGGS, of Bellevue, b. 1872 ; s. his father 1904 ; m.
Grace, dau. of Surg. Lieut.-Col. Robinson, R.A.M.C., and has issue,
1. Samuel. 2, Cecil Raymond.
3. Basil.
1. Zalie.
THOMAS JOHN ATKINSON, of Cavangarden, co.
Donegal, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1893, b, 14
Feb. 1845 ; »». 20 April, 1880, Elizabeth, dau. of
Arthur Magee Day, of Rathgar, Dublin, and has
1. THOMAS JOHN DAY, J.P., B.A. Trin. Coll. Dublin, Barrister
at-Law, Lieut. Dub. Univ. Contingent, Officers Training Corps
b. 4 March, 1882.
1. Charlotte Elizabeth. 2. Elizabeth Arthurina.
3. Mabel Angela Wray, d. unm. 15 April, 1911.
4. Arthurina Josephine.
Lineage. — CAPT. CHARLES ATKINSON, of an ancient York-
shire family, settled in Ireland, temp. ELIZABETH, and left two
sons, of whom one settled at Rehins, co. Mayo (and was ancestor
of Atkinson, of Rehins), while the other,
WILLIAM ATKINSON, of Creevy, near Ballyshannon, owned large
estates in Kilbarron, co. Donegal. He d. about 1660. His son
and heir,
THOMAS ATKINSON, called " senior " in the Act of Attainder,
Parliament of Dublin 1689, temp. JAMES II, b. about 1620, and d.-
about 1702, leaving a son,
THOMAS ATKINSON, called " junior " in the Act of Attainder.
The property was restored temp. WILLIAM III. He was b. 1655,
and d. 1738. His son,
JOHN ATKINSON, b. about 1682 ; m. 1711, Rebecca, dau. of William
Wray, of Ards, co. Donegal, and d. 1748, leaving a son,
THOMAS ATKINSON, b. 1713 ; m. 16 Nov. 1752, Letitia, dau. of
George Knox, of Rathmullen and Moneymore, co. Donegal, and d.
11 May, 1873, leaving a son,
JOHN ATKINSON, J.P., b. 1754; m. zo March, 1776, Elizabeth,
dau. of Andrew Hamilton, of Ballymadonnell, co. Donegal, High
Sheriff 1800. He d. 15 May, 1833. His son,
THOMAS JOHN ATKINSON, of Cavangarden, Ballyshannon, co.
Donegal, J.P., High Sheriff, 1817, b. May, 1781 ; m. 1808, Eliza-
beth, only dau. of Joseph White, Lieut. i7th Light Dragoons,
of Cheltenham. He d. 25 March, 1881. His son,
JOHN ATKINSON, of Cavangarden, J.P., M.A., Trin. Coll. Dublin,
Barrister-at-Law, b. Dec. 1817 ; m. May, 1842, Ellen, dau. of
Robert Dean Mecredy, Q.C., M.A., of Carnew, co. Down. She^.
12 May, 1900. He d.v.p. 26 May, 1879, leaving issue,
1. THOMAS JOHN, now of Cavangarden.
2. John Robert, b. 1849 ; d. unm. Oct. 1865.
3. George Andrew, of Skea Hall, Enniskillen, b. 29 April, 1851 ;
m. 22 March, 1880, Marion Anna Elizabeth, only dau. of Henry
Berkeley Gerahty, B.A., Dublin, Barrister-at-Law (by Katherine i
his wife, dau. of Robert W. Fearon, Barrister-at-Law), and grand-
dau. of James Gerahty, Q.C., and has issue,
i. John, Lieut. 3rd Batt. Royal Inn. Fus., b. Aug. 1883 • j
m. May, 1908, Wilhelmina Victoria, 2nd dau. of Petre Thiirn i
2. Robert Henry Gerahty, b. Sept. 1884.
3. Andrew George, b. March, 1891.
4. William Claude Hamilton, b. June, 1895.
5. Norman James Charlton Fearon, b. Aug. 1897.
1. Elizabeth Maude.
2. Ethel Kathleen Jane, m. 23 Nov. 1910, H. Carl A. Thienne,
B.Sc., Civil Engineer.
3. Olive Lindley Vivian Florence, m. Aug. 1907, Rev. James
Alexander Wilson, M.A., Rector of Cleenish, co. Fermanagh,
and has issue.
4. Angel Marion. 5. Eileen Letitia Charlotte.
6. Mary Myrtle Gwendoline.
4. James Law, M.D., b. May, 1856 ; m. Sept. 1889, but d.s.p.
17 March, 1897.
5. William White, b. 1863 ; d. unm. 1900.
6. Andrew Hamilton, b. 1865 ; d. unm. 1899.
1. Elizabeth Charlotte Jane, b. 1848.
2. Ellen Theodosia Adelaide, b. 1853 ; m. 24 May, 1874, Robert
Mecredy, and has issue two sons and two daus.
Seat — Cavangarden, Ballyshannon, co. Donegal.
Glenwilliam Castle,
Ballingarry, co.
Limerick, and Skea
House, co. Fer-
managh, J.P. and
D.L. co. Limerick,
High Sheriff 1888,
educated at Trinity
Hall, Camb.,&. 21 Jan.
1863 ; m. 28 Feb.
1884, Sophie Mary,
dau. of Capt. Thomas
Wilkinson, 3Oth Regt.,
of St. Oswald's, co.
Limerick, J.P., and
has issue,
1. Eileen Violet. 2. Sybil Maud.
Jliineag'e. — THOMAS ATKINSON obtained a grant of land in co.
Monaghan under the Act of Settlement 21 June, 1667. His
THOMAS ATKINSON, of Anaghabawn, co. Monaghan (son of Thomas
Atkinson, of Anaghabawn, co. Monaghan, who d. 1824, aged 88),
b. 1770, m. 1799, Sarah, dau. of Richard Philips, of Drumcall, and
d. 1839, having by her (who d. 1848) had issue,
1. EDWARD, late of Glenwilliam Castle.
2. Thomas, b. 1805, d. 1892, leaving issue, two sons and four
3. John, M.D , b. 1810, d.s.p. 1837.
4. Richard, b. 1814, d.s.p. 1856.
1. Eliza, b. 1800, m. Frances Finley.
2. Jane, b. 1803, m. Dr. John Wordsworth, and d. 1822.
3. Rebecca, b. 1807, m. Joseph Crawford, of Newbliss, co. Mona-
ghan, and d. 1892.
The eldest son,
EDWARD ATKINSON, of Glenwilliam Castle, co. Limenck, aud
Skea House, Enniskillen, J.P. co. Limerick and Drogheda, High
Sheriff, Drogheda, 1824, b. 1801, m. ist, 1833, Rosetta, dau. of
Capt. John Shaw McCulloch. She d. 1849, leaving issue,
1. John (Right Hon.), BARON ATKINSON, of Glenwilliam (cr.
19 Dec. 1905), a Lord of Appeal in Ordinary, P.C., K.C., Attorney-
Gen, for Ireland 1892 and 1895-1905, M.P. for North Derry
1895-1905, Bencher of King's Inns, Dublin and of the Inner
Temple (39, Hyde Park Gate, W. ; 68, Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin;
Carlton Club), b. 1844, m. 1873, Rowena (d. 17 Jan. 1911), dau. of
Richard Chute, M.D., of Tralee, and has issue,
1. Hon. Edward Chute, b. 1875, d. unm. 26 July, 1906.
2. Hon. Cecil Thomas, B.A. Trin. Coll. Dublin, Barrister-at-
Law, b. 1876, m. 6 Aug. 1903, Florence, dau. of Godfrey Lovelace
Taylor, J.P., of Grangeville, co. Wexford, and has issue,
(i) John Godfrey, b. 18 Jan. 1910.
(1) Dorothea Emily Mary, b. 22 May, 1904.
(2) Rowena Cecilia, b. 23 May, 1906.
3. Hon. Hector John, Capt. Roy. Irish Fus., b. 3 June, 1879 ',
m. 1910, Sybil, youngest dau. of late George levers, of Glen-
mair, co. Cork.
4. Hon. Hubert Rowan, Capt. Connaught Rangers, b. 6 Oct.
1882 ; m. 30 Jan. 1907, Mabel Coralie, dau. of late George
Gerard Tyrrell.
2. Edward, b. 1846, m. 1872, Lydia, dau. of William Rutherford,
J.P. of Drum, co. Monaghan, and d. 1875, leaving issue,
1. Edward William, Capt. Royal Inniskilling Fus., B.A.
Trin. Coll. Dublin (Army and Navy Club), b. 12 Aug. 1873 .'
m. 20 April, 1907, Louise H. S., 2nd dau. of John Power Oliver,
2. Joseph Albert Nelson. B.A. Trin. Coll. Dublin, Barrister-
at-Law (Pretoria, Transvaal, S. Africa), b. 19 Jan. 1875; m.
1907, Teresa Clare, dau. of J. Sheridan, Esq., of Galway, and
has issue.
Edward Sheridan, b. 1909.
Doreen Lydia Claire, b. 1908.
1. Anna, m. ist, 1859, Henry Warren, of Drummin House,
Meath, who d. 1869, leaving issue. She m. andly, Rev. Brabazon
William Brunker, M.A., Vicar of Duleek, co. Meath, who d.
2. Rosetta, m. 1869, Joseph Williams, who d. 1876, leaving issue.
3. Sarah Rosetta, m. 1877. Brabazon Brunker, eld. son of Robert
Burrows Brunker, Solicitor, of Simmons Court House, Dublin,
and has issue.
Mr. Edward Atkinson m. andly, 1856, Emma, dau. of Maj. Durbin,
36th Regt., and Mary his wife, dau. of Henry Drax, of Charborough,
Dorset, and d. 1876, having by her had issue,
3. THOMAS RICHARD DURBIN, now of Glenwilliam Castle.
4. Emma Anne, m. 1^82, Deane Shelton, of Rossmore, co.
Limerick, and has issue, six children.
Arms— Per pale gu. and arg., an eagle displayed with two heads
counterchanged, on a chief engrailed erm., a rose ppr. between two
martlets or. Crest — A falcon rising ppr. belled and jessed or,
holding in its beak a fleur-de-lys per pale gu. and arg. Motto —
Virtute et valore.
Seats — Glenwilliam Castle, Ballingarry, co. Limerick; andSkea
House, Enniskillen, co. Fermanagh.
JOSEPH ATKINSON, of Crowbill, co. Armagh,
late Lieut. 67 th Regt., J.P. co. Armagh, Secretary
to the Grand Jury and afterwards to the County
Council, b, 1845 ; m. ist, 1871, Annie Edith, dau.
of John Jervais Broadwood, of Buchan Hill, Sussex,
and by her had issue,
1. JOSEPH JERVAIS, b. 1873 ; »». 5 Nov. 1907, Beatrix Pearl,
only dau. of E.J.Webb. '
2. Walter Hope Johnston, b. 1875.
3. John Broadwood, b. 1894.
He m. 2ndly, 1898, Kathleen Mary, 4th dau. of the
late Henry Blake Mahon, of Belleville, co. Galway,
and by her has issue,
1. Judith Mary, b. 1900.
Lineage. — This family came to Ireland at the time of
the Cromwellian settlement.
JOSEPH ATKINSON, of Crowbill, co. Armagh, J.P., b. 1760; m.
Sarah, dau. of Thomas Hope, of Crowbill, and d. 1836, having had
issue a son,
THOMAS ATKINSON, of Crowbill, Capt. Armagh Militia, High
Sheriff 1825, b. 1793 ; »». 1819, Elizabeth, 4th dau. of James
Johnston, D.L., of Knappagh, co. Armagh, and Martha his wife, dau.
of John Burges, of Parkanaur, co. Tyrone. Shed. 1873, aged 75.
He d. 1842, having had issue,
1. JOSEPH, late of Crowhill.
2. James Hope, Capt. 72nd Highlanders, b. 1825 ; m. 1858,
Elfrida, dau. of — Abbott, of Smyrna, and d. 1865, having
had two daus.,
1. Annie, m. Count Mazza, Italian Consul in Canada.
2. Elfrida, m. 1882, Count Victor de Revel, Italian Consul
at Smyrna.
1. Martha, b. 1820 ; d. 1831.
The elder son,
JOSEPH ATKINSON, of Crowhill, co. Armagh, J.P. and D.L., High
Sheriff 1855, Chairman of the County Council ; 6.1822; m.n April,
1844, Judith Charlotte, dau. of Richard Barnsley and Sarah, his wife,
dau. of John Smith of Ballyhaskin, Westmeath, and Judith his
wife, dau. of Samuel De la Cherois, of Donaghadee, co. Down, and
d. 10 Oct. 1903, having had issue,
1. JOSEPH, his heir.
2. James Johnston, B.A., T.C.D., 6. 1847 ; d. 2 Jan. 1905.
3. Robert Richard, J.P., of Summer Island, Longhall, b. 1855 J
m. 31 July, 1902, Mary Frances Josephine, only dau. of Henry J.
Nicholson, J.P., of Crannagael, co. Armagh (see that family).
4. Ynyr Henry, b. 1861 ; m. 1886, Rose, dau. of Edward
McColdrick, of Dakota, U.S.A., and has issue,
Lionel Robert, b. 1887. Eveleen, b. 1899.
1. Annie Johnston, b. 1851 ; m. n April, 1872, Richard James
Harden, D.L., of Harrybrook, co. Armagh, and has issue (see
that family).
Seat —Crowhill Loughall, co. Armagh. Residence — Summer
Island, Loughall.
Crevenagh, co. Tyrone, b. 18 Sept. 1877, educated
at Winchester and Trin. Coll. Oxford, Capt. Royal
Inniskilling Fusiliers ; m. 1902, Charlotte Madaline,
only dau. of the late Robert W. Scott, of Dungannon,
co. Tyrone, and has had issue,
Robert Patrick, 6. and d. 17 March, 1906.
Lineagre — REV. JAMES AUCHENLECK, Rector of Cleenish, co.
Fermanagh, b. 1646 ; tn. Margaret, a relative of President Keith,
and by her (who d. 1680, aged 39) had, with other issue who d.
1. JAMES, of whom presently.
2. William, who lived in Tyrone, m. 1708, Miss Maxwell.
3. Alexander, m. Miss Boggs. 4. Sydney. ,
1. Katherine, m. John Montgomery, of Croghan, co. Donegal.
2. Margaret. ,
3. Jean, m. Provost Gamble, of Strabane.
His will dated 17 Feb. 1684, was proved 6 April, 1685. The elder •
JAMES AUCHENLECK, sen., of Thomastown, m. circa 1698, Elisa- :
beth, dau. of Col. James Corry, M.P., of Castle Coole, and d. 1746
having had, with other issue, who d. young,
1. JAMES, his heir. 2. Alexander, bapt. 1706.
1. Rebecca, m. 1719, Andrew Leonard.
2. Margaret, m. 1721, Thomas Enery, of Prospect, co. Cavan.
3. Mary, m. — Noble. 4. Sarah, m. — Scott. .
5. Elisabeth, m. John Dane, of Killyhevlin (see that family).
The elder son,
JAMES AUCHENLECK, jun., of Thomastown, co. Fermanagh, b.
1704 ; m. 1734, Susanna, dau. of John Corry, of Lisanock. He d.
1752, haying had issue,
1. Leslie, d. 1785, bur. at Derryvullan.
2. Armar, twin with his brother, Leslie, m. Mrs. McGregor, ne'e
Spear, and had issue,
1. Alexander, m. and had issue,
(1) Alexander, m. — Armstrong, of Drumlene, and had issue,
i. John, d. 1899. 2. Alexander, d.s.p.
3. Armar.
(2) James, m. Mary, dau. of his uncle, William Auchenleck,
and had issue,
1. Armar, of Cuttiagh, d. unm. 1880.
2. Daniel, d. unm. 1882.
1. A dau., m. — Chartres, of Maguiresbridge.
2. Alice, d. 1898.
2. William, of Cuttiagh m. and had issue.
Mary, m. her cousin, James Auchenleck.
3. James, M.D., R.N., d.s.p.
4. John, in the Civil Service, m. Miss Aynesworth, and had issue,
i. Capt. James, m. Lucinda Magill, and had issue,
(1) John, d. unm.
(2) A dau., m. — Ward, of Pianstown, co. Down.
(3) Anne, d. unm.
5. William, d. 1803, leaving issue,
i. Mary. 2. Margaret.
6. George. 7. Corry.
8. REV. ALEXANDER, of whom presently.
9. Rev. Anketell, b. posthumous, Curate of Termonmaguifke,
who had a son, Richard.
1. Elisabeth, d. unm. 1824.
2. Sarah, m. — Cluff, of Ratorau.
THE REV. ALEXANDER AUCHINLECK, of Castle Lodge and Mullans,
rintona, co. Tyrone, Rector of Rossory, co. Fermanagh, b. 1749,
m. 1784, Jane, dau. of James Lowry Eccles, of Shannock, co. Fer-
managh, and d. 1833, having by her (who d. 1829) had issue,
1. James Eccles (Rev.), of Castle Lodge and Mullans, J.P.,
b. 1786, m. 1815, Caroline, dau. of Richard Fiddis, of Tullycreevy
House, co. Fermanagh, and d. 1829, leaving issue,
i. Alexander Eccles (Rev.), of Castle Lodge and Mullans,
Fintona, co. Tyrone, Vicar of Car-Colston, Notts, b. 1825 : m. ist,
3 June, 1862, Fanny, dau. of John Crozier, J.P., of Gortra
House, co. Fermanagh (see BURKE'S Family Records). She d.s.p.
15 Sept. 1864. He m. 2ndly, 21 Sept. 1870, Sidney, dau. of
John Laurence Spear, J.P., of Glenally House, co. Tyrone.
She d.s.p. 12 Aug. 1881.
1. Jane Eccles, m. 15 Nov. 1836, William Crozier, and son of
John Crozier, J.P., of Gortra House (see BURKE'S Family
2. Susan Caroline, d. unm.
3. Elizabeth Ward, m. P. G. Hippolite Marlet, Avocat of
Semur, Burgundy, and has issue.
4. Henrietta Margaret Enery, m. Rev. Thomas Lewis.
2. William, an Officer, d. in India, unm.
3. John (Rev.), Rector of Dunboyne, co. Meath, and Ballyhack,
co. Wexford, b. 1796, m. 1825, Katherine, dau. of Rev. Thomas
Johnston, and d. 20 June, 1870, having by her (who d. 28 Dec.
1892) had issue,
1. John Claude Alexander, Lieut.-Col. R.A., m. g Nov. i874.-
Mary Eleanor, dau. of John Eyre, D.L., of Eyrecourt (see that
family), and d. 1892, having had issue,
(1) Claude John Eyre, Indian Army, b. 21 June, 1884.
(2) Armar Leslie, b. 1887.
(i) Cerise Eleanor Gordon. (2) Katherine Ruth Leigh ton.
2. William Henry, Lieut.-Col. late R.A., b. 2 Aug. 1841 ;
m. 28 June, 1898, Constance Mildred Spilsbury, youngest dau.
of William Halford, of 30, Cambridge Square, W. He d.
16 Oct. 1901, leaving issue,
William John Alexander Halford, b. 8 Aug. 1899.
3. Daniel.
1. Jane Katherine, d. unm. 8 July, 1883.
2. Fanny. 3- Katherine.
4. DANIEL ECCLES, of whom presently.
1. Anna, m. 1809, Richard Dane, J.P., of Killyhevlin, co. Fer-
The younger son,
DANIEL ECCLES AUCHINLECK, of Crevenagh, o. 1797 ; m. Nov.
1833, Elizabeth Dorothea, dau. of Rev. Thomas Lindsay Stack, J.P.,
Rector of Badony, and d. 1849, having by her (who d. 14 Sept. i8fe8)
had issue,
1. THOMAS, late of Crevenagh.
2. William Lowry, b. 1841, Col. 6srd Regt., Bng.-Gen. Calcutta :
3. Daniel,' late* 'Maj. Royal Scots Fusiliers, b. 1847; killed at
Taindah, Burma, 15 Sept. 1886.
B 2
1. Margaret Jane, m. 1859, the Right Rev. Charles Maurice
Stack, Lord Bishop of Clogher, J.P., D.D., and has issue.
2. Anna Mary, m. Brig.-Surg. Constantine Read, Army Medical
The eldest son,
THOMAS AUCHINLECK, of Crevenagh, co. Tyrone, and of Shan-
nock Green, co. Fermanagh, b. 16 Jan. 1837, J.P. and D.L. co.
Tyrone, High Sheriff, co. Tyrone, 1872, Hon. Maj. Royal Tyrone
Fusiliers, formerly Lieut, nth (North Devon) Regt. ; m. 29 Sept.
1868 Jane, dau. of George H. Loxdale, of Grassendale, Liverpool,
son of Joseph Loxdale, of Kingsland, co. Salop, and d. 1893, leaving
1. DANIEL GEORGE HAROLD, now of Crevenagh.
1. Bessie Sarah, m. 7 Aug. 1907, Lieut.-Col. Thomas Francis
Bushe, C.M.G., R.A.
2. Norah Lilian Loxdale, m. 29 July, 1896, Rev. James George
Reginald Darling, Rector of Eyke, Suffolk, youngest son of the
late Rev. James George Darling.
Seat — Crevenagh, Omagh, co. Tyrone.
AYLMER, of Courtown,
Kilcock, co. Kildare, J.P*
and D.L., High Sheriff
1896, Major late 4th
Dragoon Guards, B.A.
Trin. Coll. Cambridge, b.
22 Dec. 1853; m, 12 April,
1886, Blanche, 3rd dau. of
John Eveleigh Wyndham,
of Clearwell Court, Glou-
cestershire, and widow of
Capt. George Montgomery,
R.H.A., and by her (whod. 8 March, 1895) has issue,
JOHN WYNDHAM, Lieut. 4th Dragoon Gds. b. 9 March, 1889.
Stella Wyndham, m. 3 March, 1909, Capt. John M. Colchester-
Wemyss (see COLCHESTER-WEMYSS of Westbury), and has issue.
Lineage. — RICHARD AYLMER, of Lyons, co. Kildare, living
1421, one of the Keepers of the Peace for the cos. of Dublin and
Kildare 1432, Sovereign of the Borough of Tassagard, anno 10
HENRY VI, was direct ancestor of BARTHOLOMEW AYLMER, of
Lyons, co. Kildare ; m. Margaret, dau. of Sir Christopher Cheevers,
Knt. of Macetown, and had issue,
1. RICHARD, his heir.
2. GERALD (Sir), ancestor of the LORDS AYLMER (see BURKE'S
1. Anne, m. Sir Thomas Luttrell, Knt., of Luttrellstown, Lord
Chief Justice of Common Pleas.
The elder son,
RICHARD AYLMER, of Lyons, appointed Chief Sergeant of the co.
Kildare, i June, 27 HENRY VIII, A.D. 1535, m. Genet, dau. and
heir of Alderman Thomas Tew, of Dublin, and was s. by his son,
RICHARD AYLMER, of Lyons, m. Elinor, dau. of George Fleming,
2nd son of James, Lord Slane, and had,
1. THOMAS, his heir.
2. George, of Cloncurrie, co. Kildare, m. Mary, dau. of Patrick
Hussey, Baron of Galtrim.
3. Gerald (Sir), created a bart. (see BURKE'S Peerage and
4. Edward, m. Katherine, dau. of Robert Fitzgerald, of Alloone.
The eldest son,
THOMAS AYLMER, of Lyons, s. his father, and had livery of his
estate, 20 July, 1562. He m. Alison, dau. of Thomas Cusac, of
Cussingtown, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, and by her (who d. Dec.
1623) had
1. BARTHOLOMEW, s. his father, and was ancestor of AYLMER of
2. Richard, of Hartwell, who left four sons.
3. JOHN, ancestor of AYLMER of Courtown.
The 3rd son,
JOHN AYLMER, of Ballykennan, co. Kildare, m. Elinor, dau. of
Hussey, of Moyle Hussey, and had (with three daus., Ellice, m.
Gerald Dillon, of Kellynyon, co. Westmeath ; Cicely ; and Alison)
five sons,
1. MATTHEW, his heir. 2. George.
3. Robert, m. Katherine, dau. of Piers Power, of Monalargie, by
Lady Katherine his wife, dau. of Walter, nth Earl of Ormonde
and Ossory, and had,
JAMES, m. Esther, dau. of Thomas Luther, of Ballyboy, King's
Co., and was father of
Robert, of Painstown, co. Kildare, m. Anne, dau. and heir
of Patrick Wogan, of Richardstown, and grand-dau. of
William Wogan, of Rathcoffey, and had issue,
Charles, of Painstown, m. ist, Rose, dau. of James
O'Reilly, of Roristown, co. Meath, and had an only dau.,
Catherine Rose, m. 1786, Sir Robert Barnewall, 8tti bart.,
of Crickstown, and d. 10 Feb. 1790. He m. 2ndly, Esmay,
dau. of William Piers, of Castletown, and had Robert, of
Painstown, d.s.p. ; William, d.s.p. 1820 ; Gerald, d.s.p.;
and Anne, m. 1793, Christopher Barnewall, of Meadstown.
4. Bartholomew. 5. Richard.
Mr. Aylmer d. 26 June, 1632, and was s. by his eldest son,
MATTHEW AYLMER, of Ballykennan, b. 1606 ; m. Elizabeth,
dau. of — Wogan, of Rathcoffey, co. Kildare, and was s. by his son,
JOHN AYLMER, of Ballykennan, who d. 1702, leaving (with a dau.,
Alice, m. 1704, William Humphrey, of Hollywood, co. Wicklow,
and three younger sons, Richard, Matthew, and Thomas) an elder
son, his heir,
JOHN AYLMER, of Ballykennan, m. 1678, Mary, dau. of Thomas
Breedon, of Bearecourt, and had, with six daus , as many sons,
1. JOHN, his heir, m. 1705, Mary, dau. of Thomas Whyte, of
Pitchfordstown, co. Kildare, and d. 1708, leaving a dau., Martha,
and an only son,
JOHN, of Ballykennan, d. unm. 26 July, 1712.
2. Thomas, d. in France. 3. CHARLES, of whom hereafter.
4. Andrew. 5. Matthew, m. and left issue. 6. James, d.s.p.. m.
Mr. Aylmer's will is dated 22 March, 1704, and he d. soon after. His
3rd son,
CHARLES AYLMER, of Ballykennan, s. his nephew in 1712 ; m. the
dau. of Gerrard Crosbie, and d. 5 May, 1754, leaving an only son,
CHARLES ALYMER, of Ballykennan, m. n Sept. 1749, the dau. of
James Tyrrell, of Clonard, co. Kildare, and had issue,
1. MICHAEL, his heir.
2. Richard, Lieut. i7th Regt., m. Eliza, dau. of Admiral Richard
Norris, R.N., and had two sons,
1. Charles, 54th Regt., b. 24 May, 1774 ; m. 15 Dec. 1806,
Mary, dau. of Thomas Luther, of Clonmel. She d. 26 Sept.
1856. He d. 10 Dec. 1863, leaving issue,
(1) Fenton Richard, b. 16 April, 1808 ; d. unm. 1834.
(2) Charles Arthur, b. 28 Sept. 1814 ; m. 10 Aug. 1853,
Hon. Sophia Mackay, dau. of Alexander, 8th Lord Reay.
She d.s.p. 24 Sept. 1866. He d. 1884.
(3) Henry Gerald, b. i Aug. 1818 ; m. 17 June, 1854, Harriet
Anna, dau. of Rev. John Scott, Rector of Little Kimble,
Bucks. She d. 17 Dec. 1908. They had issue,
Henry Scott, b. 9 April, 1858 ; d. 8 March, 1877.
Mary Beatrice.
2. Richard, i7th Dragoons, d.s.p.
Mr. Aylmer was s. by his eldest son,
MICHAEL AYLMER, of Courtown and Ballykennan, Col. m the
Army, m. March, 1777, Frances Amelia, dau. of Richard Hornidge,
of Tulfanis, D.L. co. Wicklow, and had
JOHN, his successor.
Emily, m. 1799, Whitney Upton Gledstanes, of Fardross, co.
Col. Aylmer was s. by his only son,
JOHN AYLMER, of Courtown, m. 29 Dec. 1828, Margaret Susan,
dau. of Sir Fenton Aylmer, 8th bart., of Donadea Castle, and d.
5 March, 1857, having by her (who d. Dec. 1892) had issue,
1. MICHAEL, his heir.
1. Jane Grace, d. unm. 1896.
2. Margaret, m. 1856, Charles Michael Bury (formerly Wright),
of Downings, co. Kildare. Both are deceased.
3. Emily, m. 8 Nov. 1859, the late Thomas Chapman.
4. Elizabeth, d. unm. 1900.
5. Cecilia. 6. Lucy Harriet, m. Louis Hack.
His eldest son,
MICHAEL AYLMER, of Courtown, J.P., b. 30 May, 1831 ; m. Feb.
1853, Charlotte, dau. of Hans Hendrick, of Kerdiffstown, co. Kil-
dare. He d. 4 April, 1885. She d. Nov. 1893, leaving issue,
1. JOHN ALGERNON, his heir.
2. HANS HENDRICK (see HENDRICK-AYLMER of Kerdiffsiown).
3. Algernon Ambrose Michael, of Rathmore, co. Kildare, B.A.
Trin. Coll. Dublin (Kildare Street Club), b. 23 June, 1857 ; m.
10 June, 1886, Frances Sophia, dau. of Meade Caulfeild Dennis, of
Fortgranite, co. Wicklow, and has issue,
Richard Michael, b. 5 Oct. 1887.
Theodora Margaret, b. 21 Feb. 1892.
1. Florence Mary, m. ist, 21 March, 1882, Lieut.-Col. Walter
Joseph Borrowes, youngest son of Sir Erasmus Borrowes, 8th
bart., of Gilltown, and has issue (see BURKE'S Peerage). He d.
11 Sept. 1893. She m. 2ndly, 1895, William Gore, and d. 1907.
Arms — Arg., a cross sa. between four Cornish choughs ppr.
Crest — A Cornish chough, rising out of a ducal coronet, all ppr.
Motto— Hallelujah.
Seat — Courtown, Kilcock, co. Kildare. Clubs — Naval and
Military, Cavalry, and Kildare Street.
diffstown, co. Kildare,
J.P., High Sheriff 1894,
Barrister - at - Law, B.A.
Trin. Coll. Dublin, b. 23
May, 1856 ; m. May, 1886,
Florence, dau. of Alex-
ander Edwards, of Bally-
hire, co. Wexford, and has
had issue,
1. CHARLES PERCY, b. 1887 ; d.
i Dec. 1906.
2. Gerald Hans, b. 1897.
1. Muriel Charlotte.
2. Violet Lucy.
Mr. Hendrick - Aylmer
assumed the additional
surname and arms of HENDRICK by Royal Licence
in 1889.
.20 Q
Lineage. — See AYLMEK of Courtown.
ist, AYLWARD, out of a ducal coroaet or, an arm embowed, vested
Arms — ist and 4th, aig., a cross sa. between four Cornish az., cuffed arg., the hand ppr. grasping an anchor gold ; 2nd, TOLER,
c ioughs ppr. for AYLMER ; 2nd and 3rd, az., three leopards' faces ! out of a mural crown ppr. a fleur-de-lis or, charged with an ermine
c , for HENDRICK. Crests — ist, AYLMER, out of a ducal coronet | spot, sa. Motto — Veriis" et fidelis semper.
, a chough rising ppr. ; 2nd, HENDRICK, out of a ducal coronet
•, a crescent gu. Motto — Hallelujah.
Seat — Kerdiffstown, near Naas.
VVARD, of Shankill
3astle, co. Kilkenny, and
Bloomfield, co. Ros-
sommon, J.P. and D.L.
co. Kilkenny, High
Sheriff 1886, b. 13 June,
1839, assumed by Royal
Licence, dated 30 May,
1884, the additional sur-
name and arms of
AYLWARD, on succeed-
ing his uncle. He m.
April, 1 894, Emily Mary
Eliza, only child of
James Butler, of Verona,
Monkstown, co, Dublin, and has issue,
1. HECTOR JAMES, b. g March, 1895.
2. Victor George, b. n Oct. 1897.
Lineage. — This family is of antiquity in Ireland, and was
settled in co. Waterford at a very early period, where ior more than
three centuries it was in the enjoyment of large possessions. The
first on record is RICHARD AYLWARD, of Faithlegg, co. Waterford,
from whom descended a family which became possessed of Glen-
sillan, called from them Aylwardstown, and other lands in co. ;
WILLIAM AYLWARD, of Aylwardstown, living 1562, d. about
1608, leaving a son
PETER (or Piers) AYLWARD, of Aylwardstown, High Constable !
of the barony of Ida, m. Ellen, dau. of Nicholas FitzGerald, cf ;
Gurteea, co. Kilkenny (see FITZGERALD of Turlough), and had issue,
NICHOLAS AYLWARD, of Aylwardstown, transplanted to co.
Galway in 1653, m. Ellen, dau. of James Keally, of Gowran, co.
Kilkenny, and had a son,
PETER AYLWARD, of Aylwardstown, and of Shankill, co. Kilkenny,
m. Elizabeth, eldest dau. and eventual co-heir of Sir Richard Butler,
Bart., of Polestown, co. Kilkenny, and by her (who d. 21 Oct. 1708)
had a son and successor,
NICHOLAS AYLWARD, of Shankill, M.P. for Thomastown, Sheriff
co. Kilkenny, 1742. He m. 5 Aug. 1719, Catherine, 2nd dau. of
Maurice Keating, of Narraghmore, co. Kildare, and d. 1756, leaving
two sons,
1. NICHOLAS, his heir. 2. Peter, who d. unm. 1801.
The elder son,
NICHOLAS AYLWARD, of Shankill, High Sheriff co. Kilkenny
1757 ; m. ist, 14 July, 1756, Mary (d. Dec. 1767), dau. of Benjamin
Kearney, by whom he had issue,
1. PETER, his heir. 2. Nicholas, d. unm.
1. Katherine.
He m. 2ndly, April, 1769, Susanna, widow of Edmund Waring (she
m. 2ndly, Oct. 1772, Rev. Henry Candler and d. 4 Aug. 1775). He
was s. at his death, i Aug. 1772, by his elder son,
PETER AYLWARD, of Shankill, who m. Anne Kearney, of New
Ross, co. Wexford, and d. 1792, having had a son and heir,
NICHOLAS JOHN PATRICK AYLWARD, of Shankill, bapt. 17 March,
1787 ; m. 1805, Elizabeth (d. 25 Feb. 1851), eldest dau. of James
Kearney, of Blanchville, co. Kilkenny, and had issue,
1. JAMES KEARNEY, his heir. 2. Nicholas, d.s.p.
3. Peter Charles, d.s.p.
1. Mary Anne, m. 1835, Rev. Peter Toler, B.A., son of Rev. John
Toler, Rector of Kenstown, co. Meath, J.P. co. Cork, and d.
1850, leaving by him (who d. May, 1883),
Meriel Elizabeth, m. 1869, R. Devenish (deceased), and has
two daus.
2. Elizabeth, m. Rev. Clopton Henry Keogh.
3. Susanna. 4. Waller.
5. Meriel, m. May, 1849, Robert Young, of Clonsingle, co. Tip-
Mr. Aylward d. 1832, and was s. by his eldest son,
JAMES KEARNEY AYLWARD, of Shankill, b. 1811, J.P. and D.L.
co. Kilkenny, High Sheriff 1837, assumed by Royal Licence, 1876,
the additional surname of Kearney upon succeeding to a moiety of
the estates of his kinsman, JAMES CHARLES KEARNEY, of Blanch-
ville, same co., m. 1853, Isabella, dau. of Lieut.-Col. Arthur Forbes,
32nd Regt., and widow of Beauchamp Newton, and d.s.p. i Feb.
1884, when he was s. by his nephew, HECTOR JAMES CHARLES
Arms — Quarterly : ist and 4th, az., a fleur-de-lis between two
estoiles of ?ix points in bend dexter, and as many increscents in
bend sinister, or, for AYLWARD ; 2nd and 3rd, arg. on a cross gu
between four oak leaves vert, a fleur-de-lis or, for TOLER. Crests —
Seat— Shankill Castle, Whitehall, co. Kilkenny.
kerry, co. Carlow, J.P.
and D.L., formerly Lieut.
45th Regt., High Sheriff
co. Carlow 1871, b. 10
Sept. 1846; m. 5 July,
1870, Ethel Constance
Mary, dau. of the late
Robert Westley Hall-
Dare, of Newtownbarry,
co. Wexford, and has
5 Jan. 1873 ; »». 14 May,
1903, Marion Cecile, only dau.
of Robert Seymour, of Killa-
noolie, co. Galway.
2. Charles James, b. 22 March, 1877.
1. Mary Verena, b. 4 April, 1871 ; d. unm. 13 Feb. 1889.
2. Violet Ethel, b. 24 Aug. 1882.
3. Kathleen Prudence Eirene, b. 28 Dec. 1886 ; m. 6 April, 1907,
Capt. William Steuart Burkett Blackett, Gren. Gds., only son of
late Commander A. C. S. Blackett, and has issue (see BLACKETT of
Lineage. — PHILIP NEWTON, of Benekerry, b. 1796, High Sheriff
co. Carlow 1833, 2nd son of Philip Newton, of Dunleckny (see that
family), by Sarah Bagenal his wife, assumed by Royal Licence,
dated 6 March, 1832, the surname and arms of BAGENAL only. He
»». 1838, Georgiana Thomasina, dau. of Maj. James Boyd. King's
Dragoon Guards, of Rosslare, co. Wexford, and Georgina his wife,
2nd dau. of Hon. George Jocelyn (see BURKE'S Peerage, RODEN, E.),
and d. 24 June, 1856, having by her (who d. i March, 1897) had
1. WALTER PHILIP, his heir.
2. BEAUCHAMP FREDERICK, successor to his brother.
3. James Philip, Indian Telegraph Staff, b. 22 June, 1848 ; d.
unm. at Allahabad, India, 4 June, 1869.
4. Philip Henry, B.A. Oxon, Barrister-at-Law, General Inspector
of the Local Government Board (17, Clarence Drive, Harrogate),
b. 18 June, 1850 ; m. 15 April, 1884, Harriot Jocelyn, dau. of
Walter Hore, late of Linfield, co. Limerick, and Marion Jane his
wife, dau. of Right Rev. H. Griffin, D.D., Bishop of Limerick, and
. Dudleigh John, b. 28 Sept. 1886 ; d. 18 March, 1887.
. Philip Hope Edward, b. n Feb. 1888.
. Nicholas Beauchamp, b. 5 July, 1891.
. Faith Marion Jane, b. 6 Sept. !889.
_. Georgina Charis Mabel, b. i Sept. 1894.
1. Georgina Elizabeth, b. 15 Jan. 1839 ; d. 17 Nov. 1910.
2. Lucy Isabel, b. 9 Dec. 1843 ; d. Feb. 1845.
3. Sarah Catherine, b. 9 Dec. 1844.
His eldest son,
CAPT. WALTER PHILIP BAGENAL, of Benekerry, b. 3 May, 1841,
Capt. i6th Lancers ; d. unm. at Bangalore, India, 24 Nov. 1869,
and was s. by his brother.
Arms — Barry of four erm. and or, a lion ramp., az. Crest — An
heraldic antelope, sejant, vert, attired, unguled, ducally gorged
and chained or.
Seat — Benekerry, Carlow.
Ballymoe, and of
Aughrane Castle, co,
Galway, b. March,
1880 ; m. Oct. 1908,
Maria, only dau. of
late Signer Boccacio,
of Turin, Italy.
Lineage.— EDWARD BA-
GOT, of Hamstown, King's
Co., and of Walterstown,
co. Kildare, b. 1620, was
a Royal Commissioner for
King's Co. 1663, and High
Sheriff co. Kildare 1677, and
King's Co. 1680. He m. 1659,
Catherine, dau. of William Colborne, of Great Connelt, Kildare, and
d. i7ii, aged 90, leaving
1. MILO, of whom presently.
2. Arthur, executor of his father's will.
3. Christopher, ancestor of the Numey and Kilnoon branches.
1. Elizabeth, m. James Medlicott, of Dunmurry, co. Kildare.
The eldest son,
COL. MILO BAGOT, of Ard, Newtown, and Kilcoursey, b. 1660,
m. 1770, Margaret, dau. of Edmond and sister of Col. Andrew
Armstrong, of Mauristown, co. Kildare, and d. 1739, leaving
i. JOHN, of whom presently. 2. Michael, d.sp. 1744.
3. Charles, ancestor of BAGOT of Kilcoursey.
1. Elizabeth, m. W. Armstrong, of Ballycumber, King's Co.
2. Mary, d.s.p.
Col. Bagot settled Ard on his eldest son, by deed, dated i May,
1725, and Kilcoursey on his 3rd son, Charles, by deed 30 May,
1734. The eldest son,
JOHN BAGOT, of Ard, King's Co., 6. 1702, m. 1728, Mary Herbert,
of Durrow Abbey, King's Co., d. 1760, leaving issue, 1. Milo, d.s.p. ;
2. William, d.s.p.; 3. Charles, d.s.p.; 4. JOHN LLOYD, who con-
tinued the family ; 5. Thomas, d.s.p. ; and two daus., 1. Mary,
d.s.p. ; 2. Margaret, m. Archibald Armstrong, of Garry Castle,
King's Co. The 4th son,
JOHN LLOYD BAGOT, of Ard and Ballymoe, Capt. 37th Foot,
and A.D.C. to Lord Cornwallis during the American War, m. 1775,
Catherine Anne, dau. of Michael Cuffe, of Ballymoe, son of Capt.
Francis Cuffe, and grandson (by his wife Mary, dau. of Thomas
Caulfeild, of Donamon Castle, co. Roscommon) of Capt. Thomas
Cuffe, brother of Sir James, grandfather of James Cuffe, Lord
Tyrawley, and of Elizabeth Cuffe, alias Pakenham, created Countess
of Longford. He d. 1718, leaving issue,
1. John Cuffe, d.s.p. 2. William, d.s.p.
3. THOMAS NEVILLE, of whom presently.
1. Cordelia. 2. Louisa.
3. Isabella. 4. Maria.
He was s. by his srd son,
THOMAS NEVILLE BAGOT, of Ard and Ballymoe, b. 1784 : m.
1811, Ellen, dau. of John Fallen, of Runnimead, co. Roscommon,
and Letitia his wife, dau. of John Lambert, of Milford (son of
Walter Lambert, of Cregclare, by his second wife, Miss Martyn,
of Tullyra Castle), by his wife Mary, dau. of Sir Henry Burke,
Bart., of Glynsk Castle, co. Galway, by his wife Cisley Netterville,
and d. 8 Feb. 1863, leaving issue,
1. JOHN LLOYD NEVILLE BAGOT, of Ballymoe and Aughrane.
2. Bernard William, of Carranure, co. Roscommon, Barrister-at-
Law, J.P., b. 1818 ; m. ist, 1850, Euphemia, dau. of the late
Richard J. Hinds, of Rathgar, and by her (who d. 1855) had
i. Richard John Hindes (Rev.), m. 1876, Emily Louisa, eldest
dau. of H. L. Bean, and d. 1880, leaving issue,
Louisa Mary Frances.
He m. 2ndly, 1862, Josephine Isabella, dau. of Joseph A. Holmes,
D.L., of Clogher, co. Sligo, and d. 22 Jan. 1899, leaving issue,
1. Frances Letitia, m. 31 Aug. 1889, Lieut.-Col. F. M. Glubb,
R.E., D.S.O.
2. Isabella, m. 2 Jan. 1891, Maj. Frederic Pelham Abbot
Hardy, Army Service Corps.
3. Charles Augustus, of Dublin, m. 1858, Fanny Louisa, dau. of
A. S. Kerr, and d. 1877, having had issue,
i. George Hindes. 2. Bernard William.
3. William Sidney.
4. Christopher Neville, of Aughrane Castle, co. Galway, J.P.
m. 8 Aug. 1875, Alice, dau. of Sir William Verner, 2nd bart.,
M.P. for co. Armagh, and d. 23 May, 1877, leaving a son,
William Hugh Neville, b. 22 Oct. 1875.
His widow m. 30 Oct. 1879, Reginald Wynne Roberts, and by him
had issue. She d. 9 July, 1908.
1. Letitia Mary. 2. Ellen, d. unm. 26 July, 1866. '
3. Catherine, m. Francis Meagher, of Ballinderry, co. Tipperary. ;
The eldest son,
JOHN LLOYD NEVILLE-BAGOT, of Ballymoe, J.P. cos. Galway,
Clare, and Roscommon, b. Nov. 1814 ; m. 1846, Anna Georgina I
only dau. of Edward Henry Kirwan, of Ballyturin Castle, co. Galway,
and by her (who d. May, 1888) had issue,
1. EDWARD THOMAS LLOYD, of Ballymoe and Aughrane
2. Edward Henry Kirwan, b. 1850, 'd. unm. 1882."
3. John Christopher, of Ballyturin House, Gort, co. Galway,
J.P., b. 1856 ; m. 20 Oct. 1891, Anna Catherine, only dau. of
Lieut.-Col. William Fleming, late 95th Regt., of Mayfield, Ash-
bourne, Derbyshire, and has issue,
i. Mary Eileen. 2. Kathleen Anna.
4. Charles Henry, of Curraghmore, Athleague, co. Roscommon, >
b. May, 1860 ; m. 10 Nov. 1891, Georgina Louisa, 4th dau. of
John Osborne, M.D., of Lindville, co. Cork, and has issue,
i. Charles Edward Kirwan, b. 3 June, 1895.
1. Anna Georgina, b. 14 Sept. 1892.
2. Gwendolin Frances, b. 8 Dec. 1898.
1. Anna Isabella.
2. Ellen Georgina, m. 12 Dec. 1907, Harry, eld. son of Henry
Huggins, of St. Anne's, Lanes.
Mr. Neville-Bagot d. 1890 and was s. by his eldest son,
Aughrane, co. Galway, b. 1848, m. 1876, Ellen, dau. of Francis
Meagher, of Ballinderry, co. Tipperary, and d. Oct. 1890, leaving
one son,
MILO VICTOR, now of Ballyinoe and Aughrane, and of Turin,
Arms— Erm. two chevrpnels az. in the dexter chief point a '
trefoil, slipped, vert, quartering CUFF, of the family of Lord TYRAW-
LEY. Crest— Issuing from a ducal coronet or a goat's head ermines
horned of the first. Motto — Antiquum obtinens.
Seat— Ballymoe. co. Galway, and Aughrane Castle, Ballygar
co. Galway.
RICHARD BAGWELL, of Marlfield, co. Tipperary,
J.P., D.L., High Sheriff 1869, and J.P. co. Water-
ford, b. 9 Dec. 1840, educated at Harrow and
Christ Church, Oxford, M.A., called to the Bar
at the Inner Temple 1866, late Capt. S. Tipperary
Artillery; m. 9 Jan. 1873, Harriette I hilippa, dau.
of Philip Jocelyn Newton, of Dunleckney, co.
Carlow, and has issue,
i. JOHN PHILIP (Chantry House, Melbourne, Derbyshire), 6.
ii Aug. 1874; m- 23 Jan- I9°i» Louisa, youngest dau. of the
late Maj. -Gen. George Shaw, C.B., and has issue,
1. Richard, b. 21 Oct. 1901.
2. William, b. 1905.
i. Lilla Cecily, b. 26 Oct. 1902.
1. Emily Georgiana. 2. Margaret.
3. Lilla.
Lineagre. — WILLIAM BAGWELL, M.P. for Clonmel (son of John
Bagwell, of Clonmel and Burgagary, banker, and grandson of
William Bagwell, of Ballyloughane, living in 1707) ; m. 1749, Jane,
dau. and co-heir of John Harper, of Belgrove, co. Cork, and dying
1756, left, with three daus., a son and heir,
JOHN BAGWELL, M.P. for co. Tipperary, and Col. of the Militia,
who purchased Marlfield, co. Tipperary. He m. 1774, Mary,
dau. of Richard Hare, of Ennismore, and sister of William, ist
Earl of Listowel, by whom he had issue (with four daus., Margaret,
m. John Kelly, of Strancally Castle ; Jane, m. Lieut.-Gen. Sir
Eyre Coote ; Catherine, m. John Croker, of Ballinaguard ; and
Mary, m. Henry Langley, of Brittas Castle) two sons,
1. WILLIAM, his heir.
2. Richard (Rev.), Dean of Clogher, who m. 1808, Margaret, dau.
of Edward Croker, of Ballinaguard, and had issue,
1. JOHN, successor to his uncle.
2. Edward Bagwell Purefoy, of Greenfield, co. Tipperary,
formerly Capt. 4th Hussars, Hon. Col. Tipperary Artillery
Militia, High Sheriff co. Tipperary 1856, and Vice-Lieut, of
the co. (see PUREFOY of Greenfields') ; d. 2 July, 1883.
1. Margaret, m. Joseph Gore, of Derrymore, co. Clare.
2. Mary, m. George Gough, of Woodstown, co. Limerick.
3. Jane. m. Benjamin B. Frend.
Col. Bagwell was s. at his decease by his eldest son,
a Privy Councillor and Muster-Master-General for Ireland, at
whose decease, unm. 1825, the estates devolved on his nephew,
JOHN BAGWELL, of Marlfield, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff co.
Tipperary 1834, M.P. for Clonmel 1857-74, b. 3 April, 1811 ; m. 21
June, 1838, Hon. Frances Eliza Prittie, sister of Henry, 3rd Lord
Dunalley, and d. 2 March, 1883, having by her (who d. 17 April,
1901) had issue.
1. RICHARD, now of Marlfield.
2. William, of East Grove, Queenstown, J.P. co. Cork, b. 5
March, 1849 ; m. 1881, Mary, dau. of C. Spring Rice, and has
i. John, M.V.O., Lieut. Norf. Regt., 6. 3 March, 1884.
1. Dorcas Bousfield, b. 1882.
2. Frances, h. 1886.
1. Elizabeth, d. unm. 1886.
2. Margaret, m. 1862, John Thornton Rogers, of River Hill,
3. Emily, m. 1873, J. Carrington Ley, one of H.M.'s Inspectors
of Schools.
4. Fanny.
Seat — Marlfield, near Clonmel. Clubs — Athensum, Oxford and
Cambridge, S.W., and Kildare Street, Dublin.
The late MAJOR JAMES BAILIE, of Ringdufferin,
co. Down, J.P., M.A. Trin. Coll. Dublin, Major
(retired) 87th R.I. Fusiliers, formerly of the 6oth
Rifles, served ten years in India, and had the medal
for the Indian Mutiny, 6. 31 Jrn. 1823 ; m. 15 May,
1850, his cousin Charlotte Jemima, eldest dau. of
Capt. William Cossart Carleton, 4th son of Very
Rev. Peter Carleton, Dean of St. Patrick's, and d.
28 Feb. 1896, bur. in Killyleigh Churchyard, having
had issue,
1. Edward Robert, d. in infancy, 1855.
Lineagre. — DAVID BAILLIE, of Lamington, the second son of
SIR WILLIAM BAILLIE, of Lamington, and Marion his wife, dau.
of Sir John Seaton, of Sea ton (see BAILLIE of Dochfour), was
father of
ALEXANDER BAILLIE, of Dunraget, b. about 1540, an Officer in the
English Army, who purchased the lands of Innishargie, co. Dpwn,
and had a son,
ALEXANDER BAILIE, of Innishargie and Ringdufferin, co. Down,
who altered the spelling of his surname, was b. 1587 ; d. 20 Aug.
1682, leaving issue,
1. John, of Innishargie, b. 1623, m. Catherine Gary, and d. 1687,
leaving, with other issue, an eldest son,
James, of Innishargie House, b. 1653 ; m. Jane, dau. of Sir
Francis Annesley, of Castle William, co. Down, and d. 1710,
leaving, with other issue, a son,
John, of Innishargie House, co. Down, High Sheriff 1725, b.
1697 ; m. Jane, dau. of Mathew Forde, of Seaforde, co. Down,
and d. 1759, lea\ing, with other issue, a dau. Anne Sarah,
m. William Mercer, of Fair Hill, co. Louth, and a son,
James, of Innishargie House, which he sold, was High
Sheriff 1767, M.P. for Hillsborough, b. 1724 ; m. Anne, dau.
of Francis Hall, of Strangford, co. Down, and d.s.p. 1787.
2. EDWARD, of whom we treat.
The 2nd son,
EDWARD BAILIE, settled at Ringdufferin, m. Elizabeth, only
dau. of J ames Dunbar, and was s. by his eldest son,
Lineage. — THOMAS BAKER, the first of this family who settled
at Lattinmore, co. Tipperary, went to Ireland with the Lord
Deputy, Sussex. His widow, Anne Baker, who was living at
Knockroid, Barony of Clanwilliam, 8 July, 1642, put in her claim,
and that of her son, Walter, as sufferers, in 1641. This son,
WALTER BAKER, entered Trin. Coll. Dublin 30 Sept. 1640, aged
17, as 2nd son of Thomas Baker, of Lattinmore, 6. at Baiiuicallagh,
1623. He got a re-grant from CHARLES II of the lands of Killenaliff,
Lattinmore and Lattinbeg, Yorticord, and Kilpatrick, in co. Tip-
perary, containing 1,200 Irish acres. This patent was enrolled
5 May, 1677, and it states that the lands were in Thomas Baker's
possession "long before the Great Rebellion" of 1641. He m.
Martha Osborne, and left issue, three sons and two daus. The
2nd son,
RICHARD BAKER, of Lattinmore, co. Tipperary, s. his father.
He m. and left issue, a son,
WILLIAM BAKER, s. his father in his estates, and purchased, 1700
(from Col. Blunt), the estate of Lismacue, and was High Sheriff
1 co. Tipperary 1726. He m. 17 July, 1700, Margaret, eldest dau. of
u. o ames unar, an was s. y s ees son, co. pperary 12. e . 1 uy, 100, argae, e u. o
ALEXANDER BAILIE, who became the absolute purchaser of Ring- | Hugh Massy, of Duntryleague, co. Limerick, and had issue, seven
dufferin in 1674. He was s. by his son,
EDWARD BAILIE, of Ringdufferin, High Sheriff co. Down in 1730,
who d. 1774, at the age of 84. His 2nd son,
JAMES BAILIE, of Ringdufferin, b. 1735, J.P., Deputy-Governor
of co. Down ; m. 1793, Sophia London, and, dying 1810, was s. by
his eldest son,
JAMES BAILIE, of Ringdufferin, b. 1797, Barrister-at-Law, J.P.
and D.L., m. ist, 1821, Charlotte, dau. of Very Rev. Peter Carle-
ton, Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin, and by her (who d. 1825) had a
1. JAMES, his heir.
He m. 2ndly, 1829, Harriett Alice, dau. of Rev. Henry Mahon, and
had by her three daus.,
1. Louisa Anne, d. unm. 23 Dec. 1898.
2. Sophia Emily, dec.
3. Harriet Alice Gertrude.
He d. June, 1863, when his only son, JAMES, s. him in the Ring-
dufferin and a small portion of the old Innishargie estate.
Seat— Ringdufferin, Toy, near Killyleigh.
JOHN HUGH BAINBRIDGE, of Frankfield, co. Cork,
and of Elfordleigh, Plympton, S. Devon, Lieut
R.N., b. 31 May, 1879 ; m. 23 July, 1907, Kathleen
Irene, only dau. of the late Lewis Sparrow, of
Strode, Ivybridge, Devon, and has issue,
Rose Marie Irene, &. 20 Feb., 1909.
Liineag'e — Bainbridge, originally Baynbrig, is a name of great
antiquity in the north of England.
THOMAS BAINBRIDGE, of Croydon Lodge, Burslow, and Portnells,
Surrey, and Queen's Square, London, m. Anne, dau. of Morgan
Waters, of Tyfig, co. Glamorgan (by Grace his wife, dau. of Thomas
Swan, of Great Coxwell, co. Berks), and widow of J. Rowlandson.
of Lancaster and d. 8 Jan. 1830, leaving by her (who d. 21 Dec.
1834) a son,
JOHN HUGH BAINBRIDGE, of Frankfield, near Douglas, co. Cork,
m. Jan. 1839, Jane Anne, dau. of Henry Westropp, of Richmond,
co. Limerick, by whom (who d. g Oct. 1859) he had,
1. JOHN HUGH, late of Frankfield.
2. Ernest, b. 27 Feb. 1848 ; d. i Dec. 1849.
3. Angelo Coutts, Indian Civil Service, b. 18 April, 1850 ; d. in
India, 1876.
1. Eleanor Jane, m. 3 June, 1863, Robert Samuel Gregg, D.D.,
Bishop of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross 1878, and afterwards Primate
of all Ireland, and d. 26 June, 1893. He d. 1896, leaving issue.
2. Jane Anne, m. July, 1886, Rev. Arthur John Spencer.
Mr. Bainbridge was accidentally drowned, 10 June, 1877. His
eldest son,
Cork, and Elfordleigh, Plympton, Devon, J.P. co. Cork, sometime
A.D.C. to the Queen, b. 31 May, 1845 ; m. 14 Sept. 1875, Rose
Catherine, dau. of Col. Edward Birch-Reynardson, C.B., of Rushing-
ton Manor, co. Southampton, by Emily his wife, dau. of Vere Fane,
of Little Ponton Hall, co. Lincoln (see BURKE'S Peerage, WEST-
MORLAND, E.), and d. 10 Aug. 1901, having had issue,
1. JOHN HUGH, now of Frankfield.
1. Kathleen Grace Fane, m. 12 Sept. 1905, Licut.-Col. Hugh
Fortescue Coleridge, D.S.O., and has issue.
2. Gwendolen Eleanor, m. 4 June, 1901, Major A. B. Fox, Somer-
setshire L.I. (Sandpits, Powick, Worcester), and has had issue.
3. Dorothy Emily, m. Lieut. Bowles, R.A.
Seat — Frankfield, Cork. Residence — Elfordleigh, Plympton,
South Devon.
ALLEN BAKER, of Lismacue, co. Tipperary,
M.R.C.V.S., 6. 24 July, 1881 ; m. 7 July, 1910,
Frances Violet (now of Ballinard), eld. dau. of the
late Lieut.-Col. William Cooper -Chadwick, of
Ballinard, Tipperary (see that family).
sons and four daus.,
1. HUGH, his heir. 2. Charles.
3. Thomas. 4. Richard.
5. William. 6. Walter.
7. Godfrey, of Cork, m. 1744, Elizabeth, dau. of Peter Cossart, of
Cork, and had (with two daus., Elizabeth, m. Nicholas Wrixon,
and Katherine, m. Thomas Pope) four sons,
1. Godfrey, m. Margaret, dau. of Hugh, ist Lord Massy, and
by her (who m. 2ndly, Capt. Wheeler, R.N., and was mother
of Gen. Sir Hugh Wheeler, killed at Cawnpore) had issue,
Godfrey Hugh Massy, m. Elizabeth, only child of Marma-
duke Grace, and had an only dau. and heiress,
Eleanor, m. 1848, Richard Rogers Coxwell Rogers, of
Dowdeswell Court, co. Gloucester, and has issue.
2. Hugh, m. Miss Phipps, and had issue,
(1) Godfrey Phipps, Col. H.E.I.C.S.
(2) George, Capt. R.A., m. and had one dau., m. Capt.
Monck, 22nd Regt.
(3) Hugh Cossart, Maj. H.E.I.C.S., m. Mary Popplewell,
and had issue,
Hugh (Rev.), d.s.p.
Catherine, m. 1865, Augustin William Langdon, and has
(3! Dorcas, m. Gen. Peter Stewart, R.A., who d. 1867,
leaving issue.
3. Peter, d.s.p. 1813.
4. WILLIAM MASSY, Col. H.E.I.C.S., settled at Fort William,
Glanmire, co. Cork ; m. 19 Feb. 1807, Mary Towgood, only
child of the Rev. Richard Davies, of Dawstown, co. Cork, and
d. 12 Nov. 1829, leaving issue,
(1) GODFREY THOMAS, of Fort William, b. 18 April, 1810 ;
m. 1841, Maria Elizabeth, 4th dau. of Charles Silver Oliver,
of Inchera, co. Cork, M.P., and by her (who d. 14 June,
1901) left issue,
Godfrey William, b. 24 Oct. 1851 ; d. at Heidelberg, n
Dec. 1865.
Maria Elizabeth Thomasine.
(2) William, Col. H.E.I.C.S., m. Frances Roupell, dau. of
James Simpson, and d. 1877, leaving issue,
1. Godfrey Alexander, B..A. Cambridge.
2. William Savage, B.A..T.C.D., Lieut, soth Regt.
(3) Richard Davies, Capt. 5 ist Light Infantry, d.s.p. 1873.
(4) Hugh Percy, Capt. Fusiliers, d.s.p. 12 Jan. 1846.
(5) James Swayne, Capt. R.E., d.s.p. 1871.
(1) Dorcas French, m. Capt. Francis J. Green, of Green-
mount, co. Limerick, and d.s.p. 1830.
(2) Eleanor Davies, m. 3 Aug. 1843, Edward Hoare Garde,
and has issue.
(3) Katherine Pope.
(4) Elizabeth, m. — Bolton.
(5) Margaret, m. her cousin, the Rev. Godfrey Massy, of
Mount Sion.
(6) Alice, m. — Shepherd. (7) Amy, d. unm.
The eldest son,
HUGH BAKER, of Lismacue, m. 1730, Catherine, dau. of Robert
Ryves, of Ryves Castle, Ballyskiddane, co. Limerick, and d. 25 Jan.
^772, having had issue,
1. WILLIAM, his heir.
2. Thomas, m. May, 1771, Rose, dau. of Sir Nevil Hickman, Bt.,
had one son, dec.
3. Hugh, m. Sydney Coates, and had issue.
4 Walter, d. unm. 5. Edward, d. young.
6. Kilner, m. ist, 9 Sept. 1783, Elizabeth, 2nd dau. and co-heir
of the Rev. Robert Nettles, Rector of Ballinamona, co. Cork, and
had issue, a son and two daus. He m. 2ndly, the dau. of Kilner
Brasier, by whom he had no issue.
1 Elizabe'th, m. May, 1759, her cousin, the Hon. John Massy, d.s.p.
2. Margaret, m. Kilner Brasier. 3. Catherine, d. unm.
WILLIAM BAKER, of Lismacue, Col. Irish Volunteers, m. Eliza-
beth, 2nd dau. of the Very Rev. Charles Massy, of Doonass, Dean
of Limerick, and sister of Sir Hugh Dillon Massy, ist bart., of
Doonass, and had issue,
1. WILLIAM, his heir.
2. Hugh, m. Anne, dau. of James Reardon, of Tipperary, and d.
1801, leaving issue,
1. HUGH, who s. bis uncle at Lismacue.
2. William, Rector of Shronel, co. Tipperary, m. Sidney, dau.
of John Scott Baker, and d. 1874 leaving issue,
Hugh Sidney (Rev.), Preacher of St. Patrick's Cathedral,
Cashel, d. 1883.
i. Elizabeth, d. unm. 1867.
3. Charles Massy, Lieut.-Col. i4th Dragoons, d. unm.
4. Robert, m. Miss Collins.
1. Elizabeth, m. Henry Fry, of Frybrook, co. Roscommon.
2. Catherine, m. Johnstone Stoney, of Oakley Park, King's Co.
3. Grace, m. ist, Richard Taylor ; and andly, Maj.-Gen. Robert
Philott, R.A.
4. Margaret, d. unm.
Mr. Baker d. 1808, and was s. by his eldest son,
WILLIAM BAKER, of Lismacue, s. his father 1808 ; m. Elizabeth,
dau. of Sir Thomas Roberts, ist bart., of Brightfieldstown, co. Cork,
but d.s.p. ; he was murdered 27 Nov. 1815, when he was s. by his
HUGH BAKER, of Lismacue, b. i Aug. 1798 ; m. Marion, only
child of Charles Conyers, of Castletown Conyers, co. Limerick,
and left issue,
1. HUGH, his heir.
2. CHARLES CONYERS MASSY, late of Lismacue, which he pur-
chased from his brother's heirs.
8. William, M.A.
4. Augustine Fitzgerald (Sir), M.A. Trin. Coll. Dublin, Pres. of
Incorporated Law Society of Ireland 1903 (56, Merrion Square,
Dublin), b. 1851.
1. Marion Elizabeth, m. George Cole Baker, J.P., who d. 1870.
2. Anne, m Lieut.-Col. Morley Stratford Tynte Dennis, of
Barraderry, co. Wicklow. She d. Jan. 1900. He d. 1902.
3. Elizabeth Henrietta, m. Robert B. Gordon.
4. Mary Rachel, m. John Twynam, of Soberton House, Hants.
Mr. Baker d. 5 Nov. 1868, and was s. by his eldest son,
HUGH BAKER, of Lismacue, b. 1845 ; m. i March, 1879, J
Frances Elizabeth, dau. of John Massy, of Kingswell, co. Tipperary, j
and d. 9 July, 1887, having by her (who m. andly, 13 Sept. 1888,
Ralph Hall Bunbury, of Noremount, co. Kilkenny) had issue,
HUGH, b. i March, 1880.
Alice Maud Massy, b. 21 Aug. 1883.
CHARLES CONYERS MASSY BAKER, of Lismacue, co. Tipperary, ;
J.P., B.A. Worcester Coll. Oxford, Barrister-at-Law, b. 1847; m. \
10 June, 1880, Harriet Booth, dau. of George Allen, of Oakdale, '
Surrey, and had issue,
1. ALLEN, now of Lismacue.
2. Conyers, m. Feb. 1911, Susan Dorothea Geraldine, 2nd dau. I
of Archdeacon Robert Jones Sylvester Devenish, Rector of
Cahir (see DEVENISH of Mount Pleasant).
3. Massy. 4. Dennis.
1. Irene.
Hed. 12 Jan. 1905.
Seat — Lismacue, Tipperary, co. Tipperary.
MICHAEL JOSEPH BALFE, of South Park, co.
Roscommon, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1875 and
1890, Capt. and Hon. Major $th Batt. Connaught
Rangers, b. 10 June, 1850 ; m. 29 July, 1885,
Kathleen, 4th dau. of John O'Conuell, D.L., and
grand-dau. of Daniel O'Connell, of Derrynane Abbey,
co. Kerry (see that family], and has issue,
1. MICHAEL EDWARD JOSEPH, b. 13 Oct. 1887 ; m. 27 June,
1911, Harriet, only dau. of Richard Galwey, of Ardsallagh,
2. Maurice O'Connell Francis, b. 3 Dec. 1888.
3. James Morgan, b. 8 Oct. 1889.
1. Alice Elizabeth Mary Angela. 2. Kathleen Mary.
Lineage.— WALTER BALFE, of Heathfield, co. Roscommon (son
of Michael Balfe, by his wife, a dau. of — Foster, of Mount Foster,
co. Galway, and grandson of Thomas Balfe), m. Jane, dau. of
Nicholas French, of Frenchlawn, co. Roscommon, and by her
had issue, two daus. (the elder m. John Invin, of Oran, and the
younger, m. ist, — Taaffe, and andly, — Scully) and ten sons,
1. MICHAEL, his heir.
2. John, of Lissadurn, co. Roscommon, m. a dau. of Thos. Smith,
of Fort Castle, King's Co., and had two sons and one dau.
3. Nicholas, d. unm. 4. Patrick, d. unm.
5. Edmund, of Marlborough Street, Dublin, m. Elizabeth,
youngest dau. of John Dolphin, of Turoe, co. Galway, and left
i. Nicholas, m. Miss Dubourdieu, and had issue.
1. Eleanor Maria Theresa, m. 1853, Thomas Netterville,
brother of Viscount Netterville, and d. 7 March, 1855.
2. Maria, m. Dr. Veitch.
6. Walter, an Officer in the Army, d. unm.
7. George, d. unm. 8. Richard, d. unm.
9. Christopher, m. Fanny, 3rd dau. of Thomas O'Conor, of New
Garden, and left one son,
Walter, Lieut.-Col. late nth Hussars, m. Miss Esme Mary
Fitzgibbon (d. 14 July, 1907), and d. 4 March, 1899, leaving
issue, two daus., of whom the younger, Frances Esme m.
30 Jan. 1904, Major Frederick Arthur Fryer, Inniskilling
Dragoons, son of Sir Frederick Fryer, K.C.S.I."
10. James, of Runnymeade, co. Roscommon, m. Mary Anne \
younger dau. of Edward Martyn, of Tullyra Castle, co. Galway, I
and left four daus., his co-heirs,
i. Mary, m. 1852, Col. Charles Raleigh Chichester, eldest son
of Sir Charles Chichester, K.C.T., and d. 1871 (see CHICHESTER-
2. Ellen, m. 2 July, 1858, Charles Michael Berington, of Little
Malvern Court, co. Worcester (see that family), and d. 18 Aug.
3. Jane, m. Capt. Newton Charles Chichester.
4. Catherine, m. Col. De Morelle, and d. leaving a dau.
The eldest son,
MICHAEL BALFE, of South Park, m. ist, Sally, dau. of John
Dolphin, of Turoe, co. Galway, and had by her an only child,
Maria, m. Jeremiah John Murphy, Q.C., late a Master in Chancery
in Ireland, and d. leaving issue.
Mr. Balfe m. 2ndly, 1810, Alicia, dau. of Thomas Smith, of Fort
Castle, Philipstown, King's Co., and widow of C. Taaffe, and by
her (who d. 1834) had issue,
1. MICHAEL, his heir. 2. NICHOLAS, heir to his brother.
3. PATRICK JOSEPH, successor to his brother.
4. James, m. a dau. of Charles Hawkes, of Briarfield, co. Ros-
common, and d. June, 1872, leaving two sons, Michael and James,
and five daus., Caroline, Alice, Geraldine, Katie, and Mary Bella.
1. Anne, m. Patrick Breen, J.P., of Castlebridge, co. Wexford,
and d. 1850.
2. Sarah, m. Thomas Blake, of Glenloe Abbey, co. Galway.
3. Kate Mary, m. Morgan O'Connell, formerly M.P. for co.
Meath, 2nd son of Daniel O'Connell, of Derrynane Abbey, co.
Kerry, M.P.
Mr. Balfe d. 1838, and was s. by his eldest son,
MICHAEL BALFE, of South Park, who m. ist, Sarah, dau. of
Thomas Redington, of Rye Hill, co. Galway, who d. 1833 ; and
2ndly, Catherine, eldest dau. of Bernard Mullins, J.P., of Ballyeigan,
King's Co., and of FitzWilliam Square, Dublin, but d.s.p. 1839,
when he was s. by his brother,
NICHOLAS BALFE, of South Park, who m. Jane, dau. of Andrew
Ennis, of Roebuck, near Dublin, and dying s.p. 1856, was s. by his
PATRICK JOSEPH BALFE, of South Park, J.P., High Sheriff
1858, late Capt. 5th Batt. Connaught Rangers, b. Sept. 1819 ; m.
5 Nov. 1847, Anna Mary, 2nd dau. of William MacDermott, of
Springfield, co. Galway, by Anna his wife, dau. of Maj. Bodkin,
of Rahoon and Kilclooneg, co. Galway, and d. Dec. 1886, having
by her (who d. 5 Sept. 1884) had issue,
1. MICHAEL JOSEPH, now of South Park-
2. Nicholas Dominick Joseph, b. 5 Aug. 1854 ; m. April, 1894,
Margaret, dau. of the late Sir Patrick Hackett, Knt., and has
issue, a dau.
3. Patrick Joseph, b. i June, 1857.
1. Annie Mary, m. 14 June, 1869, Charles Edward Hawkes, of
Briarfield, co. Roscommon, J.P.
2. Katie Mary, m. 26 Feb. 1875, Cornelius Alexander Keogh, late
of Birchfield, co. Clare, and Oakport, co. Roscommon, J.P.
3. Alice Mary Maude. 4. May Josephine Ignatius.
Seat— South Park, Castlerea, co. Roscommon.
| ley Hall, co. Louth, J.P. cos. Louth, Meath and
Drogheda, D.L. co. Louth, High Sheriff co. Louth,
I 1885 and 1908. M.A., Trin. Coll.Camb., 6. 15 April,
i 1845 ; »». 24 Jan. 1906, Madeline Elizabeth, elder
dau. of John Kells Ingram, LL.D., formerly Vice-
Provost of Trin. Coll. Dublin.
liineag-e.— SIR WILLIAM BALFOUR, of Pitcullo, co. Fife,
Governor of the Tower under CHARLES I, and settled in Ireland on
the purchase of an estate in the co. Fermanagh, from his uncle,
i Lord Balfour, of Clanawley (see BURKE s Extinct Peerages). He
) m. ist, Helen, dau. ot Archibald, Lord Napier, and had,
1. Alexander, Col. in the Dutch Army, m. Elizabeth Anne Bueuch.
2. William, served in the Netherlands, and d.s.p.
i He m. 2ndly, Isabella, a Dutch lady, widow of Henry Moore, and
by her had,
3. CHARLES, of whom presently.
2. Emilia, m. before 1657, Alexander, 4th Earl of Moray, K.T.
1. Isabella, m. 1649, John, 3rd Lord Balfour, of Burleigh.
3. Susanna, m. Hugh, Lord Hamilton, of Glenawley.
The younger son,
CHARLES BALFOUR, of Castle Balfour, m. 1665, Cicely, dau. and
heir of Sir Robert Byron, of Colwick, Notts, and d. May, 1713,
leaving issue,
1. WILLIAM, his heir.
1. Lucy, m. ist, 1684, Hugh McGill, of Kirkestown, co. Down,
and 2ndly, 1692, Blayney Townley, of Piedmont, co. Louth, and by
him (who d. 22 Aug. 172) had, with other issue,
i. HARRY, s. his uncle. 2. BLAYNEY, of whom presently.
2. Another dau.
The only son,
WILLIAM BALFOUR, of Castle Balfour, attainted by JAMES II
1689 ; d. unm. 1738, and was s. by his nephew,
HARRY TOWNLEY, of Piedmont, co. Louth, who assumed the
name of BALFOUR, under the will of his uncle, and s. to his estates
in co. Fermanagh (afterwards sold to the Earl of Erne), b. 19 Dec.
1693 ; m. 1724, Anne, dau. of Col. Henry Percy, and d. July, 1741,
leaving with a dau., Einelia, a son,
1754, Mary, dau. of Major Thomas Aston, and d.s.p. 21 Nov. 1759,
and was s. by his uncle.
BLAYNEY TOWNLEY BALFOUR, b. 1705 ; m. 30 Nov. 1734, nis
cousin, Mary, dau. and heiress of Hamilton Townley, of Townley
Hall, and relict of William Tenison, of Thomastown, co. Louth,
and had,
1. Hamilton, b. 1742, d. 1746.
2. BLAYNEY TOWNLEY, High Sheriff co. Louth 1771, 6. 1744;
tn. 20 Feb. 1768, Letitia, dau. of Francis Leigh, M.P. for Drogheda,
by Anne his wife, dau. of Henry Bingham, of Newbrook, co.
Mayo, and d.v.p. 8 Dec. 1771, leaving issue,
i. BLAYNEY, successor to his grandfather.
1. Anna Maria, m. 1793, Very Rev. Thomas Vesey Dawson,
Dean of Clonmacnois, and nephew to Thomas, ist Lord Cre-
morne. He d.s.p. 1811, and his widow d. 1820.
2. Mary Frances, d. untn. 1820.
Mr. Balfour d. 1788, aged 84, and was s. by his grandson,
BLAYNEY BALFOUR, of Townley Hall, J.P. and D.L., b. 28 May,
1769 ; m. 17 Oct. 1797, Lady Florence Cole, dau. of William
Willoughby, ist Earl of Ennisk'illen, and by her (who d. i March,
1862) had issue,
1. BLAYNEY, his heir.
2. Willoughby William (Rev.), for forty years Rector of Aston
Flamville-cum-Burbage, co. Leicester, b. 10 Oct. 1801 ; d. unm.
29 June, 1888.
3. Francis Leigh, b. 22 Feb. 1805 ; d. at Honduras, 29 Oct. 1833,
4. Arthur Lowry, b. 3 Dec. 1809, Capt. 32nd Foot ; d. in India,
13 July, 1850.
5. Lowry Vesey, Secretary of the Order of St. Patrick, and
Gen tleman-at- Large to the Lord Lieut., 6. 30 March, 1819 ;
d. unm. 12 Feb. 1878.
1. Anne Maria, b. 5 July, 1800 ; d» unm. 1892.
2. Letitia Frances, b. 7 Nov. 1805 ; d. unm. 1885.
3. Florence Henrietta, b. 28 July, 1808 ; d. unm. 23 July, 1881.
4. Elizabeth Sarah, d. unm. 1838.
Mr. Balfour was Member of the Irish Parliament 1797-1800, for
the borough of Belturbet, and was High Sheriff co. Louth 1792.
He d. 22 Dec. 1856, and was s. by his eldest son,
BLAYNEY TOWNLEY BALFOUR, of Townley Hall, J.P., High
Sheriff co. Louth, 1841, Lieut. -Cover nor of the Bahama Islands
1833, b. 2 July, 1709 ; m. 12 Jan. 1843, Elizabeth Catherine dau. and
heiress of Richard Molesworth Reynell, of Reynella, co. Westmeath
{see REYNELL of Killynon), and d. 5 Sept. 1882, leaving issue,
1. BLAYNEY REYNELL, his heir.
2. Francis Richard (Right Rev.), M.A., Assistant Bishop of
Bloemfontein, South Africa, b. 21 June, 1846.
1. Catherine Florence Agnes, b. 17 Jan. 1858 ; d. unm. 13 Jan.
2. Mary Henrietta, 6. 23 Oct. 1860.
Seat — Townley Hall, near Drogheda, co. Louth. Club —
Sackville Street, Dublin.
Broughall Castle,
King's Co., D.L., J.P.,
High Sheriff 1904, b.
17 March, 1863 ; s. his
father 1873 >' m- X5
Sept. 1908, his cousin,
Rose, only dau. of
Valerio, Count Ma-
gawly Cerati de Calry
(see BURKE'S Peerage,
Foreign Titles).
L i n e a g e — j AMES
O'BANON had issue,
1. EDWARD, of whom next.
2. James, Capt., who after
the battle of the Boyne
accompanied Sarsfield to
France, where he left issue.
The elder son,
castle, co. Westmeath, b.
1636 ; d. 1/05, being bur. at
Templemavally Abbey. He
m. a dau. of O'Molloy and left
issue a son,
castle, and Mearescourt, co.
Westmeath, will dated 4 Dec. 1765, proved 1767 ; m. Mary ,
who had issue,
1. EDWARD. 2. Christopher.
1. Anne.
The elder son,
EDWARD BANON, of Meares Court, co. Westmeath, and Rath-
castle, b. 1730, and d. (will proved 1804), having tn. Catherine,
dau. of Francis Lyons, of Irishtown, co. West neath, by whom he
had issue,
1. Thomas, of Irishtown House, b. 1772 ; d. 1856, having m.,
1807, Bridget Ellenor (d. 1858), dau. of George Davys, J.P., of
Clonbonny, co. Longford, by whom he had issue,
1. Edward, b. 1808; m. 1844, a dau. of — Masters, of Cregan,
co. Roscomnun, and d. in Australia, leaving issue, a dau.,
Elizabeth Alice.
2. Richard Davys, Insp.-Gen. of Hospitals, served in Sikh War
and Indian Mutiny, b. 1812; d. 1870 ; having m. 1849, Adelaide,
dau. of Thomas Penny White, M.A., Cambridge, by his
marriage with Elizabeth Channing, of Fir Grove House, Drox-
ford, Hants, and had issue,
(1) Arthur, Capt. Indian Army (ret.), b. 1850.
(2) Henry Charles, b. 1860.
(3) Frederick Lionel, Col. late Shropshire L.I., A.A.G. War
Office, served in Soudan Campaign 1885, and South African
War 1899-1902, b. 2 June, 1862 (i, Sloane Gardens, S.W.) ;
m. ii Dec. 1890, Helen Mary, dau. of Robert McEweu
Mcllwraith, of 35, Hans Place, S.W., and has issue,
Ronald Awly, b. 20 March, 1893.
(4) Herbert, b. 1864 ; d. unm. 1887.
(i) Mary.
3. Christopher.
i. Anne. 2. Frances. 3. Maria.
2. Edward, b. 1776 ; d. 1790.
3. Andrew, b. 1777.
4. Christopher (Rev.), of Oldtown, b. 1778 ; d. 1847.
5. JAMES, of whom next.
1. Mary, m. John FitzGerald, of Redmondstown, and had issue.
The sth son,
JAMES BANON, of Irishtown, co. Westmeath, b. 1781 ; m. 1808,
Mary Bridget, 2nd dau. of Count Patrick Awly Magawly de Calry
(see BURKE'S Peerage, Foreign Titles), of Temora, King's Co. He d.
1847, leaving by her (who d. 1833) issue,
1. CHRISTOPHER, of whom next.
2. Awly, M.D. (St. Andrews), Vice-Pres. Roy. Coll. Surg. (Ireland)
1866-67, b. 1812 ; m. 2 June, 1840, Jane (d. n Feb. 1874), dau. of
Henry Lambert, of Carnagh (see that family). He d.s.p. 1867.
3. EDWARD JOSEPH, who s. his brother Christopher.
4. Andrew, of Irishtown, J.P. ,b. 1823 ; m. 1864, Annie, eldest dau.
of Edward Beatagh, Q.C., and d. 1891, leaving issue,
i. Awly Edward 2. Edward.
3. Andrew. 4. James Arthur.
5. Christopher.
i. Mary Jeanette. 2. Lucie.
3. Nannie.
1. Jeanette.
2. Mary Frances, m. 1856, Gilbert Nugent, of Jamestown Court,
co. Westmeath, and d. 1887, leavin-j issue.
3. Ellen, d. unm.
He was s. by his eldest son,
CHRISTOPHER BANON, of Irishtown, J.P., who also s. his cousin,
Sir Nicholas FitzSimon, D.L., M.P., in the Broughall Castle
Estates, 1849. He was b. 1810 and d.s.p. 24 May, 1863, having
m. Marie, relict of William Sweetman, being s. by his brother,
EDWARD JOSEPH BANON of Broughall Cas.le, King's Co., J.P.,
D.L., R.M., co. Meath, served in the Crimean Campaign b., ?
d. 1873, having m. 1857, Ellen, eldest dau. of John FitzGerald, of
Carrick, co. Tipperary, by whom he had issue,
1. CHRISTOPHER JAMES PATRICK, now of Broughall Castle.
2. Edward Magawly, b. 6 Aug. 1868 ; m. June, 1909, Agnes,
dau. of J . B. Manning, of Riverside Drive, New York.
1. Ellen Mary.
2. Frances Patricia, m. Edward Hamilton Barry, M.D.
3. Benedicta Magawly. 4. Josephine Mary.
Arms — Vert, an Irish wolfhound courant arg. between three
trefoils slipped or. Crest — An arm in armour embowed, the hand
grasping a sword entwined with a garland of trefoils, all ppr.
Motto — Fidelis et constans.
Seat— Broughall Castle, Frankford, King's Co.
of the Glen, Newry, co.
Down, M.A. Camb.,
B.Sc. London and
Fellow King's Coll.
Camb., b. 1872 ; 5. his
father 18 Nov. 1905 ;
m. 5 Aug. 1903, Mary
Agnetta, younger dau.
of Sir Robert S. Ball,
and has issue,
1. HENRY, b. 18 Oct. 1904.
2. Robert Ball, b. 4 May,
Lineage. — AM BROSE
BARCROFT, of the Haigh, near
Foulridge, and afterwards of
Foulridge Hall, Lancashire,
of Foulridge Hall, son of HENRY BARCROFT, of Foulridge»
younger son of WILLIAM BARCROFT, of Barcroft, Lancashire (who
d. 1581), where his family was seated from the earliest times to
which records extend, down to the middle of the i?th century
(see WHITAKER'S History of Whalley). Barcroft passed by the
marriage of one of the daus. and co-heirs of Thomas Barcroft, of j
Barcroft, last of his line, who d. 1668 (great-grandson of William i
Barcroft, above mentioned), to the Bradshaws, and afterwards by
purchase to the Townleys. Ambrose Barcroft m. Mary,
dau. of — Hartley, of Wellhead, near Colne. His will, dated
30 Sept. 1641, was proved at Chester 9 May, 1668. He had !
1. Thomas, of the Haigh, m. Alice, dau. of J. Hargreaves, of
Heyroyd, co. Lancaster, and had a son, Ambrose.
2. Ambrose (Rev.), Incumbent of Cavan, went to Ireland with
his brother. He left a dau. Ellen, m. — Burroughs, of Dublin.
3. WILLIAM, of whom presently.
4. John.
5. Paul, of York.
6. Robert, settled in Bedfordshire, and was ancestor of the
1. Mary, d. unm.. v.p.
2. Janet, m. John Jackson, son of Christopher Jackson, of West-
The 3rd son,
WILLIAM BARCROFT, went to Ireland and settled at Ballylaklng,
King's Co., b. at Noyna, near Colne, Lancashire, 4 Aug. 1612 ; »w.
ist, Grace, dau. of Henry Rycroft, of Moss House, within
Foulridge, and by her had five children, who were drowned with
their mother when crossing to Ireland to join her husband. He m.
sndly, Margaret, dau. of Daniel Bernard, of Allincot, Colne, co.
Lancaster. She d. at Drumcooley, King's Co., 1700. He d, there
2 Feb., 1696, and was bur. at Rosenallis, 4 Feb. following. By his
second wife he had issue,
1. AMBROSE, of whom presently.
2. Thomas, d.s.p.
3. John, a minister of the Society of Friends, b. 3 June, 1664;
m. Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Tibbs. He d. 24 Nov. 1723,
leaving issue, extinct in the male line. His will was dated
24 Jan. 1723. Her wiU, dated 9 March, 1739, was proved
26 Nov. 1740
1. Ellen, d. unm. 27 Aug. 1678.
The eldest son,
AMBROSE BARCROFT, of Drumcooley, King's Co., b. at Heigh.
Thornton, Yorks, m. Jane, dau. of William Slade, of Athlone,
and d. at Drumcooley, 4 May, 1687, having by her (who m. 2ndly,
— Gribble) had issue,
1. Ambrose, b. 4 April, 1680 ; d. unm.
2. WILLIAM, of whom presently.
3. Thomas, b. 2 June, 1686, d. 18 Nov. 1709.
1. Ellen, b. 3 Nov. 1682 ; m. William Favle.
2. Alice, b. 26 Aug. 1684 ; m. Joseph Medcalf.
The 2nd son,
WILLIAM BARCROFT, of Ballybritton, King's Co., b. 7 Feb. 1681 ;
m. 24 May, 1705, Ellen, dau. of Joseph Inman, and d. at Bally-
britton 5 June, 1709, having by her, who m. 2ndly, Daniel Bewley,
had issue,
1. Joseph, of Dublin, b. 31 March, 1706 ; m. ist, Molina, dmi. of
Alexander J affray, of Kingswell, near Aberdeen, and had issue,
who d. unm. He m. andly, 29 April, 1744, Hannah, dau. of
Jonathan Thomas. His will, dated 3 May, 1784, was proved
23 Dec. 1784.
2. AMBROSE, of whom presently.
1. Elizabeth, b. 13 June, 1709; d. 2 Dec. 1709.
The younger SDH,
AMBROSE BARCROFT, of Dublin, b. 22 Aug. 1707, m. Abigail, dau.
of Thomas Wilcocks. His will, dated 12 June, 1758, was proved
24 Dec. 1760. He had issue,
1. WILLIAM, of whom presently.
2 Thomas, m. Mary, dau. of Francis Penrose, of Waterford, and
had, with a dau., two sons, Ambrose and Penrose.
3. Joseph. 4. Ambrose.
1. Elizabeth.
The eldest son,
WILLIAM BARCROFT, of Dublin, 6. n Jan. 1734; m. 17 Feb.
1757, Mary, dau. of John Pirn, of Lackagh, Queen's Co. She d.
23 April, 1782. He d. Dec. 1772, having had issue,
1. Joseph, b. 1 8 Dec. 1757; m. Anne, dau. of — Cartwright,
and d. 1810, leaving two daus.,
1. Mary, m. — Wright.
2. Elizabeth, m. — Bell.
2. JOHN, of whom presently.
3. George, b. 28 May, 1700; m. Mary, dau. of — Hutchinson, of
Waterford, and had issue,
1. Joseph Inman.
2. William, a sea captain, accidentally killed at Liverpool.
3. John, \
1. Sarah, > went to America.
2. Mary, )
4. Ambrose, d. an infant.
The second son,
JOHN BARCROFT, of Lisburn, b. 30 Nov. 1758 ; m. Sarah, dau. of
James Hogg, of Lisburn (uncle of Sir James Weir Hogg, Bart.).
She b. 21 March, 1856, aged 82. He d. 30 July, 1815, having
had issue,
1. JOSEPH, of whom presently.
2. Williun James, m. Hannah Wakefield, dau. of Dr. Hancock,
and had issue,
i. Mary. 2. Ruth.
3. John Pirn, m. Anna, dau. of Thomas Malcomson, of Lurgan,
and d. 18 Feb. 1867, having had issue,
1. John, J.P. co. Armagh, b. 14 Dec. 1836 ; d. 7 Aug. 1907.
2. Thomas Malcomson, J.P. co. Armagh, b. 17 March, 1838 ;
d. 23 Nov. 1911, leaving issue,
(i) John Pirn (Rev.), M.A. Dub.
3. William, b. 16 Oct. 1839 ; m. Sarah, dau. of Joseph Barcroft.
4. William Greer, b. 8 May, 1841.
5. Jonathan Hogg, b. 1842. His widow, Margaret, d. 7 Sept.
6. Frederick.
The eldest son,
JOSEPH BARCROFT, of Lisburn, and afterwards of Stangmore
Lodge, co. Tyrone, b. 1799 .' m- Mary, dau. of John Wandesford
Wright, of New York, U.S.A. She d. 20 Jan. 1856. He d. 20
Nov. 1855, having had issue,
1. HENRY, late of the Glen.
1. Elizabeth, m. 1864, Sir Samuel Lee Anderson, Principal Crown
Solicitor for Ireland. He d. 1886. She d. 25 Sept. 1909.
2. Sarah, of Stangmore Lodge, m. William Barcroft.
The eldest son,
HENRY BARCROFT, of the Glen, co. Armagh, D.L., High Sheriff
1890, b. 1839 : d. 18 Nov. 1905 ; m. 1867, Anna (The Glen, Newry),
dau. of David Malcomson, of Melview, co. Tipperary, and had
issue, '
1. JOSEPH, now of The Glen.
2. David Malcomson, b. 1875.
1. Sarah Richardson. 2. Mary.
3. Anna Henrietta.
Arms — Arg. a lion ramp. sa. in the dexter chief point a t-efoil
slipped vert. Crest — A demi bear rampant gu. muzzled and charged
on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped or.
Seat— The Glen, Newry. Club— Cambridge University.
BARRY, of Firville, co.
Cork, 6. 3 Aug. 1859 ;
m. 15 July, 1889, Wini-
fride Mary (d. 14 July,
1907), dau. of E. Ingress
Bell, F.R.I. B.A., of St.
Stephen's, Sutton, Sur-
rey, and has issue,
1. Magdalen Phyllis, b. 24
April. 1890.
2. Helen Mary, b. 22 May,
liineag-e. — MICHAEL
BARRY, of Elm Park, Farran
co. Cork, b. 1783 ; m. 21 Feb.
1804, Eliza (b. 1781), dau. of
Valentine McSwiney, ot Mac-
room, co. Cork, and had issue,
1. James, b. 1805.
2. Valentine, b. 1808 ; m.
McSwiney, d.s.p.
3. Charles, b. 1809. 4. MICHAEL, of whom next.
5. Thomas, b. 1814 ; m. a dau. of Ellen Hardinge, dau. of Henry
Harding, of Firville, Macroom, co. Cork, and had issue with a
son who d. unm.
Michael of Firville, Macroom, which property he inherited from
his mother, d.s.p. 1908.
1. Eliza, b. 1812 ; d. unm.,
M^CHAET BARRY, M.R.I.A., Barrister-at-Law, Professor of Law,
Queen's University, Ireland, b. 24 Sept. 1810 ; d. 24 June, 1869,
m. 20 June, 1835, Helen, dau. of James Hardman, of Clough Hall,
Kenyon, Lanes., and Devonshire Place, London, by whom he
had issue,
1. MICHAEL THOMAS RICHARD, of whom next.
1. Sarah, b. 19 Aug. 1837 ; m. 1873, as his 2nd wife, James Fitz-
gerald Lombard (see LOMBARD of South Hill).
2. Helen, b. 3 May, 1839 ; m. as his 2nd wife, 25 Sept. 1883,
M. J. Clery, J.P. co. Limerick, of Moorfield, co. Dublin, who d.s.p.
3. Anne, b. n April, 1842; m. 14 Sept. 1868, W. A. Craig, of
Crotonstown House, co. Kildare, J.P., M.R.I.A., and has issue.
4. Henrietta, b. 30 June, 1843.
5. Celia, a nun, b. 22 May, 1845.
The only son,
Justice of Gold Coast, b. 16 April, 1836 ; d. 1866 ; m. 7 Oct.
1858, Laura Frances, dau. of John Rorke, of Tyrrelstown, co.
Dublin, and by her had issue,
1. FREDERICK FRANCIS, now of Firville.
1. Mary Helen, m. as his 2nd wife, 2 Feb. 1886, Aime F. Pitel,
of the Wintons, East Croydon, Surrey, and has issue.
2. Laura, m. A. de Massias, killed with all issue in the disaster at
St. Pierre, Martinique.
Arms — Barry of six arg. and gu., on a chief vert, a ship between
two trefoils slipped or. Crest— Out of a castle with two towers or,
a wolf's head per pale arg. and gu., langued of the last. - Motto —
Boutez en avant.
Seat— Firville, Macroom, co. Cork. Residence— St. Helens,
Wallington, Surrey.
BARRY, of Leamlara,
co. Cork, J.P., 6. 8 Nov.
1873 ; m. 1 8 April,
1 899, Eleanor Lilian
Helene, dau. of Maj.-
Gen. C. B. Lucie-
Smith, M.S.C., and has
ISH, b, g Feb. 1900.
1. Marcella Standish.
2. Margaret Standish.
Lineage.— JOHN BARRY,
of Leamlara, temp. CHARLES
I, m. Isabel Nagle, of
Moneanimie, and had a son,
GARRETT, his heir. By a grant from CHARLES I, in the isth
year of his reign (1636), the family estates were confirmed to this
proprietor. John Barry was s. by his son,
GARRETT BARRY, of Lemlara, or Leamlara, who obtained from
CHARLES II a confirmatory grant of Leamlara. He m. Ellen, dau.
of Daniel Duff O'Cahill, by Ellen his wife, dau. of M'Cartie Reagh.
He was s. at his decease by his son,
DAVID BARRY, of Leamlara, who m. Catherine, dau. of Standish
Grady. of E'ton, co. Limerick, and was father of
STANDISH BARRY, of Leamlara, who m. 1708, Eleanor, dau. of
Thady Quin, of Adare, co. Limerick, and had issue, three sons,
DAVID ; GARRETT ; and John, d. unm. ; and six daus., Catherine,
m. Joseph Anthony; Elizabeth, m. Patrick Lacy, of Miltown, co.
Limerick, whose dau. was mother of Sir De Lacy Evans, K.C.B.;
Margaret, m. John Stack ; Mary ; Eleanor ; and Anne, m. Simon
Haly, of Ballyhally. The eldest son,
DAVID BARRY, of Leamlara, dying without issue, was s. by his
GARRETT BARRY, of Leamlara, who m. Mary Anne Hussey, dau.
of the Baron of Galtrim, and, dying in 1786, left with two daus.,
Anne, wife of Timothy Deasy, and Eleanor, wife of Hatton Conron,
a son,
STANDISH BARRY, of Leamlara, who m. July, 1787, Margaret, dau.
of Philip Roche, of Limerick (see ROCHE of Granagh Castle), and
had three sons and three daus.,
1. GARRETT STANDISH, his heir. 2. John, d. unm. 1833.
3. HENRY STANDISH, who s. his brother as male hdr of the
family, 1864.
1. Margaret, m. Thomas Butler, of Ballycarron.
2. PENELOPE, of Leamlara, who purchased the estate from her
eldest brother, and is deceased.
3. Anne.
Mr. Barry d. April, 1821, and was s. by his eldest son.
GARRETT STANDISH BARRY, of Leamlara, co. Cork, J.P. and D.L.,
High Sheriff 1830. Mr. Barry was the first Catholic Member of
Parliament elected by the co. Cork, after the Act of Emancipation
in 1829. He d. 26 Dec. 1864, and was 5. in the representation of
the family by his next surviving brother,
HENRY STANDISH BARRY, of Leamlara, m.18^6, Angelina, youngest
dau. of William Brander, of Mordeii Hall, Surrey, and ^.31 Aug.
1870, leaving a son and successor,
CHARLES STANDISH BARRY, of Leamlara, co. Cork, J.P., b. 1847 ;
m. 5 Aug. 1869, Hon. Margaret Mary Southwell, dau. of Lieut.-
Col. Hon. Arthur Francis Southwell, and sister of the 4th Viscount
Southwell, K.P., and d. 10 Nov. 1897, leaving issue,
Winifred Mary Standish, d. unm. 15 May, 1892.
Arms — Arg., three bars gemels, gu. Crest — A castle arg., from
the top issuing a wolf's head sa. Motto — Boutez en avant.
Seat— Leamlara House, Carrigtuohill, co. Cork.
Sandville, and of Bellevue,
co. Limerick, J.P. and D.L.,
b. 20 April, 1841 ; m. 20 June,
1 88 1, Mary Elizabeth, only
dau. of Thomas Kane, M.D.,
J.P., of Whitehall, Limerick,
and has issue,
1. JAMES THOMAS, B.A. and B.E.
Trin. Coll. Dublin, b. 8 June, 1882.
2. Gerald, of Thurles, M.R.C.V.S..
b. 18 Dec. 1883.
3. Donal, b. 29 Sept. 1885, Assist.
Commissioner, Malay Fed. States
4. William, b. 2 April, 1887.
5. John, b. 30 Dec. 1893.
1. Mary Nesta, b. 6 Dec. 1888.
2. Anna Maud, b. 5 Feb. 1892.
Lineage.— By an Inquisition taken at St. Francis* Abbey,
1 Limerick, dated 12 March, 1623, DONAL BARRY, of Ballyguybeg,
in the barony of Clanwilliam, co. Limerick (who d. 30 April,
1612), was found to have held in fee ultra reprisas, the lands
of Ballyguybeg and Bohergar. By his wife, Sabina O'Hea (living
12 March, 1623), he had issue,
1. DONAL, his heir.
2. David, was father of MacDavid Barry, of Farnane, who was 6.
1648 ; d. 6 July, 1736, having had issue, by his wife (who d. 1737),
1. Michael, of Farnane, d.s.p. 1748.
2. Thomas, of Rathwood. 3. Edmund.
4. David.
i. Mary, m. R. Hayes, of Killuragh.
3. Edmund. 4. Lewis.
1. Elizabeth.
The eldest son,
DONAL BARRY, b. 1588, aged 24 years at his father's death ; m.
Joanna, dau. of John Bourke, of Brittas. co. Limerick, and d.
1633. There is an elaborate inscription on his tomb and his coat of
arms, with the crescent, distinguishing his descent from a 2nd son ;
he is described as the " very noble " of the " ancient race of Barry "
who had " served his country with liberality." Donal Barry had
1. DONAL, who s., m. Mary, dau. of O'Ryan, of Annagh, co.
Limerick. Having joined the confederate Catholics in 1642, his
property was confiscated, and he and his family transplanted
across the Shannon (certificate of transplantation dated 19 Dec.
1653). This branch of the family became extinct on the death of
James Barry in 1766.
2. DAVID, of whom next. 3. Edmund.
4. Thomas.
The 2nd son,
DAVID BARRY, of Fryarstown, m. the dau. and co-heiress of
William Ryan, of Clonkeen, and d. after 1655, leaving issue, JOHN,
and Gerald (or Garrett). The elder son,
JOHN BARRY, of Fryarstown, had issue, GARRETT, David, and
Thomas. The eldest son,
GARRETT BARRY, of Fryarstown, m. a dau. of Raleigh of Ballin-
goulagh, by whom he had JOHN, Garrett, and Daniel (or Donal).
The eldest son,
JOHN BARRY, of Fryarstown, d. 1761. By his wife Mary Burke,
of Lodge, he had issue, a dau., Mary, and a son,
JAMES BARRY, of Fryarstown, b. 4 Feb. 1749 ; m. 3 Nov. 1767,
Anastatia, dau. of M. Bourke, of Askeaton, and d. i May, 1819,
having had issue,
1. James, of Rockstown, b. 3 May, 1771 ; m. 10 Feb. 1812.
Mary, dau. of John Molony, of Cragg, co. Clare (see that family),
and d. 25 f uly, 1828, leaving issue, three daus.,
1. Dilliana, of Rockstown, m. n July, 1846, Ralph Westropp
Brereton, of Ballyadams, Queen's Co., and has issue.
2. Mary, m. 8 Jan. 1833, Henry Potter, of Ballynolan, co.
3. Alice, m. 10 Oct. 1841, Chartres Brew Molony, of Ennis,
and left issue.
2. JOHN, of whom presently.
3. Thomas, b. 1783, m. Mary, dau. of Jasper Hartwell, of Bruff,
d. 1837, and leaving issue.
The 2nd ^on,
JOHN BARRY, of Fryarstown (now Sandville), b. 20 Feb. 1779 ; m.
13 Feb. 1804, Mary", dau. of R. O'Shaughnessy, of Friarstown
Lodge, and by her (who d. 3 April. 1855) had issue,
1. JAMES, his heir.
2. Thomas, of Caherline, b. 1809 ; m. 26 Aug. 1835, Margaret,
dau. of M. Bourke, of Ballyglass, and by her (who a. 14 Dec.
1860) had issue. He d. 22 March, 1866, and was bur. at Sand-
hurst, Australia.
3. John, of Sandville. b. 1824 ; d.s.p. 10 Nov. 1860.
1. Marianne, m. 27 Feb. 1843, John Ball (who d. 15 Feb. 1849),
and d. 14 March, 1901, leaving issue.
Mr. Barry d. 29 Aug. 1839, and was s. by his son,
JAMES 'BARRY, of Bellevue, Croom, co. Limerick, J.P., b. 17 Nov.
1805 ; m. ist, 18 July, 1833, Christina, dau. of Daniel Cianchy,
D.L., of Charleville. She d.s.p. 6 May, 1835. He m. 2ndly, 29
Nov. 1837, Maria Helena, dau. of John Grene, of Cappamurra,
Cashel, of an ancient Kent family, and d. 3 Sept. 1856, having
by her (who d. 2 June, 1878) had issue,
1. JAMES GRENE, his heir.
2. Albert (Rev.), C.S.S.R., of Mount St. Alphonsus, Limerick,
b. 23 May, 1842 ; d.s.p. 3 June, 1909.
3. William, of Buenos Ayres, b. 21 Oct. 1850.
4. Nicholas, of Limerick, b. 5 Aug. 1853.
5. John, of Victoria, Australia, b. 27 Nov. 1856.
1. Annie, b. 14 June, 1844 ; m. 30 Nov. 1867, Thomas Butler, of
Suirvale, Tipperary, and d. 14 Jan. 1898, leaving issue.
2. Mary, b. 29 April, 1855.
Arms — Arg. three bars gemel gu., a bordure and hi. chief a
crescent az. for difference. Crest — Out of a castle arg. charged
with a crescent as in the arms, a wolf's head sa. Motto — Bouter
en avant.
Seat — Sandville House, Ballyneety ; and Bellevue, Croom, co.
Limerick. Club — County Club, Limerick.
WILLIAM NORTON BARRY, of Castle Cor, co. Cork,
J.P., b. 20 June, 1859 ; m. ist, Feb. 1 88 1, Constance
Marianne, 3rd dau. of Frederick John Walker, of The
Priory, Bathwick. He m. 2ndly, I June, 1899,
Adelaide Maude, 5th dau, of Sir John Wrixon Becher,
3rd bart.
Lineage. — RICHARD BARRY, m. 15 June, 1754, Mary Norton,
.and had issue,
RICHARD BARRY, nth Hussars, m. Eliza, dau. of Darby j
•O'Grady, of Rockbarton, co. Limerick, and sister of Standish,
ist Viscount Guillamore, purchased the estate of Castle Cor from
the family of Deane Freeman, and had issue (with a dau., Frances, '
m. July, 1833, Dudley Persse, of Roxborough, see that family)
•a son and heir,
WILLIAM NORTON BARRY, of Castle Cor, J.P., Major 8th Hussars ; |
b. 1820 ; m. ist, 1845, Arabella, dau. of Col. Persse, by whom he
had a dau. Elizabeth, m. Oct. 1868, John Short, of Bickham, co. j
Devon. He m. andly, 19 Jan. 1856, Elizabeth, dau. of Sir William
Wrixon-Becher, ist bart. of Ballygiblin, and d. 1871, leaving by
her (who d. 22 May, 1906), with a dau., Frances Norton, b. 1861 ;
^. 1862, a son and heir, WILLIAM NORTON, now of Castle Cor.
Seat— Castle Cor, Kanturk, co. Cork ; and Derry Keel, Gort, co.
•Galway. Club — Army and Navy.
BARRY, of Bally -
clough, co. Cork, J.P.,
High Sheriff 1910, b.
.3 Jan. 1875 ; s. his
.great-uncle in 1888,
when he assumed, by
Royal Licence, 12
Jan. 1889, the ad-
ditional name of
BARRY ; m. 3 Oct.
1906, Judith Isabel,
only dau. of W. R.
Ringrose-Voase, J.P.,
of Anlaby House, Yorks. (see that family), and has
Nesta Anne.
.Lineag-e. — REDMOND BARRY, of Lisnegar and Rathcormack,
co. Cork, M'Adam Barry, m. ist, Mary, dau. of John Boyle, of
Castle Lyons, co. Cork, ard had issue, a son and two daus.,
1. JAMES, his heir.
1. Anne, m. Samuel Hartwcll, Capt. in the Armv, slain at Landen,
2. Catherine, m. Alan Brodrick, ist Viscount Midleton.
-Mr. Barry m. zndly, 1666, Jane, eldest dau. of Sir Nicholas Purdon,
Knt. of Ballyclough, co. Cork, M.P. for Baltimore, and had, with
two daus., another son,
2. REDMOND, of Ballyclough, co. Cork, who m. 1700, the dau. of
Samuel Crofts, of Velvecstown, co. Cork, and by her had a son
and heir,
REDMOND, of Ballyclough, High Sheriff co. Cork 1734, who
m. Henrietta, 2nd dau. of William' Dunscombe, of Mount
Desart, co. Cork, and had issue,
JAMES, his heir, of whom hereafter, as successor to his
cousin, Redmond Barry, of Rathcormack, as M'ADAM BARRY.
Mary, m. Richard Aldworth St. Leger, Viscount Doneraile.
"Mr. Barry, whose will, dated 3 March, 1681, was proved 23 March,
1690, was s. by his elder son by his ist wife,
JAMES BARRY, of Rathcormack, M'Adam Barry, Col. in the
Army, who m. ist, Mary, dau. of Abraham Anselm, of London,
and had issue, two sons and a dau., viz.,
1. JAMES, his heir.
2. REDMOND, successor to his brother.
1. Mary, d. unm.
•Col. Barry m. 2ndly, Susanna, dau. of John Townsend, of Timo-
leage, co. Cork, by Lady Katherine Barry his wife, dau. of Richard,
Earl of Barrymore, and had issue, two sons, David, M.D., Patrick,
M.D., both d.s.p. ; and two daus., Elizabeth, m. Noblett Dunscombe
of Mount Desart, co. Cork ; and Katharine, m. John Townsend,
Col. Barry was s. by his elder son,
JAMES BARRY, of Rathcormack, M'Adam Barry, High Sheriff co.
•Cork 1721, who d. unm. and was s. by his next brother,
REDMOND BARRY, of Rathcormack, M'Adam Barry. He d.s.p.
1750, and was s. by his cousin,
JAMES BARRY, of Ballyclough, M'Adam Barry. He m. March
1765, Elizabeth, dau. and co-heiress of Abraham Greene, of Bally- i
machree, co. Limerick, and d. 25 Oct. 1793, leaving an elder son and i
REDMOND BARRY, of Ballyclough, M'Adam Barry, d. unm. 10
-Feb. 1812, when the representation devolved upon his brother,
HENRY GREENE BARRY, of Ballyclough, M'Adam Barry, Major-
'Gen. m the Army, High Sheriff co. Cork 1821, who m. 21 Sept. 1804,
Phoebe, dau. of John Armstrong Drought, of Lettybrook, King's Co.,
and d. 13 May, 1838, leaving issue,
1. JAMES, his heir, of Ballyclough.
2. Henry, Capt, E.I.C.S., killed in Burmah 1853, unm.
3. Redmond (Sir), LL.D. Trin. Coll. Dublin, Senior Puisne
Judge of the Supreme Court of Victoria and Chancellor of the
University of Melbourne. 4. ST. LEGER, of Ballyclough.
5. John Richard, Lieut. 86th Foot, d. in India, unm.
6. William Wigram, C.B., Maj.-Gen. R.A., d. 19 April, 1883.
1. Letitia, m. Rev. Robert Bury, of Carrigrenane, co. Cork,
Prebendary of Coole, son of Phineas Bury, of Little Island (see that
family), and grandson of Phineas Bury, of Little Island, sth son of
John Bury, of Shannon Grove (see BURY of Charleville). He d.
1853, having had issue,
1. Robert, Capt. 7th Dragoon Guards, m. Anna Maria, daa. of
Richard Hart, and by her (who m. 2ndly, 29 April, 1891, Capt.
J. R. Broadley, R.N.) left issue, a son and a dau.,
JAMES ROBERT BARRY, now of Ballyclough, s. his great-uncle
1883, and assumed the additional name of BARRY.
Letitia Mary, m. 1896, Capt. Norman Layton, Royal Sussex
2. John Thomas, Capt. R.A., A.D.C. to Major-Gen. Primrose.
1. Phoebe Hester Jane, m. 4 May, 1861, Gen. Robert Pratt,
C.B. (who d. 27 Dec. 1886).
2. Letitia Elizabeth, m. Capt. Richard Pennefather Going, of
Ballynonty House, co. Tipperary.
3. Hester Beatrice, m. ist, 1861, Capt. Francis Fox (who d.
1864), grandson of Col. and Lady Anne Fox, of Fox Hall, co.
Longford (see that family), and 2ndly, 16 Feb. 1865, Major-
Gen. George de la Poer Beresford, Madras S. Corps, and
has issue (see BURKE'S Peerage and Baronetage, DECIES. B.).
4. Charlotte Mary, m. 8 Oct. 1864, Capt. Crofton Toler Van-
deleur late loth Hussars, and 7th Dragoon Guards (see VAN-
DELEUR of Kilrush).
2. Eliza, m. Col. Murray Simpson.
3. Caroline, d. unm. i April, 1872.
4. Katherine, m. Col. Osborne Broadley, and d. 6 Feb. 1873,
leaving issue. 5. Phoebe, d. unm.
6. Charlotte, m. John Carroll, J.P., Barrister. He d. 1875. She d.
7. Louisa, d. unm.
His eldest son,
JAMES BARRY, of Ballyclough, M'Adam Barry, J.P. and D.L.,
High Sheriff 1841, b. 28 July, 1805 ; Capt. in the Army ; m. 2
March, 1841, Olivia Maria, dau. and sole heiress of Francis Drew,
of Mocollop Castle, co. Waterford, and d.s.p. 30 April, 1881. His
widow m. 2ndly, 1883, Lieut.-Col. George Edward Hillier, C.B.,
late Inspector-Gen. Roy. Irish Constabulary, and d. 1884. Mr.
Barry was s. by his brother,
ST. LEGER BARRY, of Ballyclough, M'Adam Barry, J.P., late
Capt. 6sth Foot, b. 1835 ; m. 1883, Mary Caroline Theresa, dau. of
George Carr, and d. 7 July, 1888, and was s. by his grand-nephew,
as above.
Arms — Quarterly : ibt and 4th, Barry of six arj;. and gu., for
BARRY ; 2nd and 3rd, vert, a cross- crosslet or, in chief a crescent
arg. for difference, for BURY. Crests — ist, BARRY — Out of a castle
arg. a wolf's head couped sa. langued gu. ; 2nd, BURY — A boar's
head couped at the neck or, tusked arg., langued gu., transfixed
through the neck by a spear ppr., and charged with a crescent
for difference gu. Mottoes — Under the arms — Boutez en avant ;
over the 2nd crest — Virtus sub cruce crescit.
Seat— Ballyclough, Kilworth, co. Cork.
JOHN EDMUND BARRY, of Summer Hill House,
co. Wexford, J.P. and D.L., b. 1853 ; m. ist, 1880,
Minnie, only dau. of the late Richard Joseph
Devereux, M.P., of Summer Hill, co. Wexford. She
d. 1893, having had issue a son d. 1898. He m.
2ndly, 1898, Olivia Goodall, widow of Maj.-Gen. A.;
Loftus Steele, and dau. of the late Capt. George
Pemberton Pigott, of Slevoy Castle (see that family),
and by her has issue,
Lineage. — SIR JOHN EDMUND BARRY, Knt., of 12, Mountpy
Square, Dublin, President of the Dublin Chamber of Commerce
1897-9. member of the Dublin Port and Docks Board, 1867-97, and
since 1899, Member of Board of Superintendence of Dublin Hospitals,
and Governor Royal Hibernian Military School, Phoenix Park,
since 1903, b. 6 Feb. 1828, eldest son of the late John Barry,
merchant, of Dublin ; m. i Sept. 1849, Teresa, dau. ot the late
John Keefe, of Ifterknock, co. Meath, and has, with other issue,
an eldest son,
JOHN EDMUND, of Summer Hill.
Residences — Rocklands, Wexford, and Ballygeary. Club— Con-
Edmond, co. Cork, J.P.,
b. 19 Feb. 1858.
Lineage. — JOHN COURTE-
NAY, son of George Courtenay,
m. Anne, dau. of — Browne,
of Bally Edmond, co. Cork,
and left with a younger son
Thomas, an elder son,
Bally Edmond, m. Anne, eldest
dau. of Leonard Ashe, of
Drishane, co. Cork, and by
her, who d. 1823, had with
other issue, a son,
Bally Edmond. J.P., m. by
licence, 20 Sept. 1790, Cathe.
rine, and dau. of John Nash,
of Ballyheen, co. Cork (see
NASH of Finnstown), and by
her, who d. 1799, had issue,
1. George, of Dromadda,
co. Cork, High Sheriff 1826,
b. 1795 ; m. settlements
dated 29 July, 1814, Caro-
line Augusta, eldest sister of John Smith Barry, of Marbury
Hall, Cheshire and Fota, co. Cork (see BURKE'S Peerage,
BARRYMORE, B.). She d. 28 May, 1853. He d.v.p. 10 Dec. 1837,
having had issue,
1. GEORGE, s. his grandfather.
2. John, b. 1824 ; d. 1843.
r. Caroline Augusta, m. 1840, Mountiford Longfield, D.L.,
of Castle Mary, co. Cork, who d. 8 Nov. 1864, leaving issue
(see that family).
2. JOHN, .9. his nephew George.
1. Anne, m. 1811, Simon Dring, of Rockgrove, co. Cork, and
d.s.p. 1812. He d. 13 Dec. 1833.
. Eliza Mary, m. 21 April, 1814, John Smith Barry, of Marbury
Ha'l, and Fota. and d. 16 April, 1828, having by him, who d.
26 Feb. 1837, had issue,
1. John, b. 25 Sept. 1821 ; d. unm. March, 1834.
2. James Hugh, father of the ist BARON BARRYMORE (see
BURKE s Peerage).
3. Robert Hugh, Capt. loth Hussars, b. 13 Jan. 1820 ; d. unm.
25 April, 1849.
4. RICHARD HUGH, of whom presently.
i. Anne, b. 14 March, 1817 ; d. unm. Nov. 1834.
3. Catherine Mary, d. unm. 1813.
Mr. Robert Courtenay was s. by his grandson,
GEORGE COURTENAY, of Bally Edmond, b. 1822 ; d. unm. 1844,
when he was s. by his uncle,
JOHN COURTENAY, of Bally Edmond and Ballymagooly, co.
Cork, High Sheriff 1852, b. 1798, s. his nephew 1844, but d. unm.
1861, when he was s. by his nephew,
RICHARD HUGH SMITH BARRY, of Bally Edmond, J.P. and D.L.,
co. Cork, and J.P. Hants, Capt. (retired) i2th Lancers, and some-
time Adm. Royal Cork Yacht Club, b. 21 Feb. 1823, 4th son of
John Smith Barry, of Marbury and Fota, and Eliza Mary his wife,
2nd dau. of Robert Courtenay, of Bally Edmond (see above), s. his
uncle 1861 ; m. 18 April, 1850, Georgina Charlotte, dau. of Col. J.
Grey, of Backford Hall, Northumberland. She d. g Sept. 1893.
He d. 23 Jan. 1894, leaving issue,
1. ROBERT COURTENAY, now of Bally Edmond.
2. Cecil 'Arthur, b. 19 Oct. 1863 ; d. 21 Nov. 1908 ; m. the dau. of
W. H. Barry, and had issue, two daus.
1. Nina Mary Georgina, b. 15 June, 1859 ; m. Sept. 1885, Maj.
Ihotnas Henry Burton Forster, of Holt, Wilts, and has issue.
2. Aileen Emma, b. 25 April, 1861 ; m. 25 April, 1882, Godfrey
Hugh Wheeler Coxwell- Rogers, of Ablington Manor and Dowdes-
well Court, co. Gloucester, and has issue (see that family).
3. Kathleen Winifriede, b. 25 Oct. 1868.
Arms — Quarterly ist and 4th arg, three bars gemel gu.
(BARRY), 2nd and 3rd quarterly ist and 4th gu., on a chevron
or between three bezants as many crosses patee fitchee sa. (SMITH),
2nd and 3rd az a fesse arg. between three porcupines or (HERIZ)
the whole within a bordure compony erm. and of the second.
Crest — A castle arg. issuing from the battlements thereof a wolf's
head sa. charged with a cross patee fitchee or. Motto— Boutez
en avant.
Seat— Bally Edmond, Midleton, co. Cork.
JAMES HUGH SMITH-BARRY, of Louth, and of
Stowell Park, Pewsey, Wilts., J.P. for that co. and
High Sheriff for Louth 1870, late Lieut. Gren,
Guards, b. n Jan. 1845; w. i Dec. 1874, Lady
Charlotte Jane Cole, dau. of 3rd Earl of Enniskillen,
and has issue,
ROBERT, b. 4 April, 1886.
Mr. J. H. Smith-Barry is the youngest son of the
late James Hugh Smith Barry, D.L., of Fota, co.
Cork, and Marbury, co. Chester (who d. 31 Dec,
1857), and only brother of Arthur Hugh, ist Lord
Barrymore (see BURKE'S Peerage}.
Arms — Quarterly ist and 4th arg., three bars gemel gu. (BARRY),
2nd and 3rd quarterly ist and 4th gu., on a chevron or between
three bezants as many crosses patee fitchee sa. (SMITH), 2nd and 3rd
three porcupines or (HERIZ), the whole
y erm. and of the second. Crest — A castle
within a bordure com
az. a fesse arg. between three porcupines or (HERIZ), the whole
arg. issuing from the battlements thereof a wolf's head sa. charged
with a cross patee fitchee or. Motto — Boutez en avant.
Seat— Stowell Park, Pewsey, Wilts.
Ballyvonare, co. Cork,
&< 19 Nov. 1865 ; wii
30 April, 1895, Helen
Frances Mary, dau. of
John Gerard Riddell,
of Hermeston Hall,
Rotherham, Yorks., and
has issue,
1. JOHN GERARD, b. 28
Jan. 1896.
2. Charles William, b. 21
May, 1897.
3. Edward Basil, b. i Sept. 1901.
1. Hilda Mary Philomena, b. 25 May, 1900.
Lineage.— The family of HAROLD was long seated in the
co. Dublin, where they possessed large estates at Harold's Cross.
The immediate ancestor of this branch was RICHARD HAROLD, of
Singland and Pennywell, co. Limerick, m. 1782, Mary, only child
and heiress of John Barry, of Ballyvonare, co. Cork, and had a son,
JOHN HAROLD-BARRY, of Ballyvonare, co. Cork (who assumed
the additional name of Barry on inheriting the Barry property)
m. ist, 1822, Eliza, dau. of Henry Harrison, of Castle Harrison, co.
Cork, and had issue (with Richard, Henry, Margaret, who all d.
young), a son,
JOHN, of whom presently.
Mr. Harold Barry m. 2ndly, 1843, Margaret, Hon. Chanoinesse of
the Order of St. Anne of Bavaria, sister of the Right Hon. Sir Thomas
Esmonde, Bart., P.C., of Ballynastragh, co. Wexford, and widow
of Peter Locke, of Athgoe, co. Dublin. She d.s.p. 25 Dec. 1878. His
JOHN HAROLD-BARRY, of Ballyvonare, co. Cork, J.P. and D.L.,
High Sheriff 1880, b. Aug. 1823 ; m. Oct. 1860, Margaret Josephine,
dau. of William Gibson, of Roebuck, co. Dublin, and Belvedere
Place, Dublin, and d. 5 May, 1898, leaving issue,
1. John, b. 1863 ; d. 1864.
2. HAROLD PHILIP, now of Ballyvonare.
3. William John, b. Sept. 1869 ; d. at Krugersdorp, South Africa,
2 Feb. 1896, from wounds received in action.
4. Richard, b. and d. 1871.
5. Edward Daniel (Rev.), 6. Aug. 1872.
6. Philip, b. March, 1874.
7. Henry Alan, b. April, 1876.
8. Thomas, b. andd. 1879. 9. John, b. Aug. 1884.
1. Marcella, m. Garrett Nagle, of Clogher, co. Cork, and has issue.
2. Eliza. 3. Margaret Josephine.
4. Anne, m. Thomas Leahy, of Woodfort, co. Cork, and has issue.
5. Isabella.
Arms — Gu., a pall flory arg. between three plates one and two,
each charged with an estoile of six points of the field. Crest — A
demi-angel vested gu. winged and crined or.
Seat — Ballyvonare, Buttevant, co. Cork. Club — Royal Yacht
Club, Queenstown.
and Portsalon, co. Donegal, late Col. 5th Batt.
Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, formerly Lieut. 33rd
Regt., J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff co. Donegal 1877,
A.D.C. to H.M. King Edward VII. 1905-10, and to
King George since 1910; b. 15 July, 1848; m.
29 July, 1875, Isabel, youngest dau. of Robert
McClintock, D.L., of Dunmore, co. Donegal, and
i has issue,
1. BAPTIST JOHNSTON, Capt. late West Riding Regt., b. 21 Oct.
1876 • m. 26 Oct. 1908, Kathleen Maude, dau. of Egbert de
Hamel, of Middleton Hall, Warwickshire, and has issue,
Ernestine Isabel.
2. Gustavus, late Lieut. R.N. Reserve, b. 19 July, 1879 J m.
910, Anne Farquharson, dau. of W. Duguid, of Ballater.
3. Ralph Edward, Lieut. R.G.A., b. 25 Oct. 1882 ; d. unm. 3 Nov.
4. Edward Humphrey, late 2nd Lieut. Donegal Art. Militia, b,
9 Jan. 1884 ; m. 22 Feb. 1911, Christina Letitia Aileen, only
dau. of Henry Maturin Johnston, M.D.
5. Bertram, b. 31 July, 1885.
6. Charles Geoffrey, b. 28 Dec. 1889.
1. Margaret Isabel, m. 14 Jan. 1911, Herbert March, of Whittmg-
ton Grange, Worcestershire.
2. Evelyn Mary Alice, m. 4 June, 1910, John Ingarsby Carver,
eldest son of Fred. W. Carver, of Oakhurst, Knutsford, and
has issue.
Lineage. — This family was established in Ireland by
THOMAS BARTON, of Norwich, who is said to have accompanied
the Earl of Essex's army to that kingdom. He was one of the
first burgesses of Enniskillen (see Charter of Enniskillen, Cal. State
Papers, 1611-14). In 1610 he obtained a grant of land comprising
a district called Drumminshin and Necairn, co. Fermanagh. Some
of these lands were exchanged by him for others in the neighbour-
hood still in the possession of the elder branch of the family.
He m. Margaret Lloyd, and had a son,
ANTHONY BARTON, who left issue a son,
WILLIAM BARTON, of Bowe Island and Curraghmore, co. Fer:
managh, b. about 1630, m. Jane Hannah Forster, and d. 22 Feb.
1693, having had two sons,
1. EDWARD, of whom we treat.
2, WILLIAM, of Curraghmore, ancestor of BARTON of Grove.
The elder son,
EDWARD BARTON, of Bowe Island, co. Fermanagh, m. Mildrethe,
sister of Robert Coonyngham, andd. 10 March, 1729, leaving issue,
1. WILLIAM, of whom we treat.
2. Edward, m. his cousin Elizabeth (Anna), dau. of William
Barton, of Curraghmore, and had a son, John, of Bordeaux,
who d. 10 April, 1816, leaving issue, and a dau., m. Robert
3. James. 4. Michael.
5. Oliver. 6. Christopher.
7. Thomas.
The eldest son,
WILLIAM BARTON, left issue three sons and three daus.,
1. John, will dated 23 May, 1750.
2. Edward, ot Spring Hill, co. Tyrone, High Sheriff, co.
Fermanagh 1777, m. Mary, 2nd dau. of John Galbraith, of
Roscavy, co. Tyrone (see that family). His will, dated 23 Feb.
1796, was proved 2 April, 1801.
3. GUSTAVUS, of whom we treat.
1. Lettice, m. — Cuthbertson.
2. Frances, m. Thomas Rosborough, of Cloncarn and Clontivern,
co. Fermanagh, and d. 1816, leaving issue (see BURKE'S
Family Records).
3. Mary, m. — Conner.
The 3rd son,
GUSTAVUS BARTON, left issue by his first wife, four sons,
1. William.
2. Edward (Yen.), Archdeacon of Ferns, m. Margaret Coleman,
and d. n Aug. 1847, leaving issue,
1. Edward, Capt. in the Army, d. unm.
2. John, b. Dec. 1810 ; m. 1835, Mary, dau. of Molyneux
Nicholson, M.D., of Westport, co. Mayo, and d. Dec. 1884,
having had issue,
(1) Edward, d. young.
(2) Molyneux, of Grangebeg, co. Kildare, M.A., Barrister-
at-Law, present representative of the family of BARTON
(38, Upper Fitzwuliam Street, Dublin), b. i Nov. 1846 ; m.
10 Aug. 1882, Charlotte Frances Yates, dau. of the late
Lieut.-Col. Edmund Yates Peel, 85 th Regt., son of Lieut.-
Gen. the Right Hon. Jonathan Peel, P.C. (see BURKE'S
Peerage, PEEL, Bart.), and has issue,
1. Cecil Molyneux.
2. Henry John Chadwick.
3. Ernest Ffoliott, d. 1909.
4. Reginald Victor, R.N.
1. Gwendolen Mary.
2. Doris Adelaide.
3. Miriam Charlotte.
(3) Charles, d. young.
(1) Elizabeth, m. Charles Place.
(2) Jane, m. Arnold de Courcy Gildea.
3. Charles, d. young.
1. Margaret.
2. Jane, d. 1832.
3. Frances.
4. Mary Anne.
3. John, who left three daus., who d. unm.
4. Charles.
Gustavus Barton m. 2ndly, about 1772, Harriett, sister and co-
heiress of Baptist Johnston, of co. Monaghan, and with her
acquired the estate of Drumsallogh in that co., and had issue,
5. BAPTIST JOHNSTON, of whom we treat.
6. James Murray, of Derryhallagh, J.P. co. Monaghan, m. circa
1803, Mary, dau. of Brabazon Brabazon, of Summer Hill, co.
Dublin, and left a son, Freeman, who d. unm. 1899.
7. Freeman, left issue, Edward, d. unm. ; and John, d. unm.
The sth son,
MAJOR BAPTIST JOHNSTON BARTON, 64jth Foot, of Drumsallogh,
co. Monaghan, b. 1774 ; m. 1815, Catherine, dau. and eventually
heiress of Ralph Babington, of Greenfoit, and d. 1819, having by
her, who d. 1865 (with two daus.), a son,
BAPTIST JOHNSTON BARTON, of Portsalon, co. Donegal, and Derry-
haller, co. Monaghan, b. 30 Nov. 1816 ; m. June, 1842, Maria, only
dau. of William McLaughlin, of Ramelton, and d. Aug. 1851, having
by her (who d. Nov. 1875) had issue,
1. BAPTIST JOHNSTON, now of Greenfort.
1. Ellen Harriet, m. 4 Aug. 1864, Rev. Thomas T. Gray, F.T.C.D.,
and d. 14 Feb. 1880, leaving issue, three sons and four daus.
2. Katherine Sara.
Seats — Greenfort, Letterkenny, co. Donegal; Portsalon, co.
BARTON, of Grove, co.
Tipperary, only dau. of
Major Thomas Fro-
bisher, Bengal Army, of
Cheltenham, J.P. and
D.L., m. Dec. 1862, the
BARTON, J.P. andD.L.,
of Grove, co. Tipperary,
and by him (who was
b. 1817, and d. 27 Oct.
1891) has issue,
b. Feb. 1871.
2. Charles Robert, b. March, 1877 ; m. Sept. 1904, Ethel, dau.
of George Cobden, of Clonmel, co. Tipperary.
1. Rose Catherine Florence.
Lineage. — WILLIAM BARTON, of Curraghmore, second son of
William Barton, of Bowe Island and Curraghmore, co. Fermanagh
(see BARTON of Greenfort). He m. Elizabeth, dau. of John
Dickson, of Ballyshannon, and d. 1695, having had issue,
1. THOMAS, his heir.
2. George, d. unm.
3. James, m. his cousin, the dau. of Col. Murray, of Antigua,
and had a dau., m. Francis Warren Rossington.
1. Elizabeth (Anna), m. ist, her cousin Edward Barton, and had
issue, and 2ndly, David J ohnston, and had issue.
2. Everina, m. James Boyd, and had issue.
The eldest son,
THOMAS BARTON, of Curraghmore, co. Fermanagh, 6. 21 Dec.
1694, who established the house of business at Bordeaux 1725, and
acquired a considerable fortune. He purchased the estate of Grove ,
co. Tipperary, 1752. He m. r Nov. 1722, his cousin Margaret,
youngest dau. of Robert Delap, of Ballyshannon. She d. 27 Jan.
1775. He d. 18 Oct. 1780, leaving an only child,
WILLIAM BARTON, of Grove, co. Tipperary, b. 5 Aug. 1723 ; m.
i Aug. 1754, Grace, eldest dau. of Very Rev. Charles Massy, ol
Doonas, co, Clare, Dean of Limerick, and sister of Sir Hugh Dillon
Massy, ist bart. of Doonas, and d. 1792, having had issue,
1. THOMAS, his heir.
2. William, of Clonelly, b. 20 Aug. 1758, succeeded to the estates
of Clonelly, co. Fermanagh ; m. 1/96, Anne Isabella, dau. of
Folliott Warren, of Lodge, co. Kilkenny, and d. 18 May, 1835,
leaving by her (who d. itsio) issue,
1. Folliott Warren, of Clonelly, J.P. and D.L., b. 15 Sept-
1798, High Sheriff co. Fermanagh 1834, d. unm.
2. Edward George, Barrister-at-Law, d. unm. 3 Feb. 1837.
3. CHARLES (see BARTON of Waterfoot).
4. HUGH, of Straffan, co. Kildare (see that family).
5. Robeit (Sir), K.C.H., a Lieut.-Gen. in the Army, 6. 26 July,
1768; m. ist, 1802, Maria, dau. and co-heir of J ohri Pa ynter, and
had issue,
i. Hugh, a Lieut.-Col. in the Army, d. unm. Sept. 1877.
i. Grace, m. Capt. Addison. 2. Maria, d. unm.
He m. 2ndly, Marion Colette, dau. of John Addison, and relict of
Col. McPherson, and had by her a dau.,
3. Alexandrine, m. Sir Henry Durrant, Bart.
6. DUNBAR, of Rochestown, co. Tipperary, at one time High
Sheriff co. Tipperary, b. 7 Nov. 1769 ; m. 1798, Elizabeth, heiress
of the Rochestown estate, dau. of Rev. Samuel Riall, Rector
of Killenaule, and had issue,
i. Samuel William, of Rochestown, co. Tipperary, b. 10 April,
1803 ; m. 13 July, 1831, Emma Maria, dau. of the Hon. Chris-
topher Hely Hutchinson, M.P. for Cork, and by her (who d.
7 March, 1889) left issue,
(1) CHRISTOPHER, of Rochestown, J.P., Lieut.-Col. i8th
Hussars, b. 22 Feb. 1834.
(2) Dunbar Henry, b. 16 Oct. 1841.
(3) Crosbie, Col. "igth Regt., b. 29 June, 1845 ; m. 12 Dec.
1878, Mrs. Hamilton, eldest dau. of Richard Warburtou
of Garryhinch. He d. 1901.
(4) William Archer, b. 29 May, 1847.
(1) Elizabeth Mary, m. n July, 1872, Antoni Marcelli
(2) Anna Grace, d. unm. (3) Mary.
(4) Evelyn Isabella.
2. Dunbar Thomas, Lieut, ist Ru/ai L>^a - o. 1806 ; d.
3. Augustine Hugh, b. 1814 ; m. 12 Oct, 1853, Emily, wicfcw of
J. M'Calmont, of Abbeylands, and dau. of James Martin, of
Ross, co. Galway. She d. 30 Nov. 1907. He d. 23 Oct. 1874,
/eaving two daus.,
d) Emily Alma, m. 21 April, 1881, Sir George Frederick
Brooke, Bart, of Somerton, co. Dublin, and d. 28 Sept. 1910,
having had issue.
(2) Rose.
4. Thomas Henry, Dublin Metropolitan Police Magistrate, b.
1816 ; m. 6 Jan. 1853, Hon. Charlotte, dau. of John, 3rd Lord ;
Plunket, and d. 1878, leaving issue,
(1) Dunbar Plunket, one of the Judges of the King's Bench-
Division of the High Court of Justice in Ireland; M.A.
Oxford, M.P. for Mid-Armagh 1891-1900, Sol.-Gen. for Ireland
1897-1900, Judge of the High Court of Justice in Ireland
1900 (19, Clyde Road, Dublin), b. 1853 ; m. 5 Oct. 1900, Mary,
dau. of Joseph Manly, of Dublin, and has issue,
Dunbar Patrick, b. 18 Aug. 1901.
(2) Augustine Frederick Palliser, Local Gov. Auditor of
Berks and Oxfordshire Districts, M.A., T.C.D., b. 1854.
(3) Aubrey David Plunket, b. 1864; m. 1901, Kathryn
Floding, of Virginia, U.S.A., and has issue, a dau.
(4) Ion Plunket, Lieut, and Commander R.N., b. 1871 ; d. 2
Oct. 1899.
(1) Sylvia Charlotte Elizabeth, m. 1881, Arthur G. K.
Woodgate, and has issue (see WOODGATE of Pembury).
(2) Eleanor Constance. (3) Violet Grace Louisa.
Mr. Dunbar Barton d. 19 May, 1848 ; his widow d. 16 Oct. 1853.
1. Grace, b. 21 March, 1762 ; in. 1784, John Palliser, of Derry-
luskan, co. Tipperarv, and d. 13 March, 1844, leaving issue.
2. Elizabeth, b. 25 July, 1764; m. Lieut.-Gen. Sir Augustine
Fitzgerald, Bart., who d.s.p. 3 Dec. 1834.
3. Margaret Everina, b. 4 Nov. 1772 ; m. 2 March, 1792, Hugh,
3rd Lord Massy, and d. 14 Sept. 1820, leaving issue.
The eldest son,
THOMAS BARTON, of Grove, M.P. for Fethard before the Union,
6. 26 Jan. 1757; m. Mary, dau. of Chambre Brabazon Ponsonby,
of Ashgrove, and sister of Chambr6 Brabazon Ponsonby Barker, of
Kilcooly Abbey, and d. 1820, leaving issue,
1. WILLIAM, of Grove.
2. Chambre Brabazon, Lieut.-Col. 2nd Life Guards, d. 1834.
3. Charles Robert, Maj. i4th Light Dragoons, d. unm.
1. Mary, m. 8 Sept. 1834, George FitzGerald, son of Lord Robert
Fitzgerald; she d. 25 Jan. 1866.
2. Grace, m. ist, Lieut.-Col. Pennefather, of Newpark, co. Tip-
perary, and 2ndly, Major Michael Angelo Galliazzi, of the Austrian
Service, and. had issue.
3. Catherine, m. Edmund Staples, of Dunmore, Queen's Co.
The eldest son,
WILLIAM BARTON, of Grove, J.P. and D.L., and High Sheriff
1825, b. 21 June, 1790 ; m. April, 1815, Catherine, dau. of Samuel
Perry, of Wpodroffe, by Deborah his wife, dau. of ist Lord Dunalley,
and d. 1837, having by her (who d. April, 1872) had issue,
1. THOMAS BARKER, late of Grove.
2. SAMUEL HENRY, heir to his brother.
3. William Hugh, 6. 1820 ; m. Mary, dau. of Capt. Blakeney, and
has issue, five sons and four daus.
1. Deborah, m. John Wade, 2nd son of William Blaney Wade, of
Clonabrany, co. Meath, and Isft issue.
2. Mary Frances, m. 4 Oct. 1845, Charles Shaw, Q.C. She
d. 17 March, 1865. He d. g Dec. 1870, leaving issue (see
BURKE'S Peerage, SHAW, Bart.).
3. Catherine Grace, m. 19 June, 1852, Sir Robert Shaw, Bart.,
and d. 15 Dec. 1902, leaving issue (see BURKE'S P.'crage).
4. Anne Margaret, m. George Gough, of Rathronari, co. Tipperarv,
who d.s.p. 1 8 April, 1889.
5. Emily Martha.
The eldest son,
THOMAS BARKER BARTON, of Grove, co. Tipperary, J.P., b. 1816 ;
d. unm. 21 Feb. 1871, and was s. by his brother,
SAMUEL HENRY, late of Grove (see above).
Arms — Arg. a rose gu. seeded or and barbed vert between
three boars' heads erased ppr. Crest — A boar's head erased ppr.
Motto— Fide et fortitudine.
Seat — Grove, near Fethard, co. Tipperary. Residence — 15,
Lansdown Place, Cheltenham.
CIIA.RLES ROBERT BARTON, of The Waterfoot, co.
Fermanagh, J.P. and D.L. cos. Fermanagh and
Donegal, High Sheriff co. Fermanagh 1863, Capt.
Fermanagh Militia, b. 15 Nov. 1832; m. i Aug.
1872, Henrietta Martha Mervyn, dau. of Henry
Mervyn Richardson, of Rossfad, co. Fermanagh,
D.L. (see that family], and has issue,
1. WILLIAM HUGH, Capt. Army Service Corps (late Scottish Rifles),
b. 30 May, 1874.
2. Henry Charles Johnston, b. 12 Oct. 1876 ; m. 30 April, 1910,
Ethel Maude, youngest dau. of William Bancroft Espeut, M.L.C.,
of Spring Garden, Jamaica.
3. Charles Nathaniel, b. 5 Jan. 1884.
4. Bertram James Richardson, b. 23 Feb. 1891.
1. Mary Jane Florence, m. 27 Oct. 1897, Henry Burnley Rath-
borne, of Dunsinea, co. Dublin, and has issue.
2. Everina Margaret. 3. Caroline Angel Charlotte.
4. Henrietta Emily Violet, m. 2 Oct. 1902, Frederick Lambart
Z', fldeSt S°n °f C°L Joseph Sladen- of R'PPle Court> Kent
(see that fan, uv], by his 2nd wife Lady Sarah Sophia, dau. of 8th
« cavan, u./ri has issue.
5. Mildred Penelope Macuda. e. Susannah Cecil Grace.
Liineagre. — LIEUT.-GEN. CHARLES BARTO^ *.«„* .c0l 2n(i
Life Guards, 3rd son of William Barton, of Grove, co. Tipp't«,rv
by Grace his wife, dau. of Very Rev. Charles Massey, of Doonal,'
Dean of Limerick, b. 20 April, 1760 ; m. Feb. 1800, Susannah,
dau. of Nathaniel Weld Johnston, of Bordeaux, by his ist wife,
Anna Eleanor Stewart, and d. 1821, leaving issue,
1. HUGH WILLIAM, his heir.
2. Nathaniel Dunbar, Lieut.-Col. Bengal Cavalry, m. 1831,
Honoria, sister of Sir Henry Lawrence.
3. Thomas Charles, of Bonn, b. i Dec. 1805 ; d. unm. 3 Feb. 1856.
4. Robert, of Sydney, Australia, J. P., b. 1807; m. 1840, Emily,
eld. dau. of Maj. Darval, and had issue.
5. Albert Evelyn, b. 1812 ; d. unm. 1874.
1. Susannah, m. Rev. John Stirling.
2. Anna Eleanor, m. Rev. F. D. Maurice, Professor of English
Literature, King's College.
His eldest son,
HUGH WILLIAM BARTON, of The Waterfoot, J.P., D.L., High
Sheriff co. Fermanagh 1837, Lieut.-Col. of the 2nd Life Guards, b.
13 Dec. 1800 ; m. g Feb. 1832, Mary Caroline, eldest dau. of Robert
Johnston, of Kinlough House, co. Leitrim. Hed. 4 Dec. 1870. She
d. ii March, 1899, leaving issue,
1. CHARLES ROBERT, now of The Waterfoot.
2. James, late Capt. R A., b. 13 Aug 1834; m. 23 Aug. 1859,
Mary Barbara, dau. of Sir David Barclay, loth bart. of Pierston,
co. Ayr, and has issue,
1. Hugh Barclay, b. 11 Julv, 1865 ; d. unm.
2. James, b. 14 April, 1867 ; d. unm.
3. Charles, b. 20 March, 1873.
4. Sidney, b. 26 Nov. 1876.
i. Louisa. 2. May.
3. Harriet. 4. Irene.
3. Folliott, C.E., b. 23 May, 1838 ; m. ig March, 1873, Florence
Maude, 6th dau. of Hugh Lyons Montgomery, of Belhavel, and
d. 1883, leaving issue, Ffollibtt Cyril.
4. Hugh St. George, Capt. 6oth Rifles, 6. 19 Nov. 1839 ; d. la
June, 1875.
5. Robert, R.N., b. 3 Nov. 1841 ; d. 3 April, 1869. —
6. Thomas Lloyd, b. 2 Dec. 1855 ; m. Fanny Isaacs.
7. Nathaniel Albert Delap, Maj. 88th Regt., b. 29 Nov. 1857 ;
m. 1888, Ellen, dan. of —Jordan, U.S.A., and had issue,
Thomas Hugh, b. i July, 1890.
1. Florence Anna. m. Gen. Dawson, late i8th Regt.
2. Mary Everina, m. 29 Jan. 1868, James M. Sinclair, D.L. of
Holly Hill, co. Donegal, and has issue.
Arms, Crest and Motio — Same as BARTON of Grove.
Seat — The Waterfoot, Pettigo, co. Fermanagh.
BERTRAM HUGH BARTON, of Straffan House, co.
Kildare, J.P., D.L., High Sheriff 1908, b. 24 Sept.
1858 ; s. his father u Sept. 1904 ; m. 26 July, 1899,
Lilian Edith Laura, only dau. of Lieut.-Col. Sir
Frederick Walter Card en, Bart (see BURKE'S Peerage),
and has issue,
1. FREDERICK BERTRAM, b. 19 June, 1900.
2. Hugh Ronald, b. 29 June, 1902.
1. Storeen Lily, b. 21 June, 1906.
Lineage. — HUGH BARTON (4th son of William Barton, of Grove,
(see that family) byGrace Massy his wife.dau. of the Dean of Limerick),
who,by his own energy, industry, and activity, acquired at Bordeaux
a very large fortune, which he invested in the purchase of the Straffan
estate and other lands in Ireland in 1831, and also in the purchase
of the Chateau Langoa, and a portion of the adjacent property of
Leoville, both in the parish of St. Julien Medoc, near Bordeaux.
During the reign of terror, 1793-4, he was imprisoned as an alien, but
by the connivance of his wife, daughter of a naturalised Frenchman
of Scottish origin, he effected his escape to Ireland. During his
absence the business in Bordeaux was managed by Daniel Guestier,
with whom he entered into partnership 1802. This partnership has
continued from father to son to the present time. In 1840 he served
as High Sheriff of co. Kildare. He was b. 8 Jan. 1766 ; m. 17
Dec. 1791, Anne, dau. of Nathaniel Weld Johnston, of Bordeaux,
and d. 25 May, 1854, having by her (who^. 3 Aug. 1842) had issue,
1. Hugh, b. 7 March, 1797; d. young.
2. NATHANIEL, late of Straffan.
3. THOMAS JOHNSTON, of Glendalough (see that family).
4. Daniel, late Capt. 7th Fusiliers, b. 21 Feb. 1806; m. Margaret
Simpson, and had a son, Daniel, m. 10 Nov. 1887, Victoria
Alexandrina Julia, dau. of Sir Robert Peel, 3rd bart
5. Hugh, b. 2i March, 807 ; d. 8 Nov. 1860.
1. Susan, b. 33 March, 1793 ; d. 22 Dec. 1803.
2. Anna, b. 1798 ; d. 1811.
3. Grace, d. an infant.
4. Isabella, b. 20 June, 1804; d. unm. 28 March, 1897.
5. Susan Elizabeth, m. 9 Sept. 1828, Eyre, 3rd Lord Clarina, and
d. 14 Nov. 1886, leaving issue.
6. Charlotte, b. 1812 ; d. an infant.
His eldest son,
NATHANIEL BARTON, of Straffan House, co. Kildare. 5^- and
D.L., High Sheriff in 1850-51, b. 7 Sept. 1799 5 »»- *2 July, 1823,
Marv Susanna, dau. of Harry Harmood Scott, consul at Bordeaux,
bv Anne his wife, dau. of R-~- wewton Ogle, D.D., of Kirkley,
Northumberl!""1! and »• 29 Nov. 1867, having by her (who d. 18
March. *ft67) had issue,
1. HUGH LYNEDOCH, late of Straffan.
2. Harry Fitzgerald, b. 21 Aug. 1826 ; d. 17 May, 1848.
3. BERTRAM FRANCIS, late of Straffan.
4. Charles Thomas Hugh, b, 23 Nov. 1834 ; m. 21 June, 1859,
Clara Sophia, youngest dau. of Frank Cutler, R.N., of Upton
Lodge, Brixham, Devon, and d. n Sept. 1871, having had
1. Francis Savile, b. 8 April, 1861, late Lieut. Queen's Bays
and Scots Guards, m. 8 Jan. 1889, Mabel Mary, youngest dau.
of Capt. Savers, 23rd Regt. Royal Welsh Fusiliers, and has
(1) Charles Thomas Hugh, b. 18 Sept. 1889.
(2) Arthur William, b. 2 Jan. 1892.
2. Charles Scott, b. 12 Aug. 1865 ; m. 26 June, 1890, Ellen A.,
dau. of William Johnston, of Aiguesvives, Touraine, France,
and has had issue,
(i) Robert Francis Arthur, b. 7 Feb. 1902.
(1) Violet Clara Isabella, b. 16 July, 1891.
(2) Alice Charlotte, b. 6 Oct. 1902.
£ 5. Francis Savile, b. 23 Nov. 1836 ; d. 3 Jan. 1860.
~ 1. Mary Esther Isabella, d. young, n Jan. 1844.
2. Anna Susan Frederica.
3. Isabel Charlotte.
4. Alice Catherine Harriet, d. unm. 17 April, 1867.
The eldest son,
HUGTT LYNEDOCH BARTON, of Straffan House, co. Kildare J P
and D.L., High Sheriff 1861 ; late Major Kildare Rifles, formerlj
Lieut. 6th Inniskillings ; b. 30 Aug. 1824 ; m. 18 April, 1855, Hon.
Anna Emily Massey, eldest dau. of Eyre, 3rd Lord Clarina, and d.s.p.
23 Feb. 1899. He was s. by his brother,
BERTRAM FRANCIS BARTON, of Straffan House, co. Kildare, High
Sheriff 1903, ,b. ig March, 1830 ; d. n Sept. 1904 ; m. 27 Sept. 1855,
Fannie Annie, eldest dau. of Frank Cutler, R.N., of Upton Lodge,
Brixham, Devon, and by her (who d. 29 Nov. 1907) had issue,
1. BERTRAM HUGH, now of Straffan House.
2. Harry Scott, of Hewshott House, Liphook, b. n Jan. 1862 :
m. 18 June, 1893, Augusta Mary, dau. of Leedham White.
1. Mary Fannie, m. 25 Oct 1883, Thomas Edward Studdy,
youngest son of Henry Studdy, of Waddeton Court, Brixham,
Devon, J.P. and D.L., and has issue (see that family).
2. Isabel Eleanor.
Arms and Crest — Same as BARTON of Grove. Motto — Fide et
Seat — Straffan House, co. Kildare. Clubs — Junior Carlton
and Kildare Street, Dublin.
ROBERT CHILDERS BARTON, of Glendalough House,
co. Wicklow, b. 14 March, 1881,
Lineage.— THOMAS JOHNSTON BARTON, of Glendalough, co.
Wicklow, J.P. and D.L., b. Sept. 1802 ; 2nd son of Hugh Barton
of Straffan (see that family) ; m. 25 March, 1830, Frances, dau. of
Edward Morris, Master in Chancery, by Hon, Mary Erskine his
wife, dau. of Thomas, ist Lord Erskine, and d. "4 Dec. 1864,
having by her (who d. 4 Oct. 1867) had issue,
1. THOMAS ERSKINE, of whom presently.
2. Hugh Massey, 7th Foot, b. 10 Feb. 1834 ; d. 1880.
3. CHARLES WILLIAM, of Glendalough.
f; R°bert Johnston, b. 20 Feb. 1839, Capt. Coldstream Guards.
Killed in action in Zululand, 28 March, 1879.
1. Frances Isabella, m. ist, 19 May, 1859, James C. Hart, of Drum-
croEshall, N.B., late Capt. r6th Lancers, who d. 1876. She m.
2ndly, 1889, Fletcher Menzies, of Menzies.
2. Georgiana Susanna Arabel, m. 1856, George Booth, and d. 1868
leaving issue.
3. Anna Mary Henrietta, m. R. C. Childers (who d. 1876), eldest
son of the Rev. Charles Childers, H.M. Chaplain at N;ce and d
1884, leaving issue.
4. Beatrice Louisa, m. 3 Dec. 1864, Hugh Francis Massy, Capt
igth Regt., andrf .23 Jan. 1893, leaving issue (see MASSY of Grants-
town). He d. Feb. 1900.
His eldest son,
THOMAS ERSKINE BARTON, of Glendalough, b. 1830 • d unm
1874, when he was s. by his brother,
CHARLES WILLIAM BARTON, of Glendalough House, J.P High
Sheriff 1882, b. 13 July, 1836 ; m. 26 Oct. 1876, Agnes i h dau of
the Rev. Charles Childers, H.M. Chaplain at Nice, and Canon of
Gibraltar, and d. 3 Oct. 1890, leaving issue,
1. ROBERT CHILDERS, now of Glendalough House.
2. Charles Erskine, b. 7 Dec. 1882.
3. Thomas Eyre, b. 15 Aug. 1884.
1. Frances, b. 21 Dec. 1877.
2. Dulcibella, b. 25 Dec. 1879.
Arms, Crest and Motto — As BARTON of Grove.
Seat— Glendalough House, Annamoe, co. Wicklow.
House, co. Kerry, J.P., b. 1848, High Sheriff 1897,
5. to the estates at the decease of his
uncle John Bateman.
Lineage. — MAJ. ROWLAND BATEMAN, son of Henry Bateman,
by Elizabeth, dau. of John Wasbye, got a grant of the lands of
j Killeen, co Kerry, and served as High Sheriff in 1669. He m.
Charity Wilson, and had issue two sons and two daus., viz.,
1. Francis, d.s.p. 1707.
2. JOHN, who s. to Killeen.
1. Belinda, m. Richard Yielding, of Tralee.
2. Margaret, m. — Morris.
His successor,
JOHN BATEMAN, of Killeen, otherwise Oak Park, m. ist, Frances,
dau. of WilHam Trenchard, of Mt. Trenchard, co.
who d.s.p. ; and 2ndly, Anne, dau. of Col. the Right Hon. George
Evans, of Carass, co. Limerick, and d. 1719, leaving issue,
1. ROWLAND, of whom hereafter.
2. George, of Dromultin, co. Kerry, b. 1711 ; m. Sarah, dau. of
Anthony Stoughton, of Rattoo, co. Kerry, by whom he had
1. John, of Dromultin, m. 1764, Elizabeth, dau. of William
Meredith, of Annaghmore, co. Kerry, and had issue,
(i) John, d.s.p.
(i) Jane, m. ist, 1779, Conway Blennerhassett ; and andly^
Pierse Crosbie.
2. George, of Hollypark, m. 1764, Elizabeth, dau. of William
Meredith, of Dicksgrove, co. Kerry, and left a son,
William, m. 1795, Catherine, dau. of George Lloyd.
1. Dorothy, m. — Lloyd, of Cork.
2. Frances, m. 1778, Mountiford Longfield, of Castle Mary..
r.o. Cork, M.P.
3. Thomas, of Mount Catherine, co. Limerick, m. ist, 1735, Jane-
Delahoyde, of Cork ; he m. 2ndly, 22 Jan. 1740, Alice, 2nd dau. of
Thomas Sadleir, of Sopwell Hall, co. Tipperary, and d. 1756,
having by her had a son,
Francis Sadleir, d.s.p.
4. John, of Alta Villa, co. Limerick, High Sheriff 1749 ; m. ist,.
1745, Elizabeth, elder dau. of Thomas Sadleir, of Sopwell Hall,,
co. Tipperary, by whom (who d. 1748) he had a dau.,
i. Catherine.
He m. 2ndly, 1756, Grace, dau. of Henry Brooke, of Colebrooke,.
co. Fermanagh, M.P., and d. 1792, having had further issue, viz.,
1. John, of Altavilla, Barrister-at-Law, m. 1782, Mary, dau. and
heiress of Thomas Bourke, of Anglingham, co. Galway, and from:
this marriage descended the BATEMANS, of Rosetown, co>
2. Henry (Rev.), d. 1822.
3. George Brooke, Barrister-at-Law, d. unm. 1809.
2. Letitia, m. 1778, Gerald Blennerhassett, of Riddlestown, co~
3. Frances, m. Rev. Thomas Lloyd.
1. Mary, m. Francis Morris.
2. Frances, m. Thomas Lloyd, of Fanstown, co. Limerick.
The eldest son,
ROWLAND BATEMAN, of Oak Park, b. 1705 ; m. 1727, Elizabeth^
dau. of Nicholas Colthurst, of Ballyhaly, co. Cork, and d. 1754,
having had issue,
1. Rowland, of Oak Park, J.P., High Sheriff 1758, M.P. for Kerry
and for Tralee ; m. 1758, Letitia, dau. and co-heir of Sir Thomas-
Denny, Knt., by whom he had issue,
1. Rowland, of Oak Park, m. 1790, Arabella, dau. of Sir Barry
Denny, Bart., and had issue,
(1) John, of Oak Park, J.P., High Sheriff 1820, M.P. Tralee-
1837, b. 1792 ; m. 1824, Frances, dau. of Nathaniel Bland, of
Randall's Park, Surrey, and d. 1865, leaving a son, Roland,
who d.s.p.
(2) William, d. unm. (3) Thomas, d. under age.
(1) Jane, d. young.
(2) Lelitia, m. 1831, Emanuel Hutchinson Orpen, of Mount
Tnllant, co. Kerry.
2. Thomas, d. unm. 1783.
1. Agnes, m. 1785, Richard Chute, of Chute Hall, co. Kerry.
2. Elizabeth, m. 1785, Col. James Crosbie, M.P., of Ballyheige,
co. Kerry.
2. COLTHURST, of whom presently.
3. John, J.P. co. Kerry, m. 1770, Olivia, Countess of Rosse, but
1. Elizabeth, m. 1748, Anthony Stoughton, of Rattoo, co. Kerry-
2. Anne, m. Francis Crosbie, of Rusheen, co. Kerry.
3. Penelope, m. 1756, Richard Smyth, of Ballinatray, co. Water-
4. Mary, m. Thomas FitzGerald, Knight of Glin.
5. Sarah, m. May, 1771, Rev. John Barry. D.D., Dean of Elphin..
6. Frances, m. Pierce Crosbie, of Ballyheigne, co. Kerry.
7. Jane, m. 1770, Richard Dunscombe.
The 2nd son,
COLTHURST BATEMAN, of Bedford House, co. Kerry, J.P., m. i779>.
clau. of Robert Dobson, of Anngrove, co. Cork, and d. 1821, leaving
1. COLTHURST, of whom hereafter.
2. Rowland (Rev.), m. Elizabeth, dau. of Maurice FitzMauricev
and widow of James Edington.
3. John, d. unm. 1819.
1. Jane, in. Capt. Robert Dobson, sth Foot.
2. Anne, m. 1807 Patrick Maitland (grandfather of the Earl of
C3. Elizabeth. --- sn<
4. Dorothea, m. ist, George Augustus Sim^uii- and 2ndly,
Admiral John Maitland.
The eldest son,
COLTHURST BATEMAN, of Bedford House, co. Kerry, and of
Bartholey, Monmouth, J.P., High Sheriff of Monmouth 1839,
b. 1780 ; m. 1809, Jane Sarah, dau. and heiress of John Kemeys
Gardner- Kemeys, of Bartholey, co. Monmouth, and d. 1859, leaving
1. JOHN, his heir.
2. George Colthurst, b. 1815 ; d. 1852 unm.
3. Rowland, R.N., b. 1816 ; d. unm. 1839.
4. Robert, J.P. Monmouth, m. and had issue,
1. FREDERICK REGINALD, now of Bedford House.
2. Robert William, b. 1850. 3. John Kemeys, b. 1855.
i. Frances. 2. Mary.
5. Reginald, R.N., b. 1820 6. Thomas, b. 1823.
7. Frederick, b. 1825 ; d. unm. 1847.
1. Jane, m. 1836, John Gwalter Palairet. 2. Sarah.
The eldest son,
JOHN BATEMAN, of Bartholey and Bedford House, b. 1814,
d. unm., when the Irish estates devolved on his nephew, FREDERICK
Seat— Bedford House, Listowel. Residence— Rosbeigh, Glen-
beigh, co. Kerry.
(jointly with his sisters,
Alice and Mabel, of Rath-
mullan House, co. Donegal),
b. 24 Oct. 1860.
Lineage.— This family, stated
to have been originally from Corn-
wall, was founded in Ireland by
SAMUEL BATT, of Osier Hill and
New Ross, merchant, who acquired
considerable property in the co.
Wexford about 1650. He d. in-
testate, leaving by Alice his wife
(who look out administration to him
6 June, 1702) a son,
SAMUEL BATT, of New Ross and
Osier Hill, Merchant, whose will, dated 28 March, 1705, was
proved in Jan. 1716. He left by Deborah, his and wife, five sons,
1. THOMAS, of whom hereafter.
2. Narcissus (Rev.), d.s.p. ; will proved 3 March, 1767.
3. Samuel, of Rathneddin, d.s.p. ; will dated 13 June, 1772.
4. Joseph, of Grange ; will proved 8 May, 1780, left issue.
5. Benjamin, of New Ross ; will proved 3 June, 1780, left issue.
The eldest son,
THOMAS BATT, of Osier Hill, m. 1713, Jane, dau. of Thomas
Devereux, and was s. by his eldest son,
SAMUEL BATT, father of Major Thomas Batt, who was killed in
the American War, when the property devolved on his youngest
ROBERT BATT, of Osier Hill, co. Wexford, Capt. i8th Regt.,
who m. 1765, Hannah, dau. of Samuel Hyde, of Belfast, and d.
1783, having had issue five sons,
1. NARCISSUS, of Purdysburn, co. Down, and Osier Hill, co.
Wexford, High Sheriff 1835, m. 1793, Margaret, dau. of Thomas
Greg, and d. 1840, having by her (who d. 1843) na(i issue,
1. Robert, of Purdysburn and Osier Hill, J.P. and D.L., High
Sheriff 1846, b. 1795 ; m. 1841, Charlotte, dau. of Samuel Wood,
of Upton, Cheshire, and d. 24 July, 1864, having by her had,
with four daus., a son,
ROBERT NARCISSUS, of Purdysburn, co. Down, J.P. and D.L.,
High Sheriff 1870, b. 10 Nov. 1844 ; m. 6 March, 1866, Marion
Emily, eldest dau. of Sir Edward Samuel Walker, of Berry
Hill, Mansfield, Notts., and d. 20 Nov. 1891, having by her
(who d. 1892) had issue,
1. EVELEEN MAY, b. 1867 ; m. 1892, Capt. Charles Arthur
Staniland, late Royal Scots Greys.
2. NELLA LILIAN, m. 18 Dec. 1894, Frederick Knight
Essell, of the Buffs.
2. Thomas, of Strandmills, b. 1805 ; d.s.p. 1861.
i. Elizabeth. 2. Mary, m. Thomas Greg.
2. William. 3. Samuel.
4. Robert. 5. THOMAS, of whom presently.
The youngest son,
THOMAS BATT, of Rathmullan, co. Donegal, m. ist, Elizabeth,
dau. of Robert Waddell, of Island Deny, co. Down, and by her had
THOMAS, of whom presently,
Elizabeth, m. Caesar George Otway.
He m. andly, Sarah, dau. of Samuel Lyle, of The Oaks, but she
d.s.p. He d. 1857, and was s. by his only son,
THOMAS BATT, of Rathmullan, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff
1844, M.A. Trin. Coll. Camb., b. 1816 ; m. 6 July, 1852, Charlotte,
dau. of Yen. Edmond Hesketh Dalrymple Knox, late Archdeacon
of Killaloe (see BURKE'S Peerage, RANFURLY, E.), and d. 1897
leaving issue,
1 THOMAS EDMOND, late of Rathmullan.
2. Alfred Acheson, b. 15 May, 1856.
3. Edmond Hesketh, b. 6 Dec. 1857 ; d. 1882.
4. Arthur Robert, b. 27 April, 1859; d. 1891.
5. CHARLES LYONS, now jointly of Rathmullan.
6. Gerard Otway, b. 28 Feb. 1862.
7. Robert Devereux, b. 6 Nov. 1863.
8. Octavius, b. 16 April, 1865.
9. Frederick Shelley, b. 1869, d. 1876.
1. Agnes Charlotte, m. 23 Aug. 1877, Archibald H. Duthie (who
d.s.p. 1883).
2. ALICE ELIZABETH, now jointly of Rathmullan.
3. MABEL MACKENZIE, now jointly of Rathmullan.
COL. THOMAS EDMOND BATT, of Rathmullan House, co. Donegal,
J.P., late Lieut.-Col. Commanding Donegal Artillery, b. 14 Oct.
1854 ; d. 27 Dec. 1908, when he was s. jointly by his brother and
sisters as above mentioned.
Arms — Arg. on a cross between four bats sa. three escallops
in pale or. Crest — A crescent arg. charged with an escallop gu.
Motto— Virtute et valore.
Seat— Rathmullan House, co. Donegal.
BATTERSBY, of Lough-
bawn, co. Westmeath,
J.P. for that co. and
for Meath, of Lincoln's
Inn, Barrister-at-Law,
b. 30 Sept. 1839 ; »*,
9 Aug. 1873, Augusta
Helen, dau^ of John
Rynd, of Reynella, co.
Westmeath, and has
1. GEORGE, b. u Jan. 1877.
2. Augustus Wolfe (Rev.),
6. 10 Feb. 1885.
3. John Radcliff, b. 26 Jan.
1. Edith Frances, m. 5 May,
1909, George Maxwell, of
Corduff, co. Dublin (see that
2. Millie, m. 22 July, 1909,
George Astley Rotheram
(see ROTHERAM of Cross-
drum) .
3. Dorothy.
5. Mona Phillippa.
Lineage.— WILLIAM BATTERSBY, of Smithstown, co. Meath,
m. Mary, dau. of Ambrose Sherman, and had issue,
1. William, of Smithstown, m. Miss Grant, and d.s.p,
2. Robert, of Bobsville.
3. JOHN, of whom presently.
The 3rd son,
JOHN BATTERSBY, of Lakefield, co. Meath, J.P., 6. 1722 ; m. ist,
Elizabeth Shields, of Monaghan, and by her had an only child,
1. WILLIAM, of Freffans, co. Meath, b. 16 Nov. 1764 ; m. Frances,
dau. of Nathaniel Preston, of Swainstown (see that family), and
d. 1848, having had issue,
1. William, d.s.p.
2. Nathaniel, d.s.p.
3. John, d.s.p.
4. Franc
_,. cis William, d. unm.
5. Arthur, m. Eliza, dau. of Major Dillon, and d. leaving issue,
a son and a dau.,
William Arthur.
Almeria Grace, d. unm.
1. Georgina.
2. Anne, m. Lambert Disney, and had issue.
3. Frances Isabella, m. Chas. John Battersby, of Cromlyn, and
has issue (see below).
John Battersby w.2ndly, 7 Sept. 1765, Sarah, dau. of Rev. Henry
Leslie, of Nutfield, co. Fermanagh, and by her had issue,
2. Leslie (Rev.), of Skreene, co. Sligo, b. 20 July, 1766; m. 5
July, 1796, Anna Maria, dau. of Patrick Palmer, Barrister-at-
Law, F.T.C.D., and had issue,
i. John Palmer, Capt. R.N., settled at Ancaster, Upper Canada ;
m. Maria Jones, and d. 1888, having had issue,
(1) Leslie Charles, b. 27 April, 1836; m. Helen Maria Harding.
(2) John Palmer, b. 30 Dec. 1837.
(3) Charles, b. z Jan. 1840 ; m. Maria Jane Walker, had issue,
1. John Palmer, b. 12 Nov. i874 ; <*• JI Au£- l896-
2. Henry Chas. Pinckney, b. 4 July, 1876.
3. Edwin Lee Campbell, 6. 18 Aug. 1880 ; m. Nov. 1909.
E. E. Trowbride, and has issue, a dau.,
Eleanor Beatrice, b. 26 Aug. 1910 .
i. Edith Beatrice, b. 27 Aug. 1878 ; d. 31 Oct. 1900.
' (4) Arthur, d. young.
(5) Edwin, b. 1845 ; d. young.
(1) Eleanor Palmer, b. 12 Aug. 1842, unm.
(2) Maria, b. 1846 ; d. young.
2. Leslie Patrick, settled in Canada, Lieut.R.N. ; m. Katherine
Jones, and had issue,
(i) Leslie Charles, b. March, 1841 ; m 5 June, 1873, Annie
Car°1^e, dau. of J. r Senett, of Dorset, England; d.
21 cv"^* 1088, had issue,
1. Leslie Charles, b. i March, 1874.
2. Jno. Bennett, b. 23 Oct. 1875.
3. Arthur Henry Jones, b. 23 Feb. 1878.
4. William Falconer, b. 16 Dec. 1879.
5. George Philip, b. 4 Dec. 1884.
i. Madeline Toonce, b. 18 March, 1882 ; d. 2 Jan. 1883.
(1) Eleanor Toonie, m. 21 June, 1860, Craven Chadwick;
d. 9 Jan. 1868, and had issue (see CHADWICK, of Ballinard).
(2) Anna Maria, d. young.
3. Joseph, d.s.p.
4. Edwin, of Dublin, m. Eleanor Jones, and had eleven
5. Arthur, m. S. E. Maskelyne.
6. George, of Dublin, d. 30 March, 1901.
7. William, d. young. ' 8. Henry, d.s.p.
g. William, settled at Hamilton, Upper Canada ; m. Susanna
Ryall, and d.s.p.
1. Catherine, m. — Harvey, d.s.p.
2. Sarah, d. unm.
3. Eleanor, m. — Griffith, and had issue, one dau.
4. Anna Maria, d. unm.
5. Lydia, m. — Bell, d.s.p.
6. Mary, d. unm.
3. THOMAS, of whom hereafter.
4. Francis, Col. 8th Foot, C.B., of Listoke House, Drogheda, b.
J9 Sept. 1795 ; m. Eliza, 2nd dau. of George Rotherham, of Cross-
drum, co. Meath, and had issue,
John Prevost, Major-Gen, late 60 th Royal Rifles, formerly
Assistant Director "of Military Education (Lyncroft, Portmore
Park, Weybridge), b. 16 Oct. 1826 ; m. 7 Sept. 1857, Louisa
Wilhelmina, 2nd dau. of Sir William Dillon, 4th bart. (see
BURKE'S Peerage and Baronetage), and has issue,
(1) Henry Francis, b. 10 Feb. 1862; m. 21 April, 1909,
Frances Muriel (Pearl), elder dau. of Henry C. Saunders, of
(2) Herbert Dillon, 6. 14 Jan. 1872 ; d.s.p.
(1) Helen Elizabeth.
(2) Louisa Georgina, m: Rev. Wellesley Burnaby, and had
(3) Ethel, d. unm.
Frances, m. ist, June, 1848, Mathew Coates, of Newton Prospect,
co. Meath ; and 2ndly, Dr. Wade, M.D., and had issue.
5. John, of Lakefield, b. 28 June, 1781, J.P. co. Meath; m.
Frances, dau. of Robert Wade, of Clonabrany, co. Meath ; and d.
1839, leaving issue,
1. John (Rev.), of Drumelton, co. Westmeath, m. MissMaunsell,
and d.s.p.
2. Robert, of Lakefield, d.s.p. 1898.
3. Thomas, d.s.p.
i. Marianne, m. — Daly.
6. Alexander, b. 10 Aug. 1783 ; m. 10 July, 1807, Eliza, dau. of
James Cusac, of Lara, co. Kildare ; and had a son,
John, of Miltown, co. Westmeath.
7. Henry Robert, Post-Capt. R.N., m. 10 May, 1810, the dau. of
William Chapman, and niece of Sir Thomas Chapman, Bart., ol
Killua Castle, co. Westmeath, and d.s.p.
8. George, b. 20 April, 1788, Capt. ist Dragoon Guards, fell
returning from the last charge of the cavalry at Waterloo. Capt.
Battersby d. unm.
1. Catherine, m. — Higinbotham, and had issue.
2. Penelope, d. unm.
John Battersby d. 1803. The 3rd son,
THOMAS BATTERSBY, b. 23 Oct. 1767 ; m. 16 Oct. 1799, Margaret
Catharine, eldest dau. of George Rotherham, of Crossdrum, co.
Meath, and d. 20 Feb. 1839, having by her (who d. 17 Dec. 1862)
had issue,
1. GEORGE, his heir.
2. Thomas, of Newcastle House, Oldcastle, co. Meath, J.P. cos.
m. 17 May, 1837,
4. Henry, "i ^-^i-raOS ; m. ist, 13 Feb. 1846, Frances, dau. of
T. Rutb-wioord, of St. Doolagh's, co. Dublin (who d.s.p. 1854) ;
a«J 2ndly, 1857, Annie, dau. of Lieut.-Col. Kelly ; and d.s.p.
1868. His widow d. 18 Dec. 1910.
5. Francis, M.D., b. 10 Nov. 1812 ; m. ist, 11 March, 1852,
Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. Robert Stephenson Crooke, and by hei"
(who d. 25 April. 1855) had an only child,
Thomas Stephenson Francis, K.C., b. 17 April, 1855 ', •»«•
25 July, 1883, Jeanie, dau. of Samuel Gerrard, and has issue,
(i) Francis John Gerrard, b. 1894.
(1) Elizabeth, b. 1884 ; m. 26 Sept. 1907, Timothy W.
Bridge, I.C.S.
(2) Violet Norah Jeanie, b. 1890.
(3) Beryl Alice, b. 1895.
He m. 2ndly, June, 1862, Charlotte, dau. of John Brien, of Castle-
town, co. Fermanagh. He d. 1891. She d.s.p. May, 1879.
8. Frederick William, b. 15 May, 1819 ; d.s.p. 1847.
7. Charles John, of Cromlyn, Rathowen, co. Westmeath, b. 3 Feb.
1821 ; m. 1854, Frances Isabella, dau. of William Battersby, of
Freffans (see above), and d. 22 May, 1897, having had issue,
i. Thomas Preston, of Cromlyn, co .Westmeath, Brigadier-Gen.,
Inspector of Army Ordnance Services, b. 10 Aug. 1856 ; m.
9 Oct. 1884, Agnes Janet, dau. of John Evens, of The Haven,
St. Stephen's, Canterbury, and has issue,
Charles Fremoult Preston, Lieut. R.F.A., b. n July, 1887.
1. Frances Catherine, m. 1883, E. Hopkins, Ceylon C.S., and
d. Oct. 1887, leaving issue.
2. Alice Isabella, m. Feb. 1890, her cousin John Albert Bat-
tersby, of Newcastle House, co. Meath, and has issue (see above).
3. Lucy Elizabeth. 4. Evangeline Henrietta.
5. Caroline Maude, m. 30 Aug. 1910, Capt. W. Brown, A.S.C.
3. William Alexander (Rev.), b. 4 June, 1825 ; d.s.p.
1. Catherine, m. 16 Nov. 1846, William Smith Harman, of Cross-
drum, and d. 1866, leaving issue.
2. Sarah, m. 29 Jan. 1841, Rev. Hugh Henry O'Neill, of Monter-
Connaught, co. Cavan, and d. 1872, leaving issue.
3. Elizabeth Jane, d. unm.
4. Isabella, d. unm. 16 April, 1900.
5. Barbara, m. 1851, Thomas White, J.P., of Peppard's Castle,
. co. Wexford, and had issue.
The eldest son,
GEORGE BATTERSBY, of Loughbawn, Q.C., LL.D., J.P., Judge
of the Provincial Court of Dublin, b. 8 Sept. 1802 ; m. 10 Dec. 1830,
Charlotte Sarah, dau. of the late Right Hon. John Radcliff, P.C.,
LL.D., Judge of the Prerogative Court in Ireland, of Mespil House,
co. Dublin, by whom (who d. 17 Aug. 1876) he left at his death,
9 June. 1880,
1. Thomas George, LL.D., Barrister-at-Law, b. 9 Oct. 1832 ; m.
8 Dec. 1864, Georgina Maria Bessy, dau. of the late Col. William
Middleton, 42nd Highlanders ; and d. n Sept. 1871, leaving two
1. Charlotte Middleton, m. 1889. Major A. D. Thome, King's
Own Royal Lancaster Regt., and d. 2 Nov. 1904, leaving issue.
2. Ethel Middleton, m. Robert Gumming, Indian Army.
Mrs. Thomas George Battersby assumed by Royal Licence, 1875,
the additional surname and arm? of WYBRANTS, and m. 2ndly,
Capt. Temple Leighton Phipson, who also assumed by Royal
Licence, 1876, the additional surname of WYBRANTS," and d.
1883. 2. JOHN RADCLIFF, now of Loughbawn.
1. Betanna Catherine, m. 10 Jan. 1852, John Colley Pounden, of
Ballywalter, J .P. co. Wexford, and has issue.
Arms — Or a saltire paly of twelve erm. and gu., a crescent in
chief sa. Crest — A ram pass. erm. armed and unguled or. Motto —
Ante honorem est humilitas.
Seat — Loughbawn, Collinstown, co. Westmeath.
Hall, co. Wicklow, Lieut.-Col. 3rd Batt. The Duke of
Cambridge's Own (Middlesex) Regt., J.P. cos. Cork,
Wicklow, and Dublin, High Sheriff co. Wicklow 1889,
? f _^ i/ ^^ ^^ co. Dublin, 1911, D.L. co. Wicklow, has Coronation
Henrietta Mary Anne, dau. of 'john Rotton^ of Bath' and' grand- Medal, b. 1841; m. 1868, Annie Cecilia, dau. of
"!^^S&^(^?i.%4?hidi£ueC'>LL'D''and Ct William Henry Jackson, of Inane, co. Tipperary,
i. 'Edward, of Larkfield.'co. Westmeath,' J. P., late Capt. 9th bY Cecilia his wife, dau. of John Westropp, of
Batt. Rifle Brigade, formerly Midshipman R.N. (17, Herbert \ Attyflin (s^ WESTROPP of A ttyftin), J.P. CO. Limerick,
Place, Dublin), b. 12 March, 1849; m. 3 Aug. 1899, Frances ! anfl has had issue
Anna (d. 20 Sept. 1909), only surviving dau. of David Ogden, of ' '
17, Herbert Place, Dublin, and of Annesboro, co. Wexford, and
d.s.p. 27 Oct. 1910.
2. Thomas, of Newcastle House, co. Meath, J.P., d. unm. 2S
Dec. 1889.
3. Henry, m. ist, Miss Kitson, and 2ndly, Miss Featherston-
haugh, and had a dau., Frances.
4. John Albert, of Newcastle House, CD. Meath, J.P., m. his
cousin Feb. 1890, Alice Isabella (see below), dau. of Charles J
Battersby, J.P., of Cromlyn, co. Westmeath, and has. issue
(1) Thomas Charles, d. an infant,
(r) Violet Frances.
(2) Alice Christiana.
5. Charles, d. young.
1. Christiana Bettana.
2. Henrietta Isabella, m. Robert Macready, and has issue.
3. Edward, Lieut. R.N., b. 3 May, 1805 ; d. unm. 4 Oct. 1839.
1. WILLIAM D'OYLY, Lieut.-Col. General Reserve of Officers,
b. 1870.
2. Rochfort Cade, b. 23 March, 1873.
1. Louisa Cecilia, m. 12 Aug. 1903, Charles Gavin Pilkington
Wilson, eldest -son of the late John Wilson (i3th Hussars), of
Rooske, co. Meath, and has issue.
2. Mabel Margaretta Annie, a. 28 Oct. 1885.
3. Eveleen Charlotte Maud.
Lineage. — WILLIAM BATTLEY, whose ancestors were settled at
Bury St. Edmunds, co. Suffolk, as appears from the will of his
grandson, resident in co. Clare, temp. JAMES I ; he had issue,
1. NICHOLAS, of whom hereafter.
2. William, settled in co. Cork, and had a son, Edmund, attainted
by JAMES II 1689.
1. Sarah, m. Christopher Sexton, of co. Limerick.
The eldest son,
NICHOLAS BATTLEY, was b. in co. Clare, Tf,22. and entered Trin.
Coll Dublin, 20 May, 1638. By Anne his wife he had issue,
1. JOHN (Yen.), D.D., Fellow Trinity Coll. Cambridge, 6. at fi^rv
St. Edmunds, 1647, appointed Rector of Adesham, co. Kent, ;
1684, and Archdeacon of Canterbury 1688 ; m. Mary, dau. of Sir
Henry Oxenden, ist bart. of Dene ; d.s.p. 10 Oct. 1708, and was
bur. 'at Canterbury Cathedral. His widow d. 25 Dec. I741.
aged 85.
2. Nicholas (Rev.), B.A. Trin. Coll. Cambridge 1668, M.A.
1672, Rector of Ivechurch, and Vicar of Bekesborne, co. Kent, j
1685 ; d. 10 May, 1704, leaving by Anne his wife,
1. Charles, d.s.p. June, 1714.
2. JOHN (Rev.), entered Trinity Coll. Cambridge 1706, Rector j
of Wordwell, co. Suffolk, 1736, devisee of his uncle Samuel
Battley ; m. 1714, Anne Sydney, dau. of his uncle Samuel's
wife by her ist husband, and had (with an elder son, John,
who d.s.p.),
(i) CHARLES (Rev.), b. 1709, Rector of Witherden, co. Suffolk,
inherited the Bury St. Edmund's estates ; d. 8 March, 1731,
leaving one son,
WALDEGRAVE (Rev.), 6. 1748, Curate of Shotteley, co.
Suffolk, d. March, 1814.
3. Oliver (Rev.), b. 1697, B.D. Christ Church Coll. Cambridge
1734, Rector of Iron Acton, co. Gloucester, 1736 ; d. 1763.
4. Anne, living unm. 1714.
3. Samuel, obtained grants of lands in co. Cayan 1662, and co.
Fermanagh 1667 ; also was possessed of lands in cos. Waterford
and Wexford, all of which he eventually sold, and purchased
estates in Suffolk ; m. Anne, widow of — Sydney, and d.s.p. I7H>
having devised by his will, dated 6 April, 1712, a yearly payment
to the sextons of St. Mary^s Church, Bury St. Edmunds, for the
keeping in repair the tomb of his ancestors.
4. THOMAS, of whom hereafter.
5. Charles, of Westminster, admitted to the Middle Temple 8
Dec. 1686, Receiver and Collector of the Rents of Westminster
Abbey, Secretary in the Remembrancer's Office in the Exchequer,
m. (licence 23 Aug. 1692) Elizabeth, dau. of John Needham, of
Westminster ; and d. 1722, having had three sons, who d. young,
and several daus. all baptized at Westminster; of the latter
Elizabeth, bapt. 2 Dec. 1713, m. James Brooker, of St. Bride s,
London ; and Jane, bapt. 16 March, 1707, m. James Merest,
Assistant Clerk of the House of Lords.
1. Anne, living unm. 1712.
2. Beata, m. — Morden.
Nicholas Battley d. at Bury St. Edmunds. His 4th son,
THOMAS BATTLEY, baptized at St. Mary's, Bury St. Edmunds,
16 May, 1651, was, with his wife, a legatee of his brother, Samuel
Battley. He had two sons and one dau.,
1. John, b. 1696, appointed Receiver, Solicitor, and Steward of
the Courts of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster by patent
dated 27 April, 1723 ; d. 10 June, 1729, leaving his wife Elizabeth
his universal legatee.
2. WILLIAM, of whom hereafter.
1. Mary, devisee of her uncle Samuel.
The 2nd son,
WILLIAM BATTLEY, was admitted an Honorary Member of the
King's Inns, Dublin. He m. the dau. of Thomas Cade, of Will-
brook, Rathfarnham, co. Dublin, and heiress of her brother, Thomas
Cade, and by her had issue,
1. J OHN, of whom hereafter.
2. William, whose will was proved in Dublin 2 Jan. 1773 ; m.
and had issue.
3. Edmund.
William Battley d. Jan. 1736. His eldest son,
JOHN BATTLEY, of Willbrook, was admitted a member of the
King's Inns 1758, s. his maternal uncle 1783, m. Frances, sister of
John Butler, and had issue,
1. THOMAS CADE, his heir.
2. William, Lieut.-Col. 6oth Rifles, accidentally killed at
1. Elizabeth.
Mr. Battley d. 1808, and was s. by his eldest son,
THOMAS CADE BATTLEY, of Willbrook, b. 1771, entered Trin.
Coll. Dublin 20 Nov. 1788, aged 17 ; B.A. 1794, called to the Bar
Trinity Term 1794 J »». Belinda, dau. of Rev. Richard Chappell
Grange, of Sallymount, co. Wicklow, by Mary his wife, dau. and
(with her sister Diana, m. 1780, Sir John Hadley D'Oyly, 6th bart.
of Shottisham. co-heir of William Rochfort, of Clontarf (brother of
Robert, ist Earl of Belvedere), by Henrietta his wife, dau. of Col.
John Ramsay and Mary, Lady Osborne his wife, widow of Sir
Nicholas Osborne, sthbart.,of Ballintaylor, and dau. of Right Rev.
Thomas Smyth, D.D., Bishop of Limerick, and d. 20 Sept. 1851,
having by her (who d. g Nov. 1863, aged 95) had issue,
1. Richard, Capt. 22nd Regt., d. unm.
2. John Cade, entered T.C.D. 1817, aged 17, Capt. 3oth Regt. ; d.
unm. in India.
3. D'OYLY WILLIAM, of whom hereafter.
4. Thomas, Registrar of the Court of Bankruptcy, m. Marcella,
dau. of John Connolly, of Newhaggard, co. Meath, and d.s.p.
5. Charles Bushe (Rev.), d. 1881.
6. Rochfort, m. Rose, dau. of — Field, and d. 1866, leaving a son
Rochfort Cade Lestock, Major Essex Regt., b. 6 Oct. 1864.
1. Elizabeth, m. Major Larkins, R.H.A. ; d. in India.
2. Harriet, m. William C. Browne, of Rochfort Lodge, Richmond,
Surrey, and Cromwell Crescent. London ; d. 1882.
3. Anna Maria, m. Alexander Edie, of Thorn Hill, co. Tyrone.
His eldest surviving son,
D'OYLY WILLIAM BATTLEY, of Belvedere Hall, Major (retired)
77th Regt., derived descent through his maternal grandmother,
Mary Rochfort, from the Royal House of Plantagenet, b. Jan. 1808 ;
m. 1839, Margaret, dau. of William Edie, of Thornhill, J.P. co.
Tvrone, by Dorothy his wife, dau. of Nesbitt Downing, of Tubber-
daly, J.P. King's Co., and d. 2 Nov. 1887, having by her (who d.
13 Jan. 1871) had issue,
1. D'OYLY CADE, now of Belvedere Hall.
2. Rochfort, b. 1844 ; m. 1871, Annie, dau. of Major John Graham
Sadler, J.P., cf Hymenstown, co. Tipperary, and d. 29 April, 1885,
leaving issue, a son, John, and two daus.
Seat— Belvedere Hall, Bray, co. Wick-tow. Clubs— United
Service and Constitutional. S.W.
CAPT. JOHN BAYLY, of Debsborough, co. Tipper-
ary, J.P., High Sheriff 1894, late Capt, Suffolk Regt,
educated at Eton, &. 10 July, 1858,
Lineage. — JOHN BAYLY, of Debsborough, co. Tipperary, to
whom the farm grants were made in 1702, by the Duke of Ormonde,
m. 1690, Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Prittie, of Kilboy, co. Tipperary,
and d. 1709, having had issue, JOHN, his heir, Henry and Elizabeth.
His widow m. 2ndly, Major John Foley. The elder son,
JOHN BAYLY, of Debsborough, b. 17 June, 1691 ; m. 7 July, 1702,
Deborah, dau. and coheiress of Ven. Benjamin Neale, Archdeacon
of Leighlin, by Hannah his wife, dau. of Jetfery Paul, of Bough,
co. Carlow, and by her (who m. 2ndly, 1736, Henry Prittie, of
Dunalley Castle, M.P., and d. 3 Nov. 1760) had issue,
1. JOHN, of Debsborough.
2. Benjamin Neale, Barrister, who d. leaving an only son,
Benjamin Neale, m. Letitia, dau. of Henry Archer, of Bally-
seskin, co. Wexford, and had issue.
3. Neale. 4. Henry.
5. Paul.
6. Constantino, m. 1748, Charlotte, dau. of Richard Falkiner, of
Mount Falcon (see that family}.
1. Hannah. 2. Elizabeth.
The eldest son,
JOHN BAYLY, of Debsborough, High Sheriff 1759, &• 4 Dec.
1724 ; m. Bridget, dau. of Robert Holmes, of Johnstown, co.
Tipperary, and had issue, JOHN ; Henry ; Benjamin ; Peter ;
William ; Deborah ; Lucinda ; Bridget, m. Charles M'Donell, of
New Hall, M.P. for co. Clare; and Charlotte. The eldest son,
JOHN BAYLY, of Debsborough, b. 1755 ; d.v.p. 1783, having
m. 1776, Catherine, eldest dau. and coheir of Lancelot Crosbie, of
I Tubrid, co. Kerry, and by her, who inherited the estates of her uncle,
I John Gustavus Crosbie, M.P., was father of
JOHN BAYLY, of Debsborough, b. 15 Dec. 1777 ; m. i May,
1800, Mary Elizabeth Helena, only child and heir of Richard Uniacke
of Mount Uniacke, co. Cork, and d. 8 March, 1800, having had
1. JOHN, of Debsborough.
2. Richard Uniacke, of Ballyre, co. Cork, and Ballynaclogh,
co. Tipperary, J.P., b. i Nov. 1806 ; m. 7 Feb. 1837, Harriet
(who d. 1888), only dau. of Very Rev. John Head, Dean of Killaloe,
and d. 1888, having had issue,
r. Richard Uniacke, b. 15 Dec. 1838 ; d. 1860.
2. John Prittie, of Ballyre and Ballynaclogh, Commander
R.N. (retired), b. 14 July, 1842 ; m. 1880, Annie, dau. of
John W '
and had issue,
. 14
, of
John Warburton, of Cahervillahow, Golden, co. Tipperary
Richard William Uniacke, 6. 1881.
3. Edward Crosbie, of Killough Castle, Thurles, co. Tipperary,
J.P. cos. Cork, Waterford and Tipperary, late Capt. Tipperary
Militia, B.A. Trin. Coll. Dublin, b. 27 Jan. 1844 ; m. 15 Aug.
1878, Isabel, dau. of Charles Edward Davison, and has issue,
(1) Edward Crofton Seton, b. 25 June, 1883.
(2) Launcelot Myles, b. 1884.
(3) Gerald Maurice Eyre, b. 1886.
(4) Harold Crosbie, b. 1894.
(5) Jasper Uniacke, b. 1895.
(1) Isabel Harriet, d. young, 1897.
(2) Ethel Iris, m. Arthur Lloyd.
(3) Clementina Mary.
4. George. 5- William
6. Henry, d. young, 1856. 7. Francis.
1. Susan, m. 1876, N. White.
2. Helena Harriet.
3. Geraldine, m. Frank D. Hurst.
3. Lancelot Peter, b. 27 Sept. 1807 ; m. Oct. 1841, Lydia
Catherine, only dau. of Very Rev. Gilbert Holmes, Dean of Ard-
fert, and d. Sept. 1855, leaving issue,
Lancelot Gilbert Alexander, of Bayly's Farm, b. 27 Aug. 1842 ;
m. 26 Jan. 1869, Frances Katharine (d. 25 June, 1905), 2nd dau.
of Rev. Thomas Luby, D.D., Senior Fellow, Trin. Coll. Dublin,
and d. 4 June, 1871, leaving issue, with one dau. (Edmee Lydia
Henrietta, b. 28 Oct. 1871), a son,
Lancelot Francis Saunderson, of Bayly's Farm, b. 16 Oct.
1869 ; m. 7 March, 1907, Kathleen Josephine, dau. of Major
E. H. Drake, of Clifton. She d. 2 April, 1911.
4. Henry Prittie, of Bally Keef, co. Limerick, m. Isabella Yelding,
of Tralee, co. Kerry, and' had issue,
Letitia Harriet, m. 30 Jan. 1868, James Graham Vansittart, of
Tillsonburg, Ontario (see VANSITTART-NEALE of Bisham Abbey],
and d. 1879.
The eldest son,
JOHN BAYLY, of Debsborough, J.P. ana D.L., High Sheriff
1845, b. 3 Sept. 1805 ; m. ist, 13 May, 1829, Catherine, youngest
C 2
dau. of Thomas Yates, of Bury, Lancashire. She d. 22 Sept. 1833,
leaving issue,
1. JOHN, of Debsborough.
He m. 2ndly, 17 Oct. 1839, Gertrude Catherine, 3rd day. of the
late William Henry Armstrong, of Mount Heaton, King's Co.
She d. 4 Oct. 1874, having had issue,
2. Lancelot Peter, b. 9 Feb. 1842 ; d. 17 Aug. 1855.
He d. 14 May, i86s. ->nd was s. by his only surviving son,
JOHN BAYLY, of Debsborough, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1874,
Capt. ist Duke of Lancaster's Militia, b. 30 Nov. 1830 ; m. 3 Sept.
1857, Mary Anne Charlotte, youngest dau. of Daniel Barrington,
2nd son of Sir Joseph Barrington, ist bart. She d. 31 July, 1870.
He had issue,
1. JOHN, now of Debsborough,
2. Richard Edmond (Debsborough, co. Tipperary), b. g June,
1859 »' w». 9 Oct. 1909, Anna Selina, widow of Major William
Arthur de Warrene Waller (see WALLER of Prior Park), and
dau. of E. W. Waller, of Artona, by whom (who d. 4 Feb. 1911)
he has issue.
3. William Yates, b. 19 Jan. 1864.
4. Lancelot, b. 19 Dec. 1869.
1. Catherine Charlotte, m. 2 Aug. 1887, John Beatty Barrington,
of Ashroe, co. Limerick, and has issue (see BURKE'S Peerage,
2. Mary Elizabeth, m. 4 Jan. 1899, James J. Maher, of Clonsilla,
co. Dublin.
3. Helen Olivia, d. 1874.
4. Florence Jane, m. 7 Oct. 1890, Croker Barrington, of Barring-
ton's Bridge, co. Limerick, and has issue (see BURKE'S Peerage,
Seat — Debsborough, co. Tipperary.
Ballyarthur, co. Wick-
low, Capt. Royal Welsh
Fus. (attached to Egyp-
tian Army, loth Sudan-
ese Regt.), b. 19 June,
BAYLY, D.L., of Ballyarthur
(see BURKE'S Peerage, ANGLE-
SEY, M.), b. 9 April, 1807; d.
26 Nov. 1884 ; m. 20 June,
1835, Catherine, dau. of the
Right Hon. Maurice FitzGerald,
Knight of Kerry (see BURKE'S
Peerage, FITZGERALD, Bart.).
She d. 1898, having had with
other issue an eldest surviving
Ballyarthur, co. Wicklow, J.P. ^
and D.L., formerly Ensign 3rd
Buffs, and Lieut.-Col. late
Commanding 7th Brigade Irish
Div. R.A., Assistant Land Commissioner, Ireland, b. 20 June 1845 •
d. ii Oct. 1907; m. 10 Aug. 1875, Adelaide Alicia, eldest dau.
of Col. Charles Tottenham, of Woodstock, co. Wicklow, and Plas
Berwyn, co. Denbigh (see BURKE'S Peerage, ELY, M.), by his wife,
the Hon. Isabella Maude (see BURKE'S Peerage, DE MONTALT E.)
and has issue,
1. EDWARD ARCHIBALD THEODORE, now of Ballyarthur.
2. Charles John, b. 8 Sept. 1878.
1. Adela Maude, b. 27 Jan. 1880
2. Kathleen Isabel, b. 6 March, 1882.
Arms— Quarterly, ist gu., a chevron vair between three martlets
or (BAYLY), 2nd Barry of four erm. and or, a lion rampant az
(BAGENAL), 3rd arg. crusilly az. three talbot's heads erased sa
langued gu. (HALL), 4th gu., three cinquefoils, arg (LAMBERT)'
5th ermmois three increscents az. (SYMES), 6th arg on a fess
between three wolf's heads sa. as many mullets of the field
(CLIFFE) Crest— ^ A boar's head erased ppr. charged with a mullet
arg. Motto — Quid clarius astris.
Seat — Ballyarthur, Ovoca, co. Wicklow.
Cork, J.P., b. Nov. 1870 ; s. his grandfather 1881.-
Lineagre.— Amongst the list of English settlers in Ireland
about the time of Queen ELIZABETH, appears the names of
Beamish or Beamis, ' and the lands granted to members of
the family in co. Cork were confirmed to three brothers under Act
of Settlement by Patent, dated 24 April, 2O CHARLES II. The
mother of the three patentees, CATHERINE BEAMISH, of Ballymodan
widow, was living 1642 (her will was proved in Dio. Cork same
year). She had issue, one dau. and four sons
; 1. JOH^, *t vvest Gully, Ballymodan, co. Cork, m. Elizabeth,
rUu. of Isaac Philpot, of Cloncaloo, co. Cork. His will is dated 18
Oct. 1668, and names four sons, John ; Isaac ; THOMAS ; Francis ;
and six daus., Elizabeth ; Mary ; Catherine ; Rebecca ; Alice ;
Mabel. He d. 1669. His srd son, THOMAS, of West Gully, who
was father of THOMAS, of Raheroon, left by Elizabeth his wife, a
son and successor, THOMAS, of Raheroon, m. 1728, Jane, dau. of
Richard Beamish, of Garranloughane, or Willsgrove, and had,
with three daus. (Elizabeth, m. Vincent Austen ; Mary, m.
Stawell Webb ; Catherine, m. 1763, Jonas Travers, of Butlerstown),
an only son,
RICHARD, of Raheroon ; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Arthur Bernard,
of Palace Anne, co. Cork, by Mary his wife, dau. of Francis
Adderley, of Innishannon, and has issue,
(1) Thomas, Major 33rd Regt., d.s.p.
(2) Arthur BEAMISH-BERNARD, of Palace Anne and Raheroon,
took the additional surname of BERNARD. He d. unm. in
(3) Vinceut, Lieut. 8th King's Regt., d.s.p. in the West
(4) George, Capt. 3ist Regt., b. 1820 ; d. unm.
(5) Bernard, Lieut. 84th Regt., m. Dec. 1838, Elizabeth, dau.
of John Beamish, of Cashel, co. Cork, and d.s.p.
(6) Samuel BEAMISH-BERNARD, Capt. 84th Regt., took the
additional surname of BERNARD, m. Ellen, dau. of Godfrey
Byrne, of Bow Park, near Dublin, and had (with three daus.)
two sons,
1. Arthur, d.s.p.
2. Richard, killed at the battle of Antietam, U.S.A.
(7) Adderley BEAMISH-BERNARD, Capt. 3ist Regt., of
Kilcoleman House, co. Cork, and Byard's Lodge, co. York, d.
at Mayence, 17 July, 1866. He m. ist, Frances, dau. of Gen.
George Bernard, of Heaton Lodge, Yorks, Col. 84th Regt.,
Usher of the Black Rod, and took the name of BERNARD,
and by her had one child,
i. Mary Isabella, m. John Bowen, of Oak Grove, co. Cork,
and d.s.p. 1864.
He m. 2ndly, 1843, Anna Catherine, 3rd dau. of Capt. George
Walker, R.N., by whom (who d. 1882) he had two sons,
1. George Adderley Hale, b. 23 July, 1846 ; Rittmeister
and Chef d'Escadr'on, gth Pomeranian Lancers, Prussian
service ; served in Austro-Prussian war (medals) ; and in
Franco-German war (1870-71), medal and the Order of the
Iron Cross ; m. 1886, Emily Louise Zehe, and has Hermann,
b. 1888.
2. Richard M. H. Roger de la Poer, b. 20 Feb. 1852 ; Lieut,
gth Pomeranian Lancers, served in the Franco-German War
(8) Richard, d. unm.
(1) Elizabeth, m. her cousin Thomas Austen, of Sheaf, co.
(2) Mary, m. Maj. William Sullivan, 79 th Regt.
(3) Jane, m. her cousin Francis Bernard, 4th son of Capt.
Arthur Bernard, 84th Regt., 3rd son of Arthur Bernard, of
Palace Anne, by Mary Adderley his wife.
(4) Anne, d. unm.
2. FRANCIS, ancestor of BEAMISH of Kilmalooda.
3. Thomas, Patentee of Lands under the Act of Settlement ;
Provost of Bandon 1655, 1665, and 1675. His will, dated 1681,
was proved in Cork, and he left issue, with two daus.,
Daniel, Provost of Bandon 1687, m. 1688, Elizabeth Williams,
of Kilbrogan, and is supposed to have d.s.p.
4. Richard, joint Patentee of Lands under the Act of Settlement,
had a son,
Richard, d.s.p.
1. Katherine, m. William Wright.
The 2nd son,
FRANCIS BEAMISH, of Kilmalooda, garrisoned his residence in the
rebellion of 1641 ; m. Catherine, dau. of Francis Bernard, of Castle
Mahon (ancestor of the Earls of Bandon), and had issue (with three
1. FRANCIS, s. his father.
2. John, of Keelworrough, m. 1698, Jane Wood, of Kinneigh, and
had issue,
1. FRANCIS, s. his cousin at Kilmalooda.
2. John, of Lisgibba, m. 1736, Mary Good, of Kilmeen, and
was father of Richard Beamish, who settled in America, and
left descendants.
3. Thomas, d.s.p.
4. Richard, of CasheJmore, m. 1730, Mary, dau. of Char)
Vignoles, and had issue,
(i) John, of Cashelmore, m. 10 Aug. 1767, Eliza, dau.
Hewitt Poole, of Mayfield, and had issue,
r. John, of Cashelmore and Hare Hill, co. Cork, m. ist,
Jane, dau. of John Howe, of Glounavorrane, and by her
had issue,
a. John Howe, d. unm.
b. Richard, d.s.p.
c. Thomas, of Hare Hill, and Cashelmore, m. Margaret
Helene, only dau. of Richard Smyth, of Castle Downeen.
She d. Aug. 1886. He d. March, 1886, aged 86, leaving
(a) John, of Cashelmore, co. Cork, b. 1840 ; m. Eliza-
beth, dau. of James Edward Somerville, M.D. She d.
1882. He d. 28 Sept. 1908, leaving issue,
i. Thomas. 2. James.
3. John. 4. Edward.
5. Neville.
i. Eileen, m. 22 Feb. 1911, Robert de Strettoa
Berkeley Herrick, Lieut. I.M.S., 3rd son of Rev.
George Herrick, Rector of Nohoval, co. Cork.
(b) Richard, of Hare Hill, Bancica. J.P., b. 24 Dec.
___. Wil
i855 ; *»• Jan. 1889, Amy Oliver^ dau. of William
(a) Barbara, m. ist, A. Hannay, and andly, Andrew
(b) Jane Howe, m. Henry Beamish, of Dunmore (see
(c) Elizabeth Mary, d. young.
(d) Mary Elizabeth, m. R. Stewards.
(e) Margaret, m. Michael French, J.P., of Westwood,
Ross Carbery, and had issue.
(/) Katherine Hewitt, m. E. L. Bevis.
(g) Ellen, m. E. Pirn, and d. Sept. 1907.
(h) Alice, d. unm.
a. Elizabeth, m. Dec. 1838, Bernard Beamish, Lieut.
84th Regt.
b. Mary.
He m. andly, Catherine, dau. of Thomas Hewitt, and by
her had,
c. Catherine, d. unm.
1. Mary, d. young.
2. Lydia, m.' Sept. 1806, Andrew Poole, of Kilrush.
3. Elizabeth, d. Feb. 1849.
(2) George, of Clogheen, m. 1789, Catherine, dau. of Henry
Baldwin, of Old Court, by Catherine his wife, dau. of Jonas
Morris, of Dunkettle, and had issue,
1. Thomas (Rev.), of Beaumont House and of Reengarri-
geen, B.A. Trin. Coll. Dublin, m. Eliza, dau. of Boyle
Travers, of Ballymacowen, and d.s.p. 1855.
2. Richard, of Beaumont, J.P., b. 1799 > m- 1829, Susan
Becher (d. 14 Aug. 1903, aged 94), and dau. of Richard
Hungerford, of Cappeen, and d. 15 Nov. 1867, having had
a. George (Rev.), B.A. Trin. Coll. Dublin, b. 18^0 ; m.
ist, 1864, Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. William Chadwick
Neligan, LL.D. She d. 1865, leaving issue,
(a) Elizabeth, m. Newton Price, and has issue.
He m. andly, 1871, Henrietta, dau. of George Crofts, of
Temple Hill, and d. 2 March, 1900, having by her had
(«) Richard, b. 30 June, 1874.
(b) George Crofts, Capt. India Med. Service, d. unm.
at Jhansi, India, 24 Sept. 1905.
(c) James Aylmer, M.B. (Roy. Univ. of Ireland),
b. 16 Nov. 1881.
(6) Susan Becher.
(c) Jane Bredin, m. 6 June, 1906, Gerald Udal, 4th
son of William Udal, of Olton Hall, Birmingham, and
has issue.
(d) Henrietta O'Donoghue Martin, m. 20 Sept. 1910,
J. Philip Zieryogel, M.D., F.R.C.S., 3rd son of C. F.
Ziervogel, Resident Magistrate, of Arcadia, Pretoria.
b. Richard, m. Maria, dau. of William Bleazbv, of
Bleazby Hall, Ross Carbery.
c. Thomas, of Passage West, co. Cork, M.D., J.P.,
t>. April, 1838 ; m. ist, May, 1865, Harriet Sophia, dau.
of Rev. Thomas Walker, Rector of Kilmalooda. She
d.s.p. 1875. He m. 2ndly, 2 Aug. 1876, Anna Jane (she
a. 13 Sept. 1905), youngest dau. of John William Topp,
of Bellevue, co. Cork, by Eliza his wife, dau. of William
Johnson, of Rockenham, Passage West, and has issue,
(a) Richard de Beaumont, Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln's
Inn, Capt. Cork Art., B.A. Caius Coll. Camb., b.
2 Sept. 1877.
(b) St. John Hungerford (Rev.), B.A. Corpus Christ!
Coll. Camb., b. 17 Dec. 1878, Curate of Winslow, Bucks.
(c) Thomas Henry Baldwin, b. i Sept. 1880; d. g
Sept. 1891.
(a) Eileen Elizabeth Susan Harriet, m. 15 Sspt. 1909,
Capt. Norcott d'Esterre Roberts, youngest son of
Richard Roberts, J.P., of Ardmore, co. Cork (see that
d. Henry Baldwin, M.D.
e. John. /. Becher Hungerford.
g. William Baldwin.
a. Jane Hungerford, m. 10 Nov. 1873, Henry Hungerford
Whitney, J.P., of The Turrets, Nohoval, co. Cork, he
d.s.p. 16 Feb. 1906.
b. Katherine Baldwin.
c. Susan Becher.
d. Mary Elizabeth, m. George Hungerford, and had
issue. She d. 12 Oct. 1911.
e. Annie Maria, m. George Beamish, and d. 17 Jan. 1900,
leaving issue.
/. Rhoda, m. William Slade Boake, and d. in Ceylon.
g. Charlotte Sophia, m. ist, Thomas R. Whitney (who
d. 27 Nov. 1887), and 2ndly, Boyle FitzHenry Travers.
3. George, M.D., m. 1830, Sophia, dau. of Samuel Orpen,
of Woodville, Kerry, and had issue,
a. George, m. his cousin Annie Maria, dau. of Richard
Beamish, J.P., of Beaumont, and by her (who d. 17 Jan.
1900) had issue.
b. Orpen, M.D., m. Susan Sarah, dau. of William Holmes,
of Carrigmore, and has issue.
c. Richard. d. Horace.
e. John, m. his cousin Anne, dau. of Henry Baldwin
Beamish (see bel<nv).
a. Sophia, d. unm.
b. Elizabeth Henrietta, d. unm. 9 Dec. 1896 ltwin,
c. Anne Maria, d. unm. 24 Dec. 1899 $ iwms.
d. Kathleen Baldwin.
4. Henry Baldwin, of Dunmore, b 1800 ; m. ist, 1825,
Anne, dau. of Thomas Marmion, and had issue,
«. Henry George; of Dunmore, Clonakilty, Cork ; m.
Jane Howe, dau. of Thomas Beamish, of Cashelmore
(see above), and d. 9 Jan. 1909, leaving issue.
(a) Alfred St. John.
(b) Arthur Livingstone, of Dunmore.
(a) Eleanor Mary Barbara.
b. Thomas, m. Harriet Grattan, auu !u,e issue, two sons
and two daus.
c. Richard, m. Ena Leech, and has issue, a son.
d. George, has issue, a son and a dau.
e. Marmion, m. Grace Morris, and d.s.p. 19 Nov. 1900.
a. Gertrude Elizabeth, m. 1858, Henry Boyle Travers.
J.P., of Ballymacowen, and d. 23 Dec. 1909, leaving
b. Katherine, d.s.p.
c. Mary, m. Samuel Prosser, d.s.p.
d. Henrietta.
e. Anne, m. her cousin (see above) John Beamish.
He m. andly, 1859, Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of John Sadleir
Forster, of Cork, and d. 27 July, 1892, having by her had
/. John Forster (Rev.), Vicar of Upperthong, Yorkshire,
b. 23 Nov. 1867 ; m. 14 April, 1898, Emily, 4th dau. of
Rev. William Mathew Plues, and has issue,
(a) Terence Forster Baldwin, b. 21 Nov. 1900.
(b) Brian Plues, b. 26 Aug. 1902.
(a) Kathleen Emily, b. 4 Feb. 1899.
g. William, b. May, 1869 ; m. Oct. 1896, Dora, dau. of
Major Christie, Chief of the Punjab Police.
/. Frances May, m. April, 1885, Lieut.-Col. Thomas
Robinson, I.M.S. (he d.s.p. 3 Oct. 1908).
f. Georgina, m. Sept. 1880, Arthur Sumner, and has issue.
. Sarah, m. 10 May, 1905, George Frederick Welsford,
M.B. Cantab, of Tiverton, Devonshire, and has issue,
a dau.
i. Mary, m. 11 Jan. 1905, David Kingston Wren, of
Dromovane House, Bandon.
;'. Elizabeth.
5. John, of Maulbrack d. unm.
1. Katherine Morris, m. John Teulon, J.P., of Bandon, and
had issue.
2. Eliza, m. Henry Austin, of Ring.
3. Mary, m. Richard Tonson Evanson, of Four-mile- Water,
and had issue.
4. Harriett, m. Thomas Morris, of Castle Salem, and had
5. Anne, m. George Sweetman, and had issue.
3. RICHARD, of Garranloughane, ancestor of BEAMISH of Mount-
beamish (see that family).
4. Thomas.
Mr. Beamish, of Kilmalooda, d. 1679, and was s. by his eldest son,
FRANCIS BEAMISH, of Kilmalooda, m. 1677-8, Anne, dau. of
John Freke, by whom (who m. 2ndly, John Smith) he had, with a
dau., Anne, a son and successor,
FRANCIS BEAMISH, of Kilmalooda, m. 1726, Elizabeth, dau. of
, Joseph Jervois, of Brade, and widow of Percy Smyth, of Head-
borough, but d.s.p. He was s. by his cousin,
FRANCIS BEAMISH, of Kilmalooda (eldest son of John Beamish,
of Keelworrough), m. 1727, Mary Warren, of Kilmichael, and had
issue (with three daus.) an only son,
FRANCIS BEAMISH, of Kilmalooda, m. 1758, Elizabeth, dau. of
John Sealy, of Richmount, co. Cork, and had issue,
1. FRANCIS, his heir.
2. SAMPSON, s. his nephew, Townsend.
3. John, of Killinear and Bandon, M.D., m. Maria, dau. of John
Teulon, and had issue (with daus.) five sons,
1. Francis, of Killinear and Bandon, Barrister-at-Law.
2. Charles, Major-Gen, in the Army ; late 35th Foot.
3. John (Rev.), m. 1842, Mary, 2nd dau. of William Allen, of
Liscongill, co. Cork. She d. 29 July, 1906. He d. 1847, leaving
4. Peter Teulon (Ven.), Archdeacon of Melbourne, D.D. and
LL.D., m. Isabella Mary, dau. of Captain John Bews, 73rd
Regt., and had issue,
(i) Francis, m. and has issue, a son,
Francis Teulon, b. 1890.
(i) Mary. (2) Henrietta.
(3) Emma Cusack Russell.
5. George, dec.
1. Eleanor, m. 1784, William Austin.
2. Elizabeth, m. Richard Gillman, of Gurteen.
3. A dau., m. Boyle Travers, of Ballymacowen.
The eldest son,
FRANCIS BEAMISH, of Kilmalooda, m. Mary, dau. of Francis
Townsend, of Clogheen, co. Cork, and had three daus. and two sons.
; The elder son,
TOWNSEND BEAMISH, of Kilmalooda, m. Mary, dau. of Walter
Atkins, and had one child, who predeceased him. He was s. in the
Kilmalooda estates by his uncle,
SAMPSON BEAMISH, of Kilmalooda, J.P., m. 1800, Catherine, dau.
of the Rev. Thomas Waller Evans (nephew of George, ist Lord
Carbery), and had issue,
1. THOMAS, of Kilmalooda. 2. SAMPSON, of Kilmalooda.
1. Elizabeth, m. Francis Bennett, of Clonakilty.
Mr. Beamish was s. at his decease by his elder son,
THOMAS BEAMISH, of Kilmalooda, J.P., m. 3 Jan. 1829, Lydia
: Maria, eldest dau. of Capt. Andrew Poole, of Kilrush ; she d.s.p.
1869 ; he d.s.p. 4 April, 1874, and was s. by his brother,
SAMPSON BEAMISH, of Kilmak>oda, J.P., m. 1836, Elizabeth, 2nd
dau. of Capt. Andrew Poole, of Kilrush. She d. 1898. He d. 4
Feb. 1 88 1, having had issue,
1. THOMAS, J.P., b. 1840; m. Hannah, only child of Rev. John
Madras, and d.v.p. 1878, leaving issue,
i. SAMPSON THOMAS, present representative.
i. Lydia Maria Poole, m. 1897, Spencer Eaton Travers, son of
Robert Travers, of Timoleagne Abbey, co. Cork, and has issue.
2 Hannah Madras, m. 1904, William Verling Tayler, son of
William Parker Tayler, R.N., of Glenbrook, co. Cork, and has
2. Andrew Poole, d. unm. 1879.
3. Francis John, J.P., of Lettacollum, b. 1856; m. 1877, Alice,
dau. of H. J. Hungerford, of Cahinnore, co. Cork, and d.s.p.
6 May, 1897.
1. Lydia Maria, d. unm. 1880.
2. Elizabeth Poole, m. Warren Crook, J.P., of Old town.
3. Mary Charlotte.
Seat— Kilmalooda House, Timoleague, co. Cork.
late Lieut.-Col. 5th Northumberland Fusiliers,
b. 23 March, 1842 ; m. Nov. 1877, Mary, dau. of
Thomas Hammond, and has issue,
1. Ella Wright, m. n Nov. 1903, Charles, 3rd son of Henry
Evans, of the Bank of Ireland, and has issue.
2. Ellen Prudence Gregory.
Lineage. — RICHARD BEAMISH, of Upper Bolteen or Mount-
beamish and Garranloughane, or Willsgrove, and other lands in
co. Cork, was 3rd son of Francis Beamish, of Kilmalooda (see that
family), by Catherine, dau. of Francis Bernard, M.P., of Castle
Bernard. He m. 1695, Mary Townsend, of Clonakilty, by whom he
had issue,
1. John (Rev.), of Maulbrack. co. Cork, M.A., 6. 1697 ; m. 1740,
Elizabeth, dau. of George Morris, J.P., of Benduffe, and d. 1777,
having had issue,
1. Francis, d.s.p.
2. J ohn (Rev.), Rector of Berehaven, m. Mary, dau. of William
Purcell, of Park, co. Cork.
2. GEORGE, of whom hereafter.
3. WILLIAM, of Willsgrove, Capt. R.N. ; m. 1750, Alice, (who d.
1773), dau. of Major William North Ludlow Bernard, of Castle
Bernard, by Rose Echlin, co-heiress with her sister Hester, the
mother of Thomas Knox, ist Viscount Northland, and had issue
(see BEAMISH of Comphull).
4. Thomas, m. 1738, Dorothy, dau. of Samuel Swete, of Kilglas,
co. Cork, J.P., and d.s.p.
1. Jane, m. 1728, Thomas Beamish, of Raharoon.
The 2nd son,
GEORGE BEAMISH, of Mountbeamish, m. 1748, Frances, dau. of
Henry Jones, J.P., of Drombeg, co. Cork, and by her had issue
(besides a son, George, who in. Anne, sister of Major Beresford
Gahan, and had issue, George, who m. a dau. of the Rev. W. Stewart
of Kilgariff), an eldest son,
REV. SAMUEL BEAMISH, of Mountbeamish, J.P., Vicar of Kin-
sale ; m. ist, July, 1774, Mary, dau. of John Stamer, of Rock
Castle, by whom he had issue,
1. George, in the Army, d.s.p. 2. Samuel, d.s.p.
3. JOHN SAMUEL, of Mountbeamish.
4. William, m. Sept. 1809, Harriet, dau. of Adam Newman, of
Dromore, and sister of Very Rev. Horatio Townsend Newman,
Dean of Cork. He had issue,
1. Samuel George, Capt. sth Regt. ; m. 1834, Hannah, only
child of John Slingsby, of Yorkshire, and had,
(1) Henry Slingsby, late I4th Light Dragoons, dec.
(2) George John Newman, late I4th Foot, dec.
(i) Frances Susanna Charlotte.
2. John Newman, of Queenstown, J.P., Barrister-at-Law ;
m. 1852, Ellen, widow of J. B. O'Sullivan, Barrister-at-Law,
and d. 23 Oct. 1886.
3. Adam Newman (Rev.), b. 1815 ; m. his cousin, the dau.
of Adam Newman, of Dromore House, and had issue,
William Henry, b. 1849 ; m. Aug. 1876, Mary Helena, dau.
of Francis Jervis, of Brade, and has issue,
Jervis William Newman,
Helena Newman.
4. William, m. ist, dau. of Rev. J. Kingston, LL.B., Vicar-
General of Cloyne, and by her (who d. 1868) had no issue. He
m. 2ndly, 1871, Mary Webb, dau. of George Loane, Surgeon
H.M.'s 48th and 49th Regt., and d. 1883, leaving an only son,
William Henry, Lieut. 3rd Royal Dublin Fusiliers, d. unm.
ig April, 1900.
1. Sarah, m. Major Edward Rogers, of the 3rd Buffs.
2. Frances Annie, m. Gen. Nicholas Hamilton, K.H., of sth
Regt., Col. of H.M.'s 82nd Regt., and had issue.
Rev. S. Beamish, of Mountbeamish, m. 2ndly, 1791, Marv, dau.
of Joshua Hamilton (by his wife, dau. of Sir "Richard Cox," Bart.,
M.P.), brother of the Right Hon. Sackville Hamilton, M.P., Sec-
retary of State for Ireland, and grandson of Gen. ist Viscount
Boyne, and by her had issue,
5. Henry Hamilton (Rev.), J.P., Vicar of Kinsale, Incumbent of
Trinity Chapel, London, a distinguished preacher and con-
troversialist, b. 3 Jan. 1796 ; m. ist, 1820, Anne Isabella,
only child of the Rev. Edward Spread, of Bride, Rector of
Youghal, by Anne his wife, sister and co-heir of Percy Scott
Smyth, of Headborough. She d. 17 May, 1847, leaving issue,
i. Samuel Henry (Rev.), one of H.M.'s Chaplain! in India, and
Vicar of Lamorbey, Kent, b. 12 June, 1821; d. unm. n Jan.
:>. Edward Spread, of Halfway Street House, near Bexley,
Kent, Lieut.-Col. R.A., J.P., m. ist, Elizabeth, dau. of John
Dougal, D.L., of Glenferness, Morayshire, and by her (who d.
1863) had a dau.,
(i) Anne Isabella.
He m. 2ndly, 1868, Diana Spencer, dau. of Frederick Mortimer
Lewin, I.C.S., of Halfway Street, Kent. She d. 14 Nov.
1903. He d. 17 April, 1892, leaving issue,
(1) Frederick Chaloner, of Halfway Street House, Kent,
Cape Mounted Rifles, late Lieut. Queen's Own Royal West
Kent Regt., b. 24 Nov. 1870 ; m. 17 Jan. 1905, Elizabeth,
dau. of John Campbell Dick, and has issue,
(2) Edward Percy Fitzroy, b. 1873.
(3) Charles Noel Bernard, B.A. Emm. Coll. Camb., 6.
12 Feb. 1877.
(2) Augusta Diana, b. 18 Jan. 1860.
(3) Constance Elizabeth Noel, d. young, May, 1872.
(4) Edith Spread, d. an infant, 1872,
(5) Olive Mary, b. 28 Oct. 1875.
(6) Cecilia Hamilton, b. 27 July, 1880.
3. Henry Hamilton, C.B., Rear- Admiral, A.D.C. to the Queen,
1878-80, served with distinction in Burmah, Baltic, China
(three medals with clasps). He was b. 16 April, 1829 > m- ist.
Louisa, widow of Capt. Forman, Rifle Brigade, and eldest dau.
of John and Lady Louisa Slater Harrison, of Shelswell Park,
Oxon. She d. 1865, leaving a dau.,
(i) Louisa Esther, d. young.
He m. 2ndly, 1867, Blanche Georgina, younger dau. of Capt.
W. Marjpribanks Hughes, 4th Dragoons, who had assumed by
Royal Licence the names of LOFTUS OTWAY (see Baronetage).
He d. 1 8 July, 1901, having by her had issue,
(1) Robert Otway Hamilton, late Lieut. R.N., b. Sept. 1868.
(2) Sackville Edward, Cecil Hamilton, Capt. West India
Regt., b. 13 May, 1872.
(3) Henry Hamilton.
(4) Percy Tuf ton Hamilton, Commander R.N .
(5) Gustavus W. Loftus Hamilton, d. young.
(6) John Spread Hamilton.
(2) Maud Louisa Hamilton, m. 15 Aug. 1893, Maj.-Gen. Sir
W. Hope Meiklejohn, K.C.B., C.M.G. He d. i May, 1909.
(3) Evelyn Frances Hamilton.
(4) Margaret Esther Hamilton, m. 9 March, 1904, Capt.
Horace Mackenzie Smith, D.S.O., 8sth K.L.I., and has issue.
4. John Bedell, d.s.p. 1854.
5. Percy Smyth, of Casa Santa Croce, Alassio, late of the
Admiralty, m. ist, Ada Nuenberg, eldest dau. of Bright
Smith, J.P. ; she d. 1873, leaving issue, a dau.,
Ethel Margaret Hamilton.
He m. 2ndly, 1875, Frances Emily, widow of Col. Strange, C.B.,
R.H.A., and dau. of Major-Gen. Ormsby, Governor Royal
Military Academy, Woolwich, by Emily Lavina, dau. of the
Hon. and Right Rev. William Knox, Bishop of Derry. She
d. 25 Nov. 1902. He d. n Dec. 1908.
1. Isabella Anne, d. unm. 24 June, 1892.
2. Mary Hamilton, m. 24 May, 1846, Rev. Charles Henry
Ramsden, of Carlton, Notts., and d. July, 1902, leaving issue
(see thai family).
3. Anne Elizabeth, d. unm. 13 Oct. 1899.
4. Jane Anne Wilhelmina St. Maur, d. unm. 21 Aug. 1853.
5. Esther Matilda Grace, d. unm. Dec. 1882.
6. Frances Lucy Margaret, m. 29 Jan. 1903, Frederick Pering
The Rev. Henry Hamilton Beamish m. 2ndly, 1850, Frances,
widow of John Dick, I.C.S., and dau. of John Udny, Judge of
the Supreme Court of Calcutta, and d. 1872, leaving a dau.,
7. Catherine Emily, m. 18 Jan. 1887, Rev. Joseph Blaydes
Palmer, Vicar of South Stainley, Leeds.
3. Mary Hamilton, m. Rev. Richard Webb.
The 3rd s'on,
JOHN SAMUEL BEAMISH, of Mountbeamish, m. i Sept. 1802,
Arabella, dau. of Benjamin Swayne, of Aghada House, and d. 1853,
leaving issue,
1. Samuel (Rev.), d. unm.
2. Benjamin Swayne, of Mountbeamish, m. Charity Margaret,
dau. of Thomas Little, and d.s.p. 1879.
3. John, d.s.p.
4. George, of Mountbeamish, m. Nov. 1844, Lucy, dau. of S.
Crosthwaite, and d.s.p. Dec. 1881.
5. WILLIAM, of whom presently.
1. Elizabeth, m. July, 1837, Henry Herrick.
2. Isabella, m. Feb. 18^6, Henry Jones.
3. Harriet, m. 1854, Capt. William Hamilton, 37th Regt., and
d. 1902.
4. Frances Anne, m. 1845, Frederick Caleb McCarthy, of Carig-
navar House, and d.s.p.
The youngest son,
WILLIAM BEAMISH, of Mountbeamish, Physician, m. May, 1840,
Ellen, dau. of Lieut.-Col. David Gregory, 45th Regt., and d. 1887,
having had issue,
1. DAVID GREGORY, present representative.
2. William, b. 1848 ; d. 1892.
3. Benjamin, b. Dec. 1860 ; m. 21 March, 1888, Florence, dau. of
Thomas Vance, of Blackrock House, co. Dublin, and has issue,
1. Desmond William, b. 13 May, 1891.
2. Geoffrey Gordon Vance, b. 4 Jan. 1895.
1. Arabella, m. 1867, Surg.-Gen. Graham Auchinleck, who d.
4 July, 1902.
2. Ellen Katherine, m. 1870, F. T. D. Reid, 6th Inniskilling
Dragoons, arid d. 1888.
3. Elizabeth Henrietta, m. i Dec. 1900, Maj. Edward Charles
William Gilborne, late 5th Lancers.
4. Charity Margaret, m. 1881, Capt. Creighton, io7th Regt., and
d. 1903.
5. Emily, d. unm. 1883.
Residence — i, Eglinton Park, Kingstown.
of Comphull, co. Sligo,
Lieut. R.E., 6, 29 Sept. -
Lineage. — CAPT. WIL-
Willsgrove (3rd son of
Richard Beamish, of Mount-
beamish (see preceding
article), m. 1750, Alice, dau.
of Major William North
Ludlow Bernard, of Castle
Bernard, and d. 1773, having
by her (who d. 1792) had
1. Francis Bernard, of
Willsgrove, Barrister-at-
Law, M.P. for Rathcor-
mac, sold his paternal pro-
perty to his kinsman, the
Earl of Bandon, and d.
unm. 1805.
2. Richard, b. n Feb.
1755 ; d. unm.
3. WILLIAM, of whom presently.
4. Charles (Rev.), d. at Pisa, 30 Sept. 1842, leaving issue, by
Susannah his wife.
5. James, d. unm. 6. Isaac, d. unm.
1. Rose, m. William Cuthbert, of Bloomfield, co. Cork, and d.
2. Mary, m. Thomas Ware, J.P., of Woodford, and d. 1839,
leaving issue.
The 3rd son,
WILLIAM BEAMISH, of Beaumont, entered the Royal Navy, ex-
changed into the Army and served in the American War as "Adjt.
of the igth Regt., b. 13 May, 1760 ; m. ig Sept. 1789, Anne Jane
Margaret, dau. of Robert Delacour, of Mallow, Treasurer of co.
Cork, and by her (who d. 8 Aug. 1852) had issue,
1. William, of Beaumont, b. 19 July, 1790 ; m. 15 Sept. 1814,
Hon. Mary de Courcy, dau. of John, 2 6th Lord Kingsale, and d.
i Oct. 1838, having by her (who d. 17 April, 1825) had issue,
1, Will am, of Beaumont, M.A. (Cantab.), b. 27 Feb. 1821 ;
d. unm. 1847.
2. John de Courcy, of Beaumont, R.N., b. 1822 ; d. unm. 1848.
1. Susan, d. unm. 1831.
2. Anne Jane Margaret, m. May, 1846, Rev. William Hamilton
Thompson, Rector of Stoke Dry, J.P. co. Rutland, and d.
18 Jan. 1892, leaving issue two daus.
2. ROBERT DELACOUR, of whom presently.
3. Charles, d. young. 4. Hugh, d. young. .
5. North Ludlow, of Annemount, co. Cork, J.P., High Sheriff
1855, Knight of the Guelphic Order, Capt. 4th Dragoon Guards,
Lieut.-Col., a la suite, in the Hanoverian Service, F.R.S., b.
29 Dec. 1796 ; m. 27 May, 1841, Aline Marie, dau. and co-heiress
of Rev. John Eric Forsstrom, Dean of Munktorp, and d. 28 April,
1872, having by her (who d. 13 Feb. 1900) had issue,
1. North Ludlow Axel, of Ashgrove, co. Cork, J.P., B.A. Trin.
Coll. Dublin, b. 14 June, 1842 ; m. 16 Nov. 1869, his cousin,
Edith Annie, dau. and co-heiress of Rev. William Hamilton
Thompson, Rector of Stoke Dry (see above), and has issue,
(1) Ludlow Hamilton, b. 26 Jan. 1871.
(2) Harold Delacour, Capt. Leicester Regt., b. 23 June, 1874.
(i) Ethel Hulda Frances, d. unm. 5 July, 1896.
2. William Adolphe, late 3ist Regt., b. 15 June, 1844.
3. George Horace Townsend, b. 8 Dec. 1847.
i. Aline Matilda Hulda. 2. Alice, d. young.
6. Richard, F.R.S. (see BEAMISH of Ashbourne).
7. Charles, of Delacour Villa, co. Cork, J.P., b. i Jan. 1801 ; m.
Caroline, dau. of — Smith, and d. 18 Jan. 1867, having had (with
daus.) a son,
Charles, d. unm. Jan. 1878.
8. Francis Bernard, of Grenville House, J.P. and D.L. co. Cork,
High Sheriff 1852, Mayor 1841, M.P. 1837-41, and 1857-65, b. 5
April, 1802 ; m. 3 May, 1837, Hon. Catherine Savery de Lisle de
Courcy, dau. of Capt. the Hon. Michael de Courcy, R.N., and
sister of John Stapleton, 2 8th Lord Kingsale ; and d. i Feb.
1868, leaving by her (who d. 5 Feb. 1874) a son,
Francis Bernard Servington, of Tuckton House, Christchurch,
Hants, b. 31 Jan. 1839 ; m. 24 July, 1862, Kate Phoebe, dau.
of Lieut.-Col. Edward Osburne Broadley, and by her (who d.
10 March, 1873) had issue, ]^
(1) Francis Edward de Courcy, b. 4 March, 1866.
(2) William Stuart Broadley (Skurton Court, near Bridgwaier),
b. 1868 ; m. Zelie, only dau. of Capt. Sydney Smith, and has
had issue, two sons and a dau., Daphne Alice Geraldine Dash-
wood, d. 22 Sept. 1907.
9. James Caulneld, of Plymouth, b. i May, 1803 ; m. Louisa
Erskine, dau. of Lieut.-Col. Archibald Macdonald, C.B., Adju-
tant-Gen, of H.M. Forces in India. She d. 15 Sept. 1907. He d.
26 March, 1862, leaving issue,
Caulneld Francis, Capt. 45th Regt., b. 1834 ; d. unm. 29 Sept.
Louisa Kate, m. 1863, Morley Headlam, of Gilmonby Hall. co.
York, and Whorlton Grange, co. Durham. She d. 15 April,
1910. He d. 18 Dec. 1884, leaving issue (see that family).
10. Godfrey Clarke, R.N., d. unm. 11. Arthur, d. young.
1. Dorcas, m. 1829, Maj.-Gen. Frederick Meade, of Belmont,
co. Cork, and d.s.p. 17 April, 1873. He d. 12 Sept. 1865.
2. Alice, d. young.
Mr. Beamish d. 17 April, 1828. The 2nd son,
ROBERT DELACOUR BEAMISH, of Ditchley, co. Cork, High Sheriff
1841, M.A. Camb., Barrister-at-Law, b. 16 July, 1791 ; m. Maria
Anne, dau. of Lieut.-Col. Archibald Macdonald, C.B. He d. 27
May, 1877, having had issue,
1. William Delacour, b. 16 Jan. 1841 ; d. unm. 21 Nov. 1872.
2. Archibald Macdonald, Capt. 37th Regt., b. 28 May, 1842 ;
d. unm. 22 June, 1877.
3. JAMES CAULFIELD, of whom presently.
4. Grenville Pigott, b. 22 March, 1851.
The 3rd son,
JAMES CAULFIELD BEAMISH, of Ditchley, co. Cork, and Comphull,
co. Sligo, J.P. for both cos., Senior Capt. 8th Brig. N. Irish Div. R.A.
and Royal Cork Art. Mil., b. 1847 ; m. ist, 1868, Lizzie, dau. of
Richard Beare Tooker, and by her (div. 1877) had issue,
1. Alice Maud. 2. Maria.
He m. 2ndly, 14 Dec. 1878, Elizabeth, dau. and heiress of Peter
Niddrin, J.P. , of Comphull, co. Sligo, and Over Howden, co. Ber-
wick, and d. 18 May, 1896, leaving issue,
1. WILLIAM ROBERT DELACOUR, now of Comphull.
Anns — Arg., a lion ramp, between three trefoils, slipped gu.
Crest — A demi lion ramp. gu. charged on the shoulder with a
trefoil slipped or. Motto — Virtus insignit audentes.
Seat — Comphull, Dromore West, co. Sligo.
BEAMISH, of Ashbourne,
1 co, Cork, High Sheriff of
the City of Cork, 1907 and
1911, D.L., b. 16 June,
1861; m. 14 Oct. 1903,
Violet, dau, of Col. W,
Pitcairn Campbell,
I A.D.C., 3rd batt, King's
j Royal Rifle Corps, and
| has issue,
1. RICHARD PIGOTT, b. 14 June,
1. Huldine Violet, b. 17 June, 1906.
2. Noreen Violet, b.
Lineage. — RICHARD BEAMISH, F.R.S., sometime an officer
| Coldstream Guards, author of the Life of Brunei and other works ;
6th son of William Beamish, of Beaumont (see BEAMISH of Comp-
hull), b. 16 July, 1798 ; m. 1831, Theodosia Mary, only dau. and
heiress of Lieut.-Col. Augustus George Charles Heise, C.B., K.H.,
by Theodosia his wife, dau. and co-heiress of Rev. William King,
; Rector of Mallow. She d. 23 April, 1874. He d. 20 Nov. 1873,
leaving issue,
1. RICHARD PIGOTT, late of Ashbourne.
2. Alien Augustus William, Lieut.-Col. R.E., b. 24 Sept.
1841 ; m. 20 Dec. 1892, May Ross, dau. of Sir John Gillespie, and
Margaret his wife, dau. ot George Robertson. She d. 17 Nov.
1906. He d. 21 March, 1902, having had issue,
1. Alten, b. 30 Aug., d. 6 Sept. 1893.
2. Arthur John, b. 17 Nov. 1894.
3. George Gillespie, b. 3 Jan. 1901.
1. Anne Theodosia, m. 2 Nov. 1880, the Hon. and Rev. Edward
Plantagenet Airey Talbot, Vicar of Evercreech, Somerset (see
BURKE'S Peerage, TALBOT DE MALAHIDE, B.). Hed.s.p. 16 March,
1904. She d. 10 Jan. 1905.
2. Emily Isabella, m. 1884, Robert Emil Le Bauld de Nans, Col.
Prussian Art., Knight.of the Red Eagle and Prussian Crown.
The elder son,
RICHARD PIGOTT BEAMISH, of Ashbourne, co. Cork, J.P. and D.L.,
sometime Capt. W. Cork Art. Mil., b. 21 June, 1832; m. 20 May,
1858, Hulda Elizabeth Constance, only dau. and heir of Charles
Gustavus Mosander, Knight of the North Star of Sweden, by Hulda
Phillippina his wife, daxi. and co-heiress of Rev. John Erik Forsstrom.
She d. 24 Dec. 1892, He d. 7 June, 1899, having had issue,
1. RICHARD HENRIK, now of Ashbourne.
2. Gustaf William, b. 5 Jan. 1864.
1. Huldine, m. Baron Carl Alexander Fock, Capt. ist Royal
Swedish Foot Guards, Knight of the Sword of Sweden.
Arms — Arg. a lion ramp., betw. three trefoils slipped gu.
Crest— A demi lion ramp. gu. charged on the shoulder with a trefoil
slipped or. Motto — Virtus insignit audentes.
Seat — Ashbourne, Glounthaune, co. Cork.
Hyde, co. Cork, D.L., M.A., late Lieut. 62nd Regt.,
b. 1831 ; m. 1888, Georgiana, dau. of Capt. W.
Herrick, of Shippool, Innishannon, co. Cork. Mr.
Wrixon-Becher is the youngest son of Sir William
Wrixon-Becher, ist bart. (who d. Oct. 1850), and
Elizabeth his wife, dau. of John O'Neill.
Lineage, Arms, &c.— See BURKE'S Peerage.
Seat— Castle Hyde, Fermoy, co. Cork.
co. Londonderry, M.A. Oxford, Vicar of Littleton,
Winchester, 1899-1901, £.9 Aug. 1849 ; m. 24 Sept.
1872, Laura Maria, eld. dau. of the late Lieut. -Col.
Thomas Edmonds Holmes, Oxfordshire L.I., and
has issue,
1. LIONEL EDMUND ANSTEY, late Lieut. Oxfordshire L.I., served
in S. Africa 1901 (severely wounded, medal with three clasps),
b. 18 April, 1875 ', »»• 19 April, 1898, Anna Constance Georgina
(who d. 27 May, 1900), only child of Gen. the Hon. Charles
Dawson Plunkett, son of the nth Baron Louth (see BURKE'S
Peerage) .
1. Eveline Anstey, m. 26 Feb. 1895, Francis Edward Drummond-
Hay, M.V.O., British Consul at Christiania, and has issue (see
2. Muriel Grace Charlotte Anstey, m. 4 Jan. 1908, Thomas Erskine
Lambert, eldest son of Cowley Lambert, J.P., of Little Taneley,
near Guildford, and has issue.
Lineage.— THOMAS BENNETT, of Castle Roe, co. Londonderry,
J.P., m. Jane, dau. of Major Ovens. She d. 4 May, 1858. He
d. ii Feb. 1873, having had issue,
1. THOMAS, of whom presently.
2. Stephen (Rev.), M.A. Oriel'CoU. Oxon, late Rector of Uphill,
Somerset (Grantlands, Uppculme, Devon), b. 1827, m. 1873, Emilv
dau. of Henry D. Brown, H.E.I.C.S., formerly Judge at
Poona India, and grand-dau. of Sir Lionel Darell, Bart, (see
BURKE s Peerage).
The elder son,
THOMAS BENNETT, of Christ's Coll. Camb., m. 8 Oct 1848 Char-
lotte, dau. of John Anstey. She d. 7 Dec. 1891. He d v * is Oct
1856, leaving issue,
1. EDMUND THOMAS, now of Castle Roe.
2. Thomas John Filmer (Rev.), M.A. St. John's Coll Camb
incumbent of Curzon Chapel, Mayfair, m. 1877, Alice (d j. Tune'
1908), 3rd dau. of W. Marsh, of Bath, and has issue
1. Maurice Filmer, Capt. R.M.L.I., b. 2 July, 1878 ; m. ii Sept.
1906, Bianca Rosalie Russell, dau. of late Rev. S. Russell
Davies, Vicar of Lewisham, and has issue,
John Russell Filmer, b. 16 Sept. iqoq
2. Harold Filmer.
i. Alice Filmer, d. 10 Dec. 1902.
3. John Anstey, Capt. Inniskilling Fus., d. unm.
^rSe^t~^Ca^ile Roe> Coleraine> co. Londonderry. Residence-
Woodlands, The King's Ride, Camberley.
Learmount Castle, co. Londonderry, b. 26 JSov.
1886 ; 5. his grandfather, 1895, only son of MAJOR
(who d.v.p. 19 Sept. 1894), by Rosa Sophia Mont-
gomery his wife, dau. of Ralph Smyth, of Greenhills,
Drogheda, and grandson of JOHN BARRK BERESFORD,
D.L., of Learmount and Ashbrook, co. Londonderry
(who d. 30 Aug. 1895), who was grandson of the
FORD, M.).
Lineage. — See BURKE'S Peerage, WATERFORD., M.
Arms— Quarterly : ist and 4th, arg. crusilly fitchee threi
fleurs-de-lis a border engrailed sa., foi BERESFORD ; v>nd and; 3rd,
arg. a chief indented sa., for POWER. Crest — A dragon's head
erased arg. pierced through the neck with a broken spear or,
point arg., thrust through the upper jaw. Motto — Nil nisi cruce.
Seat — Learmount Castle, Park, co. Londonderry.
Fenagh House, co.
Carlow, J.P. andD.L.,
High Sheriff 1890, b.
23 March, 1864, edu-
cated at Rugby, B.A.
Ch. Ch. Oxford ; m.
11 Aug. 1891, Alice
Harriet Cromie, only
dau. of the late James
Acheson Lyle, of Port-
stewart House (see
that family).
Lineage. — MAJOR-GEN-
of the Very Rev. Thomas
Pack, Dean of Ossory (see
REYNELL-PACK of Netherton),
[ b. 7 Oct. 1775; m. 10 July,
; 1816, Lady Elizabeth Louisa De la Poer Beresford, dau. of George,
ist Marquess of Waterford, and by'her (whom. 2ndly, 12 Feb. 1831,
Lieut.-Gen. Sir Thomas Reynell, Bart., K.C.B., of Avisford, and d.
6 Jan. 1856) had issue,
2. DENIS WILLIAM, of whom hereafter.
1. Anne Elizabeth, m. 28 Sept. 1869, Rev. George J. Mapletoft.
Paterson, Rector of Brome, Suffolk.
2. Elizabeth Catherine, m. 7 July, 1842, Sir John William Hamil-
ton Hanson, Bart. He d. 2 Aug. 1873.
Sir Denis d. 24 July, 1823. His 2nd son,
High Sheriff 1856, M.P. co. Carlow, Capt. R.A., b. 7 July, 1818 ; m.
12 Feb. 1863, Annette Caroline, only dau. of Robert Clayton Browne,
of Browne's Hill, co. Carlow (see that family), and by her (who d. n
Feb. 1892) had issue,
1. DENIS ROBERT, his heir.
2. Arthur William, Capt. and Brevet Major R.A., and Major
S. African Const., served throughout S. African War 1899-1902
(twice mentioned in despatches), b. 23 April, 1868 ; d. on service,
4 March, 1902.
3. Charles George, Major Royal West Kent Regt., served in the
Malakand and Bunei field force (medal with clasp), Punjaub
frontier 1897-98, S. African War (medal with four clasps), men-
tioned in despatches Sept. 1900, b. 21 Nov. 1869.
4. Henry John, Capt. Highland L.I., served in the Malakand and
Bunei field force (medal with clasp), Punjaub frontier 1897-98,
b. 22 Aug. 1871 ; m. 28 July, 1904, Sybil Maud, youngest dau. of
the late John Bell, of Rushpool Hall, Yorks, and has issue,
1. Denis John, b. 27 Oct. 1905.
2. Tristram Anthony, b. 8 May, 1907.
5. Reynell James, b. 21 Dec. 1872 ; m. 17 June, 1899, Florence,
only dau. of Frederick Leith, of Walmer, Kent, and has issue,
Arthur Reynell, b. 28 April, 1906.
Joyce Annette, b. 27 July, 1900.
6. Hugh de la Poer, b. ii July, 1874.
7. Algernon Dunbar, b. 25 July, 1875 ', d. 5 Dec. 1908.
1. Elizabeth Harriet.
2. Annette Louisa.
This gentleman assumed, by Royal Licence dated 6 March, 1854,
the additional name and arms of BERESFORD, in compliance with
the will of William Carr, Viscount Beresford, G.C.B. He d. 28 Dec.
Arms — Quarterly : ist and 4th arg., crusilly fitchee, three fleurs-
de-lis, sa., within a bordure wavy pean (for BERESFORD) ; and and
3rd quarterly sa. and erminois, in the first quarter a sword in
bend sinister, arg., pomelled and hilted or, encircled by a wreath
of the last, in the fourth a cinquefoil of the third, in the centre
chief, pendent from a crimson riband bordered blue, a representa-
tion of a golden cross, and clasps, presented to Sir Denis Pack
by GEORGE III (for PACK). Crests — ist, BERESFORD. Issuant
from a mural crown or, a dragon's head per fess wavy az. and
gu., the lower part of the neck transfixed by a broken spear, in
the mouth the remaining part of the spear, the point upwards
or. 2nd, PACK. A mural crowa arg. issuing therefrom a lion's
head gu., gorged with a wreath or. Motto — Nil nisi cruce.
Seat — Fenagh House, Bagnalstown, co. Carlow.
EDWARD BERESFORD, of Awbawn, co. Cavan,
High Sheriff 1906, b. n Sept. 1863 ; m. ist, 1886,
Emily Constance Frederica, dau. of Henry Beilby
Milner. She d. 30 Oct. 1889, leaving issue,
1. Mary, m. 8 Aug. 1907, Reginald Moreton, 4th son of Capt. Hon.
Reynolds Moreton, R.N. (see BURKE'S Peerage, DUCIE, E.).
2. Aline.
He m. 2ndly, 30 April, 1903, Florence Lilian, dau. of
Capt. Hon. Reynolds Moreton, R.N., D.L. (see
BURKE'S Peerage, DUCIE, E.), and has issue,
1. George Henry William De la Poer, 6. 23 July, 1904.
Archbishop of Armagh (who d. 26 Dec. 1885), and Mary his ist wife
(who d. 31 Dec. 1845), dau. of Henry Peisley L'Estrange, of Moys-
town, King's Co., and great-great-grandson of Marcus, ist Earl of
Tyrone (see BURKE'S Peerage, WATERFORD, M.), had issue,
GEORGE DE LA POER BERESFORD, of Awbawn, co. Cavan, J.P.
and D.L., High Sheriff 1867, and J.P. co. Armagh, High Sheriff
1887, M.P. for co. Armagh 1875-85, b. 22 April, 1831 ; d. 3 Aug.
1906 ; m. 24 April, 1860, Mary Annabella, dau. of Rev. William
Vernon Harcourt (see BURKE'S Peerage, VERNON, B.), and had issue,
1. Marcus William, Capt. Rifle Brigade, b. 8 May, 1862 : d. unm.
7 Aug. 1900.
2. EDWARD, now of Awbawn.
1. Selina Mary Emily, d. unm. 10 Nov. 1880.
2. Kathleen. '
Seat — Awbawn, Killeshandra, co. Cavan. Clubs — Boodles and
Kildare Street.
JOHN GEORGE BERESFORD, of Woodhouse, co.
Waterford, J.P. co. Wicklow, 6, 10 June, 1847; m.
21 Feb. 1898, Emilie Eleanora, youngest dau. of
Adrian Iselin, of New York, U.S.A.
Mr. Beresford is the second son of Col. George
John Beresford, R.A. (who rf. 1864), and Frances
Constantia, his 2nd wife (who d. 29 Oct.: 1867),
dau. of Robert John Uniacke, D.L., of Woodhouse,
co. Waterford, and great grandson of the Right Hon.
John Beresford, 2nd son of Marcus, ist Earl of
Tyrone. He s. his elder brother, Robert Henry
Beresford, D.L., of Woodhouse, who d.s.p. 30 Jan.
Lineage, Arms, <fec. — See BURKE'S Peerage, WATERFORD, M.
Seat — Woodhouse, Kilmacthomas, Waterford.
representing the family of Bernard, of Castle
Bernard, J.P. King's Co., Capt. and Hon. Major
(retired) 3rd Batt. South Lancashire Regt., for-
merly Capt. 44th Regt., b. 18 Oct. 1850; m. 1880,
Monica Gertrude (now of Castle Bernard), 6th dau.
of W. H. Darby, of Leap Castle, Roscrea (see that
family), and d. i Feb. 1905, leaving issue,
1. Marguerite Cecil Elizabeth, m. Oct. 1906, Charles J. Alexander.
2. Monica Charlotte Emily.
3. Kathrine Anne. 4. Maude Mary Gertrude.
Lineage. — THOMAS BERNARD, of Oldtown and Clonmulsh, co.
Carlow, High Sheriff 1708 ; m. Deborah, dau. of Matthew Shepperd,
of Killerick, co. Carlow, and sister of Jonathan Shepperd, of Killerick,
co. Carlow, and widow of Edward Humfrey, of Clonagh, co. Carlow.
She d. 1686. He d. 1720, leaving issue,
1. CHARLES, of Bernard's Grove, Queen's Co., High Sheriff of
Carlow in 1718 ; d. 1728, leaving issue.
2. Franks, of Castletown, King's Co., m. and had issue.
3. JOSEPH, of whom we treat.
The 3rd son,
JOSEPH BERNARD, of Straw Hill, co. Carlow, and Castletown,
King's Co., High Sheriff of the former in 1730, b. 1694 ; m. 1717, Mary,
; dau. of John Edwards, of Old Court, co. Wicklow, and had, with five
daus., three sons,
1. THOMAS, his heir
2. John, Capt. R.N., who m. his cousin Frances, dau. of Sir
Gilbert Pickering, Bart., and left one son,
Joseph, of Frankfort, King's Co., m. Rebecca Margaret, dau. of
Ralph Smyth, of Milford, co. Tipperary, and left issue.
3. William, of Straw Hill, co. Carlow, m. his cousin Mary Bernard,
by whom he had,
Thomas, of Straw Hill, who d. 1807, leaving, besides daus.,
two sons.
Mr. Bernard d. 1764, and was s. by his eldest son,
THOMAS BERNARD, of Castletown, m. Jane, Mrs. Armstrong, eldest
dau. and co-heiress (with her sisters, Mrs. Drought, of Whigs-
borough, and-Mrs. Tarleton) of Adam Mitchell, of Rathgibbon, and
d. 1788, leaving, with daus., of whom, Grace, m. Philip Going, of
Monaquil, Susannah, m. Bigoe Armstrong, and Barbara, m. Sept.
i 1749, Robert Lauder, of Moyclare, an only son,
THOMAS BERNARD, of Castle Bernard, m. ist, April, 1768, Mary,
dau. of Jonathan Willington, of Castle Willingtpn, King's Co., and
zndly, 1780, Margaret, dau. and co-heir of Nicholas Biddulph, ot
Rathrobin and Fortal (see that family), and widow of Alexander
Cornwall. She d.s.p. 31 March, 1811. By the former he left, at his
decease in 1815 (with four daus., the eldest of whom, Mary, m. Sir
Robert Waller, Bart.), one son,
THOMAS BERNARD, of Castle Bernard, Col. King's Co. Militia, and
for more than thirty-two years M.P. for the co., b. 1769 ; m. ist,
I 1800, Elizabeth, dau. of Henry, ist Lord Dunalley, which lady
d.s.p. 1802 ; and andly, 29 July, 1814, Lady Catherine Henrietta
I Hely-Hutchinson, sister of John, 3rd Earl of Donoughmore, by
! whom (who d. 1844) he had four sons and two daus.,
1. THOMAS, his heir.
2. Francis, b. Dec. 1818 ; d. unm. Dec. 1847.
3. John Henry Scroope, b. May, 1820, Lieut. i8th (Royal Irish)
Regt., subsequently Major in the Turkish Contingent in the
Crimea ; served in the first campaign in China ; m. 30 May,
1849, Cecile, dau. of M. Racine, and d. Sept. 1856, leaving issue,
Marguerite Adeline, m. 1875, Capt. Caulfeild French. 94th
Regt., J.P. and D.L., of Castle Bernard, son of William
John French (cousin of Lord de Freyne), by Harriet Anna his
wife, only dau. of James Caulfeild, of Drumcairne (see FRENCH
of Castle Bernard). She d. 18 July, 1910. He d. June, 1910.
4. Richard Wellesley, an officer in the army, present at the battles
of Alma, Balaclava, and Inkerman, Lieut.-Col. King's Co. Militia,
formerly in the Austrian service ; Deputy Ranger of the Curragh of
Kildare, Chamberlain at the Court of Dublin in the Vice-Royalties
of the Dukes of Abercorn and Marlborough, b. March, 1822 ; m.
31 Aug. 1859, Ellen Georgina, widow of Col. the Hon. Henry
Handcock, and dau. of Lieut.-Col. Henry Williams, R.A. He
d.s.p. Sept. 1877. She d. 28 Jan. 1907.
1. Frances Margaret, m. 1846, S. H. Goold-Adams, and d. March,
1850, leaving issue (see that family).
2. Marguerite, d. 1842.
Col. Bernard d. 18 May, 1834, and was s. by his eldest son,
THOMAS BERNARD, of Castle Bernard, Lord-Lieutenant and
Gustos Rotulorum of that co., and High Sheriff 1837, Lieut.-Col. in
the Army, i2th Lancers, Col. King's Co. Militia, b. Sept. 1816. Col.
Bernard d. unm. Dec. 1882.
Residence— 30, Saumarez Street, St. Peter Port, Guernsey.
Clubs — Army and Navy and Kildare Street.
PERCY BRODRICK BERNARD, of Castle Hacket, co.
Galway, J.P. and D.L., co. Galway, High Sheriff
1884, J.P. co, Cork, and M.P. for Bandon 1880, B.A?
Oxford, son of the Hon. and Right Rev. Charles
Brodrick, Lord Bishop of Tuam (by Jane Grace his
wife, sister of George, 7th Baron Carbery), and
nephew of Francis, 3rd Earl of Bandon (see BURKE'S
Peerage). Mr. Percy Bernard m. ist, n April, 1872,
Beatrice, dau. of John Newton Lane, of King's
Bromley Manor, co. Stafford, which lady d. i May,
1876, leaving a son,
1. Ronald Percy Hamilton, Captain Rifle Brigade, b. 18 March,
Mr. Percy Bernard m. 2ndly, 6 Feb. 1880, Mary
Lissey, sister and heir of John Thomas Macan Kirwan,
of Castle Hacket, and by her (who d. i Aug. 1898)
has issue,
2. DENIS JOHN CHARLES KIRWAN, Lieut. Rifle Brigade, b. 22
Oct. 1882.
3. Percy Arthur Ernald, b. 17 Feb. 1889.
1. Frances Mary, b. 18 Nov. 1880 ; m. 22 Feb. 1900, George
Arthur Paley, of Langcliffe, co. York (see that family).
2. Mary Winifred, b. 27 Oct. 1886.
He m. srdly, 2 June, 1900, Eva, dau. of Henry
Hoare, of Staplehurst (see that family), and by her
has issue.
4. Murrogh Wyndham Percy, b. 5 Feb. 1902.
Lineage. — STEPHEN KIRWAN, and son of Thomas Oge Kirwan
(see KIRWAN of Cregg), had, with other issue, a son, RICHARD
Knt.,was Mayor of Galway in 1686, and representative in Parliament,
left a son, SIMON KIRWAN, whose son, JOHN KiRWAN/of.' Castle
Hacket, d. 1781, leaving by his wife, a Miss Daly, of Dalystown,
co. Galway, three sons, JOHN, Denis, and James, of whom the
JOHN KIRWAN, of Castle Hacket, m. Mary, dau. of Henry Boyle
Carter, of Castle Martin, co. Kildare, by Susanna his wife (m. 1750),
dau. and co-heir of Sir Arthur Shaen, Bart., of Kilmore, and dying
June, 1821, left, with a dau., two sons.
1. JOHN, his heir.
2. Henry, m. Miss Bingham, and had issue.
The elder son,
JOHN KIRWAN, of Castle Hacket, b. 1780 ; m. 1806, Penelope,
eldest dau. of John Hardiman Burke, of St. Clerans, and by her
(who d. 19 Nov. 1842) had issue,
1. John, of Castle Hacket, d. aged 20, 10 June, 1827, and was s.
by his brother.
2. DENIS, of whom presently.
1. Elizabeth, m. 17 Sept. 1839, Edward, srd Lord Cloncurry, who
d. 4 April, 1869. She d. 8 May, 1895, leaving issue (see
Mr. Kirwan d. 22 June, 1842. His 2nd son,
DENIS KIRWAN, of Castle Hacket, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff
1844, b. 4 Sept. 1808 ; m. n April, 1844, Anne Margaret, only child
of Major Thomas Macan, of Greenmount, co. Louth, and d. 19 Feb.
1872, leaving issue,
MARY LISSEY, late of Castle Hacket.
The son,
JOHN THOMAS MACAN KIRWAN, of Castle Hacket, b. 23 Feb.
1851, Lieut. 7th Royal Fusiliers ; d.s.p. 23 June, 1875, and was s.
by his sister.
Arms of Bernard. — See BANDON, Earl of, BURKE'S Peerage
and Baronetage.
Seat— Castle Hacket, near Tuam, co. Galway. C/wfts—Carlton
and Kildare Street, Dublin.
The late EDWARD
hagh Court, co. Kerry,
J. P., High Sheriff 1870,
b, 1 8 Nov. 1843 ; m.
3 Feb. 1880, Matilda
Anne Williams, eldest
dau. of Samuel James
Brown, of Loftus Hill,
co. York, and d.s.p. 18
Nov. 1903.
Lineagre.— EDMUND MOR-
ROGH, m. Mary Nagle, of co.
Cork, and was father of
JAMES MORROGH, of the city
of Cork, m. I78ojane Morrogh,
of Lisbon, Portugal (of the
Kilworth branch of the Mor-
roghs), and by her (who d.
1817) left at his decease in 1804, five sons and four daus.,
1. EDWARD, of whom presently.
2. John settled in New York, m. Mary, dau. of Francis Plowden,
of Plowden, and had issue.
3. James, m. Helen, dau. of Alexander McCarthy, and d. 1868,
having had issue.
4. Henry, m. Helena Power, and d. 1853, having had issue.
5. Andrew, d. unm.
Issue*1*' m' Charles °'Dori0ghue, of the Glens, co. Kerry, and had
2. Theresa, m. 1804, Patrick Russell, of Mount Russell co. Cork,
and d. 1835, leaving issue.
3. Eliza, m. — O'Shea, of co. Cork, and d.s.p.
4. Christina, d. unm.
The eldest son,
EDWARD MORROGH, of Glanmire House, co. Cork, J.P., b. 1785 ;
m. ist, 1809, Christian, dau. of Robert Joseph ffrench, of Rahasana,
co. Galway, and by her (who d. 1812) had issue,
1. JAMES, his heir.
Mr. Edward Morrogh m. 2ndly, 1816, Martha, 2nd dau. and eventual
heiress of John Bernard, of Ballynagare, co. Kerry, and by her
(who d. 15 Aug. 1869) had issue, one son and three daus.,
2. John Morrogh, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff co. Kerry 1864,
who took the name of BERNARD, b. 19 March, 1819 ; m. 18
March, 1841, Frances Mary, only dau. and heiress of Joseph
Blount, of Hurtsbourne Tarrant, Hants, and d. 22 Aug. 1866,
having by her (who d. 27 April, 1888) had issue,
1. EDWARD JOSEPH BERNARD, late of Fahagh Court.
2. Bertram Francis, b. 14 Jan. 1846; m. 1888, Blanche'
Chichizola, and has issue,
(i) John Francis.
2) Bertram Andrew.
1) Mary Agnes.
2) Alice Ulbandina.
(3) Louisa.
3. Cyril Charles, b. 5 Jan. 1852 ; m. 1884, and has three sons.
4. Arthur Mary, b. 3 June, 1854.
5. Alfred Francis Mary, b. 17 Feb. 1856.
6. Eustace Mary, of Curraghmount, Buttevant, co. Cork,
b. 30 March, 1858 ; m. n Dec. 1888, Mary Anne, dau. of Samuel
James Brown, of Loftus Hill, co. York, and has issue,
(1) John Alexander, b. 8 Dec. 1890.
(2) Eustace Anthony, b. 3 Sept. 1893.
(3) Francis, b. 12 June, 1896.
(4) Joseph George, b. 26 March, 1898.
(1) Mildred Mary Sophia Rose. '
(2) Mary Anne Matilda.
7. Gilbert Mary, b. 22 Feb. 1864 ; m. 14 Feb. 1900, Catherine
Reid, and has issue, Eileen Frances.
r. Agnes Mary, a Sister of Charity, b. 24 Feb. 1842.
2. Alice Gertrude, b. 23 Dec. 1848; m. 8 Jan. 1880, Michael
Russell, of Glanmore, co. Cork, and has issue (see that family).
3. Emily Mary, b. 7 Nov. 1860.
1. Jane, m. Patrick Shannon, of Corbally House, co. Limerick,
and d. 1902, having had issue.
2. Mary, d. unm. 1845.
3. Martha, m. Richard Croker Smyth, and d.s.p. 1855.
The eldest son,
JAMES MORROGH, of Old Court, co. Cork, J.P., High Sheriff
1864, b. 17 Sept. 1810 ; m. 3 July, 1844, Christine, 2nd dau. of
James D. Lyons, D.L., of Croome House, co. Limerick, and by her
(who d. Oct. 1885) had issue,
Christian, b. and d. 1846.
Mr. Morrogh d. Feb. 1884, and was s. by his nephew.
Arms — Az., a harp or, stringed arg., between three escallops of
the second. Crest — A staff ppr., with a flag attached az., charged
with a harp, as in the arms. Motto — Virtus invicta.
Seat — Fahagh Court, Faha, Killarney, co. Kerry.
of Ballynahinch Castle,
co. Galway, J.P. and
D.L., High Sheriff 1 894,
b. 1870, son of the late
Richard Berridge, of
Ballynahinch Castle
(who^. 1887); m. 1905,
Marie Eulalia, dau. of
Robert W. Lesley, of
Lesselyn Court, Haver-
ford, Penn., U.S.A.,
and has issue,
1. Robert Lesley, b. 19 Sept.
2. Francis Richard, b. 21
Dec. 1910.
1. Anne Thomson, b. 13
Jan. 1906.
2. Eulalia Beatrice, b. 4
Jan. 1910.
Arms — Az., on a fesse between three dolphins naiant or, as
many anchors erect sa. Crest — On an anchor fessewise sa., a dove
rising ppr. Motto — Semper fidelis.
Seat — Ballynahinch Castle, Connemara, co. Galway.
Rathrobin, King's Co., J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff
1901 , late 5 th (Northumberland) Fus., b. i 7 Aug. 1 849 ;
m. 21 Oct. 1891, Vera Josephine, dau. of the late
Sir William Henry Flower, K.C.B., D.C.L., LL.D.,
F.R.S., Director of the Natural History Museum.
Lineage. — FRANCIS BYDDOLPH, of Kilpatrick, co. Wexford,
d. 1673, leaving issue, by his wife Alice, three sons,
1. Richard, of Kilpatrick, m. 1679, Martha, dau. of John Vivors,
of Crosstown, co. Wexford, and by her (who in. andly, Michael
Jones, of Droghenure, King's Co.), had issue, two sons and two
i. Rowland. 2. Richard,
i. Elizabeth. 2. Susanna.
2. Thomas, of Wexford (nuncupative will, Ferns-i677), who m-
1674, Elizabeth Raby and d.s.p.
3. Nicholas, who settled at Rathrobin.
NICHOLAS BIDDULPH, got a lease of Rathrobin, renewable for ever,
from Baron Shelbourne 25 Oct. 1694, and built a house near the old
castle. He d. intestate 5 March, 1702, having by Charity his wife
(who m. 2ndly, John Newcombe, of Aghanvilla, King's Co., and
d. 18 March, 1753) had issue,
1. FRANCIS, of Rathrobin and Portal.
2. JOHN, of Stradbally, Queen's Co. (will dated 26 May, 1739,
proved 29 April, 1741), left issue, four sons,
1. Francis, of Vicarstown, Queen's Co., J.P., b. 21 June, 1727 ;
m. 1765, Eliza Harrison (who d. 1827, aged 90). He d. n Sept.
1806, having had issue,
(1) FRANCIS HARRISON, of whom presently.
(2) Nicholas John, b. 23 Aug. 1778 ; d. 1779.
(1) Eliza, b. 26 June, 1766 ; m. 20 Feb. 1788, Richard Grattan,
of Drummin, co. Kildare.
(2) Mary Anne, b. g July, 1769 ; m. William Scott, of
Graiguenaskerry, Queen's Co.
(3) Patience, b. March, 1771 ; d. June, 1772.
(4) Frances Margaret Sarah, 6. June, 1772 ; d. 1775.
(5) Patience, b. Oct. 1773 ; m. 1801, Henry T. Warner.
(6) Harriett, b. 1781 ; m. 26 Jan. 1799, Rev. Richard Clarke,
Rector of Geashill, King's Co.
2. Nicholas, of Glenkeen, near Borrisoleigh, co. Tipperary,
b. 1737 5 m. ist, by licence, 1759, Elizabeth, dau. of Charles
Dempsey, of Dublin, and had issue,
(i) Francis, of Mount Oliver, Queen's Co., b. 1770 ; m. Mary,
dau. of Major Richard Steele, of Kyle, Queen's Co., and d.
1826, having had issue,
1. Nicholas of Congor, co. Tipperary, and of Fortal,
King's Co., b. 1803 ; m. ist, 1833, Catherine, dau. of
Rev. Edward Lucas, of Rathkeney, co. Cavan. She d.
1834, leaving issue,
«. Francis Edward, of Fortal, Lieut.-Col. late gth Regt.,
B.A. Trin. Coll. Dublin, J.P. King's Co. (Marie Lodge,
Dalkey), b. 1834 ; m. 1861, Annabella, dau. of John
Campbell Kennedy, of Ballyrainey House, co. Down,
and has issue,
(a) Nicholas Trafalgar, Major Durham L.I. (North-
wood, Andover, Hants), b. 6 Dec. 1863 ; m. 1894,
Marion Flora Campbell, dau. of Capt. Augustus War-
burton, 1 5th Regt., and has issue,
Francis John, b. 1896.
Mary Eileen Frances.
(6) Hugh Wray, Major 4th Batt. Connaught Rangers,
b. 1866; m. Nov. 1903, Violet, 3rd dau. of John
Gregory Martyn, J.P., and has issue,
i. Cecil. • 2. Francis.
3. Sheelah.
(c) Arthur Stuart, b. 1867 ; d. 1878.
(d) Charles Thomas, Captain 3rd Batt. Leinster
Regt. ; d. in S. Africa, 1900.
(a) Catherine Mary, d. at Bangalore, 1869.
(b) Amy, m. ist, 1896, Surg.-Capt. Walker (who d.
1898), and 2ndly, 1902, Wilfred FitzGerald, son of
Capt. Crofton FitzGerald.
(c) May Teresa, m. 1904, Lieut. Charles Pease, Loyal
N. Lanes. Regt.
(d) .Beatrix Anne.
He m. 2ndly, 1839, Isabella, dau. of James Digges La
Touche, of Sans Souci, co. Dublin. She d. 19 Sept.
1888. He d. 5 April, 1888, leaving issue, by her
b. James Digges La Touche, b. 1842 ; d. 1896.
c. Robert Waller, Fleet Surgeon R.N., b. 1845 ; m.
Caroline, dau. of Rev. F. T. Studdert,and has issue,
Robert Nicholas William, Surgeon R.N.
Caroline Isabella.
d. William Nicholas, b. 1848.
e. Richard Edmund, Dep. Surg.-Gen. R.N., b. 1852 ;
in. Gertrude, dau. of Dr. Allen, and has issue three
daus., Violet, Hyacinth, and Muriel.
a. Isabella, m. 1860, William Henry Head, of Derry-
lahan, King's Co., D.L., and has issue (see that family).
b. Mary. c. Anne, d. unm. 1901.
d. Grace, d. unm. 1896. e. Ellen, d. unm.
2. Richard, m. Catherine, dau. of Col. Bates, and d. 1888,
leaving issue, settled in Canada.
3. Francis Waller, m. Miss Shore.
i. Anne, in. 1823, Capt. Hugh Boyd Wray, 4oth Regt.,
and had issue.
(2) Thomas, Midshipman R.N., drowned on the Royal
George when she went down in 1788.
(1) Elizabeth, m. ist, 22 July, 1789, Jonathan WilMngton, of
Castle Willington, and 2ndly, 1806, Sir Robert Waller, Bart.,1
of Merton Hall, co. Tipperary. Lady Waller inherited by
will of her cousin Margaret, Mrs. Bernard, a moiety of the ,
Rathrobin and Fortal estates, and d.s.p. 1851.
Mr. Nicholas Biddulph m. 2ndly, 1776, Hannah, dau. of Joseph
Cooke, of Currangreny, co. Tipperary, and d. 1799, having by
her had issue,
(2) Hannah, m. John Grene, of Cappamurra, co. Tipperary.
3. Richard, m. 1755, Prudence Toukes, and d.s.p.
4. John, Lieut, in the Army, m. 30 Nov. 1769, Alice, dau. of—
Angel Scott, and widow of "Nicholas Biddulph, of Fortal, and
i. Mary.
1. Alice, m. by licence, 29 Jan. 1701, Kildare Tarleton, of Geashill
and Ballylevin. King's Co. (who d. 1711), and d.s.p.
2. Jane.
The elder son,
FRANCIS BIDDULPH, of Rathrobin and Fortal, King's Co., got a
lease of Fortal for ever from Lord Shelbourne 1722, b. 1690 ; m.
by licence, 7 Aug. 1712, Mary, dau. of Robert Jackson, of Knock-
inglass, co. Tipperary, and by her had a son,
NICHOLAS BIDDULPH, of Rathrobin and Fortal, J.P., High Sheriff
1741, m. ist (settlement dated 26 April, 1736), Patience, eldest da".
of Thomas Colley, of Killurin, King's Co., and by her had issue,
1. Margaret, m. ist, 1762, Alexander Cornwall, of Lismola, co.
Limerick (who d. 1779), and 2ndly, 1780, Thomas Bernard, of
Castletown, King's Co. (see BERNARD of Castle Bernard) , and d.s.p
31 March, 1811.
2. Sarah, m. 8 Feb. 1769, Gifford Nesbitt,of Tubberdaly,
Co., and d.s.p. 1772, having bequeathed her moiety of the esta '
to her sister Margaret.
He m. 2ndly, 1754, Alice, eldest dau. of Angel Scott, of Caharac4
co. Clare, and by her (who m. 2ndly, John Biddulph) had a son, \
1. Angel, d. a minor, 1769.
He d. ii June, 1762. His cousin,
FRANCIS HARRISON BIDDULPH, of Vicarstown, Registrar of thJ
Court of Exchequer (son of Francis Biddulph, of Vicarstown) had a
protracted dispute 1811-24, in regard to the Rathrobin and Fortal
estates with Sir Robert Waller on the death of his cousin Margaret,
Mrs. Bernard (see above), and eventually s. by compromise to the
Rathrobin portion, while Fortal went to his cousin Nicholas Bid-
dulph, of Congor (see above). He was b. 26 Dec. 1774; m. i797..
Mary, eldest dau. of Francis Marsh, Barrister-at-Law (see that
family). She d. 9 Aug. 1861, aged 88. He d. July, 1827, having
had issue,
1. FRANCIS MARSH, of whom presently.
2. Nicholas, b. 20 Dec. 1805 ; m. Miss Steele, and d. 1900.
3. William Francis, 6. i March, 1809 ; d. young.
1. Anne, b. 15 Sept. 1798 ; m. Captain Simon Biddulph,
Regt., son of Sir Theophilus Biddulph, Bart., and had i-OH
(see BURKE'S Peerage). He d. 25 April, 1823.
2. Elizabeth, b. 10 Nov. 1799 > d. 10 June, 1893.
3. Mary, b. 10 March, 1801 ; d. 10 Sept. 1801.
4. Mary, b. 16 Sept. 1803 ; d. z April, 1863.
5. Frances.
6. Harriet, b. 8 Nov. 1810, went to America.
7. Jane, b. 8 May, 1812, went to America.
8. Sarah, 6. 11 Dec. 1814, went to Australia.
9. Charlotte, b. 9 Dec. 1815. 10. Patience, b. March, 1817.
11. Caroline, 6. 16 May, 1819 ; d. 28 May, 1874.
The eldest son,
FRANCIS MARSH BIDDULPH, of Rathrobin, 6. April, 1802; m.
1845, Lucy, 2nd dau. of Robert Bickerstaffe, of Preston, Lancashire
She d. 29 Aug. 1896, aged 75. He d. 28 March, 1868, having bar
1. Francis, b. 14 Aug., d. 31 Aug. 1848.
2. MIDDLETON WESTENRA, now of Rathrobin.
3. Assheton, of Moneyguyneen, King's Co., b. 12 Oct. 1850 : m
17 June, 1880, Florence Caroline, younger dau. of Rev. Cunauif
ham Boothby, Vicar of Holwell, Oxfordshire, and has issuf .
i. Robert Assheton, b. 4 Aug. 1891.
1. Kathleen Jane, b. 12 May, 1881 ; m. 22 Jan. 1906, Arthi
Tilson Shaen Magan, and has issue (see MAGAN of Clonearl).
2. lerne Grace, b. 6 Jan. 1884.
3. Norah Beatrice, b. 15 Nov. 1885.
4. Ethne Patricia, b. 17 March, 1889.
4. Franc Digby,6. 22 April, 1853 ; m. 15 Sept. 1885, Louisr. Cc
clough, dau. of John Thomas Rossborough-Colclough and bteire
of Tintern Abbey, and assumed the additional name of COLCLOUP
He d. 13 July, 1895, leaving issue (see COLCLOUG. J Tm£
1. Annie Adela Waller, b. 25 March, 1847 ; m. 1866, Capt. *£
Willcocks, of St. Lawrence, Chapelizod.
2. Gertrude Louisa, b. 22 Sept. 1856 ; m. ist, 25 Feb.
George Carpenter Anderson, and 2ndly, 1890, Dr. Nevil Pour
Seat— Rathrobin, Tullamore. Club— Naval and Mffita^ng
Bingham Castle, co.
Mayo, b. 27 Nov.
1875 ; 5. his grand-
father 1902 ; m. 2
June, 1909, Ina
Mary, dau. of Capt.
George Alexander
Broad, M.V.O., R.N.
(retired), command-
ing H.M. Yacht
Lineage.— This family
is a cadet branch of
BINGHAM of Melcombe Bing-
ham (see that family), and
descends from a common
ancestor with the Earls of Lucan and the Lords Clanmorris.
GEORGE BINGHAM, Military Governor of Sligo 1596, m. 1569,
'ucely, dau. of Robert Martin, and had issue,
1. HENRY, ancestor of the Earls of Lucan.
2. JOHN, of whom we treat.
The younger son,
JOHN BINGHAM, resided at Foxford, co. Mayo. He was grand-
father of
THE RIGHT HON. HENRY BINGHAM, of Newbrook, at one time
one of the Lords Justices of Ireland, whose son,
JOHN BINGHAM, of Newbrook, m. i June, 1738, Frances, eldest
r"au. and co-heir (with her sister Susannah, wife of Thomas Carter,
' Castle Martin, co. Kildare) of Sir Arthur Shaen, Bart., and was
tsiher of
lirNRY BINGHAM, of Newbrook, m. Oct. 1761, Letitia. dau. of
Denis Daly, of Raford, co. Galway, by his wife, Lady Anne de
Uurgh, sister of J ohn, 1 1 th Earl of Clanricarde, and had issue,
1. JOHN, of Newbrook, father of ist LORD CLANMORRIS.
2. HENRY, of whom presently.
3. Denis, of Bingham Castle, co. Mayo, whose eldest dau., Anne,
m. her cousin Robert Augustus Bingham (see below).
1. Anne, m. 1778, Christopher French St. George, of Tyrone
House, co. Galway. 2. Frances.
3. Letitia. 4. Charlotte.
5. Harriett. 6. Louisa.
d. 1790. The and son,
IENRY BINGHAM, m. 1795, Anne, dau. of Robert Bodkin, of
igh, co. Galway, and had issue,
Henry, d.s.p. 2. ROBERT AUGUSTUS, his heir.
6. John Charles (Rev.), m. Sarah, dau. of Luke Higgins, of
1- Anne. 2. Maria.
3. Harriet, m. Benjamin Jenings.
rhe ? id son,
ROBERT AUGUSTUS BINGHAM, m. 1817, his cousin Anne, eldest
3au. of Major Denis Bingham, of Bingham Castle, co. Mayo, and d.
1828, leaving issue,
1. DENIS, late of Bingham Castle.
!. Henry, of Annagh House, co. Mayo, m. ist, Sept. 1846,
Margaret F. McGrale, by whom he had, with other issue,
R°b,?rt Augustus, b. n June, 1848; d. 1884; m. 1879, Helen
Halhday Little, by whom he had issue,
Henry Herbert Shaen, of Annagh, Belmullet, co. Mayo,
J.P., b. 22 Feb. 1881 ; m. 6 June, 1906, Annie Frances,
only dau. of late John Thompson, of Windsor Park, Belfast,
and has issue,
1. Josephine Frances Doreen.
2. Sheila Mary Geraldine.
Mr. Henry Bingham m. 2ndly, 1876, Maria, 5th dau. of the
AT Jamin Jenin8s» of Mount Jenings co. Mayo. He d.
27 March, 1894, leaving issue by both marriages.
3. Robert Augustus.
1. Aane, d. unm. 17 March, 1897.
2. Maria, m. George d'Arcy, of co. Westmeath, and had issue.
a. Letitia, d. unm.
te eldest son,
OUNIS BINGHAM, of Bingham Castle, co. Mayo, J.P., b. 8 Sept.
I ; m. 19 Feb. 1846, Elizabeth Elinor, only child and heiress of
thur Nash, of Carne House, co. Mayo. She d. n Jan. 1894. He
'4 Dec. 1902, having had issue,
Denis George Charles Arthur, b. 19 Nov. 1849 ; m. 1874
ria Mary Hutchinson, eldest dau. of Capt. W. H. Broad R.N.
d. 19 April, 1881. He d.v.p. 1878, leaving issue,
DENIS GEORGE BROAD, now of Bingham Castle.
Charles Henry Arthur Shaen Richard, b. 9 April, 1877.
erald Henry, b. 6 July, 1855 ; m. 1877, Augusta Cecilia
>rton, dau. of the late Rowland Agustus Griffith Davies, of
ick, Cornwall.
•iard Lionel Nash, b. 29 Oct. 1856, d. 1901.
ert Milcombe, b. 31 Aug. 1858 ; d. 12 Feb. 1864.
aide Elizabeth, m. 10 July, 1867, Henry Tilson, eldest
, heir of Thomas Shaen Carter, of Watlington Park, Oxon
j-ie d. 1884.
ance Letitia Anne, m. 1873, Cochrane E. Palmer, eld. son
e Robert Palmer, J.P., of Beckfield House, Queen's Co.
;th Clara, d. unm. 4. Frances Anne Shaen, d. unm.
5. Ernestine Elizabeth, d. unm.
6. Viola Alexandra, m. 1885, Arthur Shaen-Carter, Lieut. R.N.
Arms — Az., a bend, cotised between six crosses -pattee, or.
Crest — A rock, thereon an eagle, rising, all ppr. Motto — Spes mea
Chris tus.
Seat— Bingham Castle, Belmullet, co. Mayo.
town, co. Meath, J.P., High Sheriff 1898, 6. 7 March,
1851 ; m. 9 Dec. 1895, Olivia Beatrice Louisa,
youngest dau. of Col. John Anstruther Thomson,
of Charleton, Fife, N.B., and has had issue,
1. William John Anstruther, 6. 30 Nov. 1904.
1. Mary Elizabeth Rosia St. Clair. d. 1904.
2. Elena Frances Margaret Anne.
3. Amabel Clementina Olive Georgina.
Lineage. — GEORGE BLACKBURNE, of co. Meath, d. in March,
1769, leaving by Mary his wife, a dau., Mary, and three sons,
RICHARD; Edward, J.P. for Meath; and Anthony, Barrister-at-
Law, whose will was proved i June, 1804 ; he left issue, Anthony
J.P., of Parsonstown, co. Meath, High Sheriff 1829, and three daus.,
of whom the eldest m. Anthony Crofton. The eldest son,
RICHARD BLACKBURNE, of Great Foot'stown, co. Meath. m.
(licence dated 1774) Elizabeth, dau. of Francis Hopkins, by Jane
Foster his wife, and by her (who d. 1826) had issue,
1. FRANCIS (Right Hon.), of Rathfarnham Castle.
1. Jane, m. William Webb, Deputy Commissary-General, and
d. 1860.
2. Eliza. 3. Anna Maria.
Mr. Blackburne d. 1798. His son,
co. Dublin, b. n Nov. 1782 ; m. 1809, Jane, dau. of William Martley,
M.D., son of John Martley, of Balyfallan, co. Meath. and by her
(who d. Sept. 1872) had issue,
1. WILLIAM MARTLEY, his hdr.
2. Francis, b. 1822; d.unm. 1863-
3. Edward, of Rathfarnham Castle, co. Dublin, J.P., LL.D.,
Q.C., b. 1823 ; m. 1857, Georgiana Arabella, dau. of Robert
Graves, of Merrion Square, Dublin. He d. 7 Dec. 1902, leaving
issue by her, who d. 18 Jan. 1911,
Francis, b. 1859.
Georgiana Beatrice.
4. Frederick John, J.P., of Renny House, co. Cork, and Keymer,
Sussex, b. 1827 ; m. 1856, Annette, dau. of Eardley Hall, of
Wilmington, Essex, and d. Oct. 1863, leaving a son,
Frederick John Eardley, b. 1858 ; m. 1885, Mary Elizabeth,
2nd dau. of Henry Dixon, of Watlington, Oxon.
5. John Henry, b. 1828; m. 1857, Elizabeth, dau. of Anthony
Crofton, of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law.
6. Arthur, d. unm. 1867.
1. Alicia Catherine, m. Capt. George Daniel, R.N., who d. 1856.
2. Jane Isabella, m. Thomas Rice Henn, Q.C., D.L., of Paradise
Hill, co. Clare, Recorder of Galway, who d. 29 April, 1902, leaving
issue (see that family).
3. Elizabeth, m. Thomas Percival Westby, of Roebuck Castle,
co. Dublin, and d. 1863.
This distinguished lawyer, who held in Ireland the great legal
appointments of Attorney-General, Master of the Rolls, Lord Chief
Justice, Lord Justice of Appeal, and Lord High Chancellor, was
educated at Trinity College (where he gained the gold medal), and
was called to the Irish bar, 1805. In 1822 he became King's
Counsel, and 1826 Sergeant-at-Law. He d. 17 Sept. 1867, and
was bur. at Mount Jerome, co. Dublin. His eldest son,
WILLIAM MARTLEY BLACKBURNE, of Tankardstown, co. Meath,
b. 1821 ; m. 1847, Mary, dau. of the Rev. William Thorpe, D.D.,
and d. 8 May, 1868, leaving by her (who in. 2ndly, 10 Dec. 1869,
George Lefroy, and d. Sept. 1889),
1. FRANCIS WILLIAM, his heir.
2. Augustus Edward William, b. 1860 ; m. 1891, Isabella Eyre,
of Florence, Italy, and d. Feb. 1893, leaving issue,
Francis Currell, b. May, 1892.
1. Eva Amabel, m. July, 1890, Charles Currell Eyre, of Florence,
Italy. She d. 15 June, 1909.
Seat— Tankardstown, Slane, co. Meath. Clubs— Oxford and
Cambridge ; Kildare Street, Dublin.
KER, of Woodbrook,
co. Wexford, and
Carrickblacker, co. Ar-
magh, J.P. cos. Wex-
ford and Armagh, M. A.
Trin. Coll. Dublin,
formerly Rector of
Marholm, co. North-
ampton, and Honorary
Canon of Peter-
borough, 6. 29 Jan.
1826; m. 9 Sept. 1858,
Theodosia Charlotte
Sophia, dau. of the late
George Meara, of May
Park, co. Waterford,
and Sarah Catherine
his wife, sister of
Edward Southwell, 3rd
Viscount Bangor. She
d. 1890, having had
1. William Robert George, b. 29 Feb. 1860; d. 13 March 1880.
2. EDWARD CAREW, J.P. and D.L. co. Wexford, High Sheriff 1908
b. 13 July, 1863.
3. Stewart Ward William, late Major R.F.A., J.P., for co.
Armagh, b. 4 July, 1865 ; m. 6 Jan. 1903, Eva Mary Lucy St. John
only child of Col. Edward Albert FitzRoy, of Hale Place, Farnham,
Surrey (see BURKE'S Peerage, SOUTHAMPTON, B.), and has issue,
1. William Desmond, b. 20 Sept. 1903.
2. Robert Stewart, b. 21 Sept. 1909.
3. Terence FitzRoy, b. 15 Oct. 1910.
1. Betty Mary, b. 20 Dec. 1905.
2. Joan Lucy, b. 28 July, 1908.
.Lineage. — Tne first of the family who settled in Armagh,
VALENTINE BLACKER, of Carrick, co. Armagh, Commandant " of
Horse and Foot, b. 1597, went from Poppleton, Yorks, to Ireland
and purchased in 1660, from Sir Anthony Cope, of Loughgall, the
manor of Carrowbrack, subsequently known as Carrickblacker. He
m. Judith, dau. of Michael Harrison of Ballydargan, co.
Down (who d. 27 March, 1664), and d. 17 Aug. 1677, leaving issue.
1. Ferdinando, " Capitaine-Leifftenante " in Sir John Savile's
troop of Horse. Will proved P.C.C.
2. GEORGE, of whom next.
1. Violetta m. — Gill. 2. Dora.
3. Maud. '
GEORGE BLACKER, of Carrickblacker, a firm adherent of the royal
house of Stuart, Lieut.-Col. in the Army, High Sheriff of Armagh
1684, m. Rose, dau. and heiress of William Latham, of Ballytroan,
co. Tyrone, by Rosa his wife, dau. of Rowland Young, of Drakes-
town, who d. in 1689. He was s. by his son,
WILLIAM BLACKER, of Carrick and Ballytroan, a staunch supporter
of WILLIAM III, fought at the Boyne ; he m. ist, about the year 1666,
Elizabeth, dau. of Col. the Hon. Robert Stewart, of Irry and Stewart
Hall, in the co. Tyrone, 3rd son of Andrew, ist Lord Castlestewart,
and by her (who d. ir Jan. 1678) he had issue,
1. STEWART, his heir.
2. Robert, ancestor of BLACKER of Drogheda and Meath.
Mr. Blacker m. andly, Hannah Lawrence, and 3rdly, Theodosia, dau.
of Oliver St. John," of Tanderagee Castle, co. Armagh, and had
3. Samuel, ancestor of BLACKER of Elm Park and Tullahinel.
Mr. Blacker d. 1732, and was s. by his eldest son,
STEWART BLACKER, of Carrickblacker, High Sheriff co. Tyrone
1706, b. in 1671 ; m. 1704, Barbara, dau. of the Rev. Henry Young,
A.M., and niece and heiress of William Latham, of Brookend, co.
Tyrone, and by her (will proved 1/43) had issue,
1. WILLIAM, his heir.
2. Latham, b. 1711 ; m. Martha, dau. of Peter Beaver, of Drogheda,
by whom (who d. Sept. 1802} he left issue (see BURKE'S Family
3. Henry (Rev.), M.A., b. 10 July, 1713 ; m. Miss Martin, and had
a dau.,
Frances, who d. unm. 1831.
4. George, of Hallsmill, co. Down, b. 26 Sept. 1718 ; m. ist, 1744,
Mary, only surviving dau. of Joseph Nicholson, LL.D. ; and
2ndly, 174.6, Alicia, only child of Edward Dowdall, of Mountown,
co. Meath, and had with other issue, James Blacker, of Dublin,
J.P., b. 14 Aug. 1759 ; m- Miss Mansergh, and had, inter alias,
Rev. George Blacker, Chaplain to the city of Dublin, and Rector
of Taghadoe, co. Kildare, who d.s.p. May, 1871.
1. Barbara, 6. 23 Oct. 1706 ; m. James Twigg, of Roghan Castle,
co. Tyrone.
Mr. Blacker d. 1751, aged 80, and was s. by his eldest son,
WILLIAM BLACKER, of Carrickblacker and Brookend, High
Sheriff co. Armagh 1734, and co. Tyrone 1749, b. 12 Sept. 1709 ;
m. 8 Aug. 1738, Letitia, eldest dau. of Henry Cary, of Dungiven
Castle, M.P. for co. Londonderry, and had issue,
1. STEWART, his heir.
2. William, Capt. icsth Regt., served in the American War, m.. '
1784, Susan, dau. and heiress of Ven. Arthur Jacob, 01 Wood-
brook, co. Wexford, Archdeacon of Armagh, and Rector of
Killanne, and had issue,
1. William, of Woodbrook, s. to his mother's estate, b. 1790 ; m.
1814, Elizabeth Anne, dau. of Robert Shapland Carew, of Castle- '.
boro, co. Wexford, and sister of Robert Shapland, ist Lord
Carew, Lieutenant of co. Wexford, and d. May, i83i,havingby
her (who d. 19 March. 1877) had issue,
(1) William Jacob, of Woodbrook, J.P., D.L., High Sheriff
1852, Major Wexford Militia, b. 1823 ; m. 26 May, 1849.
Elizabeth, dau. of Hervey Pratt de Montmorency, of Castle-
morres, co. Kilkenny, by Rose Lloyd his wife, dau. of Right
Rev. John Kearney, D.D., Bishop of Ossory, and d.s.p. 27
Dec. 1869, when he was s. by his only brother.
(2) ROBERT SHAPLAND CAREW, heir 'to his brother, present
representative of the family.
(1) Anne, m. 16 Nov. i848,'Sir Robert Joshua Paul, 3rd bart.
of Ballyglan, and d. May, 1858, leaving issue.
(2) Susan, m. 8 Jan. 1840, Very Rev. Anthony La Touche
Kirwan, Dean of Limerick, son 'of Very Rev. Walter Blake
Kirwan, Dean of Killala. She d. 17 May, 1908.
(3) Ellen Letitia, d. Feb. 1908.
(4) Hannah Dorothea, m. i Oct. 1858, John Yeoman, of
Milton, co. Northampton. She d. 7 Feb. 1910.
(5) Jane Mary.
2. Edward, d. unm.
i. Letitia. 2. Jane.
3. Hannah. 4. Susan.
3. Henry, Capt. 6sth Regt., who served in the American War, and
was wounaed and taken prisoner with General Burgoyne, al
Saratoga. He inherited from his maternal uncle, the Right Hon
Edward Cary, the house and property of Milburn, co. Derry, am
d. i Sept. 1827, leaving his estates to his nephew, the" Rev
Richard Olpherts.
4. George (Rev.), Vicar of Seagoe, d. i May, 1810, aged 46.
1. Eliza, b. 1739 ; m. Sir William Dunkin, Judge of the Suprem
Court of Judicature, Bengal.
2. Barbara, m. Richard Olpherts, of Armagh, and had issue.
3. Martha, d. unm. 1840.
4. Alicia, m. 1772, General Sir James Stewart Denham, Bart
G.C.H. 5. Jane, m. James Fleming, of Belleville, ro. Cavar
6. Letitia, m. Lieut.-Gen. the Hon Edward Stopford, 2nd son o
James, ist Earl of Courtown. 7. Lucinda, d. unm. 1843.
Mr. Blacker d. 1783, and was s. by his eldest son,
THE VERY REV. STEWART BLACKER, of CarrickblacKer, Dean c
Leighlin, Archdeacon of Dromore, Rector of Dumcree, Moyntagn.
and Donagheloney, and Vicar of Seagoe, b. 1740 ; m. Eliza, dair
of Sir Hugh Hill, Bart., M.P. for Londonderry, by whom (who d. z'j
Feb. 1797) he had four sons and five daus.,
1. WILLIAM, bis heir.
2. George, Capt. E.I.C.S., b. 27 Dec. 1784 ; m. Anne, dau. oJ
Capt. William Sloane, Royal Bengal Artillery, and had issue
i. STEWART, of Carrickblacker, s. his uncle.
1. Eliza Hill, m. 29 Feb. 1844, Thomas Eyre Hodder, son of
Col. Hodder, of Hoddersfield, co. Cork.
2. Hester Anne, m. 14 April, 1859, Frederick Ludwig von
Stieglitz, of the Glen, co. Armagh, Baron von Stieglitz. She
d.s.p. Jan. 1897.
3. Sophia Mary, d. unm. 30 April, 1838.
Capt. George Blacker d. 31 Aug. 1815.
3. Stewart, Capt. R.N., d. unm. 25 April, 1826.
4. James Stewart (Rev.), A.M., Rector of Keady, co« Armagh,
b. 16 Feb. 1795 ; m. 30 Nov. 1824, Eliza, eldest dau. of Conyng-
ham Greg, of Ballymenoch, co. Down, and dying 1835, left issue,
1. Stewart Beresford, b. Dec. 1826 ; d.s.p. 4 May, 1853.
2. James Conyngham, b. April, 1832 ; d.s.p. 28 April, 1870.
i. Eliza. 2. Sophia.
1. Letitia, m. George Studdert, of Bunratty Castle, co. Clare, and
d. 8 April, 1831.
2. Sophia, m. ist, Matthew Forde, of Seaforde, co. Down ; and
2ndly, 1818, William Stewart Hamilton, of Brownhall, co. Done-
gal. She d. June, 1829.
3. Eliza, m. ist, Hugh Lyons Montgomery, of Belhavei, co.
Leitrim, and Lawrencetown, co. Down. He'was killed by a fall
from his horse, 26 April, 1826. She m. 2ndly, in France, 29 'Sept,
1830, Monsieur de Chompre, Royal Cuirassiers.
4. Louisa, m. John Rea, of St. Columbs, co. Derry (who d. 183-) •
she d. 1815. 5. Caroline, d. unm. 30 April, 1828.
Dean Blacker d. r Dec. 1826, aged 86, and was s. by his son,
LIEUT.-COL. WILLIAM BLACKER, of Carrickbla'cker, M.A., b.
i Sept. 1777, Lieut.-Col. Armagh Militia, J.P. and D.L., High
Sheriff 1811 ; m. Nov. 1810, Anne, eldest dau. of Sir Andrew
Ferguson, Bart., M.P., but had no issue. Col. Blacker was appointed
Vice-Treasurer of Ireland Jan. 1817, and held office until 1829, when
he resigned. He d.s.p. 25 Nov. 1855, and was s. by his nephew,
STEWART BLACKER, of Carrickblacker, J.P., D.L., M.A.,.M.R.I.A.,
Barrister-at-Law, High Sheriff 1859, d. unm. 16 Dec. 1881, when
Carrickblacker devolved on his sister, the Baroness Stieglitz fo;
her life, and the representation of the family reverted to his k.ns
Arms — Arg., on a mount vert, a warrior in complete armour
in the act of advancing towards the right and brandishing in his
dexter hand a battle-axe ppr., from his shoulder a mantle flowing
gules. Crest — A dexter armed arm embowed ppr., the hand
leted and grasping a battle-axe ppr. Motto — Pro Deo et rege.
Seats — Woodbrook, Killanne, Enniscorthy, co. Wexford, ani
Carrickblacker, Portadown, co. Armagh. Club — Kildare Street.
je, '
BLAKE, of Renvyle, co. Gal-
way, b. i Dec. 1903 ; s. his
I. father 20 May, 1910.
Lineage. — In 6 EDWARD I
^(1278), the castle and lands of Kil-
Js torrcge, and the castle and four
A-vnuarters of Ballim'croe (now Carn-
r Gore) situate in the Barony of
a'DunkeUin in the co. Galway, were
granted to RICHARD CADDELL, who
"'Hook the name of Niger or Blake,
Mnd was the common ancestor of all
[oj:he families of Blake in Connaught.
'eiHe was Portreeve of the town of
wGalrfay V 1290, and again in 1312,
*Jrand Sheriff of Connaught in 1303-
Ri3o6 (31-4 EDWARD I). In 1315
r7be obtained a grant from Thomas de Hobrigge of the manor and
Sands of Kiltullagh. He m. Eveline Lynch, and by her had four sons,
1. WALTER, of whom presently.
2. John, who m. Joanna Godsun, and had two sons, William and
." Edmund, whose will was proved at Athenry, 16 Oct. 1420.
a ,\. Nicholas. 4. Valentine.
. The eldest son,
s WALTER BLAKE, Burgess of Galway, got a grant of the customs
cf Galway, 3 Dec. 1346. He made his will, March, 1357 (31 EDWARD
III) granting all his lands to his elder son, Henry. He left issue,
five sons,
1. Henry (senior), Burgess of Galway, got a lease, 4 Feb. 1383,
for 20 years of the tithes of Doflyche, near Galway, from Dermot
O' Conor, Abbott of Knockmoy (Collis Victoria). He was indicted
for high treason for joining in the rebellion of Sir William (or
Ulick) de Burgh, in 1388, but received pardon for this on returning
to the king's allegiance in 1395. His will is dated 1421 (9 HENRY
V), and by it he devises all his lands to his nephew, William Blake
(son of his brother, Geoffrey Blake), and his heirs, with remainders
to his other nephews, Walter (Oge) Blake (second son of his
c brother, John (Oge) Blake), and Henry Blake (son of his brother,
, Thomas (Niger) Blake). He left issue, one child only,
'• Silly (Cille or Gyllle), who on the 6 Oct. 1438 (17 HENRY VI),
' as dau. and heir of Henry Blake, deceased, granted by deed to
J' her cousin german, Henry Blake, son and heir of John (Oge)
Bakel, burgess of Athenry, all the messuages, lands and tene-
ments that descended or might in future descend to her as
heir of her father. In 1435 this Silly Blake joined with her
cousins, Henry Blake, jun. (son of John Oge Blake) ; Walter
'; Oge Blake ; William (FitzGeoffrey) Blake ; and Henry (Fitz-
Thomas Niger) Blake, in making a perpetual grant to the parish
>' church of St. Nicholas in Galway.
2 .JOHN (Oge), of whom presently.
, 3. Geoffrey, ancestor of the Blakes of Ballyglunin, of Ballinafad,
aad the Blakes, Lords Wallscourt.
• 4. . Thomas (Niger), who left a son,
Henry, mentioned as remainder-man in the will of his uncle,
£ Henry Blake, senior, dated 1421.
c William, mentioned in the will of his brother, John Oge Blake
1. JOHN (only son by the first wife
2. Valentine (Oge), mentioned in the will, 1499, of his father,
! his brother Walter (Oge) and his first cousins William FitzGeoffrey,
Silly (dau. of Henry Blake, senior), and Henry (FitzThomas Niger),
in the grant to St. Nicholas' Church, Galway ; in 1438 he got
the grant from his first cousin, Silly, already referred to. He m.
Mary, dau. of Bermingham, of Athenry, and made his will 1457,
in which he bequeathed certain houses and lands in the liberties of
Athenry to his eldest son, and other lands to his four younger sons.
He left issue,
1. JOHN, of whom presently.
2. Nicholas, mentioned in the will of his father, and in an award
dated 1490, between him and his brother Richard.
3. Thomas, mentioned in his father's will, and d. without issue,
as stated in the award of 1490.
4. Walter, mentioned in his father's will.
5. Richard, mentioned in his father's will, d.s.p.m. 1502.
The eldest son,
JOHN BLAKE, burgess of Galway, agreed in 1445 (together with
his father, Henry) to refer to the arbitration of Wilhig Burke, Lord of
Clanrickarde, and Sheriff of Connaught, and Master John, Friar-Gen.
of the Friar Preachers, all disputes between himself and his cousin
William FitzGeoffrey Blake concerning the division of the lands of
Henry Blake, senior, deceased. He m. Juliana French, and made
his will 14 March, 1468, in which he mentions his wife and children.
He appointed John, son of William Blake, and Nicholas French,
executors, and Peter Lynch and Robert French overseers. He left
1. VALENTINE, of whom presently.
2. William, mentioned in his father's will, m. Katiline MacCurke,
and made his will, 1488, appointing his brother Valentine the
executor, and recommending to his care his son and daughters.
1. Eveline, mentioned in her father's will ; m. Peter Lynch, ist
Mayor of Galway, in 1486.
2. Anorine, mentioned in her father's will.
i The elder son,
VALENTINE (VADYNJ BLAKE, mentioned in his father's will ; m.
ist, Margaret Skerrett, and 2ndly, Eveline, dau. of Geoffrey Lynch,
and made his will 12 July, 1499 (proved 26 July following), leaving
fe), of whom presently.
Valentine, d.s.p.
3. Thomas, ancestor of the BLAKES of Towerhill (see that family).
4. William, mentioned in his father's will 1499, d.s.p.
5. Francis.
1. Anastasia, living 1499, m. William Browne (FitzStephen).
The eldest son,
JOHN BLAKE, m. Eveline Skerret, and d. about 1503, leaving issue,
a son and two daus.
1. NICHOLAS, of whom presently.
1. Julia, m. Ambrose Bodkin (Fitzjohn), who was bailiff of
Galway 1570. 2. Anstace, m. before 1543, John Niel, of Galway.
The only son,
NICHOLAS BLAKE, Mayor of Galway 1555. An award was made
6 July, 1542 (34 HENRY VIII), by Patrick Barnewall, Serjeant-at-
Law, between this Nicholas Blake and his kinsman Richard BlaKe,
son of Geoffrey (see BLAKE of Ballyglunin), to settle disputes
between them as to the division of lands inherited from Henry
Blake, sen. Nicholas Blake m. ist, Ennes, dau. of Marcus French,
2nd son of Geoffrey French, but she d.s.p. He m. 2ndly, before
1556, Cecilia, dau. of Walter Lynch, and made his will 18 Sept.
1564 (proved 28 Sept. 1568), having by her had issue,
JOHN, of whom presently.
Eveline, m. John Lynch (FitzRichard FitzSander).
The only son,
JOHN BLAKE, Burgess of Galway. On 6 March, 1571, a decree
was made on the complaint of this John Blake, or Cadell, and of
John FitzRichard Blake or Cadell (see BLAKE of Ballyglunin),
by the Lord President and Council of Connaught, by which it was
decreed that the lands belonging to the complainants in Kiltullagh,
&c., should be held by them for ever, free from all charges to the
Queen or any other charges. This decree was ratified and confirmed
by a decree made 25 Oct. 1616, by the Lord Deputy and Commis-
sioners appointed for settling the King's (JAMES I.) compositions.
He mortgaged, 27 June, 1579 (22 ELIZABETH), a moiety of the lands
of Morughe and Doulis in the franchises of Galway, to Julian Browne,
wife of John Blake FitzRichard (see BLAKE of • Ballyglunin), and this
mortgage was redeemed in 1593. He m. Cecilia Skerret, and d.
20 April, 1581, having by her (who survived him) had issue, a son,
NICHOLAS BLAKE, of Galway, merchant, a minor at his father's
death, was one of the parties to the decree of 25 Oct. 1616. He m.
ist, Cathaline Brown, by whom he had no issue. He m. 2ndly
Juliana, dau. of Valentine ffrench, and d. intestate 28 Feb. 1621 (inq.
p.m. 21 Oct. that year) leaving issue,
1. JOHN, of whom presently.
2. Martin, who d. before 1653, leaving two sons and a dau.,
i. Francis. 2. John.
i. Mary, m. John Lynch.
3. James, who had a son,
4. Nicholas (Oge).
1. Mary, m. Patrick Bodkin.
The eldest son,
dated 1420.
'The 2nd son,
j OHN (OGE) BLAKE, Provost of Athenry in 1394, obtained in
'. 1391 a grant of lands in Athenry from Philip, son of William Ber-
hningham of Athenry. He m. Margaret, dau. of Philip le Brun
and nade his will 1420, leaving issue,
1 1. HENRY (junior), of whom presently.
, 2. Walter, a legatee under the will of his uncle, Henry Blake,
& senior (see above). In 1435 he joined with his brother Henry and ^ J°HN BLAKE, Mayor of Galway 1646. In 1640, when the Lord
1 his cousins in the grant of a sum of money in perpetuity to St. i DePuty» Sr Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford, was carrying
Nicholas' Church, Galway.
'Hie eldest son,
HENRY BLAKE (junior), a burgess of Galway and of Athenry,
mentioned in a deed of award, dated 1424. In 1435 he joined with
J out his scheme for the Plantation of Connaught, this John Blake
presented a petition to the Commissioners of the Plantation, accom-
panied by his pedigree and other ancient documents, upon which
they certified that he was the lineal and eldest descendant of Richard
\ Caddie, alias Blake, Sheriff of Connaught 1306, and awarded him
he claimed properties.* His ancestral estates were confiscated by
he Cromwellian Commissioners in 1655, and he was transplanted
o Mullaghmore, Tyaquin, co. Galway. He m. Mary French, and
lad issue,
1. THOMAS, his successor.
2. Henry, emigrated to Montserrat in 1670, returned to Galway
in Sept."i676, and purchased the estates of Lehinch and Renvyle
in 1677-8, and d. March, 1704 (will dated 26 Jan. 1702), having
had issue,
1. Patrick, d.v.p. 1693, leaving a son,
Henry, of Lehinch, ^.1721, Charity, dau. of Maurice Annesley,
of Rath, co. Meath, and widow of Francis Palmer, and d.
1732, leaving a son,
Henry, of Lehinch, who d.s.p. 1780 (will dated 5 May,
*779> proved 8 Nov. 1780), leaving his estates to his kins-
man Valentine Blake, 2nd son of Mark Blake (see below).
2. John, of Ballinakill, who left a son, Henry, of Ballinakill, m.
1735, Jane Browne, of Moyne, and had a dau., Catherine, m.
Nicholas Lynch, of Barna.
3. Nicholas.
i. Katharine, m. Sir Robert Lynch, 4th bart, of Castlecarra,
co. Mayo.
3. John, purchased his brother Henry's estate at Montserrat, and
d. 1692, leaving a dau., Catharine, m. Nicholas Lynch, of Antigua.
4. Nicholas, will proved 1683. He left a dau.,' Anstas.
1. Catherine, m. Francis Browne.
2. Julliane. 3. Mary. 4. Sheila.
John Blake d. intestate at Mullaghmore 1680, and was s. by his
eldest son,
THOMAS BLAKE, of Mullaghmore and of Galway, merchant, m.
1658, Mary, eldest dau. of Nicholas Blake, of Kiltullagh, and had
1. JOHN, of whom presently. 2. Nicholas.
1. Catharine. 2. Juliana, m. 1684, Philip Butler.
3. Mary, m. 1683, Bartholomew Lynch.
The elder son,
JOHN BLAKE, of Mullaghmore, and of Windfield, which he pur-
chased 1703, m. 28 Dec. 1695, Eveline Lynch, of Bellacurren, and d.
1720 (will dated 17 June, 1720, proved 20 April, 1725), leaving issue,
1. THOMAS, his heir.
2. Mark, m. 18 Sept. 1731, Joan, dau. of Ignatius French, of
Carrowrea, son of Valentine French, and had issue (with several
1. Ignatius (called Naty), d. unm. at Lima, 1794.
2. VALENTINE, s. his kinsman Henry Blake, of Lehinch and
Renvyle, in 1780 (see below).
3. John, of Mullaghmore and Windfield, co. Galway, and The
Heath, co. Mayo (see BLAKE of Annefield).
3. Nicholas. 4. Patrick.
1. Demphna.
2. Margaret, m. ist, about 1745, Mark Blake, of Ballinafad (who
d.s.p. 1760). She in. 2ndly, 1765, Henry Lynch, of Clogher.
The eldest son,
THOMAS BLAKE, of Mullaghmore and Windfield, m. 1719, Anne,
dau. of John Bodkin, of Annagh, co. Galway, and had issue,
1. JOHN, his heir. 2. Martin, d.s.p.
3. Marcus, d.s.p. 4. Nicholas, d.s.p.
i. Ellen, m. James Kelly. 2. Bridget, m. Andrew Concannon.
3. Catharine, m. McDermott.
4. Mary. m. Michael Browne, of Moyne.
5. Margaret, m. Thomas Fitzmaurice.
6. Julia, m. — Birmingham.
Thomas Blake d. May, 1762 (will proved that year), and was s. by
his eldest son,
JOHN BLAKE, of Mullaghmore and Windfield, m. 1751, Mary,
dau. of Patrick Kirwan (senior), of Cregg, but d.s.p. By his will,
dated 27 Feb. 1786, proved 21 Feb. 1788, he devised his estates
to his cousin John Blake, 3rd son of Mark Blake (see BLAKE of
*To prove his ancestral title to the lands of Kiltorrpge, Ballym'croe
and Kiltollagh. The petition states that the petitioner's ancestors
" did plant thereabouts, being an auncient English familye, and
there continued without chandge of languadge, manners, or habit,
and without once matching with any Irish familye since the nynth
yeare of King Edward the Second. . , . That the peticioner is
the eleaventh masculyn English descent lyneally descended from
father to the sonn, in the possession of the sayd lands from Richard
Caddie dicto Nigro . . . And that although the peticioner after
soe long a tracte of tyme, be called Blake or Niger, yett in the offices
taken post mortem of his auncestors, they were called Blake alias
Caddie." The Commissioners reported " Wee doe fynd by auncient
evidences some without date by the auncient characters whereof wee
conceave the same to have ben made in the Raygne of King Edward
the First, and some others bearinge date in the sixt yeare of the
Raigne of Kin.? Edward the First, that the Manner and lands of
Kiltorroge . . . and the towne and lands of Ballym'croe . . . were
then graunted unto Richard Caddie dicto Nigro, and his heirs . . .
and that the Castle and Mannor of Kiltulagh were graunted unto
the said Richard Caddie dicto Nigro and his heirs by deed dated the
9th yeare of King Edward the Second. . . . And wee further fynd
that the peticioner the said John Blake alias Caddie did by a petegree
produced before us and proved by severall matters of fecorde and
by divers and sundrie auncient wills and deeds mad^ by his aunces-
tors, prove himself to be heire male of the boddye of the said Richard
Caddie dicto Nigro. . . . Uppon all which wee conceave .... that
the said John Blake alias Caddie .... being of an auncient
Englishe blood and surname, have and doth contynewe in the
possessions by him held as aforesaid. . . . Given at his Majesties
Inns the 5th of June, 1640, Richard Bolton, Chancellor; Garrat
Annefield). He was s. eventually in the representation of his family
by his cousin,
VALENTINE BLAKE, of Lehinch and Renvyle, High Sheriff of
Mayo 1781, 2nd son of Mark Blake (see above). He s. his kinsman
Henry Blake, of Lehinch, in 1780 in the Lehinch and Renvyle
properties (see above). He m. 1788, Anna Maria, dau. of the Hon
and Rev. Richard Henry Roper, of Clones, son of Henry, 8th Lord
Teynham, by Anne, Baroness Dacre, his wife ; and by her (who
m. 2ndly, J ames Shuttleworth, of Barton Lodge, co. Lancaster) had
1. HENRY, his successor. 2. Marcus, d. young.
1. Jane Maria, d. unm. 1815. 2. Caroline, d. unm. 1812.
3. Julia Frances, m. Rev. Henry Burke, a younger son of Michael
Burke, of Ballydugan, co. Galway.
Mr. Blake d. 1800, and was s. by his elder son,
HENRY BLAKE, of Renvyle, J.P., b. 18 Nov. 1789 ; m. 22 Dec.
1810, Martha Louisa, dau. of Joseph Attersoll, of Portland Place,
London, and by her (who d. June, 1853) had issue,
1. EDGAR HENRY, his successor.
2. Harold Henry, b. i July, 1817 ; d. unm. Nov. 1873.
3. Ethelbert Henry, M.D., L.R.C.S., Deputy Inspector-Gen of
Hospitals, formerly Surgeon R.A., b. Dec. 1818 ; m. Oct. 1849,
Jane Caroline, dau. of Dr. Hay, H.E.I.C.S. He d. 6 June,
1897. She d. 21 Nov. 1911, leaving issue,
i. Henry, b. 14 June, 1852, M.B., Great Yarmouth ; m. 28
April, 1 88 1, Lucy Agnes, dau. of Thomas Mounsey, of Oakfield,
Garstang, Lancashire, and has issue,
(1) Valentine Henry, b. 29 Jan. 1882.
(2) Harold Henry, b. i Aug. 1883.
(3) Denis Henry, b. 29 April, 1889.
(i) Gertrude Mary, b. 22 Sept. 1885.
2. Arthur Henry, M.A. Camb., b. 22 Nov. 1857 ; m. 19 April,
.. Dora Mabel, dau. of John Rogers of Rawdon House,
ford, and has issue,
(1) Roger Derrick Campbell, b. 8 March, 1895.
(2) Arthur Shirley Ethelbert, b. 28 May, 1896.
3. William Henry, M.D. Brussels, b. 12 Jan 1863 ; m. n June,
1890, Caroline Spencer, dau. of Rev. J. C. Bradley, and has issue,
John Churchill, b. 30 May, 1894.
Rose Spencer, b. 15 May, 1891.
4. Robert, b. at Gibraltar, 1865 ; d. young.
i. Edith Mary, d. in 1851. 2. Emma.
3. Caroline Maria.
4. Emilie Susette, d. at Gibraltar, Sept. 1865. 5. Ethel Jane.
6. Eleanor Martha, m. 2? Dec. 1899, Rev. Arthur Leigh Barker,
Vicar of Sway, Hants.
4. Egbert Henry, R.E., b. 15 Sept. 1821 ; lost in the wreck of the
" Solway," 8 April, 1843.
5. Ethelred Henry, d. 1838, aged 14.
6. Ethelstane Henry, b. 3 April, 1826 ; m. Aug. 1866, Sophia
Marguerite, dau. of Louis Gaudard, of Lausanne, Switzerland,
and d. 8 June, 1884, leaving issue,
1. Herbert Edgar, b. 24 May, 1873 ; m. 20 Nov. 1895, Maud,
dau. of — Bumpus, and has issue,
2. Egbert Mabille, b. 4 Nov. 1874.
i. Ellen Marguerite, m. 2 June, 1897, Thomas Eagleston
Gordon, M.B., F.R.C.S.I., and has issue,
7. Herbert Henry, b. 4 May, 1828 ; d. unm. 1855.
1. Emelie Anna, d. unm. 1867.
2. Eleanor Elizabeth, d. unm. 25 July, 1882.
Mr. Blake d. 6 May, 1856, and was s. by his eldest son,
EDGAR HENRY BLAKE, of Renvyle, Capt. R.N., J.P., b. 19 Dec.
1814 ; m. 2 March, 1861, Caroline Johanna, dau. of Rev. Henry A.
Burke, a younger son of Michael Burke, of Ballydugan, co. Galway ;
and d, 25 Nov. 1872, leaving issue,
1. HENRY EDGAR VALENTINE, late of Renvyle.
2. Robert Attersoll (Barkley, Gwelo, S. Africa), b. 17 Jan. 1867 ;
m. 24 Jan. 1902, Jane Frances Mary, only dau. of the late Charles
Carter Blake, D.Sc., elder son of Charles Ignatius Blake, of
Quinfero, S. America.
1. Julia Emilie Martha.
The elder son,
HENRY EDGAR VALENTINE BLAKE, of Renvyle, co. Galway, and
Foil Tra. Howth, co. Dublin, J.P., L.R.C.P. and R.C.S.I , b. 20 Aug.
1864 ; m. 2 Oct. 1901, Elizabeth Josephine, only dau. of Surgeon
Thomas William Myles, of Foil Tra, Howth, co. Dublin, and d.
20 May, 1910, having had issue,
J oan Caroline Fanella, b. i Aug. 1902.
Arms — Arg. a fret gu. Crest — A mountain cat passant ppr.
Giotto — Virtus sola nobilitat.
Seat — Renvyie, Letterfrack, Connemara, co. Galway.
co. Mayo, b. May, 1867 ; m, Katherine, dau. of Rev.
Powell Jones, Rector of Newton, St. Petrock, Devon<
Lineage. — JOHN BLAKE, of the Heath, co. Mayo, J.P., 3rd
son of Mark Blake (2nd son of John Blake, of Mullaghmore and
Windfield), and younger brother of Valentine Blake of Lehinch and
Renvyle (see that family*', s. to Mullaghmore and Windfield, co.
Galway, the old family property, by devise of his cousin, John
Blake in 1788. He m. Aug. 1787, Mary, dau. of Christopher Bowen
of Hollymount, co. Mayo (see that family), and d. 1812, leaving issue,
1. CHRISTOPHER JOHN, his heir.
2. HENRY MARTYN, s. his nephew.
1. Anna Maria, m. William Malachy Burke, of Ballyduggan, and
had issue (see that family),
The elder son,
CHRISTOPHER JOHN BLAKE, of Windfield, m. Elizabeth, dau. of
John Burke, of St. Clerans, and d. 14 March, 1820, leaving issue,
1. JOHN BOWEN, his heir.
1. Elizabeth. 2. Maria.
The only son,
JOHN BOWEN BLAKE, of Windfield, d. unm. 1823, and was s. by
his uncle,
HENRY MARTYN BLAKE, of Windfield, co. Galway, and the
Heath and Kilnock, co. Mayo, b. 1796, m. Anastasia Gaussen, and
by her had a son,
1. JOHN HENRY, his heir.
He m. andly, Nichola Frances Charlotte, dau. of Robert ffrench,
of Monivea (see that family). She d. Jan. 1878. He d. Jan. 1857,
leaving with several daus. (of whom Annie Maria, m. Acheson Sydney
O'Brien ffrench, D.L., and has issue (see FFRENCH of Monivea), and
Johanna Isabella, m. ist, 1864, Croasdaile Molony, of Granahan,
who d.s.p. 1872, and 2ndly, 1873, John Blakeney of Abbert, who d.
1901, leaving issue (see that family), two sons,
2. Robert ffrench (Rev.), of Kilnock, co. Mayo, Rector of Staple,
Kent, B.A T.C.D., b. 18 June, 1838 ; m. 8 Nov. 1877, Mary
thur T.
Elizabeth, dau. of Arthur T. Hewitt, D.L. She d. 28 July, 1900.
He d. 1 8 Oct. 1900, leaving issue,
1. Arthur O'Brien ffrench, of Kilnock, co. Mayo (The Mount,
Uxbridge), Major Royal East Kent. Yeo., b. 22 Feb. 1879 ', m.
• Laura Iris, dau. of Harry Walker, of Cadogan Place.
2. Robert Charles Sydney ffrench, 2nd Lieut. The Buffs, b.
18 July, 1880, accidentally shot in S. Africa, 19 May, 1902.
LSt. John Lucius O'Brien Acheson ffrench, 2nd Lieut. 2ist
ncers, b. 26 May, 1889.
4. Desmond O'Brien Evelyn ffrench, b. 30 June, 1900.
I. Nora Mary Nicola Rosamond ffrench, b. 12 Sept. 1886.
3. Lucius O'Brien, m. Cecilia, widow of Rev. Crole Windham, of
Rutland Gate, and d.s.p. 28 Nov., 1901.
The eldest son,
JOHN HENRY BLAKE, of Annefield and the Heath, co. Mayo,
J.P., Capt. 4th Lancashire Militia, b. 1819, m. 1865, Sarah Nassau,
dau. of Rev. John MacGregor Grier, Vicar of Stourbridge, Stafford-
shire, and d. 1873, leaving issue,
1. ST. JOHN ROBERT BOWEN, now of Annefield.
2. Lynden Henry Edward, b. May, 1867 ; m, Millicent, dau. of
Major Brady, and has issue, two sons.
1. Sarah Christina Maria, m. April, 1887, Cecil Cornthwaite
Powell, of Westerham, Kent.
Arms— See BLAKE of Renvyle.
Seat — Annefield, co. Mayo.
of Towerhill, Co. Mayo, J.P., D.L., High Sheriff
of Mayo 1864 ; late Col. 3rd Batt. Connaught
Rangers, b. 20 July, 1837 ; m. 24 Nov. 1863, Jean-
nette, only surviving dau. of Surgeon Richard Pearce
O'Reilly, of Sans Souci, co. Dublin (by his 2nd wife,
Olivia, 3rd dau. of Nicholas Kenney, of Rocksavage'
co. Monaghan), and has issue,
1. VALENTINE JOSEPH, late Capt. 3rd Batt. Connaught Rangers,
b. 10 June, 1866.
2. Charles Joseph, b. n June, 1867.
1. Olivia. 2. Georgina.
3. Cecilia, d. 1886. 4. Margaret.
5. Frances, d. unm. 8 Sept. 1897.
Lineage.— This is a branch of BLAKE of Renvyle, but more
immediately descending from the house of BLAKE of Menlo (Baronet)
THOMAS BLAKE, 3rd son of Valentine Blake (who d. 1499), by his
wife, Eveline Lynch (see BLAKE of Renvyle), was Mayor of the town
of Galway in 1545 and 1562. He had a son,
WALTER, m. Juliane Browne, and d. vita patris in is73 leaving
three sons,
i. VALENTINE (Sir), of whom hereafter.
her had a son, Francis (Sir), created a bart. 3 May, 1774,
which title became extinct on the death of Sir Francis Blake'
3rd bart. of Twisei, wno d. s.p.l. 1860.
Thomas Blake, who at his decease was seised in fee of a moiety of
the castle and lands of Ballym'croe (now Carnmore), which had been
granted in 1278 to his ancestor Richard Caddell, surnamed Blake,
d. 20 Jan. 1574 (post mortem inq. dated 21 July, 1576), and was
s. by his grandson and heir,
SIR VALENTINE BLAKE (FitzWalter, FitzThomas), b. 1560, Mayor
of town of Galway in 1611, and again in 1630 ; got a grant 8 June,
1621, of the castle and lands of Muckiniss, co. Clare, and was created
a baronet of Ireland on 10 July, 1622. He m. ist, Margaret, dau.
of Robuck French, by whom he had issue, two sons and three daus.
1. THOMAS (Sir), of whom hereafter.
2. Francis, Mayor of Galway in 1640.
1. Juliane, m. Adam Font, of Galway.
2. Margaret, m. ist, Sir Nicholas Arthur ; 2ndly, Theobald,
Butler, of the family of Lord Caheir.
3. Anne, m. Richard Darcy.
Sir Valentine m. 2ndly, Annabel, dau. of James Lynch, but by her
(who survived him) had no issue ; his will, dated 20 June, 1629 (with
codicil dated 2 Jan. 1634), was proved in 1634.. He d. 2 Jan. 1634
(inq. dated 23 April, 1636), and was bur. in St. Francis' Abbey,
Galway, in the Chapel of " Our Lady of Loretto," erected by himself.
He was s. by his eldest son,
SIR THOMAS BLAKE, of Menlo, co. Galway > 2nd bart. ; he was
Mayor of Galway in 1637. In the Strafford .Survey of Mayo, 1636,
he is returned as the owner of the lands of Clonyne (now forming the
estate of Towerhill) in the Barony of Carra, co. Mayo. Sir Thomas
m. Juliane Browne, dau. of Geoffrey Browne, of Carrowbrowne, and
had issue (with several daus., one of whom, Moggine, m. James
Lynch, of Galway) four sons,
1. SIR VALENTINE, created a knight in the lifetime of his grand-
father, Sir Valentine Blake, ist bart.
2. Walter, first of Galway, but afterwards of Exning, Suffolk.
On 22 Feb. 1668, he got a grant by patent, under the Acts of
Settlement, of the lands of Menlo and of Ballym'croe, alias Carn-
more, in co. Galway, and the lands of Clooneen, co. Mayo, part
of the estate of his then deceased brother, Sir Valentine Blake,
3rd bart., which had been sequestrated by the Cromwellian
Government ; and in 1669 he executed a deed of settlement of
these lands on his four nephews (sons of his brother, Sir Valentine
Blake, 3rd bart.), viz., Sir Thomas Blake, 4th bart., Henry Blake,
Francis Blake, and John Blake, successively in tail male. This
Walter Blake's will, in which he is described as " of Exning,
Suffolk," is dated 21 Nov. 1672, and was proved in London 29 April,
1674. He d.s.p.
3. Geoffrey (Rev.), a priest in Holy Orders of the Roman Catholic
4. John (Rev.), a priest in Holy Orders of the Roman Catholic
Sir Thomas Blake d. in 1642, and was s. by his eldest son,
SIR VALENTINE BLAKE, of Menlo, 3rd bart., Mayor of Galway in
1643. He m. (marriage settlement 27 June, 1632) Ellinor, 2nd dau. of
Sir Henry Lynch, of Galway, ist bart. (see LYNCH-BLOSSE, Bart.),
and by her (who survived him) left issue four sons and three daus.,
1. SIR THOMAS, his heir, 4th bart. of Menlo, whose descendants
in the male line became extinct upon the death s.p. of his great
frandson, Sir Ulick Blake, 8th bart., in 1766.
. Henry, who had a son,
Thomas, of Breandrum, co. Galway, who d. 1764, leaving issue,
(1) Thomas (Sir), of Breandrum, who s. as gth bart. in 1766,
and d.s.p. masc. in 1787.
(2) Walter (Sir), who s. his brother as lotli bart., and is
ancestor of the present Sir Valentine Blake, of Menlo, i4th
3. Francis, supposed to have been a patentee of lands in the State
of Carolina. He had a son,
Joseph, one of the " Lords Proprietors " of Carolina who sur-
rendered their patent rights to the Crown in 1728. He d.s.p.
4. JOHN (ancestor of BLAKE of Towerhill), of whom hereafter.
1. Juliane, m. Alexander Kirwan, of Dalgan, co. Mayo.
2. Elizabeth, m. Andrew Blake, of Fartigar and Castle Grove,
7th son of Robert Blake, of Ardfry. From this marriage
descend the Canadian families of Blake.
3. Annabel (Nell or Elena), m. Thomas Fleming, whom she sur-
vived, and whose will she proved in the Diocesan Court of Tuam
on 4 April, 1689. She d. intestate in 1705.
Sir Valentine Blake, 3rd bart., d. 1652. His will, dated i June, 1651 ,
as proved in Dublin, 12 April, 1654. The extensive estates of Sir
,„-.-- , Valentine in the cos. of Clare, Galway, and Mayo, and in the town of
JAMES (Capt), m. Margery, dau. of Alderman Dominick I Galway, were, after the death of Sir Valentine, sequestrated by the
Galwa>'» and d- at Galway, 20 Feb. 1635, leaving Cromwellian Government ; but after King CHARLES II's restoration
Sir Valentine's widow. Dame Ellinor Blake, obtained on 14 July,
GEOFFREY, m. Juliane, dau. of Thomas Martin, of Galwav
and had issue.
WALTER, who on !7 Aug. 1677, got a grant by patent of
the lands of Drum, co. Galway, and is ancestor of the family
of BLAKE of Drum, and afterwards of Gortnamona co
1663, a decree of the Court of Claims, whereby she was restored as
" an innocent Papist " to the castle and lands of Muckiniss and
the castle and lands of Ballyally, both in co. Clare. Sir Valentine
Blake's 4th son,
JOHN BLAKE, of Muckiniss, co. Clare, m. (marriage settlement
dated 10 Jan. 1678) Mary, dau. of Isidore Lynch, of Drimcong, co.
Tpnnpf- m TC»- Tr,k ft t r* i j, •*•»*»«* J.-J j e»u. iu/u; i«.at y , uau. <Ji isiuuic juyuvu, ui jJiiiuwjiig, LU.
jennet, m. ist John Browne, of Galway; 2ndly, Rory Galway, and upon his marriage certain portions of the lands of
O'Flaherty, of Killagh, co. Galway.
;. ROBERT (FitzWalter, FitzThomas), Mayor ef the town of
ialway, 1624, who had four sons,
Muckiniss were settled on him for life, with remainder to his first
and other sons in tail male. On 20 Feb. 1680 he obtained a grant
by Patent (conjointly with Marcus French) of the castle and lands
(i) JOHN, who was Sheriff of the town of Galway during his of Muckiniss and Ballyally in co. Clare, to hold to certain uses.
father s mayoralty, 1624. (2) Anthony.
(3) Dpmmick.
(4) Nicholas, m. the dau. of Stanton, and had a son Robert
m 4 March, 1639, Sarah 3rd dau of Sir Francis Blake, Knt'.
He was one of the burgesses of the town of Galway under the new
Charter of Incorporation granted in 1688 by King JAMES II. By
his wife, Mary (who survived him) he had issue, two sons, namely,
1. ISIDORE, his heir, of whom hereafter. 2. Patrick.
, . ,. ., — „., 11I3 llcli, W1 W11U111 llclCalu:i.
Ford, Durham, and Twisel. co. Northumberland and by In the Civil War in Ireland, 1689-91, he held a commission as Capt.
i Col. Dominick Browne's regiment of infantry in King JAMES'
ish Ajmy, and was killed in action at the siege of Athlone in June,
>oi. His eldest son (then an infant),
ISIDORE BLAKE, of Clooneen, co. Mayo, on 3 March, 1701, obtained
decree from the trustees of Forfeited Estates declaring that he
as entitled to the estate tiil in the lands of Muckiniss limited to
im under his father's marriage settlement of 1678. He subsequently
stained from his cousin Sir Walter Blake, 6th bart. of Menlo,
. lease for years of the lands of Clooneen, co. Mayo. He m. Mary,
;• ster of Mark Blake, of Ballinafad, co. Mayo (whose will was proved
i i Tuam Diocese on 14 Sept. 1759), and of Walter Blake, of Ballinafad
( vhose will was proved in Dublin on 8 June, 1758), and by her (who
I redeceased him) had issue, three sons and three daus., viz.,
1. MAURICE, his heir, of whom hereafter.
2. Patrick (Capt.), m. 21 Feb. 1761, Catharine, 2nd dau. of John
Foster, of Higham Dikes, Northumberland, and had issue (with a
son) two daus., viz.,
1. Elizabeth, m. n Nov. 1780, Hyancinth Kirwan, of Gregg.
2. Anne, m. James Darcy, Barrister-at-Law.
3. John, of Arran Quay, Dublin, Banker, who m. 17 55, Mary,
sister of Arthur Browne, of Ellistron, co. Mayo, and widow of
Valentine Blake, of London, Merchant, 2nd son of Sir Walter
Blake, of Menlo, 6th bart., and d. 1800, leaving issue, three sons
and one dau., viz.,
1. Isidore, m. Aug. 1781, Jane, only dau. of Henry Lynch, of
Clogher, co. Mayo, by his ist wife, Cecilia, dau. of Dominick
Lynch, of Tuam, and d. 1822, having had issue, two sons,
(1) Henry (Major), of Fisher Hill, co. Mayo, d.s.p. Will
dated 1832, proved 1844.
(2) Robert, Lieut. 84th Regt., who had two sons, vfhod. young.
2. Valentine, emigrated in 1795 to New York ; d. there in 1811
(2) Arthur. (3) Fawcett.
(1) Mary, d. young.
(2) Frances, m. her cousin Charles Crean, M.D., of Windsor,
Ballyhaunis, co. Mayo, and d. leaving issue.
1. Frances, m. — Hickson, of Dublin ; and d. in 1891, leaving
2. Mary, m. James Valentine Browne, of Galway, eldest son of
Alexander Browne, 5ist Regt., and had issue.
6 Isidore, Capt. in 4th Dragoons, m. Anne Coleman, and by her
had issue (with other children),
}who emigrated to Australia.
1. Maria, m. Marcus Lynch, of Cloghballymore, co. Galway
(2nd son of Marcus Lynch, of Barna, co. Galway), and by him
(who d. 1816) (will dated 8 Nov. 1815) had issue, five daus., the
eldest of whom,
Anne Lynch, m. her cousin Maurice Blake, of Ballinafad, co.
Mayo (see BLAKE of Ballinafad).
2. Ann, m. (articles dated Jan. 1800) Joseph Bourke, of Carrow-
keele, co. Mayo, and had issue, three sons and three daus. Her
eldest son,
Walter Bourke, Q.C., of Carrowkeel, m. his cousin Mary, dau.
of Peter Blake, of Wilford Lodge (see above).
3. Frances, m. 1812, Arthur Lynch, of Petersburgh Castle, co.
Galway, and had issue, two sons and a dau.,
Fanny, who m. her ist cousin Joseph Blake, 2nd son of Anthony
Blake (see above).
4. Catharine, m. 7 Aug. 1807, Daniel Jones, of Banada, co. Sligo,
and predeceased him, leaving issue, a dau.
Isidore Blake, of Towerhill, in 1803, went to reside at Oldhead,
1 near Westport, co. Mayo, and ^.15 Dec. 1818, and was buried in
St. Francis' Abbey, in Galway. Administration with his will (dated
3. Maurice, of Abbey Street, Dublin, Merchant, d. unm. j 23 Oct. 1815) annexed, was granted on 3 July, 1819. He was s. by
3 Dec. 1831.
i. Mary, m. 30 Nov. 1783, Richard Darcv, of Rockvale, co.
Clare (see DARCY of Newforest).
I, Catharine (Catto), m. Frank Lynch
his eldest son,
MAURICE BLAKE, of Towerhill, D.L., J.P. for Mayo ; Major in
Noith Mayo Militia. He m. 4 Aug. 1803 (articles dated 3 Aug.
1803), Maria, only surviving dau. of Valentine O'Connor, of Domi-
2. Anstas (Nancy). 3. Bridget. | nick Street, Dublin, Merchant, by his wife Mary, eldest dau. of
Isidore Blake, after the marriage of his eldest son, Maurice Blake ; Edward Moore, of Mount Brown, co. Dublin. She d. July, 1810,
(m 1741), went to reside in the town of Galway, and d. April, 1763, ! having had issue,
a ad was bur. in St. Francis' Abbey, in Galway. He was s. by his
eldest son,
MAURICE BLAKE, first of the town of Galway, afterwards of
Clooneen, co. Mayo. In 1753 he purchased the fee simple of the
estate of Clooneen, co. Mayo, from Sir Ulick Blake, 8th bart. of
Menlo. He m. (marriage article 25 Feb. 1741) Ann, eldest daus.
of Walter Blake of the town of Galway, merchant (who d. 1776),
and niece of Dr. Anthony Blake, of Carrobrowne, R.C. Archbishop
1. Isidore, b. Oct. 1806 ; d. 1809.
2. VALENTINE O'CONNOR, his heir.
1. Mary, m. (marriage settlement dated 3 Aug. 1824) Denis
O'Conor, eldest son of Owen O'Conor Don, of Clonalis, co.
Roscommon (see that family). She d. 12 June, 1841.
2. Frances, d. an infant.
3. Honoria, m. 1835, Edward O'Conor, 2nd son of Owen O'Conor
f Clonalis, and had issue (see O'CONOR Don).
He was s. by his elder t
of Armagh 'who d. in 1787), and by her (who survived him) had Major Maurice Blake, of Towerhill, d. 7 May, 1847 ; bur. at R.C.
issue surviving, two sons, namely,
1. ISIDORE, his heir.
2. Anthony, of Ross Lodge, co. Galway, m. Katharine, dau. of
William Burke, of Keelogues, co. Mayo, and had issue, ,
Maurice, of Ross Lodge. \ Galway and Mayo, High Sheriff Mayo 1839, b. i Jan. i
L II ill,
Parish Chapel of Carnacon, co. Mayo,
surviving son,
VALENTINE O'CONNOR BLAKE, of Towerhill, co. Mayo, and Bun-
! owen Castle and Carnmore, co. Galway, D.L. and J.P. for cos.
Maurice Blake, of Clooneen, d. at Bath, in England, on 17 Jan. OT. 7 jan. 1836 (marriage settlement dated 22 Dec. 1835), Hon.
1789, and was bur. in St. Francis" Abbey, in the town of Galway; his j Margaret only dau. of Charles Austin, 3rd Baron Ffrench of Castle
ffrench, co. Galway, by his wife, Maria, dau. of John Browne, of
Moyne, co. Galway, and by her (who d. 16 July, 1869) had issue,
will, dated 20 June, 1786, was proved in Dublin on 25 June, 1790,
He was s. by his eldest son,
ISIDORE BLAKE, first of Towerhill (Clooneen), co. Mayo, after- seven s'ons and three daus., viz.,
wards of Oldhead, Westport, co. Mayo; J.P. for Mayo. He was the
first of this family who took up his residence at Towaghty (anglicised
into Towerhill), near Clooneen, co. Mayo., He m. (marriage
articles 6 July, 1767), Frances, 3rd dau. and one of the co-
heiressfs of Thomas Ruttledge, of Cornfield, co. Mayo, by his wife,
Mary, dau. of Thomas Reddington, of Cregana, co. Galway, and
by her (who d. March 1824) had issue, six sons and four daus, viz.,
1. MAURICE, his heir.
2. Thomas, of Lakeview, co. Mayo, m. 1799, Margaret, dau. of
Edward Dowel), and d. in 1822, having had issue by her (who
survived him), four sons and two daus., viz.,
i. Isidore, of Rockfield, d.s.p. 2. Thomas, d.s.p.
3. Edward, first of Lakeview, afterwards of Brussels, Belgium.
m. in 1844, Margaret, dau. of John Nolan, of Ballinderry, co.
Galway ; and d. at Brussels, Sept. 1892, having had issue,
Edward, d.v.p., unm.
Mary, d. unm. 1900.
4. Patrick, of Dublin, Solicitor, d. unm. 1865.
:. Frances, d. young. 2. Eliza, d. unm. 1891.
3. John, of Woodbine Lodge, Portarlington (afterwards of Weston,
Dublin), m. Charlotte, dau. of Patrick Blake, of Corbally, co.
Galway, and d. 1853, having had (with other children) a son,
Isidore John, Barrister-at-Law, of Gray's Inn (1834).
1. MAURICE CHARLES JOSEPH, now of Tower Hill.
2. Charles Joseph, of Heath House, Queen's Co., and Bunowen
Castle, co. Galway (whom see).
3. Valentine Joseph, J.P. cos. Mayo and Roscommon (9,
Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin), b. 4 Oct. 1842, m. i Sept. 1880,
Hon. Mary, only dau. of Charles, 3rd Baron De Freyne of French
Park, co. Roscommon (see BURKE'S Peerage), and has issue,
i. Arthur. 2. Valentine.
3. Isidore. 4. Lionel.
5. Harold. 6. Gerald,
i. Kathleen. z. Gladys.
3. Mary, dec. 21 Nov. 1904.
4. Robert Joseph, b. 3 Feb. 1847.
5. Thomas Joseph, Barrister-at-Law, b. 27 May, 1849.
6. Martin Joseph, Barrister-at-Law, of the Middle Temple (to,
Old Square, Lincoln's Inn).
1. John Joseph, d. 25 May, 1866.
1. Mary, Mother Prioress of the Benedictine Convent of St. Mary
of the Angels, Princethorpe, co. Warwick, d. 3 Dec. 1895.
2. Ellen Mary, d. in infancy.
3. Margaret Mary, d. unm. 4 May, 1891 ; bur. at Heath Chapel,
Queen's Co.
Valentine O'Connor Blake d. at Bray, co. Wicklow, 9 Aug. 1879
4. Peter, of Wilford Lodge, co. Mayo, m. nOct. 1809, Mary, dau. < /wju proved Oct. 1879), and was s. by his eldest son
^t T~U- 1J-T l-i:_ _X XT £_U TIT . J , O w £ l~n..;n~ V * IJI1
of John McLoughlin, of Newfield, co. Mayo ; d. 1816, leaving
issue, a son and two daus., viz.,
i. Isidore Peter, of Belmullet, co. Mayo, m. and had issue.
1. Mary, m. Walter Bourke, Q.C., of Carrowkeel, co. Mayo.
2. Celia, m. Isidore Lynch, of Arrandale, co. Galway, 2nd son
of Arthur Lynch, of Petersburgh Castle, co. Galway, d.s.p.
5. Anthony, of Dublin, Solicitor, and of St. Orans, near Galway,
m. Rebecca, dau. of Skerrett, of tha family of Skerrett, of Ballin-
dooly, co. Galway, and widow of Col. Lines Fawcett, and d. 1840,
having had issue,
i. Isidore, d. unm.
3. Joseph, of Tumneenaune and Carrick, co. Galway, m. his first ;
cousin Fanny, dau. of Arthur Lynch, of Petersburgh Castle, co.
Galway ; and d. in 1886, having had issue, by her (who d. Jan.
1894), three sons and two daus., viz.,
Arms — Same as BLAKE of Renvyle.
Seat — Towerhill, co. Mayo<
CH/VRLES JOSEPH BLAKE, of Heath House, Queen's
Co., and Bunowen Castle, co. Galway, J,P, for
(i) Anthony, Surgeon of Medicine, m. 21 Jan. 1902, Winifred, j Queen's and Galwav cos. ; High Sheriff of Queen's
dau. of Michael Hopkins, and has issue, i ~ _„_. -r> A ~t T<,,KI^ TT«;,roT-cUtr anrl "Rarrister-
lau. of Michael Hopkins, and has issue,
Joseph, b. 21 Dec. 1902.
Co. 1895 ; B.A, of Dublin University, and Barrister -
at-Law. Mr. Blake is the 2nd son of the late
Valentine O'Connor Blake, of Towerhill, co. Mayo
(see preceding memoir).
LiiTa.ea,ge.—See BLAKE of Towerhill.
Residences— Heath House, Queen's Co., and Bunowen Castle,
Clifden, co. Galway. Clubs— Kildare Street, and Stephen's Green,
Dublin ; Raleigh, London.
ROBERT BLAKE, of Ballyglunin Park, co. Galway,
High Sheriff of the town of Galway 1892, s. his
brother 1891 ; b. 3 Dec. 1834.
Lineage. — This family of Blake springs from GEOFFREY BLAKE,
3rd son of Walter Blake (who got a grant of the customs of Galway
in 1346), and grandson of RICHARD CADDELL (or Niger), ancestor
of all the families of BLAKE in Connaught (see BLAKE of Renvyle).
Geoffrey Blake left two sons,
1. WILLIAM, of whom presently.
2. Walter, who was probably the person named as executor in the
will dated 1420, of John (Oge) Blake (see BLAKE of Renvyle).
The elder son,
WILLIAM BLAKE, Burgess of Galway, living 1453, was devisee
under the will, dated 1421, of his uncle, Henry Blake, senior, and
joined in the grant made in 1435 to the church of St. Nicholas.
In 1445 an award was made between him and his cousins Henry
(fitz John Oge Blake) and John (fitz Henry) Blake, to settle disputes
between them as to the division of lands of Henry Blake, senior.
He left issue, three sons,
1. JOHN, of whom presently.
2. Andrew. 3. Thomas.
The eldest son,
t JOHN BLAKE, Mayor of Galway 1488, as appears by a deed of
agreement made in this year between him, William de Buigo and
Dominick Lynch (fitz J ohn). He was appointed one of the executors
of the will of John Blake (fitz Henry) dated 1468 (see BLAKE of
Renvyle). He left issue, four sons,
1. Geoffrey, probably Bailiff of Galway in 1486. He left issue a
Richard, Mayor of Galway 1533, who had various disputes as
to his title to the lands of Kiltollagh, &c., inherited by him
from his ancestor William as devisee of Henry Blake (fitz Walter)
as is mentioned in a decree of the Irish Court of Chancery, temp.
HENRY VIII, circa 1536, and in an award of 1542. He, with
his son and heir, John, in 1558, confirmed his ancestors' gifts to
the church of St. Nicholas. He appears to have d. in 1564, as
in the following year his name disappears from the list of
masters or ex-mayors in which it had appeared from 1534 to
1564 (both inclusive). He had issue, four soiif,
(1) Geoffrey, d. young, v.p.
(2) John, Mayor of Galway 1578. On 6 March, 1571, he
and his kinsman, John Fitz Nicholas Blake, obtained the
decree of the Lord President and Council of Connaught (see
BLAKE of Renvyle). He m. Julia Browne, and d. about
1586, having by her (who m. sndly, Anthony Kirwan) had
issue, two sons, Arthur, and Walter, who was one of the
parties to the decree of 1616, by which the decree of 1171
was ratified and confirmed.
(3) Martin. (4) Thomas.
2. Walter, Bishop of Clonmacnois in 1487, who was appointed in
1506 by King HENRY VII to the Archbishopric of Tuam, but
this translation was not sanctioned by the Pope.
3. ANDREW, of whom presently.
4. Peter.
The 3rd son,
ANDREW BLAKE, living temp. HENRY VII, left issue, three sons,
of whom the third was Walter, ancestor of the BLARES of BaUinafad
(whom see) and BLAKE of Ardfry (see BURKE'S Peerage, WALLS-
ANDREW BLAKE, Alderman, of Galway, son of Patrick, who is
believed to have been a descendant of the second son of Andrew
above-mentioned, m. Juliane Martyn, and had issue,
1. WALTER, of Drunmacrina, co. Mayo, ancestor of Blake of that
place, and of Oranmore, co. Galway.
2. MARTIN, ancestor of this line.
3. Andrew, of Galway, merchant, m. Christiana Martyn, and d.
1687 (will proved 22 Aug. that year) leaving issue, from whom
descends the family of Blake of Furbough, now Daly of Raford
(see tJiat family).
Alderman Andrew Blake's will, dated 20 Dec. 1624, was proved 9
Feb. 1630. His 2nd son,
MARTIN BLAKE, of Cummer, Sheriff of the town of Galway 1648,
had a grant of lands in co. Galway (barony of Clare) in 1677 (29
CHARLES II) ; he purchased in 1671, the estate of Ballyglunin,
alias Kilmoylane, from the Cromwellian planter Charles Holcraft ;
he m. ist, in 1640, Margaret Martyn, of Dangan, by whom he had
1. PETER, his heir.
He m. 2ndly, Aug. 1652, Anne Joyes, widow of Patrick Bodkin, and
d. 8 Aug. 1691, leaving issue by his 2nd wife,
2. Patrick, whose will, dated 12 Feb. 1676, was proved in France
21 March, 1677.
1. Margaret, m. 1672, Joseph Lynch, of Ballycurrin.
2. Gyles or Julia.
His eldest son,
PETER BLAKE, of Cummer and Ballyglunin, m. 1667, Sybilia
Joyce, and d. 21 Sept. 1691, leaving issue, three sons and three daus.,
1. MARTIN, of whom presently.
2. Patrick, of St. Kitts, in West Indies, m. Mary Ann, dau. of
Andrew Bodkin, of Montserrat, and d. 7 March, 1744 (will proved
in Antigua in 1745) having had issue, two sons,
1. Martin, of St. Kitts, West Indies, m. Sarah, dau. of Dominick
Trant ; and d.s.p. in his father's lifetime (will proved 25 Aug.
2. Andrew, of St. Kitts and Montserrat, m. Marcella French ;
and d. in London (will proved u Nov. 1762), leaving issue,
(1) Patrick (Sir), of Langham, Suffolk, created a Bart. 8 Oct.
1772 ; d. i July, 1784 (see BURKE'S Peerage, BLAKE of
Langham, Bart.).
(2) Christopher, d. unm. 1780.
(3) Edward, d. unm. 1763.
(4) Arthur, who had issue, Arthur Garland and Edward.
(1) Frances Barbara, m. Thomas Hodges, and had issue.
(2) Marianne, m. ist, — Austerbat ; and 2ndly, Thomas,
Lord Montfort, who d. 24 Oct. 1799.
3. Nicholas, of the town of Galway, d. 1747, leaving three sons,
Patrick, Peter, and Arthur ; and two daus., Sibilla, and Mary, m.
Valentine Browne, of Tuam.
1. Margaret, m. ist, in 1686, Christopher Ffrench (son of Robuck
Ffrench, of Cloghballymore, co. Galway), who d. 1688 ; she m.
2ndly, Patrick Lynch, of Galway, Doctor of Medicine.
2. Sibilla. 3. Anne.
The eldest son,
MARTIN BLAKE (FitzPeter) of Cummer and Ballyglunin, m. 28
Nov. 1691, Margaret, dau. of Edmpnd French, of Boyle Abbey, co.
Roscommon, and d. 1737, leaving issue, two sons and three daus.,
1. EDMOND, of whom presently.
2. Martin (Major), of Antigua and St. Kitts, in West Indies, and
of Sevenoaks, Kent, m. 24 Dec. 1735, Elizabeth, only dau. of John
Burke, of Antigua, and had issue ; will proved in London, 16 Oct.
1. Sibilla, m. 1723, Andrew Blake, of Castle Grove.
2. Mary, m. Alexander Bodkin, of Anbally, co. Galway.
3. A dau. (name unknown), a nun.
The elder son,
EDMOND BLAKE, of Ballyglunin, m. 14 Dec. 1724, Mary French,
of Rahasane, and had four sons,
1. MARTIN, his heir.
2. John, d.s.p. His will is dated 24 Feb. 1774.
3. Robert. (Rev.), d.s.p. 4. Peter (Rev.), d.s,p.
Mr. Blake d. 1771, and was s. by his eldest son,
MARTIN BLAKE, of Ballyglunin, m. 1751, Bridget, dau. of Walter
Joyce, of Galway, and d. 1777, leaving issue,
1. EDMOND, of Ballyglunin, m. 1780, Mary, dau. of Nugent
Sylvester Aylward, of Ballinagar (which lady afterwards m. 1789,
Col. John Blake, of Furbo), and d. 1782, having had one son,
Martin Stephen, who d. unm. 1788.
2. WALTER, of whom presently.
3. Martin (Rev.), of the Order of St. Francis, d.s.p.
4. Pierce (Rev.).
5. John, of Tuam, m. 31 Dec. 1803, Olivia Ann, dau. of Christo-
pher French, of Brook Lodge (of the family of French, of Tyrone,
co. Galway), and d. 6 Oct. 1822, having had issue a son and a
John Joseph, of Garbally, King's Co., m. 3 Oct. 1829, Elizabeth,
dau. of John Bodkin, of Annagh, co. Galway, and had issue,
(i) John St. George, d. in infancy.
(1) Harriett, a nun.
(2) Olivia, m. 1867, John Taaffe, of Smarmore Castle, co.
Louth, and had issue (see that family).
Julia Maria, m. 1835, Martin Kirwan Blake, 3rd son of Charles
Blake, of Merlin Park, and d. 1877, leaving issue (see BLAKE DE
BURGH, of Coolcon).
The 2nd son,
WALTER BLAKE, who succeeded to Ballyglunin in 1788, m. 1789,
Mary Archdeacon, sister of the Rev. Nicholas Joseph Archdeacon,
R.C. Bishop of Kilmacduagh, and had issue,
1. MARTIN JOSEPH, his heir.
2. Henry, m. June, 1827, Adelaide, eldest dau. of Robert French,
of Monivea Castle, co. Galway, and d. 17 Oct. 1858, leaving issue,
1. WALTER MARTIN, late of Ballyglunin Park.
2. ROBERT, now of Ballyglunin Park.
3. Henry, who emigrated to Australia.
4. Martin Joseph, of Ballina, co. Galway.
5. John William Smith O'Brien, late Lieut.-Col. Comm. ist
Batt. loth (Lincolnshire) Regt., m. Christian, dau. of the Jate
Sherrington Gilder, and widow of Arthur Frisby He d.
25 Jan. 1907, leaving issue,
Nicola Patricia Mary.
1. Adelaide.
2. Elizabeth, m. 1892, Michael Den Keating, of Woodsgift, co.
3. Nichola, m. Andrew Veitch, of Galway, and d.s.p.
4. Mary. 5. Bidilia.
Walter Blake d. 1802, and was s. by his eldest son,
MARTIN JOSEPH BLAKE, D.L., of Ballyglunin Park, b. 1790,
was M.P. for borough of Galway for a long period ; he d. unm.
March, 1861, and was s. by his nephew,
WALTER MARTIN BLAKE, of Ballyglunin, b. 1828 ; High Sheriff of
Galway Town 1885, d. unm. 25 Sept, 1891, and was s. by his brother.
Arms — Arg. a fret gu. Crest — A mountain cat, passant guard-
ant, ppr. Motto — Virtus sola nobilitat.
Seat— Ballyglunin Park, Ballyglunin, co. Galway. Clubs—
Kildare Street, Dublin; County Galway Club, Galway; Consti-
tutional Club, London.
LiEUT.-CoL. LLEWELLYN BLAKE, of Ballinafad,
• 3. Mayo, and Cloghballymore, co. Galway, J.P. and
).L. for the former co., High Sheriff of Galway Town
886, J.P. co. Galway, late 6th Batt. Connaught
tangers, b. 1842.
Lineage. — This family is descended from WALTER BLAKE, 3rd
s >n of ANDREW FrrzJoHN BLAKE (see BLAKE of Batty glunin). He
1 :ft, with other issue, two sons,
1. MARCUS, of whom presently.
2. ROBERT, ancestor of Lord Wallscourt (see BURKE'S Peerage).
' he elder son,
MARCUS BLAKE, got grants of land in Galway and Mayo 18 June,
: 618, and 27 March, 1619, and had issue,
1. WALTER, of whom presently.
2. Thomas, who had a son, Henry, of Culgad, co. Mayo, who d.
'.'he elder son,
WALTER BLAKE, purchased other lands in co. Mayo, from David
O'Kelly, of Dunamona. He m. Mary, dau. of Piers Kirwan, and
d. 5 June, 1633, leaving issue,
1. MARCUS, of whom presently.
1. Jennet. 2. Mary.
The only son,
MARCUS OGE BLAKE (or Maurice Blake) who in 1681 obtained
a re-grant by patent dated 30 June, 33 CHARLES II, of the lands of
Gissiden and other lands in the barony of Carra, co. Mayo, which
are now the estate of Ballinafad, and belonged to his father. He
m. Anstace, dau. of John Darcy, of Kinloch, co. Mayo, and left
1. MARK, of whom presently.
2. Walter, of Ballinafad, d,. unm. (will dated 28 April, 1758,
proved 3 June, 1758). 3. John.
1. Mary, m. Isidore Blake, of Clooneen, co. Mayo, and had issue
(see BLAKE of Towerhill).
2. Anstas, m. — Lynch. 8. Margaret, m. — Carroll.
The eldest son,
MARK BLAKE, of Ballinafad, m. 25 Oct. 1712, Juliana, dau. of
Edmund Kirwan, of Dalgin, and d. about 1759 (will dated 28 Aug.
1756, proved 14 Sept. 1759) leaving issue,
1. MAURICE, of whom presently.
2. Mark, of Knockmore, m. about 1745, Margaret, dau. of John
Blake of Windfield (see BLAKE of Renvyle), and d.s.p. 29 May,
1760. His widow m. 26 June, 1765, Henry Lynch, of Clogher.
1. Anstas, m. 1742, Mark Lynch, of Barna (see that family),
and had issue.
The elder son,
MAURICE BLAKE, of Ballinafad, m. 1733, Sibilla, dau. of Roe-
buck French, of Dooras, co. Galway, and d. about 1779, leaving issue,
1. MARK, of whom presently.
1. Julia, m. Francis Lynch. 2. Catharine.
3. Mary, m. her cousin Mark Blake, who d.s.p. 1783.
4. Anstase, d. unm.
The only son,
MARK BLAKE, of Ballinafad, m. Jan. 1777, Christian, only dau. of
Martin Kirwan, of Blindwell, co. Galway, and d. about 1810,
having had issue,
1. MAURICE. 2. Martin.
3. Mark. 4. Joseph.
1. Mary, m. 1815, Andrew Browne, of Moyvilla.
The eldest,
MAURICE BLAKE, of Ballinafad, High Sheriff co. Mayo 1838, m.
Anne, dau. and heiress of Marcus Lynch, of Cloghballymore, co.
Galway, by Maria his wife, eldest dau. of Isidore Blake, of Tower-
hill, and a. 1852, having had issue,
1. MAK.K, of Ballinafad.
2. Maurice, Capt. igth Regt. (ret.), who had issue.
3. Martin, d.s.p. 4. JOSEPH, late of Ballinafad.
5. LLEWELLYN, now of Ballinafad.
1. Mary, m. George Henry Moore, of Moore Hall, M.P. for co.
i Mayo, who d. 1870.
2. Catherine, m. March, 1853, Arthur O'Conor, J.P., of The
Palace, Elphin, co Roscommon, and had issue (see O'CONOR of
Mount Druid).
3. An>ia, m. William Murphy, of Mount Merrion, co. Dublin.
4. Julia, m. G. E. Browne, of Brownestown, co. Mayo.
5. Victoria, m. ist, March, 1859, Thomas ffrench (nephew of Lord
ffrench). He d.s.p. 30 May, 1859. She m. 2ndty, Lieut.-Gen.
Andrew Browne, C.B., who d. 8 April, 1883, leaving issue.
The eldest son,
MARK BLAKE, of Ballinafad, J.P., M.P. for co. Mayo from 1840
to 1846, and High Sheriff 1855, 6. 1818 ; d.s.p. June, 1886, and was
*. by his brother,
JOSEPH BLAKE, of Ballinafad, who d. unm., and was *. by his
Arms — Arg. a fret gu. Crest — A mountain cat, passant, ppr»
M otto— Virtus sola nobilitat.
Seats — Ballinafad, co. Mayo ; Cloghballymore, co. Galway.
s \
Abbert, Castle
Blakeney, co. Gal-
way, b. 1858 ; 5.
his brother 1905 ;
m. 1897, Katherine
Everleigh, dau. of
William Batt, of
Cackenfy, and
widow of Frederick
Howe Windham.
Lineage. — TH o M A s
BLAKENEY, by his 2nd
wife, a Miss Hatton, had
1. ROBERT of whom
2. William, of Mount
Blakeney and Thomas-
town, co. Limerick.
Lieut, in the Army, d,
31 March, 1664, and bur.
in St. Peter's Kilmal-
lock. He had issue,
1. William, of Mount Blakeney and Thomastown, M.P. for
Kilmallock. Had a grant of lands in co. Limerick n Dec. 1666.
Will dated 10 Nov. 1701, proved 22 April, 1718. He m. Eliza-
beth, dau. ot Henry Bowerman, and had issue,
(1) WILLIAM (Sir), LORD BLAKENEY, of Mount Blakeney,
co. Limerick (cr. 1757), K.B., Lieut.-Gen., M.P. for
Kilmallock 1727-1756, Governor of Stirling Castle 1744,
Lieut.-Gov. of Minorca 1747, Brig.-Gen. in Carthagena Exped.
1741, defended Fort St. Philip against French Exped.
under Due de Richelieu 1756, b. 1670 ; d. unm. 20 Sept.
1761, bur. in Westminster Abbey.
(2) Charles, Lieut. Royal Regt. of Ireland.
(3) John, Lieut. Sir Harry Goring's Regt.
(4) Robert, of Mount Blakeney and Thomastown, Major in
the Army, d. 18 Nov. 1763, having m. Deborah (will proved
1775), dau. of Grice Smyth, of Ballynatray (see that family),
bv whom he had issue,
1. William, of Mount Blakeney and Thomastown, B.A.
(Trin. Coll. Dublin), Barrister-at-LaW, d. 15 Sept. 1811,
having m. 1764, Gertrude, dau. of R'chard Smyth, of
Ballynatray (see that family), by whom he had issue,
(i) Robert (Rev.), B.C.L. Oxon, Rector of Elm, co.
Somerset, b. 6 June, 1792 ; d. unm. 13 Jan. 1825.
2. Grice, Gen. in the Army, Col. 4th (Blakeney's) Royal
Veteran Batt., J.P. cos. Tipperary and Limerick, b. 1741 ;
d. unm. 16 Nov. 1816.
i. Gertrude, m. 28 May, 1752, her cousin Col. Robert
Blakeney, M.P. of Abbert, to whom refer.
(1) Margaret, m. R. Armstrong, of Cork.
(2) Mary, m. — Le Strange.
(3) Elizabeth, m. John Creed.
(4) Hatton (? Catherine), m. Lancelot (? Joseph) Gubbins,
of Maidstone Castle, co. Limerick.
2. George, Lieut.-Col. of Sir Henry Goring's Regt. of Foot,
served at Cadiz 1702, and at the taking of Vigp, at the siege of
Toulon, 1707, and at the capture of Cagliari 1708. Will
dated 10 June, 1726, proved 10 May, 1728.
3. John. ' 4. George.
5. Charles. 6. Henry.
1. Hatton, m. — Pepper, of Drogheda.
2. A dau., m — Lovelace. 3. A dau., m. — Gardner.
The eldest son,
ROBERT BLAKENEY, of Gallagh, co. Galway, Major in Sir Charles
Coote's Regt. of Dragoons (will dated 10 Feb. 1658, proved 6 July,
1660) m. Susannah, dau. of Edward Ormsby, of Tobervaddy, co.
Roscommon, High Sheriff for cos. Galway and Mayo, and by her
(who d. 29 Sept. i659)and was bur. in St. Michael's Church, Dublin,
vide Fun. Entry), he had issue,
1. JOHN, of whom presently.
3! Robert,' of Chappel Finaghly, co. Galway, High Sheriff 1709,
Capt in Lord Meath's Regt. of Foot, wounded at the first siege
of Limerick, 1690, Mayor of Galway 1715, d.s.p. 12 Oct. 1731
(will dated 9 Aug. 1731 proved 16 Oct. 1731), having m.
Elizabeth, dau. of — Rogers, and widow of — McDonald.
4 Edward, of Gallagh, for whose descendants see below.
1. Mary, m. Robert Ormsby, of Cloghaus, co. Mayo.
2. Susannah, m. — Godwin, of Tuam.
^OH/BLAKENEY, of Gallogh, b. 1649, entered Trin. Coll. Dublin,
18 June, 1666, B.A. 1671 t m. 1671, Sarah, dau. of Dudley Persse,
Dean of Kilmacduagh, and d. 1691 (Admon. 19 April, 1691), leaving
1. ROBERT, of whom presently.
2 John of Distington, Cumberland, Capt. Royal Regt. of Ireland,
served at Blenheim and Malplaquet, and d.s.p. 21 May, 1749.
D 2
3. William.
1. Mary, m. Thomas Taylor.
The eldest son,
ROBERT BLAKENEY, of Abbert and Castle Blakeney, High
Sheriff co. Galway 1709 and 1729, M.P. for Athenry, 1721-33 ; m.
Sarah, dau. of Gilbert Ormsby, M.P. (see ORMSBY of Gortner Abbey).
He d. 1733 (will dated 16 April, 1733, proved 5 Dec. 1733). having
had, with four daus., three sons,
1. JOHN, of whom presently.
2. George, Capt. 27th Regt., b. 27 Jan. 1716 ; d. 25 Feb. 1779,
having m. Mary, dau. 'of John Dixon, of Gilgarron, co. Cumber-
land, and by her (who d. 17 Sept. 1800) he had with other issue i
a dau., named Hatton, and a son,
Robert, of Whitehaven, J.P. and D.L. co. Cumberland, d. '
6 Nov. 1822, having m. Margaret (d. 14 Feb. 1828), dau. of !
Rev. Samuel de le Brouf Edwards, M.A., of Pentre Hall,
8. Gilbert.
The eldest son,
JOHN BLAKENEY, of Abbert, High Sheriff co. Galway 1727 and
1738, M.P. for Athenry 1727-47; m. Grace, dau. of Henry Persse, i
of Roxborough (see that family), and d. 21 Aug. 1747. having had
1. ROBERT, of Abbert, Col. Galway Mil., High Sheriff 1754, M.P. i
for Athenry 1747-63 ; m. 28 May, 1752, Gertrude, dau. of Major
Robert Blakeney, of Mount Blakeney, co. Limerick (see below),
and d. Jan. 1763, having had issue,
John, of Abbert, M.P. for Athenry 1776-89, <Z. unm. Aug. 1789.
Grace, m. May, 1786, Thomas Lyon, of Watercastle, Queen's Co. i
2. John, of Ashfield, Col. Galway Mil., High Sheriff 1768, M.P.
for Athenry 1763-89, d. unm. July, 1789.
3. THEOPHILUS, of whom presently.
4. William, Lieut.-Col. Royal Welsh Fus., M.P. for Athenry
1781-3 and 1790-9, severely wounded at the Battle of Bunker's
Hill, d. g Nov. 1804, having m. Sarah Shields, of Newcastle-on- j
Tyne, by whom he had issue (with three daus.),
1. William Augustus, Major 87th Regt., d. 3 Sept. 1848, having i
m. Sarah O'Dell, by whom he had issue.
2. John Theophilus, M.A. Camb., Barrister-at-Law, d. unm. \
31 March, 1856.
3. Hargrave.
4. Thomas, Lieut.-Col. 66th Regt.
5. Edward (Sir), G.C.B., G.C.H., K.T.S., Field Marshal, Col.
in Chief of the Rifle Brigade, 17 years Commander of the
Forces in Ireland, Governor of Chelsea Hospital, b. 26 March,
1778 ; d.s.p. 2 Aug. 1868 ; m. 5 March, 1814, Mary (d. 21 Jan.
1861), dau of Col. Thomas Gardiner, H.E.I.C.S.
6. Samuel, Capt. 6th Regt.
7. Robert.
8. Henry Persse, Major 66th Regt.
1. Sarah, m. 1750, William Persse, of Roxborough (see that
2. Mary, m. 19 June, 1759, Thomas Taylor.
The 3rd son,
THEOPHILUS BLAKENEY, of Abbert, and formerly of Mulpit, M.P.
for Athenry 1769-76, for Carlingford 1776-83, and again for
Athenry 1783-99, High Sheriff co. Galway 1773 ; m. Nov. 1782,
Margaret, eldest dau. of John Stafford, of Gillstown, co. Ros-
common, and had issue.
1. JOHN HENRY, of Abbert.
1. Bridget, m. Sir Richard Bligh St. George, Bart, of Woodsgift,
co. Kilkenny (see BURKE'S Peerage).
2. Margaret, m. John O'Dwyer, Barrister-at-Law.
3. Elizabeth, m. Capt. De Hugo, of the French National Guard.
4. Harriett, m. Arthur St. George, of Kilrush House.
Capt. Blakeney d. 22 Sept. 1813, and was s. by his eldest son,
JOHN HENRY BLAKENEY, of Abbert, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff
in 1819, m. i July, 1813, Charlotte, 3rd dau. of Sir Ross Mahon,
ist bait, of Castlegar, co. Galway (see BURKE'S Peerage), by Elizabeth
his ist wife, sister of John Denis, ist Marquess of Sligo, and d.
17 Nov. 1858, having by her (who d. 2 Aug. 1865) had issue,
1. JOHN, late of Abbert.
2. Robert, late Major 48th Regt., served in Crimean Campaign
and at Siege of Sebastopol, Queen's Foreign Service Messenger,
b. 1848 ; m. 2 Oct. 1860, Hon. Mary Sophia, eldest dau. of
Henry Jeffery, 5th Viscount Ashbrook (see BURKE'S Peerage).
She d. 17 April, 1886. He d. 20 June, 1902, leaving issue,
1. Henry Ross, b. 2 April, 1862.
2. Frederick Robert, b. 16 May, 1863.
3. Ernest Charles Cecil, b. 27 Jan. 1869.
1. Frances Alice.
2. Beatrice Maud, d. unm. 27 April, 1899.
3. William, Col. E.I.C.S.
4. Edward, d. 9 Nov. 1910, aged 79.
5. Henry, Col., served through Crimean War, m. 27 July, 1865,
Louisa Jane, dau. of Francis C. Hutchinson M.D., of Carlisle.
1. Elizabeth Margaret, m. 24 April, 1834, Albemarle Cator, de-
ceased, eldest son of John Cator, of Beckenham Place, Kent, and
Woodbastwick Hall, Norfolk (see that family).
2. Sarah. 3. Mary.
4. Louisa.
5. Harriette Anne, m, William Henry Coussmaker, of Westwood,
Surrey, and d. his widow, 6 March, 1903, aged 80.
6. Margaret Grace, d. unm. 7 Sept. 1911, aged 85.
7. Anna, m. 20 Dec. 1855, Charles Morgan Norwood, of Hull,
The eldest son,
JOHN BLAKENEY, of Abbert, Castle Blakeney, co. Galway, J.P.
and D.L., High Sheriff 1873, late of the 23rd R. W. Fusiliers, b. Oct.
1826 ; m. ist, 1854, Frances, dau. of James Hardiman Burke, of
St. Cleran's, and by her (who d. 5 Aug. 1869) had issue,
1. JOHN THEOPHILUS, late of Abbert.
2. ROBERT EDWARD, now of Abbert.
1. Anne. 2. Mary, m. Rev. J. O. Coussmaker.
3. Fanny, m. 1895, Gilbert Mahon.
Mr. Blakeney m. 2ndly, 1873. Joanna, widow of Croasdaile Molony,
of Kilneerandie and Granahan, co. Clare, and dau. of Henry Maityn
Blake, of The Heath, co. Mayo, and Windfield, co. Galway, and niece
of Robert ffrench, J.P., D.L., of Monivea Castle, co. Galway, and
by her had issue,
3. Henry Robert William, m. 29 April, 1905, Aileen Mary, only
dau. of George R. Armstrong.
4. Ethel Frances Charlotte, m. 1895, Lucien Jerome, H.B.M.
Consular Service, d. at Havana 1898, during the Cuban war.
He d. 1901, and was s. by his eldest son,
JOHN THEOPHILUS BLAKENEY, of Abbert, Castle Blakeney, J.P.
co. Galway, b. 31 Jan. 1855 ; d. unm. 16 Jan. 1905, when he was s.
by his brother.
The 4th son of Major Robert Blakeney, of Gallagh, and Susannah
Ormsby (see above).
EDWARD BLAKENEY, of Gallagh, co. Galway, m. Anne, dau. of
Thomas Staunton, M.P. for Galway, had issue,
1. Robert, m. a sister of Simon Marshall, of Tuam, they had
1. Edward, d. unm.
2. Simon (will dated 21 June, 1777), of Gortgariffe co. Galway ;
m. Marcella, his cousin, dau. of Thomas Blakeney, of Feigh,
co. Galway (see below). They had issue,
(i) Charles. (2) Edward.
(1) Isabella, m. 1787, James Beytagh, of Mannin, co. Mayo.
(2) Sarah.
3. Robert, of Gortgariffe, co. Galway, Lieut, ngth Foot, d. unm.
i. A dau., m. Rev. A. Wadman.
2. THOMAS, of whom presently.
3. John, m. Miss Lovelace, of Roscommon, and had issue.
The 2nd son,
THOMAS BLAKENEY, of Feigh, co. Galway, m. Sarah, dau. of
Robert Burke, of Tyaquin, co. Galway (she d. 15 Feb. 1753)- His
will dated 2 Oct. 1761, proved 15 July, 1762. He was bur. 27 May
1762, at Tuam Cathedral, and had issue,
1. Edward, of Newman's Street, London, W., His B.M. Consul
at Nice 1757, Private Secretary to Gen. the Right Hon. Lord
Blakeney, K.C.B., Lieut.-Governor of Minorca ; d. unm. ; will
dated 15 March, 1799, proved 29 June, 1799.
2. Thomas, of Dublin, m. Margaret Wallace (who was bur. 6 April,
1795) ; will dated 30 Nov. 1787. He d.s.p. and was bur. 23 July,
8. Robert, Lieut. 27th Regt. of Foot, d. off the Havannas 1764.
4. George, d. unm.
5. CHARLES, of whom presently.
1. Elizabeth, m. Thomas Waldron, of Drumsna, co. Leitrim (see
WALDRON-HAMILTON of Ashfort House).
2. Deborah, m. 1750, Andrew Kirwan, of Coraghan, co. Galway.
3. Marcella, m. her cousin Simon Blakeney, of Gortgariffe, co.
Galway (see above).
4. Jane, m. James Nesbitt.
The 5th son,
CHARLES BLAKENEY, of Feigh, and Currenlarman, co. Galway,
and of Cloneera, co. Roscommon, b. 1731 ; d. 1815 ; m. 6 March,
1761, Bridget (d. 15 Sept. 1776), dau. and heir of Barnaby Gunning,
of Hollywell, co. Roscommon (see BURKE'S Peerage, GUNNING, ST.),
and left issue,
1. JOHN EDWARD, of whom presently.
2. Thomas (Rev.), of Hollywell, B.A.,T.C.D., Rector of Roscom-
mon, d. 17 Jan. 1845 ; m. Aug. 1801, Alicia, dau. and heir of the
Most Rev. William Newcome, D.D., Archbishop of Armagh and
Primate of Ireland ; they had issue,
1. Charles William, of Hollywell, co. Roscommon, Barrister-
at-Law, Judge of the High Court of Queensland 1836-1858,
b. 2 Aug. 1802 ; d. 12 Jan. 1876 ; m. 1826, Ellen Frances, dau.
of George C. Jeffreys, of Blarney Castle, co. Cork, and had issue,
William Theophilus, Registrar-Gen, for Queenstown, b..
9 Sept. 1832 ; m. 31 March, 1853, Eliza Louise, dau. of
Frederick Carr, of Tullamore, Inspector Royal Irish Con-j
stabulary (she d. 6 April, 1907). He d. 26 June, 1898, and-
had issue.
2. Thomas.
3. Edward, of Sallymount, co. Roscommon, b. 26 May, 1805 a
d. 27 March, 1857, having m. 10 Aug. 1842, Anne, dau. of|
Dermot Garvey, and had issue,
(1) Edward Thomas, L.R.C.S.I., of Roscommon, b. 10 June,;
1849, and m. 1881, Belinda, dau. of Andrew Irwin, of Bally
moe, co. Roscommon.
(2) Richard Henry, b. 18 Sept. 1851, and m. 14 Feb. 1894^
Henrietta Mary, dau. of Stephen Callisson-Smith, and ha$>
issue, two sons and a dau.
(1) Alicia, b. 23 Oct. 1843, and m. 3 June, 1863, Henry de la
Valle Smyth, of Hollywell, co. Roscommon, J.P. and R.M.
(2) Francis. (3) Anne.
(4) Catherine Gunning, b. 3 March, 1854, and m. 6 Nov.
1876, Henry Mark Scott, L.R.C.S., M.R.C.P.I., of Castle
Hollow, Inniscron, co. Sligo.
4. Robert, of 3, Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin, M.A. (T.C.I).),
Barrister-at-Law, b. 8 Nov. 1807; m. 1846, Rachel Ana-
Stewart, and had issue.
5. George, of Moville, co. Donegal, Officer in the Irish Consta ju-
lary, b. 20 Aug. 1809 (will dated 21 Aug. 1846, proved;.
13 Sept. 1853)
i. Anne. 2. Catherine.
3. Robert, of Curraghmore, co. Roscommon, M.A., Barnstt r-at
Law 1799, b. 13 July, 1766 (will dated 15 Feb. 1840, proved
5 >
13 Feb. 1841) ; m. Margaret, dau. of Samuel L. Owens, of Dun-
dermot, co. Roscommon, High Sheriff for co. Roscommon, and
left issue,
Mary Anne, m. John H. Mitchell, of Coolmeen, co. Roscommon.
4. William, Lieut, igth Regt. of Foot, killed in action at Kandy
Ceylon, 15 June, 1803.
1. Anne, m. 20 July, 1779, Lieut.-Col. the Hon. Richard St. Leger
(see BURKE'S Peerage, DONERAILE, VISCT.). She d. July. 1809.
2. Bridget, m. 1791, Thomas Henn, of Paradise, co. Clare (see thai
ae eldest son,
JOHN EDWARD BLAKENEY, of Greenhall, co. Roscommon, ist Lieut.
I oyal Marine L.I b. 7 June, 1763 ; d. 30 Oct. 1853 ; m. ist, Frances,
d m. of Thomas Bradley (she was bur. 25 April, 1820), and by her
h id issue,
1. RICHARD, of whom presently.
2. John, Capt. Russian Hussars, killed at Verdun
8. Thomas, ist Lieut. Royal Marine L.I., sth Oct. 1808.
4. Thcophilus, b. 10 Jan. 1803.
5. Robert, b. 5 June, 1805. "
He m. 2ndly, 1822, Magdalen, dau. of de Courcy, Ireland, and widow
cf John Purdon, of Low Park, co. Roscommon, and had a dau.,
1. Mary Ann, d.s.p.
1 he eldest son,
RICHARD BLAKENEY, ist Lieut. Royal Marine L.I., mentioned
T JrfP^TY63 dated X9 Feb- I8°9> from CaPt- Sir George Scott,
H.M.S Horatio, ' d. 26 Sept. 1849, having m. 21 Aug. 1816, Susan
Maria, dau. of John Purdon, of Low Park, co. Roscommon and
had issue,
1. RICHARD PAUL, of whom presently.
. - * j "•••'• ^>jy3 > "•• 3 j uiic, 1030, iviartna, uau. o
Derbyshire, J.P., of Claughton, Cheshire. Had issue,
1. Edward Purdon, M.A. Camb., Vicar of Wadsley, Yorkshire,
b 19. Oct. 1870 ; m. 20 June, 1899, Hilda Kate, eldest dau. of
William Ernest Dring, M.D., and has issue, four sons.
2. John St. Leger, M.A. Camb., Vicar of Anston, Yorkshire,
b. 15 Dec. 1873.
t. Martha Susan, b. 25 Dec. 1862 ; m. 21 Dec. 1880, Samuel
Roberts, of Queen's Tower, Sheffield, M.A. Camb., Barrister-at-
Law, J.p., D.L., M.P. for Ecclesall, Sheffield, and has issue.
3. William Purdon, b. 1834 ', m. Emily, dau. of Capt. R. Clegg.
and d. 2 Jan. 1879, and had issue,
William Purdon, b. 2 Feb. 1854, Vicar of Thorpe Salvin, York-
shire ; m. Elizabeth, dau. and co-heir of Dr. Wilson, of Chelten-
ham, and has issue,
Leslie St. Leger, b. 13 April, 1890, Lieut. Lanes. Fus.
1. Eleanor Maria, m. Rev. William Clementson, M.A.
The eldest son,
RICHARD PAUL BLAKENEY, D.D. (Honoris Causa) Edinburgh,
LL.D. (Tnn. Coll. Dublin), Canon and Prebend, of York, Rector and
Rural Dean of Bridliiigton, Yorkshire, b. 2 June, 1820; d.
31 Dec. 1884 ; m. ist, 1841, Anne, dau. and heir of Lieut. Richard
O Connor, R.N., and had issue,
Susan, m. 10 Oct. 1865, Rev. Albert Wade, M.A.
Canon Blakeney m. 2ndly, 2 Dec. 1856, Elizabeth, younger dau. and
co-heir of Robert Bibby, of Liverpool, and had issue
1. RICHARD (Rev.), M.A. Oxford, Hon. Canon of Peterborough.
Vicar and Rural Dean of Melton Mowbray, b. 14 Oct. 1857 ; m.
16 April, 1884, Alice, eldest dau. and co-heir of Henry Unwin,
J.P., of Broom Cross, Sheffield.
2. Robert Bibby (Rev.), M.A. St. Peter's Coll. Cambridge, Rector
of Southport, Lancashire, b. i Feb. 1865 ; m. 19 July, 1894,
Constance Eleanor, 2nd dau. of Col. Henry Zouch Darrah, B.S.C.
3. John Edward Charles, Major 3rd Essex Regt., Resident
Northern Nigeria, b. 20 Dec. 1866 ; m. 27 Feb. 1899, Louise
Margaret, eld. dau. of Lieut.-Col. Lorenzo Mosse, 67th South
Hants Regt.
4. Herbert de Courcy (Rev.), Chaplain London County Asylums,
b. 18 Dec. 1873 J nt. 2 Oct. 1895, Edith (div. 8 Feb. 1909), dau. of
Thomas Bower, and has issue,
1. Dorothy de Courcy, b. 17 Jan. 1901.
2. Irene de Courcy, b. 24 Feb. 1902.
1. Elizabeth Gunning, 6. 18 Nov. 1858, m. 14 July, 1881, Capt.
Arthur Penry William, R.N., and d. 3 Feb. 1882.
2. Ellen St. Leger, b. 23 Nov. 1859 ', m. 28 July, 1887, Rev.
John Howard Deazeley, M.A., Rector of Killybegs, co. Donegal.
3. Florence Purdon, b. 26 Dec. 1861 ; d. 20 Jan. 1900.
4. Magdalen Amelia Ireland, b. 2 Nov. 1868 : m. 6 Jan. 1898,
Rev. Lancelot Hicks Becher, M.A., Vicar of Banks, Lancashire,
and has issue.
5. Constance, b. 8 Sept. 1870 ; m. 8 Dec. 1896, Maj. Walter de |
Sausmarez Cayley, Lieut.-Col. comdg. ist Batt. uth Prince of
Wales Own (West York Regt.).
Arms— (as registered Ulster's Office, Fun. Entry, 1659)— Az.,
a chevron between three leopards' faces arg. Crest — Out of a
ducal coronet or, an arm erect, couped at the elbow, vested gu.
cuffed arg., in the hand a sword ppr., hilt and pommel gold.
Motto — Auxilium meum ab alto (as registered College of A.rms to i
Gen. Sir William Blakeney, K.B., afterwards Lord Blakeney, on ;
obtaining a grant of supporters as K.B.) sable, a chevron ermine
between threj leopards' faces or. Crest— of clouds proser an
arm erect, vested azure, the hand grasping a sword all ppr. ' Motto
--as above.
Seats — Abbert, Ballyglunin, co. Galway ; Benekerry Lodge, cu-
Cairlow. Club— Kildare Street, Dublin.
BLAND, late of Derri-
quin Castle, co. Kerry,
B.A. Trin. Coll. Dub-
lin, b. 1850; m. 31
Dec. 1873, Agnes
i Margaret, eldest dau.
of Samuel Wilson
Block. 15. ,Talbot
Square, Hyde Park,
London, and has
CECIL b. 1875.
2. Archibald Franklin
Wilson, b. 1885.
3. Godfrey Hamilton, b.
1. Agnes Emma.
2. Eveleen. 3. Ethel.
Lineage.— This family
were originally seated in the co. of York. The first who settled
in Ireland was
THE VERY REV. JAMES BLAND, Archdeacon of Limerick, and
Dean of Ardfert. In a deed of sale registered in Wakefield, in
i 1717, he is described as of Killarney, co. Keny, Ireland, and as
disposing of his estates in Sedbergh, co. York, to Richard Willen.
He was the son of John Bland, of Sedbergh, as proved by the records
of bt. John s College, Cambridge, where he was admitted on 3 May,
1684. He went to Ireland as Chaplain to Lord Deputy Sidney,
in 1692. He m. Lucy, dau. of Sir Francis Brewster, Lord Mayor
of Dublin 1674-75, and was father of the Rev. Francis Bland (whose
great-grandson, the VEN. NATHANIEL BLAND, Archdeacon of
Aghadoe, who d. 25 Feb. 1885, was the head of the family) and of
NATHANIEL BLAND, LL.D., Judge of the Prerogative 'Court of
Dublin, and Vicar-General of the Diocese of Ardfert and Aghadoe.
He w. ist, Diana, only dau. and heiress of Nicholas Kemeys, and
had by her a son,
1. JAMES, his heir.
He m. 2ndly, Lucy, dau. of Francis Heaton, by whom he had issue,
2. Francis, father, by Catherine Mahoney his wife, of Col.
James Francis Bland, of Killarney, and of Frances, m. Rev
Robert Hewson.
3. Nathaniel, m. Mary Mead, but had no issue.
4. George, m. Hannah Westropp, but had no issue.
1. Lucy, m. George Orpen, a Military Officer, distinguished at Min-
den, 4th son of the Rev. Thomas Orpen, of Killowen, co. Kerry.
2. Hester, m. Robert Sinclair, Laird of Freswick, Caithness.
3. Dorothea, m. Francis Crumpe, and had, with other issue,
Nathaniel Crumpe, of Randalls Park, in Surrey, who took the
additional surname of BLAND.
Dr. Bland was s. by his eldest son,
THE REV. JAMES BLAND, of Derriquin Castle, who m. ist, Eliza-
beth, dau. of Christopher Julian ; and 2ndly, Barbara, dau. of
— Nash, by the former of whom he had, with other issue, a dau.,
Letitia, m. Major Nathaniel Bland (father of the Ven. Nathaniel
Bland, Archdeacon of Aghadoe, who d. 25 Feb. 1885), and a son and
FRANCIS CHRISTOPHER BLAND, of Derriquin Castle, m. 15 March,
1798, Lucinda, dau. of Arthur Bastable Herbert (eldest son of
Bastable Herbert), of Brewsterfield, near Killarney, by his wife
Barbara, dau. of Maurice FitzGerald, Knt. of Kerry (son of John,
FitzGerald, Knight of Kerry, by Hon. Honora O'Brien his wife
dau. of Conor, 2nd Viscount Clart), and by her (who d. 18621 had,
1. JAMES FRANKLIN, late of Derriquin. 2. Arthur.
3. John, d. March, 1859. 4. Edward.
1. Elizabeth, m. Frederick Hyde.
2. Lucy, m. Capt. Thomas Stuart, R.N.
3. Frances Diana (d. 23 April, 1872), m. 1832, Thomas Harnett
Fuller, of Glashnacree, co. Kerry (see that family), son of Capt.
Edward Fuller, by Elizabeth his wife, dau. of Rev. John
Blennerhassett, Rector of Tralee. The only son of this
marriage is James Franklin Fuller, F.S.A<, Fellow of the Royal
Institute of British Architects.
4. Mary Matilda.
5. Christina Frances, m. Robert Acheson Thompson.
6. Clara Dalinda, m. William Allen.
Mr. Bland was s. by his eldest son,
JAMES FRANKLIN BLAND, of Derriquin Castle, J.P., High Sheria
1835, 6. 24 Jan. 1799 ; m. 27 Dec. 1825, Emma, dau. of Joseph
Taylor, of Dunkerron Castle, co. Kerry, Major Bengal Artillery,
and had issue,
1. FRANCIS CHRISTOPHER, late of Derriquin.
2. James Franklin, Capt. 57th Foot, b. 10 Jan. 1828 ; killed at
the battle of Inkerman.
1. Alice Phillis, »•;. 20 Dec. 1853, Usher Williamson, eldest son
of the Rev. Benjamin Williamson, of Old Dromore, co. Cork.
He d. 6 March, 1863. His elder son,
FRANCIS CHRISTOPHER BLAND, of Derriquin Castle, co. Kerry,
J.P., b. 8 Oct. i825 ; High Sheriff 1859 ; s. his father 1863 ; m.
23 June, 1819, Jane, dau. of th3 R"v. Archibald Robert Hamilto.i,
of Cork, and d. 5 April, 1814, leavi ig issu >,
1. JAMES FRANKLIN, his heir, who sold Derriquin.
2. Archibald Robert Hamilton, M.D., m. 20 Sept. 1884, Mary,
widow of J. W. Jackson, and dau. of — Harris.
3. Francis Christopher Earle.
4. Richard Townsend Herbert, m. 22 Dec. 1894, Katherine Annie
Parr, 3rd dau. of William Monckton, of Portishead, co. Somerset,
and d. 28 May, 1899.
1. Emma Alice. 2. Jane Hamilton.
3. Catherine Cotter, m. 21 July 1885, Augustus W. Addinsell.
4. Alice Phfflis, m. 21 March, 1887, R. Wanless Smith, Scottish
Rifles, eldest son of E. J. Smith, of Clonard, co. Dublin.
5. Mary Evelyn, m. 19 Oct. 1886, Sir Arthur Henry McMahon,
K.C.I.E., C.S.I., Maj. Indian Army, son of Lieut.-Gen. C. A.
McMahon, F.R.S., and has issue.
Arms— Erm. on a bend sa. three pheons or, in the sinister chief
point a cinquefoil vert quartering KEMEYS. Crest — A cock ppr.,
charged on the breast with a pheon or. Motto— Eloquentia sagitta.
Residence — Hollywood, Kenmare.
BLAND, of Blandsfort,
Queen's Co., High Sheriff
of Co. Wicklow, 1905,
and Queen's Co., 1912,
J.P..D.L., lateLieut. 5th
Fus., b. 9 April, 1869 ;
5. his father 3 Dec. 1908 ;
m. 1 6 May, 1900, Muriel
Elsie, dau. of the late
John Scott, of Elmstead
Grange, Chislehurst, and
has issue,
WILLIAM, b. 8 Aug. 1901.
Alice Mary.
liineag-e. — COL. JOHN
BLAND purchased land in Queen's Co. 1699, and built Blandsfort.
which was finished in 1715. He had two brothers, Humphrey and
William, and three sisters : i. Frances, m. — Lawless ; 2. Anna, a.
unm. ; 3. Elizabeth, d. unm. By his will, dated 14 June, 1728, he
devised Blandsfort to his brother Humphrey and his heirs, and
in default to his brother William and the heir of his body lawfully
begotten. He d.s.p. 1728, and was accordingly s. by his brother,
GEN. HUMPHREY BLAND, of Blandsfort, Queen's Co., Quarter-
master-General 1742, Maj.-Gen. at Culloden, Gov. of Gibraltar
1749, and Com. -in-Chief, Scotland, 1752-63, Col. ist Dragoon
Guards, m. Elizabeth, dau. of Lord Stair, but d.s.p. 8 May, 1763,
and was s. by his nephew, JOHN, son of his brother,
CAPT. WILLIAM BLAND, Capt. 8th Dragoons, m. ist (setts, dated
14 Sept. 1720), Elizabeth Jones, alias Horseman, dau. of William
Cock, and by her had a son,
1. JOHN, of Blandsfort.
He m. 2ndly (setts, dated 8 Nov. 1732, lie. 28 Nov. 1732), Letitia,
dau. of Col. Hercules Davis, of the Battle-Axe Guards, and d.
1746, having by her had issue,
2. Humphry, Capt. 62nd Regt., m. 1763, Mary, dau. of Edward
Matthews, and d. 1788, having had issue,
I. Sarah Elizabeth.
2. Dorcas Letitia.
3. Jane Wilson, m. July, 1775, Thomas Sinclaire, of Belfast,
and had issue a dau.
3. Thomas, General in the Army, Col. of the sth or Eland's
Dragoons, d.s.p. 1816.
4. Neville, Capt. in the Army, m. Charlotte, dau. of Smith, of
Colbarey, co. Tipperary, and d. 1789, having had issue,
1. Humphry Dalrymple, Lieut.-Col. 47th Regt., m. June,
1793, Mary Graham, and had a dau.,
Ellen, m. — Easton.
2. Loftus Otway, Post Capt. R.N., was promoted to that rank
for the capture of the " Liguria " 7 Aug. 1798 (see JAMES'S
Naval History), m. Sarah, dau. of Samuel Foote, of Demerara,
and widow of — Ashbourner, and had issue,
(i) Neville Loftus, of Bath.
(1) Sarah Otway, m. Charles Clarke, of Graigneroe, co.
Tipperary, and had issue (see that family).
(2) Elizabeth, m. Charles Mansergh, of Clifford, co. Cork.
3. William.
i. Margaret, m. — Cole.
JOHN BLAND, of Blandsfort, b. 1723, s. h's uncle General
Humphrey, m. 1763, Sarah, dau. of Charles Birch, of Birchgrove,
co. Wexford, and d. 1790, leaving issue,
1. JOHN, his heir.
2. Robert, Capt. 72nd Regt. 3. William.
1. Elizabeth, m. J. Crawford, of Balintober, Nenagh, co.
2. Anne, m. George Pringle, of Stradbally.
3. Catherine.
4. Hannah, m. — Nugert.
The eldest son,
JOHN BLAND, of Blandsfort, Ensign isth Regt., m. 1790,
Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Birch, M.P., of Turvey, co. Dublin,
and by her (who d. 1836) left at his decease 1810, three sons and
three daus., viz.,
1. JOHN THOMAS, his heir.
2. Robert Wintringham (Rev.), of Abbeyville, co. Antrim, J.P.,
b. 21 Feb. 1794 ; m. 14 July, 1826, Alicia, 3rd dau. of the Rev.
Edward Evans, of Gortmerron, Dungannon, co. Tyrone. She d.
10 Oct. 1879. He d. 21 Dec. 1880, leaving issue,
1. JOHN HUMPHRY, of Fernagh, Whiteabbey, co. Antrim, b.
20 May, 1828 ; m. 30 Oct. 1867, Emily Charlotte (d. 27 Dec.
1906), dau. of Rev. Wyndham Carlyon Madden, of Berg Apton,
Norfolk, and has issue
(i) Robert Wyndham Humphry Maciel, b. 27 Jan. 1872.
(1) Eva Charlotte Alice, b. 10 Nov. 1868 ; m. 30 Nov.
1911, George Lucas Blackley Borton, elder son of late
Capt. Henry Borton, R.H.A.
(2) Lilian Emily, b. 28 Sept. 1878 ; m. her cousin 3 Oct.
1911, Charles Loftus Bland, late R.A. (see below).
2. Edward Loftus, Maj.-Gen. late R.E., of White Abbey, co.
Antrim, b. 10 Dec. 1829 ; m. 4 Jan. 1859, Emma Frances, dau.
of Robert Fergusson Franks, of Jerpoint, co. Kilkenny, and by
her (who d. 7 July, 1894) has issue,
(1) Robert Norman, C.M.G., B.A. Trin. Coll. Dublin, Res.
Councillor, Penang, 1907-10 (White Abbey, co. Antrim),
b. 8 Oct. 1859 ; m. 18 Sept. 1895, Laura, dau. of late Thomas
Shelford, C.M.G., of Singapore and Hythe, Kent, and has
had issue,
1. Thomas Edward, b. 24 Feb. 1903.
2. Robert Lawrence St Colum, b. 1905 ; d. 26 Jan. 1907.
i. A dau.
(2) John Otway Percy (The Clock House, Shepperton-on-
Thames), b. 15 Nov. 1863 ; m. 29 Nov. 1889, Louisa, dau.
of William Dearborn, of San Francisco.
(3) Edward Humphrey, Lieut.-Col. R.E., b. 3 May, 1866;
m. 7 April, i894,lBertha Mary, 3rd dau. of J. Fletcher Moore,
D.L., of Manor Kilbride, co. Dublin (see that family), and
has issue,
i. Humphry Otway Carleton, b. 8 July, 1901.
1. Angela Doreen Loftus, b. 5 April, 1898.
2. Vivienne Rosalie, twin with her brother.
(4) William St. Colum, Maj. R.A., b. 6 June, 1868 ; m. 5
Sept. 1903, Kathleen, youngest dau. of the late Edward D.
S. Ogilvie, of Yulgibbar, N.S. Wales, and has issue,
1. Kathleen Frances Theodosia, b. 19 Sept. 1904.
2. Margaret Alice, b. 12 July, 1907.
(5) Thomas Dundas, b. 7 Jan. 1876, murdered in Corea 15
Aug. 1900.
(6) Charles Loftus, Lieut, late R.A. (Quatsino, Vancouver
Island), b. 24 Oct. 1881 ; m. 3 Oct. 1911, his cousin, Lilian
Emily, younger dau. of John Humphry Bland, of Fernagh
(see above).
(1) Mary.
(2) Alice Rosalie Henrietta, m. Sept. 1899, Capt. Arthur
Desborough, R.A. (3) Sydney Frances Josephine.
3. Robert Henry, J.P., b. 4 Oct. 1834 ; m. Caroline, dau. of
Charles H. Croker, of Montevideo.
1. Marianne Sinclaire, m. Aug. 1855, Maj.-Gen. Conolly McCaus-
land, R.E., and left issue two daus.
2. Sarah Maria, m. 15 Dec. 1857, Gen. W. J. Smythe, R.A.,
F.R.S., who d. 1887.
3. Alice Louisa Jane, m. 2 Oct. 1871, Edward Lawrenson, of
Nurney, co. Kildare, and Sutton House, Howth, co. Dublin,
and d. March, 1900, leaving issue.
3. Charles Humphry, R.N., lost in the wreck of the St. George
off coast of Denmark, Dec. 1811, aged 16.
4. LOFTUS HENRY, late of Blandsfort.
1. Catherine Jane, m. ist, Capt. Richard Croker, R.N., of Thorn-
bury, Queen's Co., and had issue ; and zndly, Rev. Thomas Frere
Bowerbank, Vicar of Chiswick, Middlesex, who d.s.p. 1867.
2. Sarah Annie, d. unm. 1823.
3. Georgina Elizabeth, m. James Franck Rolleston, of Franckfort
Castle, King's Co., and had issue (see that faintly).
The eldest son,
JOHN THOMAS BLAND, of Blandsfort .Cornet 4th Q.O. Dragoons,
m. Margaret Elizabeth, dau. of J9hn Bond, of Bath, and dying
s.p.s. 1849, devised Blandsfort to his brother,
LOFTUS HENRY BLAND, of Blandsfort, M.A., Q.C., M.P. for the
King's Co., b. Aug. 1805 ; m. ist, 20 Aug. 1840, Charlotte Elizabeth,
2nd dau. of Gen. the Hon. Arthur Grove Annesley, of Ann's Grove,!
co. Cork, and by her (who d. 26 March, 1842) had a son,
1. JOHN LOFTUS, late of Blandsfort.
He m. 2ndly, 2 Dec. 1843, Annie Jane, eldest dau. of the late John
Prendergast Hackett, of Stratford Place, London, and by her (who>A
d. 17 Jan. 1904) had issue,
2. Thomas Dalrymple, Lieut. 4th Hussars, b. 9 June, 1846 ; d. 1869^
1. Elizabeth Emily, m. March, 1878, the Very Rev. Dean War-
burton. He d.s.p. 3 May, 1900. She d. 21 July, 1901 (seM
WARBURTON of Garry hinch).
2. Annie Sophia Alicia.
Mr. Loftus Bland, M.P. for King's Co. 1852-59, was appointed
Chairman of Quarter Sessions, co. Cavan, 1862. He d. 21 Jan. 1872.
The elder son,
JOHN LOFTUS BLAND, of Blandsfort, Queen's Co., J.P., D.L.,
b. 2 June, 1841 ; s. his father 21 Jan. 1872, late Capt. 6th Inniskilling
Dragoons ; m. ist, 2 July, 1868, Alice, 2nd dau. of George Hotham,
late Capt. R.E. (see BURKE'S Peerage, HOTHAM, B.), and by her (who
d. 31 Jan. 1898) had
HUMPHREY LOFTUS, now of Blandsfort.
Mr. J. L. Bland m. 2ndly, 27 July, 1899, Georgiana Augusta, dau. ofJ
George White West, of Ardenode, co. Kildare (see WEST of Whitt*.
Park), and d. 3 Dec. 1908.
Arms — Arg., on a bend sa., three pheons or, in the sinister chi.ef
point a crescent gu. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet a lion's head
ppr., charged with a crescent gu. Motto— Quo fata vocant.
Seat— Blandsfort, Abbeyleix. ttub— Kildare Street, Dubl th. '
IASSETT, of Bally-
eecly, co. Kerry, J.P.
md D.L., High Sheriff
1878, late Major 4th
Batt. R. Munster
Fusiliers, b. 26 June,
1856 ; s< his father
1859 ; m. 6 June,
1882, Clara Nesta
Richarda, only dau.
of Desmond John
Edmund FitzGerald,
and has,
1. Nesta Georgie.
2. HUda. 3. Vera.
Lineage. — This family,
which is of English origin,
settled in Ireland, temp.
Queen ELIZABETH, about
1580, and has, since that period, maintained the highest rank
amongst the gentry of the co. Kerry, where the first settler, THOMAS
BLENNERHASSETT, of Flimby, co. Cumberland, M.P. for Carlisle
1584-5, with his son, ROBERT, obtained grants of lands in co.
Kerry. This
ROBERT BLENNERHASSETT was M.P. for Tralee 1613, and til 1
Provost of the town. He m. Elizabeth, dau. of Jenkin Conway,
and had (with a dau., Elizabeth, m. Capt. George Norton, of
Moyagh Castle, co. Clare) three sons,
1. JOHN, his heir.
2. Edward, High Sheriff co. Kerry 1642, m. Mary, dau. of
Edward Vauclier.
3. Arthur, m. Mary FitzGerald, of Ballynard, and was ancestor
of BLENNERHASSETT of Riddlestown.
The eldest son,
JOHN BLENNERHASSETT, of Ballyseedy, M.P. Kerry, High Sheriff
co. Kerry 1641, m. Martha, dau. of George Lynn, of Southwick
Hall, and had issue,
1. JOHN, his heir.
2. Robert, High Sheriff co. Kerry 1622, M.P. Tralee 1634 ', m.
Avice, dau. and co-heir of Jenkin Conway, of Killorglin, co.
"erry, and was ancestor of BLENNERHASSETT, Bart, of Blenner-
ville, and of BLENNERHASSETT of Kells, co. Kerry.
3. Thomas, m. Ellen Stoughton.
1. Mary, m. Capt. Thomas Wren, of Litter.
2. Alice, m. Edmund Conway.
3. Lucy, m. Lieut. John Walker.
The eldest son,
JOHN BLENNERHASSETT, of Ballyseedy, M.P. for co. Kerry,
High Sheriff 1658 ; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Edward Denny, Knt.
of Tralee Castle, and Ruth, his wife, eldest dau. of Sir Thomas
Roper, Viscount Ballinglass, by whom (who was b. 25 Feb. 1635)
he .had issue,
1. Arthur, m. a dau. of Sir Boyle Maynard, Knt. of Curryglass,
and d. at Tralee Castle, 7 Jan. 1686.
2. JOHN, of whom presently.
1. Ruth, m. ist, Thomas Browne, and 2ndly, Thomas Blenner-
hassett, of Riddlestown.
The 2nd son,
JOHN BLENNERHASSETT, of Ballyseedy, M.P. for co. Kerry, m.
Margaret, dau. of Crosbie, of Tubrid, and had (with a dau., Agnes,
m. Robert Rogers, of Ashgrove, co. Cork) five sons,
1. JOHN, his heir. 2. Arthur, d.s.p.
3. Thomas, m. Avice Spring, and had issue.
4. Pierce, d.s.p.
5. William, of Elm Grove, m. Mary, dau. of Alderman John
Morley, Mayor of Cork 1718, and had issue,
WILLIAM, who s. to the estates.
Agnes, m. Sir William Godfrey, ist bart. of Bushfield.
Mr. Blennerhassett d. 1709, and was s. by his eldest son,
>;OHN BLENNERHASSETT, of Ballyseedy, M.P. for Tralee 1709,
High Sheriff co. Kerry 1717 ; m. Jane, dau. of Edward Denny, co.
Tralee, and had issue,
1. JOHN, his heir.
Kerry 1761 ; m. 1765, Catherine, eldest dau. and co-heir of Noble
Johnson, and had two sons and three daus.,
1. JOHN, his heir. 2. ARTHUR, who s. his brother.
1. Catherine, m. ist, John Gustavus Crosbie, and 2ndly, George
Rowan, of Rathanny, co. Limerick.
2. Frances, m. ist, Anthony Denny, and 2ndly, Col. Sir George
3. Mary, m. Nevinson de Courcy, Capt. R.N.
Mr. Blennerhassett, whose will is dated 19 Jan. 1797, was s. by his
eldest son,
JOHN BLENNERHASSETT, of Ballyseedy, M.P. co. Kerry 1794 ;
d. unm., and was s. by his brother,
ARTHUR BLENNERHASSETT, of Ballyseedy, High Sheriff co. Kerry
1821 ; m. Dorcas, dau. of Geoige Twiss, of Anna, co. Kerry, by
Honora his wife, dau. of William Meredith, of Dicksgrove, and had
1. ARTHUR, his heir.
2. William (Rev.), Vicar of Iwerne Minster, Dorset, m. Emma
Sophia Houssemayne, eldest dau. of F. Houssemayne du Boulay,
and has issue, i. John, d. unm. ; 2. William, of Netley Firs,
Hants, m. 26 May, 1904, Isabella Sara, 2nd dau. of the late
Maxwell Ancketill of Leatherhead, Surrey (see ANCKETILL of
AncketUl's Grove); 3. Arthur, Capt. R.N. ; 4. Francis, i.
Marianne; 2. Emma Sophia ; 3. Agnes.
3. John (Rev.), M.A. Rector of Ryme Intrinsica, Dorset, m.
Elizabeth, dau. of F. Houssemayne du Boulay, of Forest House,
Essex, and had four daus.,
r. Georgina, m. 28 April, 1864, Sir Augustus Riversdale Warren,
5th bart. of Warren's Court, and d. 1893, having had issue (set
BURKE'S Peerage).
2. Geraldine de Courcy, m. 10 Aug. 1869, William George
Digby Wingfield Digby (see WINGFIELD-DIGBY of Sherborne).
3. Bessie Houssemayne, m. 31 Oct. 1867, Charles Mark Allanson,
4th Lord Headley, and has issue (see BURKE'S Peerage}.
4. Ada, m. — Chapman.
4. Crosbie, d.s.p. 5. Thomas, of Shannavalla.
6. Barry, Lieut.-Col. 7ist Regt., d.s.p.
1. Nevinson de Courcy, R.N., d. unm.
1. Georgina, m. her cousin Edward Denny.
2. Margaret, d. unm.
The eldest son,
ARTHUR BLENNERHASSETT, of Ballyseedy, High Sheriff 1821,
and M.P. for Deny 1836 ; m. Frances Deane, dau. of Henry Deane
Grady, and by her (who d. 1834) had issue,
1. HENRY DEANE, his heir.
2. CHARLES JOHN ALLANSON WINN, successor to his brother,
1. Dorcas, m. Robert Conway Hurly, and d.s.p.
2. Amelia, m. Hon. Chichester Skeffington, and d. 3 Aug. 1887.
3. Ada, m. Standish, 3rd Viscount Guillamore, and d. 1867.
4. Frances Annabella, m. 6 Dec. 1859, Sir John Richard Wolseley,
6th bart. of Mount Wolseley, who d. 20 June, 1874, leaving issue
(see BURKE'S Peerage). She d. 30 May, 1907.
Mr. Blennerhassett d. 1843, and was s. by his son,
HENRY DEANE BLENNERHASSETT, of Ballyseedy, who d. unm.,
and was s. by his brother,
seedy, J.P., High Sheriff 1858, b. 1830 ; m. 26 Sept. 1855, Marianne,
4th dau. of John Hickson, of the Grove, Dingle, J.P. and D.L., by
Barbara his wife, dau. of John Mahony, of Dromore, and by her
(who m. 2ndly, 1862, William Walker, and son of Richard Walker,
M.P.) he left at his decease, 9 Dec. 1859, a son and successor, the
present ARTHUR BLENNERHASSETT, and a dau., Barbara Georgina,
d. unm. Jan. 1867.
Arms — Gu., a chevron erm., between three dolphins, embowed,
arg. Crest— A wolf sejant, ppr. Motto— Fortes fortuna juvat.
Seat — Ballyseedy House, near Traleo. Clubs — Kildare Street,
Royal St. George's Yacht Club.
co. Kerry, J.P., K.C., M.P, for Kerry 1872-85,
6. 22 July, 1850; m. 21 Sept. 1876, Mary Beatrice,
3rd dau. of the late Walter Armstrong, of Ennis-
moie Gardens, S.W., and has issue,
Mr. Blennerhassett is the only son of the late
2. Arthur, b. 1709'; m. Jane, dau. of Monsieur Girardot, and Richard Francis Blennerhassett, of Kells, who
1 6 Feb. 1854 (by Honoria his wife, who d. 1884,
dau. of William Carrique Ponsonby of Crotto), and
grandson of Rowland Blennerhassett, of Kells,
who d. 12 April, 1854, 4th son of Sir Rowland
Blennerhassett, ist bart., who d. 14 March, 1821.
Lineage. — See BURKE'S Peerage, BLENNERHASSETT, Bart.
Arms — Gu., a chevron erm., between three dolphins, embowed
arg. Crest— A wolf sejant, ppr. Motto— Fortes fortuna juvat.
Seat— Kells, co. Kerry. Town Residence— 52, Hans Pkce, S.W.
Clubs — Brooks's and St. James's.
widow of Col. Hamilton, and had two daus., co-heirs,
1. Jane, m. 23 J
2. Juliana, m. i
(see that family). '
1. Agnes, b. 1722 ; m. Sir Thomas Denny, Knt. of Tralee.
2. Arabella, b. 1726 ; m. ist, Richard Ponsonby, of Crotto, and ;
2ndly, Arthur Blennerhassett. 3. Letitia, d.s.p.
4. Mary, m. Launcelot Crosbie, of Tubrid.
The eldest son,
TOHN BLENNERHASSETT, of Ballyseedy, b. 1715, High Sheriff co.
Kerry 1740 ; m. ist, Ann, dau. of William Crosbie, of Tubrid, and
widow of John Leslie, by whom he had no issue ; and 2ndly, Frances,
dau. of Edward Herbert, of Kilcow, by whom he had issue,
1. John, d. unm. v.p. 2. Arthur, d. unm. v.p.
1. Frances, m. 1782, Rev. Jemmett Browne, of Riverstown, co.Cork. i
Mr. Blennerhassett dying thus without surviving male issue, the
r tailed estates devolved on his cousin,
WILLIAM BLENNERHASSETT, of Ballyseedy, High Sheriff co. i
Brittas, Nobber, co.
Meath, J.P., High
Sheriff 1904, lateCapt.
R.A., b. 3 July. 1861 ;
m. 22 June 1898,
Mary Wentworth, 2nd
dau. of Lieut. -Gen.
Wentworth Forbes,
and has issue,
Gwendolen Mary, b. 19 Jan.
Lineage. — JOHN BLIGH,
of Rathmore, co. Meath, M.P.
for Rathmore 1660, Com-
missioner of Inland Excise
1665, went to Ireland as
Agent of the Adventurers
for the forfeited estates in
1641 (3rd son of William
Bligh, of Plymouth), bapt.
22 Feb. 1616-17, m. Cathe-
rine sister of William Fuller,
Bishop of Lincoln. She d. before 8 Dec. 1669. He d. 3 Nov. 1666,
leaving an only son,
THE RIGHT HON. THOMAS BLIGH, P.C., of Rathmore, co. Meath,
M.P. 1704, b. 1654; m. 9 Dec. 1682, Elizabeth, dau. of Col. James
Naper, of Loughcrew, co. Meath. She d. 21 March, 1736-7. Herf.
28 Aug. 1710, having had issue,
1. JOHN, created EARL OF PARNLEY (see BURKE'S Peerage).
2. Thomas, of Brittas, Lieut-Gen, in the Army, M.P. for Athboy
1715, b. 14 Aug. 1693 ; m. ist, 19 Aug. 1737, Elizabeth, sister of
William Bury, of Shannon Grove, co. Limerick. She d. 23 March,
1759. He m. 2ndly, Oct. 1760, Frances, sister of Theophilus
Jones. He d.s.p. Aug. 1775. 3. ROBERT, of whom presently.
The youngest son,
THE VERY REV. ROBERT BLIGH, Dean of Elphin, m. ist, July,
1742, Catherine Elliot, widow of Charles Boyle, of Arraghlin
Bridge, co. Cork. She d. 15 Jan. 1757. He m. 2ndly, 18 March,
1759, the dau. of — Winthrop, of London, and had issue,
1. THOMAS CHERBURGH, of whom presently.
2. Robert, d.s.p.
1. Frances Theodosia, m. 5 Feb. 1788, Robert, and Earl of Roden,
K.P. He d. 29 June, 1840. She d. 22 May, 1802, leaving issue.
2. Katherine, m. 20 Dec. 1798, Hon. Hugh Howard, who d. 3
Nov. 1840, leaving issue (see BURKE'S Peerage, WICKLOW, E.).
The elder son,
THOMAS CHERBURGH Bi IGH, of Brittas, m. 3 Nov. 1790, his cousin,
Lady Theodosia Bligh, dau. of John, 3rd Earl of Darnley. She d.
21 Jan. 1840. He d. 17 Sept. 1830, leaving issue,
1. Thomas, Capt. Coldstream Guards, m. Helena, dau. of Col.
Thomas Paterson, and d.v.p.s.p. She m. 2ndly, 10 Nov. 1828,
William, 4th Earl of Mornington. He d. i July, 1857. She d.
7 April, 1869, leaving issue (see BURKE'S Peerage, WELLINGTON,
2. EDWARD, of Brittas.
3. Charles, b. 15 Dec. 1808, m. 17 July, 1837, Fanny Catherine,
dau. of Sir William George Parker, Bart. She d. 7 Jan. 1804.
He d. 1892, having had issue,
1. Charles Francis, b. i June, 1846; d. 20 Jan. 1872.
2. William George.
1. Elizabeth.
2. Sophia Henrietta, m. 23 May, 1866, John Gillett Livesay,
and has issue.
3. Emily Rose, m. i May, 1878, Robert Vesey Stoney, of
Rosturk Castle, co. Mayo.
4. Georgina Theodosia, dec.
1. Frances, m. 23 March, 1830, George Vicessimus Wigram, who
**'&• * ian> l879' 2- Sarah- d- unm-
3. Elizabeth, m. ist, 1828, John Cumin-, Barri?ter-at-Law, who
i'.,1 A^8t1,831' Ieavin8 issue an only dau. (Elizabeth, m. 1850,
Edward Foley); and andly, 10 May, 1838, John Fountain Elwin
i<.K.C.P., and by him had issue,
The eldest surviving son,
EDWARD BLIGH, of Brittas, J.P. and D.L., . . ,
Sophia, dau. of Charles Eversfield, of Denne Park, Sussex and d
b. 1779 ; «.
, . se, o enne ar
ii April, 1872, having had issue a son and a dau.,
Theodosia m 1850, her cousin. Edward Tredcroft. of Horsham
Sussex, and had issue.
The only son,
FREDERICK CHERBURGH BLIGH, of Brittas, J.P. co. Meath Mai
4ist Re.|t., 6. 23 April, 1829; ™- 14 Sept. 1858, Emily Matilda,
dau. of Hmton East, and d. 30 Nov. 1901, having by her had issue
1. .FREDERICK ARTHUR, now of Brittas.
1. Eva Sophia. 2. Ada Theodosia. 3. Eldina Mary.
Arms — Az. a griffin segreant or armed and langued gu. between
three crescents arg. Crest— A griffin's head erased or. Motto—
Finem respice.
Seat— Brittas, Nobber, co. Meath.
G.C.B., lately
of Cranagher, co.
Clare, commanded
the Forces in the
Punjab from 1901
to 1906, b. 7 Nov.
1842 ; m. 12 July,
1883, Charlott e
Elizabeth, dau. of
Sir Auckland
Colvin, K.C.S.I.,
&c., and has had
1. Bindon Auckland
William, b. April, d.
May, 1888.
1. Mary Meta, b. July,
1884; d. i May, 1898.
2. Charlotte Carissima,
m. 14 Sept. 1910, Capt. Richard Hugh Royds Brocklebank, gth
Queen's Royal Lancers.
Sir Bindon served in the Jowaki Exped. 1877, in
the Zulu War 1879, in the Afghan War 1879-80, in
the Egyptian Exped. 1882, in Chitral 1895, m
command of Malakand and Buner Field Forces
1897-98, and in the S. African War 1901.
Lineage. — EDMUND BLOOD, of Kilnaboy Castle and Boher-
sallagh, co. Clare, an officer in the Army, went to Ireland about
1595. He was M.P. for Ennis 1613. He left issue,
1. NEPTUNE, of whom presently. 2. Edmund.
3. Thomas, who left issue, a son, Col. Thomas Blood, of Sarney,
co. Meath, who attempted to carry off the Crown jewels. His
estate in Ireland was forfeited, but he had a pardon and pen-
sion from the king, dated 8 Aug. 1671. He m. i June, 1650, Mary,
dau. of Lieut.-Col. John Holcroft, of Holcroft, co. Lancaster.
He d. 24 Aug. 1680 1 leaving issue,
1. Thomas, bapt. 30 March, 1651 ; m. Miss Delafaye or Dela-
haye, and d.v.p., leaving a son,
Edmund, Capt. in the Army, of Albany, North America,
where he was living with his wife and family in 1734.
2. William, d.s.p.
3. Holcroft, Major-Gen., Clerk of the Crown and Peace co.
Clare 1676, served in the fleet during war with Holland 1672-
3 ; afterwards cadet in Louis XIV's Guards, Capt. of Pioneers
in JAMES II 's Army, present at Athlone and Limerick, wounded
at the siege of Cavan, distinguished himself as chief engineer
at the siege of Venloo, commanded Artillery at Blenheim
and Ramilies under Marlborough, d. 30 Aug. 1707, aged 50 ;
rn. Elizabeth (will dated 8 Feb. 1721-2, pr. in London 23 Dec.
4. Edmund, Purser of H.M.S. " Jersey," d. 1679.
5. Charles.
1. Mary, »». — Corbett.
2. Elizabeth, m. Edward Everard.
4. William, of Dunboyne, co. Meatb ; m. Margery Row, and left
The eldest son,
REV. NEPTUNE BLOOD, D.D., b. about 1595 (so called because he
was born at sea), ordained Priest 18 March, 1622-3, Dean of
Kilfenora and Prebendary of Rath 27 Jan. 1663, J.P., and Vicar-
Gen, of the diocese of Kilfenora, 27 April, 1676. He is said to
have m. three times. One of his wives was Elizabeth, eldest dau.
of Higgat Lone, Dean of Kilfenora. He left issue,
1. THOMAS, his heir.
2. Edmond, from whom the BLOODS of Brickhill, co. Clare,
are descended.
3. Peregrine, of Knocknareeha, co. Clare, Commissioner for
collecting poll tax 1695.
4. Neptune (Rev.), Dean of Kilfenora, 8 Dec. 1692 ; m. Isabella,
dau. of Samuel Pullein, Archbishop of Tuam, and d. 30 March,
1716, leaving issue.
1. Samuel, m. 170?, Laura, dau. of Rev. Richard Verling, of
Glannamor, co. Cork, and left a son,
William, of Ennis, an Officer in the Revenue.
2. George, who left issue. 3. Vesey.
5. Henry.
The eldest son,
THOMAS BLOOD, of Bohersallagh, co. Clare, m. a dau. of — Davis,
and by her had issue, six sons and one dau.,
1. Neptune, of Bohersallagh, co. Clare, m. Alice Scott, but d.s.p.
25 Nov. 1744. 2. THOMAS, of whom presently.
3. Matthew, of Cragaunboy, ancestor of BLOOD of Ballykilty
(see that family). 4. Edmund, who left issue.
5. Mark, d. 24 Dec. 1751, leaving issue from whom descend the
BLOODS, of Ballysheen, co. Clare, and of Huntley Court, co.
6. William, from whom the BLOODS, of Fantore, co. Clare, now *
1. Deborah, m. Edmund Blood.
The second son, l/cd.
THOMAS BLOOD, of Cahirnemoher and Bohersallagh, co. Clare,
m. Elizabeth, dau. of Capt. John Greene, of Old Abbey, coi
Limerick, by Catherine his wife, dau. and coheir of Capt. Anthony
Horsey, of Kilcroney, co. Kilkenny. He d. 12 July, 1730, having
had issue,
1. Thomas, d. unm. July, 1741. 2. WILLIAM, of whom presently.
3. Anthony, d.s.p. 4. Edmund, d.s.p.m.
i. Anne. m. William Adams, of Ballygriffin, co. Clare.
The second son,
WILLIAM BLOOD, of Roxton, co. Clare, J.P., High Sheriff, 1750 ;
m. 1747, Ann, dau. of William Chadwick, of Ballinard, co. Tipperaty.
He d. 1791, leaving issue,
1. WILLIAM, of whom presently.
2. Thomas, from whom descend the BLOODS of Essex.
3. Neptune, of Applevale, co. Clare, Ensign 6ist Regt., m.
Marianne, dau. of Thomas Davies, of Newcastle, co. Galway.
She d. i Nov. 1837. He d. g Oct. 1797, aged 45, leaving issue.
From him descended the BLOODS of Applevale.
4. Michael, of Baskin Hill, co. Dublin, J.P., d. 18 Oct. 1812, aged
56, leaving issue by his second wife, Cecilia Compton, a dau.
Frances, m. James Tymons, of Baskin Hill, co. Dublin.
5. Frederick (Rev.), Rector of Kilnaboy, and Vicar of Kilkeedy,
Prebendary of Dysert, co. Clare, m. Susan Powell.
6. Richard, of Bannvale, co. Down, m. Jane Maria, dau. oi Capl.
Thomas Shaw of the Lurgan Yeom., and left issue,
1. Frederick, of Hermitage, co. Dublin, Lieut. R.N., m. Sarah
Mary Morris, of Lurgan, but d.s.p.
2. Randal, d. unm. 3. Thomas, d. unm. 4. Michael, d. unm.
5. Clements, Maj.-Gen. Bombay Artillery, served with distinc-
tion in Afghanistan and Punjab, d. unm.
6. Richard, of Dromoher, co. Clare, Maj.-Gen. Bombay N.I.,
d. unm. 8 July, 1877.
1 1 Frances Anne, m. Lieut. Charles North, 5oth Regt., and d.
1884, aged 93.
2. Jane.
1. Jane, m. Edward William Burton, of Clifden, co. Clare, High
Sheriff 1799, an<i had issue.
The eldest son,
WILLIAM BLOOD, of Roxton, co. Clare, J.P., High Sheriff 1774,
Col. of the Ennis Volunteers, m. 1.772, Elizabeth, dau of Nicholas
Bindon, by Elizabeth, his second wife, dau. of Patrick French, of
Mpnival, and d. 5 Nov. 1784, aged 35, having had issue, with a dau.
Nicola, an only son,
BINDON BLOOD, of Cranagher, co. Clare, J.P. and D.L., High
Sheriff 1819, b. 17 March, 1775 ; m. ist, his cousin Anne, dau. of
Edward William Burton, of Clifden, co. Clare, and Jane his wife
(see above), and by her had issue,
1. Elizabeth, d. unm. 2. Jane, d. unm.
3. Anne, m. George Stoney, of Oakley Park, King's Co., and had
4. Mary, m. 14 May, 1832, Aylward O'Conor, of Miltown, co.
t Roscommon, and had issue (see O'CONNOR (or O'CONOR) of
5. Fanny, m. William Hamilton, M.D., and d.s.p.
6. Nicola, d. unm.
He m. 2ndly, by licence, 27 Dec. 1809, Harriet, dau. of Christopher
Bagot, of Nurney, co. Kildare, and by her had issue,
1. William, d.s.p. 2. Bindon, d. young.
3. Bagot, d. young. 4. WILLIAM BINDON, of whom presently.
7. Katherine, m. Charles M. Bagot, Barrister-at-Law.
Hew. 3rdly, Maria, dau. of — Hinckley, of Tenterden, Kent, and
by her 'had issue,
5. Bindon, of Dublin, d.s.p. 22 Jan. 1859.
6. Bagot, of Rockforest, co. Clare, J.P., High Sheriff 1883,
b. 1845, m. Katherine Florence, dau. of Maj. Chanes Washington
Studdert, of Cragmoher, co. Clare, and d. 11 Feb. 1897, leaving
1. Bindon, Capt. 8th Cavalry I. A., served in S. African War
1901 ; b. 30 Dec. 1881.
2. Charles Newman, b. 10 June, 1887.
i. Katherine Nicola, b. 5 Oct. 1883 ; m. Major Francis
Hyslop, King's Regt.
8. Mary Anne, m. Hugh Baker Stoney, M.B., of Abbeyleix,
and had issue (see BUTLER-STONEY of Portland Park).
9. Frances, d.s.p. 10. Maria, d.s.p.
Mr. Bindon Blood d. 27 Jan. 1855. His 4th son,
WILLIAM BINDON BLOOD, of Cranagher, J.P., b. 20 Jan. 1817 ; m.
ist, Margaret, dau. of Robert Stewart, of Hawthornside, co. Rox-
burgh, and by her had issue,
1. BINDON (Sir), lately of Cranagher.
2. Bagot William, M.Inst.C.E., Lieut.-Col. 2nd Batt. Bombay, |
Baroda and Central India Vol. Rifles, late Chief Eng. Rajputana
Malwa Railway (Albert House, Dalkey), b. 6 Nov. 1844 ; d.^eb.
1910 ; m. 18 March, 1874, Mary Jane, dau. of Col. Thomas Biggs, ]
Royal Bombay Art., of Alburys, Wrington, Somerset, and has i
1. William Bindon, b. 1876, d. 1884.
2. Bagot Neptune, b. 12 May, 1882.
3. Robert Stewart, b. 1887, d. 1888.
1. Katherine May, b. 1875.
2. Meta Ethel, 6.1879,^.1881.
3. Charlotte Nicola, b. 1886.
4. Hariott Eleanor, b. 1896.
3. Robert, M.D., Col. R.A.M.C., P.M.O. Vllth Division (Prim-
rose Hill, Kingstown, near Dublin), b. 10 March, 1847 ; m. 9 Oct.
1879, Catherine Sarah, dau. of the late William Barker Drury,
of Boden Park, co. Dublin.
1. Margaret, m. her cousin, Aylward Owen Blood O'Conor,
LL.D., who d. 12 Oct. 1911, leaving issue (see O'CONNOR (or i
O'CONOR) of Rathmew).
He m. 2ndly, 1855, Maria Augusta, dau. of Robert Henry Persse,
of Castle Boy, co. Galway (see PERSSE of Roxborough). She d
23 Jan. 1860, leaving issue,
4. William Persse, Col. D.A.A.G., War Office, formerly Maj.
Royal Irish Fus., D.A.A.G., 2nd Army Corps, Salisbury, B.A.
Trin. Coll. Dublin, served in Egypt Exped. 1882, Black Mountain
Exped. 1888, and in Mohmund and Tirah Campaigns 1897,
b. 26 Feb. 1857; m. 23 Jan. 1888, Marienne Frances, dau. of
Capt. James William Robarts, gth Lancers, of Belmore Hall.
Kent, and has issue,
r. William Edmund Robarts, b. 19 Feb. 1897.
r. Wilhelmina Augusta, b. 11 April, 1890.
2. Vera Hermione May, b. 20 Feb. 1893.
Mr. William Bindon Blood d. 31 Jan. 1894, and was s. by his eldest
Arms— Quarterly ist and 4th Arg. afesse indented gu. between
six martlets sa. (BLOOD) 2nd and 3rd gu. three escallops arg. within
a bordure engrailed or (BINDON). Crest— Issuant from waves of
the sea a demi figure of Neptune all ppr. Motto— Honor virtutis
Residence— 183, St. James's Court, S.W. Clubs— Naval and
Military and the Marlborough.
of Ballykilty, co,
Clare, b. 9 June,
1849 ; m. ist,
7 March, 1878,
Jane, dau. of
Thomas Stud-
dert, of Bally-
hannan, co. Clare,
and by her (who
d. 16 Jan. 1902)
has issue,
GERALD, b. 2 April,
2. John Frederick,
b. 10 Nov. 1880 ; d.
18 Dec. 1893.
3. William Holcroft,
b. 29 May, 1887,
Lieut. Q.O.C. of
He m. 2ndly,
21 Oct. 1908, the
Hon. Geraldine Mary, eldest dau: of Edward
Donough, 1 4th Baron Inchiquin, and widow of
(see BURKE'S Peerage) Thomas George Stacpoole-
Mahon, of Corbally, co. Clare (see that family).
Lineage. — MATTHEW BLOOD, of Cragaunboy, co. Clare,
3rd son of THOMAS BLOOD, eldest son of the Rev. NEPTUNE
BLOOD (see BLOOD, of Cranagher), m. Elizabeth, dau. of Henry
Lucas, and d. 29 Sept. 1760, aged 84, leaving issue,
1. JOHN, of whom presently.
2. George, d.s.p.
3. Matthew, of Cragaunboy, co. Clare, m. Caroline, dau. of Andrew
Roe, of Grantstown and Roe's Green, co. Tipperary. She d. 1805.
He d. Aug. 1794, leaving issue, from whom the BLOODS of Dublin
are descended.
1. Abigail, m. Joseph Adams, Attorney-at-Law.
2. Hannah, m. ist, John Constantine, and 2ndly, John Brampton
The eldest son,
JOHN BLOOD, of Castle Fergus and Ballykilty, co. Clare, m. Mary,
dau. of Charles FitzGerald, of Shepperton, co. Clare. Hed. 16 Jan.
1799, aged 78, leaving issue,
1. Matthew, of Castle Fergus, Ensign 22nd Foot, Lieut. 57th
Regt., J.P., co. Clare ; m. 6 Feb. 1784, Dorothea Julia, dau. of the
Rev. Jacques Ingram, and niece of Dr. Smyth, Archbishop of
Dublin. He d. 20 Aug. 1820, and was ancestor of the BLOOD-
SMYTHS of Castle Fergus.
2. NEPTUNE, of whom presently.
1. Hannah, m. George Studdert, of Kilkishen, co Clare.
2. Jane, m. John Singleton, of Ballygoreen, co. Clare.
3. Alice, m. Rob9rt Young, of co. Tipperary.
The 2nd son,
NEPTUNE BLOOD, of Ballykilty, co. Clare, Capt. Clare Militia,
formerly 6znd Foot, m. (licence bond dated 18 May, 1798) Anne,
dau. of Joseph Anthony, of Seafield, co. Waterford. He d. 29 May,
1815, leaving issue,
1. John, of Ballykilty, co. Clare, J.P., b. 4 Oct. 1803 ; d. unm.
4 April, 1861.
2. Joseph Mark Anthony, of Ballykilt1,'. Surgeon, b. 19 June,
1806 ; d. unm. 13 Oct. 1838.
3. FITZGERALD, of whom we treat.
1. Alicia, bapt. 17 March 1805 ; m. 15 Oct. 1824, Francis John
Castles, Surgeon, and had issue.
2. Jane, b. 13 July, 1810 ; m. 27 March, 1827, Thomas Jacob, of
Thornbury, Queen's Co., Crown Solicitor for that co., and d. 21
March, 1880. He d. 17 July, 1865, leaving issue.
3. Kitty, b. 14 March, 1812 ; m. Capt. Thomas Blood, 6th Regt.,
of Fantore, co. Clare, who served in the Peninsular War (medal
with nine clasps). She d. May 1872. He d.s.p. 30 Dec. 1856.
The 3rd son,
FITZGERALD BLOOD, of Ballykilty, J.P. co. Clare, b. about 1815 ;
m. 5 Jan. 1848, Millicent Anne, dau. of Francis Morice, of Spring-
field, co. Clare, by Maria his wife, dau. of Capt. William Spaight,
of Corbally, co. Clare. She d. 27 Jan. 1888. He d. 25 May, 1864,
leaving issue,
1. JOHN, now of Ballykilty.
2. Joseph Fitzgerald, of 8, Lome Road, Birkenhead, co. Chester,
Surgeon-Maj. (ret.) 8th Bengal Cavalry, M.A., M.D. of Trin. Coll.
Dublin, served in Afghan War 1878-9, b. 15 March, 1853 ; m. 20
July, 1887, Eliza, dau. of Henry James Dudgeon, J.P., of the
Priory, Blackrock, co. Dublin, and has issue,
1. Brian, educated at Winchester, B.A. New College, Oxford,
b. i July, 1889.
2. Morice, Cadet Royal Naval College, Osborne 1910, b. 30 April,
1. Olive MiUicent, b. n April, 1892.
2. Barbara Florence, b. 14 April, 1894.
3. Francis, bapt. 28 May, 1854 ; d. 13 May, 1865.
4. Neptune Fitzgerald, of Vrede, Orange Free State, S. Africa,
B.A., M.D. Trin. Coll. Dublin, b. 16 July, 1856 ; m. 19 Feb. 1884,
Rebecca Sarah, dau. of Capt. Augustus Hartford, sgth Regt., of
Rose Court, Portarlington, Queen's Co. Shed. 26 July, 1898. He
d.s.p. 6 Feb. 1902.
5. Charles Holcroft, of Willow Bank, Limerick, late of Johannes-
burg, Transvaal, S. Africa, M.A., M.D. Trin. Coll. Dublin, late
Civil Surgeon with Natal Field Force in S. African War 1900-2 i
(Queen's and King's medals and clasps), b. 29 Dec. 1858; m.
26 Feb. 1908, Agnes, dau. of the Very Rev. James Hastings
Allen, Dean of Killaloe.
6. Frederick William, of Johannesburg, S. Africa, b. i June,
1860 ; m. 27 Oct. 1892, Alice, dau. of Frederick Randolph Hohne,
sometime Sec. of State of the Orange Free State, d.s.p. at Johannes-
burg, 28 March, 1910.
1. Maria Ann, b. 13 July, 1851 ; m. 14 Jan. 1874, Edmund Maghlin
Russell, of Milford, co. Limerick, and has issue.
2. MiUicent Amelia Charlotte, b. 18 Sept. 1862 ; m. 15 Nov. 1882, |
Capt. Harry Gordon Fellowes- Gordon, J.P. and D.L., 3rd Batt.
Gordon Highlanders, late 76th Regt., of Knockespoch, co. Aber-
deen, eldest son of Rear-Admiral William Abdy Fellowes-Gordon,
of Knockespoch, Aberdeen, and has issue.
Arms — Arg. on a fess indented gu. between six martlets sa. two
crescents or. Crest — Issuant from waves of the sea a derm-figure of
Neptune all ppr. Motto — Honor virtutis praemium.
Seat— Ballykilty, co. Clare.
FIELD, of Castle Caldwell, co, Fermanagh, &. 1882,
s< his grandfather 1897.
Court, co. Galway, made his will 17 July, 1737, which was proved
13 Jan. following. By Dorothy his wife he left four sons and two
1. JOHN, of whom hereafter.
2. Joseph, b. 1710, entered Trin. Coll. Dublin, 14 Oct. 1726, aged
1 6 years, B.A. 1731.
3. Benjamin of Meelick, co. Galway, whose son,
John, of Newport, co. Tipperary, m. Charlotte, dau. of Samuel
Waller, and sister of Sir Robert Waller, ist bart. of Newport,
by whom (who d. i Feb. 1828) he had issue,
(i) BENJAMIN, ist Lord Bloomfield, G.C.B., G.C.H., b. 13
April, 1762 ; m. 7 Sept. 1797, Harriott, dau. of John Douglas,
of Grantham, co. Lincoln. She d. 12 Sept. 1868. He d.
15 Aug. 1846, leaving issue,
i. John Arthur Douglas, 2nd and last Baron Bloomfield,
G.C.B., P.C., 6. 12 Nov. 1802 ; m. 4 Sept. 1845, Hon.
Georgiana Liddell, dau. of Thomas, ist Lord Ravensworth.
He d.s.p. 17 Aug. 1879.
1. Harriott Anne, m. 5 June, 1833, Col. Thomas Henry
Kingscote, of Kingscote. He d. ig Dec. 1861. leaving
issue (see thai family). She d. 31 July, 1901.
2. Georgiana Mary Emilia, m. 22 Oct. 1836, Henry Trench,
of Cangort. He d. 7 March, 1881. She d. 13 Jan. 1893,
leaving issue (see that family).
(1) Anne, m. Thomas Ryder Pepper, of Loughton, co. Tip-
perary. She d.s.p. April, 1841.
(2) Charlotte,>n. 19 March, 1800, Very Rev. Thomas Bunbury
Gough, Dean of Derry. She d. 14 Feb. 1862. He d. 8 May,
4. Richard.
1. Dorothy. 2. Anne.
Benjamin Bloomfield d. 1737. His eldest son,
JOHN BLOOMFIELD, of Redwood, co. Tipperary, High Sheriff,
I753. d. 7 March, 1771, having m. by licence, dated 28 Feb 1742
Jane, dau. of Brig.-Gen. George Jocelyn, and had issue,
1. JOHN, his heir.
2. George, m. by licence, dated 5 Dec. 1789, Elizabeth Bay ley of
Dublin, and d.s.p.
3. Jocelyn, d. intestate and s.p. ; administration 17 Aug. 1791.
4. Robert.
1. Dorothea, m. 20 Aug. 1775, George, 2nd Earl of Belvedere.
2. Jane.
3. Frances, m. July, 1779, Gustavus Rochfort-Hume, of Rochfort,
The eldest son,
JOHN BLOOMFIELD, of Redwood, m. Jane, dau. of Sir John
Colpoys, and had issue,
JOHN COLPOYS, his successor.
Dorothea, m. by licence, dated 9 March, 1798, Thomas Hunt, of
Dublin, merchant.
The son,
JOHN COLPOYS BLOOMFIELD, of Redwood, High Sheriff co.
Fermanagh 1825, b. 1788 ; m. 11 June, 1817, Frances Arabella,
eldest dau. and co-heir of Sir John Caldwell, 6th bart. of Castle
Caldwell, and by her (who d. 1872) had issue,
1. JOHN CALDWELL, of Castle Caldwell.
2. Fitz -Maurice Gustavus, of New Park, Waterford, J.P. co.
Waterford, formerly Capt. Bengal Artillery, b. 13 Feb. 1824 ; m.
21 June, 1848, Henrietta Sophia (d. 19 Feb. 1906), dau. of John
Commerell, of Stroode Park, Sussex, and d. 1894, leaving issue,
1. Fitz-Maurice Edmund, b. 1859 ; d. 15 Feb. 1871.
2. Godfrey Herbert, of New Park, co. Waterford, b. 5 March,
1865 ; m. 16 Sept. 1896, Emmeline Louisa, dau. of Sir John
Arnott, Bart, (see BURKE'S Peerage and Baronetage), and has
(1) Fitzmaurice John Commerell, b. 1897.
(2) Gustavus Herbert William, b. 2 March, 1899.
(i) Kathleen Lily lyes, 6. 21 March, 1901.
1. Sophia Arabella Edith, m. 2 Feb. 1870, William Capel, Major
82nd Regt., of The Grove, Stroud, co. Gloucester, and has issue.
2. Kathleen Mary.
3. Charlotte Dorothea, m. 31 Aug. 1876, Joseph Mills, late
Capt. 5th Dragoon Guards.
4. Alice Eliza Helen, m. ist, 2 June, 1874, Frederick
Malcolmson, and by him has issue. She m. audly, 26 Feb.
1880, Andrew Caldecott Caldwell, eldest son of Edward
Caldecott Caldwell, 3rd Dragoon Guards.
5. Henrietta Julia, m. 23 April, 1883, Lieut.-Col. Walter Lindsay,
late Rifle Brigade, and has issue (see BURKE'S Peerage, CRAW-
FORD, E.).
6. Ethel Adelaide.
3. Godfrey Colpoys, Major in the Army, b. b April, 1826 ; m. ist,
18 Oct. 1855, Juliana, dau. of Robert Lane, of Ryelands, co.
Hereford ; and 2ndly, 8 May, 1862, Ellen, dau. of Thomas
Charles Bridges, of The Lodge, Ludlow, and by her (who d. 29
Jan. iqoi) has one son and two daus.
4. Alleyne FitzHerbert Fen ton, Lieut.-Col. Indian Aimy
(Retired), b. 1832 ; m. 2 Sept. 1864, Eleanor Loftus, dau. of
Nicholas Loftus Tottenham, of Glenfarne Hall, co. Fermanagh,
and has issue,
1. FitzHerbert Wheatly, b. 31 Oct. 1870.
2. Jocelyn, b. 14 March, 1877; d. 18 Oct. 1880.
i. Constance Caldwell. 2. Evelyn Eleanor.
1. Frances, m. 1839, John Minchin Walcott.
Mr. Bloomfield d. Jan. 1881. His eldest son,
JOHN CALDWELL BLOOMFIELD, of Castle Caldwell, co. Fermanagh,
J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1874, b. 5 Feb. 1823 ; m. ist, 1846,
Elizabeth, elder dau. of William d'Arcy (Irvine) d'Arcy, of Necarn
Castle, co. Fermanagh, and by her (who d. 10 March, 1874) had issue,
Benjamin Francis Meynell, J.P., Capt. Fermanagh Militia, b.
1850 ; m. 12 Jan. 1875, Lydia Frances, dau. of Sir William Henry
Marsham Style, Bart. He d.v.p. 26 Nov. 1886. She d. 23 June,
1900, leaving issue,
1. Marian Blanche, m. 3 June, 1903, Rev. Benjamin T. du
Boe, eldest son of the late J. N. du Boe, of Riverstown, co.
2. Grace Maria Louisa ; m. 6 Dec. 1898, Arthur Francis Forster,
eldest son of William Stewart Forster, of Rumwood, Maidstone.
Blanche Caldwell, m. 30 June, 1879, RCV- Canon Charles Thornton
Primrose Grierson, son of George A. Grierson, of Rathfarnham
H ouse, co. Dublin, and has issue.
Mr. Bloomfield m. 2ndly, 12 Aug. 1875, Adelaide Hannah Frances,
dau. of Sir Josiah Hort, 2nd bart. He d.
by his grandson.
27 Feb. 1897, and was s.
Seat — Castle Caldwell, Belleek, co. Fermanagh.
co. Waterford, J.P., High Sheriff 1893,6, 18 Sept.
1849 ; 5. his father 1884.
Lineage — The founder of this family in Ireland was
CAPT. WILLIAM BOLTON, an officer of Dragoons in the Protector's
Army, who stormed and took Fatlock Castle, Oct. 1649, and
obtained a large grant of land in the co. of Waterford in 1667.
He held the office of Mayor of Waterford in 1662. By Abigail
his wife, dau. of Col. Prittie, he had several children ; from
the eldest son, Cornelius, Capt. in Col. Collingwood's Regt.,
i descends WILLIAM EDWARD BOLTON, an officer in i8th Hussars.
! Capt. William Bol ton's brother,
THOMAS BOLTON, appointed to a company in Col. Fleetwood's
Regt. 1652, Mayor of Waterford in 1671, d. 1682, leaving issue,
The eldest son,
THOMAS BOLTON, b. 1654, was appointed Recorder of Waterford
in place of Sir R. Stephens, 13 Jan. 1682. His son,
WILLIAM BOLTON, of Fatlock Castle, Capt. in Col. Edward May's
troop of Dragoons, was left by will, dated 22 May, 1718, heir to the
extensive estates of his cousin, Charles Bolton, brother of the Very
Rev. Hugh Bolton, Dean of Waterford. He d. 12 March, 1750,
leaving (with two daus, Mary, m. R. Lymbery, of Killcopp House,
co. Waterford, and Eleanor, d. unm. in 1783) a son,
JOHN BOLTON, first of Fatlock Castle, and afterwards of Mount
Bolton, m. 5 Dec. 1745, Anne Snow, of Snowhaven, co. Kilkenny,
and d. 25 April, 1792, having had issue,
1. CHARLES, his heir.
2. Robert (Sir), Lieut.-Gen. G.C.H., of Swerford Park, Oxford
shire, Aide-de-Camp to GEORGE III., and Equerry to GEORGE IV.
He d. 15 March, 1836.
1. Hannah, m. 21 May, 1772, Maunsell Bowers, of Mount Prospect,
co. Kilkenny, and had issue, three sons and six daus.
The son and heir,
CHARLES BOLTON, bapt. 18 April, 1759 > m- ist, Jane, dau. of the
Ven. John Doyle, M.A., Archdeacon of Kilmacduagh, and sister of
Lieut.-Gen. Doyle, of Waterford, by whom he had one son,
1. JOHN, his heir.
Mr. Bolton m. andly, EUen, eldest dau. of Harry Wallis, of Drishane
Castle, co. Cork, and by her had issue,
2. Henry, A.M., Vicar of Dysart, Enos, and Kilteale, Queen's
Co., b. 8 April, 1787 ; m. 19 Dec. 1814, Frances, and dau. of Sir
Simon Newport, Knt., by Jane his wife, younger dau. of the
Ven. Archdeacon Alcock ; and d, 8 Nov. 1854, having by her (who
d. 14 Dec. 1880) had issue,
1. CHARLES NEWPORT, of Brook Lodge, co. Waterford, s. his
cousin at Mount Bolton, 1878.
2. Robert Wallis, b. 2 May, 1819 ; d. 25 Feb. 1820.
i. Jane Wallis, m. 13 Oct. 1853, Robert Carew Anderson, M.D.,
Surgeon-Major, Dep.-Insp.-Gen., late of the i3th Hussars, 3rd
son of the Rev. Joshua Anderson, Rector and Vicar of Myshall,
co. Carlow. He left issue, five sons and two daus.
1. Elizabeth, m. 1823, Sir Simon Newport, Knt. of Waterford,
but d.s.p. i Dec. 1844.
The eldest son,
JOHN BOLTON, of Mount Bolton, b. 1783 ; m. Eliza, 2nd dau. of
Maunsell Bowers, and dying in 1807, aged 24, was s. by his son,
JOHN BOLTON, of Mount Bolton, Major 7th Dragoon Guards,
b. 1807 ; d. suddenly in London, 1841, and was s. by his sister,
JANE BOLTON, of Mount Bolton, who d. unm. 16 June, 1878, and
was s. by her cousin,
CHARLES NEWPORT BOLTON, of Mount Bolton, b. 15 March,
1816 ; m. 4 Feb. 1845, Anne, eldest dau. of the Rev. Joshua Ander-
son, M.A. (Rector of Myshall, co. Carlow), of Grace Dieu, co.
Waterford, by Anne his wife, eldest dau. of Capt. William Perceval,
and by her (who d. i Sept. 1884) had issue,
1. HENRY ANDERSON, 6. 7 March, 1848 ; m. 29 Sept. 1880.
2. CHARLES PERCEVAL, s. his father in the Mount Bolton propertv
under the will of Miss Jane Bolton.
1. Anne Frances Ellen.
Mr. Bolton d. 25 April, 1884.
Seat— Mount Bolton, co. Waterford. Residence— Brook Lodge,
Halfway House, Waterford.
BOLTON, of Castle
Ring, co. Louth, and
Donaghmoyne, co.
Monaghan, J.P. for
both cos., High Sheriff
for the latter 1894,
B.A., Trin.: Coll. Dublin,
b. Feb. 1858 ; m. 12 Dec.
1895, Florinda Julia,
eldest dau. of the late
Rev. James Robert
ffolliott, M.A., Rector
of Moira, cp. Down, by
Julia his wife, of
Tierernane, Strand, and
Upper Ballylehane,
Queen's Co., dau.
of Charles Warner
Hovenden, of Bally-
lehane (see FFOLLIOTT of Tierernane).
Lineage. — The pedigree of this family is registered in
Ulster's Office, Dublin.
JOHN BOLTON, of Great Fenton, in Staffordshire, son of ROGER
BOLTON, descended from the family of BOLTON of Bolton, Lancashire,
m. Margaret, dau. of Richard Ashe, of Ashe, Staffordshire, and
by her, who d. in Dublin n Oct. 1620, had a son,
OF IRELAND, m. ist, Frances, dau. of Richard Walter, of Stafford,
and by her had issue,
1. Edward (Sir), Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, from whom
descended the BOLTONS of Bective Abbey, co. Meath.
2. Richard. 3. John.
4. THOMAS, of whom presently.
1. Anne, m. Arthur Hill, M.P. of Hillsborough, and had issue
(see BURKE'S Peerage, DOWNSHIRE, M.).
2. Mary, m. ist, Patrick Nangle, of Navan, and 2ndly, Edward
He m. 2ndly, Margaret, dau. of Sir Patrick Barnewall, Kt. of Turvey.
He made his will 1634. The fourth son,
THOMAS BOLTON, of Knock, co, Louth, m. Alice, dau. of — Knilton,
and by her had issue a son,
NICHOLAS BOLTON, of Knock, co.' Louth, m. Anne, dau. of
Anthony Buckworth, of Dromore, by Sarah his wife, dau. of Ed-
ward Bermingham, of Ballagh, and had issue,
1. THOMAS, ancestor of BOLTON of Tullydonnell .
2. ANTHONY, of whom presently.
3. Theophilus (Most Rev.), D.D' P.C., Archbishop of Cashel,
d.s.p. 31 Jan. 1744 will dated 27 July, 1743.
The second son,
ANTHONY BOLTON, of Grange, co. Louth, m. Martha, dau. of
— Sheldon, and d. before 1754, leaving a son,
CHARLES BOLTON, of Castle Ring, cp. Louth, m. setts, dated
26 Nov. 1771, his cousin Sidney, dau. of Richard Bolton, of Dromiskin
and d. Aug. 1805, having by her had issue, a son,
RICHARD BOLTON, of Castle Ring, co. Louth, 6. 20 Aug. 1772 ;
m. 18 Feb. 1808, Marianne, only dau. of Gibbons Ruxton, of Black-
castle, co. Meath, and Ardee, co. Louth, and widow of W. Young,
and d. 1850, having had issue,
1. Charles, Maj., of Ulimbah, Newcastle, N.S.W. b. 24 Nov.
1808 ; d. 1894, leaving a dau.,
Sidney Elizabeth, m. ist, — Geary, and 2ndly, Ven. Archdeacon
2. John, b. 27 Dec. 1809 ; d. Aug. 1900.
3. RICHARD, of whom presently.
The third son,
RICHARD BOLTON, of Castle Ring, co. Louth, and Donaghmoyne,
co. Monaghan, J.P., b. 21 Feb. 1811 ; m. 20 Jan. 1853, Mary
Sophia Ward, dau. of Rev. Cornelius Marshall (see MARSHALL of
Baronne Court), and d. 1872, having had issue,
1. JOHN MARSHALL, now of Castle Ring.
2. Archer Clive, Maj. Northants regt., b. 24 June, 1859.
3. Richard, b. 1861, m. Clare, dau. of — Barret, and d.s.p. 1893.
1. Anna Sophia, m. 22 June, 1876, Richard Baillie Henry, of
Rathneston, co. Louth, and has issue
2» Sidney, d. unm.
8. Margaret Cornelia.
4. Elizabeth Gason Ruxton, m. Rev. Hugh Massy.
5. Josephine Florinda, m. n Sept. 1889, Rev. Charles Francis
Bosvile Tottenham, and has issue (see TOTTENHAM of Bally-
Arms — Or on a chevron gu. three lions couchant of the field.
Crest — A hawk ppr. belled or.
Seats — Castle Ring, co. Louth, and Donaghmoyne, Carrick-
macrosi, co. Monaghan.
WILLIAM BOLTON, of The Island, co. Wexford,
b. 19 Jan. 1850; m. 12 Sept. 1872, Annie Douglas,
dau. of John Rowe, D.L., of Ballycross, co. Wexford,
and has issue,
1. William, b. 17 Aug. 1877.
1. Eva Susan, m. 5 Jan. 1904, Hon. Hamilton Robert Tilson
Grogan Fitzmaurice Deane-Morgan, eldest son of Baron Mus-
kerry. He d. in India 30 July, 1907, leaving issue (see
BURKE'S Peerage). Shew, zndly, 15 Feb. 1911, Godfrey William
Edward Massy, of New Court, Bray, co. Wicklow (see MASSY
of Grantstown Hall).
2. Anna Margaret, m. 12 Nov. 1902, Frederic Hughes, of
Bally Cross, Bridgetown, co. Wexford, eldest son of the late
Sir Frederic Hughes, D.L., of Rosslare Fort, co. Wexford, and
has issue.
Lineage. — RICHARD BOLTON, of Ballyduff and Cold Harbour,
son of Richard Bolton, of Ballyduff, co. Wexford, m. Ann Roberts,
and had issue,
1. RICHARD, who had two sons,
1. Richard, father of Robert Bolton.
2. Edward, father of
(1) Richard, of Dublin, solicitor.
(2) Henry, of Ballinastraw, d.s.p. 21 Feb. 1884.
(3) Edward, of Dublin. (4) John, of Dublin.
(5) William, of Ballinastraw, Dublin.
2. John, of The Island, whose will, dated 10 Aug. 1758, was
proved 10 Nov. following. He d.s.p., and bequeathed The
Island and a considerable fortune to his brother William.
3. WILLIAM, of whom hereafter. 4. BENJAMIN.
5. Abraham, of Ballinvally, co. Wexford, m. Anne Eyres, and
had a son,
Henry, of Monamolin, co. Wexford, went to New York 1772 ;
m. Mary, dau. of Adam Sutton, of Bog and Warren, co. Wexfoid,
and had a dau.,
Isabella, m. Joaquin Carrion, of Madrid, Councillor of State
to the King of Spain.
6. Hugh. 7. Henry, m. and had issue.
8. Edward.
1. Elizabeth, m. William Perceval, of Ballytrammon, co. Wex-
2. Mary. 3. Diana.
Mr. Bolton d. 1730 ; his will dated 8 Jan. that year was proved
the I4th of the same month. His 3rd son,
WILLIAM BOLTON, a Commissioner for taking Affidavits in Wex-
ford, inherited The Island under the will of his brother John Bolton.
He m. ist, Grace, 2nd dau. of Demy Cuffe, of Sandhill, co. Carlow,
and had three sons,
1. WILLIAM, his successor.
2. Henry Denny, m. (lie. 20 Aug.) 1776, Anna Maria, elder dau.
of Jonah Wheeler, of Lyrath, co. Kilkenny, and had issue,
3. John.
He m. 2ndly, Miss Lyndon, and had issue,
4. Lyndon, of Dublin, m. by licence, dated i Nov. 1793, Jane
Carpenter, also of Dublin, and had, with four daus., four sons.
1. Richard.
2. Lyndon Henry (Rev.), of Carrickmines, co. Dublin, and of
Burren and Cooleague, co. Cavan, Rector of Drumcondra, co.
Meath, b. 10 March, 1801 ; m. 26 Jan. 1826, Anna Maria, dau.
of Walter Bourne, Clerk of the Crown to the Queen's Bench,
and to the N.E. Circuit, Ireland, and d. 20 Nov. 1869, having
by her (who d. 14 May, 1886) bad with other issue,
(1) Lyndon, b. 20 Nov. 1826 ; m. 15 Dec. 1858, Elizabeth
Henrietta, dau. of Edward Creed, of Ballyclough House,
co. Cork. She d. 17 Dec. 1893. He d. 4 April, 1900, leaving
an only son,
Lyndon, of Burren and Cooleague, co. Cavan, of the Patent
Office, London (4, Shakespeare Road, Bedford), b. 31 May,
1860. m, 6 June, 1895, Gertrude Mary, eldest dau. of
Joseph Hunt, J.P., of Canterbury, and has issue,
a. Lyndon, b. 25 May, 1899.
a. Joan Creed, b. 17 April, 1896.
b. Rachel Gertrude, b. 16 July, 1902.
c. Elizabeth Georgiana, b. 3 Sept. 1908.
(2) Richard Knott (Rev.), of Carrickmines, co. Dublin, late
Rector of Fenny Bentley, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, M.A.,
b. i May, 1830 ; m. 17 April, 1856, Josephine Ruth Susannie,
dau. of Rev. James Taylor, Vicar of St. John's, Newcastle-
on-Tyne, and d. 13 April, 1909, having had issue,
1. Evelyn Mary, m. 3 Feb. 1881, Edmund Wilson Barnes,
of Glapwell Hall, Derbyshire, and has issue (see BARNES
of Ashgate).
2. Josephine Anna, m. Rev. Ernest Edwin Morris, M.A.,
Vicar of Ashbourne, Derbyshire, and has issue, four sons
and two daus.
(3) Abraham Irwin, M.D., d. 25 May, 1909. •
3. Abraham, Col. in the Army. 4. William Gordon.
The eldest son,
WILLIAM BOLTON, of The Island, was High Sheriff, co. Wexford,
1789. He m. (licence dated n Oct. 1780) Dorothea, dau. of Sir
John Blunden, ist bart. of Castle Blunden, and had issue, .
1. WILLIAM, his heir.
2. Philip, of Holly Lodge, Rathmines, co. Dublin, b. 1785 ;
Major in the Army ; d.s.p.
3. Overington, d.s.p. 4. John, of Ballynapierce, d. unm
1. Anne, m. Alexander Tovey, 2oth Regt. ; and d. 1821.
2. Lucy, m. David Ledwith, M.D.
8. Dorothea, m. Richard Ledwith.
The eldest son,
WILLIAM BOLTON, of The Island, High Sheriff 1816, m. Jane,
dau. of Joshua Nunn, of St. Margaret's, co. Wexford, and d. 1853,
leaving a son and heir,
WILLIAM BOLTON, of The Island, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff
1856, b. 1815 ; m. 1843, Susan, dau. of Mountiford Westropp, of
Limerick, and by her (who d. 1886) has issue,
1. WILLIAM, now of The Island.
2. Mountiford, d. unm. in S. America.
1. Jane, m. 15 July, 1869, William Henry West, of Farmley,
J.P. co. Wexford, and has issue.
Seat— The Island, Kilmuckridge, Gorey, co. Wexford.
GEORGE LYNDON BOMFORD, of Oakley Park, co.
Meath, J.P., 6. 29 Sept. 1867 ; m. 5 Aug< 1897,
Helen Maude Mary, dau, of the Rev. Corbould
Warren, J.P., of Tacolneston Old Hall, Norfolk,
and has issue,
1. GEORGE WARREN, b. 25 April, 1900.
1. Elinor Louise, d. young. 2. Evelyn Maude.
3. Dorothy.
Lineage.— In 1692, LAURENCE BOMFORD, was living at
Clonmahon, co. Meath ; he d. 1720, at the advanced age of 103
having had issue by his wife Eleanor, four sons and four daus
His eldest son, THOMAS BOMFORD, of Rahinstowu, so, Meath
Secretary of the Court of Claims, d.s.p. 4 Feb. 1740, and was s. by
his brother, STEPHEN BOMFORD, of Gallow, co. Meath who m
Anne Smith, of Violetstown, co. Westmeath, by whom he had
issue, Thomas ; STEPHEN ; John ; David, ancestor of John North
Bomford, of Ferrans and Gallow ; Isaac ; and four daus. He d.
in 1756, and was s. by his eldest surviving son,
STEPHEN BOMFORD, J. P., of Rahinstown, m. April, 1745, Elizabeth,
dau. of Stephen Sibthorpe, of Brownstown, co. Louth, by Margaret
his wife, sister of the Right Hon. Anthony Foster, Chief Baron of the
Exchequer in Ireland, and had with other issue,
1. ROBERT, his heir, of Rahinstown, m. 1792, Maria, dau. of the
Hon. James Massy Dawson, and son of Hugh, ist Lord Massv,
and had issue,
i. ROBERT GEORGE, of Rahinstown, b. 1802 ; High Sheriff of
Meath 1832 ; m. 1826, Elizabeth, only child of James Traill
Kennedy, of Annandale, co Down, and d.s.p. 1846. His widow
m. 2ndly, 6 June, 1850, Marcus Gervais Beresford, D.D.,
Archbishop of Armagh, and d. i July, 1870.
1. Annette, m. Sir Thomas H. Hesketh, Bart.
2. Jane Rosetta, m. 25 Feb. 1822, Richard Martin Southcote
Mansergh, of Grenane, co. Tipperary.
3. Frances, m. Richard Bolton, of Bective Abbey.
4. Jemima, m. Richard Bolton, of Brook Lodge, co. Waterford.
5. Sarah Maria, m. 1831, the Hon. Frederick Tollemache.
6. Susan, m. r826, the Rev. Charles Rudinge Martin, whod. 1847.
2. GEORGE, of Drumlargan.
The 2nd son,
GEORGE BOMFORD, of Drumlargan, m. 1809, Arabella, dau. of
Samuel Winter, of Agher, and by her (who d. 1 1 Sept. 1815 ) had issue,
1. GEORGE, of Oakley Park.
2. Samuel, Major Royal North Gloucester Militia and of the srd
Dragoon Guards, m. n July, 1839, Frances Jane, dau. of Samuel
Pratt Winter, 3rd son of Samuel Winter, of Agher, and had issue,
i. Rodon Charles, b. 1845. 2. Laurence George, b, 1847.
3. Trevor, b. 1849.
4. Gerald (Sir), K.C.I.E., M.D., late Director-Gen. Ind. Med.
Service, formerly Principal of Med. Coll. Calcutta (Hillersdon
House, Dover), b. 19 July, 1851 ; m. 1881, Mary Florence, dau.
of Major-Gen. F. Eteson, late the Buffs.
5. Victor Reginald (Rev.), Vicar of Wigginton, Staflordshire,
b. 21 March, 1859; m. 3 July, 1883 Letitia Sarah, dau. of
Rev. Francis Talbot Purcell (see PURCELL of Glannamore), and
d. 24 Aug. 1900, leaving a dau.,
Frances, b. 14 Feb. 1887.
i. Caroline Frances, d. 1859.
Mr. Bomford d. Jan. 1814, and was s. by his elder son,
GEORGE BOMFORD, of Oakley Park, co. Meath, J.P., High Sheriff
1860, b. ii April, 1811 ; m. 23 July, 1832, Arabella, dau. of John
Pratt Winter, of Agher, and d. 1886, having had issue,
1. GEORGE WINTER, b. 12 Nov. 1834 ; m. 17 April, 1861, Flora
Mary McVeagh, dau. of Rev. Francis R. Sadleir, D.D., and d.
22 June, 1884, leaving issue,
GEORGE SADLEIR, b. i Dec. 1864 ; d. unm. i Dec. 1894.
Arabella Anne, of Drumlargan.
2. JOHN FRANCIS, of Oakley Park.
3. Samuel Stephen, b. 18 April, 1841 ; d. 22 Aug. 1872.
4. Arthur Chichester, b. 27 July, 1851 ; d. 14 Oct. 1854.
5. Robert Laurence, b. 3 Sept. 1857.
1. Anne, d. unm. 8 Jan. 1912.
2. Arabella Anna, d. 19 Feb. 1910, m. 1863, George W. Ruxton,
of Rahanna, co. Louth, and had issue (see RUXTON of Ardee). He
d. 25 Dec. 1899.
. 3. Elizabeth. 4. Victoria Adela. 5. Margaret Winter.
The 2nd son,
JOHN FRANCIS BOMFORD, of Oakley Park, co. Meath, T-P-,
6. 22 Dec. 1837 ; m. 1866, Elinor, dau. of Rev. Lyndon II. Bolton,
of Priorsland, co. Dublin, and d. 13 Sept. 1911, having had issue,
1. GEORGE LYNDON, now of Oakley Park.
2. John Stephen, b. 26 Dec. 1869 ; d. g Oct. 1891.
3. Lyndon Henry, b. i Feb. 1871 ; d. 3 Aug. 1907.
4. Samuel Richard, b. 15 Dec. 1873 i d. 13 Feb. 1907.
5. Charles Francis, b. 13 March, 1878.
6. Trevor Broughton, b. i June, 1880 ; m. 18 Jan. 1911, Birdie,
dau. of Claud Chaloner, J.P., of Kingsfort, co. Meath.
7. William Harold, b. i Jan. 1885.
1. Anna Arabella, m. 12 July, 1899, Rev. Claud Robert Long-
field (d. 26 Sept. 1903), son of the Rev. Richard Longfield, Canon
of Cloyne, and has issue, Richard Charles, b. 17 April, 1901.
2. Elinor May, m. 12 July, 1892, Hugh Golding Constable,
son of Capt. Charles Golding Constable, H.M. Indian Navy,
F.R.G.S., son of John Constable, R.A., and has issue, John Hugh,
b. 28 Feb. 1896, and Winoa.
3. Gwendoline, m. 3 Oct. 1900, Rev. Leonard McNeill Shelford,
and has issue, Leonard, John, Flora Elinor, and Gwendoline
Residence— Oakley Park, Kells, co. Meath.
Gallow, and Ferrans,
co. Meath, Lieut. 7th
Royal Fusiliers,
13 Oct. 1883 ; s.
mother (on her re-
marriage) 1 6 Dec.
1908 ; m. 5 Oct. 1909,
Hilda Frances,
youngest dau. of the
late George Shaw
Munn, Rector of
Madresfield, Malvern.
Lineage. — STEPHEN
BOMFORD, of Gallow, co.
Meath (son of Laurence Bomford, of Clonmahon, co. Meath, and
brother of Thomas Bomford, of Rahinstown), m. Anne Smith, of
Violetstown, co. Westmeath, and had issue by her, 1. Thomas ;
2. Stephen, ancestor of BOMFORD of Oakley Park ; 3. John ;
4. DAVID : and 5. Isaac. The 4th son,
DAVID BOMFORD, of Gallow, m. Dec. 1756, Sarah, dau. of David
Burtchaell, of Brownstown, co. Kildare (see BURTCHAELL of
Brandondale) . Her will, dated 26 Aug. 1814, was proved 23 March,
1816. His will, dated 17 April, 1807, was proved 2 Feb. 1810.
He had issue,
1. Isaac, of Gallow, bapt. 31 March, 1766, d.s.p. Will dated 19
Dec. 1835.
1. Jane, m. Aug. 1785, Duke Cooper, of Great Down, co. West-
2. ANNE, m. July, 1786, JOHN NORTH, of Whitwell, co. Westmeath,
and had issue three sons,
1. David, m. Catherine, dau. of J. Pirn, and had issue.
2. ISAAC, of whom we treat.
3. John, m. Ellen, dau. of Robert Barbour, of Tyrrells Pass, co.
Westmeath, and had issue.
3. Mary Elizabeth, bapt. 28 Sept. 1768, d. young.
4. Sarah Frances, in. 1803, John Coates, of Coolcor, co. West-
The grandson,
ISAAC NORTH-BOMFORD, of Gallow, co. Meath (son of John North
and Anne his wife, dau. of David Bomford), assumed the name and
arms of BOMFORD ; m. 8 Oct. 1830, Belinda Emily, dau. of Capt.
Abraham John Pilkington, of Kilbride Castle, co. Westmeath, and d.
1866, having by her (who d. 1852) had issue,
1. Isaac, Capt. sgth Regt., served in China, b. 6 June, 1834 ; d.
unm. 6 April, 1861. 2. JOHN, late of Gallow Ferrans.
3. David George, 6. 5 Feb. 1840, M.D. ; m. 1867, Mary, dau. of
— Gubbins, Castle Troy, co. Limerick, and d. 13 Oct. 1869,
leaving a dau., Annabella, m. 12 April, 1899, Thomas Robert
Griffin, B.L., of Baggot Street, Dublin.
4. Stephen Robert, d. young, 1856.
5. Horatio, 6. 16 Feb. 1847 ; m. Alice, dau. of Richard Summers,
Tyrell's Pass, co. Westmeath, and has issue, with two daus., a son,
Isaac John, b. 14 April, 1882.
1. Mary Jane, m. John Emerson, of Clonshanny, King's Co., and
has issue.
2. Anna Bella, m. 12 April, 1860, Sir Benjamin Whitney, of Upper
Fitz William Street, Dublin. She d. 16 Jan. 1899, leaving issue
(see WHITNEY of Brayfort).
3. Louisa Emily, d. young.
4. Belinda Emily, m. Col. Edward Napoleon L'Estrange, 22nd
Regt., and has issue.
JOHN NORTH-BOMFORD, of Gallow and Ferrans, co. Meath, J.P.,
late Capt. 2gth Regt., served in Burmah and Bengal 1857 ; b.
17 July, 1838 ; m. ist, 24 July, 1867, Charlotte, eldest dau. of John
Devenish Meares, of Meares Court, co. Westmeath, D.L., but by her
(who d. 1881) had no issue. He m. 2ndly, 5 Sept. 1882, Mary Wil-
helmina Constance, eldest dau. of Sir William S. B. Kaye, C.B.,
Q.C., LL.D., Private Secretary to the Lord-Lieut, of Ireland, and
had issue by her a son,
JOHN GEORGE, now of Gallow.
He d. 16 Oct. 1905. His widow re-w. 16 Dec. 1908, Lieut.-Col.
Phineas Barrett Villiers-Tuthill (see TUTHILL of Kilmore) .
Arms — Quarterly : ist and 4th, az., on a fesse erm. three cross-
crosslets fitchee gu., for BOMFORD ; 2nd and 3rd, per pale or and az.
a lion passant between three fleurs-de-lis counterchanged for NORTH.
Crests — ist, for BOMFORD, a griffin segreant arg., charged on the
shoulder with a cross-crosslet ntchee gu. ; 2nd, for NORTH, a wyvern's
head, erased vert, langued gu., collared and chained or. Motto —
Vir. tutus, et. fidelis.
Seat— Gallow Ferrans, Kilcock, co. Meath— Club— Kildare
Street, Dublin.
Longford, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1870, 6. n
July, 1837 ; m. 22 Nov. 1864, Emma Georgiana
Charlotte, dau. of William Hunter Little, D.L., of
Llanvair Grange, co. Monmouth (see that family),
and has issue,
1. WILLOUGHBY JAMES, B.A. Camb., J.P. co. Longford, High
Sheriff 1905, b. 10 June, 1867 ; m. 30 April, 1892, Mary Rosa
Kerr, dau. of Capt. William Bond, of Newtown Bond, co. Longford,
and has issue,
1. Brian Willoughby, b. 15 Jan. 1894.
2. Francis Willoughby, b. 3 Feb. 1901.
i. Mary Hunter. 2. Kathleen Sidney.
2. Wensley Hunter, b. 7 Dec. 1876.
1. Georgiana Sidney, m. 20 Nov. 1895, Maj. R. Mac Geough-
Bond, R.F.A. (see that family).
2. Henrietta Letitia. 3. Alicia Mabel, d. unm. 27 Jan. 1886.
4. Ethel Emma Louisa.
Lineage. — EPHRAIM BOND, came from Yorkshire and settled in
Derry about 1650. He m. the dau. of — Dewin, and had two sons,
1. WILLIAM, of whom presently.
2. John, of Ballyclapham, co. Londonderry, who left issue.
The elder son,
WILLIAM BOND, of Glenlough, co. Londonderry, who left issue a
JAMES BOND, of Glenlough, m. the dau. of — Burns, and had
issue, five sons,
1. William. 2. J A.MES, of whom presently.
3. Oliver. . 4. Thomas. 5. Saint.
The second son,
REV. JAMES BOND, Presbyterian Minister, of Corboy, co. Long-
ford, m. Catherine, dau. of Rev. Thomas Wensley, of Lifford, co.
Donegal, and had with four daus. as many sons,
1. Wensley (Very Rev.), Dean of Ross 1773-1813, b. 1736 ; m. by
licence 10 Aug. 1778, Rebecca, dau. of William Forward, of
Fermoy, and niece of Right Hon. John Hely-Hutchinson, and d.
1820, having had with four daus. two sons,
1. James Forward (Very Rev.), Dean of Ross 1813-29, b.
1779 ; m. ist, 15 Feb. 1815, Sarah Hester, dau. of John Croker,
and sister of the Right Hon. John Wilson Croker. She
d.s.p. 1816. He m. 2ndly, 21 May, 1825, Christiana Margaretta,
dau. of Rev. the Hon. Lorenzo Hely-Hutchinson, and had an
only dau. The Dean d. Aug. 1829.
2. Richard Wensley, m. Sophia, dau. of Rev. James Bond, of
Lecarrow, co. Roscommon, and d. 3 Oct. 1860, having had
with five daus. three sons, (i) Wensley, (2) James, and (3)
Richard Thomas.
2. James (Sir), Bart., of Coolamber, co. Longford, M.P. for Naas
1790-7, created a baronet 21 Jan. 1794, m. 27 July, 1770, Anne,
widow of Richard Eyre and dau. of William Hornby, Governor
of Bombay. She d. 1809. His son, Sir Thomas Bond, 2nd Bart.,
d.s.p. 3 March, 1823, when the baronetcy became extinct.
8. WILLIAM, of whom presently. 4. Thomas, who left issue.
1. Letitia, m. Simon Little.
The 3rd son,
WILLIAM BOND, of Edgworthstown, co. Longford, High Sheriff
1794, m. Elizabeth, dau. of Alexander Perry, and d. 1811, leaving
1. James Wensley, of Cartroncard, co. Longford, High Sheriff
1822, d. 8 Feb. 1843.
2. Alexander Perry, of Ardglass, co. Westmeath, D.L., m. 15
Jan. 1836, Rosetta, dau. of Saville Dowling, andrf. 1851, leaving
3. Thomas.
4. WILLOUGHBY, of whom we treat.
The youngest son,
WILLOUGHBY BOND, of Farragh, co. Longford, J.P. and D.L.,
High Sheriff 1832, b. 1790; m. 2 June, 1829, Alicia Sidney, dau. of
William Gosselin, of Abbey Derg, co. Longford. She d. Sept. 1882.
He d. 5 Nov. 1875, having had issue,
1. William Wensley, Lieut, soth Regt., b. 2 Oct. 1834 ; d. unm.
8 Dec. 1854.
2. JAMES WILLOUGHBY, now of Farragh.
1. Sidney Margaret, m. ist, 6 July, 1854, Thomas James Meredith,
of Cloonamahon, co. Sligo, who d. 1860, and 2ndly, 2 June, 1870,
John Henry Kincaid, of 78, Merrion Square, Dublin.
Seat — Farragh, Longford.
BOND, of Drumsill,
co. Armagh, Vice -
President of Court of
Appeal at Cairo,
Egypt, b. 1857 ; m.
26 Sept. 1901, Ada
Marion, youngest dau.
of the late Charles
Nichols, of Dunedin,
N.Z., and has issue,
b. 27 June, 1908.
Linea&e.— JOSHUA
MACGEOUGH, of Drumsill, co.
Armagh, made his will 23
June, 1755, which was proved
19 June, 1756. He m. Anne,
only dau. and heir of Brig.-
Gen. the Right Hon. William Graham, and had issue,
1. WILLIAM, his heir.
3 Samuel of Derryca'w, co. Armagh, High Sheriff 1776; m.
Elizabeth,' dau. of William Smyth, and had with two daus., of
whom Anne, m. July, !777, Owen O'Malley, of Melcomb, co.
Mai!°Tosh°ua°IoSf' Greenwood Park, co. Tyrone, m. his cousin, Anne,
dau. of William MacGeough, of Drumsill. His will was proved
1793. He left issue, William,;joshua, Henry, and Elizabeth.
2 Samuel, d.s.p*
1. Elizabeth, m. g Aug. 1732, William Houston (see BLAKISTON-
HOUSTON of Orange field).
2. Mary, m. — Robinson. 3. Anne.
WILLIAMACGEOUGH, of Drumsill, m. ist, Elizabeth dau and
! heir of Walter Bond, of Bondville, co. Armagh, and by her had a
| son,
j He ' w.°2ndly, the dau. of Joseph Boyd, and by her had three
i daus.,
1. Elizabeth, m. — Alfray.
2. Mary.
3. Anne, m. Joshua MacGeough, of Greenwood Park, co. Down
(see above).
He d. about 1791 (will dated 2 Feb. 1778, proved 9 March, 1791).
His only son,
J OSHUA MACGEOUGH, of Drurasill, co. Armagh, m. Anne, dau. of
Joseph Johnstone, of Nappa, co. Armagh, and had two sons,
1. WILLIAM, his heir, of Drumsill, d.s.p.
2. WALTER, of whom we treat.
The younger son,
WALTER MACGEOUGH-BOND, of Drumsill, Silver Bridge, and the
Argory, co. Armagh, High Sheriff 1819, Barrister-at-Law, assumed
by Royal Licence, 5 Nov. 1824, the name and arms of BOND in
addition to his own ; m. 1830, Anne, 2nd dau. of Ralph Smyth, of
Gaybrook, co. Westmeath. She d. 1892. He d. 17 March, 1866,
having had with other issue,
1. JOSHUA WALTER, late of Drumsill.
2. Ralph MACGEOUGH-BOND-SHELTON, of the Argory, co.
Armagh (see that family).
3. William, m 24 Nov. 1869, Mary Armit, 3rd dau. of William
Armit Lees (see BURKE'S Peerage, LEES, Bart.), and left issue.
His widow m. andly, 30 July, 1903, Col. Beauchamp John Col-
clough Doran, C.B.
4. Robert John MACGEOUGH, of Silver Bridge, co. Armagh,
J.P., b. 22 Sept. 1838; m. ii March, 1869, Alice, dau. of James
Sivewright, of Brighton. She d. 1871. He d. 9 April, 1903,
leaving an only child,
Alice, m. 9 Sept. 1891, Maxwell Vandeleur Blacker-Douglass,
of Grace Hall, and has issue (see that family).
1. Mary Isabella, m. Robert Staples, of Dunmore, Queen's Co.
2. Anna Maria, m. 4 Oct. 1867, Randal, i3th Lord Louth. She
d. 27 Oct. 1868. He d. 19 July, 1883, leaving issue (see
BURKE'S Peerage).
The eldest son,
JOSHUA WALTER MACGEOUGH-BOND, of Drumsill, co. Armagh,
J.P.. and D.L., High Sheriff 1872, M.P. for Armagh 1855-5? and
1859-65, late 49th Foot, 6. 1831 ; m. 1856, Albertine Louise, dau. of
Frederick Shanahan, Barrister-at-Law. He d. 29 Aug. 1905.
She d. 18 Nov. 1902, leaving issue,
1« WALTER WILLIAM ADRIAN, now of Drumsill.
2. Ralph Xavier, late Major R.A., m. 20 Nov. 1895, Georgina,
dau. of James Willoughby Bond, of Farragh (see that family),
and has issue,
1. Angeline, m. Raoul Recorbet, of La Chaux, and has issue.
2. Anne, m. Henri Ayet, of La Forest. He d. 18 July, 1902.
Arms — Quarterly ist and 4th, or on a chevron gu. three annulets
arg. (BOND) ; 2nd and 3rd, Per bend sa. and or three leopard's faces
two and one counterchanged (MACGEOUGH). Crests — i. BOND : A
lion sejant arg. charged on the shoulder with an annulet sa. 2.
MACGEOUGH : A naked dexter arm embowed, the hand grasping a
scymitar in the act of striking, all ppr. Motto — Nemo me impune
Seat — Drumsill, Armagh. Club — Travellers'.
COL. JOHN BONHAM, C.B., of Ballintaggart, co.
Kildare, J.P. cos. Kildare and Wicklow, High Sheriff
co. Carlow 1900, Col. R.H.A. (retired), b. July, 1834 ;
m. 1870, Mary Anne, dau, of Philip Wroughton,
of Woolley Park, Berks, and by her (who d. 1891)
has had issue,
1. FRANCIS WARREN, b. 1871.
2. John Wroughton, b. 1875 ; m. 14 June, 1911, Lilian Mary,
youngest dau. of Charles Robert Hamilton, of Hamwood (see
that family).
it Georgiana Maye, m. 21 April, 1909, Rev. Bernard Smith. She
d. 16 June, 1910.
2. Mary Alice, m. H. F. Morris. She d. n June, 1909.
3. Margaret Leslie.
Lineage. — FRANCIS BONHAM, of Dublin, b. 1673 ; m. before
1716, Mary Shelley, and d. 1755, having had, with other issue.
1. JOHN, his heir.
2. Robert, of Dublin, d. 1760.
The elder son,
JOHN BONHAM, of Dublin, b. 1704 ; m. 1738, Susanna dau
of Richard Warren, of Grangebeg, co. Kildare, and d. about 1780
(will dated 30 June, 1780, proved 26 Feb. 1781), having by her
(who d. 1809) had issue,
1. FRANCIS WARREN, his heir.
2. Richard Paul, b. 1761 ; d. 1807.
1. Frances Anne, m. (licence 1778), Robert Johnstone.
2. Elizabeth, m. 1768, Joshua Paul Meredyth.
3. Mary, m. 27 March, 1764, Sydenham Snow, and had issue.
4. Wilhelmina, m. 9 July, 1761, William Parsons Hoey, of Rich-
mond, co. Dublin, and had issue, Hannah.
The son and heir,
FRANCIS WARREN BONHAM, b. 1740 ; m. ist, March, 1767, Mary
Ann, dau. of Dr. Leslie, Bishop of Limerick, and sister of Sir Edward
Leslie, Bart., and by her had issue, JOHN, of whom piesently, and
Joyce, who d. unm. He m. 2ndly, Jan. 1777, Dorothea Herbert
and d. 1810, having had further issue, Francis Robert, b. 1785
d. 1863 unm. ; Susan, b. 1780, d. 1863, unm. • and others who d.
young. The eldest son,
JOHN BONHAM, of Ballintaggart, J.P., b. 21 June, 1769 ; served
as High Sheriff co. Kildare 1835. He m. 1796, Margaret, widow
of Capt. Clifton, H.E.I.C.S., and dau. of — Jones, and by her
(who d. 1848) left, at his decease, 1844, a son and heir,
REV. JOHN BONHAM, of Ballintaggart, M.A. Oxon, J.P. co.
Kildare, b. 22 Feb. 1798 ; d. 1875 ; *». 30 Oct. 1827, Barbarina, 3rd
dau. and co-heiress of John Norris, of Hughenden House, Bucks,
and by her (who d. 1882) had issue,
1. FRANCIS, late of Ballintaggart.
2. JOHN, now of Balintaggart.
1. Margaret Louisa, m. 1855, Arthur Wyatt, of Earlswood, co.
Wexford, and has issue. 2. Mary, d. 1849.
3. Ann Blanche, m. 14 Nov. 1859, Col. Henry Hamilton Pratt,
late 94th Regt., and has issue.
4. Agnes Jane Susan, d. 1906.
He d. 1875, and was s. by his elder son,
FRANCIS BONHAM, of Ballintaggart, Maj. 7ist Highland Light
Infantry, b. 5 Nov. 1831 ; m. 16 July, 1868, Emily Mary Georgiana,
dau. of James Reid, of Millbank House, Fermoy, who d. 1889. He
d. 1892.
Seat — Ballintaggart, Colbinstown, co. Kildare. Clubs — United
Service, S.W. ; Kildare Street, Dublin.
BONYNGE, of 42, Prince's
Gate, London, b. 5 Oct.
1838 ; m. 5 June, 1869,
Rodie S* D., dau. of
James M. Stephens (a
planter in the Southern
States), and descended
on her mother's side
from the family of U.S.
Senator George Read,
one of the signers of the
Declaration of Indepen-
dence (see BURKE'S
Peerage), and has issue,
Louise Selina, m. 8 Aug.
1892, Major-Gen. Sir John
Grenfell Maxwell. K.C.B.,
C.V.O., C.M.G., D.S.O., late
Royal Highlanders (Black
Walth), and has issue one
dau., Helene Philae, to whom H.R.H. Princess Christian stood
Lineage. — FRANCIS BONYNGE, m. 1779, Miss Wickham, of co.
Meath, and by her (who d. 6 Jan. 1835) had issue,
1. Francis. 2. John.
3. THOMAS. 4. William.
Mr. Bonynge d. Jan. 1824. His son,
THOMAS BONYNGE, of Ranelagh, m. 22 Dec. 1834, Louisa Selena
Taylor, of London, and d. Feb. 1892, having by her (who d. March,
1878) had issue,
1. CHARLES WILLIAM, of Prince's Gate.
2. Thomas.
3. Arthur (Rev.), M.A., D.D., R.D., Rector of Kilfarboy, co.
Clare, tn. ist, Lydia Kennedy. He m. 2ndly, 5 June, 1895,
Elenor Bonynge, 3rd dau. of the late John Frederick Knipe,
M.D., F.R.C.S.I., &c., of Beneavin House, Glasnevin, co. Dublin.
He d. 17 Nov. 1910, leaving issue,
1. Arthur Francis, b. 24 Aug. 1896.
2. Frederick Charles, b. 15 June, iqoo.
4. Francis George, M.D., L.R.C.S.I., d. 1901.
5. Walter Alfred.
1. Isabella, d. 1906.
Arms — Arg., two bars gu., each charged with as many escallops
or ; on a chief indented az., an annulet of the third. Crest — An
ostrich ppr., charged with an escallop sa., and holding in the beak
a key of the same. Motto — Virtute decoratus.
Residence— 42, Prince's Gate, S.W.
Crosderry, Knockalough and Craherabeg, co. Clare,
and of Ardinode and Loughbritogue, co. Kildare,
B.A. Trin. Coll. Dublin, b. 7 Feb. 1868.
.Lineage. — This branch of the Bourchier family went to
Ireland in 1690. THOMAS BOURCHIER, of King's Sutton, Northants,
an officer in King William's Dragoons, settled at Craig, co. Tip-
perary ; m, Elizabeth, dau. of Lieut. James Maxwell, and had,
with other issue, an elder son,
HENRY BOURCHIER, m. the dau. of — Watson, of Caherhenley,
co. Clare, and had, with two other sons, William and Thomas,
who both d. unm., an eldest son,
WATSON BOURCHIER, who m. Miss McNamara, and had, with
other issue, an eldest son,
JOHN BOURCHIER, of Elm Hill, Broadford, co. Clare, m. ist, the
dau. of Hugh Ingoldsby Massey, and by her had a son,
1. Hugh, d. young.
He m. zndly, Elizabeth, dau. of Terence McMahon, of Ballykilty,
co. Clare, whose estates were forfeited, and by her had issue,
2. John, Maj.-Gen. R.A., commanded the Artillery at the taking
of the French West India Islands of Martinique, St. Lucia and
Les Saintes under Sir Charles Grey in 1793. He afterwards
commanded the Cork District ; m. Mary, dau. of Thomas
Macnamara, of Ardcloney, co. Clare, and had issue,
1. Daniel Macnamara, Maj. R.A., served in the Peninsular
War (despatches after Badajos) and at Waterloo ; m. Mary,
dau. and heiress of James Wilson, of Dunboyne Castle, co.
Meath, and had issue.
2. Thomas (Sir), K.C.B., Adm. R.N., Commandant of Chatham
Dockyard, served in China 1841 ; m. Jane, dau. of Adm.
Sir Edward Codrington, and had a son John, d. young.
3. Plunket, Col. Royal Welsh Fus.
3* THOMAS, of whom we treat.
John Bourchier was killed in a duel at eighty years of age. His
youngest son,
THOMAS BOURCHIER, of Killiney Castle, co. Dublin, Clerk of the
Crown and Hanaper and Usher of the Black Rod in the Irish House
of Commons, m. Dorothea, dau. of Rev. — Hadlock, and had issue,
1. JOHN, of whom presently.
1. Dorothea, m. Rev. J. R. Hodson, and had issue.
2. Lucy, m. Rev. Dr. Magrath, Bishop of Jamaica, and had
3. Annie, m. Rev. P. Bolton.
4. Caroline, m. — FitzGerald, and had issue.
5. Mary, d. unm. 6. Elizabeth, d. unm.
The only son,
JOHN BOURCHIER, of Smithville, Nenagh, co. Tipperary, and
Killiney Castle, co. Dublin, Barrister-at-Law, m. Mary, dau. of
Richard Townshend Herbert, of Cahirnane, co. Kerry (see that
family), and had issue,
1. THOMAS, of whom presently.
2. John, d. unm. 3. Herbert, d. unm.
1. Mary, m. Alexander Gordon, ist Royal Regt., and had issue.
2. Annie, m. Deputy Surg.-Gen. Henry Day Fowler. Bengal
Army, and had issue.
3. J ane, m. Capt. Mundell, and had issue.
4. Elizabeth, m. Henry Bayly, of Donnybrook, co. Tipperary,
and had issue.
6. Lavinia, m. Henry Badcock, of Ballinware, co. Tipperary,
and had issue.
The eldest son,
THOMAS BOURCHIER, of Crosthwaite Park, Kingstown, b. 29 Sept.
1826 ; m. 4 May, 1861, Henrietta Octavia, dau. of Rev. John
Delmege, of Rathbranagh, co. Limerick (see DELMEGE of Rathkeale).
He d. 19 Aug. 1895, having had issue,
1. John Herbert,*. 28 April, 1866.
2. HERBERT FRANCIS, his heir.
1. Maria Anna Herbert. 2. Edith Geraldine Herbert.
Residence — Dromline, Foxrock, co. Dublin.
HENRY JAMES BOURCHIER, of Baggotstown, co*
Limerick, b. 14 Aug. 1842 ; m. 5 March, 1867, Nina
Darley, eldest dau. of the Rev. John Leech, D.D.,
of Mitchelstown (see LEECH of Cloonconra), and has
had issue,
1. John de Louvain, 6. 6 Sept. 1868 ; d. an infant.
4. CLAUD JAMES HENRY ST. JOHN, b. 6 Aug. 1875 >' m- Io Oct.
1911, Alice Renee, elder dau. of H. B. Rowan, late of Braiswick
Lodge, Colchester.
3. Wilfrid la Rive, B.A. (Rev.), b. 22 March, 1884.
1. Florence Mary, m. Rev. Arthur Davis, B.D.
2. Harriet Nina, m. 16 Aug. 1899, Rev. Alexander Duff Moore
(see MOORE of Moore Lodge).
3. Clare Farran. 4. Frances Chadwick.
5. Irene Sara. 6. Cicely Charlotte.
Lineage. — The estate of Baggotstown was acquired by JOHN
BOURCHIER some time subsequent to the attainder of Thomas,
Baggot, of that place, in 1651.
JOHN BOURCHIER, b. 1664, of Baggotstown and Kilcullane, co.
Limerick, and Maidenhall, co. Cork, was possessed of several
estates in those counties, which he divided between his sons. He
m. Faith, dau. of O'Grady, of Kilballyowen, co. Limerick, by
Frances bis wife, dau. of John Anketell, and the Lady Lucy Anketcll.
dau. of Mervyn, 2nd Earl of Castlehaven and i2th Lord Audley,
of Heleigh, and by her (who was maternally roth in descent from
the marriage of Sir William Bourchier, Count of Eu, with Anne
Plantagenet, dau. and heir of Thomas of Woodstock, youngest son
of EDWARD III) had issue,
1. Thomas, d.s.p.
2. James, of Kilcullane, on whom that estate was settled by will
of his father, dated 1739, m. 1740, Mary, dau. of Michael Bevan,
of Camas, and had issue,
James, of Kilcullane, m. 1769, Martha, dau. of William
Gabbett, of Caherline, co. Limerick, High Sheriff 1775, and
had issue,
(1) William, of Kilcullane, s. 1808 ; m. Heloise, dau. of Col
Dillon, of co. Roscommon, and niece and adopted dau. of
Sir Peter Nugent, Bart., and Lady Nugent, of Donore, co.
Westmeath, by whom he had an only son, William, an officer
in the Army, who joined with his father in the sale of the
Kilcullane estate to the ist Viscount Guillamore, 7 July,
1812, and d. unm.
(2) Joseph Gabbett, a Capt. in the Army, m. ist, Margaret,
dau. of Thomas Franks, of Carrig, by whom he had an only
dau., and 2ndly, a dau. of Capt. John Gabbett, of Shepperton,
by whom he had issue, Joseph Gabbett (Rev.), of Ifield,
Kent, who d. 13 Dec. 1898, having m. 16 Dec. 1851, Jane.
Allen (22, Marina, St. Leonards-on-Sea), dau. of Daniel
Sullivan, of Fermoy House, co. Cork, by whom he had issue,
Joseph Gabbett, b. 30 April, 1854.
Mary Louise.
(3) Thomas, m. in India, a niece of Sir Theophilus Metcalf,
and d.s.p. 1844.
(4) Henry, of Frankfort, co. Limerick.
(5) Richard, m. Catherine, dau. of James Bold, and had,
with other issue,
i. John. 2. Stanley.
3. Thomas, m. Elizabeth, dau. of John Bourchicr, of
1. Lucy, m. Lieut. Augustus Whymper, R.N.
2. Elizabeth Mary, m. 9 Jan. 1851, Maj.-Gen. Sir Archi-
bald Edward Harbord Anson, R.A., K.C.M.G., nephew of
the ist Viscount Anson. She d. 23 Sept. 1891, having had
issue (see BURKE'S Peerage, ANSON, Bart.).
3. JOHN, of whom presently.
1. Lucy, m. Richard Lane, of Kilderry.
2. Mary, m. her cousin Richard Anketell.
John Bourchier d. aged 80, in 1744. His 3rd son,
JOHN BOURCHIER, of Baggotstown, Oakfield, and Maidenhall,
s. to those properties on his father's death 1744. He m. Arabella,
dau. of James Mason, of Cooleen, co. Limerick, and had issue,
1. JAMES JOHN, his heir.
1. Arabella, m. John Boles Reeves, of Belfort, co. Cork, and was
grandmother of William Reeves, Bishop of Down.
2. Faith, m. Henry Gabbett.
His will is dated i Oct. 1774. His son,
JAMES J OHN BOURCHIER, of Baggotstown, m. 30 Aug. 1766, Mary,
dau. of Joseph Gubbins, of Kilfrush, co. Limerick, by whom he had
1. JOHN, his heir.
2. James, B.A., who, after a distinguished University career,
entered the Army, and d. whilst serving as senior Capt. of his
Regt. (Royal York Fusiliers) in Jamaica.
8. Henry, Lieut.-Col. Royal Irish Artillery, d. unm.
4. Joseph Gubbins, d. unm.
i. Mary, d. young. 2. Anne, d. young.
3. Elizabeth, m. John Sherlock, of Ballydeigue.
He was s. by his eldest son,
JOHN BOURCHIER, of Baggotstown, Lieut. 58th Regt., m. 10 Aug.
1797, Charlotte, 4th dau. of William Chadwick, of Ballinard, by
Christiana his wife, sister of Sir John Craven Garden, Bart., of
Templemore Abbey, co. Tipperary, by whom he had issue,
1. JOHN, his heir.
2. John James Stephen, d. an infant.
1. Christiana, m. Richard Eaton, J.P., and had issue, Richard,
J.Pj co. Limerick, m. Clara, dau. of John Netterville Barren, J.P.
2. Marianne, m. Thomas, eldest son of Henry Grove Grady, of
Bellwood, co. Tipperary, by Mary Margaret his wife, only dau.
and heiress of Thomas Lidwill, of Clonmore (see LIDWILL of
Dromard), and great-granddau. of Gerald, 24th Lord Kingsale.
8. Charlotte, m. her cousin William Chadwick, of Ballinard, and
d.s.p. 17 Jan. 1874. 4. Sophia, d. unm.
5. Elizabeth, m. Thomas Bourchier, d.s.p. 6. Clarinda, d. unm.
| Mr. Bourchier d. 1845, and was s. by his son,
JOHN BOURCHIER, of Baggotstown, co. Limerick, J.P., B.A. Trin.
, Coll. Dublin, b. 1811 ; s. 1845 ; m. 9 July, 1833, Sarah, eldest dau.
I and eventually co-heir of David Aher, of Castlecomer, co. Kil-
kenny, by Susan his wife, dau. and co-heir of Capt. W. C. Wilkinson,
of Castlecomer, and niece of Sir Henry Wilkinson, K.C., of Corballis,
co. Dublin, and had issue,
1. John, d. young.
2. HENRY JAMES, now of Baggotstown.
3. William, d. an infant.
4. Richard Eaton, late Lieut, ist Royal Scots, m. 10 Aug. 1876,
Geraldine Amelia Beamish (d. 24 July, 1909), dau. of Right Hon.
and Most Rev. Thomas Stuart Townshend, D.D., Bishop of
Meath, and has issue,
John Somerset Townshend, b. June, 1877.
5. James David, F.R.G.S., of La Rive, Castlecomer, co. Kilkenny,
late of the Inner Temple, M.A. Camb. (King's Coll.), where he
graduated as first class classic, 1876 ; is Grand Officer of the Order
of Prince Danilo of Montenegro, Commander of the Order of the
Saviour of Greece, and Officer of the Order of St. Alexander of
Bulgaria (Athenczum, St. James' and New University Clubs).
6. William Chadwick (Rev.), M.A., Rector of Knockaney, cp.
Limerick, Chaplain to the Marquess Camden, and late Chaplain
Royal Navy, b. 28 Feb. 1852 ; m. 23 March, 1889, Katharine
Christian, dau of Cathcart Thomson, J.P., of Pine Wood,
Halifax, N.S., and granddau. of the Hon. Joseph Howe, Lieut.-
Governor of Nova Scotia, and has issue,
Cathcart Charles William, Lieut. R.N., b. 20 Jan. 1890.
1, Susan, d. young.
2. Charlotte Sophia, m. Aug. 1863, Richard Austin Cooper
Chadwick, of Ballinard, co. Tipperary, 2nd son of Samuel Cooper,
J.P.,of Killenure Castle, in the same co. (see COOPER of KUlenure
and CHADWICK of BaHinard), who assumed the additional name
and arms of CHADWICK by Royal Sign Manual, dated 15 Jan. 1855.
Mr. Bourchier d. 24 May, 1885.
Seat — Baggotstown House, Kilmallock, co. Limerick. Residence
— Melbrooke, Clonmel, co. Tipperary.
Limerick, b. 1884 ; s. his father 17 May, 1910.
Lineage.— RICHARD BOURKE, of Dromsally, co. Limerick, d.
in 1734, and was s. by his eldest son,
RICHARD BOURKE, of Dromsally, who was three times married,
and d. 1761, leaving, by his first wife, Sarah, a son,
1. JOHN, of Shallee, co. Tipperary, who m. Lucia Parker, and d.
leaving, with two daus., one son,
JOHN, of whom hereafter.
Mr. Richard Bourke m. 2ndly, Mary, dau. of James Donellan, of
Johnstown, co. Meath, and had another son,
2. RICHARD (Sir), of Castle Connell, who assumed the original
surname of DE BURGHO, and was created a Baronet of Ireland
16 June, 1785. Sir Richard m. ist, 15 Jan. 1755, Frances, eldest
dau. of Daniel Webb, of Meadstown, co. Limerick, by whom he had
two daus.,
1. Frances, m. John Blake, of Ross, co. Clare.
2. Maria Theresa, m. John MacNamara, of Smiths town, in the
same co.
Sir Richard m. 2ndly, 1781, Elizabeth, dau. of Anthony Dwyer,
of Singleton, co. Limerick, and d. 1790, leaving two sons,
1. SIR RICHARD, 2nd bart., d. unm. 1834.
2. SIR JOHN ALLEN, 3rd bart., m. ist, the sister of Gen.
Gage John Hall, but by her had no issue ; and 2ndly, in 1820,
Anna Matilda, eldest dau. of Richard Waller, of Castle Waller,
and d. 1839, leaving,
April, 1821 ; m. 8 Aug. 1844, Catherine, dau. of Brooke
Brasier, of Ballyellis, co. Cork, and d.s.p. 1873, when the
title became extinct.
3. William Henry Frederick Waller, d.s.p. 1848.
1. Maria Theresa, d. 31 Oct. 1846.
2. Elizabeth, d. 23 Dec. 1849. 3. Frances.
4. Isabella. 5- Joanna Allen.
Mr. Bourke was s. by his grandson, the son of his eldest son by his
ist wife,
JOHN BOURKE, of Shallee, tn. 1775, Anne, dau. of Edmund Ryan,
of the city of Dublin, and of Boscobel, co. Tipperary, and by her
(who d. 1837) had issue,
1. RICHARD, his heir.
2. Edmund, d. young. 3. John, d. young.
1. Frances Emma, m. Rev. Heneage Horsley, only son of the
Right Rev. Samuel Horsley, D.D., Lord Bishop of St. Asaph.
She d. 1821, leaving issue.
Mr. Bourke d. 1795. His eldest son,
LIEUT.-GEN. SIR RICHARD BOURKE, K.C.B., of Thornfields, co.
Limerick, J.P., High Sheriff 1839, b. 4 May, i777 J m. i March,
1800, Elizabeth Jane, youngest dau. of John Bourke, of Carshalton,
Surrey, Receiver-General of the Land Tax for Middlesex (of the
BOURKES of Urey), and by her (who d. 7 May, 1832) had issue,
1. JOHN, b. ii Feb. 1803 ; d. iy Nov. 1868.
2. RICHARD, of Thornfields.
1. Mary Jane, m. 1827, Dudley Montagu Perceval, C.B., 4th son
of the Right Hon. Spencer Perceval, Chancellor ol the Exchequer,
and had issue.
2. Anne, m. 1833, Sir Edward Deas Thompson, Colonial Secre-
tary in New South Wales, 2nd son of Sir Johu Thompson, K.C.H.,
formerly a Commissioner of the Navy, and had issue.
3. Frances, m. 1831, Rev. John Jebb, D.D., Rector of Peterstow,
Ross, co. Hereford, eldest son of the Hon. Richard Jebb, a Justice
of the King's Bench, Ireland, and d. 15 Jan. 1866.
4. Georgina, d. young. 5. Lucy, d. 1822, unm.
Sir Richard Bourke, a distinguished officer, was Lieutenant-Gover-
nor of the Cape of Good Hope from 1825 to 1828, and Govern or-
in-Chief of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land from 1831 to
Dec. 1837. He d. 12 Aug. 1855, and was s. by his 2nd son,
RICHARD BOURKE, of Thornfields, co. Limerick, J.P., D.L.,
b. 30 May, 1812, Barrister-at-Law, and Local Government Inspector :
of O'Grady of Kilballyowen, co.
leaving by her (who d. 1878) issue,
m. 10 Oct. 1844, Anne, dau. of O'Grady of Kilballyowen, co.
Limerick, and d. 5 April, 1904, lea '
with three daus., four sons,
\. JOHN ULICK, late of Thornfields.
2. Richard, Local Government Auditor, b. 5 Feb. 1849; m. 1898,
Helena Mary, only dau. of Daniel Cronin-Coltsman, of Glenflesk
Castle (see that family).
3. Gerald, late Capt. Horse Artillery, b. 19 April, 1850 ; m.
1882. Blanche, dau. of Gen. Sir William Payn, K.C.B.
4. Edmund, Commr. Local Gov. Board (Ireland), b. 12 Feb. 1857.
1. Anne Elizabeth.
2. Alice Slaney, m. Commander John Warde Osborne, R.N.
3. Una Mary, m. 29 Sept. 1896, Rev. W. I. Adams, succentor of
St. Mary's Cathedral, Limerick.
The eldest "son,
JOHN ULICK BOURKE, of Thornfields, Barrister-at-Law, Res.
Magistrate in Ireland, b. 8 July, 1845 ; m. 1876, Elizabeth Agnes,
dau. of Col. John Vandeleur, late loth Hussars, of Ballinacourty, co.
Limerick, and d. 17 May, 1910, leaving issue,
1. RICHARD VANDELEUR, now of Thornfields.
2. Ulick Launcelot, b. 1888.
1. Slaney Agnes. 2. Aileen Anne.
Seat — Thornfields, Lisnagry, co. Limerick.
BOURKE, of Hayes, co.
Meath, b. 13 Nov.
1889, Lieut. Cold-
stream Guards, a Page
of Honour to H.M.
King Edward VII
1902-06. Mr. Legge-
Bourke, who is the
only son of Hon. Sir
Henry Charles Legge,
K.C.V.O. (see BURKE'S
E.), by Hon. Amy
Gwendoline Lambart,
dau. of Gustavus
William Lambart, of
Bean Pare, co. Meath
(see that family], as-
sumed the name and
arms of BOURKE by
Royal Licence, 26 April, 1911, on succeeding to the
estate of the Hon. Henry Lorton Bourke, of Hayes,
co. Meath (see BURKE'S Peerage, MAYO, E.).
Arms— Quarterly, ist and 4th, per fess or and erm., a cross gu.
in the ist quarter a lion ramp., and in the 2nd a hand erect couped
at the wrist, both sa., on a canton gu., three narcissi pierced arg.
(for BOURKE) ; 2nd and 3rd, az., a stag's head cabossed arg. (for
LEGGE). Crests — ist, a cat-a-mountain sejeant guardant ppr.,
collared gu., chained or (for BOURKE) ; 2nd, out of a ducal crest
coronet a plume of six feathers alternately arg. and az. (for LEGUE).
Mottoes— ist, A Cruce Salus (for BOURKE) ; 2nd, Gaudet tenta-
mine virtus (for LEGGE).
Seat— Hayes, Beau Pare, co. Meath.
Bo wen's Court, co.
Cork, M.A. Trin. Coll.
Dublin, Barrister-at-
Law, b. 21 Jan. 1862 ;
m. 10 April, 1890,
Florence Isabella, 3rd
dau. of the late Henry
FitzGeorge Colley, of
Mount Temple, co.
Dublin (see BURKE'S
V. ), and has issue,
Elizabeth Dorothea Cole,
b. 7 June, 1899.
Lineage.— This family is
lineally descended from
House, in Ilston, co. Glamor-
gan (2nd son of THEODORE
Court House, to MAENARCH,
Lord of Brecknock, i4th
in descent from CARADOC
VRAICHVRAS), who d. in 1582, leaving with other issue, a son,
HENRY BOWEN, of Llanellan, co. Glamorgan, m. to Margaret, daui.
of H. Holland, Rector of Cheriton. His son,
HENRY BOWEN, a Colonel in Cromwell's army, was the first of
this family who settled in Ireland. He m. ist, Anne, dau. and
heir of Henry Mansell, by whom he had, with other issue,
JOHN, whos. him.
He m. andly, Katherine, dau. of William Price, of Gellihir, and d.
at Farrihy, co. Cork, 1658 (his will is dated 18 Dec. 1658, and proved
10 Feb. 1658-59), and was s. by his eldest son,
JOHN BOWEN, of Farrihy, m. 1660, Mary, dau. and heir of John
Nicholls, of Kilbolane, co. Cork, Capt. in the Army, and had issue,
three sons and two daus. He d. in the year 1718, and was s. by his
eldest son,
JOHN BOWEN, of Kilbolane, m. ist, 1691, Deborah, dau. of Arthur
Hyde, of Castle Hyde, co. Cork, by whom he had no issue. He m.
andly, i6g'5, Catherine, dau. of Richard Stephens, of Newcastle, co.
Limerick, and d. 1720, having by her had (with two daus.),
1. HENRY, of Kilbolane.
2. JOHN, of Carrigadrohid, co. Cork, m. 1724, Elizabeth, dau. of
Rev. D. Chidley Coote, and had issue,
John, of Carrigadrohid Castle and Oak Grove, m. ist, Katberine,
dau. of Angel Scott, of Cahircon, co. Clare, and by her had
(1) Katherine, m. James Barry.
(2) Jane, m. 1777, John Colthurst, of Dripsey Castle, and had
issue (see that family).
(3) Margaret, m. 18 Dec. 1787, Robert Warren Gumbleton,
of Fort William Park, co. Waterford, and Glanatore, co.
Cork, and had issue.
He m. andly, 1797, Anne, dau. of Benjamin White, of Bride-
park, co. Cork, and d. 1824, having by her (who was bur. 15 Oct.
1850) had,
(i) John, of Carrigadrohid and Oak Grove", b. 15 Jan. 1798 ;
m. 3 June, 1819, Mary, dau. and heir of William Honner, of
Roundhill, co. Cork, and d. g May, 1870, having by her
(who was bur. 12 March, 1862) had issue,
1. John, of Oak Grove, b. 27 May, 1824 ; m. ist, by licence
dated 20 May, 1847, Mary Isabella Beamish, dau. of
Ma?. Adderley Beamish-Bernard, of Palace Ann and
Kilcoleman House, co. Cork. She d.s.p. March, 1865.
He m. andly, Dora Anne, dau. of Abraham Cross, of Cork,
and d.s.p. 24 May, 1873.
2. William Honner, b. 16 July, 1827; d. ttnm. 17 July,
3. Edward Riggs White, b. 10 Aug. 1835 ; d. unm. Aug.
4. Robert Walter Travers, of Oak Grove, and Dripsey
Castle, co. Cork, b. 16 March 1840, assumed by Royal
Licence, 1882, the additional surname and arms of COL-
THURST ; m. 15 Aug. 1878, Georgina de Bellasis, dau. of
Alfred Greer, of Dripsey House, by Peggy his wife, dau.
of John Colthurst, of Dripsey Castle, and d. 1 6 Nov. 1896,
leaving issue (see BOWEN-COLTHURST of Dripsey).
1. Wilhelmina Maria, d. unm. 15 Nov. 1890.
2. Anne White, d. unm. 17 April, 1889.
3. Eliza Travers, of Coolalta, co. Cork, d.'unm. Nov. 1910.
4. Catherine Jane, d. an infant.
5. Mary, d. an infant.
6. Frances Mary, m. James Gartside, and has issue.
7. Mary Sarah, d. unm. 9 April, 1869.
8. Helena Jane Travers, m. 8 Aug. 1867, William Boyle
Moore, of Borleigh, co. Cork.
3. Stephens.
The eldest son,
HENRY BOWEN, of Kilbolane, co. Cork, m. 1716, Jane, only
child and heir of Robert Cole, of Ballymackey, co. Tipperary, and
by her had issue, a dau., Catherine Bowen, and a son,
'HENRY COLE BOWEN, of Bowen's Court, m. 6 Jan. 1760, his ist
cousin Margaret, dau. of Ralph Warter Wilson, and d. March, 1788,
having had by her (who d. 1802) eight sons and six daus.,
1. HENRY COLE, of Bowen's Court.
1 2. John, m. Martha Randall, and d.s.p.
3. Ralph, m. 1804, Mary, dau. of Edmund Doherty, of Mount
Bruis, co. Tipperary, and had issue,
i. Henry, m. Anne Jane, dau. of Hampden Ely, and had,
(i) Ralph, d.s.p. (2) Hampden, d. unm.
(3) Henry, d. unm.
(1) Anne, m. Francis B. Cole Metge, of Sion, co. Meath.
(2) Mary.
2 Edmond, m. Miss Lysaght. and had a son, Edmond.
3. Charles, d. 1889, leaving issue.
i. Jane. 2. Mary, m. Ven. Archdeacon Pryce Peacock.
3. Elizabeth, m. Col. H. E. F. B. Sidley.
4. Robert, m. i Feb. 1806, Elizabeth, dau. of William Galwey.
and d. 10 May, 1827, having by her (who d. 1861) had issue,
1. HENRY COLE, of whom presently.
2. Robert Cole, Barrister-at-Law, m. Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph
Mason, of Cooline, co. Limerick.
3. Edward, bapt. 30 Oct. 1817 ; d.s.p.
i. Elizabeth, bapt. 15 Oct. 1824 ; m. Matthew Braddell.
5. Nicholls, m. Brianna, dau. of Robert Travers, and had issue,
1. Henry; 2. Robert; 3. Nicholls; 4. John; and i. Brianna;
2. Mary ; 3. Catherine.
6. William, d. unm.
7. Stephens, m. and had two sons, i. Henry ; 2. Stephens.
8. Edward, d.s.p.
1. Jane, m. Rev. William Berkley.
2. Thomasine, m. Hon. George Jocelyn (see BURKE'S Peerage,
RODEN, E.). She d. 15 Oct. 1818. He d. leaving issue.
3. Catherine, m. John Wight.
4. Margaret, m. ist, 1798, William Perry, and 2ndly, — Maunsell.
5. Henrietta, m. John Metge, M.P., of Athlumney, and had issue.
(see METGE of Athlumney).
6. Isabella, m. 7 Jan. 1830, Edward Sheffield Cassan.
The eldest son,
HENRY COLE BOWEN, of Bowen's Court, m. 1789, Catherine, dau.
of Henry Prittie (afterwards Lord Dunalley), and d.s.p. 1837, when
he was s. by his nephew,
HENRY COLE BOWEN, of Bowen's Court, J.P., b. 28 Jan. 1808 ;
m. 7 March, 1829, Eliza Wade (d. 18 May, 1868), dau. of St. John
Galwey, M.D., of Mallow, and d. 15 Sept. 1841, having had issue,
1. ROBERT ST. JOHN COLE, late of Bowen's Court.
2. Henry Cole, Capt. R.A. ,b. 29 March, 1838 ; d 27 Sept. 1874.
1. Sarah Cole, m. 8 Feb. 1859, Rev. Brabazon T. Disney, M.A.,
who d. 1902.
2. Anne Cole.
3. Henrietta Cole, m. 15 Sept. 1863, her cousin, Arthur Gethin
Creagh, and has issue.
The elder son,
ROBERT ST. JOHN COLE BOWEN, of Bowen's Court, J.P. cos.
Cork and Tipperary, High Sheriff for the latter co. 1865, Capt. 87th
South Cork Light Infantry, M.A. Trin. Coll. Dublin, b. 13 Aug.
1830 ; m. ist, 3 Dec. 1860, Elizabeth Jane, 2nd dau. of Charles
Clarke, D.L., of Graiguenoe Park, co. Tipperary, and by her (who
d. 20 Aug. 1881) had issue,
1. HENRY CHARLES COLE, now of Bowen's Court.
2. Robert Cole, b. 9 April, 1863 ; Capt. Essex Regt. ; d. 3 Aug.
3. Charles Otway Cole, D.S.O., Major R.E., served in S. African
War 1899-1901 (despatches twice, D.S.O.), b. 30 Aug. 1867 ; d.
unm. 18 March, 1910.
4. Edward Neville Cole, b. and d. 1870.
5. St. John Cole, Res. Magistrate O.R. Colony, b. 20 Sept. 1872 ;
m. 1903, Winifred, dau. of Edward Rosslein, of Winburg, O.R.
Colony, and has issue,
1. Robert Edward Cole, b. 1904.
2. Henry Cole, b. 1906.
6. Arthur Marshal Cole, b. 3 Dec. 1873 ; d. 17 Jan. 1874.
7. Mervyn William Cole, b. 4 March, 1875 ; m. March, 1901, Mary
Florence, dau. of John Wild, of Rhyl, co. Flint.
8. William Walter Travers Cole, b. 24 Feb. and d. 29 May, 1077
1. Sarah Frances Cole.
2. Elizabeth Harriet Mary Cole, d. 27 Oct. 1865.
3. Anne Marcella Cole. 4. Mary Elizabeth Cole.
5. Elizabeth Constance Cole.
He m. 2ndly, Nov. 1882, Georgiana Constance Antoinette (who
d.s.p. 8 July, 1886), 4th dau. of Charles Garden Mansergh, of Clifford,
co. Cork, and d. 28 July, 1888, when he was s. by his eldest son.
Arms — Az., a stag lodged arg., attired or, and vulned in the
back, with an arrow gu. Crest — A hawk close ppr.
Cautus a futuro.
Seat— Bowen's Court, Kildorrery, co. Cork.
BOWEN, of Holly-
mount, co. Mayo, M.A.
Balliol Coll. Oxford,
6. Nov. 1862 ; m.
1890, Catharine, dau.
of the late Rev. Canon
Morse, Vicar of St.
Mary's, Nottingham.
Lineage.— WILLIAM
BOWEN, of Hollymount, co.
Mayo, m. Sarah Blake and
had two sons,
1. CHRISTOPHER, his heir.
2. William, m. Ellen
Burke, and d. 1786, leaving
a son,
The elder son,
Hollymount m< Anne Allen,
but by her had no male issue ; his dau.
Anne, m. Anthony Elwood, of Annefield, co. Mayo, and had a
son, Anthony Elwood, who assumed the surname of BOWEN.
Mr. Bowen d. 1812. His nephew,
CHRISTOPHER BOWEN, J.P., of Hollymount, m. 1800, Elizabeth,
dau. of Croasdaile Miller, of Milford, and by her (who d. Jan. 1815),
had issue,
1. CHRISTOPHER (Rev.), his heir.
2. Croasdaile of Milford, assumed by Royal Licence, dated i Feb.
1812, the surname and arms of MILLER (see MILLER of Milford).
3. Charles, b. 15 May, 1804 ; m. 19 Nov. 1829, Georgiana, dau. of
Joseph Lambert, of Brookhill, co. Mayo, and d. 3 April, 1871,
leaving issue (see BURKE'S Colonial Gentry). She d. n Aug. 1902,
4. Robert, m. Jane, dau. of Edward R. Courtenay, of Drumselk,
co. Down, and d. 1882. She d. same year, leaving issue.
5 William d. unm. 6. Edward George, dt unm. 1873.
1. Anne, d. unm. 1876. 2. Eliza Louisa, d. 1834.
Mr. Bowen d. Aug. 1828, and was s. by his eldest son,
REV. CHRISTOPHER BOWEN, M.A., of Hollymount, and Heather-
wood, Isle of Wight, formerly Rector of St. Thomas, Winchester,
b. 16 Oct. 1801 ; m. 17 Jan. 1834, Katherine Emily, dau. of Sir
Richard Steele, 3rd bart. of Hampstead, and d. 1890, having by her
(who d. i Feb. 1902) had issue,
1. CHARLES SYNGE CHRISTOPHER, late of Hollymount.
2. Edward Ernest, M.A., late Fellow of Trin. Coll. Camb., and
Senior Assistant Master of Harrow School, b. March, 1836 ; d.
unm. 8 April, 1901.
3. Francis Robert Steele, B.A., Barrister-at-Law, took the addi-
tional name of GRAVES, on his marriage with Frances Elizabeth,
dau. of Sir Maxwell Steele Graves, Bart, of Mickleton Manor,
co. Gloucester, and d. 16 July, 1876.
The eldest son,
BARON BOWEN, of Hollymount, co. Mayo, and of Colwood, Sussex,
b. i Jan. 1835, F.R.S., Hon. D.C.L. Oxford, and Visitor of Balliol
Coll. ; called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn 1861, appointed Recorder
of Penzance 1872 ; a Judge of the Queen's Bench Division 1879,
Lord Justice of Appeal 1882, and sworn a Privy Councillor same
year. In 1893 he was made a Lord of Appeal in Ordinary, and
was created a peer for life as BARON BOWEN, of Colwood. He m.
Feb. 1862, Emily Frances, dau. of James Meadows Rendel, F.R.S.,
and d. ii April, 1894, leaving issue,
1. WILLIAM EDWARD, now of Hollymount.
2. Maxwell Steele, late Lieut. 3rd Batt. Derbyshire Regt. (Savile
and Royal Automobile Clubs), b. Oct. 1865.
1. Ethel Kate, b. Nov. 1870 ; m. 1894, Josiah Clement Wedfwood,
of Moddershall, Stone, Staffs., M.P. for Newcastle-under-Lyne,
son of the late Clement Francis Wedgwood, of Barlaston, and has
Arms — Gu., a stag trippant arg., pierced in the back with
an arrow and attired or. Crest — A falcon close ppr. belled or.
Motto — Esse quam videri
Residences — 119, Barkston Gardens, S.W., and Glenheadon,
Totland, Isle of Wight. Club — Athenaeum.
Roscommon, and Burt House, co. Donegal, D.L.
co. Roscommon, J.P. cos. Donegal, Roscommon
and Wexford, High Sheriff co. Roscommon 1901,
b. 1860; m. 6 Sept. 1887, Louisa Frances, elder
dau. and cc-heir of Richard Joseph Grace, of Bruff,
co. Limerick, and nicee of the late John Dowell
FitzGerald Grace, of Mantua and Gracefield (see
below). Mr. Bowen is the eldest son of the late
John Gordon Bowen, J.P., of Burt House, co.
Donegal (who d. 1891), by Emily Harriet his
wife, dau. of Arthur Willoughby Cole-Hamilton,
of Beltrim (see that family),
Lineage.— OLIVER GRACE, of Gracefield, b. 1661, eldest son of
William Grace, of Ballylinch Castle, co. Kilkenny, by Ellinor dau.
of Pierce Butler (eldest son of ist Viscount Galmoy), and of
Margaret, dau. of Nicholas, ist Viscount Netterville, m. Elizabeth,
dau. of John Bryan, of Bawnmore, co. Kilkenny. He d. 8 June,
1708, and had issue,
MICHAEL GRACE, of Gracefield, inherited as coheir-at-law with
his nephew Robert Grace, of Courtstown, the undevised estates of
the Sheffield family in Sussex, Middlesex and York, m. Mary, dau.
of John Galway, of Lota House, co. Cork, and Elizabeth, dau. of
William Meade, and son of Sir John Meade, ancestor of Earls of
Clanwilliam, and had issue,
1. OLIVER, of Gracefield, his heir.
2. John, d. 1777.
3. William, m. Mary, dau. of Richard Harford, of Marshfield, co.
Dublin, and ancestor of Grace barcnets (see BURKE'S Peerage)
Mr. Grace d. 19 Feb. 1 760. His eldest son,
OLIVER GRACE, of Gracefield, m. Mary, dau. and heiress of John
Dowell, of Montagh, now Mantua, co. Roscommon, and had issue
1. Michael, of Gracefield, d. 9 Jan. 1797, having m. 19 Feb. 1760
Mary, dau. and coheir of Nicholas Plunket, of Dunsoghly co'
Dublin, and dying 25 Aug. 1785, aged 63, left an only child,
Alicia Grace, of Gracefield, m. June, 1792, Morgan Kavanagh
3rd son of Thomas Kavanagh, of Borris House (see that family)'
2. JOHN, of whom presently.
Mr. Grace d. 24 Aug. 1782, aged 77. The 2nd son,
JOHN GRACE, of Mantua, b. 1734, served several years in the
Austrian Army; m. 3 July, 1783, Mary Clare, 2nd dau. and co-
heiress of Patrick Hussey, of Ardmore, co. Kerry, by whom (who
d. 7 Nov. 1819) he had one son and two daus.,
1. OLIVER DOWELL JOHN, his heir.
1. Catherine Eliza, m. Aug. 1821, Rice Hussey, of Milltown
co. Kerry.
2. Maria, a nun, d. April, 1837.
Mr. Grace d. 25 April, 1811, at the age of 75. His only son,
OLIVER DOWELL JOHN GRACE, of Mantua, and of Gracefield
Queen's Co., chief of his house, and male representative of the
ancient feudal Lords of Courtstown, late M.P. for co. Roscommon
J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1831, b. 19 Oct. 1791 ; m. 3 Sept. 1819,
Frances Mary, only dau. of the late Sir Richard Nagle, Bart, of
Jamestown, co. Westmeath, by his ist wife, Catherine FitzGerald,
of Punchars Grange, co. Kildare, and by her (who d. i June, 1828)
had issue,
1. JOHN DOWELL FITZGERALD, late of Mantua.
2. Richard Joseph, R.M., of Bruff, co. Limerick, 6. 8 March, 1824 ;
m. ist, Nov. 1848, Mary Jane, dau. of William Sweetman, of
Raheny, co. Dublin, which lady d.s.p. i Sept. 1858. He m.
2ndly, Barbara, dau. of James Taaffe, of Loughboy, co. Mayo,
and d. May 1864, leaving by her two daus. and coheirs,
1. LOUISA FRANCES, m. (as above) 6 Sept. 1887, EDWARD
FERGUSON BOWEN, of Burt House, Donegal.
2. FRANCES MARY, m. 5 Oct. 1886, Capt. Joseph Henry Lachlan
White, D.L., late 5th (Northumberland) Fusiliers, of Bredfield
House, Woodbridge, Suffolk (see WHITE of Gracefield).
3. Raymond Joseph, d. 13 Oct. 1831.
1. Mary Clare, m. 6 March, 1848, Robert Archbold, of Davids-
town, co. Kildare, who d. Feb. 1853. She d. 11 Aug. 1892.
Mr. Grace d. 1871. His eldest son,
common, and Gracefield, Queen's Co., J.P. co. Westmeath and
Queen's Co., High Sheriff for the latter co. 1858, J.P. and D.L. co.
Roscommon, High Sheriff 1847, b. 11 July, 1821 ; m. i Feb. 1855,
Grace, dau. of Thomas Thistlethwayte, of Southwick Park, Hants,
by Tryphena, his wife, youngest dau. of Dr. Henry Bathurst, Bishop
of Norwich. She d. 1881. He d.s.p. n May, 1897, and was s.
by his two nieces.
Seats — Mantua House, Castlerea, co. Roscommon, and Burt
House, Londonderry. Club— Kildare Street.
SPOTSWOOD BOWLES, of Ahern, co. Cork, b. 7
Oct. 1854 ; s. his uncle, Major George Bowles, in
1886; m. 30 Nov. 1899, Grace Elizabeth, dau. of
the late Sir Edward Hudson- Kinahan, Bart.
(see BURKE'S Peerage and Baronetage).
Lineage.— THOMAS BOLES, b. 1608 ; who was settled at
Liscarroll, co. Cork, prior to the Rebellion of 1641 ; is mentioned
as Captain in the depositions of Col. Richard Townsend, of
Col. John Gifforde, and of Capt. Peter Gary, taken in
Cork 1654, by the State Commissioners, as one who did
good service in securing the city for the English interest
in 1649. He is styled Captain in a deposition made by
himself in 1654, and also in his will, dated 16 Nov. 1682, proved 1683.
He was admitted a freeman of Cork 1656. His brother Richard
Boles, b. 1614, had a grant of lands confirmed to him as one of the
officers who served before June 5, 1649, in the Barony of Orrery and
Kilmore and co. Cork, m. 1645, Abigail, dau. of Ende of Cork,
merchant, and made over his property by deed to his eldest son,
Thomas, in his lifetime, reserving an annuity for himself and wife.
He d. 1693, buried in the old church of Killybraher, where " The
Tomb of the Boles's of Moyge " still remains. He was the direct
ancestor of the Rev. James Thomas Boles, A.M., J.P. for Devon,
sometime of Crpwcombe Rectory, Somerset, who s. to Ryll Court,
Devon, and an interest in Moyge, co. Cork, on the death of his uncle,
Lieut.-Gen. Thomas Boles, in 1850.
Capt. Thomas Boles had by Anne his wife (who was buried at
Cloyne Cathedral) two sons,
1. John, of Kilbree, after of Inch, had no son, his property, which
was very considerable, went by his will, dated 22 March, 1700,
proved 8 May, 1702, between his three daus.,
1. Elizabeth, m. 1694, Samuel Hodder, of Fountainstown.
2. Anne, m. 1700, Randal Warner, of Liscremin.
3. Mary, of Kilbree, after of Inch, who d. unm. and intestate
2. THOMAS, who carried on the family.
Capt. Thomas Boles d. 26 June, 1683. His 2nd son,
THOMAS BOLES, of Ballinacurra, b. 13 April, 1646 ; m. 1682,
Elizabeth, dau. of John Downing, of Broomfield, Midleton, co.
Cork, had, with other issue,
1. Thomas, who had an eldest son,
Thomas, who inherited the Kilbree and Carrig estates on the
death of Mary Boles, his cousin. He left two daus.,
(1) Anne, m. Henry Bowles, of Glenaboy and Youghal.
(2) Mary, m. William Peard, of Peardmount.
2. John, of Woodstock, 1726, after of Carringnashinny, m. Margery,
dau. of John Colborne, of Ballintubber, will dated 26 June, 1739,
d. 1739, buried in Cloyne, ancestor of the branches who resided at
Mogeely, Springfield, and Kilmountain, now extinct in the male
line. 3. ROBERT, of whom presently.
Thomas Boles made his will 12 Nov. 1698. His youngest son,
ROBERT BOLES, of Springfield, near Tallow, m. ist, 1716, Eliza-
beth, dau. of John Croker, of Ballyanker, near Lismore, and left a
1. Jonathan, d.s.p.m.
ie m. 2ndly, 1731, Katherine, dau. of Richard Benjer, of Springfield,
ind had by her two sons and a dau.,
2. Spotswood, Col. of the Bombay Artillery, who was killed by
one of his own guns at the taking of a fort on the Malabar coast,
m. and d.s.p.
3. GEORGE, of whom hereafter.
1. Anne, m. Charles Nixon Green, of Youghal.
Robert Boles d. 1746. His youngest son,
GEORGE BOLES, afterwards BOWLES, of Mountprospect, near
Tallow, co. Cork (the name being so spelt in his military com-,
mission and continued by him and his descendants), J.P., b. 1739 ;
was a Lieut. 7th Light Dragoons ; m. 1764, Dorothea, dau. of
Henry Hunt, of Friarstown, co. Limerick, and by her (who d.
1838, aged 94) left issue,
1. Henry, J.P., of Glanaboy and Youghal, m. Ann, dau. of Thos.
Boles, of Youghal, and d.s.p.m. 1824, when his estates went
between his daus. and their issue.
2. George, of Mountprospect, Maj. 8th Kegt. of Foot, served |
in Egypt under Sir Ralph Abercromby ; m. ist, Elizabeth, dau.
of John Nason, of Newtown, co. Cork; she d. without surviving
issue ; and andly, Catherine Jones, dau. of William Hall, of Bath,
and d. 1826, leaving issue, three sons,
1. George, of Mountprospect, d. 15 May, 1879, leaving issue.
2. Harry, Lieut. H.E.I.C.S., d. in India, 14 Sept. 1864, leaving I
3. William, Lieut. 66th Regt., d. unm. 1879.
3. SPOTSWOOD, of whom hereafter.
1. Ann, m. Francis Woodley, of Leades, co. Cork, and had issue.
2. Catherine, m. Lieut.-Col. John Creighton, and had issue.
3. Dorothea, m. Lieut.-Gen. Sir Henry Oakes, and bart., of I
Mitcham, Surrey, and had issue.
4. Margaret, m. Rev. Ralph Wartar Wilson, of Kilcummer, co.
Cork, and had issue.
5. Charlotte, m. Lieut. Henry Palmer, 68th Regt., after 37th
6. Maria, m. ist, Lieut.-Col. Browning ; 2ndlv, Lieut.-Col.
7. Sophia, m. ist, Robert Corban ; 2ndly, John Benjamin Bloom-
8. Harriet, m. Major-Gen. James Alexander, and had issue.
9. Isabella de Vere, m. Wm. Woodley, Lieut. City of Cork Militia,
and had issue.
George Bowles (whose will is dated 12 Feb. 1792) d. 1803, and was
buried at Tallow. His 3rd son,
SPOTSWOOD BOWLES, of Ahern, co. Cork, J.P., sometime Lieut.
29th Regt., b. 1784 ; m. 1812, Jane (d. 24 Dec. 1885), eldest dau. of
Thomas John, of Youghal, J.P., and d. 2 Feb. 1864, having had j
1. GEORGE, late of Ahern.
2. Thomas John, b. 5 Dec. 1814 ; Lieut, ggth Regt., d. 7 March,
3. Henry, b. 23 July, 1816 ; d. unm. 1859.
4. Spotswood, of Springfield, Castlemartyr, b. 3 April, 1818 ;
m. 29 Nov. 1849, Anne Eliza Boles, eldest dau. of William Webb, of
Castlenugent, J.P. co. Longford, s. to Springfield and Mogeely,
near Castlemartyr, on the death of his relative, Rev. William
Boles, 1855, and d. i Nov. 1893, having by her (who d. 10 Aug.
1892) had issue, ^
1. WILLIAM, of Springfield, co. Cork, b. 8 Dec. 1850; m. 20
Jan. 1898, Elizabeth Wood (d. 9 May, 1904), eldest dau. of
Francis Edward Rowland, J.P., of Kilboy House, Cloyne, co.
Cork. He d. 19 Nov. 1911.
2. SPOTSWOOD, now of Ahern.
3. George Henry, now of Springfield, co. Cork, b. 6 Sept.
5. William John, d. unm. 1822.
6. John Wright (Rev.), b. 13 Oct. 1823, M.A., Incumbent of
Nenagh and Archdeacon of Killaloe ; m, ist, 24 June, 1852, Ann
Charlotte, dau. of William Henry Gabbett, of Caherline, co.
Limerick. She d. 17 April, 1853, leaving issue,
i. Ann Charlotte, m. n Nov. 1875, Gen. Sir William Henry
Seymour, K.C.B., Colonel, Queen's Bays.
Rev. J. W. Bowles m. 2ndly, !7 June, 1858, Eliza, dau. of John
Andrews, of Ratheny, J.P. King's Co. She d. 21 Aug. 1898. He
d. 24 Auff. 1888, having had further issue,
1. Ludlow Tonson, b. 28 April, 1859 ; Maj. (retired) East
Surrey Regt., m. 18 Jan. 1894, Rosa Elizabeth, dau. of the
late, the Right Hon. W. S. Baxter, M.P. for Montrose Burghs.
2. Spotswood Robert, M.A., b. 24 July, 1862.
3. John de Vere, Capt. R.F.A., b. 19 March, 1877 ; m. 2 Feb.
1905. Evelyn Grahame, dau. of William Walker Tennant,
of Ballinard, Fethard, co. Tipperary.
2. Eliza Rebecca, d. 14 Feb. 1865.
3. Ida Jane.
7. William Robert, b. 19 Oct. 1827, of Liverpool, late Lieut.
South Cork Militia, m. and d. 5 March, 1890, leaving issue.
8. Vere Hunt, of Rosanna, co. Cork, b. 6 April, 1829 ; Lieut.-
Gen. in the Army, formerly Col. commanding Sard Regimental
District. Served with the 63rd Regt. throughout the Crimean
Campaign 1854-5, which corps he commanded as Lieut.-Col. from
Aug. 1867 till Dec. 1875, when he exchanged into the 37th Foot,
and was appointed to the command of the 83rd Regimental
District at Belfast, 17 Oct. 1877. Had the Crimean medal with
four clasps for Alma, Balaklava, Inkerman, and Sebastopol, the I
5th Class Order of the Medjidie and Turkish War Medal, m. \
4 June, 1868, Ellen Anne (d. 2 Sept. roil), dau. of Robert
Hunt, of Cloughnadromin and Green Hills, J.P. co. Limerick.
He d. 7 Jan. 1904.
1. Margaret Sarah Lydia, d. an infant, 1822.
2. Dorothea, d. 24 May, 1907, having m. Richard Nason, of New-
town, and had issue.
3. Margaret John, m. 27 Feb. 1862, James Matthew Green, Capt.
7oth Regt., eldest son of Thomas Murdock Green, of Aghadoe,
Killeagh, co. Cork, J.P., and had issue. She d. 14 Nov. 1896.
Mr. Bowles was s. by his eldest son,
GEORGE BOWLES, of Ahern, M.A., Major South Cork Militia.
b, 8 Oct. 1813 ; d. 26 Feb. 1886, and was s. by his nephew.
Seat— Ahern, Conna, co. Cork.
BOYD, of Bally macool,
co. Donegal, J.P. and
D.L., High Sheriff 1892,
b. 26 Aug. 1843 ; s. his
uncle, 1891, and assumed
by Royal Licence the
name of BOYD, in lieu of
his patronymic Porter ;
m. 15 July, 1879, Char-
lotte Agnes, dau. of Col.
James Henry Dopping,
J.P. (see that family), and
has issue,
1. JOHN DOPPING, b. 14 Feb.
1886, 2nd Lieut. Queen's Regt.
2. William Henry Ker Porter,
b. 4 Feb. 1890.
3. Charles Knox Basil Boyd, R.N.R., b. 2 June, 1892.
1. Mary Rosalie, b. 8 June, 1880.
2. Helen, b. 17 April, 1882.
3. Agnes, b. 18 April, 1888 ; m. 2 June, 1910, Walter Newton
Drew, of Raincliffe, Ecclesfield, Yorks, only son of late Major
Edwin Drew, R.A.M.C.
4. Haidee, b. 4 June, 1891
-Liineagre.— JOHN BOYD, of Letterkenny, son of JOHN BOYD, of
Letterkenny. and grandson of JOHN BOYD, who built the family
mansion of Letterkenny, 1672, claimed descent from a younger
branch of the ancient Scottish family of Boyd, Earls of Kilmarnock,
m. 1736, Ann, dau. of Alderman Gamble, 'of Deny, and had, with
other issue,
1. J OHN, his heir. 2. Robert.
3. William Stewart, Lieut. Carbineers, killed in India.
4. Mossum, an officer of Customs, who left issue.
5. Archibald, of Derry (who m. Anne MacNeill, of the Colonsay
family, and was father of the gallant Capt. JOHN MACNEILL
BOYD, R.N., of the '' Ajax," who perished at Kingstown, near
Dublin, in the memorable storm of 9 Feb. 1861, and of Archibald
Boyd, Dean of Exeter).
6. Alexander.
Mr. Boyd d. 1764, and was s. by his son,
JOHN BOYD, Major in the Donegal Militia, b. 1740 ; m. 1766,
Martha, eldest dau. of Col. Stewart, Governor of Bahama Islands,
and d. 1810, leaving a son,
JOHN BOYD, Barrister-at-Law, b. 20 Aug. 1769 ; m. 26 Jan. 1799,
Frances, 2nd dau. of Sir Samuel Hayes, Bart, of Drumboe Castle,
and d. 1836, leaving issue,
1. JOHN ROBERT, of Ballymacool.
2. William, Capt. in the 87th Royal Irish Fusiliers, afterwards
Capt. and Brevet Major in the Scots Greys, d. unm. in the Crimea
1. Mary, m. Jan. 1835, William H. Porter, of Mildmay Park,
London, son of Henry Porter. She d. 1886, having by him (who
d. 1883) had issue,
i. WILLIAM HENRY, now of Ballymacool.
1. Mary, d. 1905.
2. Rose, d. 1909, having m. 1871, Rev. James Colby, M.A.
3. Anna Lighten.
2. Patty, d. unm. 3. Frances, d. unm.
4. Anna Maria, m. William Stewart Ross, of Sheep Hill, co.
Derry, and is deceased.
5. Isabella, m. John Robinson, and is dec.
The elder son,
JOHN ROBERT BOYD, of Ballymacool, co. Donegal, J.P. and
D.L., M.A. Trin. Coll. Dublin, Barrister-at-Law, High Sheriff
1846, b. 24 June, 1806 ; m. 6 Aug. 1851, Mary Louisa, eldest dau.
of the Rev. William Knox, of Clonleigh, and d. 30 March, 1891.
She d. i Sept. 1878. He was s. by his nephew, WILLIAM HENRY,
now of Ballymacool.
Arms — Az., a fess chequy arg. and gu. in chief a trefoil or.
Crest — A dexter hand, couped at the wrist, erect, pointing upwards
with thumb and first two fingers ppr., the hand charged with a
trefoil or. Motto — Confido.
Seat— Ballymacool, Letterkenny, co. Donegal.
E 2
of Bridge Hill, Lima-
vady, co. London-
derry, J.P., B.A.,
Trin. Coll. Dublin
*i868, called to the
Bar at King's Inns,
Dublin 1870, late
Major Londonderry
Artillery S. Div. R.A.,
member of the Town
Commissioners and
subsequently of the
Urban Council of
Limavady, b. 8 Aug.
1845 •' m- 8 Jan. 1873,
Louisa, youngest dau.
of Brudenell Plum-
mer, C.I., R.I.C. (see
PLUMMER), of Mount Plummer, co. Limerick, by
Martha Thomas his wife, and has issue,
1. EDWARD MAURICE FITZ-GERALD, Solicitor (res. Gorteen, Lima-
vady), b. i Nov. 1873 ; »»• 29 June, 1898, Ethel Maude, eldest dau.
of Capt. Robert Alexander Ogilby, D.L., of Pellipar House (see
that family) , and has issue,
1. Alexander Robert, b. 25 June, 1899.
2. Edward Ogilby, b. n Oct. 1902.
i. Gladys Maude, b. 19 Feb. 1901.
2. Brudenell Plummer. M.I.E.E., b, 7 Aug. 1877 ; m. 1907, at the
Cathedral, Singapore, Letitia Gwendoline Birney, only dau. of
Edward Agnew Jones Stevenson, of Wellington, New Zealand,
and has issue,
Edward Brudenell Stevenson, b. 20 Nov. 1909.
Alice Letitia Louisa, b. i Aug. 1908.
8. Alexander Frederick, F.R.C.A., b. 29 April, 1880.
4. Charles Edwin John, b. 13 Dec. 1884.
1. Geraldine Olive Martha, b. 21 Dec. 1875.
2. Louise Muriel, b. 9 April, 1883.
Lineage. — JAMES BOYLE, who settled at Limavady, and
obtained a grant of lands from Phillips, was admitted and sworn
a Freeman of the Corporation of Limavady 29 Oct. 1664, and elected
a Burgess 12 Dec. 1674 (which Corporation was created by Charter
from JAMES I, 31 March, 1613), and subsequently seven times
Provost of Limavady from the year 1677 to 1702. He d. 1719,
leaving two sons,
1. JOHN, his heir.
2. James, admitted Freeman of the Limavady Corporation 5 Oct
His eldest son,
JOHN BOYLE, of Bridge Hill, Newtown- Limavady, was admitted
Freeman of the Corporation 5 Oct. 1716, and was on the Vestry of
the Parish of Drumachose from 1732 to 1746. The date stone
in Bridge Hill House bears his name Anno 1732, with his Coat of
Arms. He m. ist, Miss Harr, who d.s.p. He m. 2ndly, 29 Dec.
1743, Ann, dau. of Alexander Ogilby (see that family), and by her (who
m. andly, Charles Harris, of London, and d. 28 Nov. 1773) "had issue,
1. JAMES, his heir. 2. ALEXANDER, of whom presently.
1. Anne (Nancy), m. William Lane, and had issue.
2. Mary, m. (setts, dated 10 Jan. 1767) Nicholas Moore, eldest
son of Charles Moore, of Kilkeel, co. Down, and had issue.
Mr. John Boyle was s. by his elder son,
JAMES BOYLE, of Bridge Hill, Col. of the Limavady Volunteers,
was on the Vestry of the Parish of Drumachose 1765, b. 31 Oct.
1744 ; m. ist, 4 May, 1/68, Elizabeth, eldest dau. of William
Holmes, of Donaghmore, co. Tyrone, and Martha Stuart, and by
her (who d. 1776) had issue,
1. John, b. i July, 1772 ; d.v.p. 1793.
2. William, b. 17 Dec. 1773 ; d.v.p., killed by the natives at the
Island of Grenada, West Indies.
3. ROBERT, his heir.
1. Martha, d. young.
2. Mary Anne, b. 23 April, 1771 ; m. 12 Aug. 1791, James Parke,
Lieut. Desertcreat Infantry, of Stewartstown, co. Tyrone, who
d. 29 March, 1851, leaving issue. She d. 24 June 1857
Col. James Boyle m. 2ndly (setts, dated 18 May, 1779),' Margaret
Campbell. She d.s.p. He m. 3rdly (setts, dated 2 Jan. 1781),
Elizabeth, dau. of Col. Thomas Boyle and Ann Torrens, and bv her
had further issue,
4. Thomas, d. young.
3. Elizabeth Torrens, m. 1803, Andrew Sutherland.
4. Nancy, d.s.p.
He m. 4thly, 1803, Margaret Ann, dau. of Capt. Parkinson, R.N. (she
took out administration to her husband's estate) and ' bv her
(who d. 1848) had further issue,
5. James Parkinson, b. 1803, called to the Bar 1838 ; m. 1832
Mary Ann, dau. of George Overend. She d. 1862. He d. 1840'
having had issue,
1. James, b. 1835 ; m. Ellen Cox, and had issue.
2. Abraham, d.s.p.
3. William Henry, b. 1839 ; m. Sarah Davies, and had issue
i. Elizabeth Caroline, 2. Margaret, d.s.p.
6. Robert Alexander, d.s.p.
5. Margaret Ann, b. 26 Dec. 1805 ; m. 1832, Robert Macalister,
4th son of Dougal Macalister, of Dalchuirn, and had issue.
Col. Boyle d. 1810, and was s. by his 3rd son,
ROBERT BOYLE, of Bridge Hill, b. 14 Feb. 1775, sold portion
of his father's property and Bridge Hill House to his uncle, Alexander
Boyle. He emigrated to America and subsequently went to India,
where he d.s.p., and was s. by his uncle,
ALEXANDER BOYLE, of Bridge Hill, Newton-Limavady, on
vestry of Parish of Drumachose from 1774 to 1821, churchwarden
1775 and 1766, b. 1748 ; m. Elizabeth, 3rd dau. of Michael Ross, of
Limavady. She d. 22 June, 1828, leaving issue,
1. JOHN, his heir.
2. EDWARD, of whom presently.
3. Michael, Lieut. 5th Native Infantry, Fort St. George, India, d.
of fever at Tripassore, India, 30 Oct. 1804.
4. Alexander, b. 1788 ; d.s.p. 24 Oct. 1857.
1. Catherine, b. 20 Jan. 1782 ; d.s.p. 7 Sept. 1845.
2. Ann Eliza, m. her cousin, Rev. Robert Alexander Parke,
and had issue.
Mr. Boyle d. 18 Feb. 1828, and was s. by his eldest son,
JOHN BOYLE, of Bridge Hill, Newtown-Limavady, b. 8 April,
1780, J.P. co. Londonderry, Freeman of the City of Londonderry
(ad. 26 April, 1811), Member of the Council of Coleraine,
Capt. commanding the Balteagh Corps of Infantry, Member
of the County Londonderry Grand Jury, agent to the 2nd Marquis
of Waterford, on the vestry of the Parish of Drumachose 1812-28,
Churchwarden 1823. He d.s.p. 12 March, 1836, and was s. by his
EDWARD BOYLE, of Bridge Hill, Newtown-Limavady, b. 1784.
Solicitor, Law Agent to the Marquis of Waterford ; m. ist (setts,
dated 7 Aug. 1837), Julia, dau. of James Stirling, of Walworth,
and by her (who d. i Oct. 1840) had issue,
1. Georgina, b. 17 Oct. 1839 ; m. Hugh Pollen, and d. 1902,
leaving issue.
He m. 2ndly (setts, dated 24 June, 1844), his cousin, Mary Anne, dau.
of James Parke, of Stewartstown, co. Tyrone, and by her (who d, 5
Jan. 1890), had issue,
1. ALEXANDER, now of Bridge Hill.
2. John, b. 27 Feb. 1847, B.A., Dublin, Solicitor; d.s.p. 17 Jan.
3. Edward, b. 17 July, 1848 ; d.s.p. 20 May, 1864.
4. James, b. 8 Aug. 1849, B.A., Dublin, late Capt. Queen's Royal
Antrim Rifles, served in the Zulu War, d.s.p. 14 May, 1906.
5. David Grainger, b. 5 July, 1853 ; d.s.p. 7 March, 1893.
Mr. Boyle d. 10 Aug. 1861, and was s. by his eldest son, Alexander
Boyle, now of Bridge Hill.
Arms — Per chevron creuellee or and gu. three hart's horns
erect counter-changed. Crest — A hart's head cpuped per chevron
crenellee or and gu. Motto-^Dominus Providebit.
Residence — Bridge Hill, Limavady, co. Londonderry.
Bannow, co, Wexford, J.P., High Sheriff 1910, late
Lieut, ist Batt. R. Irish Regt., b. 5 Jan. 1878. m.
ii May, 1911, Elinor Mercy Claude, dau. of the late
Claud Baggallay, K.C.
Lineage.— NATHANIEL BOYSE, son of John Boyse, of Mullagh-
terry, co. Tyrone, by Anne, his wife, who d. i May, 1664 (Nathaniel
being then aged 24 and married), obtained a grant under the Act of
Settlement, 3 Nov. 18 CHARLES II, of Bannow and was High
Sheriff of the county Wexford 1677. He had, by Magdalen his wife,
four sons and one dau.,
1. John, living 10 May, 1676.
2. NATHANIEL, of whom presently.
3. Jacob, Capt. in Lord Mountjoy's Regt., High Sheriff co.
Wexford 1720, M.P. for Bannow 1715-24 ', whose will, dated 25
May, 1724, was proved 3oth of the same month.
4. Benjamin, of Dublin. (Will dated 20 June, 1711. proved
17 Nov. 1712.)
1. Patience, m. — Vicary, of Wexford, and d. 1744.
Mr. Boyse d. 1678 (will dated 10 May, 1678, proved 30 Aug. foil.).
His second son,
NATHANIEL BOYSE. of Bannow, M.P. for Bannow 1692-1714.
who purchased in 1703, from the Commissioners for the sale of
forfeited estates, lands in the co. Wexford, and the Queen's Co. ;
he m. Frances, dau. of Samuel Helsham, of Kilkenny, and had
1. NATHANIEL, his successor.
2. Samuel, of Cullenstown, M.P. for Bannow 1725-30, whose
will, dated 9 May, 1728, was proved 15 July, 1730. He m. Anne,
dau. of Thomas Cooke, and had, with three daus., Frances, Eliza-
beth, and Anne, a son,
THOMAS, of Bishop's Hall, co. Kilkenny, whose will, dated 12
Aug. 1785, was proved 1791. He m. Margaret (will proved
1775), dau. of Edmund Jackson, of Portnescully, co. Kilkenny,
by whom he had issue,
(i) SAMUEL, who eventually s. to Bannow.
(1) Nina, m. John Greene, of Greenville, co. Kilkenny.
She d. 30 Sept. 1780.
(2) Mary Anne, m. Musgrave, of Myrtle Grove.
(3) Frances, m. Robert Thomas Carew, of Ballmamona, co.
(4) Margaret, m. William Watts, of Dublin. (5) Jane, d. untn.
3. Jacob, bapt. at St. Bride's, Dublin, 25 Aug. 1704 ; d. 1729.
1. Frances, bapt. at same place, 9 March, 1699 ; m. (lie. 27
March, 1736) Nathaniel Radford, of Brideswell, co. Wexford.
2. Anne, bapt. at same place, 19 Aug. 1706 ; m. Thomas Cooke.
Mr. Boyse, whose will, dated 8 April, 1714, was proved 17 Dec.
following, was s. by his eldest son,
NATHANIEL BOYSE, of Bannow, bapt. at St. Bride's, Dublin, 26
May, 1702 ; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Rowe, of Ballyharty, co.
Wexford. Her will, dated 22 Jan. 1759, was proved 26 July, 1759.
They had issue,
1. RICHARD, his heir.
2. Nathaniel (Rev.), b. 1727, B.A. Trin. Coll. Dublin, Oct. 1751,
Vicar of Newmarket, co. Cork, d. unm. 31 May, 1792. Will
proved that year.
1. Elizabeth, m. as his ist wife, John Glascott, of Aldertown,
co. Wexford, and d.s.p. 23 Feb. 1768. He d.s.p. 5 Dec. 1810.
2. Frances, m. as 2nd wife, Doctor Thomas Carr, of Waterford,
and had a son, George Carr (who s. to the Bannow estates, and
d.s.p.), and two daus., Elizabeth and Francis, who sold the
estates to Samuel Boyse.
Mr. Boyse, whose will, dated 13 June, 1726, was proved 7 May,
I735> was s. by his eldest son,
RICHARD BOYSE, of Bannow, b. 1726, High Sheriff co. Wexford
1755 ; w>- by licence dated 21 Feb. 1753, Margaret (who d. 22
Sept. 1808), dau. of Col. Philip Savage, of Kilgibbon, co. Wexford,
and d.s.p. 23 Jan. 1793, when his estates passed to his nephew,
George Carr, and upon his death s.p. they passed to George Carr's
sisters as co-heirs, and were eventually purchased by their kins-
man, the hek male of the family,
SAMUEL BOYSE, of Bannow and Bishop's Hall, who m. by licence
dated 10 March, 1780, Dorothea, dau. of Robert Shapland Carew, of
Castleboro', co. Wexford, by whom (who d. 29 Dec. 1835) he had
1. THOMAS, his heir.
2. Shapland, C.B., Lieut.-Col. I3th Dragoons, d. unm. 183-2.
3. RICHARD, s. his brother at Bannow.
1. Dorothea, d. unm. 2. Jane, d. unm.
3. Frances, d. unm.
4. Margaret, m. 24 Aug. 1808, Henry Holdsworth Hunt, of Water-
ford, and had, with two daus., three sons,
1. HENRY SAMUEL, late of Bannow.
2. William Boyse, b. 1811, d. unm.
3. Thomas, b. 1815, d. 1847.
4. Robert Shapland (Rev.), Vicar of Mark Beech, Kent, b. 1817,
d. 1904.
5. Richard Arthur, b. 1819, d. 1863.
1. Dorothea, b. 1813 ; d. unm. Jan. 1902.
2. Jane Ellen, b. 1821, d. 1895.
5. Mary, d. unm.
Mr. Boyse d. 26 Dec. 1839, and was s. by his eldest son,
THOMAS BOYSE, of Bannow, D.L. and J.P., High Sheriff 1841,
b. 25 Dec. 1785 ; m. Jane Stratford, dau. of John Kirwan,
Barrister-at-Law, and widow of Caesar Colcough, of Tintern Abbey,
co. Wexford. Mr. Boyse d.s.p. 1853 (his widow survived until
4 May, 1878), and was s. by his brother,
REV. RICHARD BOYSE, of Bannow, m. Winifred Berners Plestow,
of Watlington Hall, Norfolk, by whom (who d. 7 Jan. 1861) he had
an only son,
Augustus Freeman, J.P. and D.L. co. Wexford, b. 26 Sept.
1822; m. Mrs. Josephine Smith, widow, and d.s.p. in his father's
lifetime, Sept. 1859.
Mr. Boyse d. March, 1864, and was s. by his nephew,
HENRY SAMUEL HUNT BOYSE, of Bannow, J.P., D.L., Capt.
R.N., b. 1809 ; m- 27 July, 1847, Emily, dau. of Col. Thomas
Steele, Madras Native Infantry (see STEELE of Rathbride), and
had issue,
1. HENRY ARTHUR, late of Bannow.
2. St. George Philip, b. 15 Aug. 1855.
3. William Shapland, b. 16 June, 1857.
4. Richard Thomas, b. 13 Nov. 1862.
L Emily Thomasine Mary, m. 1872, Robert Tyndall, of Oak-
lands, co. Wexford.
2. Elizabeth Dorothea, m. 5 Dec. 1871, Alexander Frederick
Stewart, of Ballyedmond, co. Down, Capt. 6th Inniskilling
3. Philippa Kate Grace, d. young, 22 Feb. 1855.
4. Augusta Jane, '
Tandridge, Surrey.
4. Augusta Jane, m. 1891, Rev. G. H. M. Hamilton, late Vicar of
Capt. Boyse obtained his first commission R.N. 10 Dec. 1835, and
was appointed successively Lieut, in the " Racer 18," North
America and West Indian Station ; " Clio, 16," " Orestes, 18," and
" President, 50," all South American Station ; and to the command
of the " Basilisk, 50," in the Pacific : was appointed Commander
10 March, 1846, and Capt. i July, 1864. On the death of his
uncle, 1864, he s. to the Bannow estate, and thereupon adopted the
surname of BOYSE, and d. 23 Dec. 1880, aged 71, when he was s. by
his eldest son,
HENRY ARTHUR HUNT BOYSE, of Bannow, J.P. and D.L., High
Sheriff 1882, Col. 3rd Batt. Royal Irish Regt., b. n March, 1847 ;
m. 2 May, 1872, Emily Clare, only dau. of Rev. Thomas Harvey, of
Cowden, Edenbridge, Kent, and d. 17 Jan. 1902, leaving issue, "
1. Emily Dorothea Mary Clare, b. 7 Aug. 1873 ', ™- 3 Feb. 1898,
Capt. William Perry, sid Batt. Royal Irish Regt., of Woodrooff,
co. Tipperary (see that family).
2. Vera Marguerite Mansel, b. 27 Jan. 1875 ; m. 8 July, 1896,
Charles Edward Wogan-Browne, 2nd son of Major Francis Browne,
of Castle Browne, co. Kildare (see that family).
Seat — Bannow, co. Wexford. Club — Kildare Street, Dublin.
of Tara House, co. Meath, late Lieut. Coldstream
Guards, b. 3 Jan. 1880 ; s. his father 1 1 Jan. 1908.
Lineage.— JOHN MOORE, of Dublin, acquired in 1721, certain
lands in the Barony of Mellifont, co. Louth, under an Act of Parlia-
ment, passed for the sale of the estates of William Graham. He
m. a sister of the Right Hon. Charles Campbell, M.P., of New
Grange, co. Meath, and had issue, Charles, Barrister-at-Law, d.s.p. ;
Alice, m. Gen. Sir John Whiteford, Bart., and a younger son,
JOHN MOORE, of Tullyhallen, co. Meath, M.D., m. 26 Aug. 1752,
Frideswide, dau. of Dixie Coddington, of Athlumney Castle, co.
Meath, and had issue,
1. JOHN, his heir,
1. Alice, m. Thomas Achmuty, of Madeira.
2. Jane, m. July, 1799, Hon. and Very Rev. John Hewitt, Deau
of Cloyne.
3. Frideswide, m. 1786, Col. Hon. Robert Henry Southwell.
Dr. Moore was shot at his own door by an unknown person in 1788,
when he was s. by his son,
JOHN MOORE, of New Lodge, co. Herts, b. 20 Sept. 1763 ; m. ist,
24 May, 1788, Barbara, dau. of Hon. William Brabazon (2nd son
of Edward, 7th Earl of Meath), of Tara House, co. Meath, by Kath-
erine his wife, only dau. of Arthur Gififord, of Aghern. co. Cork,
and had issue,
1. WILLIAM JOHN, his heir.
2. Arthur John, Major, b. 24 Sept. 1791, an Officer in the Royal
Navy, served under Admiral Blackwood ; m. 31 July, 1827,
Sophia, dau. of Col. Yates, and had issue.
1. JOHN ARTHUR HENRY, late of Tara House, who s. his uncle
in 1866.
2. William Richard, B.C.S., Joint Magistrate at Mirzapore,
killed in the Mutiny.
3. Charles William, B.C.S., who left issue.
4. Adolphus Warburton, India Office, d.
i. Frances Stewart, m. Capt. Richard Charles Acton Throck-
morton, late 87th Foot, and d. 1895 (see BURKE'S Peerage and
3. Charles Henry, b. 21 March, 1798 ; d.
Mr. Moore m. 2ndly, 26 April, 1839, Charlotte, dau. of George
Samuel Collyer, and d. April, 1842, when he was s. by his eldest
April, 1789, who having s. to his mother's family estates, assumed
by Sign Manual, in July, 1845, the additional name and arms of
BRABAZON. He d.s.p. in 1866, when he was s. by his nephew,
Meath, and of Tallyallen, co. Louth, High Sheriff co. Louth 1872,
Hon. Lieut.-Col. in the Army, late Major Bengal Staff Corps, b.
13 June, 1828; s. his uncle, the Rev. W. J. Moore-Brabazon, in
1866, when he adopted the additional name of BRABAZON ; m.
Feb. 1879, Emma Sophia, dau. of Alfred Richards, of Tewkesbury
Lodge, Forest Hill, Kent. He rf. u Jan. 1908, having had issue,
2. John Theodore Cuthbert, b. 1884; m. 27 Nov. 1906, Hildj
Mary, only dau. of the late Charles Henry Krabbe, of Buenos
1. Kathleen Barbara Sophia, m. 13 Sept. 1911, Sir Gustavus
Francis William Lambart, ist Bart, of Beau Pare, co. Meath
(see BURKE'S Peerage).
2. Hebe Crystabel Frideswide.
Seat— Tara House, co. Meath.
BRASIER, of Ballyellis,
co. Cork, J.P. cos. Cork
and Limerick, b. 1852.
Lineage. — PAUL BRASIER,
of Coleraine, co. Londonderry,
obtained extensive grants of
land temp. CHARLES II< m. Sarah
dau. of Sir Tristram Beresford,
Bart, of Coleraine, and by her
(who d. 15 Jan. 1673) had a son,
Bagnal, co. Donegal, M.P. succes-
sively for Dundalk, St. Johnstown,
and Kilmallock. Col. Brasier
m. Anne, 3rd dau. of Sir Henry
Brooke, of Brookesborough, co.
Fermanagh, Knt., by his 2nd
wife, Anne, dau. of Sir George
St. George, Knt., of Carrickdrom-
rusk, co. Leitrim, and had a son,
Elizabeth, dau. of Dean Charles
Massey ; and 2ndly, Miss Ryves,
of Castle Jane, co. Limerick. Mr. Brasier d. 1759, and by his ist
wife had a son.
BROOKE BRASIER, of Rivers, co. Limerick, m. 17 July, 1756,
Elizabeth Johnson, dau. and co-heiress (with Amy, wife of Sir
Thomas Roberts, and Mary, wife of Ralph Westrop) of William
Johnson, of Lizard, co. Limerick, and had an only son,
KILNER BRASIER, High Sheriff co. Cork 1793. *• i75i ', m- I788,
Mary, eldest dau. and coheiress of John Creagh, M.D., of Creagh
Castle, co. Cork, by Judith Usher his wife, and had issue,
1. BROOKE, of whom presently.
2. JOHN, of Creagh Castle, assumed the name of CREAGH ; he m.
1801, Elizabeth, dau. and heiress of Charles Widenham, of Castle
Widenham, co. Cork, and left at his decease an only child,
PRISCILLA WIDENHAM, who s. to the Widenham estates, and
m. 8 May, 1819, Henry Mitchell Smyth, 2nd son of Grice
Smyth, of Ballynatray, co. Waterford (see SMYTH of Castle
3. William Johnson, Capt. 27th Inniskillen Regt., d. unm.
4. Kilner, R.N., d. unm.
5. George Washington, ancestor of BRASIER-CREAGH, of Creagh
Castle (see thai family).
1. Catherine, m. Rev. Richard Bourne, Rector of Rathangan.
2. Judith, m. John Wilkinson, of Limerick, and is deceased.
3. Emma, m. James Griffin, of Foynes, co. Limerick.
4. Mary, m. Attiwell Wood, of Leeds, co. Cork.
5. Lucy, m. ist, Charles Bell, and 2ndly, Bertie Jarvis, of Antigua,
West Indies.
The eldest son,
BROOKE BRASIER, of Bally Ellis, co. Cork, m. Ellen, dau. and
co-heir of Henry Mitchell, of Mitchellsfort, co. Cork, and left issue,
1. KILNER, his heir.
2. Henry, of Mitchellsfort, who assumed the name of MITCHELL
(see MITCHELL of Mitchellsfort).
3. Brooke, d. unm.
4. John Wellington, m. Barbara, dau. of John Smyth, of Temple
Michaell, co. Waterford, and had one son, Brooke.
5. Grice, who emigrated to Australia.
1. Ellen, m. William Quin, of Loughlougher Castle, co. Tip-
perary, who d. 1869.
2. Mary, m. John Smyth, of Temple Michael.
3. Catherine, m. 1844, Sir Richard de Burgho, Bart., who d.s.p.
The eldest son,
KILNER BRASIER, of Ballyellis, J.P., m. Mary, dau. of James
Griffin, of Foynes, co. Limerick, and d. 1874, leaving issue,
1. BROOKE RICHARD, now of Ballyellis.
2. Kilner. 3. Henry. 4. Charles.
Arms — Quarterly per fess indented or and sa. four cinquefoils
counterchanged. Crest — A demi lion rampant per pale or and sa.
Motto — Amor patriae.
Seat— Ballyellis, Mallow, co. Cork.
b. 1834 ; m. 1862, Frances, dau. of Edward Townley
Hardman, of Newbliss, co. Monaghan, M.D., and
has issue surviving,
1. THOMAS HARDMAN, b. 1866 ; m. 1904, Aveceua Maud, dau. of
Samuel Dickson Biggs, of Bellevue, co. Tipperary (see BIGGS-
ATKINSON of Ashley Park), and has issue,
(i) Avereena Maud. (2) Patricia Hardman.
2. Hardman John Ker, b. 1873 ; m. 1904, Florence, dau. of
Robert Benjamin Heuston, of Ballyhisteen, co. Tipperary, and
has one son and one dau.,
I. John Hardman, b. 1907.
x. Frances Vera Mary. ' 2. Nancy.
3. Franc Sadleir, b. 1880, Capt. 4th Batt. Royal Irish Fus.,
served in S. African War.
1. Maria, m. 1894, David England Young, of Ballygibbon, co.
Tipperary, and Harding Grove, co. Galway.
2. Frances Gertrude.
3. Isabella m. Richard Vincent Johnston, of Llandudno.
4. Eileen.
Lineage. — THOMAS BRERETON, of Clonanihy, co. Tipperary,
m. Mary, dau. of James Carrol, of Ballycrenode, co. Tipperary, and
by her (who d. 1783) had issue,
1. JOHN, his heir.
2. Daniel, of Tombricane, co. Tipperary, b. 1731 ; m. 1772, Mary,
dau. of Rev. Meade Nesbitt, of Fort Nesbitt, co Tipperary, and
d. 1818, leaving an only child,
Anne, m. 1796, Thomas Brereton, of Kilmartin, Queen's Co.
3. Thomas, of Ash Park (now Riverston), co. Tipperary, b. 1742;
m. Anne, dau. of Samuel Lawrence, of Ash Park, and Millmount,
and d. 1776, from a fall while out hunting, having by her (who
tn. andly, 1781, Saunders Young, of Nenagh) had issue,
Thomas, of London, m. 1810, Maria, dau. of Thos. Brereton
Watson, of Clonanihy, co. Tipperary, and had issue,
(i) Henry. (2) Robt. Lawrence.
(3) Wm. Watson.
(i) Caroline Catherine.
1. Mary, m. 1765, John Watson, of Brook Watson, co. Tipperary.
The eldest son,
JOHN BRERETON, of Rathurless, co. Tipperary, b. 1729 ; tn. 1767,
Margaret, dau. of George Watson, of Garrykennedy, co. Tipperary,
and d. 1813, having by her (who d. 1800, aged 51) had issue,
1. THOMAS, his successor.
2 John, of Old Court, co. Tipperary, b. 1787 ; m. Anne, dau. of
Simpson Hackett, of Riverstown, co. Tipperary, and had issue,
1. John Robert, Barrister-at-Law, b. 1817 ; m. Mary, dau. of
Garrett O'Moore, of Cloghan Castle, King's Co., D.L., and d.
1871, leaving issue,
(i) O'Moore.
(i) Grace. (2) Geraldine.
(3) Mary, m. 1874, Sir Garrett O'Moore Creagh, V.C., and
had issue (see CREAGH of Cahirbane).
2. Simpson Hachett, of Clongowna, co. Tipperary, m. 1850,
Mary Sophia Parker, and had issue,
(i) John, M.D., d.s.p. (2) Herbert, of Clongowna.
(i) Maud. (2) Sophia, d. unm. 1907.
(3) Margaret, d. unm.
(4) Georgina, m. Edward Justin McCarthy.
1. Margaret Maria, d. unm. 1873.
2. Sarah, m. 1842, John Bennett, of Grange, King's Co.
1. Dora, m. Robert Langford, of Rowell, co. Limerick (see that
2. Mary, m. 1818, Peter Watson, of Roscrea, and subsequently of
The eldest son,
THOMAS BRERETON, of Rathurless, J.P., many years a Resident
Magistrate, b. 20 Nov. 1785 ; m. i Dec. 1817, Maria, 2nd dau. of
Capt. Thomas Sadleir, of Castletown, co. Tipperary, and d. 24 Aug.
1860, having by her (who d. 17 Dec. 1874) ha<l issue,
1. Thomas Sadleir, now of Rathurless.
2. John Sadleir, Lieut.-Col. late 67 Foot, b. 1836 ; m. 1869, his
cousin, Margaretta Watson, dau. of Edwin Sadleir, of Oak Wood,
King's Co., and d. 1908, having had issue,
Thomas Edwin, b. 1878.
Myra, m. Ralph Peyton Sadler, Capt. Derby Regt.
3. Franc Sadleir, formerly Lieut. King's Royal Rifles, b. 1838 ;
m. 1865, Isabella, dau. of Frederick Robert Bees ton. He d.
4 Dec. 1911, having had issue,
1. Thos. Bloomfield Sadleir, b. 1866; tn. 1900, Maud, dau. of
Edward Wilson, of Carshalton, Surrey, and has issue,
Ralph Sadleir, b 1902.
Eileen Sadleir.
2. Franc Sadleir, of Blackfoot City, U.S.A., b. 1867.
3. John Sadleir, of Ogden, U.S.A., 6. 1870 ; m. Jane Branson,
and has,
Fredk. Sadleir, b. 1898.
4. Frederick Sadleir, Capt. R.A.M.C. (ret.), of Southport,
Lanes., b. 1872, author of " With Shield and Assegai " and
numerous other works ; m. 1898, Ethel, dau. of Wm. James
Lamb, and has issue,
Allen Sadleir, b. 1899.
Olive Sadleir, b. 1900.
1. Margaret, m. 1867, Maj.-Gen. Ernest Berger, late Lincolnshire
Seat — Rathurless, Nenagh, co. Tipperary.
Cloonanartmore, co.
Roscommon, Harolds-
town, co. Carlow, and
Grange, co. Wicklow,
Capt. late Irish Guards
(formerly Lieut. Royal
Fusiliers), b. 30 July,
Lineage. — SAMUEL and
grant of land in Tipperary
under the Act of Settlement,
Lebanry, co. Carlow, son of
beth, his wife, m. about 1699 Elizabeth Leybourne, and had issue.
The elder son,
SAMUEL BREWSTER, of Ballywilliamroe, co. Carlow, b. n July,
1700, made his will i April, 1756, which was proved i June follow-
ing. He left by Anne, his wife,
1. Henry, m. Anne, dau. of John Perkins of Ballintrain, co.
Carlow, and had issue,
2. WILLIAM, of whom presently.
3. Samuel, m. Elizabeth Garrett, and had issue, a dau.
4. John d.s.p.
1. Elizabeth, m. Robert Twiss.
2. Anne.
The second son,
WILLIAM BREWSTER, of Ballynulta, co. Wicklow, m. 1767, Mary,
dau. of Edward Jones, of Tullow, co. Carlow, and sister of Abraham
Jones, of Tullow, and had issue,
1. WILLIAM BAGENAL, of whom presently.
2. Edward, m. Sarah, dau. of Robert Gray and d. June, 1836,
leaving issue.
3. Henry, d. unm.
1. Mary, m. — Fitz-Henry, of Larkfield, co. Wicklow.
The eldest son,
WILLIAM BAGENAL BREWSTER, o>f Ballynulta, co. Wicklow,
m. Anne, dau. of Thomas Bates, and had issue,
1. ABRAHAM, of whom presently.
2. William Thomas, d.unm. 1821.
3. Robert Jones (Rev.), d. unm, 1832.
1. Mary, m. 1819, Samuel Allen, of Higham Ferrers, Northants,
and d. 1873.
2. Margaret, m. 1819, Archibald Montfort, of Killenure, co.
Wicklow, and d. 1850.
The eldest son,
of Ireland, B.A. Trin. Coll., Dublin, 1817, Barrister-at-Law 1819.
King's Counsel 1835, Sol.-Gen. for Ireland 1846, Attorney-Gen.
1853, P.C. 1853, Lord Justice of Appeal 1866, and Lord Chancellor
1867, b. 1796, m. 1819, Mary Ann, dau. of Robert Gray, of Upton
House, co. Carlow. She d. 1862. Hed, 26 July, 1874, having had
1. William Bagenal, Capt. Rifle Brigade and Lieut.-Col. of the
Inns of Court Volunteers, b. 1820, m. 1858, Georgiana, dau. of
James Campbell, of Craigie Down, co. Ayr, and d.s.p. 1864, vita
2. Elizabeth Mary, m. 21 June, 1850, as his second wife, Henry
Sneyd French, of Clonsilla, co. Dublin (see FRENCH of Castle
Bernard), 3rd son of Robert Henry French, of Dublin, merchant,
(uncle of ist Baron de Freyne), and grandson of Arthur French,
M.P., of French Park, co. Roscommon (see BURKE'S Peerage,
DE FREYNE, B.). Mr. Henry Sneyd French d. 20 Sept. 1850.
She d.v.p. 10 Nov. 1868, leaving an only son,
ROBERT ABRAHAM BREWSTER, s. his maternal grandfather,
The grandson and heir,
Cloonanartmore, co. Roscommon, Haroldstown, co. Carlow, and
Grange, co. Wicklow, High Sheriff co. Carlow 1882, sometime
Lieut. King's Dragoon Guards, M.P. for Portarlington 1883-5, b.
4 April, 1851, assumed by Royal Licence 13 Aug. 1874, the
additional name and arms of BREWSTER on succeeding his grand-
father, the Right Hon. Abraham Brewster ; m. ist, 28 Sept. 1876,
Geraldine (St. Albans House, 143, Gloucester Road, S.W.), dau. of
Henry Ritchie Cooper, of Ballindalloch, co. Stirling, and by her
(who divorced him i July, 1890) had issue,
1. ROBERT ABRAHAM, his heir.
2. Henry Gerald, 2nd Lieut. King's Royal Rifle Corps, 6. 24 Sept.
1878, killed in action at Spion Kop, 24 Jan. 1900.
3. William Bagenal, b. 26 Aug. 1880 ; d. an infant.
4. Arthur Ord, late King's Royal Rifle Corps, b. 31 July, 1882.
He m. andly, 28 Jan. 1895, Annie Hodge, dau. of George Hodge,
by whom he had no issue. He d. 20 May, 1901.
Arms— Quarterly ist and 4th, Az. on a chevron engrailed
erm. between three estoiles arg. a trefoil slipped vert (BREWSTER)
and and 3rd erm. a chevron sa. a martlet for difference (FRENCH).
Crests — i. A leopard's head erased az. bezantee in the mouth a
trefoil slipped vert (BREWSTER). 2. A dolphin naiant ppr.
(FRENCH). Motto — Verite soyez ma garde.
Residence— St. Alban's House, 143, Gloucester Road, S.W.
Clubs — Guards ; Army and Navy ; Whites.
LEY, of Portland, co.
Sligo, J.P. and D.L.,
High Sheriff 1885, b. 8
June, 1852 ; m. 17 July,
1880, Annie Constanc3
Isabel Worthington,
2nd dau. of the late
Rowland Edward
Cooper, and has issue,
Lieut. R.F.A., b. 17 Sept.
1882 ; m. 6 June, 1911,
Dorothy Helen Agatha,
younger dau. of Frederick
Page, F.R.C.S., D.C.L., of
2. Edward Graves, b. 23
Dec. 1883 ; m. 23 April,
1910, Nadine, younger dau.
of Sir Reginald W. Proctor-
Beauchamp, 5th Bart, (see
BURKE'S Peerage).
3. George Yorke LLoyd,
b. 30 July, 1896 ; d. 1907.
1. Mabel Fitzgerald, m. Feb.
1911, Charles H. Niven, 3rd son of Commander Oswald B.
Niven, R.N.
2. Edith Sybil
3. Annie Constance, d. young, 1889.
4. Ruth Minna Constance.
Lineage. — THE RIGHT REV. JOHN BRINKLEY, D.D., 6. at
Woodbridge, Suffolk, in 1766, entered Caius Coll. Cambridge, 29
Aug. 1783, became B.A. and Senior Wrangler in 1788, and M.A.
1791 was appointed Astronomer Royal in 1792, Archdeacon of
Clogher 1808, President of the Royal Irish Academy 1822, and
Bishop of Cloyne 8 Oct- 1826. His lordship m. 12 July, 1792,
Esther, dau. of Matthew Weld, of Dublin, aud had two sons and
one dau.,
1. JOHN, of whom hereafter.
2. Matthew, of Parsonstown, co. Meath, b. 2 March, 1797, ad-
mitted a Vicar-Choral of Cloyne 31 March, 1831, J.P. co. Meath ;
m. 5 March, 1821, Henriette, dau. of Very Rev. Richard Graves,
Dean of Ardagh (see GRAVES of Cloghan Castle), and d. 27 April,
1855, having had issue by her (who also d. in 1855),
1. John, d. unm.
2. RICHARD GRAVES, of Portland.
3. Matthew, Lieut. 97th Foot, Secretary to the Governor ol
4. Hercules. 5. Francis.
1. Esther, m. John Alexander, of Milford, co. Carlow.
2. Eliza, m. William Henry Longfield, of Careystown, co.
3. Harriet, m. Richard Henry Farrer, of Dunamaise, Queen's
4. Minna, m. G. A. Rotherham, of Kilbride Castle, co. Meath,
5. Anna, m. ist, 25 Aug. 1860, James, sth Earl of Kingston.
He d.s.p. 8 Sept. 1869. ' She m. 2ndly, 29 July, 1873, William
Downes Webber, of Kellavil, Queen's Co. She d.s.p. 29 Oct.
1909. 6. Arabella.
7. Jane, m. 27 March, 1861, Edward Vernon, eldest son of J. B.
. Venables Vernon, of Clontarf Castle, co. Dublin.
1. Sarah, m. Robert James Graves, M.D., and d.s.p.
The Bishop of Cloyne d. 14 Sept. 1835. His eldest son,
THE REV. JOHN BRINKLEY, Rector of Glanworth, Diocese of
Cloyne, 6. 1793, m. Anna, and dau. and co-heir of Rev. Walter
Stephens, of Hybla, co. Kildare, by Arabella his wife, dau. of
Capt. William Glascott, 24th Foot, 3rd son of George Glascott, of
Aldertown, and had issue,
1. John, gth Lancers, d. unm. in India 1851.
2. WALTER STEPHENS, of Knockmaroon House.
1. Sarah.
Rev. John Brinkley d. 14 Feb. 1847, and was s. by his eldest son,
JOHN, at whose decease, unm. the estate devolved on his brother,
WALTER STEPHENS BRINKLEY, of Knockmaroon House, co.
Dublin, J. P., sometime nth Hussars, b. 12 Dec. 1826 ; m. 24 July,
1851, Susanna Caroline, dau. of Major Michael Turner, King's
Dragoon Guards, of Ipswich, son of Nathaniel Turner, of Stoke Hall,
Suffolk, and by her (who d. 2 March, 1908) had issue,
1. JOHN TURNER, Chief Constable of Warwickshire, late Capt.
The Prince of Wales's North Staffordshire Regt. (Wasperton
House, near Warwick), b. 23 Oct. 1855 ; m. 3 Nov. 1885, Mary,
eldest dau. of the late Gen. H. A. Carleton, C.B., R.A. (see CARLE-
TON of Clare), and has issue,
1. John Carleton, d. an infant.
2. John Patrick, d. an infant,
i. Sheila Mary.
2. Walter Frederick Brownlow (Rev.), Vicar of Abbotsleigh,
Somersetshire, M.A. Camb., 6. 29 July, 1859 ; m. 26 Jan. 1897,
Emmeline Lydia (who d. 14 March, 1902), youngest dau. of the
late Gen. J. C. Brooke, and widow of T. W. Miles P.W D. India,
of Caragh, co. Kerry, anc* has issu?,
Kathleen Sophia.
3. Charles Michael Edgeworth, Major 4th Dragoon Guards, Chief
Constable of Lincolnshire, b. 6 May, 1861 ; m. 3 March, 189*,
Evelyn Everard, 2nd dau. of the late Maj. Thomas Everard
Hutton, of Middleton Hall, Norfolk, late 4th Dragoons, and
d. 31 July, 1903, leaving issue,
i. Walter Everard, b. 18 Sept. 1898.
i. Maud Agneta. 2. Violet Kathleen.
3. Norah Julia.
1. Julia Katherine, d. unm. 1911.
2. Anna Isabella, m. 3 Dec. 1884, Major Maudce Elrinstoa
Bisset, R.E., of Lessendrum, Huntly, N.B. He d. 15 June, 1909,
leaving issue (see that family).
3. Susannah Kathleen, d. unm. 1896
Mr. Brinkley d. 31 March, 1884. His cousLi,
RICHARD GRAVES BRINKLEY, of Portland, b. 21 Sept. 1823 ; m.
\ 20 Dec. 1845, Hester, only child of James Stuart Downs Dodd
Lloyd, of Ardagh, co. Sligo (by Charlotte his wife, dau. of George
Hepenstal), and grand-dau. of Owen Lloyd, of Croghan, co. Ros-
! common, and by her (who d. 31 July, I9o6)'had issue,
1. JOHN LLoYD, now of Portland.
2. James William Arthur, b. 15 March, 1854 ; 6. 1867.
3. Richard Henry Lee King, Capt. (ret.) ist Batt. Royal Warwick-
shire Regt., b. 31 Oct. 1860.
1. Charlotte Ida Harriette, d. unm. 14 Aug. 1898.
2. Louisa Maria Susan, m. 19 Sept. 1868, Major-Gen. F. R. Crof-
ton, late 2nd Batt. Royal Irish Rifles (Sfith Regt.), 2nd son of Sir
Malby Crofton, 2nd bart. of Longford House, and has issue.
3. Harriette Adela, m. 24 March, 1872, Henry Skey, Lieut. 54th
Foot, and had issue.
4. Alice Maud Elizabeth, m. 21 Dec. 1876. Thomas Weeding
Weeding, J .P. co. Surrey, and has issue.
5. Anna Edith, d. unm. 1875.
Mr. R. G. Brinkley d. 15 May, 1890.
Arms — Az. a cross patonce engrailed and in chief three estoiles
or. Crest — A cross patonce engrailed surmounted of an estoile, all
or. Motto — Mutabimur.
Seat— Portland, Easkey, co. Sligo. Residence— Allershaw,
co. Westmeath, and of Screggan Manor, King's Co., b.
28 Sept. 1862 ; s. his father i May, 1911, late Capt.
4th Brig. N. Irish Div. R.A., J.P. King's Co. ; m.
22 Jan. 1891, Diana Louisa, only dau. of Col. Robert
Wilson Hartley, of Beech Park, co. Dublin (see that
Liineagre. — In 1720, RALPH BRISCOE acquired by purchase,
the lordship and manor of Kathleen, King's Co. Ha m. Eleanor,
sister of John Price, M.P. for Wicklow, and had by her, with
other issue, an eldest son,
HENRY BRISCOE, Capt. Royal Horse Guards (Blue), who was
father of
EDWARD BRISCOE, J.P., m. 5 June, 1752, Frances, dau. of Rev.
Essex Edgeworth, of co. Longford, and had a dau. Eleanor, m.
Andrew Armstrong, of Clara, J .P. His youngest brother,
WILLIAM BRISCOE, whose will, dated 27 July, 1772, was proved
8 Feb. 1775 ; m. ist, 1761, Emily, dau. of James Nesbit, of Tubber-
daly, which lady d.s.p. ; and 2ndly, 1770, Ismena, dau. of James
Nugent, of Clonlost, co. Westmeath, by whom he had,
2. William Nugent, m. and left issue.
1. Eleanor Anne.
The elder son,
EDWARD JOHN BRISCOE, of Riverdale, co. Westmeath, and
Screggan, King's Co., D.L., Col. Yeomanry Cavalry, b. 1770 ; s. to
the entailed property of his uncle Edward, and served as High Sheriff
of co. Westmeath 1800. He m. 1790, Frances, dau. of Thomas
Fetherstonhaugh, of Bracklyn, co. Westmeath, and d. 1815, leaving
1. WILLIAM THOMAS, his heir.
2. Edward, of Grangemore, co. Westmeath, b. 1799, served as
High Sheriff 1833 ; m. 1829, Hester, youngest dau. of James
Rynd, of Ryndville, co. Meath, and d. 1842, leaving issue,
1. John Fetherstonhaugh, of Grangemore, and Lake House, co.
Westmeath, J.P., b. Aug. 1830; m. April, 1852, Katherine
Rebecca, dau. of William Peareth, of Usworth House, co.
Durham, and d. 1882, leaving issue,
(1) William John, b. 1856 ; lost at sea, 1875.
(2) Algernon Thomas Fetherstonhaugh, of Lake House, and
Curristown, co. Westmeath, J.P., b. 7 March, 1862 ; m. 1889,
Mary Elizabeth, 2nd dau. of Rev. J. J. Moutray, of Favour
Royal, co. Tyrone, and has issue,
Mary Elizabeth.
(1) Katherine Rebecca, m. 1884, John Nuttall, of Tittour,
co. Wicklow.
(2) Julia Isabella, m. 1884, Robert S. Hickey, of Taughmon,
Mullingar, and d. in India 1886, leaving issue.
(3) Cecilia Julia.
(4) Isabella Frances, d. unm. 98 July, 1910.
(5) Rosa Ellen, m. 1885, R. G. C. Flower, and has issue.
2. James, b. 1832 ; d. 8 July, 1860.
i. Maria Elizabeth, d. 1858.'
3. James, m. Harriet, dau. of Thomas Coates, of Staplestown,
co. Kildare.
4. Fetherston, m. Charlotte, dau. of John Phillips, and d. 1871,
leaving three daus.,
1. Frances, m. Rev. Richard Dowse, Dean of Clonmacnoise.
2. Elizabeth.
3. Charlotte Eleanor, m. 15 April, 1880, Freeman William
Deane (see DEANE of Berkley).
1. Jane, m. Humphrey Bor.
2. Eleanor, m. James Johnston. 3. Anna Maria.
The eldest son.
WILLIAM THOMAS BRISCOE, J.P., ol Riverdale, b. 1792; m.
1818, Maria Elizabeth, dau. of James Rynd, of Deiryyolnn, co.
Fermanagh and Ryndville, co. Meath, and d. 1854, having by her
(who d. 1874) had issue,
1. EDWARD JOHN, late of Riverdale.
2. James Rynd (Rev.), M.A. Trin. Coll. Dublin, Vicar of II-
minster, Somerset, b. Sept. 1821 ; m. 1845, Barbara, dau. of Ben-
jamin Riky, of Bally low, co. Carlow, and d. 5 Jan. 1898, having had
1. William Thomas (The Grange, Kington Langley, Chippen-
ham, Wilts), b. 1849 ; m. 1875, Alice Agnes, dau. of Francis
Spencer, of 10, Sydney Place, Bath, and has had issue,
(1) Howard William, b. 1876, d. 1878.
(2) John Fetherstonhaugh (Rev.), M.A. Oxon, Rector of
Bagborough, Taunton, since 1904, b. 1877.
(3) James Rynd, B.A. Cantab. (Achill, Chippenham, Wilts),
b. 1879 ; m. 3 Oct. 1911, Margery Vera Ernie, dau. of Rev.
Andrew Pope, Rector of Langley Burrell, Chippenham.
(4) William Thomas, B.A. Cantab., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.,
b. 1880 ; m. 21 June, 1910, Nancy, younger dau. of Andrew
Pringle, J.P., of Borgue, co. Kirkcudbright.
(5) Alexander Angus Riky, b. 1886, d. 1887
(6) Ralph Angus Nugent, B.A. Cantab., b. 1888.
(7) Arthur Francis Riky, b 1895, d. 1099.
2. Benjamin, b. 1852, m. 1882, Harriett Frances, dau. of Rev.
Edward Cay Adams, Rector of Hawkchurch, and has issue,
(i) Benjamin Ralph Cay, b. 1886.
(1) Frances Mary.
(2) Margaret Catherine.
3. James Rynd, b. 1855, m. 1894, Linda Sybil, dau. of John R.
Pine-Coffin, of Portledge, Devon (see that family), and has issue,
4. Edward John Henry Havelock, b. 1858, d. 1878.
5. Francis Percival, b. 1862, d. 1887"
i. Barbara. 2. Maria Elizabeth.
3. Katherine.
4. Emily, d. 1864.
1. Hester Matilda, d. 1870.
2. Frances, d. unm. 1900.
The elder son,
EDWARD JOHN BRISCOE, of Riverdale, co. Westmeath, and of
Screggan, King's Co., J.P. co. Westmeath, High Sheriff King's Co.
1860, b. 23 April, 1819 ; m. 23 Sept. 1852, Anna Rebecca, eldest
dau. of Rev. Sir William M. Smith-Marriott, Bart., and d, i May.
1911, having had issue,
1. William Thomas, b 1855 ; d. 1859.
2. EDWARD JOHN MARRIOTT, now of Riverdale.
3. Robert Ralph, b. 25 Dec. 1867, B.A. Trin. Coll. Cambridge ;
d. unm. 29 April, 1896.
1. Julia Elizabeth. 2. Maria Elizabeth, d. 1870.
Seat — Riverdale, Killucan, Westmeath.
co. Cavan, Army Service Corps, late of the 6oth
Rifles, b. 2 Feb. 1870; m. 24 Nov. 1902, Beatrice
Anna Caroline Isabella, eldest dau. of Clifford
Lloyd, of Victoria Castle, Killiney, cos Dublin (see
LLOYD of Lossett), and has issue,
GUY WILMOT, b. 3 Aug. 1904.
Lineage. — WILLIAM BROOKE, who purchased Dromavana from
the Sanderson family 1685. Had three sons,
1. WILLIAM, of Rantavan House, co. Cavan, Scholar of Trinity
College, Dublin, 1691, Rector of Killinkere, Mullagh, &c., m.
Lettice, 2nd dau. of Simon Digby, D.D., Bishop of Elphin (see
BURKE'S Peerage, DIGBY, B.), and had issue two sons,
1. HENRY BROOKE, of Rantavan, Barrister-at-Law, author of
Gustavus Vasa, Fool of Quality, Farmer's Letter, b. 1704 ;
m. his cousin Catherine Meares, of Meares Court, co. West-
meath, and had twenty-two children, of whom survived,
Arthur, in the Army, d. young.
Charlotte, author of Translations from Irish Bards, d. 1792.
2. Robert Brooke, m. his cousin Honor, dau. of Rev. Henry
Brooke, Rector of Kinawley, co. Fermanagh, and had issue,
(1) Henry, of Dublin, whose son was William Brooke, of
Hastings, whose dau. was Mrs. Dolier, whose dau. m. Ven.
Cadwallader Wolseley, Archdeacon of Glendalough, and is
authore&s of Villeroi and many popular religious books.
(2) Thomas Digby, m. and had issue,
Thomas Henry, author of History of Si. Helena, Secretary
to the Council "and Acting Governor of St. Helena, m. Miss
Wright, and had issue, Thomas, of London, m. Miss
Brabazon, and other issue.
(3) Henry Daniel Digby, of Coolock House, m. Miss Lucinda
Dobbyn, and had issue, i. Joseph ; 2. Henry ; 3. Leonard
(who m. Rhoda, dau. of J . Prentice, of Caledou, co. Tyrone,
and has issue a. Henry, of Oxton, Birkenhead ; b. Leonard,
m. his cousin Sybil Diana, dau. of Rev. Stopford Brooke ;
and a. Rhoda Annie) ; 4. William ; and five daus.
(4) Digby, an Officer of Engineers, killed in India.
(5) Robert, of Prosperous, co. Kildare, Col. in the Army, and
Governor of St. Helena 1795, when he received the thanks
of the King and Government through Mr. Dundas, for his
relief of the Cape of Good Hope, by sending troops against
the Dutch ; and in 1799 Co1- Brooke was presented by
Marquess Wellesley, Governor of India, with a diamond-
hilted sword, in full assembly. He m. Mrs. Wynne, nee
Mapletoft, and had issue,
1. James, Major Bengal Horse Artillery, m. Miss Patton,
dau. of Governor Robert Patton, and had issue, a son,
Harold Kynnesman Mapletoft, m. Margaret Louisa
Symonds, of Hinton Abbey, and d. 1867, leaving issue,
(a) Ellen Louisa Symonds, m. 1870, Rev. Stephen Prust
Jose, M.A., Vicar of Churchill, Somerset, and has issue;
(b) Margaret Selina Patton, m. 1871, Peter Hugh Jekyll
Lewes Rye, of Te Hill, N.Z., and has issue) ; and a dau.
Anna, m. Rev. Thomas Spencer, A.M.
2. Rev. John Michael, Rector of Ahenas, Cork, m. Louisa,
dau. of Dean Holt Waring, of Waringstown, and had issue,
Anna, m. — Ridley.
i. Elizabeth, m. H. A. Marshall, of Ceylon, and had issue,
John A. B. Marshall, M.A., and Rev. Henry, of Bath, m.
Miss Lucy Sadler, and has issue.
2. ALEXANDER, of Dromavana, of whom presently.
3. Henry (Rev.), Scholar of Trinity College, Dublin 1700, Rector
of Kinawley, co. Fermanagh, m. Thomasine, dau. of Rev. Thomas
Tucker, Rector of Moynalty, and had issue,
Henry, Governor of Madras, and afterwards of Rathcoffy, co.
Kildare, m. and had, with other issue,
(1) Henry.
(2) William, Lieut-Gen, and Col. 5th Dragoon Guards, m.
Mary, dau. of Lieut.-Gen. Nicholls, and d. at Bath s.p.
(3) Robert, of Royal Crescent, Bath, m. ist, Anne, dau. of
Stephen Ram, of Ramsfort, co. Wexford, and Lady Charlotte
Slopford his wife, dau. of James, ist Earl of Courtown ; m.
2ndly, Miss Sill, dau. of the Rev. H. Sill, and has issue,
i. Henry, late of the nth Hussars, m. the dau. of Myles
Ponsonby, J.P., Hale Hall, Cumberland,
i. Sally. 2. Mary.
Honor, m. her cousin Robert Brooke, of Rantavan, and had
issue as above.
The 2nd son,
ALEXANDER BROOKE, of Dromavana, m. July, 1713, Catherine,
eldest dau. of Richard Young, J.P., of Drumgoon, co. Cavan, and
had issue a son,
REV. WILLIAM BROOKE, D.D., of Dromavana and of Firmount, co.
Longford, Scholar Trinity College Dublin, b. 1720 ; Rector of the
Union of Granard for fifty years to whom honourable and interesting
reference is made by Maria Edgeworth in the Memoirs of her father,
vol. ii., p. 12. He m. his cousin Elizabeth, dau. of Mathew Young,
of Lahard, co. Cavan, by his wife. Miss Nesbit, and had issue,
1. Richard (Rev.), of Dromavana, Rector of Ballyconnel, d.s.p.
1818. 2. WILLIAM.
1. Honor, m. Eyles Irwin, of Bellevue, Fermanagh, the Oriental
traveller, and had issue.
The 2nd son,
WILLIAM BROOKE, M.D., of Dromavana, Dublin, and of Culmaine
House, co. Monaghan, b. 1769 ; m. Angel, dau. of Capt. Edward
Perry, co. Tyrone, and niece and heiress of Col. Richard Graham,
co. Monaghan,* and had issue,
1. WILLIAM (Right Hon.), of Dromavana.
2. Edward Perry (Rev.), formerly Capt. 62nd Foot, Precentor
and Canon of Dromore Cathedral, and Rector of Magheralin, co.
Down, b. 1799 ; m. 1837, Lucy Catherine, dau. of Dr. James
Saurin, Bishop of Dromore, and d. 1892, having by her (who ^.1887)
had issue,
1. William Saurin, Col. Bengal Army, 6. 26 June, 1838 ; m.
Jane, dau. of J. McMaster. He d. 13 June, 1902, leaving issue,
(1) Edward William Saurin, Lieut. R.A., b. 25 March, 1873.
(2) John William.
(1) Mary, m. Capt. Grenville E. Temple, Sherwood Foresters.
(2) Marguerite.
2. James Mark Saurin (Rev.), late H.M. i7th Regt., Rector
of St. Mary, Woolnoth, London ; m. Amy, only dau. and heiress
of John R. Stanford, of Badingham, Suffolk, and has issue,
(i) John, dec. (2) Edward James,
(i) Myrtle. (2) Bryony.
(3) Avens. (4) Orpine.
3. George Howard, d. young.
4. Loftus Edward, m. Rosamund, dau. of Rev. Meredith Brown.
1. Elizabeth Lucy, m. Edward Sandars, dec,
2. Cornelia Angelina, m. Augustus E. Brush, J.P., of Drum-
nab reeze, co. Down. She d. 3 May, 1907, having had issue.
3. Frances Charlotte, m. Lieut.-Col. W. B. Digby, of Balna-
carra, co. Westmeath.
3. Richard Sinclair (Rev.), D.D., Rector of Wyton, Hunts, b.
1802 ; m. Anna Maria, dau. of the Rev. Dr. Joseph Stopford, of
the Courtown family, Rector of Conwal, and ex-Fellow of Trin.
College, Dublin. He d. 6 Aug. 1882. She d. 24 April, 1903,
leaving issue,
i. Stopford Augustus (Rev.),&. 1832 ; m. March, 1858, Emma
Diana, eldest dau. of T. Wentworth Beaumont, of Bretton
Park, co. York, M.P. for Northumberland, and has issue,
(1) Stopford William Wentworth, b. 18 Jan. 1859 ; »». 1903,
Helen T. Ellis, of Boston, U.S.A.
(2) Graham Vernon, dec.
(1) Honor.
(2) Maud, m. 8 Oct. 1897, Thomas William Rolleston, son of
Charles Rolleston-Spunner, Q.C. (see ROLLESTON of ffranck-
lort C'tstle), and has issue. (3) Evelyn.
(4) Olive, m. Rev. L. Jacks, and has issue, five sons and a dau.
(5) Sybil, m. her cousin Leslie Brooke, and has issue.
(6) Verona, m. 28 Jan. 1908, Rev. Cecil Welland.
* Major Brooke, as the representative ot the Grahams, formerly of
Rahin, Queen's Co., who were a branch of the Netherby family,
is in possession of a massive old ring (stated to have been a royal
gift) worn by his lineal ancestor, Sir Richard Graeme, and com-
memorative of an act of extraordinary chivalry at the fight of
Aherlow, A.D. 1600. Here it was that Capt. Richard Graeme,
commanding a band of sixty horse, attacked and " rowted " the
whole forces of the Sugan "Earl of Desmond, consisting of 600
soldiers. In his third charge Graeme penetrated to their camp,
seizing their carriage*, standards, &c. ; but in his fourth assault he
charged so desperately that he " scattered the'r whole battalions,"
and that with such effect that Stafford says the Earl's forces were
utterly broken and he was brought to a desperate " fortune," and
never again could rally to a head, " but gat him into Ulster." —
See Pacata Hibernia, pp. 149, 150.
2. William Graham, Barrister-at-Law, d, 27 April, 1907.
3. Edward Thomas, Maor-Gen. late Royal Engineers, d. 1910.
4. Arthur Sinclair (Rev.), Rector of Slingsby, co. York, m.
Mary Ellen, dau. of R. P. Rodick, of Woodclose, Arnside, and
has issue,
Roderick St. Clair.
Janet Honor.
1. Anna Stopford, m. Very Rev. T. J. Wellaud, Bishop of
Down, and left issue.
2. Cecilia. 3. Elizabeth Honor. 4. Angel Stopford.
4. Irwin Alexander, drowned.
5. George Perry, Capt. 68th Native Infantry, d. in India, 1844.
1. Margaret, m. Thomas Atkinson, of co. Donegal, and d. 1880,
leaving issue.
2. Elizabeth, d. 1890. 3. Catherine, d. 1819.
4. Frances, d. 1818.
The eldest son,
RIGHT HON. WILLIAM BROOKE, of Dromavana and Taney Hill
House, co. Dublin, Q.C. and LL.D., Master in Chancery, and Com-
missioner of the Great Seal in Ireland, b. 22 July, 1796 ; m. ist,
26 Aug. 1819, Emily Margaret, only dau. of Robert Rogers Wilmot,
Deputy Recorder of Cork, and sister of Edward Wilmot-Chetwode
(see CHETWODE of Woodbrooke), and by her (who d. 1850) had issue,
1. William Armitage, b. 3 July, 1823 ; d. 1903.
2. ROBERT WILMOT, of whom presently.
3. Henry Edward (Rev.), b. 20 May, 1829 ; m. Maria, dau. of
Rev. J. A. Jetter, Vicar of Ironbridge, co. Salop, and d. 5 April,
1897, leaving issue,
1. William Montagu, b. 1861.
2. Charles Wilmot, twin with his brother, d. 1861.
3. Henry Sinclair (Rev.), Vicar of Pembury, Tunbridge Wells,
b. 1865 ; m. 14 April, 1898, Georgina Louisa Margaret, eldest
dau. of Capt. T. Stuart Russell, D.L., of St. John's, Wakefield,
W.R. York, Chief Constable, by Louisa Charlotte Emily, dau.
of the Rev. Sir Thomas Eardley Wilmot Blomefield, 3rd bart.
She d. 16 Nov. 1906. He m' 2ndly, 28 April, 1909, Violet
Wason, eldest dau. of the late James Wason, of Merton Hall,
Newton Stewart, N.B., and had issue,
(1) Henry James Sinclair, b. 20 Feb. 1910.
(2) Rollo Sinclair, b. 22 Jan. 1911.
i. Margaret Graham, b. 1863, m. 1889, her cousin Graham
Wilmot Brooke, who d. 5 March, 1892, leaving issue (see above).
4. Charles Francis, b. 21 May, 1835 ; Lieut. 4oth Foot, fell in
battle at Waitara, New Zealand, 27 June, 1860.
1. Caroline Hamilton, m. Sept. 1844, B. Clifford Lloyd, LL.D.
and Q.C., and d. 1864, leaving issue.
Mr. Brooke m. 2ndly, Catherine A. D., dau. of Rev. William
Bradford, Rector of Storrington, co. Sussex, but by her (who d.
1882) had no issue. He d. 19 Aug. 1881, and was s. by his 2nd son,
LIEUT.-COL. ROBERT WILMOT BROOKE, of Dromavana, and of
Heathdene, Southborough, Tunbridge Wells, Lieut.-Col. (retired)
6oth Rifles, b. 15 Dec. 1826 ; m. ist, 9 April, 1863, Elizabeth Joanna
Anne, only dau. of Gen. Sir Duncan MacGregor, K.C.B., by Eliza-
beth Douglas Trotter his wife, dau. of Sir William Dick, 4th bart.
of Prestonfield, and by her (who d. 28 July, 1883) has had issue,
1. Graham Wilmot, of the Church Missionary Society, b. 23 Feb.
1865 ; m. ii Dec. 1889, Margaret Graham, only dau. of Rev.
H. E. Brooke, and d. at Lokija, River Niger, Africa, 5 March,
1892, leaving issue,
Duncan Graham Wilmot, b. i Nov. 1890 ; d. 28 July, 1897.
2. Douglas Wilmot, b. 27 April, 1867 ; d. 10 May, 1868.
3. EARDLEY WILMOT, now of Dromavana.
1. Lilian Elizabeth Emily, 6. 20 Feb. 1864 ; d. 10 Feb. 1865.
Col. Brooke m. 2ndly, 1885, Bertha Alice, sth dau. of the late
Admiral Sir J. Crawford Caffin, K.C.B., and d. 8 April, 1898, leaving
4. Robert Crawford Wilmot, b. 14 Oct. 1887.
5. James Morton Wilmot, b. 27 Oct. 1888.
Seat — Dromavana, co. Cavan.
Wicklow, J.P. and D.L., co. Fermanagh, J.P. co.
Wicklow, late Lieut. R.N., b. 1851 ; m. 20 June,
1877, Alice Mary, dau. of Very Rev. W. Ogle Moore,
Dean of Clogher ; she d. 16 April, 1909, having had
1. GEORGE FRANK (Donkerhock, Caledon, Cape Colony], Capt.
late Connaught Rangers, A.D.C. to Commander in Ch. Dublin,
served in South African War (dangerously wounded at Colenso,
medal), b. 30 Oct. 1878 ; m. 12 June, 1907, Theodora Olivia, dau.
of Richard Meredith Jackson, of Natal, and has issue,
1. Frank Hastings, b. 18 March, 1909.
2. Oliver George, b. 3 July, 1911.
2 Henry Hastings, Lieut. 5th Batt. Connaught Rangers, served
in South African War (medal), b. 28 April, 1882.
1. Alice Gertrude, m. 26 April, 1905, Dermot Henry Doyne D.L.,
of St. Austin's, Tullow, co. Carlow, younger son of Charles Mervyn
Doyne, of Wells (see that family).
Mr. Brooke is the youngest son of George Augustus
I Frederick Brooke, D.L., of Ashbrooke, co. Fer-
! managh (who d. 20 Feb. 1874), and Lady Arabella
Georgiana Hastings his wife (who d. 29 Jan. 1899),
dau. of Hans Francis, nth Earl of Huntingdon, and
grandson of Sir Henry Brooke, ist Bart, of Cole-
Ijineag-e, Arms. &c.— See BURKE'S Peerage, BROOKE, Bart.
Seat— Ardeen, Shillelagh, co. Wicklow. Clubs— Kildare Street
and Bachelors'.
ERNEST GEORGE BROWN, of Clonboy, co. Clare,
Lord of that Manor, and of Lisnagry, co. Limerick,
J.P. co. Clare, 6. 7 Aug. 1864 ; s. his father 20 Oct.
Lineage.— JOHN BROWN, of Maghlands, in Scotland, m. Jane,
dau. of Sir Robert Gordon, of Lochinvar (by his wife, Lady Isabella
Ruthven, dau. of the ist Earl of Cowrie), and sister of ist Viscount
Kenmure. His son,
JOHN BROWN, marched into England with CHARLES II to Wor-
cester ; he had a command in the Horse under the Duke of Hamil-
ton ; after being severely wounded at Worcester he fled to Ireland
and settled at Dungannon, co. Tyrone, where he d. temp. CHARLES II.
By Alice his wife, he left a son,
WILLIAM BROWN, 6. at Belfast, 1658, Lieut, and Adjutant of
CoL St. John's Regt. of Foot, served with distinction at Derry,
Aughrim, Boyne, and the siege of Limerick. He settled at Clonboy
1691, his grant being confirmed together with the tolls of Bridge-
town fair in 1717, m. 20 Feb. 1676, Elizabeth, dau. of Edward Rock,
of the Vale of Evesham, and d. 28 Feb. 1725-6, leaving bv her a
numerous family of which the eldest son, '
THE VEN. JOHN BROWN, Archdeacon and Chancellor of Limerick
Rector of Rathkeale, J.P., b. 24 Jan. 1684 ; m. 6 Aug. 1717, Anne',
eldest dau. of John Vincent, of Erina, co. Clare, Alderman of
Limerick, and was s. by his son,
JOHN BROWN, of Danesford and Mount Brown, co. Limerick
b. 3 April, 1724 ; m. 12 Jan. 1751, Meliora, dau. and co-heir of Col.
the Hon. Henry Southwell, 2nd son of Thomas, ist Viscount South-
well, and had issue, two sons,
1. HENRY, his heir.
2. John Southwell, of Mount Brown, co. Limerick, b. 31 March
1763 ; m. ii March, 1794, Mary, dau. of Nathaniel Gordon, of
Whitchill, co. Lanark, and by her (who d. 6 Dec. 184?) had issue
1. JOHN SOUTHWELL, of Mount Brown, an Officer in the loth
Hussars, 6. 9 March, 1794 ; m. 22 July, 1817, Margaret Anne,
and dau. of Major-Gen. Agmondisham Vesey, of Hampton
Court Middlesex, and d. 1872, having by her (who d. 13 Jan.
1053) had issue,
(1) EDWARD JOHN VESEY, of Mount Brown, co. Limerick,
J.P., Lieut.-Col. late 6oth Rifles, b. 6 Dec. 1818 ; m. 16 Sept.
1848, Rose Augusta, 4th dau. of Admiral Sir William Parker,
Bart., G.C.B., and d.s.p. 19 Sept. 1894.
(2) John, Lieut. 25th Bombav Native Infantry, b. 3 July,
\ 1823, accidentally killed in India, July 1841.
A (3) Vesey Agmondisham, of Mount Brown, b. 3 June, 1824 •
m. 1855, Mary Edith, dau. of Rev. Edward Massingberd, and
d. Sept. 1895, leaving issue, a son.
(4) Henry Francis, ft. 3 Oct. 1824 ', »t. 1848, Maria, dau. of
Frederick Smith, of Moulmain, and by her (who d. 1853) has
(5) Thomas Anthony Southwell, b. 2 Jan. 1826, Col. late 83rd
Kegt. ; m. 16 Jan. 1856, Laura Lysaght Mary, dau. of George
Hewson, of Castle Hewson, co. Limerick, and has, with
other issue,
John Southwell, Major 2nd Batt. Royal Irish Rifles, 6. 22
April, 1859.
(6) Sidney Reynett, 6. 22 July, 1831 ; m. ist, April, 1858,
Mary, dau. of William Cox, of Ballynoe, co. Limerick, and bv
her (who d. April, 1861) has issue,
1. Alice Vesey, b. 1859.
He m. 2ndly, March, 1868, Charlotte Gower, dau. of Charles
R. Blandy of Maderia, andd. Jan. 1903, leaving further issue,
x. Charles Sidney Vesey, b. 1867. His wife, Mary Eliza-
beth, d. 13 May, 1902.
2. Florence Vesey, b. 1869.
3. Charlotte Mary Vesey, b. 1876.
4. Rose Sidney Vesey, b. 1880.
5. Helen Margaret Vesey, b. 1885.
(i) Mary Gordon. (2) Augusta Margaret.
2. Nathaniel Gordon, b. 22 April, 1795 ; d. 1796.
3. Henry, b. ig April, 1797.
4. Vincent, b. 23 June, 1809 ; m. Mary Darlev dau of
i. Laura, m. 1825, George Hewson, of Castle Hewson, co.
2. Meliora, m. 1826, Alexander Elliott, of Tanavaller.
3. Mary Anne, m. 1825, Major Charles Carthew.
4. Elizabeth Catherine. 5. Catherine, d. unm. 1822.
1. Anne, m. Robert Peppard, of Cappagh, co. Limerick.
2. Phoebe, m. ist, John Finch, a younger son of William Finch,
of Kilcolman, co. Tipperary ; and 2ndly, George Hewson.
3. Frances, m. Michael Cantillon Heffernan, of co. Limerick.
The eldest son and heir,
HENRY BROWN, of Danesfort, and of Clonboy, co. Clare, and at
one period of Rich Hill, b. 26 Aug. 1754 »' m* T.782, Sarah, dau. and
heiress of Richard Pierce, of Lisnagry, co. Limerick, (of a family
originally from Wilts and Berkshire), by Mary his wife, dau. of Col.
William Harrison, of Ballycarrane, co. Waterford, and had issue,
1. JOHN, of Clonboy.
2. Henry, m. the dau. of Col. Jones, of co. Galway, and had issue.
3. Edward, m. Miss Whelan, of co. Carlow, and had issue.
4. Pierce, m. Miss Bouchier, and had issue.
5. William, m. Miss Fitzgerald, of Limerick, and had issue.
6. Francis, of Mount Southwell, m. Anne, dau. of James Hill, of
Graig, and had issue,
Henry Southwell, d. unm.
Mary, m. 6 Oct. 1837, James Hill, of Graig, co. Cork.
1. Meliora, m. Thomas Alexander Odell, of Odellvilie, co. Limerick,
and had issue.
2. Sarah, m. — Sharman.
3. Anna, m. ist, James Griffin ; and 2ndly, — Cassan.
4. Catherine, m. W. J. Lawrenson, and had issue.
Mr. Brown d. 1836. His eldest son,
JOHN BROWN, of Bridgetown (Clonboy), Capt. Limerick Militia,
m. 1801, Constance (who d. 1860), 2nd dau. of Col. William Odell, of
The Grove, co. Limerick (M.P. for co. Limerick for thirty years, and
a Lord of the Treasury), by Aphra his wife, dau. of John Crone, of
Byblow, co. Cork. Mr. Brown d.v.p. Jan. 1833, having had issue,
1. JOHN, late of Clonboy.
2. William, m. Mildred, dau. of Thomas Odell, and d. leaving
one dau.,
Mildred, m. 1856, Charles Sandes, of Carrigafoyle, co. Kerry.
3. Henry, m. Sarah, dau. of Major Thomas Odell, and d. leaving
4. Thomas Anthony Southwell, m. 1836, Isma Cowley, 4th dau.
of Thomas Lidwill, of Clonmore, and Cormackstown, co. Tipperary,
by Mary his wife, eldest dau. of Robert Atkins, of Firville, and d.
having had issue,
1. John, M.D., m. 3 Jan. 1866, Nanny, dau. of John Peppard,
of Cappagh.
2. Thomas, m. Matilda, dau. of Robert Lidwill, and d. Jan.
3. Robert Lidwill, b. 29 May, 1842 ; m. 10 Sept. 1866, Louisa
Catherine, eldest dau. of the' late James Stanley, of the Grange,
Armagh, and has issue,
(1) Thomas Anthony Stanley, b. 15 June, 1867.
(2) Stanley, b. 3 Sept. 1868.
(3) Robert William, b. 15 Jan. 1871.
(1) Ismenia, b. 5 Jan. 1873.
(2) Mildred, b. 8 Oct. 1874.
(3) Maud Lidwill, b. 26 Nov. 1876.
5. Richard Pierce, dec.
1. Aphra, m. ist, James Fisher ; and 2ndly, William Scanlan,
Barrister-at-Law, and is dec.
2. Sarah, m. i March, 1834, Hugh Scanlan.
3. Frances, m. Rev. Richard Maunsell, of Milford, co. Limerick,
4. Phoebe, m. William Odell, Surgeon-Major, Army Medical
Department, dec.
5. Emily, m. Matthew Scanlan, both dec.
The eldest son,
JOHN BROWN, of Clonboy, co. Clare, J.P., s. his grandfather
1836. He was b. 23 Jan. 1802 ; m. 25 Aug. 1826, Mary Charlotte,
eldest dau. of Thomas Lidwell, of Clonmore and Cormackstown, co.
Tipperary, by Mary his wife, dau. of Robert Atkins, of Firville, co.
Coik, and d. 6 Dec. 1870, having by her (who d. 26 Dec, 1878) had
1. John, b. 19 Sept. 1827 ; m. 1855, Harriet Vereker, dau. of John
2. ROBERT LIDWILL, late of Clonboy.
3. William Thomas, b. 13 Oct. 1839, dec.
4. George Arthur, b. 25 March, 1841.
1. Mary Atkins, m. 1860, Thomas Stannard McAdam.
2. Isma Helen, d. i July, 1911 ; m. 1855, Capt. Richard
Cradock, i7th Regt.
3. Constance Margaret, m. 1860, Thomas George Mawe, ist West
Indian Regt.
The second son,
ROBERT LIDWILL BROWN, of Clonboy, co. Clare, and of Lisnagry,
co. Limerick, J.P. cos. Clare and Limerick, b. 8 Aug. 1837 ; m. Jan.
1862, Margaret, dau. of Col. Sheldon Cradock, M.P., of Hartforth
Hall, Richmond, Yorkshire, and d. 20 Oct. 1907, having had issue,
1. ERNEST GEORGE, now of Clonboy.
2. Richard Cradock, b. 3 Nov. 1868 ; d. 21 Nov. 1907.
3. Harry Lidwill, b. 16 Dec. 1873 ! d.s.p. 23 Sept. 1895.
1. Isma Frances Lidwill, m. Keith Ogilvie Baird Young, of
Ascreavie, co. Forfar.
2. Constance Meta.
3. Esther Lisba Marion, m. Ronald Vickers, son of Col. T. E.
Vickers, of Queen's Gate Gardens, S.W., and d. 5 Feb. 1909.
4. Jackaleen Maude, m. Aug. 1899, Henry Hay McKerrell-Brown,
of 10, North Park Terrace, Edinburgh, and has issue.
5. Helen Cowly.
6. Mona Isobel, m. April, I9io, Capt. T. S. Skinner, P.O.W.P.,
son of Col. Skinner, R.E.
Seat — Clonboy, O'Brien's Bridge, co. Clare.
BROWNE, of New Grove,
co. Clare, J.P. co. Clare,
High Sheriff 1907, Capt.
R.F.A. (Special Reserve),
formerly Lieut. 5th
Lancers, b. 1882; m. 1907,
Mabel Frances, dau. of
Nathaniel Mayne, M.D.,
of Longford, and has
29 June, 1911.
1. Deborah Violet Brady.
of Ballyslattery, or New Grove,
co. Clare, son of Edmond Browne,
m. Bridget, dau. and co-heir of
Thomas Blaney, of Furgonan,
Montgomery, and had issue,
1. THOMAS, his heir.
2. Edmund.
3. Nevil.
1. Mary, d. unm.
2. Jane, m, John Miller, of
Ballycasey co. Clare.
The eldest son,
THOMAS BROWNE, of New Grove, b. 1661 ; d. 17 Sept. 1717 ; m.
1694, Elizabeth, dau. of William Smith, of Dunagrogne, co. Clare,
and had issue,
1. EDMUND, his heir.
2. Thomas, whose will dated 23 July, 1779, was proved 27 Aug.
1780, d.s.p.
3. George, d.s.p. 1768.
1. A dau. m. Richard Hart, of Ballyhenor, co. Clare.
2. Anne, m. William Miller, of Ballycasey.
The eldest son,
EDMUND BROWNE, of New Grove, d. 1768, High Sheriff co. Clare
1733 and 1745 ; m. Jan. 1726, Jane, dau. of Mountiford Westropp,
of Attyflin, co. Limerick (see that family), and had issue,
1. THOMAS, his heir. 2. Mountiford.
3. William.
1. Jane, m. Thomas Westropp, of Ballysteen, co. Limerick (see
WESTROPP of Attyflin).
2. Anne, m. 29 May, 1760, Vere Hunt, of Currah, co. Limerick
(see HUNT of Cummer More).
3. Gertrude, m. Robert Hunt, of Inchirourke, co. Limerick (see
HUNT of Cummer More).
4. Letitia, m. Poole Hickman, of Kilmore, co. Clare.
5. Bridget, m. 12 Jan. 1764, William Henn, of Paradise, co. Clare
(see that family).
The eldest son,
THOMAS BROWNE, of New Grove, 6. 1726 ; d. 1779, High Sheriff
co. Clare 1773, m. 1765, Mary, dau. of William Westby, of High
Park, co. Wicklow (see WESTBY of Roebuck Castle), who had issue,
1. EDMUND, his heir. 2. William.
3. THOMAS, who s. his nephew.
1. Mary, m. Henry Brady, of Raheens, co. Clare, and had issue,
LUKE BRADY, of Brookville, co. Clare, d. 25 Jan. 1864 ; m.
Anne, dau. of Rev. Windham Magrath-FitzGerald, of Limerick,
and had,
(1) HENRY BRADY, d.v.p., s.p.
(2) WINDHAM BRADY, who s. and assumed the name and arms
of BROWNE, of whom hereafter.
(3) THOMAS BROWNE BRADY, who s. his brother.
2. Jane, m. Francis Greene, of Kilranalagh, co. Wicklow.
3. Anne, m. Jeremiah Hayes, of Killaragh, co. Tipperary.
4. Matilda, m. ist, John Harrison, of Garruragh, co. Clare; 2ndly,
Nicholas Coyne, of Moyne, co. Clare.
The eldest son,
EDMUND BROWNE, of New Grove, d. Dec. 1801 ; m. 1798, Anne,
dau. of Poole Hickman, of Kilmore, Collene, and left issue,
1. THOMAS, his heir.
1. Mary, m. 20 Dec. 1824, Francis Gore, of Tyredagh Castle, co.
Clare (see HICKMAN of Tyredagh Castle).
2. Letitia.
The eldest son,
THOMAS BROWNE, of New Grove, d.s.p. March, 1813, and was s.
by his uncle,
THOMAS BROWNE, of New Grove, b. March, 1774 ; d. 9 Feb. 1847,
J.P., D.L., co. Clare, High Sheriff 1808, m. 7 Nov. 1814, Elizabeth,
dau. of Laurence Comyn, of Moyne, co. Clare, s.p. On her death,
9 Sept. 1864, the estates passed to her husband's eldest surviving
WINDHAM BROWNE, of New Grove, Ensign i7th Foot, b. April,
1844, who, by Royal Licence 3 Jan. 1866, assumed the name and
arms of BROWNE in lieu of Brady. He d.s.p. and was s. by his
THOMAS BROWNE BROWNE, of New Grove, b. 1847 ; d. 1901,
assumed the name and arms of BROWNE in lieu of Brady by Royal
Licence, 3 March, 1877. He m. 1875, Emily Ellen Josephine, dau. of
John Perry, of Castle View, co. Clare, and had issue,
1. THOMAS HENRY BRADY, now of New Grove.
2. Windham Alexander, b. 1887.
3. Alfred Lucius, b. 1888.
Arms— Arg. on a bend engrailed between two plain double
cottises sa., three eagles displayed with two heads of the first
in the sinister chief point a pellet. Crest— An eagle displayed
with two heads per pale ar. and sa., the dexter wing charged with
a pellet, the sinister with a plate. Motto— Nee times nee sperno.
Seats— New Grove, Tulla, co. Clare, and Cartron, Burrin
co. Clare.
Aughentaine Castle,
co. Tyrone, J.P. and
D.L., High Sheriff
1887, late Capt. i2th
Lancers, and A.D.C.
to his Grace the Duke
of Abercorn, Lord-
Lieut, of Ireland in
1866, and Lieut.-Col.
9th Brigade North
Irish Division Royal
Artillery, assumed the
additional name and
arms of Knox, by
Royal sign - manual,
dated 16 March, 1874;
6.1841; w.i9Dec. 1867,
Louisa Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Francis Arthur Knox-
Gore, Bart, of Beleek Manor, co. Mayo, by Sarah
his wife, dau. of Col. Charles Nesbitt Knox, of Castle
Lacken, co. Mayo, and by her (who d. 22 May, 1903)
has issue,
1. THOMAS ARTHUR HERVEY, late Capt. Mid Ulster Artillery, bt
29 May, 1870.
2. Mervyn William Charles Nesbitt, b. 21 April, 1880 ; m.
i Aug. 1911, May, only dau. of late Barry George.
1. Sarah Hannah Madeline. 2. Augusta Caroline.
3. Eileen Hester Louisa, m. 22 March, 1911, Lieut. George
Richard Colin Campbell, R.N., son of Rev. E. F. Campbell,
M.A., Rector of Killyman, co. Tyrone.
Lineagre.— JOHN HAMILTON BROWNE, of Comber House, co.
Londonderry, and Aughentaine, co. Tyrone, son of THOMAS
BROWNE, of co. Londonderry, by Elizabeth Hamilton his wife, niece
of James Hamilton, Provost of Strabane about 1720, and grandson
of GEORGE BROWNE, also of Londonderry, by his wife, Mary, dau. of
Col. Hogg ; m. 1795, Jane Matilda, dau. of William Lecky, of
Castle Fin, co. Donegal, M.P. for Londonderry in the Irish House
of Commons, by Hannah his wife, dau. of Conolly McCausiand,
D.L. of Drenagh, co. Derry, and d. 1848, having by her (whorf.
1855} had issue.
1. Conolly William Lecky, of Comber House, d. unm. 1862.
2. THOMAS RICHARDSON, $. to Aughentaine.
3. GEORGE, of Comber House, J.P., D.L. co. Londonderry,
formerly Major 44th Regt., b. 1816 ; m. 1844, Susan Mary, dau .
of Thomas Hilton, of Ardwick, near Manchester, and d. 1887
having had issue,
1. John Walter L'Estrange Hamilton, of the gth Lancers, b.
1846 ; d.s.p. 1880.
2. William Lecky Hamilton, Capt. R.N., of Comber House,
s. his father 1887 ; b. 1848 ; d. unm. 12 Dec. 1900.
Cecil Hamilton BROWNE-LECKY, now of Comber House,
?., High Sheriff of co. Londonderry 1906, Lieut.-Col. 5th
I. Fus., assumed the name of LECKY by Deed Poll 1898.
4. John Hamilton, d. unm.
1. Hannah Sidney.
2. Elizabeth, m. John Cole (see BURKE 's Peerage, ENNISKILLEN,
The 2nd but eldest surviving son,
THOMAS RICHARDSON BROWNE, of Aughentaine, J.P. and D.L.,
High Sheriff of Tyrone in 1832 ; b. 1810 ; m. 1839, Sarah, 4th dau.
of Hervey Pratt de Montmorency, of Castle Morres, co. Kilkenny,
D.L., and by her (who d. i March, 1889) had issue,
1. JOHN HERVEY, his heir.
2. Raymond Saville, who assumed the additional name of LECKY
after that of Browne, under royal sign-manual, dated 4 March,
1871, in compliance with the will of his great uncle, Conolly,
William M'Causland Lecky, of Londonderry, and d. unm. 20 Aug.
3. Conolly William Lecky Browne-Lecky, of Derry, High Sheriff
city and co. Londonderry 1888, who assumed the additional name
of LECKY under royal sign-manual, dated 12 May, 1874, in com-
pliance with the will of his great-uncle, Conolly William M'Caus-
land Lecky, of Londonderry ; s. his brother 1873 ; »• 28 Nov
1878, Annie Henrietta, eldest dau. of Charles Eccles, D.L., of
Ecclesville, and has, with other issue,
Raymond S. C. De Montmorency, b. 1881.
1. Rose Sarah, m. Major J. D. Ellis, late 22nd Regt.
2. Caroline Frances, m. 23 May, 1871, John Stewart Eccles,
of Ecclesville, D.L. co. Tyrone, and had issue (see MCCLINTOCK
of Seskinore).
3. Matilda Theodosia, m. n Dec. 1883, Capt. Charles Eccles, son
of Charles Eccles, of Ecclesville (see MCCLINTOCK of Seskinore).
Mr. Browne d. 29 May, 1882.
Arms — Quarterly, ist and 4th erm., a chev. az. betw. two fleui&-
de-lis in chief and a cinquefoil in base sa. for BROWNE, 2nd and 3rd
gu. within a border engr. a falcon wings expanded or, charged on
the breast with a pheon sa. on a canton of the second a fess chequy
arg. and az. for KNOX. Crests— ist, BROWNE. An eagle displayed
with two heads vert, charged on each wing with a fleur-de-lis or ;
2nd KNOX, a falcon on a perch close ppr. charged on the breast with
a pheon sa. Mottoes— (Over) Moveo et proficio ; Suivez raison.
Seat— Aughentaine Castle, Five-Mile-Town, co. Tyrone. Club
— Kildare Street. ^
BROWNE, of Brownes-
town, co. Mayo, J.P.
and D.L., M.P. 1870-
80, b. 1837 ; m- Ist>
1858, Julia, 4th dau.
of the late Maurice
Blake, of Ballinafad.
She d. 1876, leaving
1. George Maurice, d. unm.
Major 5th Royal Dublin
1. Anna, m. James Wilson.
2. Mary, a nun.
3. Gabriel, d. inf.
4. Stella, m. ist, Edward
W. Keegan ; 2ndly, George
Power-Lalor (see that
He m. 2ndly, 1879,
Julia Mary, dau. of
James Lynch, and had issue,
5. Kathleen, m. Bartholomew Hackett, M.D.
He m. 3rdly, 1883, Honoria Eleanor, dau. of Francis
Murphy of Kilcairne, co. Meath.
Lineage. — ANDREW BROWNE, 4th son of Josias Browne, of
the Neale (see BURKE'S Peerage, KILMAINE, B.), by Joan his wife,
dau. of Edward Bermingham, of Carrick, co. Kildare. He m.
Catherine, dau. of Ulick Burke, of Castlehackett, and had issue,
1. VALENTINE, his heir,
2. Augustine, m. Anastasia, dau. of John Cormack, and had
issue, i. Andrew, 2. John, and i. Margaret.
1. Alice, m. Edmund Kelly.
2. Joan, m. Arthur Lynch. 3. Margaret, m. Panl Daly.
4. Bridget, m. Edward Brown.
The elder son,
VALENTINE BROWNE, of Liskellan, co. Mayo, m. Maud, dau. of
Thomas Lovelock. His will, dated 20 May, 1701, was proved at
Tuam, 5 Jan. 1704. He had issue,
1. GEORGE, his heir.
2. Andrew. 3. John.
1. Maud. 2. Bridget.
The eldest son,
GEORGE BROWNE, of Liskellan, m. Elizabeth, dau. of John
Browne, of the Neale, and had, with an elder son,, who d. young, a
son and a dau.
JOHN, his heir.
Julia, whose will, dated 3 May, 1742, was proved 10 Oct. that
The only surviving son,
JOHN BROWNE, of Brownestown, co. Mayo, m. Catherine (d. May,
1778), dau. of Denis Daly, and d. May, 1762, leaving issue,
1. GEORGE, his heir.
2. Denis, m. Alice, dau. of James Mahon, of Oughterdowney, co.
1. Elizabeth, m. Dec. 1760, Hugh O'Donell, Jr., of Newport,
co. Mayo.
2. Margaret, m. Henry Lynch, of Ballycurran, co. Mayo.
The elder son,
GEORGE BROWNE, of Brownestown, m. 12 Sept. 1762, Catherine,
dau. of Maurice Blake, of Ballinafad. His will, dated 8 March,
1798, was proved 12 Dec. 1801. He left issue,
1. GEORGE, his heir.
2. John, d. unm. Nov. 1810. Will dated 3 Sept. 1810, proved
22 NOV. l82O.
3. Maurice. 4. Denis. 5. Andrew.
1. Maria, d. unm. 1829.
2. Elizabeth, m. George Martyn, of Gregan's Castle, co. Clare.
3. Frances, m. 1807, Hyacinth George Burke, of Slatefield, co.
The eldest son,
GEORGE BROWNE, of Brownestown, whose will, dated 14 Feb.
1823, was proved 10 Nov. 1829. By Catherine, dau. of — Stuart,
his first wife, he had a son,
JOHN JOSEPH, s. his grandfather.
The son,
JOHN JOSEPH BROWNE, of Brownestown, m. Maria, dau. of
Walter Eakins, and d. 1844 (will dated 17 Nov. 1843, proved
3 June, 1845), having had two sons, of whom,
1. GEORGE EAKINS, s. to Brownestown.
2. Walter J., d. unm., will proved Oct. 1908.
Arms — Sa. three lions passant in bend between two double
cotises arg. Crest — An eagle displayed vert. Motto — Suivez
Seat — Brownestown, co. Mayo. Residence — 14, Shanganagh
Terrace, Killeney, co. Dublin. Club — Reform.
BROWNE, of Castle
Browne and Keredern,
co. Kildare, late com-
manding 3rd King's
Own Hussars, b. 17 Feb.
1854; m. ii Aug. 1879,
Beda, 3rd dau. of James
Costello, of Fox Hall,
co. Dublin. He assumed
by deed poll, 30 Jan<
1880, the additional
name of Woo AN, which
had been borne as a
Christian name by the
family for several gene-
rations. He has had
1. Francis Thomas, 2nd
Lieut. Scottish Rifles, b. 29 June, 1882 ; d. 4 Oct. 1902, drowned
at Greystones, co. Wicklow.
2. Henry Edward, b. 21 Aug. 1883 ; d. 27 Oct. 1886.
3. JOHN HUBERT, b. 23 July, 1896.
1. Mary Charlotte Anna, b. 12 Sept. 1880; m. 12 July, 1905,
Major Alfred Maitland Addison, son of the late Capt. C. Maitland
Addison, 59 th Foot.
2. Beatrice Judith, b. 9 April, 1886 ; d. 22 Oct. 1886.
3. Judith Helen, b. 18 Oct. 1887.
4. Dorothea, b. 15 Aug. 1890 ; d. unm. 31 Aug. 1910.
5. Claire Renee, b. 9 Aug. 1893.
Lineage. — JOHN BROWN, of Giggotstown, co. Kildare, whose
will, dated 3 May, 1629, was proved 6 May following, m. Ellis Stoak,
and by her had issue,
1. Christopher. 2. THOMAS, of whom we treat.
The younger son,
THOMAS BROWNE, of Dublin and Castle Browne, co. Kildare,
admitted to the King's Inns as Attorney 27 May, 1639 ; m.
22 June, 1646, Begnet^ dau. and heiress of Nicholas Stephens, of
Dublin, and d. 2 April, 1693 (will dated 19 Oct. 1687, and proved
28 June, 1694), having by her (who d. 22 Dec. 1665) had issue
(with three daus. : 1. Honora, m. i May, 1665, Col. James
Dempsey ; 2. Mary, m. Patrick Alen, of St. Wolstan's, co. Kildare ;
and 3. Ciceley) a son,
JOHN BROWNE, of Dublin and Castle Browne, co. Kildare, m.
May, 1685, Hon. Mary, dau. of William, 3rd Viscount Fitzwilliam
(see BURKE'S Extinct 'Peerage), and d. 27 Jan. 1693, aged 42 (will
dated 25 and proved 30 Jan. same year), having by her (who d.
19 May, 1693) had issue,
1. STEPHEN FITZWILLIAM, of whom presently.
2. Christopher, of Castle Browne, co. Kildare, d. unm. 23 Dec.
1736 (will dated 18 Dec. 1736, proved 3 Feb. 1736-7).
3. Bruno, administration granted 14 Nov. 1741, to his widow
1. Alice, m. John Taylor.
2. Anne, d. 21 Dec. 1736 (will dated 21 Nov. 1736, proved 28
July, 1737).
3. Elizabeth.
The 2nd son,
STEPHEN FITZWILLIAM BROWNE, of Castle Browne, m. (ist),
his cousin, dau. of Thomas, 4th Viscount FitzWilliam. She d.
23 July, 1722, and (2ndly), Judith, 2nd dau. of John Wogan, of
Rathcoffey, co. Kildare, by Judith Moore, his wife, and d. 3 July,
1767, leaving issue,
1. John, d.s.p. 1777. 2. Thomas.
3. Nicholas. 4. MICHAEL, of whom presently.
5. Christopher.
6. Anthony, Col. in the Saxon Service, m. M. Sacgrea, and
had issue,
Anthony, m. Mary, dau. of Gen. Cuppage, and had issue,
Anthony, Major in the Army, m. M. Gildea, and has issue.
1. Rose, d. unm.
The 4th son,
2. Elizabeth, d. unm.
MICHAEL BROWNE, of Castle Browne (sometimes called Clon-
goweswood), Col. in the French Service, m. his cousin Catherine,
dau. of Col. Nicholas Wogan,* of Rathcoffey, and d. c. 1778, leaving
1. Thomas, m. Sarah Pearson, a lady of considerable property in
Westmorland, and d.s.p.
2. MICHAEL WOGAN, of whom presently.
1. Judith. 2. Eliza.
The youngest son,
MICHAEL WOGAN BROWNE, of Castle Browne, Gen. in the Saxon
Service, and A.D.C. to the King of Saxony, by whom he was created
a baron, was commander of the Guards and Governor of Dresden, he
tn. Augusta Frances, dau. of Col. Thomas Prescott, of the Guards,
and grand-dau. of ist Viscount Falmouth, by Charlotte his wife,
niece of the great Duke of Marlborough, and had issue,
1. Thomas, Major in the Army, d.s.p. 1877.
2. Arthur, Capt. in the Austrian Service, d. unm.
3. FRANCIS, of whom we treat.
Lieut.-Gen. Michael Wogan Browne d. 1824. His youngest son,
FRANCIS BROWNE, of Castle Browne, and Tours, France, Major
7th Hungarian Hussars, Austrian Service, b. 1809 ; m. 1849, Char-
lotte Rose, dau. of Gen. Baron de Keredern de Trobriaud, Chief of
the Staff of Marechal Davoust, Due D'Auerstadt, and by her (who
d. 17 Dec. 1902) had issue,
1. FRANCIS WILLIAM NICHOLAS, now of Castle Browne.
2. Charles Michael Edward, of L'Hermitage, St. Cyre, Indre et
Loire, Capt. 3rd Batt. Royal Irish Regt., b. 3 Oct. 1861 ; m. 8
July, 1896, Vera Marguerite Mansel, youngest dau. of the late
Col. Hunt Boyse, J.P., of Bannow, co. Wexford (see that family).
1. Charlotte, 6. 1851 ; m. Jan. 1878, Capt. Desire Dupin des
Vastines, 70 Chasseurs a cheval, and d.s.p. May, 1878.
2. Anne Regina, a nun. b. 1853.
Major F. Browne d. March, 1876.
Arms — Quarterly, ist and 4th, sa. a chevron between three
cranes arg. (for BROWNE), 2nd per pale ermine and gu., a saltire
counterchanged (for STEPHENS), 3rd, or on a chief sa., three martlets
of the field (for WOGAN). Crest — A tiger az. maned, tufted and
armed or. Motto — Qui non ciconia tigris.
Residence — Keredern, Naas, co. Kildare.
BROWNE, of Breaghwy,
co. Mayo, J.P., D.L.,
High Sheriff 1896, Capt.
and Hon. Major late
3rd Batt. Royal Scots
Fusiliers, &. 31 March,
1866 ; m. 20 June,
1895, Elizabeth Naomi,
eldest dau. of Hon.
R. R. Dobell, of Beau.
voir Manor, Quebec,
Canada, M.P. and P.C.
Canadian Parliament,
and has issue,
NEY, b. 29 Feb. 1904.
1. Naomi Frances Muriel, b.
5 Jan. 1897.
2. Noel Sidney, b. 23 Dec.
3. Moyra Rose, b. i Jan.
Lineage. — DOMINICK
BROWNE, of Breaghwy, co.
Mayo, Capt. in the Army
(younger son of Sir John
Browne, ist bart., of the
Neale, ancestor of the Lord
Kilmaine), m. Barbara, dau. of Sir Henry Talbot, and niece of the
Duke of Tyrconnell, and was father of
ANDREW BROWNE, of Breaghwy, m. Allinor, dau. of Alexander
Kirwan, of Dalgin, and had a son,
DOMINICK BROWNE, of Breaghwy, b. 1701 ; m. rst, Mabel, dau. of
Sir John Browne, Bt. of the Neale, who d.s.p. ; 2ndly, Anne (d. Dec.
* Col. Nicholas Wogan of Rathcoffey, co. Kildare, was the son of
John Wogan of Rathcoffey, and Judith Moore his wife, and a
direct descendant of Sir John Wogan, Chief Governor of Ireland in
1295 and 1310. Col. Wogan's sister Judith, m. as in the text,
Stephen Fitzwilliam Browne, of Castle Browne. Col. Wogan m.
Rose, dau. and heir of Sir Neill O'Neill, Bart. His will, dated
5 Feb. 1757, was proved 19 Dec. 1770. He left issue,
1. John, of Rathcoffey, m. Hon. Hellen Browne (sister of Lord
Kenmare), who d. 1784.
1. Frances, m. John Talbot, of Malahide, and was grandmother
of Richard Wogan Talbot, 2nd Baron Talbot de Malahide.
2. Catherine, m. as in the text, her cousin, CoJ. Michael Browne,
of Castle Browne.
1771), dau. of Martin D'Arcy, of Houndswood, co. Mayo, and d. 1776,
leaving issue,
1. ANDREW NICHOLAS, his heir.
2. John Edmond (Sir), created a Bart, of Ireland in 1797.
The elder son,
ANDREW NICHOLAS BROWNE, of Breaghwy, a Deputy Governor
for Mayo, m. Mary, dau. of E. Gilker, and d. 1796, having by her
(who d. 1836) had issue.
1. DOMINICK, Major 88th Regt., d. unm. 1803.
2. Edmond, Lieut.-Col. 36th Regt., d. unm. 18 April, 1838.
3. JOHN, of whom we treat.
1. Ann. m. Charles Tyler, d.s.p.
2. Catherine, m. Capt. G. Cox, and d.s.p.
3. Dorothea, m. Capt. J. Hoey, and had issue.
4. Rose, m. J. Mullins.
5. Maria, m. James Howell, d.s.p.
6. Eliza, d. unm.
The 3rd son,
LIEUT.-COL. JOHN BROWNE, of Breaghwy, who served with dis-
tinction at Waterloo, and in several engagements in the Peninsular
War, b. 1790; m. 2 Oct. 1823, Frances Jane, dau. of John Haw-
thorn, of Jamaica, and by her (who d. 14 Jan. 1891) had issue,
-1. DOMINICK ANDREW, late of Breaghwy.
2. Montague, Col. late 24th Regt., m. ist, Margaret Elizabeth
only dau. of Charles Maurice Stack, and had two sons, who d. unm.,
2ndly, Emily, dau. of Charles Hall Stack, of Mulloghmore, co.
Tyrone. She d. 1897, and he m. 3rdly, Kate, dau. of Rev. J.
Dixon, D.D.
3. Henry John, m. Constance Harding, and d. 1877, having had
one son, who d. unm.
4. Frederick Augustus, d. unm.
5. Arthur Wellesley Wyndham, d. unm.
6. Edmond Charles, Col. commanding Royal Scots Fusiliers
Regntl. District, b. 8 April, 1843 ; d. 7 Jan. 1910, having m.
1894, Catharine, only dau. of Patrick Ness, of Braco Castle, N.B.
7. Augustus Hawthorn.
1. Rose Mary Anne, m. John Mitchell, of Hawthorn Lodge, Ayr
N.B. He d. May, 1883. She d. Oct. 1899.
2. Sarah Jane, m. Henry Finch, of Ashurstwood, Sussex.
3. Mary Louisa, d. unm. 5 Nov. 1908.
Col. Browne d. 20 Nov. 1849, and was s. by his eldest son,
DOMINICK ANDREW BROWNE, of Breaghwy, co. Mayo, J.P., D.L.,
High Sheriff 1881, b. 30 June, 1824 ; educated at the R. M. College,
Sandhurst ; m. 26 July, 1864, Emily Louisa (Breaghwy, Castlebar,
and 32, Portland Court, W.}, only dau. of John Sidney Hawkins, of
Brompton, eldest son of Sir John Hawkins, Knt., Chairman of
Quarter Sessions for Middlesex, and d. 9 Sept. 1902, leaving issue,
1. DOMINICK SIDNEY, now of Breaghwy.
2. Francis John Sidney, b. 23 Aug. 1867 ; d. 30 June, 1875.
Arms — Sa. three lions passant in bend between two double
cotises arg. Crest — An eagle displayed vert. Motto — Suivez
Seat— Breaghwy, Castlebar. Clubs— United University and
Orleans, S.W., and Kildare Street, Dublin.
Mayo, M.A. and LL.B. Trinity College, Dublin, J.P,
co. Mayo, Barrister-at-Law of the Irish Bar and
Advocate of the Supreme Court of Ceylon, was
appointed 15 Jan. 1893, District Judge of Colombo,
and retired on pension April, 1903, b. 23 May, 1841 ;
m. 9 Aug. 1871, Annabella, dau. of Samuel Glenny,
of Liverpool (son of Isaac George Glenny, Seneschal
of Newry, who was grandson of Isaac Glenny, of
Glenville, co. Down), and has issue,
1. DODWELL, M.B. Trin. Coll. Dublin, 6. 4 May, 1872, Medical
Officer and Resident Magistrate, Port Hedland, West Australia ;
m. 1903, Harriett Lilian Heppingstone, and has issue,
i. Annabel Mary Dodwell. 2. Margaret Lilian Dodwell.
2. Keppel Glenny Dodwell, Barrister-at-Law Irel. and Adv.
Ceylon, 6. 15 Aug. 1873 ; d. i Oct. 1908.
3. "O'Donel Henry Dodwell, M.D. Trin. Coll. Dub., Naas, b.
20 Sept. 1878 ; m. 1902, Grace Louisa Glover, and has issue,
O'Donel Thornley Dodwell, b. 1903.
1. Norah Lucy Frances Dodwell.
"Lineage. — DODWELL BROWNE, of Rathain or Rabins, co. Mayo,
•*rd son of Sir John Browne, 5th bart. of the Neale, ancestor of the
BARONS KILMAINE (see BURKE'S Peerage) by Margaret, his ist
wife, dau. and co-heir of Henry Dodwell, of Athlone, m. April, 1762,
Elizabeth, eldest dau. and co-heir of James Cuff, Lord Tyrawley,
and d. about 1796, leaving a son,
DODWELL BROWNE, of Rathain, Lieut. R.N., m. 1797, Maria,
dau. of Sir Neal O'Donol, Bart., of Newport, and is supposed to have
d. in Canada about 1819, having by her (who d. 1809) had issue,
1. HUGH JOHN HENRY, of whom presently.
2. NEAL O'DONEL, late of Rathain.
1. Mary Anne Moore, m. Peter Digges La Touche (see that family).
2. Margaret Elizabeth, m. 30 Aug. 1819, Hon. Henry Caul-
field, of Hockley, co. Armagh, 2nd son of James, 4th Viscount
Charlemont, and d. 20 Oct. 1878, leaving issue by him, who d.
4 March, 1862 (see BURKE'S Peerage).
3. Matilda Dorcas, m. Alexander Richey.
4. Louisa Julia, m. Dr. Benjamin Guinness Darley.
5. Maria, m. Dr. Long.
The elder son,
HUGH JOHN HENRY BROWNF, of Rathain, co. Mayo, b. 6 Feb.
1800 ; d. unm. i Oct. 1868, and was s. by his brother,
NEAL O'DONEL BROWNE, of Rathain, co. Mayo, Resident Magis-
trate, King's Co., 1839-48, co. Cork, 1848-67, b. 29 Dec. 1804 ;
m. Sarah, dau. of Abel Labertouche, and by her (who d. 24 Aug.
1843) had issue, an only son,
DODWELL FRANCIS, now of Rathain.
Mr. N. O'D. Browne d. 15 March, 1874.
Arms — Sa. three lions passant in bend between two double co-
tises argent. Crest — An eagle displayed vert. Motto — Suivez
Residence —Rathain, Castlebar, co. Mayo.
Rivers town, co. Cork,
b. 2 July, 1866 ; m. 22
Dec. 1898, Rosa Cicely,
dau. of Edward Salter,
and has issue,
WARHAM, b. 14 May,
Mary Cicely, b. 7 July,
Liineagre. — THOMAS
BROWNE used on his seal on
deeds of the i7th century the
arms of BROWNE, of Abbot's
Roding, and South Weald
Hall, Essex, with augmenta-
tion granted to Sir Wiston
Browne, Gentleman of the
Chamber to HENRY VIII,
1511. These arms were : Gu.
a chevron between three lions'
gambs erect and erased arg. within a bordure of the second on a
chief of the last an eagle displayed sa. He settled in the city of
Cork about the time of the Restoration, and m. ist, 1663, Anne,
dau. of Robert Vowell, who d. without issue ; he m. 2ndly, in 1666,
Helena, dau. of William Hovell, of Kinsale, co. Cork, and by her
left issue,
1. EDWARD, of whom presently.
1. Helena, m. James Kingsmill.
2. Mary, m. Hugh Millerd.
The son,
EDWARD BROWNE, Mayor of Cork 1714, purchased Riverstown,
co. Cork, b. 1676 ; m. 1699, Judith, dau. and heiress of Warham
J emmett, and had issue,
1. JEMMETT (Rev.), of whom presently.
2. Thomas, m. Judith, only child of Ambrose Jackson, and left
3. Edward, d. unm. at Lisbon, 1769.
4. St. John (Rev.), D.D., m. Amelia, dau. of Edward St. George,
and left issue. His younger son was Sir George Sackville Browne,
5. William Hovell. 6. John, d. 1782.
1. Mary, d. 1789.
2. Judith, m. Rev. John Kenney, son of William Kenney, by
Catherine, dau. of Sir Peter Courthope, and left issue (see KENNEY-
The eldest son,
THE MOST REV. JEMMETT BROWNE, of Riverstown, was suc-
cessively Dean of Ross 1733, Bishop of Killaloe 1743, of Cork 1745,
and of Elphin 1772, and Archbishop of Tuam 1775. He m. 1723,
Alice, dau. of Thomas Waterhouse, and d. 1782, having had issue,
1. EDWARD, of whom presently.
2. Thomas (Rev.), m. ist, Feb. 1751, Anne, dau. of Rev. David
Waterhouse, of Inchowleran, co. Kilkenny. He m. andly, 29
April, 1758, — Waldron, and left issue by his ist wife,
1. Alice, m. 25 Sept. 1775, Lieut.-Col. Roger Parke, of Dunalley,
co. Sligo (see that family).
2. Lydia, m. Caleb Falkner, eldest son of Sir Riggs Falkner,
ist bart. of Anne Mount, co. Cork, and d.s.p.m.
3. Warham, bapt. 15 Nov. 1733, Ensign 35th Regt. 1758.
1. Elizabeth, m. Ven. Chambre Corker, Archdeacon of Ardagh.
His eldest son,
THE VEN. EDWARD BROWNE, Archdeacon of Ross, b. 1726 ; m.
ist, 1752, Anne, dau. of Christopher Barbery, of Shandangan, co.
Cork, by whom he had issue,
1. JEMMETT (Rev.), of whom presently.
2. CHRISTOPHER (Rev.), d. unm. 1802.
1. Hannah, d. unm.
He m. 2ndly, Mary Gertrude, dau. of Richard Jenkins, of Bicton
Hall, co. Salop (see JENKINS ofCuckton), and d. 1777, leaving issue,
3. Charlton (Rev.), d. unm. 4. Edward, R.N.
2. Mary Anne, d. unm. 3. Isabella, d. unm.
4. Emma, d. unm.
5. Harriott Gertrude, m. 20 April, Capt. Anthony Kynnersley, of
Shrewsbury, co. Salop, and left 'issue (see that family).'
The eldest son,
REV. JEMMETT BROWNE, of Riverstown, prebendary of Killas-
pugmullane, co. Cork, m. 1784, Frances, dau. and heiress of John,
Blennerhassett, of Ballyseedy (see that family), and d. 3 March,
1797, having had issue,
1. JEMMETT, his successor.
2. JOHN, successor to his brother.
1. Frances, m. 1813, Rev. Francis Fox, of Fox Hall, co. Long-
ford, and left issue (see Fox of Fox Hall).
2. Jane, d.unm.
3. Armabella, d. unm.
His elder son,
JEMMETT BROWNE, of Riverstown, High Sheriff co. Cork 1816, d.
unm. 1850, and was s. by his brother,
REV. JOHN BROWNE, of Riverstown, LL.B., b. 1795 ; m. 1832,
i Maria Judith, dau. of Rev. James Hamilton (see HAMILTON of Corna-
; cassa), and d. 25 July, 1857, having had issue,
1. JEMMETT, his heir.
2. John Christopher, scholar of Corpus Christi Coll. Oxford, d
3. Edward Francis, Lieut.-Col. (retired) 35th Regt., b. 3 Dec.
1835 ; m. 9 Aug. 1877, Elizabeth Mary, eldest dau. of Augustin
Robinson, of West Lavant House, Sussex, and has issue,
1. Wiston John, b. 23 Sept. 1878.
2. Anthony Edward, Capt. ist Batt. Royal Sussex Regt.,
b. 26 Jan. 1882.
i. Dorothy Margaret.
1. Margaret, d. unm. 8 July, 1906.
2. Frances, d. in infancy.
3. Annabel, d. unm. 1866. 4. Grace, d. unm. 1863.
5. Caroline Maria. 6. Emma Isabella.
7. Selina. 8. Alice, d. young.
! The eldest son,
JEMMETT BROWNE, of Riverstown, co. Cork, b. 6 Dec, 1832 ;
m. ist, 10 Aug. 1864, Frances Mary, dau. of Henry Miles Custance.
• She d. 15 Marrh, 1875, having had issue,
1. CHARLTON BASIL JEMMETT, now of Riverstown.
2. Arthur Blennerhassett Jemmett, 6. 29 May, 1869.
1. Ethel Gnorgiana Jemmett.
j He m. 2ndly, 19 June, 1877, his cousin Frances Caroline Cecil,
; eldest dau. of Major William Walter Stephenson, Rifle Brigade,
and Grace Mary his wife, dau. of Rev. Francis Fox. of Fox Hall.
j He a. 5 May, 1897. leaving issue by her,
3. William Kellerman Jemmett, b. 24 April, 1878.
2. Grace Muriel Jemmett.
Arms — Gu. a chevron between three lion's gambs erased and
j erect or, on a chief crenellee arg. an eagle displayed sa. Crest —
On an eastern crown or an eagle displayed with two heads sa.
Motto— Hoc age.
Seat— Riverstown, co. Cork. Residence— 3, Wells Road,
North Gate, Regent's Park, London, N.W.
I Benburb, co.
Tyrone, J.P.
and D.L.,
High Sheriff
1886, 6. 13
April, 1835 .'
Mary Hogg,
dau. of Wil-
liam Thomp-
son, M.D., of
Lisburn, and
relict of
George Mit-
chell. She
d.s.p. 4 May,
1893; -.1
Lineage. — •
BRUYS, of Clack-
mannan, m. Mar-
jorie Chatteris
(who, as his relict,
had, 1359-60, a
tierce of the lands
of Clackmannan),
and d. before 1348, having had issue, a son,
ROBERT DE BRUYS, who had a charter of Clackmannan from
King DAVID II as " dilecto consanguineo." He m. Isabel, dau.
of Sir Robert Stewart, of Durrisdeer and Innermeath, and d. before
1389, leaving issue,
1. ROBERT, his heir.
2. James, Bishop of Dunkeld and Glasgow, and Lord Chancellor
of Scotland.
The elder son,
SIR ROBERT DE BRUS, s. his father in Clackmannan, m. the dau.
of Sir John Scrimgoeur, of Dudhope, Constable of Dundee, and had
1. DAVID (Sir), his heir.
2. ALEXANDER, of Stanehouse and Airth, of whom we treat.
Sir Robert had also a natural son, Thomas, of Kennet. The 2nd
ALEXANDER DE BRUS, was first of the House of Airth. He is
proved to have been a son of Sir Robert de Brus, of Clackmannan,
by an original birth brief in the possession of the Comte de Bruce
in France, in which he is mentioned as " Alexander Brussius Comar-
chus de Airth, qui quidem Alexander Brussius fuit films legitimi
domini Roberti Brussii Comarchi de Clakmanan Equitis Aurati."
He had numerous charters from the Abbots of Holywood, and from
Kings JAMES I and II., and died ante 1487, having m. ist, Janet,
dau. of the istLord Livingston, by whom he had no issue. He m.
andly, Margaret, dau. of Sir Malcolm Forrester, of Torwoodhead,
and by her had issue,
1. JOHN, of whom presently.
2. Alexander (Sir), of Brigham and Earlshall, male line believed
to be extinct.
3. Edward, of Kinnaird, male line extinct.
4. Lucas, of Cultmalundie, male line extinct.
5. Robert, of Auchenbowie, ancestor of that family.
6. David.
The eldest son,
SIR JOHN DE BRUS, m. 1471, Elizabeth, dau. of Sir William
Mentieth, of Karse, and was killed by the Menteiths, of Karse, 1483,
vit. pat., having had issue,
1. ROBERT, his heir.
2. Thomas, of Lethbertsheilles, ancestor of that branch and of the
Comtes de Bruce in France.
3. James, of Mungowallis.
1. Helen, m. Mentieth, of Karse.
2. Janet, m. William Livingstone, of Kilsyth.
3. Elizabeth, m. Muir, of Skaithmure.
The eldest son,
SIR ROBERT BRUS, s. his grandfather in Airth ; »t. Euphame,
dau. of Alexander, 2nd Lord Montgomerie, and sister to Hugh,
ist Earl of Eglingtoun ; he was killed at Flodden 1513, having had
1. ROBERT, his heir. 2. John.
1. Isabel, m. Andreas de Methven de eodem.
The elder son,
SIR ROBERT BRUS, s. his father in Airth 1513 ; m. ist, Elizabeth
Mentieth, relict of — Erskine, by whom he had no issue ; m. andly,
Janet, dau. of Sir Walter Forrester, of Carden, by whom he had
1. ALEXANDER, his heir. 2. John.
3. Capt. James, male line extinct.
4. William.
1. A dau., m. Drummpnd, of Medhope.
Sir Robert m. srdly, Marian, dau. of Sir David Bruce, 7th Baron of
Clackmannon, and by her had issue,
5. Andrew, of Dysart and Nethermongal.
6. Robert, of Baldrig.
The eldest son,
SIR ALEXANDER BRUCE, s. his father in Airth, in which estate
he was infefted 8 March, 1552 ; m. Janet, dau. of Alexander, 5th
Lord Livingston, d, 16 March, 1600, having had issue,
1. WILLIAM, his heir.
2. Robert, of Kinnaird, male line extinct.
3. Sir John, of Kincavel, male line extinct.
4. Sir Alexander, of Bangour, male line extinct.
5. Robert, of Garvel.
1. Marion, m. William Mentieth, of Karse
2. A dau., d s.p.
The eldest son,
WILLIAM BRUCE, m. Jean, dau. of John, 5th Lord Fleming, and
sister to John, ist Earl of Wigton ; d. Feb. 1596, vit. pat., having
had issue,
1. JOHN (Sir), his heir, male line extinct.
2. William (Sir), of Stenhouse, created Bart of Nova Scotia,
June, 1629 J ancestor of that branch.
3. Alexander,")
4. Robert, Ull d.s.p.
5. Alexander,]
6. PATRICK, of Newtoune, of whom we treat.
The youngest and 3rd surviving son,
PATRICK BRUCE, had the estate of Newtoune of Bothkenner, m.
1627, Janet, dau. of John Jacksoun, merchant in Edinburgh ; they
had a charter of the lands of Newtoune 5 July, 1627, and had issue,
1. Patrick, d.s.p. vit. pat.
2. William, his heir, and ancestor of the Bruces, of Newtoune and
Cowden, male line extinct.
3. MICHAEL, of whom we treat.
The youngest son,
MICHAEL BRUCE, was Minister of Killinchie, co. Down, m. Jean,
dau. of Robert Bruce, of Kinnaird (and sister of Col. Robert Bruce,
of Kinnaird, and of the Life Guards of CHARLES I, who d. of wounds
received at Worcester) ; he suffered much persecution on religious
grounds ; d. at Anworth, Wigtonshire, 1693, having had issue,
1. JAMES, his heir.
2. Robert, "1
3. Michael, >all d. young.
1. Anna, J
The eldest son,
JAMES BRUCE, was Minister of Killyleagh, co. Down ; m. 25
Sept. 1685, Margaret, dau. of Lieut.-CoL James Trail!, of Tolychin,
co. Down. She d. 1706. His will is dated Feb. 1725. He left
issue, ten children, of whom we have record of four sons and three
1. MICHAEL, his heir.
2. Patrick, Minister of Killyleagh, ancestor of Sir Henry Hervey
Bruce, Bart., of Downhill co. Londonderry.
3. William, of Dublin and Ardagon, co. Down, d. unm. 1755.
4. Hans, d. unm.
1. Mary, m. Rev. James Fleming.
2. Eleanor, \ ,
3. Magdalen, f* unm'
The eldest son,
MICHAEL BRUCE, b. 27 July, 1686, was Minister of Hollywood,
co. Down ; m. Mary Ker ; d. Dec. 1735, having had issue,
1. JAMES, m. and left an only dau.,
2. SAMUEL, of whom we treat.
3. William, d.s.p. 1764.
1. Eleanor, d.s.p.
The 2nd, but eldest surviving son,
SAMUEL BRUCE, b. 17 March, 1722, was Minister of the Presby-
terian Church, Wood Street, Dublin ; m. March, 1751, Rose, dau.
of Robert Rainey, of Magherafelt ; d. 12 Feb. 1767 (will proved 19
Feb. 1767), having left issue,
1. Michael, drowned at Carrickfergus, s.p. 1779.
2. WILLIAM, of whom presently.
3. Robert, of Frenchay, near Bristol, m. Mary, dau. of Joseph
Edye, and had issue,
1. Robert, of Frenchay, m. Isabella, dau. of Arthur Palmer,
and by her had issue,
(1) Robert, of Clifton, m. Rosa Boulton, by whom he had
Robert Arthur, m. Alice Lucy, dau. of Edward Vaughan.
(2) Arthur William, d.s.p.
(i) Mary Anne Isabella.
2. William, Barrister-at-Law, m. Eliza Dovey, d.s.p. 31 Dec.
1. Anne, m. her cousin Haliday Bruce.
4. Samuel, of Dame Street and Dundrum, Dublin, d.s.p.
1. Elizabeth,-)
2. Mary, ^-all d. unm.
3. Eleanor, J
The eldest surviving son,
WILLIAM BRUCE, b. 30 July, 1757, was Minister of the ist Presby-
terian Church, Belfast : m. Susannah, dau. of Robert Hutton ;
d. 27 Feb. 1841, having had issue,
1. SAMUEL, of whom presently.
2. William, b. 16 Nov. 1790, was Minister of the ist Presbyterian
Church, Belfast ; m. Jane Elizabeth, dau. of William Smith, of
Barbadoes ; d. 25 Oct. 1868, having left issue,
x. William, S
2. Samuel, }>who all d. unm.
3. Henry, J
1. Margaret, m. Lucius O. Hutton.
2. Susannah. 3. Jane Elizabeth.
4. Eliza.
5. Maria, m. Herbert D. Derbishire.
6. Charlotte.
3. Haliday, of Glennageragh House, co. Dublin, m. Anne, dau.
of Robert Bruce, of Frenchay ; d. 1856, having left issue,
i. Robert, d. young.
1. Eliza, d. young.
2. Eliza, m. Professor John Couch Adams, the distinguished
3 Emily Rose, d. young.
4. Henry, of Demerara, afterwards of London : m. Mary, dau. of
John Swanwick, and d. 31 Aug. 1864, having left issue,
i. Henry Michael. 2. Alexander, d.s.p.
3. William Wallace, V.D., Lieut.-Col. 2oth Middlesex (Artists)
Volunteers, d. 20 Oct. 1907 ; m. Agnes Mabel (9, Airlie Gardens,
Campden Hill, London, W.\, dau. of Thomas Fielding Johnson,
J.P., of Leicester, and has issue,
(i) Marjorie. (2) Geraldine.
(3) Rosalind. (4) Eileen.
(5) Beatrix. '(6) Elfreda.
i. Anna Maria, d.s.p. 2. Emily.
3. Mary Louisa. 4. Clara, m. Russell Swanwick.
5. Katherine.
1. Eliza, m. William Curry, M.P., Armagh, Master in Chancery,
Ireland, and d.s.p.
2. Emily, m. John Strong Armstrong.
3. Maria, m. Edward Hutton, M.D.
4. Susannah, d.s.p.
The eldest son,
SAMUEL BRUCE, of Thorndale, co. Antrim, b. 1789 ; m. Annette,
dau. of James Ferguson, of White Park, co. Antrim, and d. 4 May,
845, having had issue,
1. William Robert, of Rockford, co. Dublin, Master of the Queen's
Bench, Ireland, 6. i Oct. 1833 ; m. 11 Aug. 1870, Florence Helen,
dau. of Alexander Osborne, and d. 25 June, 1902, leaving issue,
1. Nigel William, d. young.
2. Thomas Robert, heir male of the Bruces of Newtoune, b. i
July, 1885.
3. Reginald James, 6. 7 April, 1887.
i. Enid, m. 9 July, 1891, Thomas Stoker, C.S.I., B.A., son of
Abraham Stoker and brother of Sir William Thornley Stoker,
ist Bart, (see BURKE'S Peerage).
z. Lilian Florence, m. Capt. Eugene Le Mesurier, who d.
29 May, 1906.
3. Louie Mary, m. 30 Aug. 1905, Major W. Hessey, Northum-
berland Fus., and has issue.
4. Mabel.
2. JAMES, of Benburb.
3. Samuel, of Norton Hall, Campden, co. Gloster (see BRUCE of
Norton Hall).
Arms — Or, a saltire and a chief gu. in the dexter chief a mullet
arg. and in base a cinquefoil of the second. Crest — A horse's head
couped arg. bridled gu. and charged on the neck with a cinquefoil
as in the arms. Motto — Do well, doubt not.
Seat — The Manor House, Benhurb, co. Tyrone. Clubs —
Carlton and Boodle's.
GEORGE EVANS BRUCE, of Miltown Castle, co.
Cork, Major Norfolk Regt., 6, 15 Nov. 1867.
Lineage. — This is a branch of the great Scottish house of
BRUCE. ALEXANDER BRUCE, 2nd son of Sir Andrew Bruce, of
Earlshall, co. Fife (who was lineally descended from Sir Robert
Bruce, ist Baron of Clackmannan), by Helen his wife, dau. of
Patrick, 7th Lord Gray, took an active part as a Royalist in the
cause of King CHARLES I. In 1651 he was made a prisoner at the
battle of Worcester, and suffered two years' imprisonment. " As
soon as this Alexander obtained his liberty " (we are quoting from
Sir Robert Douglas's Baronage of Scotland), " he m. Mary, only
dau. of Capt. Brooks, Commander of the Swallow, sloop of war,
and niece of Jonathan Saul, an Irish gentleman, then residing in
London, who had been very kind to him, both during his confine-
ment and afterwards. In 1654, he retired to Ireland with his lady,
and settled at Bandon in that kingdom, where he died some years
thereafter, leaving issue, a son." This son,
SAUL BRUCE, was twice Provost of Bandon, and lived in great
friendship and intimacy with Sir Richard Cox, Lord Chancellor of
Ireland, Judge Bernard, &c. He m. Mary, dau. of Mr^ Ryce,
Burgess of Bandon, and had issue,
1. Saul, who d. unm.
2. JONATHAN, of whom presently.
3. Charles. 4. David.
The 2nd son,
THE VERY REV. JONATHAN BRUCE, Dean of Kilfenora, m. Mary,
dau. of Rev. Lewis Prytherick, and had issue,
1. Lewis, D.D., Vicar of Rainham, in Essex, and Preacher of
H.M.'s Chapel in Somerset House,
2. Saul, d.s.p.
3. Charles David, d.s.p. 4. GEORGE.
1. Mary, m. Capt. Samuel Hobson.
2. Catherine, Mrs. Delahide. 3. Sarah, Mrs. Roberts.
The youngest son,
GEORGE BRUCE, Barrister-at-Law, m. 1753, Mary, dau. of Thomas
Evans, of Miltown Castle, co. Cork, M.P. (brother of George, ist
Lord Carbery), by Mary his wife, dau. of John Waller, of Castle-
town, co. Limerick, and by her (who d. Feb. 1799) left with other
issue, a son,
THE REV. JONATHAN BRUCE, of Miltown, who m. 17 April, 1781,
his cousin , Mary, dau. of Eyre Evans, of Miltown Castle, and by her
<who d. 9 Feb. 1837) had issue,
1. GEORGE EVANS, of Miltown Castle.
2. Eyre Evans, Major-Gen. .H.E.I.C.S., m. twice, and had issue,
George Robert, and three daus.
3. Jonathan, m. Anne, dau. of Major Maxwell, and has, with five
other sons and two daus., Richard Isaac, C.I.E., late Commr.
in Punjab (Quetta, Fairfax Road, Teddington), b. 1840 ; m. 1871,
Lilla, dau. of Rev. J. Beavor Webb, Rector of Dunderrow,
Kinsale, co. Cork, and has with other issue,
1. Jonathan Maxwell, Capt. 37th Punjabis, b. 22 June, 1873,
m. 14 Sept. 1905, Mabel Walrond, 3rd dau. of Henry Tren-
grouse, J.P., of Hampton Wick.
2. Charles Edward, Capt. Indian Army, b. 23 March, 1876, m.
i Oct.i9o8, Doris, youngest dau.of late John Wilding, of Preston.
1. Elizabeth Evans, m. Charles Conyers, of Castletown ; she
d.s.p. 1868.
2. Mary, m. Eyre Massy, of Glenville.
The eldest son,
GEORGE EVANS BRUCE, of Miltown Castle, J.P.,6 17 Jan. 1782 ; m.
4 Aug. 1818, Frances, 2nd dau. of Major Greene, H.E.I.C.S., of Lota,
co. Cork, by the Hon. Jane Massy, his wife, dau. of Hugh, 2nd Lord
Massy, and had issue,
1. JONATHAN, of Miltown Castle.
1. Jane Greene. 2. Mary.
3. Frances Catherine, m. her cousin Jonathan Massy, of Glenville.
4. Georgina, m. Robert Gibbings, of Woodville.
Mr. Bruce d. 27 Feb. 1868, and was s. by his only son,
JONATHAN BRUCE, of Miltown Castle, J.P. cos. Cork, Limerick,
and Tipperary, b. 18 June, 1819 ; m. 27 July, 1865, Annie Sophia,
dau. of Thomas Hussey de Burgh, late Capt. 6ist Regt., and
great-grand-d;iu. of the Chief Baron Hussey Burgh, and d. 9
Dec. 1884, leaving issue by his wife, who d. 21 May, 1906,
1. GEORGE EVANS, now of Miltown Castle.
1. Kate de Burgh.
2. Frances Eveleen, m. 9 April, 1901, Malcolm Cotter Cariston
Seton, only son of Bertram William Seton (see SETON of Treskerby).
Seat — Miltown Castle, Charleville, co. Cork. Club — Army and
HENRY BRUEN, of Oak Park, co. Carlow, and
Coolbawn, co. Wexford, late Lieut. R.A., High
Sheriff co. Carlow 1886 and co. Wexford, 1909,
6. 26 July, 1856; m. 17 Nov. 1886, Agnes Mary,
youngest dau. of Right Hon. Arthur MacMurrough
Kavanagh, P.C., of Borris, co. Carlow, and had
HENRY ARTHUR, Lieut. i5th Hussars, b. Sept. 1887.
Lineage. — JAMES BRUEN (said to have been of Tarvin, co.
Chester), went to Ireland in Cromwell's Army and settled at Abbey-
boyle, co. Roscommon. He was administrator to his brother,
Henry Bruen, of Dublin, 20 Nov. 1700.
MOSES BRUEN, of Boyle, co. Roscommon, who d. 1757 (will dated
8 July, 1750, proved 24 Sept. following), left issue,
1. Moses.
2. HENRY, of Oak Park.
1. Bridget, m. John Stafford, of Gillstown, co. Roscommon.
2. Mary, m. John Knott.
3. Elinor Catherine, d. unm. 1798.
4. Margaret, m. — Fleming. 5. Elizabeth.
The 2nd son,
COL. HENRY BRUEN, M.P., of Oak Park, co. Carlow removed,
about the year 1775, to estates which he purchased in co. Carlow.
He m. 16 Oct. 1787, Harriette Dorothea, dau. of Francis Knox, of
Rappa Castle, cp. Mayo, and d. 1795, leaving issue,
1. HENRY, his heir.
2. John, of Coolbawn, co. Wexford, d.s.p. 1828.
3. Francis, of Coolbawn, co. Wexford. J.P. and D.L., M.P. for
Carlow, b. 1800 ; m. 1823, Lady Catherine Anne Nugent, 2nd
dau. of George Frederick, 7th Earl of Westmeath, and d.s.p. 15
Dec. 1867.
1. Maria, m. R. Longfield.
2. Margaret, m. Rev. Francis Ruttledge, of Bloomfield, co.
3. Harriett, m. Rev. George Edward Vernon, andd. 5 Feb. 1866.
He d. 16 March, 1870, leaving issue (see VERNON of Clontarf Castle).
The son and heir,
COL. HENRY BRUEN, of Oak Park, M.P. co. Carlow, m. 1822,
Anne Wandesforde, dau. of Thomas Kavanagh, M.P., of Borris
House, co. Carlow, by the Lady Elizabeth his wife, dau. of John,
i7th Earl of Ormonde, and d. 1852, leaving issue,
1. HENRY, of Oak Park.
1. Elizabeth, d. 1848.
2. Harriet, m. 1857, Lorenzo William Alexander, who d. 1867.
3. Anne, m. 27 April, 1854, Rev. Benjamin Burton, and d. Feb.
1871, leaving issue.
The son and heir,
THE RIGHT HON. HENRY BRUEN, of Oak Park, co. Carlow, and
Coolbawn, co. Wexford, M.P. co. Carlow 1857 to 1880, J.P. and
D.L. of that co., and High Sheriff 1853, J.P. co. Wexford, High
Sheriff 1883 ; sworn a Privy Councillor' for Ireland 1880 ; b. 16
June, 1828 ; d. 8 March, 1912 ; m. 6 June, 1854, Mary Margaret, 3rd
dau. of Col. Edward M. Conolly, of Castletown, co. Kildare, M.P.,
and by her (who d. 13 May 1894) had issue,
1. HENRY, now of Oak Park.
2. Edward Francis, Capt. R.N.
3. John Richard, d. 30 Nov. 1874.
4. Arthur Thomas, m. 14 July, 1908, Lily, youngest dau. of
F. Ruttledge, J.P., of Enniscorthy.
5. Charles, d. unm. 23 Feb. 1905.
1. Katherine Anne, m. 26 Feb. 1874, Thomas, 2nd Lord Rathdon-
nell (see BURKE'S Peerage and Baronetage, RATHDONNELL, B.).
2. Mary Susan.
3. Elizabeth, m. 16 Oct. 1894, Edward Ussher Roberts, of Gaultier-
Woodstown, Waterford, only son of the late Arthur Ussher
4. Eleanor.
5. Helen, m. n Aug. 1896, Major Charles W. Bishop, son of
James Bishop, of Hamstead Park, Newbury.
6. Grace, m. 4 Aug. 1910, Sir Hunt Henry Allen Johnson- Walsh,
5th Bart, (see BURKE'S Peerage).
Seats— Oak Park, Carlow ; Coolbawn, Enniscorthy. Club—
Naval and Military.
of Upton, and Borr-
mount Manor, co.
Wexford, J.P. and
D.L., High Sheriff
1892, Capt. the
Waterford Artillery,
Southern Division,
R.A. ; b. 14 Feb.
1867 ; m. 1886, Annie,
youngest dau. of the
lateM. R. Ryan, J.P.,
of Temple Mungret,
co. Limerick, and has
2 Oct. 1886.
2. William Jacob, b. 5 Oct.
3. John Donough Owen,
b. 26 Oct. 1904.
1. Bertha Charlotte Georgina. 2. Annie Caitlin Elizabeth.
Lineage.— ABRAHAM BRYAN, of Dublin, Merchant, temp.
Queen ANNE, had two sons,
1. JACOB, of whom hereafter.
2. Philip, of Norwich, Norfolk.
The elder son,
REV. JACOB BRYAN, Rector of Kilrush, in the diocese of Meath, b.
in Dublin, 1708, entered Trin. Coll. Dublin, 17 July, 1728, aged
20 years, and was M.A. 1730. He m. 28 April, 1739, Mary, dau. of
Isaac Dickinson, of Dublin, and of Streetgate, Cumberland and
had issue,
1. ISAAC, his successor.
2. Daniel, M.D., b. 20 June, 1757 ; d. unm.
1. Elinor, b. 24. Feb. 1748 ; m. Thomas Racket.
2. Martha, m. 1813, Richard Swift, of Lynn, co. Westmeath,
and had issue.
He d. 6 Oct. 1794. His elder son,
THE REV. ISAAC BRYAN, Rector of Horetown, co. Wexford,
b. 13 May, 1746 ; m. 25 June, 1785, Mary, dau. of Maurice Howlin
D'Arcy, of Coolure, co. Wexford, by Eleanor his wife, eldest dau.
of Charles Tottenham, M.P., of Tottenham Green, co. Wexford,
sister of Sir John Tottenham, ist bart. of Tottenham Green, and
aunt of Sir Charles Tottenham Loftus, 2nd bart., created EARL
and MARQUESS OF ELY. By her (who d. 1803), Rev. Isaac Bryan
left at his decease, 1796, two daus., who both m., the youngest
m. Mr. Jackson, President, U.S.A., and three sons,
A. Jacob Edward, d.s.p.
2. Meade Dennis, b. 23 Jan. 1790, d.s.p.
3. LOFTUS ANTHONY, of Upton.
The 3rd son,
LOFTUS ANTHONY BRYAN, of Upton, co. Wexford, High Sheriff
of the city of Dublin 1836-7 (the Freedom of the City of Dublin was
conferred on Mr. Loftus Bryan), b. 24 Aug. 1793 ; m. 13 Oct. 1832,
Marian, dau. of William Izon, of The Lodge, West Bromwich, co.
Stafford, and had issue,
1. ISAAC WILLIAM, his heir.
2. Loftus Anthony, of Highfield, co. Dublin, B.A. Trin. Coll.
Dublin, b. 15 April, 1837 ; m. 14 Nov. 1865, Georgina Percival,
youngest dau. of Thomas M'Craith, son of Thomas M'Craith, of
Loughloher, co. Tipperary, and d. 1871, leaving by her (who m.
2ndly, 1886, Major-Gen. John Roe, formerly of Rockwell co
Tipperary, and d. 3 Oct. 1808) an only surviving son,
LOFTUS ANTHONY, now of Upton and Borrmount Manor.
3. Jacob, b. 1840 ; d. unm. 31 March, 1866.
4. WILLIAM IZON, late of Upton and Borrmount Manor.
1. Charlotte, d. 19 April, 1910, having m. the late Very Rev.
Francis Swift, of Lynn Lodge, co. Westmeath, Dean of Clonmac-
noise, and Rector of Mullingar, co. Westmeath.
2. Marian m. 30 June, 1868, George Gledstanes Richards eldest
son of John Richards, of Macmine Castle, co. Wexford, who d.
24 Feb. 1876, leaving issue (see that family}.
Mr. Bryan d. 1865, and was s. by his eldest son,
ISAAC WILLIAM BRYAN, of Upton, J.P., co. Wexford, Barrister-
at-Law, M.A., Trin. Coll. Dublin, b. 29 Nov. 1833 ', d- unm. 7 Dec.
1866, and devised Upton to his younger brother,
,,7WrLLIAM IzON BRYAN> of Upton and Borrmount Manor, co.
Wexford, J.P.. Barrister-at-Law, M.A., and LL.B. Trin. Coll.
Dublin, b. 29 Aug. 1841 ; d. unm. 21 Jan. 1873, when he was s.
by his nephew, the present proprietor.
Arms — Erm., a lion rampant gu. crowned or, between two
cmquefoils in chief and a fleur-de-lis in base az., a canton of the
second charged with three bars dancette arg. Crest — On a mural
crown ppr. a lion rampant gu. collared gemelle or and charged on
the shoulder with a cinquefoil arg. Motto— Ferro mea recupero.
Seats— Upton, Kilmuckridge, Gorey, co. Wexford ; Bo.rmount
Manor, Enniscorthy ; Kilgibbon House, Enniscorthy, co. Wexford '
Edenfel, co. Tyrone, R.A.M.C., (retired) served in
S. African War, b. 26 April, 1863 ; m. Oct. 1894,
Mary, eldest dau. of Rev. A. Harland, of Harefield,
Middlesex, and has issue,
1. Helena Margaret I
2. Evaleen Mary } twms> b> '3 J^v, 1898.
3. Mary Elizabeth, b. July, 1905.
Lineage. — THOMAS BUCHANAN, of Carbeth, was son of Thomas
Buchanan (by Isabel, dau. of Murdoch Stuart, Duke of Albany).
3rd son of Sir Walter de Buchanan, i3th Laird of Buchanan (see
BUCHANAN-HAMILTON). He m. 2ndly, his cousin, dau. of Buchanan
of that ilk, and had issue,
JOHN BUCHANAN, of Gartincaber, parish of Buchanan, co. Stir-
ling, b. 1545 ; m. and had issue,
GEORGE BUCHANAN, of Gartincaher, b. 1578 ; m. Elizabeth, dau.
of Walter Leckie, of Dishcour, and had issue,
1. JOHN, of whom presently.
2. George (descendants in America).
3. Thomas, of Gartincaber.
The eldest son,
JOHN BUCHANAN, for whom his father purchased the lands of
Blairluisk, co. Dumbarton, b. 1615 ; m. his cousin Jean, and had
GEORGE BUCHANAN, of Blairluisk, b. 1648 ; sold Blairluisk 1674.
to his brother William, and settled near Omagh, co. Tyrone ; m.
Elizabeth Mayne, and had issue,
JOHN BUCHANAN, b. 1676; m. 1703, Catherine Black, and had
ssue four sons, of whom,
1. JOHN, his heir.
2. Thomas, ancestor of James Buchanan, isth President of the
United States.
The son and heir,
JOHN BUCHANAN, b. 1704; m. ist, 1735, Jane Nixon, and had
JOHN BUCHANAN, of Omagh, b. 1736; m. ist, Maria, dau. of
Capt. Long, which lady d.s.p.; 2ndly, 1771, Sarah, dau. of Oliver
Sproule, and d. 1820, leaving issue with several daus.,
1. James, b. 1772, was H.B.M. Consul General in America (1817
to 1844), where his descendants still remain.
2. JOHN, of whom presently. 3. George, b. 1782 ; d.s.p. 1860,
4. William, b. 1784 ; d. 1835.
5. Alexander, b. 1786 ; d.s.p. 1840.
The 2nd son,
JOHN BUCHANAN, of Omagh, b. 1779 ; purchased Lisnamallard
from Sir Hugh Stewart, Bart, in 1828 ; m. 6 April, 1820, Mary Jane,
dau. of the late James Blacker, a Divisional Magistrate of Dublin,
High Sheriff 1805 (see BLACKER of Woodbrook). She d. Feb. 1857.
He d. Jan. 1842, leaving issue,
1. John Blacker, b. Jan. 1821 ; d.s.p. Dec. 1860.
2. James Blacker, b. Dec. 1824 ; d-s.p. April, 1852.
3. George, of Keston Towers, Kent, b. May, 1827; m. 1860,
Gertrude, dau. of George Armitage, D.L., of Nunthorpe, co. York
(see that family), and d.s.p. June, 1897.
4. William Blacker, b. Jan. 1831 ; d.s.p. Feb. 1857.
5. Mansergh George, b. Oct. 1832 ; d.s.p. Oct. 1876.
6. Alexander Carlile, of The Oaks, Morden, Manitoba, 6. Feb. 1834;
m. 19 Nov. 1863, Anna Sophia, dau. of James Wilson, and d. Dec.
1897, leaving issue, settled in Canada.
7. LEWIS MANSERGH, late of Edenfel and Lisnamallard.
1. Jane Elizabeth, of Lisnamallard, co. Tyrone, d. unm. 3 Dec.
2. Sarah Caroline, d. unm. March, 1893.
3. Elizabeth Eleanor, of Lisnamallard, co. Tyrone, d. unm.
April, 1906.
The 7th son,
and Lisnamallard, co. Tyrone, b. 31 Dec. 1836 ; Hon. Col. and late
Lieut.-Col. commanding 4th Batt. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers,
formerly an Officer of the 88th Connaught Rangers, in which regt.
he served through the Indian Mutiny. He d. 23 April, 1908, having
m. ist, 1862, Eleanor Margaret (d. 1877), dau. of the late William
Whitla, of Lisburn (see WHITLA of Ben Eaden) ; and 2ndly, 1878,
Wilhelmina (d. i April, 1908), dau. of George A. Molony, R.M. ;
and by his first wife had issue,
1. JOHN BLACKER, now of Edenfel.
2. Lewis Ernest, Capt. and Hon. Maj. 4th Batt. Royal Innis.
Fus., served in S. African War, b. 4 Sept. 1868 ; m. 3 Dec. 1903,
Constance Kate, dau. of Frederick S. Goulding, of Brockley, Kent,
and has issue,
1. Joyce Elinor, b. 22 Aug. 1905.
2. Audrey Elizabeth, b. 26 March, 1907.
3. Constance Phyllis, b. 9 Oct. 1909.
3. Mansergh George Reginald, b. 7 Sept. 1872 ; m. 1896, Amy,
dau. of John Hughes, of Blackburn.
4. Calvert James Stronge, served in S. African War, 6. 10 July,
1. Ethel Elizabeth, d. i Nov. 1910, having m. Jan. 1889, William
P. Grubb, of Bessbrook.
2. Mary Jane Eleanor, m. Sept. 1888, Effingham MacDowel
8. Alice Lilian, m. 30 Nov. 1898, Charles Stuart Hope, of Kyle-
more, Bickley, son of the late Rev. James Hope, Rector of Whalley
Range, Manchester.
4. Eleanora Agnes, m. 3 Sept. 1902, Col. Mackenzie Churchill, of
The Granleys, Cheltenham.
Seat — Edenfel, Omagh, co. Tyrone.
of Ballindoney, co. Wexford, J.P., &. 16 Dec. 1875 ;
m. 30 March, 1910, Elizabeth Siddons, elder dau.
of the late Major-Gen. John Anstruther Angus,
Lineage.— JOHN BUDGEN, of Penshurst, Kent, son of WILLIAM
BUDGEN, of Penshurst, Kent, who d. temp. HENRY VIII, left issue,
1. OLIVER, of whom presently.
2. William (Rev.), of Emanuel Coll. Camb.
1. Susan, m. John Fry, of Mitchells, Spredhurst.
The eldest son,
OLIVER BUDGEN, of Haesden, Leigh, near Tonbridge, Kent, 0.
1555, d. 1625, leaving a son,
JOHN BUDGEN, of West Newdegate, Surrey, which he purchased
1636, was educated at Clare Coll. Camb., m. ist, the dau. of Bennett,
of Hastings, and by her had,
1. John, d. 1652.
He m. andly, Elizabeth, dau. of John Steere, of Ockley, and by her
had issue,
2. John, M.A., M.D., and Fell, of Trin. Coll. Camb. ; d. unm. 1696.
3. William, Fell, of Trin. Coll. Camb., d. 1661.
4. Thomas, d. 1671. 5. Edward, d. 1716.
6. JAMES, of whom presently.
1. Elizabeth, m. — Bridger, and had issue.
The youngest son,
JAMES BUDGEN, of West Newdegate, Surrey ; m. the widow of —
Morton and dau. of Rev. Mr. Lee, of Bucks, and had issue,
1. John, M.A., M.D. Trin. Coll. Oxford, 6. 1676 ; m. Mary, dau.
of J ames Ede, of Cudworth. Shed. 1768. He d.s.p. June, 1740.
2. EDWARD, of whom presently.
3. James, b. 1680, d. unm. 1707.
The second son,
EDWARD BUDGEN, of West Newdegate, and Shrub Hill, Dorking,
Sheriff of Surrey 1698, b. 1677 ; m. Elizabeth, dau. of James Ede,
of Cudworth, and d. Aug. 1719, leaving issue,
1. Edward, m. Mary, dau. and heir of Peter Hussey, of Shire,
and d.s.p. 12 Aug. 1728.
Woburn, co. Down,
and Tofts Monks,
Norfolk, J.P. and
D.L., co. Down, High
Sheriff 1 894, D.L.
Norfolk, formerly
Fellow and Sub-
warden of All Souls'
Coll. Oxford, 6. 2 Oct.
1847 ; m. 22 July,
1890, GeorgianaAnne
Elizabeth, only sur-
viving child of the
late George Dunbar,
D.L., sometime M.P.
for Belfast, He
assumed the addi-
tional name and arms of DUNBAR by Royal Licence
Lineage— (of DUNBAR)— JAMES DUNBAR, a cadet of the family
of Dunbar, of Hempriggs, in Scotland, had a son,
GEORGE DUNBAR, of Belfast and afterwards of Dungannon,
co. Tyrone. His will, dated 7 Jan. 1779, was proved 18 Nov. that
year. He left issue,
1. JOHN, of whom presently.
1. A dau. m. Henry Joy.
2. Eleanor.
The only son,
JOHN DUNBAR, of Dungannon, co. Tyrone, m. Wilfrida, dau. of
John Gilmore, of Boghead, co. Antrim, and had issue,
2. John, d. young. 3. William, rf. young. 1. John Gilmore, ot Woburn, co. Down, m. Mary, dau. of John
4. James, B.A., Trin. Coll. Oxford, 1702; m. Mary, dau. of \ Cunningham, of Belfast, and d.s.p.
J. Ede, of Cudworth, and d. 8 March, 1731. She m. andly,
Richard Morton and d. 1778.
5. THOMAS, of whom presently.
The youngest son,
THOMAS BUDGEN, of West Newdegate, and Shrub Hill, Dorking,
M.P. for Surrey in the last two Parliaments of GEORGE II. and the
first of GEORGE III. who refused a baronetcy in both those reigns,
m. Penelope, dau. of Daniel Smith, Governor of Nevis, and d.
3 March, 1772, leaving issue,
JOHN SMITH, hi» he<r.
Penelope, m. William Hewson, and had issue.
The only son,
JOHN SMITH BUDGEN, of West Newdegate, and Dorking, M.A.
2. George, d.s.p.
' , \. Ale
had issue,
1. Sarah, m. Alexander Orr, of Landmore, co. Londonderry, and
1. James Alexander ORR, m. Anne, dau. of William Johnston, of
Belfast, and had a son, James.
2. GEORGE DUNBAR, of whom presently.
1. Elizabeth, m. Rev. John Paul, ot Aghadowy, co. London-
2. Anna Alexandra, m. Rev. Michael Dillon Pilkington, of
Riverville, co. Galway.
2. Eleanor, m. Rev. John Hough ton, of Middleton, Lancashire.
The grandson,
. GEORGE DUNBAR DUNBAR (formerly Orr), of Woburn, co.
.. Coll. Oxford, b. 28 June, 1741 ; m. Lucretia, dau. of Matthew Down, Barrister-at-Law, D.L. co. Down, M.P. for Belfast 1835-7
Mills, of St. Christopher's. She d. 8 Nov. 1798. He d. 25 May, and 1838-41, assumed by Royal Licence 18 March, 1833, the name
and arms of DUNBAR in lieu of his patronymic ORR, b. 1800 ; m.
13 April, 1844, Harriet Susan Isabella, only dau. of Lord George
Thomas Beresford (see BURKE'S Peerage, WATERFORD, M.). She
d. 18 April, 1859. He d. 12 Aug. 1875, having had issue,
John George Henry William, of Woburn, co. Down, Capt. ist
Life Guards, b. 13 June, 1848 ; d. 1884.
GEORGIAN A ANNE ELIZABETH, m* as above, 22 July, 1890.
Lineage— (of BULLER)— JOHN BULLER, of East Looe, and
1805, leaving with three daus., Lucretia, Cornelia, and Mar
only son,
MAJOR THOMAS BUDGEN, of Holmesdale, Nutfield, Surrey, J.P.
and D.L., Major Surrey Militia, who sold Newdegate Manor in 1807 ;
m. 1 8 May, 1789, Lydia Sarah Genevera, dau. of Edward Nourse,
of Stanstead, Essex, and d. May, 1852, having by her (who d. 8 Aug.
1818) had issue,
1. JOHN ROBERT, of Ballindoney.
2. Thomas, retired Major-Gen., late Col. Royal Engineers, b. I
£,. iuum«i=>, icni^ luajui-ucu., late v^j. «.«, 01 iiugmcci.;*, f. i Liineafire— (of CULLER) — JOHN UULLER, 01 iiast L,ooe, aim
July, 1795 5 m. Fanny, dau. of Col. Maule, and left three sons Bak Cornwall, M.P. for East Looe 1747-86 and a Lord of the
iralty, b. 24 jan. 1721, 3rd son of John Francis Buller, of
J gj, BuL4LEJR of Downel), and Rebecca his wife, dau. and
Georgiana, and dau. of Gen Jervois, R.A., and d. 28 July, 1894, co.heir Qvf sir jonathan Trelawney, Bart., Bishop of Winchester
and four daus. The eldest son, John, late of g$tii Regt. ; and the
2nd, William Thomas, Col. Royal Artillery, D.S.O., m. Olivia
Georgiana, and dau. of Gen. Jervois, R
leaving Temple, William, and Florence.
1. Lucretia Mary, d. unm. 1808. 2. Lydia Martha.
The elder son,
JOHN ROBERT BUDGEN, of Richmond House, Twickenham, and
of Ballindoney, co. Wexford, late Capt. Rifle Brigade, J.P. and j
D.L. for Surrey, and J.P. for co. Wexford, b. i Dec. 1791 ; m. 13 I
Tan. 1823, Williamza Caroline Mary, 3rd dau. of Col. Lorenzo j
Moore, of the Battleaxe Guards, by Henrietta, his wife, only dau. of
Sir Stephen Theodore Janssen, Bart., Lord Mayor of London 1754,
and by her (who d. 18 Nov. 1870) had issue,
1. THOMAS JOHN, late of Ballindoney.
1. Anne Williamza, b. 4 Oct. 1826.
2. Maria Cornelia, d. unm. n April, 1879.
Capt. Budgen had the Waterloo medal and eight Peninsular clasps.
He d. at Beaulieu, Jersey, 4 Dec. 1866. His only son,
THOMAS JOHN BUDGEN, of Ballindoney, co. Wexford, J.P.,
b. 16 Jan. 1824 ; d. 29 April, 1911 ; m. 18 July, 1872, Julia, dau.
of Rev. Edmund Dewdney, Incumbent of St. John's, Porstea,
and grand-dau. of Thomas Lindsey, of Hollymount, co. Mayo,
and by her (who d. 5 Nov. 1888) had issue,
Seat — Ballindoney, Ballywilliam, New Ross, co. Wexford.
Residence — Richmond House, Twickenham. Cltibs — Junior Con-
servative, and Conservative (Edinburgh).
Hew. ist, 3 March, 1760, Mary, dau. of Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart.,
M.P. She d. 14 Aug. 1767, leaving issue, two sons,
1. John, M.P. for East Looe, m. Augusta, dau. of R. Nixon,
and d.s.p. 1807.
2. Edward (Sir), Bart, of Trenant Park, Vice-Adm. of the Red,
created a baronet 3 Oct. 1808, b. 24 Dec. 1764 ; m. 15 March, 1789,
Gertrude, dau. of Col. Philip van Cortlands, and d. 15 April,
1824, when the title became extinct. He had issue,
John St. Aubyn, d. young.
Anna Maria, m. 25 Feb. 1824, Lieut.-Col. James Drummand
Elphinstone, who assumed the name of BULLER. He d. &
March, 1857. She d. 26 Feb. 1845, leaving issue (see BURKE s
Peerage, ELPHINSTONE, B.).
Mr. John Buller m. 2ndly, 4 Nov. 1768, Elizabeth Caroline,
dau. of John Hunter. She d. 17 Jan. 1798- He d. 26 July, 1786,
having by her had issue, one son and a dau.,
3. FREDERICK WILLIAM, of whom presently.
1. Caroline, m. 18 May, 1791, her cousin, William Buller, of
Whimple, Devon. He d. 22 April, 1817. She d. i June, 1860,
leaving issue (see BULLER of Downes).
The only son by the second marriage,
reath, co. Cornwall, M.P. for East Looe, 1798-1802, m. 6 April,
1795, Charlotte, dau. of George Tomkyns, and d. 5 Nov. 1855.
having had issue,
1. Frederick Thomas, of Pelynt, and Lanreath, Maj.-Gen. in the
Army, 6. 6 A .797 ; m. 16 Aug. 1821, Lady Agnes Percy, dau.
c' .ugh, .uuke of Northumberland, K.G. She d. 4 June, 1856.
He d.s.p. 5 June, 1860.
2. WILLIAM, of whom presently.
3. George (Sir), G.C.B., Gen. in the Army, late Rifle Brigade, b.
30 May, 1800 ; m. 22 Oct. 1855, Henrietta, dau. of Gen. Sir John
Macdonald, G.C.B. She d.s.p. 18 April, 1881. He d. Feb. 1884.
4. John, R.N., b. 28 Dec. 1802 ; d. unm.
1. Charlotte, d. unm.
2. Caroline, m. 16 March, 1836, George Warwick, ist Lord Polti-
more. He d. 19 Dec. 1858. She d. 29 May, 1863, leaving issue
(see BURKE'S Peerage),
3. Agnes, d. unm.
4. Georgiana Amelia, m. 3 March, 1836, Charles Hulse, of Stoke
Park, Guildford. He d. 25 May, 1883. She d. 18 Dec. 1897,
leaving issue (see BURKE'S Peerage, HULSE, Bart.).
The second son,
THE REV. WILLIAM BULLER, of Pelynt and Lanreath, Cornwall,
Rector of Hemington, Somerset, M.A., Worcester Coll. Oxford,
b. i June, 1799 ; s. his brother 1860 ; m. ist, 15 Sept. 1835, Leonora
Sophia, dau. of John Bond, of Grange, Dorset. She d.s.p. 6 Jan.
1836. He m. 2ndly, 13 Aug. 1845, Eleanor, dau. of Rev. William
Coney, of Cookham, Berks, and d. 31 May, 1862, having by her
had issue,
1. CHARLES WILLIAM, now of Woburn.
2. Frederick George (Rev.), Rector of Birch, Manchester, b. 1855,
m. 8 Sept. 1886, Margaret Mildred, dau. of Sir John W. H.
Anson, 2nd Bart., and has issue,
1. Hugh Algernon, b. 20 Aug. 1887.
2. John Frederick, b. 27 March, 1889.
3. Frederick Edwin, b. 14 July, 1892.
i. Winifred Margaret, b. 9 July, 1897.
3. Warwick Augustus, b. 1857 ; m. Frances, dau. of Maj. H. A.
Cubitt, of Earlham Lodge, Norwich (seeCuBiTt of Honing), and
has issue,
i. Francis Warwick, 6. 16 Jan. 1903.
i. Nora Dorothy. 2. Phillis Emily.
3. Alice Irene. 4. Eleanor Violet.
1. Ellen Georgina, d. Aug. 1909.
2. Alice Lucy, m. 13 Dec. 1877, Capt. Samuel Francis Dashwood,
who d.s.p. 2 May, 1897.
3. Caroline, m. 19 July, 1884, Rev. John Barrington Pelham,
Vicar of Thundridge, Ware, 2nd son of the Hon. and Right Rev.
J. T. Pelham, D.D. Bishop of Norwich (see BURKE'S Peerage,
4. Sophia Leonora, d. unm. 1883.
Arms — Quarterly ist and 4th sa. on a cross quarterpierced
arg. four eagles displayed of the field (BULLER) 2nd and 3rd per
pale or and arg. three cushions, two and one within a double tressure
flory counterflory gu. all within a bordure vair, and for distinction
in the fess point a cross crosslet of the third (DUNBAR). Crests —
1. A Saracen's head affrontee couped at the shoulders ppr. (BULLER).
2. A demi lion or armed and holding in the dexter paw a rose gu.
leaved and barbed vert, charged for distinction on the shoulder
with a cross crosslet gu. (DUNBAR). Motto — Aquila non capit
Seats — Woburn, Donaghadee, co. Down ; Trerissome, Flush-
ing, Cornwall. Town Residence — 15, Upper Grosvenor Street, W.
Clubs— Brooks's, St. James', and United University, S.W. ; Ulster,
Belfast ; and Devon and Exeter, Exeter.
BUNBURY, of Crana-
vonane, co. Carlow,
Capt. 4th Batt. High-
land L.I., formerly
Capt. 2nd Vol. Batt.
Royal Sussex Regt.,
b. 14 Feb. 1866.
Lineage. — SIR HENRY
BUNBURY, Knt. of Stanney,
co. Chester, descended from
David de Bunbury, Lord of
Bunbury. temp. EDWARD III,
was knighted 1603. He m.
ist, Anne, dau. of Geoffrey
Shakerley, of Shakerley,
Lancashire, and by her was
ancestor of the Bunburys,
baronets of Stanney (see
BURKE'S Peerage). He m.
2ndly, Martha, dau. of
Edward Norris, of Speke,
Lancashire, and d. 1634,
having by her had a son,
Eleanor, dau. of Henry
Birkenhead, of Backford, and 2ndly, Margaret, dau. of William
Willcox, and was bur. 9 Dec. 1668, aged 62, at Stoke, Cheshire,
leaving issue. His third son,
BENJAMIN BUNBURY, of Killerig, co. Carlow, bapt. at Stoke, 13
Sept. 1642, settled in Ireland ; m. Mary, widow of Matthew Shep-
pard, of Owles, co. Leicester. Herwill was proved 1741. Theirson,
THOMAS BUNBURY, of Cloghna and Cranavonane, m. about 1697,
Rose Jackson. He d. 1743. She d. Feb. 1738, leaving two sons,
1. Thomas, of Cloghna, d.s.p. bur. at Tullow, co. Carlow. Will
proved 1781.
2. BENJAMIN, s. his brother.
The younger son.
BENJAMIN BUNBURY, of Cranavonane, m. Rose, dau. of Dean
Mervyn, of co. Carlow, and by her (who d. 20 Oct. 1761), left (with
a dau. m. — Norris) an only son,
THOMAS BUNBURY, of Cranavonane, High Sheriff 1761, Capt. in
the Army, m. 1758, Mary, dau. of Jeremiah Milles, D.D., Dean of
Exeter. His will was proved Jan. 1791. He left issue,
1. Benjamin, of Marlston House, Newbury, Berks., Major in the
Army, b. 1760, m. Anne, dau. and coheir of Henry Cowling, of
Richmond, Yorks., and left issue,
Henry Mill, of Marlston House, Berks., and of Cranavonane,
co. Carlow, b. 1809; m. ist, 1833, his cousin Mary Diana, who
d. 1864, only dau. of Col. Hamilton Welch Bunbury, of Cran-
avonane, and 2ndly, 13 Feb. 1866, Ellen Elizabeth, dau. of
Right Hon. C. Tennyson d'Eyncourt, of Bayons Manor, Lincoln
(see that family). He d.s.p. 1886. She d. 12 Feb. 1900.
Anne, b. 1803, m. 1829, Maj. Louis Verstunne, K.H. She d. 1881.
Maj. Benjamin Bunbury m. 2ndly, Eliza Susannah, dau. of Ben-
jamin Harenc, of Foot's Cray Place, Kent, and widow of Col.
Taubman, but had no issue by her.
2. Harrison Charles, R.N., 6. 1764, d. unm.
3. HUGH MILL, of whom presently.
4. Hamilton Welch, of Cranavonane, co. Carlow, Col. 3rd Buffs.,
b. 1772, m. 1810, Mary, dau. of Matthew Russell, of Brancepeth
Castle, co. Durham, and d. 1833, leaving an onlv dau.,
Mary Diana, b. 1811, m. 1833, her cousin, Henry Mill Bunbury,
of Marlston House (see above). She d.s.p. 1864.
5. John Monseer, R.N., b. 1775, d.s.p. 1798.
6. Thomas, K.H., Lieut.-Gen. in the Army and Col. 6oth Rifles,
b. 1783, m. Jane, dau. and coheir of John Pearse, of Standon
House, Wilts, and d. 1857, leaving issue,
1. Thomas Charles, Lieut. 6oth Rifles, b. 1812, d.s.p. 1894.
2. Stonehouse George, Lieut.-Col. 67th Regt., b. 1818, m.
Miss G. D. Vidal, and d.s.p. 1880.
3. Harry, 6oth Rifles, b. 1819, d. unm. -
i. Catherine, b. 1815, d. unm. 1838.
The third son,
HUGH MILL BUNBURY, of West Hill, Wandsworth, b. n Feb.
1766 ; m. ist, 1791, Lydia Cox, and by her had a son and a dau.,
1. Hugh Mill, settled in Canada, b. 1800, d. 1866.
1. Lydia Jane, b. 1796, m. Count Alfred de Vigny, the Poet, Capt
in the Red Mousquetaires of Louis XVIII, and d.s.p.
He m. 2ndly, 1822, Alicia, dau. of Philip Lillie, of Drumdoe
Castle, co. Roscommon. She d. 13 Oct. 1863. He d. 2 Nov. 1838,
having by her had issue,
2. PHILIP PETER MILL, of whom presently.
3. Henry Hugh, b. 1831, d.s.p. 1870.
4. Charles Tho
2. Wilfred Joseph, b. 1882 ; m. 24
ford, dau. of
omas, Lieut.-Col. late ist Batt. Rifle Brigade
(Cotswold House, Winchester), b. 3 March, 1836: m. 7 April,
1875, Lady Harriot Emily, sister of the ist Marquess of Zetland,
and has issue,
i. Charles Hamilton de St. Pierre, Capt. Yorkshire Regt.,
b. 23 Sept. 1877; m. 22 Nov. 1905, Dorothy Agnes, eldest dau.
of Herbert Hughes, C.M.G., of Ashdell Grove, Sheffield, and has
Sylvia Dorothy Mary, 2 Nov. 1909.
. 24 Sept. 1908, Dorothy Beres-
Major A. J. Preston, of Aislaby Lodge, Yorkshire,
and has issue, a dau., b. Nov. 1909.
3. Bertram John, b. 1887.
4. Evelyn James, b. 1888.
1. Mary Beatrice Theresa, b. 1879.
2. Cecilia Mary, b. 189 IT.
5. Francis Hamilton, b. 1839, d.s.p. 1858.
1. Alice Mary Delphine, b. 1823, d. unm. 1899.
2. Elizabeth Catherine, b. 1827, m. 1854, Count Constantino
J asienski.
3. Anne Maria, b. 1829, a Carmelite nun; d.s.p. 1906.
4. Alicia Belinda, b. 1833, m. Count Alexander J asienski, and
d. 1885, leaving a son.
The eldest son by the second marriage,
PHILIP PETER MILL BUNBURY, Capt. 7th Dragoon Guards, b.
23 March, 1824; m. 12 Jan. 1865, Georgina, dau. of Peter
MacEvoy, of Wimbledon, Surrey, and Great Cumberland Place.
She d. 30 May, 1885. He d. 28 July, 1894, having had issue,
HAMILTON JOSEPH, now of Cranavonane.
Mary Alicia, b. 1867, a nun of the Order of the Good Shepherds.
Arms — Arg. on a bend sa. three chess rooks of the field.
Crest — Two swords saltirewise passing through the mouth of a
leopard's face or, the blades ppr, hilts gold. Motto — Firmum in
I vita nihil.
Estate — Cranavonane, co. Carlow. Residence — Denham
| Lodge Weston Underwood, Olney. Clubs — Boodle's and
F 2
of Ballymany, co.
Kildare, and Coolfin,
King's Co., J.P. and
High Sheriff for the
latter co. 1896, late
Capt. 4th Batt. Royal
Dublin Fusiliers, b.
27 March, 1863, edu-
cated at Eton; m. 23
July, 1884, Henrietta
Maude, youngest dau.
of the " late Robert
St. George, of Ivy
Lodge, Ballinasloe,
and grand-dau. of Sir
Richard Bligh St.
George, 2nd bart. of
Woodsgift, co. Kil-
kenny (see BURKE'S
Peerage) and has issue,
1. ARTHUR ST. GEORGE, b. 19 July, 1895, educated at Eton.
1. Grace Sophia, b. 21 Dec. 1885.
2. Maude, b. 8 Dec. 1889.
Lineage. — THE REV. GEORGE BURDETT, M.A., Dean of
Leighlin 1668, d. 1671, administration of his goods being granted to
his son, Thomas Burdett, of Garryhill, co. Carlow (father of Thomas
Burdett, created a Baronet). Another and younger son,
SAMUEL BURDETT. settled at Lismalin, co. Tipperary. He m.
Judith, dau. of Capt. Thomas Evatt, and left at his decease, 1664,
two sons ; the elder, George, of Lismalin, d.s.p. ; the younger,
THE VERY REV. JOHN BURDETT, Dean of Clonfert, m. Mar-
garet, sth dau. of Sir John Cole, Bart, of Newland, co. Dublin,
and dying 1726, left, with other issue, a dau. Lettice, wife of Alger-
non Warren, of Kilkenny, and a son,
ARTHUR BURDETT, of Lismalin, who m. 1725, Grace, dau. of
John Head, of Derry Castle, and had (with three daus., one of
whom, Grace, m. Barry, ist Earl of Farnham) two sons, Arthur
Burdett, of Bellaville. High Sheriff co. Kildare 1791, who d. 1796,
t.p. ', and
GEORGE BURDETT, of the Heath House, Queen's Co., sometime
Cornet and Lieut, in the " Black Horse," M.P. for Thomastown and
Callan in the last Irish Parliament. He was b. 1735 ; m. Jane,
2nd dau. of John Frend, and d. 1817, leaving issue,
1. ARTHUR, of whom presently.
2. George, of Longtown House, co. Kildare, Capt. R.N., m.
ist, Mary Jane, dau. of the late Lieut.-Gen. Whitelock, and
2nd, Catherine Dorothea, only dau. and heiress of the late Col.
William Browne, of Glengarry, co. Dublin, by whom he had issue,
i. George, m. Harriet, dau. of William Willan, and d.s.p.
1. Frances Elizabeth, m. Thomas Pery Knox, who d. 1893.
She d. 1900.
2. Catherine Jane, m. 1836, Richard Brouncker, of Boveridge,
Dorset (see that family), and is dec.
3. JOHN (Rev.), of Cushcallow, King's Co., Vicar of Rynagh and
Gallen, King's Co., and Rector of Ballygarth, co. Meath, b. 1775 ;
m. 4 Dec. 1802, Margaret Anne, 6th dau. of Michael Head, D.L.,
of Derry Castle, co. Tipperary, by Margaret, his wife, 6th dau. of
Henry Prittie, of Kilboy, in the same co., aunt to the ist Lord
Dunally, and had issue, "
1. John Head, of Hunstanton, and Cushcallow, King's Co.,
J.P., Barrister-at-Law, b. 27 Oct. 1809 ; m. 20 July, 1842, his
ist cousin, Adelaide Louisa, youngest dau. of Arthur Burdett,
of Ballymany, co. Kildare (see infra), and d.s.p. 4 March, 1870.
His widow d. 20 Jan. 1905.
2. Henry (Rev.), Rector of Ballybay co. Monaghan, b. 5 Dec.
1812 ; m. 23 June, 1842, Sybilla, dau. of Thomas Fleetwood, of
Banagher. She d. 1907. He d. 1875, leaving issue,
(1) Henry Plantagenet (Rev.) (5, Colleton Crescent, Exeter).
Rector of St. Mary's Steps, Exeter, b. 1853 ; in. 1892, Maria
Louisa, dau. of John Curry, of Fareham, Hants.
(2) John Head (15, Waldemar Avenue, Baling), b. 1855 ,'
m. 1882, Ada, dau. of the late Rev. Moses Leatham, and has
had issue,
i. JohnHead,L.R.C.P. andM.R.C.S.E.,6. 1884, is Surgeon
. Henry Leatham, b. 1887.
. Charles Plantagenet, b. 1890.
. Cyril Trench, b. 1896.
. Katherine Adelaide, b. 1882 ; d. 1892.
. Sybil Mary, b. 1885.
(i) Louisa Jane, b. 1860.
3. Arthur Michael, b. 1815 ; d. unm. i Feb. 1847.
4. George Prittie, b. 1817 ; d. unm. 21 June, 1859.
5. Francis Robert, b. 1822 ; d. unm. 28 Nov. 1843.
1. Margaret Anne, d. 1850, unm.
2. Jano, d. 1883 unm.
3. Grace. m\2 Jan. 1834, John Eyre Trench, of Clonfert House,
co. Galway (see TRENCH of Clonfert), and had issue. She d.
24 Jan. 1889. Her 3rd dau. Grace, m. 25 March, 1862, her
cousin Arthur Burdett, Esq., late of Coolfin (see below), and d.
17 April, 1863, leaving issue an only son, the present ARTHUR
HUGO BURDETT, of Coolfin.
4. Maria, d. 1854.
5. Louisa, m. Col. Dawes, Bengal Art., and d. in India 1857
leaving issue.
1. Grace, m. Col. Henry Peisley L'Estrange, of Moystown, King's
Co., and is dec.
2. Jane, m. Francis Brooke, Lieut.-Col. 4th King's Own Regt.
of Foot, and brother of the late Sir Henry Brooke, of Colebrook,
Bart., and is dec.
The eldest son,
ARTHUR BURDETT, of Ballymany, and Ballywalter, who purchased
the Coolfin Estate in 1836, b. 1770 ; m. 1810, Anna, only dau, of
William Ripley, of Liverpool, and d. 1842, having by her (who d.
1859) had issue,
1. GEORGE, his heir.
2. ARTHUR, late representative.
1. Mary Jane, b. 1812 ; m. 1848, Lieut.-Col. Robert Brookes,
24th Regt., who was killed at the battle of Chilianwallah, 1849;
she d. 29 July, 1895.
2. Anna, b. 1815 ; m. 1842, Edward John Collingwood, of Lilburn
Tower, and Churton House, co. Northumberland (see thai family),
and d. 1879, leaving issue. He d. 1895.
3. Adelaide Louisa, b. 1817 ; m. 1842, her cousin, John Head
Burdett, of Hunstanton, King's Co., who d. 4 March, 1870 (see
above). She d. 20 Jan. 1905.
The elder son,
GEORGE BURDETT, of Ballymany, and of Ballywalter, co. Tip-
perary, b. 25 Sept. 1813 ; d.s.p. in 1875, and was s. by his only
ARTHUR BURDETT, of Ballymany, also of Ballywalter, co. Tip-
perary, and Coolfin, King's Co., b. i Sept. 1814, J.P. for King's
Co., High Sheriff 1877, B.A. Trin. Coll. Dublin ; m. ist, 25 March,
1862, his cousin, Grace Florinda, 3rd dau. of John Eyre Trench,
of Clonfert House, co. Galway (see that family), by whom (who
d. 17 April, 1863) he had issue,
ARTHUR HUGO DE BURDET, now of Ballymany and Coolfin.
He m. zndly, 18 Dec. 1875, Emma Wyke, youngest dau. of Major
Francis Russell Eagar, 3ist Regt. She d.s.p. 29 Sept. 1901. He
d. 16 Jan. 1884, and was s. by his only son.
Arms — Paly of six arg. and az. on a bend gu. three martlets or.
Crest — On a tower arg. a martlet with wings displayed or.
Seat— Coolfin, near Banagher, King's Co. Clubs— Kildare
Street, Dublin, Sports, S.W., and Royal St. George Yacht, Kings-
BURGES, of Parka-
naur, co. Tyrone, b.
16 April, 1900 ; s. his
grandfather 14 Aug.
Lineage.— SAMUEL
BURCHES, b. 1645 ; m. 1684,
Margaret Williams, of Llan
Elian, in N. Wales, and had
two sons,
1. David, b. 1685, who m.
Elizabeth Cust, and was
for some years Rector of
St. Mark's Church,
2. JOSEPH, of whom pre-
Both brothers eventually
moved northwards to the
city of Armagh during the
primacy of Archbishop
Lindsay, with whom they
were connected. The
younger son,
JOSEPH BURCHES, b. 1689, and bapt. next day (for the times
were again troublous) at St. Michlan's Church, Dublin ; m. 1716,
Elizabeth, dau. of Ynyr Lloyd, of East Ham, Essex (Deputy Sec-
retary of the East India Company, and had (with two daus.
Margaret, and Alice, wife of Francis Methold) three sons,
1. Joseph (Rev.), d. 1746. 2. JOHN, of whom hereafter.
3. YNYR, of East Ham, who held an influential post in the East
India Company, and was offered the baronetcy subsequently
conferred on his son-in-law. He was b. 1723 : m. i747» Margaret,
dau. of Governor Browne, and d. 1792, leaving issue, a dau. and
Margaret, m. ist, 1771, Sir John Smith, Bart., who took the
additional surname of BURGES, but d.s.p. 24 April, 1803 ; his
widow m. 2ndly, 23 July, 1810, John, 4th Earl Poulett, ot
Hinton St. George, Somerset, but d.s.p. 27 May, 1838, when
her kinsman, JOHN YNYR BURGES, s. her in her estates.
The 2nd son,
JOHN BURGES, b. 1722 ; m. 20 Nov. 1763, Martha, dau. of Robert
Ford, and d. 1790, leaving issue (with two daus. Mary, m. 1784.
George Perry, of Seskinore, co. Tyrone ; and Martha, m. i787,
Jaoes Johnston, of Knappagh, co. Armagh) a son,
JOHN HENRY BURGES, of Wood Park, co. Armagh, b. 15 July,
1766 ; m. 1794, Marianne, eldest dau. and eventually co-heir of
Sir Richard Johnston, Bart., of Guildford, and had issue,
1. JOHN YNYR, of Parkanaur and East Ham. 2. Richard, dec.
1. Margaret Ann-;, m. July, 1815, Gen. Thomas Charretie, of the
and Life Guards, who d. Jan. 1866. She d. 1869.
2. Matilda, d. Nov. 1805.
The only surviving son,
JOHN YNYR BURGES, of Parkanaur, co. Tyrone and Thorpe
Hall, and East Ham, Essex, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff, co. Tyrone
1829, b. 31 Jan. 1798 ; m. 21 March, 1833, Lady Caroline Clements,
youngest dau. of Nathaniel, 2nd Earl of Leitrim, K.P., and d. 20
April, 1889, having by her (who d. 12 Oct. 1869) had issue,
1. YNYR HENRY, late of Parkanaur.
2. Charles Skeffington, b. 19 Aug. 1835 ; d. 1845.
3. Clements Keppel, d. March, 1840.
4. John Richard Alexander Wamphray, b. 25 Aug. 1843 ; d. 1850,
1. Mary Anne Margaret.
2. Alice Caroline m. Col. Francis Brodigan, of Piltown House,
Drogheda. He d. 8 March, 1910.
COL. YNYR HENRY BURGES, of Parkanaur, co. Tyrone, J.P. and
D.L., High Sheriff 1869 ; formerly Commanding 6th Brigade N.I.
Div. R.A. ; b. 31 Jan. 1834 ! m- Ist> 7 Sept. 1859, Hon. Edith
Bootle-Wilbraham, 3rd dau. of the late Hon. Richard Bootle-
Wilbraham, and sister of ist Earl of Lathom, and by her (who d.
2 Feb. 1894) had issue,
1. YNYR RICHARD PATRICK, High Sheriff co. Tyrone 1898, b.
15 March, 1866 ; m. 23 Oct. 1895, Frederica Florence Elizabeth,
eldest dau. of the late Alfred Gillett (see GILLETT of Banbury),
and d.v.p. 20 Dec. 1905, having had issue,
1. YNYR ALFRED, now of Pa'rkanaur.
2. Richard Ynyr, b. 21 Aug. 1901.
3. Patrick Claud, b. 14 June, 1905.
1. Winifred Edith, b. 22 Oct. 1896 ; d. g Jan. 1897.
2. Margaret Elizabeth, b. 18 Sept. 1903.
2. John Ynyr Wilbraham, b. 13 Feb. 1871 ; d.s.p. 8 Jan. 1895.
1. Edith Alice, m. 16 Oct. 1895, Arthur Howard Frere, elder son
of the late Philip Howard Frere, of Dungate and Paston House, •
Cambridge, and has issue (see BURKE'S Family Records).
2. Ethel Margaret, m. 7 Oct. 1885, Sir James Henry Stronge,
Bart., and has issue (see BURKE'S Peerage).
3. Lilian Adela, b. 1864, d. 1870.
4. Myrtle Constance, m. 22 Sept. 1900, John Marcui Poer O'Shee,
and has issue (see O'SHEE of Gardenmorris).
5. Beatrice Annette, b. and d. 1873.
6. Irene Caroline, m. 9 Feb. 1898, Ernald Edward Richardson,
whod. 7 July, 1909, leaving issue (see RICHARDSON of Glanbrydan).
Col. Burges m. andly, 5 May, 1896, Mary, dau. of George Pearce,
of Bishop's Lydeard, and d. 14 Aug. 1908, being s. by his grandson.
Arms — Quarterly : ist and 4th, or, a fess chequy arg. and az.,
in chief two cross-crosslets gu. and in base a covered cup of the last,
for BURGES ; 2nd, paly of eight or and gu., all within a bordure of
the first pelletee, for LLOYD ; 3rd, arg., a saltire sa., on a chief gu.,
three cushions or, for JOHNSTON. Crests — i. A dove rising arg.,
beaked and membered gu., in its beak a palm branch ppr., for
BURGES; 2. a lion rampant gu., langued az., in the dexter paw
an annulet, enclosing a fleur-de-lis arg., for LLOYD. Motto — Tace
aut face.
Seat — Parkanaur, Castle Caulfeild, co. Tyrone.
MICHAEL HENRY BURKE, of Ballydugan, co.
Galway, J.P., b. 6 July, 1853 ; m. 1901, Ethel Maud,
dau. of Robert Henry, of Toghermore (see HENRY of
Lodge), and has issue,
juineag-e. — MICHAEL BURKE, of Ballintober, co. Roscornmon,
who purchased Ballydugan, 1726, from the Lynch family, was son
of William Burke,* of the Clogheroge branch of the family, by his
wife a dau. o. aly, of Cloncha. He m. ist, Miss Flynn ; 2ndly,
Miss Dillon, of Clonbrook ; and srdly, Mary, dau. of Burke, of
Meelick. By the first two he had no issue, but by the 3rd, he was
father of
1. WILLIAM, his heir.
1. Honora, m. Andrew Blake, of Furbough.
2. Marcella, m. Malachy Daly, of Benmore.
Mr. Burke's will bears date 12 Jan. 1735. His son and heir,
WILLIAM BURKE, of Ballintober, co. Roscommon and Bally-
dugan, co. Galway, m. Mabel, dau. of Malachy Donelan, of Bally
Donelan, co. Galway, by Mary his wife, dau. of Thomas Power
Daly, eldest son of the Right Hon. Denis Daly, of Carrownekelly,
2nd J ustice of the Common Pleas, temp. JAMES II, and was father of
MICHAEL BURKE, of Ballydugan, M.P. for Athenry, a Director
of Inland Navigation and one of the Surveyors-General for Ireland,
who served as High Sheriff of the co. of Galway 1786, and for the
town of Galway 1796. He m. Sarah, only child of John Morgan,
of Monksfield, co. Galway, by Sarah his wife, 3rd dau. of Francis
Ormsby, of Willowbrook, co. Sligo, and by her (who d. n Oct.
1813) had issue,
1. WILLIAM MALACHY, of Ballydugan.
2. John (Rev.), Vicar of Kilcolgan, co. Galway, Provost of Kilmac-
duagh, and Prebendary of Kilconnell, m. Mary Anne, sister of
Arthur Guinness, of Beaumont, near Dublin, and dying 1842, left,
i. MICHAEL JOHN, of Canterbury, N.Z., Barrister-at-Law, d.
1869, leaving issue. 2. Arthur, d. in Australia.
3. William, Barrister-at-Law, m. 6 April, 1858, Anne, eldest
dau. of the late Stephen W. Creaghe, and d. 12 July, 1908
having had issue.
4. Edward Frederick, of Gortmore, Dundrum, co. Dublin, m.
Miss Nutting, of Clifton, and d. 2 Nov. 1887 (his widow m. 2ndly,
10 April, 1889, Henry Wyatt, Commander P. and O. Service).
5. John, m. Miss Watson, and has issue.
i. Elizabeth.
* A brother of this William Burke, entered the Neapolitan service
and attained high military rank at Naples.
2. Mabel Maria, wife of Thomas Trouton,
3. Louisa.
3. Michael, Collector of Excise, and formerly a Magistrate for
co. Galway, d. itnm. 1846.
4. Thomas, of Belvedere Place, Dublin, m. Louisa, relict of
Thomas Burke, of Spring Garden, co. Galway, and dau. of Domi-
nick Daly, by Johanna Karriet hs wife, sister of the ist Lord
Wallscourt, and d.s.p.
5. Henry (Rev.), m. Francis Juile, only dau. of Val. Blake, of
Lehinch, co. Mayo, by Anna Maria his wife, dau. of the Hon.
and Rev. Richard Henry Roper, son of Lord Teynham, and had
Michael, George, and other issue.
6. Denis, of Portlands, co. Galway, m. Maria, dau. of the late
Major Graham, and left issue,
Michael Charles Christopher, of Ballinahone House, co. Armagh,
who d. 13 Dec. 1901, having m. Amy Mary (d. 24 July, 1898),
dau. of Rev. Robert Jcrvois, by whom he left issue,
(1) Denis Charles, Capt. 3rd Batt. Roy. Irish Fus., b. 13 June,
1876 ; m. Merill, dau. of Peter Griffin, of Alta Villa, co.
(2) Robert Jervois, b. 28 Sept. 1879.
(3) Charles James, Lieut. i8th Roy. Irish Regt., b. g March,
1882 ; m. 28 April, 1909, Beatrice Osborn, 3rd dau. of
W. Shakspeare, of 42 Prince's Gardens, S.W., and of Yateley,
(1) Amy Mary, b. i May, 1877 ; m. Charles Arthur Maunsell,
of Finnetterstown.
(2) Charlotte Helen, 6. 19 July, 1878 ; m. Lieut. Alexander R.
Palmer, R.N.
(3) Olive Edith, b. 1883 ; d. unm. 10 May, 1886.
Frances, m. Dominick Burke of Cahernagarry, co. Galway.
1. Sarah, d. unm. 1852.
2. Mabel, m. 1832, Rev. James Temple Nansel, M.A.,and has issue.
Mr. Burke, who sold, under an Act of Parliament, the fee simple
estate of Ballintober, d. 1838, and was s. by his eldest son,
WILLIAM MALACHY BURKE, of Ballydugan, Barrister-at-Law,
High Sheriff of co. Galway 1822, 6. 1784 ; m. Anna Maria, only
dau. of John Blake, of Windfield, and by her (who d. 1847) left
at his decease, Jan. 1853,
1. MICHAEL, of Ballydugan.
2. John William (Rev.), Chaplain to the Earl of Tankeryille,
B.A. Cambridge ; b. 1817 ; m. 1881, Croa=della, younger dau. of
Croasdaile Bowen-Miller, of Milford, co. Mayo, J.P. He d. 16
3 /William Malachy, M.D., of St. Stephen's Green, Dublin,
F.R.C.P.I., Registrar-General for Ireland, Physician to Stephen's
Hospital ; m. 1852, Harriet Isabella, only dau. of the Rev. Hugh
Hamilton, of Churchill, co. Fermanagh, by Elizabeth his wife,
sister of the late Sir Thomas Staples, Bart., and d. leaving issue,
three sons,
1. William Henry Marsh, Capt. King's Own L.I. South York-
shire Regt., b. g April, 1859 ; d. at Belfast.
2. John Albert, b. 18 Feb. 1862.
3. Edmund, b. 5 March, 1865.
i . Grace Elizabeth Anna Maria, m. 1877, Andrew Jameson, B.A.
Cambridge, 2nd son of the late Andrew Jameson, of Alloa, N.B
4. Thomas James (Rev.), Rector of Babcary, Somerset, m. 1856,
Miss Fraser, and d. 24 May. 1897, leaving issue,
i. William Henry, B.A., M.B., B.Ch., D.P.H. Trin. Coll. Dublin,
Lieut.-Col. Indian Medical Service (ret.), b. 5 Nov. 1858 ; m.
17 April, 1890, Edith Louisa, dau. of the late Thomas Trouton,
of Clonskeagh, co. Dublin, and has issue,
(1) Reginald Valentine, 2nd Lieut. Connaught Rangers,
b. 14 Feb. 1891.
(2) Rudolph Edmund Maurice.
1. Mabel Mary.
2. Henrietta Louisa, m. 15 Sept. 1880, Brabazon Newcomen
Casement, 2nd son of John Casement, of Magherintemple, co.
Antrim, J.P., and d. Nov. 1881.
3. Emily Florence.
5. Edmund, Barrister-at-Law, A.B., ex-Scholar and Classical
Moderator, Trin. Coll. Dublin, and Professor of History in the
Elphinstone Coll. Bombay, d. on his way home, 1864.
1. Mary, d. unm. 1891. 2. Sarah, d. unm. 1878.
3. Caroline Frances, d. 1817.
The eldest son,
REV. MICHAEL BURKE, A.M., of Ballydugan, co. Galway, formerly
Incumbent of Castle Archdall, co. Fermanagh, m. 1848, Isabella,
dau. of James Clarke, Capt. I2th Lancers, and niece of Mrs. Archdall,
of Castle Archdall, and d. 29 Jan. 1886, leaving issue,
1. William Malachy James, b. 14 March, 1851 ; d. 1864.
2. MICHAEL HENRY, now of Ballydugan.
3. John Hawley, Capt. West Yorkshire Regt., b. 28 June, 1854 ;
m. 17 Feb. 1885, Mary Alice, eldest dau. of Col Henry Vansittart
Riddell Divisional Judge, Lahore, and d. in India, 24 Oct. 1007,
having had by her (whom. 2ndly, John Burke), with other issue,
Noel Michael, b. n Dec. 1885.
4. Thomas Edmund, Capt. King's Own Royal Lancashire Regt..
b. 24 Aug. 1856.
5. George Selwyn, b. g July, 1858.
1. Eliza Martha.
2. Isabella Mary, m. to Edward Cripps Villiers, J.P., of Beech
Hill, co. Galway.
Seat— Ballydugan, near Lughrea.
co. Galway, only child of the late WILLIAM JOSEPH
BURKE, of Ower, s. her father 1895; m- 8 Sept.
General of the Supreme Court of Judicature, Ireland,
J.P., cos. Galway and Mayo, and has issue,
LUKE WILLIAM BURKE, b. 5 Feb. 1903.
Mr. Teeling is the son of Charles George Teeling
and the grandson of Charles Hamilton Teeling. who
was the son of Luke Teeling, who took a prominent
part in the political movements in Ireland in the
1 8th century.
Lineage.— SIR REDMOND DE BURGH, 2nd son of ULICK DE
BURGH, and younger brother of RICKARD OGE, MacWilliam Oughler,
Chief of all the Burkes, ancestor of the Marquess of Clanricarde
(see BURKE' s Peerage), had issue, a son,
JOHN BUY (The Yellow), of Castle Hacket, co. Galway, founded the
powerful sept of John Buy McRedmond. His son,
MILES DE BURGH (or BURKE), of Castle Hacket, living there about
1480, left a son,
REDMOND DE BURGH, of Castle Hacket, who left issue, a son,
ULICK BURKE, of Castle Hacket, and Cahirmorris, and a great
estate adjoining, d. 1571, as appears from an inquisition taken in
Galway, 1586. His eldest son,
JOHN BURKE, of Castle Hacket, m. Margaret, dau. of Thady Kelly,
of Mullaghmore, a descendant of the ancient Princes of Hymaine, and
by her left a son,
ULICK BURKE, of Castle Hacket, m. Honora Bourkp, dau. of
Viscount Mayo, and grand-dau. of the celebrated Grana Uaile
(Queen of the Owles), and had issue, JOHN, his heir; Catherine,
m, Andrew Browne, of Brownestown ; Isabella, m. The O Conor Don.
Ulick Burke, after the massacre of Shruel, in which many Protes-
tants were slain, harboured the Protestant Bishop of Killala and
others, as appears by a letter from the Bishop to the Marquess of
Clanricarde, dated from Castle Hacket. Ulick and his son are men-
tioned in Lord Clanricarde's memoirs as persons whose adhesion was
important for the pacification of the county. The property of
Castle Hacket was created by JAMES I. in 1619, the manor of Castle
Hacket in favour of Ulick. The son and heir,
JOHN BURKE, of Castle Hacket, forfeited, during the confiscations,
the greater portion of his estates, retaining, however, Ower, part of
the ancient property. He m. Mary Bermingham, dau. of the i7th
Lord Athenry, Premier Baron of Ireland, by whom he left at his
death, 1684 or 1685,
1. ULICK, of whom presently.
2. Francis, m. Margaret, dau. of Darby Daly, of Killimore.
3. Thomas, m. Mary, dau. of Edward Hearne, of Hearnesbrook.
The son and successor,
ULICK BURKE, of Ower, m. Catherine, dau. of Stephen Lynch,
of Doughiskea (descended from James Lynch FitzStephen, the
Mayor of Galway 1493), by Ellinor, dau. of Sir John Browne, Bart.,
of The Neale, ancestor of Lord Kilmaine. By her he left at his death
in 1716,
1. John, d.s.p., a Capt. in Gen. Dillon's Regt. in France.
2. MYLES, of whom presently.
8. Dominick, whose son, Myles, m. Catherine, dau. of Sir Walter
Blake, Bart., of Menlo, and left issue,
1. Myles, m. Catherine, grand-dau. of Dominick Blake, of
Castle Grove, by his wife, dau. of Sir Joseph Hoare, Bart., and
left issue (i) Myles ; (2) Walter ; (3) William; and (i) Eliza,
m. Charles, son of Charles Peshall.
2. Stephen, m. Julia, sister of the foregoing Catherine, and had
issue, (i) Myles; (2) J oseph ; (3) Walter ; (4) Stephen ; (i) Eliza ;
(2) Catherine; (3) Elly.
i. Maria, m. Martin Kirwan, of Hillsbrook, co. Galway.
The 2nd son, *
MYLES BURKE, of Ower, who s. his father, m. Mary, dau. of
Stephen Lynch Fitz-Thomas, of Tubberoe, and niece of Sir Dominick
Browne, and by her left issue,
1. John, a Franciscan friar.
2. Stephen, of Ower, m. Marcella, dau. of James Martin, of Ross
and left issue,
Barbara, m. 1785, Mark Lynch, by whom she had, Patrick
Marcus Lynch, of Duras, and Renmore, co. Galway (see that
3. Domimck, d.s.p. 4. Francis, d.s.p.
5. WILLIAM, of whom presently.
1. Jane, m. Henry Jordan, of Rosslevin.
2. Barbara, m. 10 April, 1751, Sir Walter Blake, roth Bart., of
Menlo Castle, and had issue (see BURKE' s Peerage)
The 5th son,
WILLIAM BURKE, of Ower, s. his brother, and m. 1775, Teresa
Kirwan, of Hillsbrook, co. Galway, by whom (who d. 1791) he left
a* his death in 1801,
1. John, of Ower J.P. co. Galway, an officer of the 7gth and 38th
Regts., served in the Peninsular War ; m. Maria, eldest dau of
Oliver Martyn, M.D., of Galway, and d.s.p. 3 Oct. 1849.
2. JOSEPH, of whom presently.
3. Francis, the mathematician, m. Catherine, dau. of Ulick
Jenings, of Ironpool (see thai family), and left issue by her,
1. William (Rev.), in the Church of Rome.
2. Ulick. 3. John,
i. Bessy. 2. Teresa.
5. wSiS } both rf. without issue.
1. Mary, m. James Garvey, of Tully, co. Mayo. She m. 2ndly,
Major Allen, and left issue.
2. Julia, m. Francis Leigh, Surgeon in the 60 th Rifles, and left
3. Barbara, m. Bartholomew St. Leger, of Ballyheragh, co. Mayo,
and had issue.
4. Bridget, a nun.
The 2nd son,
JOSEPH BURKE, of Ower, J.P., b. 8 July, 1781 ; m. 9 April, 1823,
Margaret, 3rd dau. of Oliver Martyn, M.D., of Galway, of the
family of the MARTYNS of Tillyra, and by her (who d. 1872) had
1. WILLIAM JOSEPH, late of Ower.
2. Oliver, Barrister-at-Law, Knight of the Order of St. Gregory
the Great, author of many works ; d. 1889.
3. John, M.D., of Manila ; b. 30 Nov. 1832 ; m. 6 Feb. 1869,
Victoria, only dau. and heir of Benjamin Butler, of Manila, and
d. 20 Sept. 1886, leaving issue,
1. Joseph Butler, b. 8 Dec. 1869 ; d. 10 Sept. 1911.
2. John Benjamin Butler, M.A., Fellow cf Owens Coll. Man-
chester, author of various scientific papers, educated at Trin.
Coll. Dublin, and Trin. Coll. Camb., b. 4 Nov. 1871.
3. William Joseph Butler, of Manila, M.D. Trin. Coll. Dublin,
b. 17 Feb. 1873.
i. Mary, m. Fernand O. Desbarats, of Bordeaux, and has
issue, Victoria Charlotte.
4. Richard, M.D., Knight of the Order of Isabella the Catholic,
d.s.p. 28 Sept. 1883.
1. Elizabeth, m. Thomas O'Conor Donelan, J.P., of Sylan, and
by him (who d. 1874) has issue (see that family).
2. Teresa, d. unm.
3. Maria, d. unm. 18 Sept. 1896.
Mr. Burke s. his brother, 3 Oct. 1849 ; and d. 14 May, 1861, and was
s. by his eldest son,
WILLIAM JOSEPH BURKE, of Ower, co. Galway, J.P., Barrister-
at-Law, b. i May, 1825 >' m- J° June, 1858, Barbara Ellen, dau. of
Thomas Blake Turner, of St. John's Abbey, co. Galway. She d. 26
Feb. 1891. He d. 2 Sept. 1895, having had issue, a dau.,
MARGARET MARY, now of Ower.
Arms (of BURKE) — Or, a cross gu. in the dexter canton a lion
rampant sa. Crest — A chained cat sejant guardant ppr. Motto —
Ung roy, ung foy, ung loy. Arms (of TEELING) — Or, two pallets
dancettee gu. Crest — A fleur-de-lys per pale dancettee or and
gu. Motto — Sola virtus invicta.
Seat — Ower, near Headford. co. Galway. Residence — Bartra,
Eglinton Road, Dublin.
ANNE CELESTINE BURKE, of Issercleran, co.
Galway, m. ist, 4 Nov. 1856, Major Frances Horatio
de Vere, R.E. (who d. 22 Aug. 1865), youngest
son of Sir Aubrey de Vere, 2nd bart. of Curragh
Chase, co. Limerick, and had three daus.,
1. Mary, m. ist, 1879, Major William Utting Cole, 3rd Dragoon
Guards, eldest son of W. H. Cole, of We?twoodhay House, co.
Berks. He d. 1892. She m. andly, 19 April, 1894, Major Herbert
William Studd, D.S.O., Coldstream Guards, and has issue.
2. Eleanor Hester, m. 9 July, 1885, Sir Frederick William Shaw,
Bart, D.S.O., of Bushey Park, and has issue (see BURKE'S
Peerage and Baronetage).
3. Margaret, m. ist, 1886, Francis F. Joyce, who d. May, 1899,
leaving issue. She m. 2ndly, Oct. 1909, Major Cyril Prescott
Decie, R.A.
Mrs. de Vere m. 2ndly, 20 Feb. 1873, Rev. Charleton
Maxwell (who d. July, 1895), J.P., formerly Rector
of Leckpatrick, co. Tyrone.
Lineage. — JOHN BURKE, of Issercleran co. Galway, m. Jane,
dau. of Michael Burke, of Cloughanover, a descendant of
the Burkes of Castle Hacket, and had,witb a dau., Ellen, wife of John
Dolphin, of Turoe, a son and successor,
JAMES BURKE, of Issercleran, m. Penelope, dau. of Robert Hardi-
man, of Loughrea, and had, with a dau., who m. — Browne, of
Gloves, co. Galway, a son,
JOHN HARDIMAN BURKE, of Issercleran, m. 1783 or 1784, Elizabeth,
cau. of Andrew Armstrong, of Clara House, King's Co., by whom he
lud issue,
1. JAMES HARDIMAN, his heir.
2. Robert, dec. 3. John.
1. Penelope, m. John Kirwan, of Castle Hacket, co. Galway.
2. Elizabeth, m. Christopher John Blake, of W infield, co. Galway.
Mr. Burke took the name of HARDIMAN in addition to that of
BURKE, pursuant to the will of his maternal uncle, Robert Hardiman,
whose estates and property he inherited upon that gentleman's
death, 1800. He d. Dec. 1808, and was s. by his son,
JAMES HARDIMAN BURKE, of Issercleran, sometime an officer 7th
Fus., b. 1788 ; m. Oct. 1817, Anne, dau. of Robert O'Hara, of Raheen,
co. Galway, and by her (who d. 1844) had issue.
1. JOHN, late of Issercleran.
2. Robert O'Hara, b. 1821 ; an Officer in the Austrian Service, and
distinguished for his command of the expedition across Australia,
in the course of which he perished, 1861.
3. James Thomas, b. 1828 ; an Officer R.E., fell gallantly in
Turkey, 1854.
1. Fanny Maria, m. John Blakeny, of Abbert, co. Galway.
2. Elizabeth, m. 1846, Lieut-Col. W. C. Menzies, R.E.
3. HESTER ALBINIA, of Issercleran, d. 1866.
4. ANNE CELESTINE, now of Issercleran.
Mr. Burke, who served the Office of Sheriff, d. g Jan. 1854, and was
«. by his eldest son,
JOHN HARDIMAN BURKE, of St. Clerans, Lieut.-Col. 3rd Buffs,
and previously Capt. 88th Connaught Rangers and A.D.C. to Sir
John Burgoyne, during the Crimean War ; he d. 7 Aug. 1863, and
was s. by his sister, HESTER ALBINIA, who d. 1866, and was s. by her
sister, ANNE CELESTINE, now of St. Clerans.
Seat— Issercleran, Craughwell.
IVAN SHTJLDHAM BURKE, of Springfield, Dalkey,
co. Dublin, 6. 5. his grandfather 23 March, 1908 ;
m. 12 Jan. 1909, Aimee Muriel, dau. of Rev. Canon
Lineage.— MARTIN BURKE, of Springfield, co. Tipperary (who
d. 1863), left issue by Anne, his wife, dau. of late Edmond Burke, of
Roscrea, an eldest son,
JAMES MILO BURKE, of Springfield, Dalkey, co. Dublin, J.P.,
D.L., B.A. Trin. Coll. Dublin, Barrister-at-Law, b. 1814; m. ist,
1844, Eliza, dau. of C. Eiffe. She d. 1865, leaving issue,
Martin John, Q.C., B.A. Trin. Coll. Dublin, b. 1848 ; m. 1883,
Elizabeth, only dau. of Capt. William Barron Stanton, gist Regt.,
and d.v.p. 1893, leaving issue by her (who m. andly, Joseph
Wallace Boyce, M.D., and d. 1903), with one dau., a son,
IVAN SHULDHAM, now of Springfield.
He m. 2ndly, Kate (d. 1894), dau. of James Ferguson, and^ 23 March,
1908, being s. by his grandson.
Residence— Springfield, Dalkey, co. Dublin.
BURROWES, of Stra-
done House, co. Cavan,
J.P. and D.L., High
Sheriff 1902,6. 13 May,
1880 ; s. his father,
Lineage. — This family
was established in Ireland
settled at Dumlane, co.
Cavan, on the settlement of
Ulster by King JAMES I. His
eldest son and heir, THOMAS
BOROWES, became possessed
of Stradone, of which estate
he also received a patent of
confirmation from King
CHARLES I, 1638.
Stradone House, High Sheriff
co. Cavan 1743, m. Jane,
dau. of Thomas Nesbitt, of
Lismore House, co. Cavan,
and had issue,
1. ROBERT, of Stradone.
2. Thomas, of Dangan Castle, co. Meath, Col. H.E.I.C.S., m.
ist, Miss Greenland, and had a son,
1. Arnold Robinson, Major Scots Fusilier Guards, who served
through the Peninsular War as A.D.C. to Field-Marshal Viscount
Beresford, m. Harriet, dau. of Richard Beresford, of Fenny
Bentley, co. Derby, and had issue, several sons and daus.
Col. Thomas Burrowes m. andly, Hon. Frances Beresford, 4th dau.
of William, ist Lord Decies, Archbishop of Tuam, and had issue,
2. William Nesbitt, Lieut.-Col. i7th Lancers, m. Susanna
Henrietta Bermingham, dau. of Thomas Bermingham Daly
Henry Sewell, and had issue,
(i) Augustus, dec. (2) W. Arnold, dec.
(3) Henry Adrian, of Dangan Castle, co. Meath, b. 12 Feb.
1837 ; d. 27 Jan. 1886, having in. ist, 1870, Rose, dau. of
Aylmer Porter, by whom he had issue,
la. Henry Adrian.
2a. Robert Ayhner.
la. Edith Aylmer, m. 7 July, 1904, Stuart Palmer.
2«. Grace Mary, who m. 25 March, 1903, Capt. Edward
Charles Massy, R.A.
He m. 2ndly, 6 April, 1880, Rose (16, Boulevards Douville,
St. Servan, I lie et Vilaine, France), dau. of Major F. P.
Drury, by whom he had further issue,
3«. Patrick William, b. 16 Jan. 1881, Lieut. 25th Cavalry
Frontier Force.
\a. Arnold Francis, Lieut. R.N., b. 27 Aug. 1882.
i. Elizabeth, m. the Baron de Cetto, Bavarian Minister to the
Court of St. James.
3. Arnold (Rev.), d. unnt. 4. Cosby, d. unm. in India.
1. Margery, d. unm.
2. Anne, m. the Rev. William Wade, Rector of Dromore, co.
3. Martha, d. unm.
4. Jane, m. James Purefoy, of Woodfield, co. Galway.
The eldest son,
ROBERT BURROWES, of Stradone House, High Sheriff co. Cavan
1773, m. Sophia, dau. of the Ven. Joseph Story, Archdeacon of Kil-
more, and by her had (with four daus., Jane. m. Samuel Moore,
of Moyne Hall, co. Cavan ; and Sophia, m'. Brabazon Noble ; Anne,
m. Hon. and Very Rev. George Gore, Dean of Kilala ; Frances,
d. unm. ), a son and heir,
THOMAS BURROWES, of Stradone House, Higu Sheriff co. Cavan
1803, Major in the Army, m. 1807, Susan, dau. of the Rev. Henry
Seward, of Badsey, co. Worcester, and had issue,
1. ROBERT, of Stradone.
2. James Edward, b. Nov. 1820 ; m. 1854, Mary Anne, and dau.
of John Nesbitt, of Lismore, co. Cavan, and d. leaving a son,
THOMAS COSBY, of Lismore, co. Cavan (see BURROWES of
3. Henry, d. young.
1. Honora Seward, m. 1835, the Hon. Thomas Leslie.
Mr. Burrowes d. April, 1836, and was s. by his eldest son,
ROBERT BURROWES, of Stradone House, J.P. and D.L., High
Sheriff 1838, and M.P. for Cavan 1855 to 1857, b. 19 March, 1810 ;
m. 16 Oct. 1838, Anne Frances, only dau. of John Garden, of Barnane,
co. Tipperary, and by her (who d. 1902) had issue.
1. Thomas, b. 17 July, 1839 ; d. an infant.
2. ROBERT JAMES, his heir.
3. Arnold Henry, b. 22 Oct. 1846 ; d. 1848.
1. Frances Susan, m. 2 Dec. 1869, Sir John Olpherts, C V.O.,
D.L., of Ballyconnell, and has issue.
2. Honora, d. Feb. 1856.
3. Mary Anne Cecilia, d. Sept. 1854.
Mr. Burrowes -d. 30 Nov. 1881. His only surviving son,
ROBERT JAMES BURROWES, of Stradone House, co. Cavan, J.P.
and D.L., High Sheriff 1883, b. 9 Sept. 1844, formerly Capt. ist
Dragoon Guards ; m. i June, 1876, Ella (44, Thurloe Square, S.W.),
dau. of Commodore Magruder, U.S. Navy, and niece of Major-
Gen. J. B. Magruder, and d. 18 Dec. 1893, leaving issue,
1. THOMAS JAMES, now of Stradone.
2. Robert Philip, Capt. Rifle Brigade, b. 10 March, 188.1.
1. Helena Mary, b. 6 June, 1877 ; d. 2 Oct. 1878.
2. Kathleen Fanny, b. 8 Oct. 1880 ; m. 12 Feb. 1907, Thomas
George Wills-Sandford, of Willsgrove, co. Roscommon, and has
issue (see that family).
Arms — Or on a cross gu. five mullets arg. in each chief quarter
a lion passant sa., ducally crowned and langued of the second.
Crest — A lion sejant guardant sa., ducally crowned or, langued gu.
Motto — Non vi sed virtute.
Seat— Stradone House, Cavan. Residence— 22. Lowndes Street,
S.W. Club— Bachelors'.
THOMAS COSBY BURROWES, of Lismore, co. Cavan,
J.P., D.L., High Sheriff 1888, b. 1856 ; 5. his uncle
Alexander Nesbitt, of Lismore, 1886; m. is April,
1885, the Hon. Anna Frances Maxwell, younger
dau. of Hon. Richard Thomas Maxwell, of Portland,
co. Cavan, and sister of Somerset, loth Lord Farn-
ham (see BURKE'S Peerage), and has issue,
1. Eleanor Mary Cosby. 2. Rosamund Charlotte Cosby.
Lineage. — ANDREW NESBITT, of Brenter (presumed to be son
of Thomas Nesbitt, of Newbottle, and grandson of George Nesbitt,
who d. 1590), assignee from the Earl of Annandale, of the estates of
Brenter and Malmusock, co. Donegal, was father of
ANDREW NESBITT, who served in the army of CHARLES I. m
Ireland, m. Anne Lindsay, and d. 1692, leaving four sons,
1. THOMAS, of whom hereafter.
2 Albert, an eminent merchant in London, sat in Parliament for
the boroughs of Huntingdon and St. Michael ; m. 24 Nov.
1729, Elizabeth, dau. of John Gould, and d. 1753, leaving a dau.,
Rachael, who m. Richard Bard Harcourt, of Pendley, Herts,
and carried into the Harcourt family the estates ot Brentner and
Melmusock, which estates Thomas Nesbitt, after his settlement
in Cavan, sold to his said brother Albert.
3. Robert, m. Margaret, younger dau. of Arnold Cosby.
4. Alexander, m. the dau. of John Gould, and d. 1743.
THOMAS NESBITT, of Grangemore, co. Westmeath, High Sheriff
1720, and M.P. for borough of Cavan '1715-50, m. ist, 1701, Susan
Lyons, by whom he had one son,
1. Charles Robert, who d. unm.
Hem. 2ndly, 1713, Jane, dan. and heir of Arnold Cosby, of Lismore,
co. Cavan (son of William Cosby, grandson of Arnold Cosby, great-
grandson of Alexander Cosby and Dorcas Sidney, his wife). By
this marriage, Thomas Nesbitt came into possession of Lismore
and other estates in Cavan. He d. 1750, having by her had issue
(with seven dau«.) three sons,
2. COSBY, of whom presently.
3. William, m. Mary Blackwood.
4. Arnold, a merchant in London, m. Miss Thrale, sister of Henry
Thrale "of Streatham. He represented Cricklade, and afterwards
Winchelsea, in Parliament, and d.s.p. 1765.
The 2nd son,
COSBY NESBITT, of Lismore, M.P. for Cavan 1750-67, High Sheriff
1764, b. 1718 ; s. to the Cavan estates on the death of his father ; m.
(setts, dated 17 Sept. 1743) Anne. dau. of John Enery, of Bawnboy,
by Frances, sister of George Nixon, of Nixon Hal', co. Fermanagh
(see BURKE'S Family Records). His will, dated 28 Nov. 1777, was
proved 27 July, 1791. He had issue,
1. THOMAS, of whom presently.
2. John, merchant in London, M.P. for Winchelsea, d. unm.
3. Cosby.
4. Albert (Rev.), D.D.. Chaplain to the Prince Regent, Vicar of
Denn, J.P., co. Cavan, d. unm. 30 Jan. 1822.
1. Mary.
2. Frances, w. William Moore, of Tullyvin, co. Cavan, and d.
27 March, 1833.
3. lane, m. James Young, of Lahard, co. Cavan.
MjVTVesbitt was s. by his eldest son,
' THOMAS NESBITT, of Lismore, Col. in the Army, M.P. for Cavan,
1768-99, High Sheriff 1769, m. Feb. 1768, Louisa, youngest dau. and
co-heir of John Daniel De Gennes, of Portarlington, Col. in the
Biitish Service, and left issue,
1. COSBY, his heir. 2. JOHN,S. his brother.
3. Thomas, who left by Anne his wife, two sons and a dau.,
1. John Albert, of Fort Hill, co. Cavan, J.P., b. 1811 ; d. 31
Dec. 1886.
2. Thomas.
i. Louisa, m. Major Moore, of The Rocks, Crossdoney.
Eol. Nesbitt d. 1820, and was s. by his eldest son,
COSBY NESBITT, of Lismore, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff 1798,
Major Cavan Militia, b. 20 Nov. 1769 ; m. Elizabeth Hancox, but
d 'i.p. 19 July, 1837, when the estates devolved upon his brother,
JOHN NESBITT, of Lismore House, J.P. and D.L., High Sheriff
1840, m. Elizabeth, dau. of John Tatam, of Moulton, co. Lincoln,
and d. i Jan. 1853, leaving issue,
1. COSBY THOMAS, of Lismore House, J.P., D.L., M.A. Oxon.,
d. unm. 30 April, 1856.
2. ALEXANDER, of Lismore.
1. Frances. 2. MARY ANNE, s. her brother.
The 2nd son,
ALEXANDER NESBITT, of Lismore House, co. Cavan, and Old
Lands, co. Sussex, D.L., High Sheriff co. Cavan 1862, b. 1817.
s. his brother 1855 ; m. 1855, Cecilia, dau. of Frederick Franks,
Capt. R,N. She d. 6 Nov. 1900. He d.s.p. 21 June, 1886, when he
was s. by his sister,
MARY ANNE, m. 4 July, 1854, James Edward Burrowes, 2nd son of
Thomas Burrowes, of Stradone (see that family), and d. 12 March,
1887, leaving issue,
Arms — See BURROWES of Stradone.
Seat — Lismore House, Crossdoney, co. Cavan.
CHAELL, of Brandon-
dale, co. Kilkenny,
youngest dau. of
William Russ'ell
Farmar, of Bloomfield,
co. Wexfcrd, by his
2nd wife Henrietta,
2nd dau. of Harry
Alcock, of Wilton
Castle, co. Wexford
(see those families) ;
m. 23 April, 1878,
Richard Rothe Burt-
chaell, of Brandondale,
J.P. cos. Kilkenny and
Carlow, who d.s.p. 23
Dec. 1903.
Wicklow, b. circa. 1648 ; d. 4 Oct. 1732
his ist wife he had.
of Burgagemore, co.
He m. three times. By
1. Peter, of Kilteel, co. Kildare, d. March, 1744 ; m. ist 1714,
Faithful, dau. and co-heiress of Griffith Allen, of Kilteel ; m. andly,
Sarah, dau. of John Wilson, of Crookstown, co. Meath, and left
issue .
He m. andly, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Keyes, and by her, who d.
May, 1699, had two sons and a dau.,
2. THOMAS, of whom presently.
3. John, bapt. 27 March, 1696.
1. Elizabeth, bapt. at St. Mary's, Blcssinton, 14 July, 1698.
He m. 3rdly 17 Sept. 1699, Patience, dau. of — Morgan, and had
with other issue,
4. George, of Burgage, bapt. 4 July, 1702 ; m. (lie 5 May), 1731,
Mary, dau. of — Burtonwood, and left issue.
5. David, of Brownstown, co. Kildare, b. 1707 ; d. 18 Sept., 1783 ;
m. Jane, dau. of William Senior, of Drumnagh, co. Dublin, and
had a son and two daus.,
David, of Brownstown, Lieut. Naas Independent Light
Dragoons, b. 1749 ; d. 2 Dec. 1834 > m- July. I77*. Mary, dau.
of Richard Senior, of Aughasan, Queen's Co., and had issue.
Mary m. John Leedom.
Sarah, m. Dec. 1756, David Bomford, of Callow, 'co. Meath (see
that family) .
2. Sinai, bapt. 10 Nov. 1701 ; m. John Harper.
The 2nd son,
THOMAS BURTCHAELL, of Moneen, and Lacken, co. Kilkenny,
\ b. 1690 ; d. 21 Dec. 1769 : m. ist 1718, Anne, 2nd dau. of William
! Mainwaring, of Moneen, co. Kilkenny (which he purchased from
I the Trustees of Forfeited Estates i8th June, 1703), and sister
i and co-heir of Gayton Mainwaring, of Moneen, and had, with a
I dau. Elizabeth, three sons,
1. William, of Kilcaran, co. Kilkenny, d. Feb. 1786, having had
a son Thomas, who d.v.p. leaving a dau. Anne.
2. Michael, d.s.p. 3. John, d.s.p.
He m. 2ndly, Anne, dau. of — Kehoe, and had two sons,
4. Thomas, d.s.p. 5. Edward, Purser R.N.
He m. 3rd!y, 1743, Anne (b. 1711 ; d. 22 Sept. 1785), dau. of Francis
Lee, of Wells, co. Carlow, and had two sons and two daus.
6. PETER, of whom presently.
7. David, of Lacken, b. 1745 ; d. 25 Sept. 1833 ; m. ist. Feb. 1781,
Anne, dau. of Robert Johnston, of Curraghboy, co. Kilkenny,
and 2ndly (lie. 18 Jan.), 1798, Catherine (d. 13 Aug. 1849), dau. of
— White, and left issue by both.
1. Catherine, m. Edward Bassett.
2. A.nne; m. William Johnston.
The 6th son,
PETER BURTCHAELL, of Coolroe, co. Kilkenny, b. 1744 ; d. 19 April,
1815, Sovereign of Thomastown and Portreeve of Go vran ; m. ist
(lie. 14 Feb.) 1784, Catherine, dau. of John Rothe, of Kilcullen, co.
Kilkenny (see ROTHE late of Mount Rothe). She, who was b. 1758,
d. 5 Apr 1, 1789, leaving issue,
1. Thomas, b. 25 Dec., 1784 ; d. unm. 28 April, 1813.
2. DAVID, his heir.
1. Mary, b. 9 June, 1786 ; d. 1813 ; m. Nov. 1807, Richard
Divine of Ullard, co. Kilkenny.
He m. 2ndly, 28 Aug. 1791, Dorcas, dau. of Patrick Divine, of
Graignamanagh, and had issue, with others that d. young,
3. Patrick, b. 4 Aug. 1,793 ; d. 18 Sept. 1845 ; m. 12 May, 1816,
Augusta (d. 18 June, 1867), dau. of James Byrn, of Park, co.
Carlow, by Catherine his wife, eldest dau. of Nicholas Mont-
gomery Archdall, M.P. of Castle Archdall, co. Ferman gh, and left
4. Richard, b. 13 Marc^, 1796 ; d. 22 April, 1882 ; m. ist, 27 July,
1824, Anne, dau. of Christopher Daly, of Derry, co. Galway, and
left issue by her, who d. 7 Feb. 1869. He m. 2ndly, i Feb. 1872,
Lucy, dau. of Henry ilkington, of Park Lane House, Yorkshire
(see BURKE'S Landed > entry, 3rd edition), s.p.
5. George, b. 22 Dec. . 798 ; d. Dec. 1857, Mid. R.N., Chief Officer
of Coast Guards ; m. 1831, Anne, dau. of Dowling Wall, of
Leighlinbridge, co. Carlow, and left issue by her, who d. 20 Jan.
6. Edward, b. 25 Oct. 1802 ; d. in America ; m. 6 Oct. 1825,
Sarah, dau. of Thomas Tunsted, of Old Leighlin, and left issue.
7. William, b. 14 Nov. 1803 ; d. 15 July, 1876 ; m. 3 Nov. 1824,
Catherine, dau. of Christopher Daly, of Derry, co. Galway, and
had with other issue,
William Daly, b. 24 May, 1834, of Norcross, Georgia ; m.
17 Feb. 1859, Maria Mackay, dau. of John Lee Williams, and
by her, who d. 24 Feb. 1897, had two sons and three daus.,
(1) George Sarsfield, b. 19 April, 1861 ; m. 1886, George
Virginia Blount, and has issue,
1. John Blount, b. 2 June, 1892.
2. Georpe Daly, b. Oct. 1894.
3. Joseph Grey, b. 26 Sept. 1898.
4. William Daves, b. Sept. 1908.
1. Louise, m. Oct. 1906, Charles Wilson.
2. Nina Floy.
(2) William Lee, b. 22 April, 1863 ; m. 1894, Dora Ambrose,
(i) Mary Daly. (2) Martha Agnes.
(3) Louisa Brandon, m. Jan. 1891, Reps Hardaway Jones.
8. Samuel, b. i April, 1812 ; d. unm.
2. Elizabeth, b. 30 June, 1792 ; d. Jan. 1862 ; m. 9 Aug. 1812,
Nicholas Byrn, of Carlow.
3. Rebecca, b. 2 Nov. 1794 ; d. 3 Jan. 1880 ; m. 29 Oct. 1822,
Abraham Prim Cronyn.
4. Dorcas, b. 9 Jan. 1807 ; m. 12 Dec. 1825, Francis Flood.
5. Frances, b. 9 Dec. 1810 : d. 2 March, 1873, unm.
The 2nd son,
DAVID BURTCHAELL, of Brandondale, co. Kilkenny, b. n Jan.
1788 ; d. 7 July, 1865 ; J.P. cos. Kilkenny and Carlow, Sovereign
of Thomastown and Portreeve of Gowran. On the death of his
uncle, Richard Rothe, of Kilcullen, co. Kilkenny ,s.p., he became
the representative of that family. He m. 12 Dec. 1815, Jane, dau.
of Gilmore Dames, of Dublin, and by her, who was b. 20 Jan. 1790,
and d. 14 Jan. 1862, had issue, with a son who d. an infant,
1. Henry, of Coolroe, b. 5 Dec. 1816 ; d. 29 March, 1890 ; m. ist,
25 Feb. '1842, Hannah, dau. of Rev. Edward Hunt, of Jerpoint,
co. Kilkenny, and had no issue by her who d. 10 March, 1843.
He m. 2ndly, 17 Sept. 1857, Emily, dau. of Joseph O'Brien, and
had with other issue,
David, of Coolroe, b. 7 Sept. 1858 ; d. 19 Jan. 1907 ; m. 8 Sept.
1888, Jennie, dau. of John Jackson, of Talavera House, Temple-
more, co. Tipperary, and left issue,
David Henry Rothe, b. 10 Aug. 1890.
Dorothy Eleanor. Kathleen Muriel Brandon.
2. Peter b. 31 Oct. 1820 ; d. 21 June, 1894, C.E., Co. Surveyor of
Carlow 1851-60, and of Kilkenny 1860-94 ; m. 3 Aug. 1852,
Maria Isabella, eldest dau. of Lundy Edward Foot, 14, Upper
Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin (see FOOT, late of the Rower), and had
by her, who d. 12 March, 1898, three sons and three daus.,
1. George Dames, b. 12 June, 1853, M.A., LL.B. (Dub.),
Barrister, King's Inns 1879, Athlone Pursuivant and Registrar
of the Office of Arms, Ireland, 1908, Deputy Ulster King of
Arms Nov. 1910 to Feb. 1911.
2. David Edward, b. 9 Feb. 1859 ; d. 27 July, 1910, B.A.I.
(Dub.) ; m. 23 Dec. 1904, Caroline Harriet Crosby, dau. of
Thomas Boyd, of Chilcomb Lodge, co. Kilkenny, Clerk of the
Crown and Peace, co. Tipperary ; s.p.
3. Charles Henry, b. 30 Aug. 1866, M.B., &c. (Dub.), Lieut.-Col.
R.A. Medical Corps, Assistant Director General R.A. Medical
Service, 1910 ; m. 6 June, 1903, Bertha Marcella, dau. of John
George Auret, of Johannesburg, and has issue,
(i) Bertha Vivien. (2) Mary Frances,
i. Lelias Jane, d. 4 Sept. 1901, unm. 2. Mary Isabella.
3. Elizabeth Emily.
3. George Dames, b. July, 1822 ; lost in the wreck of the
" Solway," 7 April, 1843, Lieut. R. Engineers.
4. Gilmore, b. 17 Jan. 1829 ; d. 15 May, 1852 ; Lieut. R. Artillery.
5. Somerset Brafeild (Rev.), b. 30 Sept. 1832 ; d. 6 June, 1878,
M.A. (Dub.) ; m. 20 Nov. 1866, Katherine Elizabeth, 2nd dau. of
William Russell Farmar, of Bloomfield, co. Wexford (see that
family), and left issue,
1. Mary Elizabeth Constance, m. 21 May, 1898, William Knox
Johnson, M.A. (Oxon), Professor of Literature R. College,
Benares. He d. 19 June, 1906, s.p.
2. Kathleen Jane, m. 21 Nov. 1910, James Laurence Mercer
Tod-Mercer (see TOD-MERCER of Scolsbank).
6. RICHARD ROTHE, late of Brandondale.
1. Sarah, d. 5 June, 1887, unm.
2. Catherine Maunsell, d. 9 Oct. 1836, unm.
3. Mary, d. 24 Aug., 1894, unm.
4. Jane d. 15 Sept. 1840, unm.
The 6th son,
RICHARD ROTHE BURTCHAELL, of Brandondale, b. 28 July, 1834,
J.K cos. Kilkenny and Carlow ; m. 23 April, 1878, Sarah Caroline
Margaret (now of Brandondale), youngest dau. of William Russell
Farmar, of Bloomfield, co. Wexford (see that family). He d.s.p.
23 Dec. 1903.
Arms — ist and 4th : Per pale az. and gu. on a chevron
between three cross-crosslets or, as many cinquefoils of the first
(Burtchaell). 2nd and 3rd : Or, on a mount in base vert, a stag
trippant arg., under an oak tree ppr. (Rothe). Crest— On a
mount vert, a lion rampant sa. supporting on the sinister side an
oak tree ppr. Motto — Q 10 Fata Vocant.
Seat — Brandondale, Graignamanagh, co. Kilkenny.
Cairigaholt Castle, co. Clare, J.P. and D.L., High
Sheriff 1886, late an Officer 68th Regt., 6. 19 Sept.
1846; m. 16 Jan. 1896, Lilias, dau. of Thomas
Gieen, of Wilby and Athellington, Suffolk. Mr.
Burton is the only surviving son of HENRY
STUART BURTON, of Carrigaholt Castle, who d. 10
Feb, 1867, and grandson of the HON. SIR FRANCIS
NATHANIEL BURTON, G.C.H., twin brother of Henry,
ist Marquess CONYNGHAM (see BURKE'S Peerage).
He 5. his brother 1883.
Lineage. — (See BURKE'S Peerage, CONYNGHAM, M.)
Seat— Carrigaholt Castle, Carrigaholt, co. Clare. Club— Kildare
Street, Dublin.
Burton Hall, co.
Carlow, and of Goltho
Hall, Wragby, co.
Lincoln, b. 30 April,
1849 ; s. his father
29 April, 1909 ; m.
12 April, 1877,
Georgiana Spencer,
4th dau. of Capt. the
Hon. William Henry
George Wellesley,
R.N., and grand-dau.
of Henry, ist Lord
Cowley (see BURKE'S
Peerage), and has issue,
6. ii July, 1881.
• 2. Benjamin Wellesley, b.
20 Sept. 1883.
3. Arthur Fitzwilliam, b.
27 Feb. 1889 ; d. 14 June,
4. Augustus Frederick, b.
9 Apr3, 1891 ; d. 15 Nov.
that year.
5. Alfred Henry Wellesley, b. 20 Aug. 1892.
6. Gerald John Lloyd, b. 9 Sept. 1893.
7. Edward Thomas Derrick, b. 8 Aug. 1895.
1. Georgiana Coralie, b. 29 Sept. 1879.
2. Lettice Amelia, b. 18 Aug. 1882.
3. Frances Mary Alicia, b. 7 March, 1885.
4. Charlotte Louisa Kathleen, b. 24 March, 1887.
Lineage. — SIR EDWARD BURTON, Knt. of Longner, representa-
tive of the family, " was with King EDWARD IV., successful in
fourteen set battles between the Houses of York and Lancaster ;
and for his great loyalty and services, he was made knight-
banneret, under the royal standard in the field," A.D. 1460. He
was s. by his son,
SIR ROBERT BURTON, Knt. of Longner, knighted by EDWARD
IV., 1478 ; got a grant of arms from Wryth, Norroy, dated 22 May,
1478, and was father of
SIR EDWARD BURTON, Knt. of Longner, Master of the Robes to
HENRY VII., m. Jocosa, dau. of Thomas Cressett, of Upton Cres-
sett, co. Salop, and d. 23 April, 1524, leaving, with a younger son,
Thomas, an elder son, his successor,
JOHN BURTON, of Longner, m. Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Poyner,
of Boston, co. Salop, and had issue,
1. EDWARD, his successor.
1. Jane, m. Thomas Corbet, of Longner.
2. Eleanor, m. Randolph Bannister, of Lacon.
3. Ankekoka, a nun.
4. Ann, m. — Bostock, of Moreton Say, co. Salop.
5. Ankred, m. — Wright, of London.
6. Mary, m. — Barker, of Bridgnorth, co. Salop.
Sir Edward d. 22 Oct. 1543, and was s. by his only son,
EDWARD BURTON, of Longner, m. Ann, dau. and heii of Nicholas
Madocks, of Wem and Cotton, co. Salop, and had issue,
1. THOMAS, his heir, ancestor of BURTON of Longner (see that
2. EDWARD, of whom next.
3. Humphrey. 4. Timothy.
1. Mary, m. Sir Richard Lloyd, Knt. of Ripton.
2. Dorothy, m. John Milton, of Weston, co. Stafford.
3. Katherine, m. George Corbet, of Hope, co. Salop.
Mr. Burton d. 1558, and was s. by his eldest son. The 2nd son,
EDWARD BURTON had issue, two sons, who both settled in Ireland
in 1610,
1. Francis, d.s.p.
2. THOMAS, of whom next.
The younger son,
THOMAS BURTON, of Buncraggy, co. Clare, whose will was proved
15 Feb. 1666, m. Ann, dau. of — Shepherd, of Baycote, co.
Hereford, and had issue (with two daus., Martha, m. Rev. John
Andrew, D.D., and Jane, m. Alan Swanwicke) an only son,
SAMUEL BURTON, of Brmcraggy, co. Clare, m. Margery Harris,
and d. 1712 (will proved i Dec. 1712), leaving issue,
1. Francis, of Buncraggy, M.P., m. Alice, dau. of Thomas Tilson,
and had issue,
Francis (Right Hon.), of Buncraggy, M.P., m. Mary, only dau.
of Henry Conyngham, M.P., by whom he was ancestor of the
2. Charles, m. Mary, dau. of William Hickman, and d.s.p.
3. BENJAMIN, of whom next.
1. Dorothea, m. Samuel Bindon, of co. Clare.
BE3NjAM°iN' BURTON, becoming an eminent banker in Dublin, was
Lord Mayor of that city in 1706, and represented it m Parliament
from 1703-23 : he m. 22 May, 1686, Grace, elder dau. of Robert
Stratford, of Belan, co. Kildare, and by her (who d. in London,
July, 1721) had six sons, with as many daus.,
1. SAMUEL, of whom below.
2. Robert, of Hackettstown, co. Carlow, High Sheriff 1730, i
Capt. Battle-Axe Guards, d.s.p., having «». Katherine, dau. of 1
Thomas Ryves, of Rathangan, co. Wicklow.
3. Benjamin. 6. Edward.
5. Charles (Sir), M.P. for Dublin 1749-60, Lord Mayor 1752-53
He was knighted by the Viceroy 9 Jan. 1749-50, and was created
a BARONET OF IRELAND, 2 Oct. 1758. He d. 6 June, 1775, i
having m. Sept. 1731, Margaret, eldest dau. of Richard Meredyth, j
of Shrowland, co. Kildare, by whom he had issue, with five
daus., an only son,
Charles (Sir), 2nd Bart, of Pollerton, who d. 1812, having
m. ii Aug. 1778, Catherine, 3rd dau. of John (Cuffe), 2nd
Lord Desart, by whom (who d. 1827) he had,
(1) Charles (Sir), 3rd Bart., High Sheriff co. Carlow 1820,
who m. in 1807, Susannah, dau. of Joshua-Paul Meredyth,
and d. 6 Jan. 1830, leaving a dau., Sophia, who d. in 1843,
and a son, Sir CHARLES, 4th Bart., who d. unm. 21 May,
1842, and was s. by his cousin.
(2) John, a Capt. in the i7th Light Dragoons, d. in 1813.
(3) Benjamin, Lieut, in the igth Lancers, High Sheriff
co. Carlow 1816, m. Grace Ann, only child of William
Roberts, of 91, Gloster Place, Portman Square, and d. in
1834, leaving issue,
1. CHARLES WILLIAM CUFFE (Sir), sth Bart., High Sheriff i
co. Carlow 1851, b. 13 Jan. 1823, late Lieut, ist Dragoons ;
m. 16 Dec. 1861, Georgiana Mary, only dau. of David I
Haliburton Dallas, and d.s.p. 2 Oct. 1902, when the
baronetcy became extinct.
2. Robert, d. in 1843.
3. Adolphus William Desart, C.B., Col. late 7th Dragoon
Guards, b. 1827; m. n June, 1863, Sophia Louis, dau.
of Gen. Sir John Slade, Bart., G.C.H., and d. 11 Feb.
1882, leaving Grace Ellen, m. 16 Sept. 1890, Sir Francis
Charles Edward Denys-Burton, 3rd Bart., and has had issue
(see BURKE'S Peerage), and Gertrude Mary.
4. Augustus, d. an infant.
1. Catherine Anne Galloway.
2. Adelaide.
(4) William, m. in 1814, Mary, eldest dau. and co-heiress
of Samuel Skey, of Spring Grove, near Bewdly, Worcester-
shire, and d. in 1826, leaving issue,
1. William, a Lieut, in the Guards, and Aide-de-camp
to the King of Bavaria, b. Aug. 1815 ; d. 17 July, 1859,
2. Samuel Skey, b. 1821 ; m. 30 Sept. 1861, Susan
Bristowe Berridge, widow of Thomas Miller, of Leicester,
and d. 1868, leaving a dau., Mary Katherine (m. 1880,
George F. Stevenson, LL.B., and has issue).
3. Charles James, b. 1824 ; d. unm. 1875.
1. Mary Louisa, d. 1856.
2. Catherine Sarah, d. 24 Sept. 1892.
3. Lucy Caroline, m. to Alfred Carrington Dick, and d.
21 Jan. 1892.
(5) Richard, d. 22 Aug. 1871.
(6) George.
(7) Edward, m. to Miss Eustace, and d.s.p.
(1) Grace Anna, m. to Henry Faulkner, of Castleton, Carlow.
(2) Catherine, d. unm. (3) Sophia, d. unm.
6. Francis, m. in 1738, Rachael, eldest dau. of Dr. Edward
Smyth, Bishop of Down, and had (with a son, who d. unm.)
s. dau., Maria, m. to Richard Cox, of Castletown.
1. Mary, m. 10 Aug. 170^, Philip Doyne, of Wells, co. Wexford
(see that family). She d. 10 July, 1705.
2. Grace, m. to Edward Hoare, of Dunkettle.
3. Elizabeth, m. to Richard Hoare.
4. Lettice, m. 29 March, 1711, Henry Brooke, M.P. of Colebrook,
co. Fermanagh.
5. Abigail, m. ist, to John Walsh, of Ballykilcaven, Queen's
Co., and 2ndly, to Allen Johnson, of Kilternan.
6. Jane.
The eldest son of Benjamin Burton, of Dublin,
SAMUEL BURTON, of Burton Hall, M.P. for Sligo 1713, and for
Dublin 1727, High Sheriff co. Carlow 1724 ; m. ist, 17 June, 1708.
Anne, dau. of Charles Campbell, of Dublin, and by her (who was killed
by the fall of a scaffold at the coronation of GEORGE I, 20 Oct.
1714) had issue,
1. BENJAMIN, his heir. 2. Hughes, b. 20 Jan. 1710.
3. Samuel.
1. Katherine, m. 28 Feb. 1731, Nicholas, 5th Viscount Netterville.
Mr. Burton m. 2ndly, Mary Hinde, by whom he had another dau.,
2. Mary.
He was s. by his eldest son,
Hall, M.P. for Knocktopher 1741, and for Carlow 1761, High Sheriff
co. Carlow 1736, Commissioner of the Revenue in Ireland, 6. 19 Jan.
1709 ; d. intestate, administration of his goods being granted
to his 2nd but eldest surviving son 17 Nov. 1763. He m. 9 Dec.
1734, Lady Anne Ponsonby, dau. of Brabazon, ist Earl of Bess-
borough, and had issue, four sons and two daus.,
1. Benjamin, High Sheriff, co. Carlow, 1760, M.P. for co. Sligo
1757, and for Boyle 1761, d. unm. 1763.
2. WILLIAM, s. to the estates.
3. Campbell, d. young. 4. Ponsonby, d. young.
1. Sarah, m. 1763, John Hyde, of Castle Hyde, co. Cork.
2. Anna, d. unm. March, 1764.
His 2nd but eldest surviving son,
WILLIAM HENRY BURTON, of Burton Hall, b. 16 July, 1739 ;
m. 12 Dec. 1765, Mary, only child of Henry Aston, of East Aston,
co. Wicklow, and had issue,
1. BENJAMIN, of whom next.
2. William Henry, b. 15 Nov. 1767 ; d. unm. 31 Dec. 1799.
1. Martha, d. unm. 6 Sept. 1797.
Mr. Burton d. ? Jan. 1818, and was s. by his grandson. His eldest
BENJAMIN BURTON, of Walcot House, Stamford, Lines., b.
12 Sept. 1766 ; m. 15 Dec. 1794, Anne, dau. of Thomas
Mainwaring, of Goltho, co. Lincoln, and had issue,
1. WILLIAM FITZWILLIAM, who s. his grandfather.
2. Benjamin, b. 10 July, 1799 > ^- unm. 6 Nov. 1853.
1. Mary Elizabeth, m. 19 Dec. 1819, Sir Richard Sutton, Bart., of
Norwood Park, co. Notts ; d. i July, 1842.
2. Sophia Catherine, m. 5 Aug. 1824, Robert Thoroton, Col.
Grenadier Guards.
Mr. Burton d.v.p. 26 April, 1808. His son,
WILLIAM FITZWILLIAM BURTON, of Burton Hall, b. 22 Sept.
1796; J.P., High Sheriff of Carlow 1822. He s. his grandfather
7 Jan. 1818 ; m. ist, 18 July, 1825, Mary, dau. of Sir John Power,
ist bart., of Kilfane, co. Kilkenny, and by her (who d. 25 Jan. 1839),
had issue,
1. WILLIAM FITZWILLIAM, late of Burton Hall.
2. Benjamin (Rev.), b. 17 Sept. 1829 ; m. 27 April, 1854, Anne,
dau. of Col. Henry Bruen, M.P., of Oak Park, co. Carlow. He d.
15 Feb. 1856. She d. Feb. 1871, leaving issue,
Benjamin, C.B., Major-Gen. R.A., served in S. African War
1899-1901 (despatches, C.B., medals, with five clasps), 6. 10
March, 1855.
Mary Elizabeth, m. 16 June, 1880, Col. the Hon. Edward
Lawless, brother of 4th Baron Cloncurry.
3. John Power, b. 3 Sept. 1833 ', d. 10 April, 1869 ; m. 31 Dec.
1861, Adelaide Harriet, 4th dau. of Henry S. Close, of Newtown
Park, co. Dublin, and had issue, four sons,
1. John Henry, b. 7 Oct. 1862.
2. Arthur Power, b. 15 March, 1865.
3. Algernon, b. 25 Nov. 1866 : m. 19 May, 1907, Edith Con-
stance, dau. of Horace F. Tahourdin, and has issue, with
one dau., a son,
Edward, b. 23 April, 1909.
4. Percy Charles, b. 19 May, 1868.
4. Charles, Capt. ggth Regt., b. 24 Oct. 1836 ; m. 25 April, 1871,
Mary Edith, dau. of Rev. John Charles Davenport, Rector of
bkeffington, co. Leicester. He d. 27 Feb. 1900, leaving issue,
with a son, Charles Conyngham, &.i88i, and since dec., three daus.,
i. Florence Helen, dec. 2. Mary Bertha. 3. Norah.
1. Harriet Anne, m. 29 July, 1851, Sir Richard Sutton, 4th bart.
of Norwood. He d. 2 Oct. 1878. She d. 22 March, 1901, leaving
issue (see BURKE'S Peerage).
2. Mary Frances, m. 18 Nov. 1862, Rev. Thomas George Onslow
Rector of Catmore, co. Berks. She d. 25 May, 1905. He d. 21
Aug. 1911, leaving issue (see BURKE'S Peerage, ONSLOW, E. of).
3. Sophia Charlotte, m. 22 Jan. 1856, John Henry Edward
Fock, Baron de Robeck, and d. 15 July, 1903, leaving issue (see
that family).
4. Helen Mary, d. unm. 22 April, 1903.
Mr. Burton m. 2ndly, 5 Oct. 1840, Eleanor Mary, dau. ol William
Browne, of Browne's Hill, co. Carlow, which lady d.s.p. 5 Dec. 1870.
He d. 15 Nov. 1844. The eldest son,
WILLIAM FITZWILLIAM BURTON, of Burton Hall, co. Carlow, J.P.,
High Sheriff 1849, formerly of the 4th Light Dragoons, b. 14 May,
1826 ; m. ist, 17 June, 1848, Coralie Augusta Frederica, 3rd dau. of
the late Henry Lloyd, of Farrinrory, co. Tipperary, by Harriet
Amelia his wife, dau. of Sir John Craven Carden, ist bart. (see
BURKE'S Peerage), and by her (who d. n Jan. 1892) had issue,
1. WILLIAM FITZWILLIAM, now of Burton Hall.
2. Alfred Henry, b. 29 March, 1853.
He m. 2ndly, 6 Jan, 1894, Clara Louisa, dau. of John Cayley, of
Bickley, Kent (see BURKE'S Peerage, CAYLEY, Bart.), and d. 29 April,
Arms — Per pale az. and purpure, a cross engrailed or, between
four roses arg. Crest — On a ducal coronet a dexter gauntlet, the
palm inwards ppr. Motto — Deus providebit.
Seat— Burton Hall, Carlow.
BURY, of Charleville
Forest, King's Co.,
youngest dau. and
eventually co-heir of
Charles William, 3rd
Earl of Charleville, 6.
16 Oct. 1856 ; m. 20
Sept. 1 88 1, Capt. Ken-
neth Howard, eldest
son of Hon. James
Kenneth Howard, 4th
son of Thomas, i6th
Earl of Suffolk. (See
BURKE'S Peerage.)
Capt. Howard assumed by Royal Licence 14 Dec.
1 88 1, the additional surname and arms of Bury,
was High Sheriff of King's Co. 1884, and d. 24 Aug.
1885, leaving issue,
CHARLES KENNETH, b. 15 Aug. 1883.
Marjory Alfreda Beaujolois, b. 16 July, 1885 ; d. unm. 8 Dec. 1907.
.Lineage. — PHINEAS BURY had a grant of lands in co. Limerick,
14 Nov 1666, and in the barony of Barrymore, co. Cork, 10 June,
1668. He was High Sheriff of the latter co. 1673. His and son,
JOHN BURY, of Shannon Grove, co. Limerick, took out adminis-
tration to his elder brother Richard, n Jan. 1691. Hew. Jane,
only dau. of Rev. William Palliser, D.D.,' Archbishop of Cashel, and
d, 1722, having had issue,
1. WILLIAM, of whom presently.
2. John, who assumed the name of PALLISER, and was ancestor of
Palliser, of Derryluskan, co. Tipperary (see that family).
3. Richard, of Mount Pleasant, co. Clare, m. Anne, dau. of
Mountiford Westropp, of Attyflin, co. Limerick. His will, dated
12 Dec. 1733, was proved 17 May, 1735. His widow m. zndly,
William Spaight.
4. Thomas, of Curraghbridge, co. Limerick, d.s.p. Will dated
ii Sept. 1767, proved 19 April, 1774.
5. PHINEAS, ancestor of Bury, of Little Island (see that family),
and BURY-BARRY, of Ballyclough (see that family).
1. Elizabeth, m. Mouutiford Westropp, of Attyflin, co. Limerick.
The eldest son,
WILLIAM BURY, of Shannon Grove, High Sheriff co. Limerick
1726, m. 27 Jan. 1723, Jane, only dau. of Right Hon. John Moore,
of Croghan, King's Co., ist Lord Tullamore, and sister and heir of
Charles, ist Earl of Charleville, and had issue,
1. JOHN. 2. Charles.
3. William. 4. Richard. 5. Thomas.
1. Jane.
2. Georgiana, w. Richard, 4th Viscount Boyne.
3. Mary. 4. Elizabeth.
The eldest son,
JOHN BURY, of Shannon Grove and Charleville Forest, b. 1725 ;
s. his uncle Charles, Earl of Charleville, in the Moore estates, 17
Feb. 1764. He m. 1761, Catharine, 2nd dau. and co-heir of
Francis Sadleir, of Sopwell Hall, co. Tipperary, and by that lady (who
m. 2ndly, June, 1766, Henry Prittie, afterwards Lord Dunalley see
BURKE'S Peerage), left at his decease, 4 Aug. 1764, an only son,
CHARLES WILLIAM BURY, of Charleville Forest, in the King's
Co., b. 30 June, 1764 ; who was raised to the peerage of Ireland as
Baron Tullamore, 26 Nov. 1797 ; created Viscount Charleville,
29 Dec. 1800, and EARL OF CHARLEVILLE, 16 Feb. 1806. He m.
4 June, 1798, Catherine Maria, widow of J ames Tisdall, of Bawn,
co. Louth, and dau. and sole heir of Thomas Townley Dawson,
by whom he left at his decease, 31 Oct. 1835, an only son,
CHARLES WILLIAM, 2nd Earl of Charleville, 6. 29 April, 1801,
m. 26 Feb. 1821, Harriet Charlotte Beaujolois, 3rd dau. of Col.
John Campbell, of Shawfield, and Lady Charlotte Susan Maria
Campbell his wife, dau. of John, 5th Duke of Argyll, and by her
(who. d. i Feb. 1848) had issue,
2. JOHN JAMES, Capt. R.E., b. 22 Oct. 1827 ; m. 24 June, 1852,
Charlotte Theresa (34, Beaufort Road, Kingston-on-Thames), only
dau. of Thomas Austin, and d. 18 Jan. 1864, having by her (who
m. 2ndly, 1868, Herbert O'Meara) had issue,
1. Beaujolois Arabella Charlotte, d. i Nov. 1865.
2. Georgina Florence, m. 24 June, 1879, Lieut. -Col. Edward
Guy Selby Smyth, late Royal Irish Rifles, son of Geu. Sir
Edward Selby Smyth, K.C.M.G., and has issue.
3. Louisa Emily Austin, d. unm. j88i.
4. Ada Pierce Tighe", m. 20 April, 1885, Col. Raymond Oliver
de Montmorency, late Royal Irish Rifles, who d.s.p. 1894.
3. ALFRED, 5th Earl, b. 19 Feb. 1829 ; m. 20 June, 1854, Emily
Frances, 3rd dau. of Gen. Sir William Wood, K.C.B., K.H., Col.
of the i4th Foot. He s. his nephew 1874, and d.s.p. 28 June,
1875, when the earldom became extinct.
1. Beaujolois Eleanora Catherine, m. 30 June, 1853, Hastin
Dent (who d. 7 June, 1864), son of John Dent, M.P., and h
issue (see BURKE'S Landed Gentry).
His lordship d. 14 July, 1851, and was s. by his eldest son,
CHARLES WILLIAM GEORGE, 3rd Earl of Charleville, b. 8 March,
1822, Lieut. 43rd Foot; m. 7 March. 1850, Arabella Louisa,
youngest dau. of the late Henry Case, of Shenston Moss, co.
Stafford (who d. 8 July, 1857). He d. 19 Jan. 1850, leaving issue,
1. CHARLES WILLIA'M FRANCIS, 4th Earl, b. 16 May, 1852 ; d.unm.
3 Nov. 1874, when he was s. by his uncle.
n William, b. 31
1. Katherine Arabella Beaujolois, m. 3 June, 1873, Col. Edmund
2. Joh
im, 6. 31 Aug. 1854 '< d. 20 Aug. 1872.
Bacon Hutton, Royal Dragoons, and had issue. She d. 3 Feb.
2. Harriet Hugh Adelaide, accidentally killed by a fall, 3 April,
3. EMILY ALFREDA JULIA, now of Charleville.
Arms — Quarterly, ist and 4th vert, a cross crosslet or
(BURY) ; 2nd and 3rd gu.,